The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 03, 1912, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in advance $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.00
Entorcd at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1912.
Local and Personal.
Dr. Stevenson, of Gothenburg, was a
visitor at St. Lukes hospital this week.
Miss Bertha McMillen, of Brady,
visited with MissNonaMnrcottthe first
of the week.
Ed McGowen, of Donver, visited Mr.
and Mrs. George Schatz the first of the
T. A. McDowell, of Paxton, spent
the fore part of tho week with friends
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt, of Bridge
port, are spending this week with town
Dr. Tarnam, of Coznd, transnetod
professional business at St. Luke's hos
pital Wednesday,
Frank Rork left for Excelsior Springs
the first of tho week to take treatment
for a month or longer.
Miss Hazel Rork will leave Friday
for Sidney and other western points to
spend several weeks.
Charles Martini, Jr., will leave for
Omaha this week to transact business
for several days.
Miss Fnvo Carnenter. of Curtis, ar
rived Wednesday to visit her brother
Lawrence Carpenter.
A popular young school teacher of
this city will be married to a young
man from Alma on May 25th.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hartman and
Mr. and Mrs. Hersted, of Paxton,
visited in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. Harry Mitchell and daughter
arrived from Council Bluffs Wednesday
and will make their homo hero.
Dr. and Mrs. 0. H. Cressler returned
Wednesday from Omaha, where they
spent tho fore part of tho week.
W. W. Johnson, of Sioux Falls, S.D.,
loft Tuesday after a pleasant visit with
his daughter Mrs. W. M. Cunningham.
The wnter works ofllco has been
changed from tho electric light office
to tho south half of tho postal telegraph
Tho Esperanto club of the Presby
terian church met at tho homo of Misses
Edith nnd Grace Ritner Tuesday even
ing. Guy Drake loft at noon Wednesday
for Wood River to spend a week or
longer with his sister and othor rela
tives. Mias Rosa Buor, of Missouri, spent
tho first of tho week in town while en-
route to Koyatono to visit her brother
Frank Boer.
Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Mason and
family loft Wednesday morning for
Upton, Wyo., where thry will locate on
a homestead.
Wednesday Robert Dickey sold three
beautiful pianos, one to Sam Smull. a
second to Frank Disbrow and a third
to D. E. Troup.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Neavoraux, of
Lexington, returned home Tuesday after
ti short viBit with tho lattor's mother,
Mrs. George Christ.
Henry Simons is wearing nn unusually
broad smile the cause of which is a
bnby boy, who arrived at his home
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Alfred Brautzell, of Lewollcn,
submitted to an operation nt the Phv-
siclnn & Surgeon'n hospital Wednesday
nnd id doing nicely.
Rny West, of Wood River, who spont
the first of tho week with his brother
in-law Guy Drako, returned home Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mrs. Lorn .Graves, of Grand Island,
nnived Wednesday afternoon to visit
her mother Mrs. Joseph Moonoy for a
week or longer.
Mary A. Becker and ArthurG, Know
wore married Tuosday afternoon by
Judge Grant and lett for Omaha to
upond their honeymoon.
For Rent Newly furnished room in
modorn house. 317 West Sixth.
County Superintendent ClooChappell,
returned from Kearney tho firHt of the
wuek in u now Ford car, which she pur
chased while thoro.
East and west bound trains are now
flogged on both sides of tho Locust street
crossing in order to prevont accidents
to pedestrians or teams.
William Walsh, son of Conductor
Andy WalBh, of Denver, returned home
Tuesday, having come down to visit
f rionds and attond tho K. C. banquet.
T. M. Jonofc, formerly of the Pat
theatre orchestra, who ban been con
ducting tho Von Goetz picture show in
Loxington, spent tho first of tho week
in town and loft Monday for Oscoula to
Wo hereby wish to thnnk tho mom
bors of tho B. of L. E. and neighbors
for their kindness during the illness and
death of our boloved son, and for tho
(loral tributes.
Mil. and Mns. C. G. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Dickoy and
sons returned Tuesday afternoon from
Konrney, whoro they resided for a year
past Mr. Dickey sold out his intorest
In the moving picture show thoro and
will engago in business in this city.
Mrs. Goorgo Coatos pleasantly enter
tained tho M. M. M. club Wednesday
afternoon ot a konsington. At fivo
thirty a delicious lunch was served at
tho Dickoy ice cream parlors, whoro
tlie tables wero decorated with ferns.
The ladies roport a most enjoyablo day.
All patrons of Tho Hub holding tic
kets for tho purchase of shoes dated
April 24th, can present ticket and re.
celre premium,
Mrs. M. J. O'Connell and baby re
turned Wednesday from a short visit
in Kearney.
Attornoy Carl Hohlmann returned
Wednesday from a visit in Cedar
Rapids and Omahn.
George M. Smith has accepted the
position in tho Elk club rooms formerly
held by Theodore White.
Miss Margaret McFadden, of Paxton,
who visited tho McGovern family last
week, left for homa Tuesday.
Stcvo Brown, of Logan county, is
visiting town friends while enroute
home from a visit in Omaha.
Peter Hnnsen, who has been em
ployed in Paxton for some time, spent
the first of the week with his family.
Just received, the latest copyrighted
books at the Rincker Book & Drug
Co. 26-3
Mrs. Deane, of Cozad,. is taking
treatment at St. Luke's hospital, having
come up the first of tho week.
For Rent-House and full lot. 31G W1
6th St. Inquire of J. F. Clabaugh.
Mrs. Lem Bailey, who had been visit
ing friends in Omaha and York for two
weeks, returned home the first of the
Misses Lucile and Fern Griffin, of
Denver, ore expected the first of the
week to visit Mesdnmes Lester Walker
and FredGarlow.
Cottage cheese, eggs and butter for
sale by Mrs. Hershey. 117 west Fifth
near Locust, phone 380.
Mr. and Mrs. Swnrtz, of Maxwell,
visited Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mann the
first of the week and attended the May
Miss Mablc Duke, principal of the
Columbus schools, was called here the
first of the week by the death of hor
uncle tho late J. B. Keis.
Fred Warren returned Tuesday from
a short stay in Comstock. Whilo there
he addressed the I. 0. 0. F. lodge at
their 93rd anniversary celebration.
The Degree of Honor held a social at
the home of Mrs. Art Salisbury Tues
day afternoon, where they were the
guests of Mesuumea Anna bimpson and
Lottie Cronin.
Mrs. P. R.Warlaumont, of Cheyenne,
came down Wednesday morning to at
tend the funerul of the late Mrs. Sei
bcrt and visit her sister Mrs. William
A pleasant meeting of the Mother's
club was held at tho home of Mrs.
George Finn- Wednesday afternoon.
The ladies spent theday in needlework.
Nice refreshments were served.
Mrs. C. M. Newton and son Donald
returned Tuesday from Omaha whore
they attended the wedding of the for
mer's sister Miss Harriot Beyerle to
Charles Wise, of Kansas City.
Miss Anna O'Hare will open her
dancing school at the Masonic Hall,
Friday evening, May 3, nnd all persons
wishing to be instructed in dancing will
please call on hor or phone 310 before
that date. 25-4
Send your worn-out carpets to tho
Lincoln Rug factory, Lincoln, Neb.
They will make them into rugs and pay
the freight both ways for the regular
price, This olFor is made rather than
putting n solicitor in the territory.
Write for price-list and shipping tags.
Four blocks southeast of hick
school. Two large lots with cement
walk and sewer, good house, electric
lighted. A bargain. Wm. E. Shuman.
The Late H. T. Crockett.
Tho funeral of the lato H. T. Crock
ett was held Wednesday afternoon
from the Baptist church, Ho v. Fuvoiight
conducting tho services. Practically
avory Grand Army man in towh paid
the last early respect to their comrade,
and nt tho grave tho full G. A. R.
rituul service was held, including
"taps" by Cadet Schtnalzried.
In the death of Mr. Crockett North
Platte loses a pioneer citizen and the
country a bravo defender during the
civil war. He was bom in Leywell,
Vn., January 9, 1831. Ho later re
moved to Indinnn, where ho enlisted in
Co. A, 40th Ind., Vol.. participated in
many hard fought battlos and was
honorably discharged at the close of
the war.
Ho qame to North Platte in 187-1 nnd
for many years followed tho vocation
of painter and decorator,, nnd during
his long term of residence was a good
citUon. Death was duo to cancer of
tho throat, from which he suffered
Tho immediate relatives beroft aro
his wifo, foster son A. C. Howard, of
this city, and son John Crockott, of
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that -sealed
bids for the erection of a two story
brick building 22x80 will be recoived up
until A o'clock P. M. of May 10th. The
owner reserves the right to object any
and all bids. Plans may be had at tho
office of Architect B. M. Reynolds,
27-2 Joseph Moiiscil.
Conncil Grants Licenses.
The city council held n special meet
ing on TueodRy evening. Kvory num
ber was present and tho bonds, applica
tions, etc of Palmer &. Sons, w. T
Groon. k. I Stuart, Hibner & Stroup,
S. J. Smith for plumber's hconsos wore
received nnd liconso granted.
Licenso for druggist's pormita wero
granted to M. I. McCarthy, Joseph
Stone. Charles Tigho, Edgar Schillor
and Charles Doherty.
Saloon licenses wero granted to
Messrs John Den, A. E. Timmermnn,
Fred Waltcinnth, Henry Itobhuusen,
Luke Healey, Charles Wholan. A com
munication was presented to tho council
by the Carnegie library board offoring
tne lecturo room in the new library to
tho council for $50.00 per annum in
cluding light and hent Tho offer was
occeptcd and future meotings will bo
in tho future.
Tho water commiBsionor and com
mittee had a map ahowjng what they
considered nececssary oxtensions to
tho wator plant.
Room and Board Wanted.
All those who can furnish rooms or
room and board, for Junior Normal
students, please send their names and
street numbers to County Sunt. Miss
Chnppell, stating how many they can
accomodate. 27-4
Henderson Fashion Form
Corsets Your Figure.
If it is shapely, you can dress less expensively
and appear stylish. The simplest dress on an
attractive, figure makes the wearer look neat,
fashionable and graceful. Wear a good Cor
set and you will have a good figure. The
Henderson Corsets are designed to mould the
figure according to the very latest fashion re
quirments. The models will modify your ab
domen and hip prominences, harmonize your
entire figure to proportionate, pleasing lines.
We urge you to try a Henderson Corset be
cause we feel confident you will get more style,
satisfaction and wearing value from these
models than from any other you have ever
worn. In our large assortment of Henderson
Corsets we have various models individually
designed for your particular style of figure
which we offer at moderate prices.
E. T. Tramps Dry Goods Department.
Beatrice Cream Separator
H -.i tltalHI-H! lie
The Automobile Without a Competitor.
Before buyiug or closing a deal for an Automobile be sure and
INSIST upon it being run up along side of a Flanders 20 or E. M.
F. 30 in COMPARISON in style, finish and general make up and
best of all compare the PRICE. Built from the ground up and
from material of the very best that can be had in the Automobile
Phone 627. JNO. L. BURKE, Local Agent.
Engineer's Strike Averted. f
Tho thrcitended strike of engineers
of the fifty railroads eaEt of Chicago
has I een averted by thu signing of
an arbitration agreement between the
two committees representing the rail
roads nnd the engineers.
The arbitration committee will con
sist of "seven mombors, one from the
railroads, one from the engineers and
tho other five to be appointed by the
two. If the two fail to agree on tho
five umpires, Chief Justice White,
Commissioner of Labor Noill and Judge
Knnpp will be asked to make the op
pointments. For Sale or Trade
for farm land, young cattle, milch cows
or sheep on a dollar basis. Two of tho
finest nnd best bred trotting stallions in
Illlinois. a few brood mares, young colts
and sucking colts. Any one interested
can get any information wanted by nd
dressing me through tho editor of this
psper. D. J. McDonalP- .
Aurora, 111.
Romance Ends in Wedding.
Romance of the most romantic nature"
and mutual love no loss unusual found n
joyous climax Wednesday when Miss
Delia Brennan, of Harwood, Pa., and
Rodney C. Jewell, of Omaha, were
united in marriage. Though they had
carried on n warm courtship for ton
years, tho young people hau never seen
ono another until Tuesday, when Miss
Brennan arrived from the east to be
It was a decado ago that Jewell
found tucked in a shirt ho had bought
a noto asking tho finder to writo to
Delia Brennan. He did, nnd then thoro
came a rapid fire of correspondence
which nevor lagged until nil was com
plete for'tho wedding coremony.
To Ice Consumers .
I will handle ico this Henson, nnd re
spectfully solicit your patronage. I
thank all customors for their trade
last beason nnd trust my Borvico nnd
the qunlity of ico was such as to rde
sorvo your patronage for tho coming
season. Ice 50c per 100 lbs.
26-8 Joseph Spies.
Miss Alfa McKinley visited hor bro
ther in Lexington yesterday,
Richard Moore, lato of Sutherland,
spent tho first of tho week in town on"
John Bailey came up from Cozad
Wednesday afternoon tp attend the Moy
party. . " ' " '
John Brutt loft Wednesday afternoon
for Denver to spend a few days ' on
business and visiting his daughter Mrs.
Charles Hcndy, Jr.
500 to 1,000 lbs.
capacity per hour from
$50 to $75
Market Price
Paid for
Poultry Leader Incu
bators and Brooders at
Factory Prices.
North Platte, Neb.
Medically Examined Masseur.
Physical Culture, Form Development.
Abdomonnl Rodurtion, Respiratory
and Sweedlsh Movement.
Homo Treatment .
Phono G37 ' 204 E 3rd St.
We make a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
every morning,
Phone your order in
and it Will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery..
Send Us Your Shipments of
Wo pay the top market Three cou
pons free with returns on euch car of
nay you ship us to handle for your ac
count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in
ensh will secure for your home an elo
gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner
Set worth $10.00.
Consign your hay to us and pleaso
the ladies and also get n good price for
your hay.
Qur Motto; Fair treatment and
prompt remittances.
Sample of tho quality of these dishes
can bo Been at the office of tho Semi
Weekly Tribuaa.
The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co.,
20th and Wazeo Streets,
Denver, Colorado.
In I House of Good ShowlH I
When in North Plnlle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Snturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
In smoking our cigars, first because
they aro made of the best leaf tobacco,
second becuase they are hand-made
and last because we put better tobacco
in our nickle cigar than some manu
facturers do in ten-centers. We know
wo make a good cigar; hundred of
smokers in North Platte know it, but
hundreds of others ought to know it.
Patronize home industry.
Water Meters.
Sealed bids will be received at tho
office of the city clerk of the city of
North Platte, Nebraska, up until 5 p.
m. of the 7th day of May, 1912, for
furnishing 500 water meters to the city
of North Platte.
Bidders will be given an opportunity
to demonstrate their various meters to
the mayor and city council and to sub
mit their own propositions ns to terms
of payment, the city reserving the
right to reject any or all bids or to ac
cept any one wnich may be deemed
most advantageous to the city.
By order of mayor and city council.
Dated North Platte, Neb., April 26th
1912. Chas. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by P. H.
Sullivan, -justice of the peace in and
for North Platte, Nebraska, in favor of
the McDonald State bank, a corpora
tion, and against Walter Geyer and to
me directed, I will on the 25th day of
May, 1912, at the county jail in North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
offer for cash at public auction the
following described property:
7 boxes of cigars, 5 pair of pants, 1
cap, 3 flannel shirts, 2 pairs of cook
trousers, 1 pair of over shoes, 1 white
hat, 1 sweater, 1 coat and vest, 1 razor,
1 razor hone, 1 gun cleaner rod, 2 cook
coats, 2 shirti, 1 trunk, as the property
of the said defendant, Walter Geyer.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., April
30th, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
To Whom it May Concern:-
Notico is hereby gjven that the mayor
and city council will hold a special
meeting, beginning at the hour of 8:00
o'clock p. in., (Central time) Tuesday,
Mny 7th, 1912, in the council chamber
for the purpose of making assessments
and the levying of taxes for the con
struction ot sidewnlks built by tho city
along the following'dcscribed property:
South side of lots 7, 8 and 9, block 19,
of the North Platte Town Lot Com
pany's Addition: walk 4 ft. wide and
144 ft. long, making 576 sq. ft,, at 11
cents per ft., $03.36.
West sido of lot ", block 179, walk 4
ft. wide nnd 149 ft. long, 596 sq. ft. at
11 cents a ft, 65.56.
South side-of lot 4. block 2, Bank's
Addition; walk 4 ft. wide, 17 ft. long,
G8 sq. ft., at 11 cents a ft., $7.4S.
South side of lot 8. block 175; cement
brick walk. 4 ft. wide, 44 ft. long, 176
sq. ft., at 9 cents a ft., $15.8-1.
East uide of lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block
3, South Park Addition; walk 4 ft. wide,
286 ft. long, 1144 sq. ft. at 11 cents per
ft, $125.81. '
On the East side of lot 1, block 6,
Bank's Addition, a strip 6 ft. long, 6 ft.
wide, making 36 sq. ft, at 11 cents per
ft. $3.96.
East side of lot 8, block 50, walk 4 ft
wide, 136 ft. long, 514 sq. ft., atll cents
per ft, $59.84.
Five yards of sand for filling, nt 75
cents ner vd.. $3.75.
A strip 14 ft. long on the east side of
the NE corner of block 8, South Park
Addition, walk 4 ft wide, 14 ft long,
56 sq. ft, at 11 cents per ft, $0.16.
In addition to the above amounts, in
terest and advertising fees will be
All persons interested will file their
objections, if any they have, to the as
sessing of taxes against the ubove do
scribed property and for the above de
scribed purpose on or before 8:00
o'clock p. m., Tuosday, May 7th, 1912,
as above stated for said meeting.
Charles F. Temple, City Clerk.
In the County Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. April 10. 1WA
In the in at tor of tho ostato of Katlo
Hondv. deceased.
1 ' -v
NotlL-o Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of bald deceased will moot tho Adinlnls
tratorof Bald ostato. boforo tho CountyJudgo
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on tho 20th day of
May. mi, and on tho 20th day of Nov.
1UU. atO o'clock a m each day, for tho pur
poso of presenting thelrclalras for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho Administrator to
HCttlo said ostato, from tho ltlth day of
April. 11)12. A copy of this order to bo pub
lished In tho North Platte Trlbuno a semi
wookly newspaper of said county for four
successive weeks prior to said day of
aSl-4 JOHN OHANT. County Judge
In tho county court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, April It!. 1912,
In the matter of tho estate of Christian Mar
quette, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, at tho county court room. In
suld county, on tho 20th day of May, 1912, and on
the 20th day of November, 1912. at 0 o'clock n. m.
each day, for the purposo of presenting their
claims, for examination, adjustment und allow
ance. Six months aro allowed for the creditors
to present their claims, and one year for the ad
ministrator to settle said estate, from the 10th
day of April, 1912. A notice of this order to bo
published in tho North Platte Tribune, a semi
weekly newspaper of said county for four suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing.
n23- JOHN GKAJNT, County Judge.
Frozen from water pumped from
a good depth, and the lake has
been re-cemented thus insuring
the best and purest ico possible
to obtain.
Price 50 Cents
Per 100 Lbs.
We solicit your orders and insure
prompt delivery.
Referee's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued to me by the
district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, on the 20th day of Dec, 1911,
in an action therein pending, wherein
Olivers Christian and David E. Martin
are plaintiffs and Claude H. Reed,
also known as C. H. Reed, is de
fendant, and also an additional and
and supplemental order issued to me by
the district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on the 11th day of April,
1912, in snid action, I will on the 8th
day of June, 1912, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m. of Baid day at the east
front door of the court house in the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, soil at public auction, to the
highest bidder, the following described
land, towit: Tho east one-half and the
south-west quarter of section twenty
five in township fifteen, north of range
tbirty-three west of the Gth P. M. and
also all of section twenty-nine and the
west one-half and the north-east quar
ter of section thirty in township fif
teen north of range thirty-two west of
the Gth P. M. : all in Lincoln county,
Nebraska; also sixteen school land
leases, made by the state of Nebraska,
on the 14th day of August, 1897, for a
term of twenty-five years, from Jan.
1st, 1898, for-the following state school
lands, to-wit: all of section thirty-six
in township fifteen, north of range
thirty-three, west of Gth P. M. in Lin
coln county, Nebraska, and of the in
terests created by said leases in said
land, and the improvements thereon,
each of said leases covering forty-acres
of said section thirty-six; all of the
above described real estate and school
land leases will be offered for sale in
quarter section tracts, and at the
same time all of the above described
real estate and school land leases will
be offered for sale as one tract, and
the bid or bids will be accepted which
will amount to the greater sum.
The terms of said sale will be one
fourth cash on day of sale; the balance
on March 1st, 1913, on which date the
premises will be conveyed and deliv
ered to the purchaser or purchasers.
Dated this 27th dav of April, 1912.
W. T. Wilcox, Referee.
Steam Boilers.
notice to bidders.
Sealed Bids will be received at the
officu of the city clerk of the city of
North Platte, Nebraska, up until 5 p.
m. of the 7th day of May, 1912, for the
furnishing of one horizonal return
tubular boiler, 60 inches in diameter by
16 feet long, suitable for a working of
pressure of 125 pounds, in accordance
with the plans and specifications on
file in the office of the city clerk of
North Platte, Nebraska. Specifica
tions can be obtained from the city
clerk or water commissioner of North
Platte, Nebraska.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount bid, made payable to the order
of the city treasurer of said city, to be
forfeited to said city in the event said
successful bidder shall fail to enter
into a contract according to his bid and
specifications within ten (10) days after
awaru oi same.
Approximate estimate of co3t of 6aid
boiler is eight hundred dollars ($800).
The city reserves the right to reject
any' or all bids.
By order of mayor and city council.
Dated at Nortli Platte, Neb., April
2Gth, 1912.
City Clerk.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the district court of Lincoln
county, Neb., upon a decree of fore
closure rendered in said court wherein
the American Investment and Trust
Co., is plaintiff and Victor A. Palm, et
al, are defendants and to me directed
1 will on the 5th day of June, 1912, at
2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door
of the court house in North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, bell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decree, interest and
costs, the following described property
towit: Tho west half of section nine
(9), township sixteen (16), rungo
(31), Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated nt North Platte, Nebrsaka",
Apiil30th, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
By virtuo of an order of sale issued by Geo.
E. I'rossor, clerk of the district court in nnd for
Lincoln county, Nobraska, uion a judgment ren
dered In said court in nn action whcrelm W
J. Hnmer is plaintiff and Guy Kunnels nnd ct al
nro defendants, I have levied upon tho following
dotcribed real estate as tho property of the said
defendants towit. Thy northeast quarter of sec
tion (6) six. township (16) sixteen, range (26).
twenty-Bix, In Lincoln county, Nebraska, I will on
tho -1th day of May, 1912. at ono o'clock on said
day ut thu east front door of the court house in
said county sell said real estate nt public auction
to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order
of sale and the nmount duo thereon together with
costs and accruing costs.
Dated North I'latte. Neb.. Mar. 30th. 1912.
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Tho Stato of Nobraska. Lincoln County, ss
In tho Countr Court.
In tho Matter of tho Estato of Mary
E. Dudloy, Deceased.
To tho creditors, heirs legatees and others
Interested In tho estate of Mary E. Dudley,
Take notice, that Lortwo Hrlttlngham, ad.
rnlnlstrator, has Hied In tho countr court a
report of his doings as administrator ot
said estato and It Is ordered that tho
narao stand for hearing tho 6th day of
May, A. D. 1UIZ, boforo tho court
at tho hour of 0 o'clock, a. m., at which time
any person interested may appear and except
to and contest the same, And notice ot this
proceeding Is ordered given In tho Nortli
l'latto Trlbuno, a legal seml-wookly news
paper published In said county for three,
successlvo weeks prior to said date of
Witness my hand and tho seal of the coun
ty court at North Platte, in said county,
this IStU day of April. A. D. 1912. '
rlO-8 JOHN GIIANT. Countr Judge.
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