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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1912)
Semi -Weekly Tribune, Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail Id advance $1,127) Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.H) Kntored at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco R9 Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1912. Local and Personal. Miss Snrn Brand of I'nxton, Sunday with friends in town. spent Attorney George Gibba trnnsneted business in Ogalalla Snturdny. Hilmor Thompson returned Saturday from Crelghton college in Omaha. Charley Herrod has purchased of Minor llintnan a five passenger Chal mers car. Mrs. Frank Avery, of Paxton, camo down Sunday to sing nt tho K. C. banquet 0. St. Ongo returned Saturday from a six wcckB visit with relatives in Canada. Miss Thco Schwniger went to Lodge polo Saturday to visit friends for bov ernl dnys. Frank Smith nrrived from Omaha Saturday to attend tho K. C. banquet RpJ May party. Mrs. M. J. McConnoll and baby went to Minden Saturday to visit rela tives for aveck. James Roddy is enlarging his homo in tho first ward by the addition of a couplo of oxtrn rooms. Mrs. Orvnl, of Texas, arrived Satur day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hammer for a week or more. Miss Workman roturned to Hastings nfter visiting hor sister, MIbs Nellie, for sevoral days. Mrs. James Flynn has returned from Rawlins, where-she was called last week by the illness of a relative. Albert LoDovt camo down from Pux ton Saturday to visit his brothers and attend tho It. C. banquet. F. C. Edwards, of Tryon, has just purchased a now Reo, the fifth touring car of tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. Tho Hartman cigar factory was moved tho latter pr.rt of Inst week to tho room over tho McDonald Clothing store. Tho Houdy-Ogicr Auto Co., received n shipment of eight Ford cars Friday, nil of which had been previously sold. John Costello, n former North Platto boy, arrived Sunday frpm Sidney to visit Messrs. John and William Stack. A ten pound baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reid tho Inst of tho week. All concerned nre doing nicely. John Crockett and family wero called horo from Evanston Saturday by the critical condition of tho former's father. Mrs. Anna McLnno returned to Cozad Snturday after spending two weeks with her sons, Martin and Charles Mc Lane. Mrs. Morgan, of Ogalalla, who visited hor mother Mrs. A. S. Cham- borlain last week, went homo Fridny afternoon. Mrs. Harry Cramer returned Satur day from Lincoln, where sho spent sov cral days at the Lincoln School of Music. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thalken, of Pnx ton, enme down Sunday to attend tho K. C. banquet and visit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy. Littlo Elsio Wnltomath submitted to an operation for nppondicitis at St. Luke's hospital Friday afternoon and is progressing nicely. Rev. Allen Chamberlain left Saturday for Minneapolis, whore ho will spend a month at tho general conference of Methodist ministers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pelton loft the last of the week for Milwaukee Tho formor has been employed on the new government builking. Edward Mulcahy, formerly of this city who has been omployed for some time in Choyenne, enmo down Sunday to attend the K. C. banquet and viBit friends. Misses Nellie Workman and Gortrude Hanks entertained a few friends at a chafing dish party Friday evening in honor of Misses Jessio Workman, of Hastings and Agnes Lewis, of Omnha. Tho Cadot piny "What Happoned to Jones," which was produced at tho a short timo ngo, will bo repeated in Gothenburg in tho near future, ro hearsals beginning Saturday. CURED TO STAY CURED) JIow a North Platte Citizen Found Complete Freedom From Kid ney Troubles. If you suffer from backache, From urinary disorders, From any diseaso of tho kidnoys, Be cured to stay cured. Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting cures. North Platto people testify. Here's ono caso of it. Henry G. Brooks, 815 West Fifth St., North Platte. Nob., sayB: "I think as highly of Doan's Kidney Pills today as I did in August, 1907, whon I publicly recomendcu them in tho North Platto papors. I suffered from sharp, pier cing pains through the small of my back and kidnoys nnd was annoyed by irregular and painful passages of the kidnoy secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from, McDonell & Graves' drug store (now Schiller & Co'b.) banished tho pains bo that I felt liko a different man and corrected tho disordered condition of my kidneyB. I have had no serious trouble since then and I give the full credit of my present hoalth to Doan's Kidnoy Pills.1' Forsaloby all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Now York', solo agents for tho United States. - ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other, Tho nnnunl Convocation of tho Epis copal church will bo hold In this city from May 8th to May 11th. Any ono wishing to help cntcrtaiu the delegates will plenso inform Mrs. W. M. Cunning-ham. In tho last day's shoot of the Omnhn gun club, Keith Neville, of this city, broko 170 targets out of a possible 200. His score was lilteen bolow tho hign man. The day was n bad one, the wind blowing at a forty mile gnit. Friday evening n score of young folks enjoyed a country dance nt the new house just completed on W. T. Wilcox ranch eight miles from town. Tho happy crowd were conveyed there in carriages and automobiles and spent sevornl hours in dancing. At inter mission an enjoynblo lunch was served. All report a fine time. A tornado struck the southeast part of Custer county Ihursmiy nltcrnoon and did much damage. The Algernon school house was completely wrecked. In it at the time were twelve children and tho teacher. Miss Clara Mills. The. building was carried a distance of fif teen hundred feet. Miss Mills was Boriously cut about the head and will probably loose the sight of one eye. ActiVe operations looking toward tho establishment of a wireless system to bo used in dispntching trnins and trans acting business of the Union Pacific have neon commenced. The antennae will be located on tho hcadnuarters building, the top of the mast rising forty or fifty feet above tho roof, or nbout 325 tent above the curb line. Power will do supplied by tho engines and dynamos in tho building. It is es timated that grnm waves can bo sent through tho air a distance of from 1.G0O to 2.000 miles withtho power at litinfl hand. Congressman Kinknid is always looking to the further development of his district even his most ardent op ponents will hnvo to give him credit for that! Ho is looking closely after tho advancement of the bill that would open for settlement the Fort Niobrara military reservation, which would provide 8,000 acres for quarter section farms and open 45,000 acres more under tho Kindaid act a whole section of land per settler, this land being more largely grazing land. Ho Is somo Moses in loading things out of wilderness into settlement nnd de velopmentGrand Island Independent. Myrtle and Vicinity. Farmers nro busy sowing smnll grain, Grass on tho range is growing very slowly. F. D. Tatman marketed a load of hogs at North Platte Wednesday. The Myrtle Cemetery association made somo much needed repairs on tho cemetery fence this week. Bert llrunk shelled corn for F. D. Tntman Thursday nnd Friday. Ed Wright sold three head of mules to R. L. Douglas recently. Henry Greeley spent the past week in McPnerson county. Mrs. Peterson, of North Platte, is visiting hor daughter, Mrs. E. R. Sivits. Send your worn-out enrpets to the Lincoln Rug factory, Lincoln, Neb. They will make thorn into rugs and pay the freight both ways for thi regular price. Thia oil'or is made rather than nutting n solicitor in the territory. Write for price-list nnd shipping tags. Are Anxiously Awaiting Their Return. tors, Specialists, Will be in North Platte at Pacific Hotel Saturday, May 11th. ONE DAY ONLY. These aro tho Doctors you no doubt have read nbout. While you may not know them personally, you may know them by reputation or through somo of our noighbors, they hnve treated. The remarkable success of these tal ented physicians ',in the treatment of chronic diseases has aroused much enthusiasm in the Northwest. This is said to be and no doubt is truo, ono of tho most nblo specialists organization of its kind in this section of the country, and must be n success ful ono from tho many good results they aro getting. Tho Associated Doctors, licensed by tho stnto of Nobraska for tho treat of deformities and nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, ofTor to nil who call on them, consul tation, examination, and advico free. It is especially requested that mar ried ladies como with their husbands and minors with their parents. The namo, Associated Doctors, is what it implies n union of specialists twolvo in number that hnvo gotton to gether for tho treatment of chronic and norvous diseases. Not to bo understood that thoy treat all diseases that tho hu man body is heir to. They moan to bo very caroful in selecting and taking cases as they want good results, which means good returns in tho way of their patients recommending thorn to others. Thoy eBtimato that over eighty per MANV n5i J3L & lit 1 M We Have Plenty of Money to Loan on Good Security. We Have Helped Others, Can't We Help You? McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Safety Deposit chas. Mcdonald, President. Summer Tourist Round- Trip Fares to the Pacific Coast $55 Erom North fornia and Platte North to Cali- Pacific Coast PnintR """ From North Platte to Cali North fornia one-way via Pacisic Coast Points, From North Platte to Califor nia and North Pacific Coast Tickets on Points 30 inclusive; ol. From North Platte to Cali fornia one-way via North Pacific Coast Points i . . Union Staudard Road of the West. Now and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park. Protected byjAutomatic Electric Block Safety Signals Excel lent Dining Cars on ALL Trains, For additional information und Illustrated California and Pacific vEmnnziv H cent of tho patients now coming to them, como from recommendations of those they have treated. They do not treat any acute diseasos whatever, ' their timo nnd attention being devoted to such diseases as follows: Diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidnoys or bladder, rheumatism, scia tica, diabetes, bedwetting, leg ulcers, weak lungs and those nfllicted with long stnnding, deep seated, chronic dis-l enses, that have baflled the skill of the family pjiysicians, should not fail to call. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, or goiter. Thoy wore among the first in America to earn the namo of tho "Bloodless Surgeons" by doing nway with knife nnd with nil pnin in tho successful treatment of those dan gerous diseases, BELOW AUG THE NAMES of a few of tho mnny patients that havo many good things to say for tho Associated Doctors. Grace Munk, Dell Rapids, So. Dak., catarrh and deafness. Mrs. O. G. Andorson, Mina, So. Dak., norvous and kidnoy trouble. Mrs. John II. Kieser, Yankton, S. D., nearly dead with heart and kidney troublo producing dropsy, was given only a week to live in, short time under thoir treatmont was doing somo of her housework. John Gerlach, Agar, S. D., old sore on lip. Bort Clark, Selby, S. Dak., so pleased with Associated Doctors troatment, brought his father in for treatment. Mrs. Frank Gray, Hazolton, N. Dak., catarrh of Btomach, general debility. Anton DoYoung, ABhton, S. Dak., rheumatism, writes ho is doing.fine. Mrs. Sherman Vann, Huron, S. Dak., feels that sho has struck tho right doctors this timo. v Mrs. J. L. Hall, Hot Springs, S. Dak., writes she is doing nicely under their treatment. i Mrs. Ben McBrido, Wagner, S. Dak., catarrh of stomach. Many others that space will not permit. Boxes for Rent. w. h. Mcdonald, Cashier and Vice-Prcst. Tickets on sale to California April 27, to May 3; final return limit June 27: June 12 to 20; final return limit August 12; August 20 to September 5; final re turn limit October 31. Tickets on sale to North Pncific Const Points May 15, 1G and 1G; final return limit July 12. May 27 and 28 and June 3 to 7; final return limit July 27. June 27 to July 5; final return limit August 27. July 11 and 12; final return limit September 11. October 12, 14 and 15; return limit November 13.Wj.. . $70 Tickets en sale April 27 to May 3; final return limit June 27. May 15 tol7: final limit July 15. May 27 and 28 nnd June 3 to G; final return limit July 27. June 12 to 20; final return limit August 12. June 27 to July 5; final return Aug ust 27. July 11-12; final return limit September 11; August 29 to Septem ber b; tmai return limit 31. October 12, 14 nnd 15; turn limit November 15. October final re- $60 sale June 1 final return to September limit October Tickets on sale same dates and with flame ,imit8 at ?G0 fare" Pacific Northwest book, call on or address F. E. BULLARD, Agent. RICHARD N. MOORE, Medically Examined Masseur. Physical Culture, Form Development. ALxlomonnl Reduction, Inspiratory and Sweodish Movement. Home Treatment . Thone 537 201 E 3rd St. We make a specialty of Dairy Products and can furnish the bes.t in large or small quantities direct from our own Dairy Farm every morning, .Phone your order in and it will be delivered. Doolittle Bakery. Send Us Your Shipments of Grain and Hay Wo pay the top market. Threo cou pons free with returns on each car of nay you ship us to handle for your ac count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in cash will secure for your homo an elo gnnt 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consign your hay to us nnd please tho Iadie8,3nd, also get a good price for your hay. Our Motto: Fair treatment and prompt remittances. Sample of tho quality of these dishes can bo seen at tho ofiice of tho Semi Weekly Tribuno. v The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wazeo Streets, Denver, Colorado. We Stand Alone When it come to fine plumbing appur tenances nnd high clnss work. May bo n bit egotistical to say so, but its true. Just visit the best homes nnd offices in the city and there's where You See Our Plumbing. It's neither cheap nor dear. It's worth just what we charged. Wo do splendid cheap jobs with plnin goods. Higher price jobs demand more orna ment. Try us. You'll bo satisfied and pleased. R. F. STUART. Shop Phone 3G9. Res. Phono C83 217 East Sixth Streot. THERE IS ENJOYMENT In smoking our cignrs, first because they are made of the best leaf tobacco, second becuase they are hnnd-mnde and last because we put bettor tobacco in our nickle cigar than some manu facturers do in ten-centers. We know wo make a good cigar; hundred of smokers in North Platte know it, but hundreds of others ought to know it Patronize home industry. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. ) Water Meters. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be received at the ofiice of the pity clerk of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, up until 5 p. m. of the 7th day of May, 1912, for furnishing 500 water meters to the city of North Platte. Bidders will be given an opportunity to demonstrate their various meters to the mayor and city council and to sub mit their own propositions as to terms of payment, the city reserving the right to reject any or all bids or to ac cept any one which may be deemed most advantageous to the city. By order of mayor and city council. Dated North Platte, Neb., April 2Gth 1912. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. Notice. To Whom it Mny Concern :- Notice is hereby given that the mnyor nnd city council will hold n special meeting, beginning at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m., (Central time) Tuesday, May 7th, 1912, in the council chamber for the purpose of making assessments and tho levying of taxes for tho con struction of sidewalks built by the city nlong tho followingdescribed property: South side of lots 7, 8 and 9, block 19, of tho North Platte Town Lot Com pany's Addition; walk 4 ft. wide and 144 ft. long, making 576 sq. ft., at 11 cents per ft., $03.30. West side of lot 5, block 179, walk 4 ft. wide and 149 ft. long, 596 sq. ft. at 11 cents a ft, 5565.56. South side of lot 4, block 2, Bank's Addition; walk 4 ft. wide, 17 ft. long, 68 sq. ft., at 11 cents a ft., $7.48. South side of lot 8, block 175; cement brick walk, 4 ft. wide, 44 ft. long, 176 sq. ft., at 9 cents a ft., $15.84. East side of lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 3, South Pnrk Addition; walk 4 ft. wide, 28G ft. long, 1144 sq. ft. at 11 cents per ft., $125.8-1. On the East side of lot 1, block 6, Bank's Addition, a strip 6 ft. long, 6 ft. wide, making 3G sq. ft., at 11 cents por ft.. $3.96. East side of lot 8, block 50, walk 4 ft. wide, 136 ft. long, 5-14 sq. ft., at 11 cents per ft., $59.84. Five yards of Band for filling, nt 75 cents per yd., S3. 75. A strip 14 ft. long on the east side of the Nfci corner or DlocK o, boutn favK Addition, walk 4 ft. wide, 14 ft. long, 56 sq. ft., at 11 cents per ft., $6.16. In addition io tho above amounts, in terest and advertising fees wjll bo chnrged. All persons interested will file their objections, if any they have, to the as sessing of taxes against the above de scribed property and for the above de scribed purpose on or before 8:00 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, May 7th, 1912, aB above stated for said meeting. Charles F. Temple, City Clerk. PROBATE notice. In the County Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. April IB, 11)12. In tbo matter of the estato of ICatle Hondy, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that tho creditors of said docoasod will meot tho Admlnls tratorof said estato. before the County Judgo of Lincoln county, Nobraska, at tho county court room In said county, on the 20th day of May. 1012. and on the 20th day of Nov. 1012, ato o'clock a. ni. each day, for tho pur pose of prosonttng thelrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to prosont their claims and one year for tho AdruinlHtrator to settle said estato, from tho ItJth day of April. 1012. A cony of this order to be pub lished In tho North Platte Tribuno a soml weekly newspaper of said county for four successive weeks prior to bald day of hoarlng. a'23-4 JOHN ORANT. County Judge PRORATE NOTICE. In tho county court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, April 16, 1912. In Uio matter of tho estato of Christian Mar quette, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of Buid dcccaicd will meet the administrator of said estate, beforo the County Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county court room, in said county, on tho '20th day of May, 1912, and on the 20th day of November. 1912. at 'J o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims, for examination, adjustment ana allow ance. Six months aro allowed for tho creditors to present their claims, and ono year for the ad ministrator to setUe said estate, from the 16th day of April, 1912. A notice of this order to bo published In the North Platto Tribune, a semi weekly newspaper of said 'county for four suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing. a23-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge. PURE WATER ICE. Frozen from water pumped from a good depth, and the lake has been re-cemented thus insuring the best nnd purest ice possible to obtnin. Price 50 Cents Per 100 Lbs. We solicit your orders and insure prompt delivery. L. W. EDIS. Bull for Trade. A good registered Short Horn bull to exchange for another as good, or for sale. Weight 2000 pounds, age five years, color red ronn. 2o8 EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTATION Referee's Sale. j Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued to me by the district court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, on tho 20th day of Dec, 1911, in an action therein pending, wherein Olivers Christian and David E. Martin are plaintiffs and Claude H. Reed, also known as C. H. Reed, is de fendant, and also an additional and" and supplemental order issued to me by the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 11th day of April, 1912. in said action, I will on the 8th day of June, 1912. at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the east front door of the court house in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described land, towit: The east one-half and the south-west quarter of section twenty five in township fifteen, north of rnnge thirty-three west of the 6th P. M. ; and also all of section twenty-nine and the west one-half and the north-east quar ter of section thirty in township fif teen north of range thirty-two west of the 6th P. M. : all in Lincoln county. Nebraska; also sixteen school land leases, made by the state of Nebraska, on the 14th day of August, 1897, for a term of twenty-five years, from Jan. 1st, 1898, for tho following state school lands, to-wit: all of section thirty-six in township fifteen, north of range thirty-three, west of 6th P. M. in Lin coln county, Nebraska, and of the in terests created by said leases in said land, and the improvements thereon, each of said leases covering forty-acres of said section thirty-six; all of the above described real estate and school land leases will bo offered for sale in quarter section tracts, and at the same timo all of the above described real estate and school land 'leases will be offered for sale as one tract, nnd the bid or bids will be accepted which will amount to the greater sum. The terms of said sale will bo one fourth cash on day of sale; the balance on March 1st, 1913, on which date the premises will be conveyed and deliv ered to the purchnser or purchasers. Dated this 27th dav of April, 1912. W. T. WILCOX, Referee. Steam Boilers. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed Bids will be received at the ofiice of the city clerk of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, up until 5 p. m. of the 7th day of May, 1912, for the furnishing of one honzonal return tubular boiler, 60 inches in diameter by 16 feet long, suitable for a working of pressure of 125 pounds, in accordance with the plans nnd specifications on file in tho office of the city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska. Specifica tions can be obtained from the city clerk or water commissioner of North Platte, Nebraska. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid, made payable to the order of tho city treasurer of said city, to be forfeited to said city in tho event said successful bidder shall fail to enter into a contract according to hisbid and specifications within ten (10) days after award of same. J Approximate estimate of cost of said boiler is eight hundred dollars ($800). The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of mayor and city council. Dated at North Platte, Neb., April 26th, 1912. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION Serial No. 02578. Department of tho Interior, D. S. Land Ollico at North Piatt-. Nob. Mar. 10. 1912 Notlco Is horoby t?lven that Uonry Doebku.ot Nortli Platte. Neb., who. on Aug r2,lOO.",mad homestead entry No. 21322. serial No. 02&78 for SH Pec. 22. Town 15. N, Ranee 31 W. of tho flth Principal Meridian, has Hied notlco of Intention to make dual live year proof, to establish claim to tbo land above described, boforo tho Register and Re ceiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 14th day of May, 1012. Claimant names as witnesses: James Ilechan, Hugh Gaunt, George Macombor and David Macombor, all ot North Platte, Nob. rn!-8 J.E. Evans. Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued bv Ceo. C. Prosser, clerk of tho district court in and for Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a judgment rcn ftnw1 In aoi'il unni-t In untlnn iitliaHilm W J. Hnmer is plaintiff and Guy Runnels and et nl' are defendants, I havo levied upon tho following described real estato as tho property of the said defendants towit: The northeast quarter of sec tion (6) bIx, township (16) sixteen, range (26), twenty-six, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, I will on the 4th day of May, 1912, at one o'clock on Enid day at the cast front door of tho court house In Bald county sell said real estate nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of Balo and the amount duo thereon together with costs und accruing costs. Dated North Platte, Neb., Mar. 30th. 1912. A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho State of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss In tho County Court. In tho Matter of tho Estato of Mary E. Dudley, Deceasod. To tho creditors, heirs legatees and others Interested In tho estato of Mary E. Dudloy, deceased. Tako notlco. that Lorenzo llrlttlngham, ad. ralnlstrator, has filed In tbo county court a report of his doings as administrator ot said estato and It Is ordered that tho samo stand for hearing tho 6th day ot .May, A. D. 1912, boforo tho court at tho hour ot 0 o'clock, a. ra., at which time any person Interested may appear and except to and contest tho samo, And notlco of this proceeding Is ordered glvon In tho North Platto Tribuno, a legal seml-wookly news paper published In said county for threo successlvo weeks prior to said date of hearing, Witness my hand and tbo seal of tbo coun ty court at North Platto. in said county, this 18th day of April. A. D. 1012. rl8-8 JQllU, GRANT. County Judre. lit 4-r, " '- i&tfk