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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1912)
THOUGHT HE MEANT FAINTED. Tho Professor How would you us your foil If your opponent feinted T Tho Novice I'd tickle lilm with the end of it to see If ho was shamming. ALMOST CRAZY WITH ECZEMA "I, the undersigned, cannot give enough rirnlso to tho Cutlcura Rem edies. I had been, doctoring for at least a year for eczema on ray foot. I had tried doctor after doctor all to no avail. Whsn a young girl I sprained my nnklo three different times, paying llttlo or no attention to it, when five years ago a small spot showed upon my left ankle. I wna worried and sent for a doctor. He said It was eczema. Ho drew a small bono from tho ankle about tho slzo of a match and about an Inch long. Tho small hole grew to about the slzo 6t an apple, nnd tho fczema spread to tho knee. Tho doc tors never could heal tho hole in tho ankle. Tho wholo foot ran water all tho time. "My husband and my sons wero up night and day wheeling mo from ono room to another In tho hope of giving mo some relief. I would sit for hours at a tlmo in front of tho flreplaco hoping for daybreak. Tho pain was no intense I was almost crazy, in fact, I would loso my reason for hours at a time. Ono day a friend of mlno dropped in to seo me. No moro had buo glanced at my foot than sho ex claimed: 'Mrs. Flnnegan, why in tho world don't you try tho Cutlcura Rem edies!' Being disgusted with the doc tors and their medicines, nnd not be ing able to sleep at all, I decided to givo the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment a trial. After using them three days that night I slept as sound aa a silver dollar for eight long hours. awoke in tho morning with but very llttlo pain, in fact, I thought I was In heaven. After using tho Cutlcura Remedies for threo months I was per fectly restored to health, thanka to tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I will bo sixty-four years of ngo my next birthday, halo and hearty at pres ent." (Signed) Mrs. Julia Flnnegan, E234 Hebert St., St. Louis, Mo., Mar. r, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Dlntment are sold by druggists and Scalers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-pago book, will be mailed rco on application to "Cutlcura," Dept L, Boston. Reduced. Potash Cohen can nefer make a foot golluf blayer. Perlmutter For vy not? Potash He neffer hollers fore al ways he yells dree ninety-eight. Wis consin Sphinx. Important to Mothers Examlno carefully every bottlo ot CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and seo that it Bears tho Ii25SJ Signature In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria All Interosted. "Is your bookkeepr's heart in hla office work?" "Everybody's heart is in the office work since tho blonde stenographer came," A better thing than tooth powder tc cleanse and whiten Uio teeth, remove, tartar and prevent decay Is a prepara tlon called Paxtico Antiseptic. At druggists, 2Cc a box or sent postpaid, on receipt of price by Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. In a Restaurant, 'What will you have, sir?" 'Some kind of riotous living for two.' It isn't any woxidor that a man la annoyed when ho gets the worst of q horso trado, as that was what ho was trying to hand the other follow. No harmful Urups In Clarfleld Tea. It is com posed wholly of simple, health-giving herbs. Tho man with pioney speak3 tho truth. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver la right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gentlybutfirmly com pel a lazy liver do its duty. Cures Con itipation, la digestion, Sick Headache. nnd Distress After Elating. 6MALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature mmmzwfERS S!'&g7tJS& WHITTI r Mmr wivtK fMiB RIDIIIi; mjuoh - La r &&Ue&zrz RAILWAY INVADES THE CENTER OF qVcT ""J??f-) tcw "treMeNS mar me MnmroNO - jggj EL OUI2ID, wnB onco ono of the mystery places of Africa and a danger center of Mahdlsm. Now It Is In rail way communication with civilization, for recently Lord Kitchener, In company with the governor-general, offi cially opened tho railway from Sennar and Khartoum to 121 Obcld. GIVEN A NEW BRAIN Delicate Organ Is Grafted Into Man's Skull. Dr. Harry Cushlng, Noted Specialist, Performs Marvelous Operation Suc cessfully at Baltimore Hospital Patient Is Recovering. Baltimore, Md. An operation that In the history of science has never had a parallel, either In delicacy or In skill, was performed the other day for the second time in the Johns Ho ,klns hospital by Dr. Harvey Cushlng, tho world-renowned brain specialist, nnd the patient, as a result, Is on the road to recovery. It is believed the operation, which until a month ago ,was thought impossible by the best authorities on brain disorders, will prove a success. The patient, William Buckner of Cincinnati, came to Baltimore Novem ber 23, suffering with a peculiar af fection of the brain. For weeks bo fore his arrival ho had been In a state of semi-coma, except at Intervals. He was placed under the care of Dr. dishing. Ills case was a puzzling ono, and after a number of X-ray examina tions, during which photographs of tho brain were taken, Dr. dishing discov ered that a portion of the brain had decayed and frayed tissues were caus ing the healthy section gradually to be come affected. Dr. Cushlng's conception was this: To procure the brain ot another pa tient as soon after death aB possible andto transplant a portion of it Into tho skull of Buckner. The brain had to be healthy and from as young a person as possible. The transplanta tion of the dead brain and the procur ing of it were two widely different things, however, nnd this was the dif ficulty confronting the physician, when ono of his colleagues casually mentioned that a child had been born dead in one of tho wards. Here was the opportunity. Dr. Cush lng hurried to the ward and extract ed the brain from tho dead child be fore the body was cold. Meanwhile Buckner had been prepared for tho or deal. Then in view of about a score of professorr. and students, Dr. dishing performed his greatest operation. He chiseled away the back of Buck ner' s skull and with great care re moved the entire brain, which was laid on a piece of linen besido tho head, and could clearly bo seen to quiver as each pulsation of the patient's heart was noted. The diseased portion waB then severed from tho minor brain and while Dr. Cushlng was severing tho HAS HARD FIGHT WITH EAGLE Bird Attacks Lumberman Who Killed Its Companion Near North Creek Camp, N. Y. Glens Falls, N. Y. Milton Stelves of this city was nearly killed in a light with a bald eagle near North Creek lumber camp. Ho was rescued badly wounded by a fellow lumber man and is under the care of physl clnns. Stolves camo upon two eagles dovourlng tho carcass of a calf nnd shot ono of the birds. Before ho could reload his gun the other oaglo attacked him. He struck nt tho bird repeatedly with his rifle butt, but tho eagle, al though ono of its wings was broken, was getting the better of tho battle when a hunter killed the foathered lighter with a club. Tho bird weighed soventy-llvo ' pounds and measured nine feet from tip to tip. Stricken Dumb by News of Fortune. Portagoburg. Out. When John Dancy heard that ho had inherited f2.500.000 from an undo who died re cently In Chicago, and from whom he had not heard for 15 years, ho was so overcomo that ho lost his power of speech for an hour. Ho had been en gaged as a riveter on a dry dock, and quit his Job Immediately on hearing tho glad news. Professors Are Honored, Philadelphia. Tho American Asso ciation of PathologlstB and Bacteriolo gists elected Prof. Herbert U. Will iams of tho University of Buffalo as president and Prof. E. II. LeCount of tho University of Chicago as a councilor. diseased section another surgeon was transplanting the Infant's brain. The major brain was left untouched. After tho transplantation tho member was restored to Its former position and the suction of tho skull which had been cut out also was replaced. Buckner stood tho operation ex ceedingly well, and It was later thought that ho was well enough to leave the Insttlution. With his wlfo at his side ho was removed to tho homo of relatives In Charlottesville. Va but a fow days ago his condition became grave and ho was sent back to tho hos pital. Dr. Cushlng again performed an operation on the brain and replanted the tissues of tho newly Inserted mem ber. Buckner was said to have been considerably improved. SUM ECLIPSE WIRELESS TEST One to Be Tried in Paris to Find Out Something About Violet Rays. New York. A eerie" of notable ex periments In wireless telegraphy Is to be tried in Paris April 23 during an eclipse of the sun, which will obscure four-fitths of its rays. It has been noticed by sclentlsir. that the distanco over which whclc&s messages can be dispatched varies greatly, according to the time of day and the direction. A message sent by rapid vibrations which will not carry more than 700 miles during the day, enn bo hent two or three times that distance at sun set, especially toward the bouth. When slower vibrations were used It enn be transmitted further during the day. It Is believed that these curious facts are due to the activity of the so called ultraviolet rays of the sun, the theory being that these rays arc a powerful factor In the energy of the hertzinn waves. Tho eclipse, when a great part of these rayu will bo sud denly cut off, will bo an Ideal occa blon for decisive tests, and the wire less station on the Eiffel tower will send messages continuously from a little Lefore the eclipse until a little after it In several directions. Cigarettes, 50 a Day, Kill. Braddock. Pa. Ernest Ferrin, a bar ber, died at Donorn from the effects, physicians say. of smoking too many cigarettes. Ten years ago Ferrin be gan and smoked 50 a day, or 182,500 cigarettes In the ten years. Just be fore he breathed his last today ho asked for a cigarette. One was given to him, and as he throw away the 'butt" ho sank back on his pillow and died. SPEAKS, BUT Journey From Russia to "Promised Land" Proves Too Much for Mrs. Lipsitz. Chicago. Mrs, Schulc Llpbltz never heard her daughter call her "mamma." Months ago the mother and her children, ono of whom wns a mute, left Russia for the promised land America. There was some trouble at tho dock. Marlcse couldn't spenk and therefore was bnrred from the states. Marlese regained her speech, veri fying the wonderful stories that are told in Russia about tho golden land of promise, and tho Llpsltz family came to Chicago. MrB. Llpsltz lived to enjoy tho prom ised land only a week. Mortnlly 111, sho called to her dnughter Marlese, "Speak to me," sho said. Her hearing had become affected. Marlese spoko, Mrs. Llpsltz leaned forward to listen, but tho power that had restored speech to tho dumb girl took nwny the mother, and tho aged Immigrant fell back dead. Mrs. Lipsitz died at tho home of her son-in-law, Philip Singer, 720 Ashland boulevard. The Singer family said her death was due to tho excitement at tendant on her passage through Kills Island. Tho doctor declared her death was duo to weakness from age- she was 70. But Marlese bolfoved differ ently. Her opinion wns colored by tho poetry and supeibtltlon of her race. "God gavo mo my speech God took from mo my mother," she said. "Now I am able to mourn aloud her whom I loved silently. But it Is bet ter to love tu dumbness than to MAHDISM SLAYERS' CURSE STILL WORKS Many Who Had Anything to Do With Arrest of Phlladelphlan Have Met Violent Death. Philadelphia. Tho prediction made nearly soventeen years ago by H. II. Holmes, tho arch murderer, that any body having anything to do with hlB arrest, conviction or execution would meet an untimely death, either by their own hands or otherwise, Is once again recalled. This tlmo tho victim 1b Richard Johnson, forty-right years old, who committed suicide by Inhaling gas. Johnson wns a member of tho Jury which found Holmes guilty of murder In the first degree. Since the execution of Holmes, on May 7, 180(5, many persons who had connection with the famous case have either taken their lives or met deaths of violence, their fates recalling tho curse of Holmes, better known iib the "Murderer with tho evil eye." Tho fatal sclzuro of Judge Michael Arnold, who presided over tho trial, the deaths by vlolenco of Jurymen, wit nesses and others, the loss of llfo or position by officials, tho property Iosb of thoso who were In business, have from tlmo to time appeared as ovl denco that tho malediction of the criminal of tho century wns not Idly spoken. Holmes' victims wero never counted, lie confessed to slaying 17 persons. Johnson, tho latest victim to fall under tho so-called "spell" of Holmes, suicided because of despondency. Ono of tho llrst to meet death fol lowing Holmes' prediction, wns Lin ford L. Biles, tho foremnn ot tho Jury, who wns killed by coming In contact with an electric wire. Later, Howard Perkins, superintendent of Moysan nlng prison, shot and killed himself. Robert Motherwell, a former superin tendent of tho prison, also at tho coun ty Jail when Holmes waB there, dropped dead. William Shoemaker. Holmes' counsel, wns barred from practice for two years. AUTO DEVELOPS THE CHEST So Says New York Tailor After Five Years of Observation Deep Breathing Causes Change. New York. A Fifth avenuo tailor, after observing for live years thoso of his customers who ride dally In automobiles, has como to tho conclu sion that automobile riding develops tho chest. Tho chest measurements of the averngo man, lie declared, in creases at tho rate of an Inch In two years after ho begins to ride In motor cars regularly. Tho tailor thinks tho increased development Is duo to tho Inhalations taken while nutomoblllng. LOSES MOTHER mourn even In tho lnnguago of heav en." Mrs. Llpsltz, before her death, said she was happy that she was to dlo In America. Persecution In Russia had embittered her life there. When sho left home, it wns In tho hopo she would find freedom. Tho complica tions that arose nt Ellis Island grieved her, but when Marleso regained her voice sho felt compensated. When she died tho dnughter, who had been dumb since a llttlo girl, was at her bedside and called to her continually. Mrs. Llpsltz could not henr, but Bhe appealed to understand nnd smiled. CLOCK DOUBLES HENS' WORK Two Eggs Twice a Day Under Sched ule Regulated by Alarm Cobbler Tries Innovation. tilenolden, Pa. Tho problem of get ting hens to lay twlco a day has been solved by Michael Bclbeit, tlio vll lago cobbler, and tho secret lies In the application of an alarm clock to tho dally llio of his feathered charges. Ono tiny, for instance, a hen that had laid an egg at nlno o'clock tho day before laid a second at eight o'clock. Selbcrt'H r.chomo succeeds in dls slpntlng tho Impression ot tho hens that a day consists of twenty-lour hours for them, just as It does for humankind. Hy setting tho alarm to certain hours ho nan established twolvohour habits In his Hock and tho unique idea works like a chnitn and with exceed ing profit. WOMEN AND HEALTH. Women nro beginning to rcallno moro fully that good health Is not to bo found lit the uso of cosmetics nnd fnco powders. Tho appearnnco of health may follow facial trcntnient, but health Itself lies much deeper thnn tho surface. Most Important to tho health of ev ery woman is regularity of tho bowels nnd digestive organs. Tho weary eyes, bad breath, frequent hoadnches, pimples nnd general air of lassitude, Is in most every enso duo to consti pation or Indigestion, or both. There nro various remedies prescribed for this condition, but tho enslcst, most pleasant nnd certainly offectlve, Is a combination ot simple laxntlvo herbs with pepsin known to drugglsto ns Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This Blmplo remedy 1b far preferable to harsh sails and cathartics and violent purgatlvo waters that disturb tho wholo syHtcin without affording moro thnn temporary relief. Dr. Caldwell's Srup Pepsin is n tonic laxative, mild in Us notion, pleasant to tho tnsto and positive in its effect, strengthening tho muscles of stomach and bowels bo thai after a short tlmo these organn rcgoln tho power to perforin their natural func tions without assistance. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Popsln Ib sold by druggists everywhere In DOo and $1.00 bottles. If you hnvo novor tried it, wrlto for n sample to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Wnsljjwtton St., Monti cello, HI.; ho will gladly send n trial bottlo without nny expense to you whatever. Rivals In Culture. "Professor Enoch Dubbcr la going to read a very learned paper before tho Medical Research society tonight. Do you think you will bo thcro?" "Do you Bupposo tho Glbblts will attend?" "Yes, I henr thoy are going." "Well, I'll bo there. My wifo never lets Mrs. Glbblt go to anything of n high-browed nnturo that sho doesn't attend herself." If You Are n Trifle Sensltlvo About the bizo of your hIiook, you enn wear a M7c smaller by blinking Allen's Foot Kntc, the nutisepliu powder, into tlicin. .Iii8t the thing for Untieing Parties nnd for 111 easing in New Miooh. Sample Free. Addrebu Allen S. (.Minuted, I.u Roy, N. Y. As the Streets Are Cleaned. Mother Well? Tommy Don't you think I might let tho rain wash my faco instead of re moving tho dirt myself? Mrs. Wtnnlow'n Footliliitf Syrup for Children 'tcetliliiK, miftenn tliu iruuw, reduces Inlliunmu tiou, ullityu pain cureu wlnil colic, 2fio u bottlo. It's difficult for a mnn to prnctlco economy nnd bo populnr at tho oamo tlmo. Oood health ennnot bo mnlutntned whero llicru in n constipated habit, UaHluld Tea overcomes couhtlptiltou. A mnn censes to bo n good husband when ho begins to feel sorry for hlra solf. 9 There oro unhappy married lives, but a largo percentage of these, anhappy homes arc due to tho illness of tho wife, mother or daughter. Tho feelings of nervousness, tho befogged mind, tho ill-temper, tho pale and wrinkled face, hollow and circled eyes, result most oitcn from thoso disorders peculiar to women. For the woman to bo happy nnd good-looking sho must nntu rally have good health. Drngging-down feelings, hystcrin, hot-flashes or constantly returning pains anil nehes arc too great a drain upon n woman's vitality and strength. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription restores weak and sick women to sound health by regu lating and correcting the local disorder)! which aro generally responsible for tho above distressing symptoms. Una BicKovcn. on receipt ot 31 flnn 1 1 a v hm-Mi !)K?Wv-Vlfinm MvaHtfJIHWUKdnrX i a tffrTr Kvjp T L7 DOUGLAS w SHOES 82.25 2.&3 $3,00 $3.50 MOO & 5.00 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS THK STANDARD OV QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS WEAR W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES You can save money because they aro more economical and satisfactory in style, fit and wear than any other makes. W. L. Douglas name and price stamped on the bottom guarantees full value and protects the wearer against high prices andinferiorBhoes. Insistuponhavingthe genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. h'.Vi.'.'iuiu". If younloaleTranmit inipplv W. I Donslas sliops,Tri1laW. ! DniiKlsn, llr.xl.tjn. Mi lor calMot'. Hlm- sent rvrrywhrrn delivery cliururs j irpaul. lrutt Color Jiyltlt uil. PPCE TRIP TO SAM FRANCISCO ja la Wx Ekssa Ki durirrn the Panama Pacific International Exposition, including first-class transportation, Pullman double berth, two weeks in modern hotel, admissions to exposition grounds and twenty special attrac tions, sight-seeing trips in and around San Francisco. Will bo givon in return for some pleasant work duringyour leisure hours. Writu at once givingreferences. T. It. HcCIare, State Msncger San Trancijco Exposition Tour Co., 503 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. HEAL ill 3 Day mm irrs H B,1OdTrrVli?3STi' 11 0 C (LI U CI H I. What Make Tlttlo llnrdup bought his wife machine. Tnttlo Touring, talking, sowing or washing? Judgo. Colo'n Cnrbollsntvo quickly relleven nnd cures hut nlng, Itching and torturing; skin (Itxcimen. It Instantly nlopn tho pain ot burns. Curort without nenrs. 25o and too by (IrilKKlstH. For froo munpln wrlto to J. W. Cole & Co., Black Ulvor Falls. Wis. About onco a month tho nvcrago girl of IS meets tho only man sho could ever love. Tell tlm dealer you want n LEWIS Single Hinder Htr.Wnlil Gc cigar. Beauty specialist oncountor many hard lines. For torpid, Inncttvn or disordered llvor, tnku (Inrllolil Ten. All druggists. Money sometimes tnlks when yon want to keep It quiet. A BAD STOMACH BwnaiBajagvwrarji;wBcwiunBiw CKwiTfrriTaiTA-onma atmsKiis,q Then don't wonder nt yourrutirdown condition. Your food is not being properly digested, thu3 causing Heartburn, Gas on Stomach, Belching, Indigestion and Costive ness. You should try a bottlo of tlHMIWIILl.BllW&iJJBJIW'WJUndB8''15aUt!M3H) CBWggHHMm,raMJKTTBaWTTllffllBUSnBB HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It makes weak stomachs strong nnd maintains health. At all Druggists. ajnsaaamaassiissM3iaaii.ii. .jmmu k 20th CENTURY M STYLM SJ70 Tlio Automntlo Honing gives wlint tlio !2uth Century woman titmanJt It, yield to ovory in o v o in out of tho body. In Ixuidlng tliuro is n kIUIIhl' movement m distributing tlio stnvln. T u u Automntlo Steels nro warranted not to break for one year nnd no other corect possesses this nuvnningq. w ATii:ALRits$i nn or scut direct I.UU BIRDSEY-SOMERS CO. 233 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK HAVE YOU r Bursal I ButTrrnl trrcatlv fot numbor of yenrt nnd for the paat three) years was no bad that llfo vies a misery to me," writes Mna. II. F. DlCK OVER. of Utlcu, Ohio, ltouto 4. "Tho doc torn tolA mo I would have to go to (i hospital before I would over bo better. A yar ntro thin winter nnd Btirtnir I was worso thnn over lwforo. At period 1 sullenx! Ilka ono In torment, I nm tlio mother of six children. I was so bod for flvo months that 1 knew something must bo dono, so I wrote to Dr. K. V. Tierce, tclllnir him ns nearly nj 1 could how I cullcred. Ho outlined a course of treatment which I followed to tho letter. I took two bottles) of 'Favorito 1'rcscrlptlon' and ono of 'Golden Medical Dlscovcrx' and a flfty-cunt botUo of Smart-Weed,' and have never suffered much since. I wish I could tell every sulTerinif woman tho world over what a boon, Dr. 1'lorco's medicines are. Thcro Is no use wasting time and money doctorlntc with anything tilso or any ono else." The Medical Adviser by K.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y., answers hosts of delicate questions about' which every woman, single or married ought to know. Sent fret stamps to pay for wrapping and mailing only. COLT DISTEMPER tamo ntublu, no matter how "eitMspoO, kent from hrtvlmr thoQlV tute. by uiliijr Hit) UN'S LlQUll !JIKTF.M!'KU CUilll OIto on I tlio tmitruti Lr In feed. Acta on tho blood and oxihIs i?orm of i hnnirv1 venr ttfuillv- TTia i rVnmmirMl nml h.11 rttirrm In an inriiiH or umiemper. jiohc remeuy ever Known ror in a its in roau Ono bottlo guaranteed tocureonecapo. ton and til a botlloit&and tiOdoren of druffKUU"and hannwa dealcra. or iwit rxnrot paid by riianufaoturura. Cut hIiowh bow to poultice thruAta. iur fre UHtklot irtvufrrrervthlnir. 1ta1 airntii wanted. Ijirrwflt aolllna reuwlT innxlaUinan-ttvlTn SPOHN MEDICAL CO.iCacnatiudDuUritkitUts, Ooahon, Ind., U.8A4 Il$V:sY. "Pk" p iir" M BRINK HABIT Tho Ml Trcttmrnt lirutraliios mut rllmlnutra all the stored uo slcoliolla lwlsaiiln in tlio fyjU'in. When this Uilime the drinker tu In llin sunm plitslcal ami mental i-oiulltlon that ha ai4 In hutore he ior hiul rtilrliik.rorltlslliestanxl-upalcolinllc poldon In tho Hjetmii that chumm tills artotlt. uiiil wdfii onco the aleol ul.u iiolsonlnic Is eliminated tlio x:tllolKOiitMJiijity.tleatthnNalliistltut.cnTovallthiiiiiiirnriji prlcy inl convunhni-ox or a flmt-class hoir.r. club or hoM - NmesarinevcrillvulKl. For particular., write NEAL INSTITUTE, 150 3. lOlh Street. Omsks rEEV.LD EanfagyaeETCEi