The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1912, Image 6

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Wlusfeafions JrihurTAYiUiamson :
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Tho dtory opens In ft Confederate tent
Hi a. critical tuRo of tile Civil War. Gen.
Ica Imparts to Cnpt. Wnyno an Important
mranaRO to LonRMreet. Accompanied by
HcrRt, CralR, nn old nrtny scout. Wnyno
starts on his mission Tlwy pet within
the lines of tho enemy and In tho dark
ness Wayne. Is taken for a Federal of
ficer and a yountf lady on horseback Is
Klven In his charge. Sho Is n nortliorn
Ktrl nnil attempts to escape. Ono of the
horses succumbs and Cral Roes throllKh
with tho dispatches, while Woyno nnd My
I.nly of tho North nro left alono. Thoy
seek shelter In a hut and entering It In
the dark a Iiuro mastiff attacks Wnyno
The Rlil shoots tlm brulo jtut In tlmo
Tho owner of tho hut. Jed Ilungny. and
his wife appear and soon a party of
horsemen approach They are led by a
man ilalmliiR to bo Hed l.owrle, but who
proves to bo MaJ llrenuan. a Federal
ofilccr whom tho Union ulrl rccoRnlzos
Ho (irdeM tho arrest of Wnyno tin a HPy
and lib Is brought bnforn Hhrrldan, who
thrratcui him with death unless ho ro
veals the seciut messaBe. Will he believes
Kdlth Hrennan to bo tho wife of MaJ.
Ilroinmti. lie Is rest ued b Jed lluimiiy.
who starts to reach Gen. Lee. whllo
Woyno In disguise nenctrntoa to tho ball,
room, beneath which ho had beon Im
prisoned He In Introduced to u Miss
Minor and barely tucapes helm,' unmask
ed I,dlth Hrennan recoRiilzliiR Wuyn,e,
says Hho will sao him. HecurltiR a pass
throui;h tho lines, they nro confronted by
lire miiiii, who Is knorked senseless Then,
hlildliii; IMIth adieu, Wajno makes a
dash for liberty. Ho encounters IluiiRay.
they reach tho Leo camp and aro soiit
with lelnforcomtuts to Join Kuily. In tho
battle of Rhenaudonh tho reulmnut Is
overwhelmed, anil Wayne, while In tho
hospital, Is vhlted by Hdlth Dtennan.
Wnyno nnd UunRay nru sent on a scout
InR detail and arrlvltiR at tho Minor
Place, Wnytm meets Miss Minor nnd Mrs
JIunRay. and luter Hdlth appears.
Wayno's deladimcnt It besloitcil by RUer.
rlllas. Hrennan nnd IiIh men arrive and
nlrt In repellliiR tho Invaders until u res
oiling parly of blttecnatii reach tho scono.
Hrcnnnn ehnllmiKes Wayne to n duc)l:tho
latter llrej in thu air, and Is hlmKelf
wounded. He bldn Kdlth adieu and aim
expresm-s tho hopo that thoy may meet
ufter the war.
"Hoy, there, you grny-bnckt" ho
Bhouted, "hold on a bit!"
Ap I ciuno to n pnuso and glanced
baclt. wondering If there could bo any
thing wrong with my imrolc, ho swung
his cap nnd pointed.
"That ofllccr coming yonder wants
to Rpenk with you."
Across tho open fluid at my right,
hidden until then by a slight rlso of
ground, a mountod cnvnlrymnn was
riding rapidly townrd mo. For tho
moment his lowered hoad provonted
recognition, but na ho cleared tho
ditch nnd enmo up smiling, I saw it
WW Caton.
"By Jovo, Wnyno. but thin Is
lucky!" ho exclaimed, nprlnglng to
tho ground besldo me. "I've actually
been prnylng for a woek past that I
might boo you. Holmes, of your serv
ico, told mo you had pulled through,
but everything Is in such confusion
that to hunt for you would hnva beon
tho proverbial quest nftor n needle
in a haystack. You hnvo been
paroled then?"
"Yes, I'm completely out of it nt
Jast," I answered, feeling to tho full
the deep sympathy expressed by his
fnce. "It was a bitter pill, but ono
which hnd to bo taken."
"I know It. old follow," nnd his
hand-grasp on mine tightened warm
ly. "If you have boon beaten thoro
Is no dlsgraco in it, for no other na
tion In thin world could ever have
accorapllsned it. Hut this was a caso
of Greek meeting Grcok, nnd we hnd
tho money, tho resources, nnd tho
men Uut, Wnyno, I toll you. I do
not believe there Is today a spark of
blttorncss In tho heart of a flchtln?
Federal soldier." h
"I know, Caton." I said nnd tho
words enmo hard "your fighting men
respect us, even as wo do them. It
lias been n shoor game of which could
stand tho most punishment, and tho
weaker hnd to go down. I know all
that, but. novertheloss, it Ib a terrlblo
ending to so much of hope, Buffering
nnd sacrifice"
"Yes," ho admitted soberly, "you
have given your all. Hut those who
survive havo n wonderful work be
fore them. They must lay nuew the
foundations; they nro to bo thu re
builders or Btates. You wore going
I smiled bitterly at this designation
of my Journey's end.
"Yes, If you can so niuno a few
wordgroVn fields and n vncunt negro
cabin. I certainly shall havo to lay
tho foundation nnew most literally."
Will you not let me aid you?" he
questioned eagerly. "I possess somo
moans, and surely our friendship Is
Bitlhclently established to warrant mo
In a uking tho offer. You will not re
fuse ''"
"I must," I answered firmly. "Yet
1 do not valuo tho offer tho less.
Bomctlrao I may oven remind you of
it but now I prefer to dig, ns tho
others must 1 shall bo tho stronger
for It, and shall thus booner forget the
total wreck."
For u few moments wo walked on
together in silence, each leading hlo
"Wayne-," ho aBked at length, glan
cing furtively at me, ns ir to mark
the effect of his words, "did you know
that Mrs. Urennnn wns again with
"I was not even aware sho hnd been
"Oh, yes; Bho returned North iranio
dlntcly nfter your Inst parting, and
came back only last week. So many
wives and relatives of tho ofllcora
Lave cow down of late, knowing thu
At .VLaM
war lo bo practically at an end, that
our enmp has becomo llko a hugo pic
nic pavilion. It is qui to tho fashion
able fad Just now to visit tho front.
Mrs. nrennan accompanied tho wifo
of ono of tho division commanders
from her stntc Connecticut, you
Thoro was much I longed to nsk
regnrdlng her, but I would not vonturo
to fan hla suspicions. In hopo that I
might turn his thought I asked. "And
you; nro you yet married?"
Ho laughed good-humorodly. "No,
that happy day will not occur until
after wo aro mustered out. Miss
Minor is far too loyal a Virginian ever
to becomo my wlfo whllo I continue
to wear this uniform. Uy tho way,
Mrs. Brennnti was asking Cella only
yesterday If sho had heard anything
of you since tho surrender."
"Sho is nt Appomattox, then?"
"No, nt tho headquarters of tho
Sixth Corps, only a few miles north
from hero."
"And tho Major?"
Caton glanced nt mo, a peculiar
look In his face, but nnnwered Bltunly:
"Naturally I have had small lntt
tnacy with him nftor what occurred
at Mountain Vlow, but ho la still u
talned upon General Shorldnn'a Btaft.
At Mrs. IJronnan's request wo break
fasted together yesterday morning, but
I bollove ho Is nt tho other end of tho
lines toduy."
Wo sat down upon a bank, and for
tho tlmo I forgot dlsustor whllo list
ening to his story of lovo and h!s
plann for tho future. Ills ono thought
, kt-IAMJo
-v sb P tX
"Hoy, There, You Gray-Back!" JHe Shouted.
of Cella and tho Northern homo so
soon now to bo mndo rondy for her
coming. Tho aim sank lower into tho
western sky, causing Caton to draw
down his fatlguo cap until Its glazed
visor almost complotoly hid his eyes.
With buoyant enthusiasm ho talked
on. each word drawln- mo closor to
nl in In bonds of friendship. Hut tho
tlmo of parting enmo. nnd after we
had promised to correspond with each
other, I had stood and watched whllo
ho rodo rnpldly back down tho road
wo had traversed together. At the
summit of tho hill ho turned and
waved his cap, then disappeared,
leaving mo nlono, with Edith's faco
more clearly than over n torturo to
my memory of defeat her fnce, fair,
smiling, alluring, yet tho faco of an
other man's wlfo
My Lady of the North.
I walked tho noxt mllo thought
fully, pondorlug over Hiobo vagun
hopes and plnns with which Cnton's
optlmlHm had Inspired mo. Suddenly
thoro sounded behind mo tho thud oi
hoofs, whllo I heard a merry peal of
laughter, accompanied by gay ex
change of words. I drew aside, lead
ing my horso Into a small thicket bo
side tho road to penult the ravnlcado
to pass. It was a group of perhaps a
dozen three or four Federal officers,
tho remainder ladles, whoso bright
dresses and smiling faci made a
most winsome sight. Thoy glanced
curloiiBly asldo at mo aB they galloped
past. But none paused, nnd I moroly
glanced at them with vnguo Interest,
my thoughts olsowhore. Suddenly n
horso seined to draw back from out of
tho contcr of tho fast disappearing
I had led my limping horso out Into
tho road onco mora to resume my
Journey, paying scarcely tho slightest
attention to what was taking placo,
for my head was agnln throbbing to
tho hot pulso of tho sun. Tho party
of strangers rodo slowly away Into
tho enveloping dust cloud, nnd I had
forgotten 'thorn, when a low, sweet
volco spoke closo besldo mo: "Cap
tain Wnyno, I know you cannot have
forgotten mo.'
Sho wna leaning down from the
Baddlo, nnd as I glanced eagerly up
Into her dear eyes thoy wore swim
ming with tears.
."Forgotten I Never for ono mo
mont," I exclaimed; "yet I failed to
percolvo your prcseuco until'' you
"You appeared deeply burled in
thought na wo rodo by, but I could not
laavo you without a word when t
know you must feci so bad. uh, but
you, Captain Wnyne, you havo youth
and lovo to Insplro you for your
mother yet lives. Truly It mnkes my
heart throb to think of tho upbuilding
which awaits you men of tho South.
It Is through such nB you soldiers
trained by stern duty that theBO
desolated states aro destined to rise
nbovo the ashes of war Into a great
ness never before equaled. I feol
that now, In this suprome hour of sac
rifice, tho men and women of tho
South aro to exhibit beforo tho world
a courage greater than that of tho
battlcileld. It is to bo tho in-.rvel of
tho nation, and tho thought and pride
of it should mako you strong."
"It may Indeed bo so;' I can but be
llovo it, ns tho prophecy comes from
your lips. I might oven Hnd courage
to do my part In this redemption were
you ever at hand to inspire."
Sho laughed gently. "I n;i not a
Vlrglnlnn, Captain Wayne, but a most
loyal daughter of tho North; yet If
I so In3plro you by my mete ords,
surely It Is not so far to my homo
but you might Journey there to listen
to my furthor words of wisdom."
"I hnvo not forgotten tho permis
sion already granted me, and It Is a
temptation not easily cast asldo. You
return North soon?"
"Within a week."
I hardly knew what prompted me
W9 ,J)1
v h-- r yj'mi0l
to voice my next question Fate, per
haps, weary of being so long mocked
7-for I felt small interest In her prob
'ablo answer.
"Do you expect your husbnmTs re
lease from duty by that tlmo?"
Sho gave a quick start of surprise,
drawing In her breath as though sud
denly choked. Then tho rich color
overspread her face. "My husband ?"
sho ejaculated In volco barely audi
ble, "my husband? Surely you can
not mean Major urennan?"
"But 1 certainly do," I said, won
dering what might be wrong. "Whom
else could I mean?"
"And you thought that.'" she asked
Incredulously "Why, how could you?"
"How should I ravo thought other
wise?" I exclaimed, my eyes eagerly
searching her downcast faco. "Whv,
Caton told mo It was so the night I
was beforo Sheridan; he conlhmed it
ngnln in couvorsntl less than an
hour ngo, Colgate, my Lieutenant,
who met you In a Baltimore hospital,
referred to him tho naiae way. If I
have been deceived through all these
months, surely everything and every
body conspired to that end you bote
tho unme name; you told mo plainly
you wero married; you woro a wedding-ring;
you resided whllo r.t camp
In his quarters; you called each oth
or Frnnk nnd Edith. From first to
last not one word has been spoken
by any ono to cnuso mo to doubt that
you wero his wlfo."
"I recall starting to explain nil this
lo you once," sho said, striving vainly
to nppcar at easo. "It was when wo
wero Interrupted by tho sudden com
ing upon ua of Mr. nnd Mrs. Bungay.
Yot I supposed you knew, that you
would havo learned tho facts from
othors. Tho Innt tlmo wo wero to
gether I told you I did not wholly un
derstand you. It Is no wonder, when
you thought that of mo."
"I nm going to tell you my story,
Cnptnin Wnyno. It is not a pleasnnt
Insk under theso circumstances, yot
ono I owo you as woll an mysolf. This
may prove our Inst meeting, and wo
must not part undor tho shadow of a
mistake, howover Innocently It may
hnvo orlglnntcd. I am tho only child
of Edwin Adams, n manufacturer, of
8tonlngton, Connecticut. My father
was also for several terms n membor
of Congress from that Stato. As tho
death of my mother occurrod when I
was but flvo years old, all my fathor's
lovo was lavished upon mo, and I
grow tip surrounded by every advnn
tngo which abundant means and high
social position could supply. During
all thoso earlier years my playmate
and most intlmato companion was
Charles Bronnan, a younger brother of
tho Major, and tho son of Judgo David
Bronnan of tho Stato Supremo Court.
As wo grow older his friendship for
mo ripened Into lovo, a feeling which I
found It Impossible to return. I liked
him greatly, valued him most highly,
continued his constant companion,
yot experienced no deslro for closor
relationship. My position was ren
dered tho more difficult as it had long
been tho dream of tho heads of both
houses that our two families, with
their contingent estates, should bo
thus united, and constant utglng tried
my decision severely. Nor would
Chnrlos Hrennan give up hopo. When
ho wns twenty and I barely seventeen
a most serious accident occurred a
tunaway In which Charles heroically
preserved my life, but himself re
ceived Injuries, from which death In
a short tlmo was Inevitable. In thoso
Inst llngetlng dayq of Buffeting, but
ono hope, ono nmbltlon, seemed to
possess his mind the desire to mako
me his wife, and leave mo the fortuno
which wits his through tho will of his
mother. I cannot explain to you, Cap
tain Wayne, tho strugglo I passed
through, seeking to do what was right
and boat; but flnnlly, moved by my
sympathy, eager to soothe hla final
hours of suffeting, and urged by my
father, I consented to gtatlfy his wish,
and a wero united In marriigo while
ho was on his deathbed. Two days
later ho passed away."
Sho paired, hor volco faltering, her
eyes moist with unshed tears. Scarce
knowing It, my hand sought hers,
where it rested against tho saddle.
"His hi other," sho paused slowly,
"now Major Urennnn, but at that tlmo
a prosperous banker In Hartford, a
man nearly double the age of Charles,
uas named as adminiptrator of tho
estate, to retain its man..gement until
I should attain tho ago of twenty ono.
Less than a year later in father also
died. Tho final settlement of his es
tate was llkewiso enti usted to Frank
Urennnn, nnd ho was made my guard
ian. Quito naturally I became a iesl
dent of tho Bronnan household, upon
tho Bamo standing as a daughter, be
ing legally a ward of my husband's
brother Major Brennnn's ngo, and
his Uioughtful kindness to me, won
my respect, and I gradually ramo to
look upon him air ost na an elder
brother, turning to him In every tlmo
of troublo for encouragement and
help. It was the necessity of our
business relation which fl-st com
pelled mo to como South and join
Major Btonnnn In cami , as he was
unable to obtain leavo of absence, i
was obliged to make the trip. Not
until that time, Captain Wayne In
deed, not until after our experlenco
at Mountain Vlow did I fully realize
that Major Brenunn looked upon mo
otherwise than as a guardian upon his
wnrd. Tho awakening period pained
mo greatly, especially as I was
obliged to disappoint him deeply; yet
I seek to retain his friendship, for my
memory of his long kindness must
ever abide. I am sure you will under
stand, and not consider mo unwoman
ly In thus making you n confidant."
"I can never bo sufficiently gtnte
ful that you have thus trusted me," I
said with an earnestness that caused
her to lower her questioning c- es. "It
has been a strange misunderstanding
between us, Mrs. Bronnan, but your
words have bt ought a new hope to
ono diahcaitcuod Confcdctiito soldier.
I must be content with hope, yet I am
rich compared with thousands of oth
ers; Infinitely rich In comparison with
what I dreamed myself nn hour ngo."
I hold out my hand. "There will como
a duy when I shall nnbwor your in
vitation to the North."
'You nie on your wny home?"
"Yes; to take a frc ..old upon life,
trusting that sometlmo In tho enrJy
futuro I may feol worthy to como to
"Worthy?" she echoed tho word, a
touch of scorn In hor olce, her eyes
dark with feeling. "Woithy? Captain
Wayne, 1 sometimes think you tho
most unselfish man I ever knew.
Must tho sacilflces, then, nlways bo
mndo by you? Can you not concelvo
It possible that I also might llko to
yield up something? Is 't posslblo
you deem mo n woman to whom
money Is a god?"
"No," I said, my heart bounding to
tho scarce hidden meaning of hor Im
petuous vordb. "nor lvo tho sacri
fices Uways been mine; you were
once my prlbonor."
She bunt down, her very soul In
her oyos, and restcc". one white hand
upon my shoulder. For :m Instant wo
read each other's heart in silence,
thon shyly sho said, "I am still your
His Right to Title.
A French paper says that a New
Zealand chlof had just tuk-m up his
ionMenro upon u piecs of iiid. his
right to whlcbA wua contested: "I
hnvo got an undoubted tUlo to tho
propet ty," he rbeu.ved, "33 I ato tho
preceding owner."
By Rev. William Evans, D. D.,
Director Bibls Couim of MooJr Bible White
Quel so
TFVCT. All scripture Is given by in
spiration of God, and In profitable for
doctrlno, for reproof, for correction, for
Instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3-16.
Tho Blblo is tho Dook of God and re
ligion. Thero aro other books, wo arc
told, that reveal
God to us besides
tho Blblo; e, g.,
tho book of na
ture, and tho book
of providence. Wo
admit that nature
reveals God to us.
That tho heavens
declare tho glory
of God, nnd tho
firmament shows
hla handiwork, wo
do not for a mo
ment deny. Na
ture is vocal with
t hc o 1 o g y. Nor
would we think of contradicting the
statement that God manifests himself
tlnough history nnd providence. Vic
tor Hugo said' "Waterloo was God."
By that he meant that God showod his
hand in that great war and turned the
stream of civilization into another
channel. The history of all nations is
abundantly repleto with marked inter
ferences of God. Promotion comoth
neither from tho east nor from tho
west. It is God who setteth up one
nation, and putteth down another.
Tho knowledge of God that comes
to us from these sources, however, is
not sufficient to fully satlafy tho hu
man heart. Nature telle us of God,
but does not adequately describe him
to us. Wc might infer from tho di
vine manifestations in history and
providence that God is a great force
of power, but such a definition of God
by no means satisfies humanity. We
jieed some other and deeper vision of
God. We need to know something
about his person, nature and attrl
hutes; his relations with his creatures;
what things aro pleasing and what dis
pleasing to him; what are his ethical,
moral and spiritual standards. To
theso questions not nature, nor his
tory, nor yet providence affords an
answer. Nature may show the head
and wisdom of God, nnd providence
nnd history the hand and power of
God, but ve need a revelation such as
we havo in tho Bible to leveal to ua
the heart and the grace of our God.
Sometimes tho Uible la compared
"with other sacred books Bibles oi
other icligions; tho Koran, tin Vedas,
etc. There can be no real comparison.
The Biblo is not to bo put on the same
plane as these books. None of them
claims for itself what the Blblo claims
for itself; nor did any one of their au
thors claim for himself what Jesus
Christ, and the inspired writers of the
Bible claim for themselves. The
Christian must be very careful in the
matter of comparing his Biblo with
other sacred books. Such comparison
is attended with grave danger. There
is practically no difference, so far as
the disastrous effects of such compari
sons are concerned, whether you drag
the Blblo down to the level of these
other books, or lift these other books
up to tho level of the Bible. The effect
Is the same; you rob the Ulblo of Its
unique character and authority. Let
us be careful in this matter.
The Bible is not only tho book of
God, it is also the book from God. At
jleast this is tho way in which it gives
its own account of its origin: "All
Scripture is gien by inspiration of
God," that is to say, is "God
breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16). Again,
in 2 Peter 1:20-21, wo read: "Knowing
.this first, that no prophecy of the
Scripture is of any privnte lntcipreta
tlon (or origin, for it seems clear that
it is to tho source rather than to the
exposition of tho Scripture that ref
erence Is here made). For tho
prophecy enmo not in old time by the
will of man; but holy men of God
spake as they were moved by tho Holy
Ghost." Hero are somo very clear and
definite statements concerning the
sourco of the Scripluio. It la this
"God-breathed" element that differen
tiates this book from all other writings
The Biblo is quite often referred to
nowadays as splendid "literature."
Well, the Biblo is that, but it is more
than that It is Scripture. Literature
is the letter; Scripture is tho letter
imbreathed by the holy spirit. JuBt as
in the creation of man wo leain that
man became a living soul when that
frnmo of dust, ns It lay on tho ground,
became inbreathed by the spirit of
life from God. Man is dust Inbreathed
by Deity; and if you tnko the spirit
of life from mnn, ho returns to dust.
So Is it with the Bible; it is the let
ter, but it is the letter inbreathed by
God's spirit that makes that letter
Scripture. And when you rob the Bible
of its inspiration you have nothing but
moro literature left you havo no
Tho messngo of tho Ulblo is a religi
ous message. Its aim nnd purpose is
to bring man, who JiaB been estranged
from God by reason of sin, back to the
God from whom he has been estranged.
Tho Scriptures, which nro given by in
spiration of God, are for tho man of
God, that ho may bo instructed in
righteousness; mark you, in righteous
ness, not In science, or art, or poetry,
or history, important as those things
are In themselves.
For Fourteen Years. Restored
To Health by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Elgin, 111. "After fourteen years of
suffering everything from female com-
1 1 u mm. plaints, I run at lost
2&. -fr,J . V.ltl.
"I employed tho
best doctors and
even went to tho
hospital for treat
ment and was told
thero wns no help for
me. But while tak
ing Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound I began
to improve and I
continued its uso until I was made well."
Mrs. IIeniiy Leiseberq, 743 Adams St.
Kearncysvillo, W. Va. "I feel it my
duty to writo and say what Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound baa
dono for mo. I suffered from femalo
wcnknes3 and at times felt so misernblo
I could hardly endure being on my feet
"After taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetablo Compound and following your
special directions, my trouble is gone.
Words fail to express my thankfulness.
I recommend your medicine to all my
friends." Mrs. G. B. Wihttington.
The above aro only two of tho thou
sands of grateful letters which aro con
stantly being received by tho Pinkham
Medicine Company of Lynn,Mass.,which
Bhow clearly what great things Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegotablo Compound does
for thoso who suffer from woman's ilia.
. If you want special advlco writo to
Lydia E. Pinkham Modicino Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
bo opened, read and answered by a
rroman and held In strict confidence
The moro birthdays a woman has
the less Bho has to say about them.
Health Is the fashion. Tako Garfield Tea.
tho herb laxative which purifies tho blow
and brings good health.
A woman 1b so used to pinning
things that sho can't understand why
a man should make so much fuss about
i missing button.
A Slight Mistake.
"Katie, I can't find any of tho break
fast food."
"O hovlngs, mem, I must of took it
(or tho sawdust to put on tho ice on
iho pavement, mem."
Right in His Line.
"Who was that man I had for 9
partner at bridge last evening?"
"He's a writer of farces."
"I might have known it"
"He mado somo mighty funny plays.
Not Resentful.
"Thoso people say they don't be
llevo you ever reached tho pole."
"That's all right," replied the ex
plorer, as ho looked up from his man
uscript "The moro doubts there aro
is to whether I lauded o? not, tho
longer this rathjr remunerative dis
cussion is going to last."
Not N&cded Thero.
Dr. Harvey W Wiley was aBked thq
other day if h had hoard anything
about tho recent invention which gives
to now wine all the properties of old
"No, I havoa't," Doctor Wiley re
plied. Then, with a smile, ho added:
"But by Joo, I attended a musical
comedy perfo.-manco tho other night
which certainly must have been treat
ed with that invention."
A Rhythmical and Grateful Chant.
A teacber in & Terre Hauto publio
echool joins in tho chorus:
"Teaching la a business which re
quires a great deal of brain and norvo
force. Unless this force is renewed as
fast as expended tho teacher is ex
hausted before the closo of the year.
Many resort to stimulating tonics for
"For 3 years I Btrugglod against al
most complete exhaustion, getting
what relief I could from doctors' ton
ics. Then in the spring of 1903 I
had an attack of la grippe and ma
laria which left me too weak to con
tinuo my work. Medicine failed to
give mo any relief, a change of cli
mate failed. I thought I should never
bo ablo to go back In school again.
'1 ato enough food (tho ordinary
me'ats white bread, vegetables, etc.),
but was hungry after meals.
"I happened at this tlmo to read an
article giving tho experience of nn
othor teacher who had been helped by
Grape-Nuts food. I decided to try
Grape-Nuts and cream, as an experi
ment. It was a delightful experience,
nnd continues so after a year and
a half of constant uso.
"First, I noticed that I was not
hungry after meals.
"In n few dayB that tired feeling loft
mo, and I felt fresh and bright, In
stead of dull and sleepy.
"In three months, moro than ray usual
strength returned, and I had gained 1?
pounds In weight.
"I finisned tho year's work without
any kind of tonics wns not absent
from duty oven half a day.
"Am still in best of health, with
all who know me wondering at the im
provement. "I tell them all 'Try Grape-Nuts!"'
Name given by Postum Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich. "There's a reason."
Eer rend the nbote letterT A new
ono npiirnm from time to time. Tliey
nre ceuulue, true, unit full ut human
V3' 6.1&