The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1912, Image 1

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meeBIn fftrtfrmie.
No. 27
Jjr Wfr- ylpSMi-rf'yM sT ' " TS ".i JT r . ' ' f7jtjf
MA&jrMpsWff5m& KS
JXo one iras ever jiWc to na'jii M'lthottt srolnir
into tlio wnter. Howls n woinnn jojr to lenow
how to Hiivo money i-io never hnd nny money
to snveV Jl' more juei intrusted tlieir I'lnnnces to
their WIVJSSi tlicre would he fewer hnnlci'upts.
11' men Intrusted their' avIvcs with their hnnlc
accounts, they would Hnd tit the end of the month
thnt thevo wns A JHGGKIZ J1ALAXC11, in the
hnnlc thnn ever- hefore.
Uo YOU H hnnlcintr with
The First National Bank,
The L,nvirest JJnnlc in Western ZCelim&Irii.
Mrs. C. H. Stump visited in-Brady
Joseph Lnndgraf, Sr. is very ill at
his ranch west of the city.
Miss Rose Lyons visited the Nolan
family the first of the week.
Miss Hazel Lierk, of Lexington, came
up Sunday to visit the home folks.
Misssos Nona Marcott andCleo Chap
pell Sundaycd in Brady with relatives.
M-a P.Viarlnn Purkins lias returned
from a two weeks' visit in Omaha with
Miss Francis Christ who hu been
teaching in Gandy returned home Sat
urday. Miss Maud Mollyneaux returned yes
terday from the eastern part of the
The Presbyterian aid society will
meet in the church parlors Thursday
Mrs. C. J. Cornwellleft Saturday for
Grand Island to visit relatives and
friends for a week. x
John Nolan, of Wood River, who
visited his brothers the first of the week,
went home yesterday.
Joseph Spies was thrown from his
carriage Saturday afternoon and in
jured his right side.
Peter Burke and daughters Nell and
Emma were among tlie out-of-town
people here last week.
Miss Mabel Burke has accepted a
position in the water works office and
began work yesterday.
V. S. Trites and L. L. Moon, of the
fc Telegraph staff, spent Sunday with
"'relatives in Hastings.
!i A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Frederci Sunday. Mother
and babe are doing well.
Mr. and Mrs. William Baskins re
turned Sunday evening from an ex
tended visit in Wisconsin.
Miss Minnie Lowo spent yesterday
in Brady, having gone down to attend
the organization of a Rebekah lodge.
Milliard Stuart and brother of Lex
ington, were guests of the Messrs
Charles, John and Raymond Tighe Sun
day Simon and Hugh Brogan returned to
Paxton yesterday in their auto, haying
come down to aiienu mu .. u. u..
quet and visit town friends.
The Rincker Book & Drug Co. are
leaders in base ball and sporting goods.
Have just received a spring shipment
of- a complete line of Spauldmg base
ball goods. 2G'3
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kelly left at
noon yesterday for their new home in
Ainsloy. The former had been em
ployed in the Wilcox Dept. store.
Miss Anna O'Haro will open her
dancing school at tho Masonic Hall,
Friday evening, May 3, and all persons
wishing to bo instructed in dancing will
please call on her or phone 319 before
that date. 25-4
This section of the state had a
soaking rain Saturday, Observer Har-
.!! F tlio wnnthnr hnrnflll in this CltV
reporting l.GG inches. Tho fall in this.
immeuiato section wu jibuvib ...
east or west, tho fall in Keith and
Dawson counties being less than half
that here.
The Episcopal -Ruild will meet with
Mrs. T. C. Patterson Thursday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mecomber left
today for Omaha to spend a week or
more" on business.
The stork deposited a baby boy at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Bunting of the
Fourth Ward Sunday.
Commencement books, new and differ
ent, finest line ever displayed in tho
city at the Rincker Book & Drug Co.
The ladies of tho Eastern Stnr will
serve a banquet on Thursday evening
of next week to tho delegates to the
Episcopal convocation. Business men
are invited to attend. The folates will
be one dollnr each.
The Vienna will serve a turkey
supper tomorrow evening for attend
ants of the Engineer's May Party.
Arrangements are being made to
give all delegates to the Episcopal con
vocation nn auto ride around the city
some afternoon during their stay next
week. Owners of autos will donate the
use of the cars.
Just received, the latest copyrighted
books at tho Rincker Book & Drug
Co. 2G--3
Rev. George F. Williams spent yes
terday in town, coming here from Lex
ington, where he officiated nt the fun
eral of Miss MacCall Sunday. Rev.
Williams says he is well pleased with
his new charge at Columbus.
George Stevens, who was tried in
the federal court in Omalm last week
for impersonating a federal officer, re
ceived a sentence of six months in tho
county jail. Accompanied by United
States Deputy Summons he was re
turned here Friday and was tnken in
charge by Sheriff Salisbury.
For Rent-House and full lot. 31G W.
Gth St. Inquire of J. F. Clabaugh.
Up to yesterday of the 1078 delegates
to the republican convention 418 were
instructed for or favorable to Taft,
318 for Roosevelt, 3G for LaFollette
and G for Cummings, leaving 39G to be
yet selected. The democrats have so
far givon Clark 145 delegates, Wilson
108, Harmon 8, Marshall 30, Burke 10,
Underwood 21, and 105 delegates
elected are unclassified or uninstructed.
Cottage cheese, eggs and butter for
sale by Mrs. Hershey, 117 west Fifth
near Locust, phone 380.
The ninety-third anniversary of
American Odd Fellowship was cele
brated at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday
evening. The attendance was over two
hundred. A special pragram, ar
ranged by tho Rebekahs, was rendered
and enjoyed. Col. E. A. Boyd, of Cen
tral City, gave the principal talk of tho
evening. The Patriarch Militants wore
their full uniform. Following the pro
gram lunch was served in the dining
R. E. Shaffer and W. R. Wolfender,
of Gering, were in town last evening
and held a conference with the direc
tors of tho Chambor of Commerce and
tho publicity fund committee relative
to running nn excursion to that placo
on some date between July 5th and
14th. The people! of Goring aro pro
paring for a big celobration nnd they
desire the North PI ntte people to go
up, see their town and country and par
take of tho good things thoy have to
offer. Thoso present last evening wero
unanimously in favor of accepting tho
invitation extended by tho people of
Gering and arrangements will bo made
for the excursion at tho timo desig
Campaign for Publicity Fund.
The directors of the Chamber, of
Commerco and the dozen or more mem
bers of the organization who will com
pose the soliciting committee for the
publicity fund, held a luncheon at The
Vienna last evening and discussed wayB
and means of rnisinir tho fund. An ap
portionment of the fund among tho
business men wns made, tno total
reaching nearly $3,000. In this appor
tionment each business man is put
down for a sum less than he, under or
dinary conditions, would donnto for
Fourth of July celebrations and like
events during the year. This fund will
be handled through the directors of the
Chamber of Commerco or committee
appointed by that body. The subscrip
tion cards were presented to thoso pre
sent last night and the twenty present
subscribed $G25 to the fund. None pre
sent objected to the apportionment
made, nnd in two instnncos tho men
nsked that the sums allotted them be
increased. Tho soliciting committee
will devote Thursday of this week to
its work.
Hustings has experimented with a
nublicity fund for several years, nnd it
has proven eo siitisfnctDry that the
fund has grown from $5,000 the first
yenr to $10,000 for tho present yoar.
What has proven good for Hastings will
prove equnlly good for North Platte.
Four blocks southeast of high
school. Two large lots with cement
walk and sewer, good house, electric
lighted. A bargain. Wm. E. Shuman.
North Platte to Have City Chorus.
On Friday evening, Mny 3d, at 122
West Front street, Elizabeth Bonner
Cramer, director of the North Platto
School of Music, will organize a city
chorus. The organization is one of
which North Platte has long been in
need, and the membership will embrace
anvono sufficiently interested to attend.
Mrs. Cramer will make no charge for
her services as director, asking only
that a sufficient amount be supplied to
provide the required music. It is her
hope to make the institutions a,
permanent one nnd she extends a most
cordial invitation to all who may bo in
terested. Notice.
It is contrary to the city ordinances
for any person to deposit in tho streots
or alleys any ashes, manure, grass or
other refuse, and 1 have been instructed
by the city council to see that theso
ordinances aro enforced. Property
owndrs and resident! will very much
oblige me by complying with theso
ordinances. W. B. Salisbury,
Street Commissioner.
Mesdames Clabaugh, Garlow, Quig
ley nnd Weir were hostesses of the
Indian caul club held at the home of
the first named yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. E. F. Seeborger won first prize
nnd Mrs. Hart second. As a prenuptial
gift, the club presented Geraldine Bare
with a handsome silver candelabra.
Refreshments were Bcrved at the close
of an enjoyable afternoon.
Special Millinery sale at Mrs. Huff
man's Millinery department at Tho
Leader, Will sell anything in stock at
J off, my new spring stock is included
in this sale. Stock is still complete
and prices lower than others. One
third off means a $0.00 hat for $4.00.
Cash only on these prices. Would be
pleased to sell my entire stock und re
tire. Don't miss this sale, its money
for you. Mrs. G. S. Huffman, at the
Room and Board Wanted.
All those who can furnish rooms or
room and board, for Junior Normal
students, please send their names and
street numbers to County Supt. Miss
Chnppell, stating how many they can
accomodate. 27-4
Drop in and inspect our line
clothes. Our large line of
priced goods to the highest
mand attention. We also carry an excellent line of
fine haberdashery that is well worth the attention of the
goSd dresser, and the discriminating man never fails to
find our line of fine shirts
The E. & W, shirts show
marks the ultra smart.
Local and Personal
Tho Girls' Friendly Society will meet
this evening at the parish house.
Mrs. Wolback returned yesterday
from a month's stay in Hunt, Colo.,
with her daughter. .
The Hartman cigar factory moved
into tho rooms over tho Model clothing
store the last of tho week.
Dick Evans came down from Rnw
llns last evening to visit with friends
nnd attend tho May ball.
Miss Mildred Shireman, of Ogalalla,
is the guest of Miss Pearl hoontz,
having arrived Friday night.
Rev. Phoney, of Sidney, who visited
Rovs. McDaiu and Gleason tho first of
week, returned to his parish last
Special reduced prices all this week
at the Parlor Millinery, 300 East 3rd
St. Mrs. Eow. Bukkk.
Mrs. Jos. Quinn and son of Cheyenno,
returned homo this morning after visit
ing a week with Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred
Miss Agnes Lewis, of Omaha, wh
has been the guest of Miss Marie Sal
isbury for two weeks, loft for homo
this morning.
The ladies of the G. I. A. will have
flowers on sale at tho Lloyd opera houso
tomorrow evening and solict the
patronage of attendants.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wernett re
turned to Kearney thiB morning having
como up Saturday to visit the Rebhau
sen family and attend tho K. C. ban
quet. Ladies if you contemplate buying a
spring bonnet it will pay you to call
anfl got prices before making your se
lection. PAIlLOlt MlLMNKKY.
,Gua Chamberlain, oCJJcnvor, who is
visiting in town, dropped nn axo oh his
left foot yesterday. The sharp edgo
cut thru the shoe and entered tho flesh,
leaving a deep wound.
Wanted nt Wilcox Department store,
nn experienced salesman and sales
woman for dry goods department.
Make application by letter, stating
wages expected and give rcforonces.
Forecast for North Platte and vicin
ity unsottled wenther followed by
showers tonight or Weduesday. High
est temperature yesterday 02; n year
ago GO. Lowest temperature las.t
evening 48; a year ago 30.
. Herbert Duke returned this morning
from Shoshone whore ho was called
last week by the death of his uncle J.
B. Ries formorly of this city. The re
mains wore brought here and will be
interred in the North Platte cemetery
this afternoon.
Two Heaths Last Night.
Death saddened two homes in North
Platte. II. T. Crockett, a irioneer resi
dent nnd old soldier, passed away at the
age or sevonty-eignt alter much sulier
ing from cancer of the thront. The
second was Agnes Clara Seibort, wife
of Puscengor Conductor Seibert nnd
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Smith,
whose death was due to pneumonia.
The funeral of Mr. Crockett will be
held at the Baptist church tomorrow
afternoon. Funeral arrangements for
Mrs. Seibert have not been completed
at this writing.
Biographical sketches will bo pub
lished in our next issue.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that soalod
bids for tho erection of a two story
brick building 22x80 will be received up
until 4 o'clock P. M. of May 10th. The
owner reserves the right to object any
nnd all bids. Plans may be had at the
office of Architect B. M Reynolds.
27-2 Josni'H Moiiscii.
if you wish to buy a suit of
goods from the medium
quality never fails to com
exactly what he wants.
a distinction of styles that
Listen ! We are
in shape to fit
eJl shapes of men
For men built long, built short, built wide, built
narrow or built anyway, we have clothing built to
"fit" fit the body, the eye and your "pile."
Come first to the store that has a big stock of up
grade clothing for the "down" price; save the bother
of looking around.
Hat your head at our store; we are ahead in the
hat business, We fit all shapes of heads and faces.
Let us furnish your furnishing goods; we can
fit you with those that are "fit."
Everything for Men.
McDonald Bank Building. ' North Platte.
Proscription Druggists
KlrHt Door North of
Firm, National Hank
Milton Doolittle trasnacted business
in Sutherland yesterday. . . Will Cary,
of Omaha, is visiting at tho Whelan
homo today Mrs. Edgar Chapman,
of Aurorn, arrived last evening for a
visit with hor sister Mrs. Perry Bu-
channn County Surveyor Cochran
transacted business in Brady yesterday
C. M. Newton left yesterday for
Omaha to attend the Beyorlo-Wise
wedding which occurred last evening
. . . G. 0. Plorin returned yesterday
from Sunol... Mrs. M. E. Crano went
to Omaha yesterday to visit friends for
a week. ..Mrs. Nynes of Oshkosh,
who hnd been tnking treatment nt St.
Luke's hospital, returned homo yester
day.... Perry Sitton visited liis daugh
ter Mrs. Clark Buchanan Saturday and
Two splendid residence lots, im
proved with cement sidewalks, sever
and city water. Southeast corner.
Price $850 for the two lots. Are lo
cated just one block east of my resi
dence. Wm. E. Shuman.
Tho children of tho late Christina
Ericisson express their sincere thanks
to friends nnd neighbors for tho kind
ness oxtended during the illness nnd at
tho funeral of their mother, and for
the lloral offerings.
William Craigie will leavo Thursday
for Allianco to spend a few days on
To -Night
Loves Terrible Sacrifice.
The Scapecoat.
Broncho Billys X-mas
Hearts & Flowers.
10c. and 15c.
7M J&r If4
May Party.
Tho thirtieth nnnual May party of
Division 88, B. of L. E., will ho held nt
the Lloyd tomorrow evening, and a
largo attendance of dnncers and specta
tors will he present. Tho hall is nicely
decorated, the music will lm n-nrwl Mm
committees courteous, and there is no
reason wny every attendant should not
pass a pleasant evening.
Prior to the grand march the Stamp
orchestra will render tho following pro
gram: March, "F. M. A;" fantasie.
"Cnrmon;" serenade "After Vespers;"
Selection, "Faust" popular medley,
"Delight." J
For Sale.
Pure bred Scoth Collio Pups, eligible
to registry. Also eggs for setting from
pure bred Buried Plymouth Rock
chickens. Inquire of or address Blank
enburg Bros.. North Platte, Neb. 2G-1
No "Sore Spot".
EniTOit TituiuNK In response to
numerous inquires as to whether I will
support Lawrence P. Carpenter for
county assessor at the November elec
tion, I will say I cannot censure any
one for not supporting me. Tho people
mis-judged me; thnt'a all. I made a
clean campaign, and do not regret any
thing I said about any of my opponents.
I shall support the entire republican
ticket. Yours for clean politics among
the republican candidates of Lincoln
county. IIOMKii II. Rocints.
To Ice Consumers.
I will handle ico this sonson, and re
spectfully solicit your patronage. I
thank all customers for their trade
last season and trust my servjeo nnd
tho quality of ico was such as to dei'i.
servo your patronage for the coming"
season. Icu 50c per 100 lbs.
2G-8 Joseph Snrjs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Woods, of Sutherland,
returned linmo vpntnrilnv mnminrr. TUa
former has just recovered from an
operation at St. Luke's hospital.
F. W. Herminghausen is erecting a
largo barn in the Fourth word which
will be used as a livery.
May Menton Patterns for sale at
Tho Leader, ten cents each.
Baptist ladies aid will meet Friday
afternoon with Mrs. D. B. Loudon, 112
South Chestnut St.
Tho Order of Eastern Star will hold
a socinl at tho Masonic Hnll today.
For Sale.
Thoroughbred Plymouth rock eggs
for sotting. DO cents per sotting or $3
per hundred. Alheht Haspel.
In I Mouse of Good Showlm
When in Norlh Pintle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matineo Saturdny After
noon at 2:80 O'clock.