The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1912, Image 3

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Jesus Gives
By Rev. J. H. Ralston, Secre
tary Correspondence Course,
Moody Bible Institute, Chicago
TKXT My pcaco I gIvo unto you.
John 14:27.
.tesus n o v o r
spoko an empty
or unnoeded word.
Ho know tho rest
lessness of men
In his day, and
know that such
restlessness would
characterize nil
days, and In ac
cordance with
tho promptings of
his own loving
heart sought to
dissipato It. In
only one way
could this bo
done- ho must
displace it by something else.
Never in all tho history of the raco
were the appliances for physical well
being so numerous and well adapted
to tho end Bought as today. Home-
making, notwithstanding tho passing i
of tho single dwelling as home, was
inover so perfect; sanitation is far
and away superior to any period of
the past; medical and surgical skill
defy many diseases that were former
ly fatal; institutions for tho care and
euro of defections of various kinds
are found even in small places; pro
vision is lavishly made for tho educa
tion of tho young in literature, sci
ence, and art as never before; and
millions of money are being poured
out, and great conferences aro being
held in advancement of universal
iieace but the cry Is yet heard,
"O, whero can not bo found,
Rest for the weary soul."
Wo may ask, Why Is this, when tho
things just enumerated aro undenied
facts? Wo may havo partial answer
In tho consideration of the things that
stand out as an offset to these things,
facts as undeniable as they. If we
consider the conditions which charac
terize all activities wo aro given
pause. If we look at men in business
life, whether In commerce, finance,
manufacturing, or even agriculture,
tho elements of competition and
chance keep the nerves stretched; if
wo consider tho professions, law, med
Jcino, or theology, tho rivalry, how
ever Inexcusable, proves a nerve
racking experience; and if wo enter
tho spheres of politics, tho game at
first pleasant, at last comes to effort
to overcomo opponents sometimes by
chicanery or even tho use of corrupt
practices. To such men tho modern
conveniences and appliances bring lit
tlo relief. Even that which was pos
sible ten years ago, tho getting be
yond tho reach of the mails or the
telegraph by an ocean voyage, is no
longer possible. And so it Is that
men are crying for the lodge in the
wilderness, the man of sixty seeks his
chicken farm, in a few years to find
Is the Caso Hopeless?
Just at this point tho Christian re
ligion, by its head, Jesus Christ, ap-
x pears with a solution of this problem.
He says: "Peace, I give unto you,"
and all that man needs, of rest, quiet,
contentment, and more, is offered.
Royalty to what Jesus meant com
pels us to Gay that tho peaco hero
offered rests on another peace. This
peaco belongs to experience, the
thing men and women are crying for.
That peace refers to tho right rela
tionship with God, the lack of which
Is tho true explanation of tho unrest
from which wo would escape. That
peace is a status or condition secured
by trusting or resting on Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, tho only me-
jdiator between God and man. Wo
(havo peace with God through faith,
and aro placed in a position where wo
can havo the peace of God, that Jesus
apeaks of in tho text. In no caso can
p. man havo tho peaco of God without
tho peaco with God, emphnsis being
on tho prepositions.
Tho world gives to tho basest part
of our being, to the part that relateB
us to tho brute creation, and only in
exceptional cases to the Intellectual.
(If so how ephemeral is Its offering
for today with no promise of tomor
dow! Jesus Parallels This Giving.
Ho gives to tho highest part of our
ibelng, tho Bplrlt. H1b invitation to
men as followers is not to a Moham
medan heaven, or a modern club
house, but to physical hardship and
Buffering but It is to tho spirit,
which is to live forever and whoso
acquirements aro lasting. Ho gives
really, and tho man or woman who by
nny chanco seeks tho peaco because
of conscious worth Ib doomed to dis
appointment. What ho gives satisfies.
It is deep, quiet, strong. It took
away tho fears of tho early martyrs,
it enabled a McKlnloy to dlo calmly
and gladly and to sing "Nearer, My
God, to Thee," nnd today ouables Chi
nes and other Christian martyrs to
face death without fear.
This peace was tested by Jesus
himself and sustained him all tho
way to tho cross, and it is tho peaco
of him who was God and who said to
the waves on Galilee, "Peaco, bo
Btill." What a guaranty, "My peace,"
tests! and proven ndequate, and that
of the Infinite God hlmsolf!
Winter Millinery Styles
Continue to Be Popular
?& i S. TH
i 'iiMtssii 1 W
MALL hats for spring aro to be
Been in all tho French millinery
stores of note, launched upon
their adventures in tho world of
fashion; that world has evidenced a
growing appreciation of certain shapes
which proved too good to pass with
the winter. These shapes, held over
and sligntly modified, made up in
spring materials, aro simply enticing.
Tho day has como when women de
mand hats that aro "good" from all
view points, that is, becoming to tho
wearer from any angle. If a shapo io
especially good in a full front view
and not just right from tho Bid or
batk, either a new shape must be
mado, with little alterations in out
lino, or tho trimmer must effect
shanges by placing tho trimming clev-
One-Piece Linen Dress an Absolute
Necessity During the Warm
Days of Summer.
The one-piece linen dress is found
In nearly every girl's wardrobe. It io
so necessary in the' warm summer
days, and being washable may bo
made up in daln.lest colors. Kid fin
ished linen having a suede effect is
tho season's novelty In linens, and
there Is also a basket weave. r striped
crash, etamlno crash, cotton Bedford
cord, granlto crash and tho basket
weave with a wide border of drawn
work. Tho model sketched Is of pink
linen. Tho upper part is covered with
a simple design in eyelet embroidery.
White lawn collar and cuffs finish tho
neck nnd sleeves.
A pink straw hat with a large wired
botv of taffeta is pcrhnps the most ap
propriate to wear with such a frock.
Deceptive Color.
Yellow Is a most deceptivo color for
evening wear, electric light usually
turning It into pink and causing somo
disappointment In tho caso of those to
whom truo yellow is a most becoming
Built on Quaker Lines.
Tho latest in negligees will appeal
to all femininity. This novel Is built
on tho popular Quaker girl model,
with a dainty fichu of laco, and cornea
In all colors. There ura also charm
ing Quaker girl boudoir caps to match.
Y s&sh
crly. These points aro so well taken
caro of by artists in millinery that
even tho simplest-seeming hats aro
really amazingly well thought out and
adapted to their wearers.
Tho lines of the Dutch bonnet, the,
dear Wllhelmlna, have been managed
In all sorts of ways. A pretty adapta
tion is shown here, having a crown
of purple violets and brim covored
with purple velvet. A similar hat, in
soft hemp, shows a decided point at
the front nnd a small, rather pointed
crown, which would bo insignificant
except for two ears of Bilk lurched at
tho front. Tho shapo in navy bluo
had a wide Hange of velvet in tho
same color nnd tho loops, or ears,
wero of taffeta Bilk, also in plain navy
blue of a rather bright shade.
A hood of turcan laid over a cap
shapo, covered with black silk, is nlso
an unusually clover development ot
simple lines and handsome materials.
Tho rolled-up brim is covered with
two folds of black satin nnd a bow ot
ribbon in black satin finishes a band
which apparently holds tho point ot
the hood in place at the back.
Tho liking for quaint shirrlngs,
quillings and ruchinga camo in with
tho return of fabrics with which they
were used almost a half century ago.
A shirred band of changeable taffeta
finishes the soft straw bonnet shnpo
shown here. Two rosettes of tho taf
feta look like big, full-blown roses;
they aro placed at each side of tho
brim. A Bhort broad plumo, In tho
colorings of tho silk, finishes tho hat.
Tho hats shown In tho illustrations
aro very practical models. Although
each hat, it must be conceded, is chlo
(to tho French degree) yet each Ib
simplicity itself. ,,
"Progression" Does Away With Minor
Annoyance That Sometimes
Mars the Occasion.
A girl who Is looking for a way out
of tho common to entertain Bomo of
her young friends will find a "proi
gresslvo dinner party" a jolly affair.
There is nothing better for helping
along new acquaintances, and it also
works wonders in another way in not
allowing old friends to talk too exclu
sively with each other. Often the fun
of a small entertainment is spoiled
becauso one or two couples spend al
most tho whole evening in talking to
each other, neglecting every one else.
The young hostess has not always ex
perience enough to prevent this mis
take gracefully.
Tho progressive dinner party la
managed as follows: Each young man
Is told to tako a certain girl in to din
ner, as at any dinner party. Tho
places at table aro shown by the
usual cards with names. During tho
first course they Bit in theso places,
but as the plates are being changed
each young man takes tho plnco of the
next ono to tho right (or left). Thin
is repeated after each course, tho
change being always in tho same di
rection. Tho girls do not move, so
young men hnvo an opportunity to
talk to each girl.
Sandals for Small Children.
If children wear sandals until they
aro threo or four years old, they will
havo a natural-shaped foot, strong,
ankle muscles and will stand and walk
properly. Wo are all taught to point
tho toes out when walking. This, how
over, is an unnatural position, and
only adds a greater strain on the in
sldo muscles of anklo and foot, caus
ing, in many cases, weak ankles and
other foot troubles. Let the toes
point straight In front when standing
or walking, nllow tho feet to hnvo
plenty of room to grow, select broad,
flat-heeled shoes for your children,
and start them toward manhood on.
womanhood with normal feet, strong
ankles, thus lessening tho danger of
corns, bunions and all other foot trou
bles. Dainty Garters.
Tho curious fancy for mingling
black with tho adornment of llngerlo
nnd other moro personal articles is
finally manifested in a pair of gar
tors. On tho shirred black band that
forma tho solid part of tho garter aro
sprinkled silk roses In pastel shades;
the tamo flowers ornament tho laco
rosettes, from which dangle smallor
roses on ribbon ondB. Tho laco f lin
ing is lightly embroidered with black
When to Call tho Doctor.
When to summon tho doctor li a
point which has probably puzzled most
peoplo at ono time or another, but in
tho case of throat and intestinal
troubles thero should bo no uncertain
ty, says a medical authority. The doo
tor should bo summoned at once, for
the soro throat may bo diphtheria, and'
the intestinal symptoms may mean
peritonitis, appendicitis or any one of
a dozen complaints of serious char
acter. Valuablo tlmo and tho golden
opportunity may bo wasted by wait
ing for Bymptoms that aro severe
enough to justify calling tho doctor
"I Buffered with eczema on my neck
for about six months, beginning by lit
tlo pimples breaking out. I kept
scratching till tho blood camo. It kopt
getting -worso, I couldn't sleep nights
any moro. It kopt itching for about a
month, then I went to a doctor and
got Bomo liquid to take. It seemed
as It I waB going to get hotter. Tho
Itching stopped for about threo days,
but when It stnrtod again, was oven
worso than beforo. Tho oczcraa Itched
so badly I couldn't stand it any more.
"I went to a doctor and ho gavo mo
somo medicine, but didn't do any good.
Wo havo been having Cuticura Rem
edies in tho houso, so I decided to try
them. I had been using Cuticura
Soap, so I got mo a box of Cuticura
Ointment, nnd washed off tho nffectod
part with Cuticura Soap threo times a
day, and then put tho Cuticura Oint
ment on. Tho first day I put it on, it
relieved mo of Itching so I could sleep
all that night. It took about a week,
then I could Beo tho ecab como off. I
kept tho treatment up for threo weeks,
and my eczema was cured.
"My brother got his faco burned
with gun-powder, and ho used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. Tho peoplo all
thought ho would havo Bears, but you
can't seo that ho ever had his faco
burned. It was simply awful to look
at beforo tho Cuticura Remedies
(Soap and Ointment) cured it."
(Signed) Miss Ellznhoth Gohrkl, For
rest City, Ark., Oct. 1G, 1010. Although
Cuticura Soap and Ointment aro sold
by druggists nnd dcalors everywhere,
. samplo of each, with 32-pago book,
will bo mailed freo on application to
"Cuticura," Dept. L, Boston.
A huntsman called on Hodgo to set
tlo for damngo dono by a run to
hounds, and found only Mrs. Hodgo at
"Has your hUBband," ho Inquired,
"mado an examination yet?"
"That ho have, sir," replied Mrs.
Hodgo, with a courtesy.
"Rather a cursory examination, 1
"Oh, dreadful, sir! Such langwldgo
I never heerd never!" And the good
woman hold up her hands at the bare
recollection. Judce.
Sad Caso.
"I hear your husband has lost nls
public job."
"What doeB he expect to do now?"
"Well, ho told me this morning
that unless ho could get reinstated
pretty soon bo would havo to go to
work somowhere." Chicago Itocord
Herald. Important to Mothers
Examine carefully overy bottlo ot
CASTORIA, a safo nnd sure remedy for
Infants and children, nnd nee that It
Bears tho
Slgnaturo of (
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorin
Idle Fund.
"That man naB a vast fund of In
formation." 'Yea," replied Senator Sorghum;
"but ho can't put a dollar mark In
front of it and use It for a campaign
If You Aro a Trifle Sensitive
About tho size of your bIiocb, you can
wear a size smaller by shaking Allen's Foot
Eae, the antiseptic powder, into them.
Just tho thing for Dancing Parties nnd for
Breaking in New Shpes. Samplo Free.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
His Business to Know.
Wife Look, I bought this fur cout.
today. They toll mo wo aro going to
havo very cold weather Boon.
HuBband Who told you so?
Wife Tho furrier.
Tho Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston,
MasB., will Bend a largo trial box of
Paxtino Antiseptic, a delightful cleans
ing and gcrniicldnl toilet preparation,
to any woman, freo, upon request.
Knew His Weakness,
Benham I llko to linger over n
Mrs. Benham Yes, an Internal ono.
PII.KS CirrtKI) IN O TO 1 1 DAYS, ,
Yonnlruu-ifikt will mm ml riuiuoy lr 1'AO OlNT
MUNI' fulls to euro any cum uf ltculiitf, llllnd.
liloudinic or I'rutrudlruc 1'lles In 0 to U days. Wc
It might be well to remombcr that
every man you deal with la looking for
tho best of it.
Many havo smoked LEWIS' Single Bin
der dear for tho past sixteen years. Al
ways found it reliable quality.
Tho commanding Intellect should
havo tho command and be king.
Mrs. Wrnslow' Bootulng Syrtip for Children
teething, BoftermltKi (,'itmH, reduce Inflnmmn
Hon, allay a puln.curea wind colic, 2Sc u- bottle.
Thero aro u few things thnt ovon a
young mnn doesn't know.
ColormoroiioodsbriHhtcr and faster colors than
oyo nny garment without rippiruj apart. Write
Baking Economy.
By the use of perfect baking powder
the housewife can derlvo as much econ
omy as from nny other ortlclo used In
baking- nnd cooking. In selecting n bak
ing powder, therefore, care should be ex
ercised to purchase one, that retains Its
original strength and always remains the
same, thus making tho food sweet and
wholesomo nhd producing sufficient Ioav
cnlng ens to mnko the baking light.
Very little of this leavening gas Is pro
duced by tho cheap baking powders, mak
ng It necessary to uso doublo the quan
tity ordinarily required to secure good ro
sufts. You cannot experiment otfery tlmo you
mnko n cako or biscuits, or test tho
strength of your baking powder to And
out how much of It you should use; yet
with most baking powders you should do
this, for they are put together so care
lessly they nre never uniform, tho quality
nnd strength varying with each can pur
chased. Calumet linking Powder U made of
chemically puro Ingredients of tested
strength. Kxpcrlenced chemists put 11 Up.
The proportions of tho different materials
remain alwnys tho same, Sealed In air
tight cans Calumet Unking Powder does
not niter In strength nnd Is not affected
by atmospheric changes.
In tislnp Calumet you nro bound to have
uniform orond. enke or biscuits, as Calu
met docs not contain nny cheap, useless
or adulterating Ingredients so commonly
used to Increase tho weight. Further, It
produced pure, wholesomo food nnd Is a'
unking powder of rnrc merit, thereforo is
recommended by lending phystclnns nnd
chemists. It compiles with nil the pure
food lnws. both STATE nnd NATIONAL.
Thu goods nre modornto In price, nnd nny
lady nurchnslng Cnlmnet front her gro
cer. If not satisfied with It can return It
and havo her money refunded.
Cnndld Admission.
"What aro your Ideas about
"About tho samo as everybody's,"
replied Senator Sorghum. "I havo a
general impression that myself and ray
personal and political friends aro tho
only peoplo who do not need It."
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Kye Hemedy. No Smarting Feels
Fine AclH quickly. Try It for Ilcil, Wenk,
Wntery Eyes nnd (Irnnuliitnl KyelUls. Illus
trated Ilook In each l'nckiico. Murine Is
i-nruponndod by oor Oculltln not a "Patent Med
icine" but tued In bucccmsMI Physicians' l'rso
lleo for many years. Now dedicated lo the Pub
lic and Enid by lmigRlsts nt So nnd COo por Hot tlo.
Murino Kye Balvo In Aseptic Tubes, 26a nnd too.
Murlno Eyo Romo'Jy Co., Chicago
Recalling the Fight.
"Ho has his father's eyes."
"That'B queer; I thought I was
blacking his."
Many a brldo Is self-posseBScd even
when given nwny.
niE- (heart
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
This supplies puro blood by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation
and Imparting tono to tho whole circulatory system. It's a heart tonlo
nnd a great deal moro, having an nltcratlvo uctlon on tho liver and
kidneys, it helps to eliminate tho poisons from tho blood. '
To enrich tho blood and Increase tho red blood corpuscles, thereby
feeding tho nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous Irri
tability, takb Dr. Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit
a dishonest dealer to Insult your intelligence with tho "Just ns good
kind." Tho "Discovery" has 40 years of cures behind It' and contains
no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredients plainly printed on wrapper.
Dr. Pierce's Common Scnso Medical Adviser Is sent free on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of wrapping nnd mailing only. Send 31 one-cent
stamps for tho French cloth-bound book. Address: Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
$2,25 $2.50 $3.00 3,50 MOO & 5.0Q
jrive W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L.
Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar
antees superior quality and more value
for the money than other makes. His
name and price stamped on the bottom
protects the wearer against high prices
and inferior shoes. Insist upon having
the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes. Take
no Substitute. lfTourdfalernnnotupplTW.l.Ton(rla
boea, write W.I-DoukIki, Jlro-Vton, Mats., for eatalOK. Hhoei tent
everywhere delivery charge prepaid. Jfart Color JCiiefstt tued.
A Perfect Imitation of Oak for Floors
and Interior Finish
Made of materials as durable as iron and put up In rolls ab
a moderate price. ,
Takes the place o( unnnnltnry carpets trmVcs
homework n pleasure. May bo used around tho
edgo ot largo ruga and for wainscoting.
Durable, Sanitary, Inexpensive
Put up in rolls 38 Inches wide sold by tho yard.
Ask your dealer for Oal-vn-nito Flooring or send
for samples and Illustrated Booklet.
fit. Paul Omaha Cblcaco Kansas City 8U toub
Tho beat dressing you can flnti for
of insects, abrasions, etc.
Tho Carbolic Acid helps to proveut
"VaBelino" clcanoeB and soothes.
Especially valuablo whero thero aro
For Falo everywhere In handy class bottles.
Our various "Vatellno" prrpirntlont inakn tip a
chert Milt stionM tin In nvury Uoiim. Wrlto Tar (roe
about thum. AdtlrvtB Dctit. IS.
Chesebrough Manufacturing
17 State Street (Coruolidated)
CarMaied aCpjflp
nny other dyo. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye in cold wnterbetter than any otherdye, You cart
for free booklet How to l)ye. Uleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Qulncy, Ilk
Thero nro two thinga calculated to
mako a man's head swim a morry-go-round
and a merry widow.
Garfield Tea, tho .natural remedy for Con
stipation, can always bo relied on.
Talk to yourself if you want an ap
prcclatlvo audienco.
Theory alono never accomplished
anything worth whllo.
Build Up
The System
H Is tho stomach
Aro tho bowels
Is tho blood
Slomael. Bitters
will tone, strengthen and Invig
orate tho entire system and
mako you wpll again.
CanStllan LailQS fnnnl" 'country In Wo'on
Canada, wrlto to us for full particulars Farms tot
mile on very eiwy tortus. Frora ono hundred nnd
sixty to four thousand acres In block. llu v now whils)
land Is clirnp, na It "111 rite rapidly In the next
live years. Tke ttiumr lu Leu Co., Hln.rwr, Dm.
NO CHOI rAIMTnE8 on Camas I'mlrlo Jnst
I npped by rnllroad. tt&pnracra Noballorcyclones.
Mines, lumber. I fell lnttd and St Knrm Loans.nrtto
for particulars. FllANKlIOUHMAN.BoldUr.ldabo
040 A. IN SIOUX CO., NKU.j 00 A. CULT.; O
r.h., carr, corrals, etc.; rtcellent stock and Bra In
place; near co. (eat. MA11K lloi, DID, Chicago,
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 14-1912.
If tho blood is poor nnd filled with tho
poisons from diseased kidneys or Inac
tive liver, tho heart Is not only starved
but poisoned as well. Thero aro many
conditions duo to impure blood such
as dropsy, fainting spells, nervous debil
ity or tho many scrofulous conditions
ulcers, "fever sores," whKo swellings,
etc. All can bo overcome and cured by
wounds, bites
infection: tho
Bo sure you ect
complete) mrdlclnn
booklet tolllntf all
New Yorlc
ffivff, ! lot V''?'Z'8t
Th Nml Treatment mutrnllres ami eliminate all the ttoral up
alcoholic uoltonlnif lu tlio yttom. When lull It duootli drinker It la
tiao tamo pbyilcal auil mental condition that lie wan In before tie e r htX
.drink, for It It the stored up alrohollo polton In the jttem thatcuuiea
thli apiivtlte. and when our-o the alcoholic poltouInK la eliminated the
appetite It gone. (luetU.whlloattheNt'allnitltute.cnJoyallthecouirorU.
anu oouyenicncet or a urascitta nome. ciuuor
Nanietara naverdlvulged. Kor particulars, write
INSTITUTE 1502 S. 10th Street, Omaha