The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1912, Image 1

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    vm H'stortoal Swtrtr
jpt zi& fyefpyoa
ft.' fAfY x If if fl Jr w - JET.
"When a man is side lie pays n doctor '.for
advice before lie uses it; ho docs the sumo with
liis lawyer. The banlcer gives advice cheerfully
and free. When you ai'o in fliinnoial dllfiotil
ties, why not consult us? It is strange that the
bnnlcer, whose advice is as cheerful as it is free,
is never sought 13151zORJ3 men have rislced and
lost their money, but A-FjTJiJR. If you want some
advice or help come in; we will welcome you.
Do YOUR banking with
The First National Bank,
Che Itiirgc&t JBanlc in Westei'n Xebraslca.
Mrs. Rush Dean will arrive from
Portland this evening.
Grant Adsms, of Gandy, came in last
night to transact business.
Rev. W. S. Porter will leave Thurs
day on a trip to Chicago.
Robert Mahoney, of Sidney, is visit
ing friends in town.
Mrs. Fred Elliott returned yesterday
from a visit with relatives in Omaha.
Attorney and Mrs. M. E. Crosby en
tertained the Westminster Guild last
Mrs. Jas. McMicheal spent Sunday in
Gothenburg with her daughter, Miss
Cottage cheese, eggs and butter for
nalo by Mrs. Hershey, 117 west Fifth
near Locust, phone 380.
A beautiful assortment of curtain
draperies at the E. T. Tramp Dry
Goods Dept.
The Presbyterian aid society will
meet Thursday afternoon at tho home
of Mrs. W. V. Hoagland.
Three Big Nights. ,
Tho committees appointed tq nrrango
for the ElkB carnival on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday evenings of. this
week, have about complotcd their work,
and by tomorrow evening will bo in
splendid shape to entertain the big
crowds that are expected to attend
each evening. The Elk colors nro dis
played in many woll trimmed windows
on Dewey, and in n number of tho win
dows displayed and tho articles donated
by tho merchant-members. These do
nations include suits of clothes, travel
ing bag3, brass beds, chafing dishes,
toilet articles and one practical mem
ber donates 500 pounds of flour. Those
articles will bo sold during the three
The interior of tho Elks' home has
been decorated and a number of booths
On tho second floor thero will be a
booth for the sale of fancy work in
charge of Mrs. Seebercor and Mrs.f
Woodhurst, n tea room, where lightj
refreshments will be served, in charge or;
of Mrs. Cunnineham and Mrs. DixonJ
a confectionery booth in chargo of R.
rooms devoted to rrnmes and shows, and-
in charge of Dick Baker, tho other
managed by Jim Keef. On the ( third
floor there will be a confectionery
booth conducted by Ed Keliher and a
booth for tlp sale of pennants in charge
of Mesdameq Clark and Frank Bucha
nan. The main hall will bo used for
dancing purposse.
The show and game rooms will con
tain many amusing devices, and stunts
of different kinds will be put on at
regular intervals.
An admission of ten cents will be
charged at the door and with each
ticket sold a chance on a town lot will
be given.
Good, large, town herd pasture.
Houses and rooms .
Storage room.
Safe deposit boxes.
Bratt & Goodman.
The Episcopal jniild will hold a busi
ness meeting Thursday afternoon at tho
home of Mrs. C. S. Clinton.
Mrs. John Grimes left the lat of tho
week for Lincoln after visiting her
sister, Mrs. Howard McMiaheal for
Mrs. Fitch, of Cleveland, Ohio, re
turned Sunday from a short visit in
Fafnam and is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw.
Three sections of the roof of tho
round house was unroofed Saturday by
tho strong wind which prevailed during
the atternoon.
The W. C, T. U. will have a united
meeting at the Presbyterian church
bunuay evening at which time the
state president of this society will
Don't fail to get at least one pair of
Topsy Hose on sale Wednesday, April
17th at E. T. Tramp Dry Goods Dept.
The athetic tournament under the
auspices of the striking U. P. shopmen
which was announced for next Friday
evening, haBbeen postponed until Tues
day evening of next week.
Mrs. Julius Pjzer assisted by Mrs. E.
A. Garlish entertained tho Harmony
club last evening. Cards were the
Erinciple feature of the evening and tho
icrhest scores madei by" the ladies.
Following the game the guests were
served with an elaborate lunch.
Safe investments for yonr idle
money. We have some extra good safe
first mortgage loans ranging from 8200
upwards, netting 7 to 8 per cent semi
annual interest. These are safe as a
United States Bond. Bratt & Goodman.
"Tcter" Harris Killed by Engine.
The Locust street crossing was the
scene of another fntal accident Saturn
day evening about 9:30 when "Teter"
Harris was run down by a switch en
gine and so badly injured that death
ensued an hour later. At the time
Harris attempted to walk over tho
crossing the wind was blowing a gale
and ho did not notice tho approaching
engine, neither did the engine crow
see him until he was ground under the
wheels. Both legs were amputated at
the knee and lie was otherwise muti
lated about tho body. Ho was carried
to the depot and Doctors McCabe and
Kerr summoned, but they found life
fast ebbing away and the unfortunate
man beyond their aid.
A .corpner's jury -was empaneled and
after hearing the testimony of tho
switch engine crew retusned a verdict
that did not place blame on any one.
Harris, who hnd been a resident of
tho town for a number of years, vas
about fifty-five years of age, and being
unmarried had made his homo with
Walter Stewart, who resides in the
Fourth ward.
The funeral was held yesterday con
ducted by Rev. Miller.
Iff II
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H.u- on -rcik. k
5- f2i
:i s
Thio Label on a Garment is Itsolt
a Guarantee
The Only Store that Guarantees its
When we first offered our true blue serges
to the public we xucre prepared to supply the
finest serges possible to make. We knew the
colors ivould not fade, iuc sold them with the
utnost confidence and they always bore out our
recommendation of them. So surpassingly good
were they, and so absolutely faultless in make and
fadeless in color, that we decided that in the fu
ture we luill put a positive "stringless" guarantee
on them. This is the only store in North Platte
with confidence enough in their Blue Serges to
guarantee their color,
It'3 unusul, but this is an unusual store.
Here's Our Guarantee: Read it
"If a Clabaugh True Blue Serge fades
from natural causes, sunlight, rain, snow or
ordinary wear, we will replace it free of charge
with another suit of equal quality and thank you
for giving us the opportunity of making good.1"
$15.00 to $35.00.
Everything for Men.
McDonald Bank Building. North Platte.
Leases Odd Fellows' Room.
At the meeting of the board of
trustee of the Odd Fellows' lodgo Sat
urday evening a ten years' lease of tho
ground floor of tho building was made,
to tb? Platte Valley State Bank, oc
cupany to begin as soon as repairs are
completed following tho vacation of the
room by the postoflico. The front of
tho building will be changed and an
entrance made at the northeast corner,
the room will be oxtonded back over
the boiler room, a vault constructed
and other changes made, the whole to
cost twelve or fifteen hundred dollars.
J. G. Beeler1 will occupy tho rear
part of the room as a law office. With
the tendency of tho business section to
grow south and west the location will
be an excellent one for a bank. It will
be well toward tho end of tho year be
foro tho bank will get into its new
J Pi
Than a Guarantee"
Hose Satisfaction
"Here is, More
Topsy Hose give the customer r-nl style foot comfort and long
wear. Well worth the prices in eveiy respect. The stamped in
trade mark on the toe of every pair of Topsy Hose. We do not stop
at one quality alone but can give you a fine assortment to select
from. The Topsy Hosiery for Women, Misses and Children. The
Topsy Hose is dyed with pure dyes---free from acid---positively can
not injure the fabric or irritate the feet. XA11 the best shades in
sold fast colors. Will not wash out sweat out or fade. Reinforced
heels and toes. Fits the ankle and foot perfectfy and comfortably.
Regular weight suitable for all the year round; from the medium
weight to the gauziest gauze weights with the high spliced heel and
toe. They sell because they satisfy. To introduce this brand more
fully we nre going to to give our customers benefit of a sale prjee
on our Topsy hosiery
Woman's Pure Thrend silk hose,
an exceptional value nt$1.00, on sale
88 Cents.
Women's Topsy hoso in the silk
qualities, Geneva silk lisle. In tho
regular and out sizos 50c value
40 Cents.
Woman's Topsy hoss the all ribbed
tisle, Geneva silk. Tho best maca
split sole qualities that cannot bo
suposed 25c sellers on sale
19 Cents.
Womens Topsy Hose, Fast black
cotton 15c grade
12 Cents.
Misses Hose, Topsy brand,, fine
corned lisle, the Topsy school hoso
lined heel and too all 25 cent ualues
salo price
19 Cents.
Misses' and Children's hoso, both
the fine and heavy ribbed 15 cent
guade, salo price
Discuss nepot Proposition.
Seventy-five or more citizens gathered
at tho court houso last ovoning, dis
cussed the depot proposition, and after
debating tho subject for an hour and a
half, left tlo matter just where they
iounu it at the start tho meeting was
barren of results. President Mohlor
hnd said that he had recommended nn
appropriation of $336,000 for a new
round house, coal shutes and other ter
minal improments for North Piatto;
he had also included in his budget
$85,000 for n now depot; ho did not
think the directors would allow both:
while the company wanted the terminal
improvements ahead of tho depot, the
citizens were insisting on a depot; ho
put up to the pooplo the question which
did they want first, tho round house
and other improvements or tho depot.
To discuss the proposition the meeting
had been called. Remarks were made by
Messrs. Seeborger, Patterson, Keefe,
Neville, Hoagland, Fathor McDaid, Dr.
Quigley, Bare, Martini and osiers.
Some iavored a straightout domand for
a new depot, others favored the tormi
na! improvements, while others thought
best to keep hands off nnd not attempt
to interfere with tho plans of tho com
pany. The lotterview finally prevailed,
and President Seebergor of tho Cham
ber of Commerce was authorized to
communicate with President Mohler
that tho North Piatto peoplo wanted
both tho depot and the terminal im
provementsand God speed the day
when we could have both.
Tho North Piatto School of Music
will present Mr. Arvid Sp.muelson in n
piano recital at 122 W. Front street on
Thursday evening, April 18th at 8;30.
Mr. Samuelson is a member of the fac
ulty of tho University School of Music
and comes highly recommended by the
director of that school. He is a thor
oughly artistic pianist and deserves a
liberal patronage. Admission 50 cents,
tickets for Bnlo at Clinton's jewelry
Lee Dolson and J. H. Brodhcmhei
mer, two striko breakers, were tried
in Justice Sullivnn's court yesterday
for assaulting Fireman Peter Kennedy.
Dolson plead truiltv and was fined $20
and costs, Brodhemhcimer plead not
guilty but ngreed to pay costs which
amounted to $5.80.
Get the best and cheapest fire, light
ning, cyclone, tornado and hail insur
ance yon can. Bratt & Goodman .
Wednesday April 17th special salo on
our Topsy Hose. E. T. Tramp.
Houses, lots, farms and farm land.
This 13 the time to buy. Come and see
Bratt & Goodman.
Tho Blritn of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss
In tho County Court.
In tlio Matter of tho Estato of Mary
E. Durllny, Ducon&cd,
To tho creditors, hulrs legatees and others
Interested In tho estato ot Mary K. Dudloy,
TaWo nottao. that Lorenzo Ilrlttlncham. ad.
nitnlNtrator, has (lied In tho county court a
report of Ills dolues as administrator of
said ontrvto and It. Is ordorod that the
sumo Btaud for hnarlnir tho (1th day of
Mayy A. I). 1012, before the court
at tho hour of I) o'clock, a. in., at which tlmu
any person interested may aptear and except
to and contest tho mime, And notice of this
proceeding Is ordered irlvon in tho North
Platte Tribune, a local seml-wookly news
paper published in said county for three
successive wcoks prior to said dato of
Witness my hand and tho seal of tho coun
ty court at North Vlatte. In said county,
this 13th day of April. A. V. 1012.
rltl-S .1011 N OHANT. Opunty Judge.
To help you build, buy or pay off
your old loan. Either out of our state
building & loan association or on one to
five years' time. Bratt & Goodman..
v',2i Yi UlSi
Table Damask cunranteod to bo
absolutely pure linen the very best
quality at the right price at the E. T.
Tramp Dry Goods Dept.
Rings for All.
A Menu that is one bound to please ever palate
is the kind we arrange every day. Dine here and
thorougly enjoy your meals. Good service
and reasonable
Opposite Depot
J?fBBTfrjrjflfi 'xm mspest-ssra T,rsgfEE3HigmMia5K3H
La Favorita.
Mexican Courtship.
Do Dreams come True.
The Espanozos.
In a spectacular Singing
and Dancing program. .
We Have Plenty of Money
to Loan on Good Security.
We Have Helped Others, Can't We Help You?
McDoeald State Bank,
Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent.
12 Cents.
Goods Department.
chas. Mcdonald,
w. h. Mcdonald,
Cashier and Vice-Prest.
10c. and 15c.