The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 12, 1912, Image 6

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IRA L. BARE, Publisher.
' ' '
includes What Is Going On at Wash
Ington and In Other Sections of
tho Country.
Tho senate adjourned for a day on
account of tho death of Senator Tay
lor of Tennessee.
Tho Sonato Financo commlttoo
hoard protest from Porto Means
against frco sugar bill.
A bill authorizing tho appointment
of dental surgeons in tho navy was
passed by tho senate.
Tho senate foreign relations com
mittee approved Crawford bill for In
quiry Into high cost of living.
The tariff wool bill passed tho low
er house. Many progressive republi
cans voting with tho democrats.
Tho Houso Ways and Means com
mlttco will tako no lmmedlato action
on cotton tariff schedulo revision.
Tho beot and cano sugar growers
protested against houso freo sugar bill
befpro tho senate- llnanco committee.
Tho houso passed, 173 to 17, a bill
creating a children's bureau in tho
Department of Commerce and Labor.
President Toft in message urged
passago of legislation to promoto
economy and olllclcncy in government
Representative Humphrey Introduc
ed a bill, approved iy tho Department
it Justico, designed to break up ship
ling pools and combines.
Representative Gardner of Massa
chusetts defended tho Judiciary in a
speech and took issuo with tho doc
Irlno of tho recall of Judges.
Tho "wireless treaty" which has
been pigeonholed in tho sonato for
somo time, was ratlflod without tho
formality of n roll call.
Interstate commorco committee fa
vorably reported n bill to amend In
terstnto commorco law and provldo
rato zones for cxprosB companlos,
Majority Leader Underwood an
nounced tho leglBlativo program of
tho houso from now on would bo con
fined to appropriation and supply
President Taft In messngo urged lm
medlato appropriation of $500,000 to
Btrcngthen lovoes on Mississippi nnd
Missouri rivers to prevent furthor
flood damage.
An appropriation of $250,000 for tho
Aid of n nogro exposition in 1013 to
celebrato tho fiftieth anniversary of
Lincoln's emancipation proclamation
was passed by tho senate
Tho forolgn nffaira commlttoo of tho
houso decided to report favorably res
olution directing Stato department to
Insist upon immediate settlement by
Moxico of claims of Americans.
Rivors and harbors committee do
elded to roport favorably Representa
tive Ransdell's bill appropriating
$360,000 for strengthening lovces in
Mississippi, Missouri and lhlo rivors.
Tho sonato judiciary commlttoo or
, fiorod favorably reported tho employ
ers' liability and workmon's compen
sation bill as recommended by tho
Employers' Liability commission.
Representative Honry of Toxob,
who has n bill to change inauguration
day from Mnrch '4 to tho last Thurs
day in April, Introduced a resolution
to provldo for early action in tho
Tho republican territorial conven
tion endorsed Prosldent Toft for an
other torm.
Four hundred union carpontorB of
Dcs Moines wont on a strike for 55
cents an hour.
Gov. R. S. Vossoy solcctcd tho elto
for South Dakota's building for tho
Panama-Pacific exposition.
Words of bitter Invcctlvo woro used
by nttornoys in summing up Uiolr
caso In tho eugnr trial.
Tho minors federation, after a loug
contorence, decided to advlso all tho
minora in Great Britain to resumo
President Taft sent to tho senato
tho nomination of Edward P. Stnck
nblo to bo collector of customs for
Former Governor Charles B. Aycock
of North Carolina dropjed dead at tho
Joffcreon thoator, Birmingham, Ala.,
tfhllo addressing tho Alabama educa
tional association.
What Is termed a "firesldo cam
paign" has boon undertaken by tho
commlttoo of eastern railroad man
jdgere, who aro in controversy with
tfho brotherhood of looomoUvo engin
eers on tho subjoct of wages.
A bill to provldo dlroet appeal to
tho supromo court of tho United
States from tho highest tribunal of a
utato when questions nffectlng tho
federal constitution aro coucernod,
was favorably reported by tho sonato
judiciary committee
Tho remains of the horoos recov
ered from the wrecked battleship
Maine, Jn Havana harbor, woro laid
to rest at Arlington.
Dispatches from Gyangzo, Tibet,
Bey the Ohlnoso havo estnbllshod n
rprcetaiivo council at Lhasa, tho
capital of Tibet, aud proclaimed a
Tho democratic tariff wool bill
passed tho houso Monday.
.Tapnn has secured no baso on Mag
dalcna bay, Moxico.
nrlgadlor General A. II. Carey, U. S.
A. retired died at his winter homo In
Industrial workers of tho world aro
not wanted in Pacific coast cities.
President Mndero says peace will
bo speedily restored In Mexico.
Porto Rlcans protest to Secretary
Knox against frco sugar tariff.
A bill designed to (break up Uio
shipping pools was offered In tho
There is no provlous record of such
a Hood as now prevails in tho lower
Mississippi valley.
A bill authorizing tho appointment
of dental surgeons in tho navy was
passed by tho senate.
Senator Bailey blamed woman and
labor agitators for tho war declared
on phosphorus matches.
According to a forecast at Washing
ton tho lower Mississippi floods will
be tho worst on record.
Secrotnry Wilson dofended tho agri
cultural department's actions In tho
Florida everglades case.
Secretary Utiles says a majority of
tho republican national committeemen
aro favorable to Taft.
Senator Dixon promises "big
speeches" by Colonel Roosovolt In 1i1b
coming tour of tho south.
Captain ScdTU's ship returns from
south polar region with nowB that ho
1b still far from tho pole.
Cases involving tho power of tho
states over railroad rateB are beforo
the federal Biipremo court
Minors in both unthraclto and bi
tuminous field censo work, ponding
settlement of wngo dispute.
Twenty-one thousand settlers for
tho Canadian northwest arrived in
Winnipeg from tho old country.
Socialists woro dofcated In Mil
waukee and LaFollctte ran well ahead
In tho Wisconsin stntowido primary.
Miss Katlo Mandell, en route from
Russia to Omaha, but detained nt Ellis
Island, has been ordered released.
Tho houso passod, 172 to 17, a bill
creating a children's bureau In tho
department of commorco and labor.
Tho fourteenth annual convention
of tho National Association of Re
tail Druggists will bo held in Milwau
kee, August 2G-31.
Rear Admiral Nicholson assumed
command of tho newly organized
"China squadron," and raised hlB flag
on tho Rainbow.
National and etato banks to the
number of 3,000 or moro will bo In
terrogated by tho houso money trust
Invc3(lrating commlttoo.
Tho Eastern Star Masonic home, an
institution' for old members of Mason
ic and ISmstorn Star orders of Iowa,
burned to tho ground at Boone.
Funeral cervices for Calbraith P.
Rodgers, tho aviator, wero held in
Pasadena, Cnl., and tho body waa
sent to Pittsburgh, Pa., for burial.
James Wilson, secretary of tho De
partment of Agriculture, delivered Ida
first speech In Illinois in favor or tho
ro-clccflon of President Taft of Cham
paign. Senator Crawford's bill, looking to
an international Inquiry into tho high
cost of living, was ordored favorably
roported by tho senate committee on
forolgn rotations.
Commander Sponcor S. Wood of
tho navy, Admiral Dowoy's nldo from
1004 to 1908, will got no additional
pay for those sorvicoB, according to
n supromo court decision.
It Is against tho law for a lodge or
club to sell intoxicants' In a county In
Missouri which has voted out saloons
according to a decision of tho Kansas
City court of appeals.
Boatrlco Anna Baldwin Turnbull,
nllogod daughter of Ellas L. (Lucky)
Baldwin, has lost her long fight In tho
courts to got a share of tho $30,000,-
000 estato left by tho famous turfman.
This is what Madero of Moxico
says: "Whatever happens I shall bo
found nt my post. I shall not resign.
Reports U'.at havo boon published that
1 intend to leavo tho presidency aro
As a result of tho alloged Insubor
dination of Privates Frank Carroll and
Frank Cunningham, Sergeant Clnrcnco
Brltton, who Is In chargo or tho Yol
lowstono National Park, asserts ho
was compelled to shoot both mon.
Senator Ashburst, ono of Arizona's
first mombera In tho uppor houso of
congress, said ho would soon lntro
duco a bill for tho recall or Judges,
but would not Includo tho supremo
court or tho United States in its pro
visions. Secretary of State Knox visited tho
country which gave birth to L'Ouvor
ture, Dessnllncs and Ohrlstopho, tho
thrco great negro revolutionists of
Hnyti, nnd nt tho prosldontlal dinner
gavo some advice to tho present-day
negro republicans ns to how to obtain
prosperity through Internal penco and
International good bohavlor,
Aviator Cnl. P. Rodgers was killed
by a fall at Long Beach, Cnl.
General Grant, not In good honlth,
has gono south to recuporato.
W. J. Bryan crltisod both Taft and
Harmon in his Des Molnos speech.
In tho Vermont primaries Taft got
421 and Roosovolt 245.
Last words from Capt. Scott put him
1C0 miles from tho south pole.
Tho sonato haB Just boon enlarged
by four new Bonators from Now Mex
ico and Arizona.
WobBtor Snyder, ono of tho. builders
of tho Union Pnclflc, dlod at Dallas,
Tho daughtor of Senator La Follotto
is making somo addrossoH In Ne
braska. United States Senator Taylor of
Tennessee died in Washington Sun
Doubts As to Prof. Taylor Being
Well Informed by a Brief Visit
to the Institution.
Since coming to Lincoln, Prof.
Graham Taylor of Chicago uiiivcisity
has delivered a number of addrosBis
in each or which he Is quo! oil as In
dulging severe strictures on the ir-mi-ngemont
or tho Nebrnska peniten
tiary. Among other things ho is quot
ed as naylng that prisoner confined
there wero better men than the late
Warden Delahunty nnd he also In
dulged In unsparing criticism of con
ditions which now prevail. Ofllclals
assort that all Prof. Taylor knows
about conditions at the prison he ob
tained during a forty-minute visit to
tho Institution, during which ho
walked through and talked a few
minutes with Morloy and a few other
Warden Mellck and tho Board of
Public Lands and Buildings, which
has chargo or tho prison, assert that
Buch Intemperate language, founded
on Uttlo or no information and no op
portunity to ascertain the truth or
falsity of stories on which they are
predicated, aro tho most baleful in
fluence they have to combat at pres
ent. All such stories find their way
back to tho convicts and produco a
Bplrlt of resentment and insubordina
tion which renders the task of get
ting matters back to tho normal just
that much more difficult.
Just as long as such agitation, It is
said, Is kept up, It will bo necessary
to enforce restrictions on the con
victs which would not bo required If
agitation did not render them dissat
isfied, according to officials, and in
stead of bettering tho condition of
tho convictB some who doubtless
mean well aro standing in tho way of
As to former Warden Delahunty, It
Is pointed out that when Warden
Smith was in chargo all the convicts
oxcopt ono petitioned Governor Shal
lenberger to havo Delahunty retained
us deputy warden.
Mannger Lee of tho Lee Broom and
Duster company, which has the con
tract for prison labor, Is being
prodded to llnd work for moro men.
Ho was offered 294 nnd took only 169.
Tho board will Insist that ho pay for
tho excess whether ho usea them or
not, as his contract calls for 325
men, and It is none of tho business
of tho board If tho company 1b over
stocked with goods.
Can Retain the Fees.
Deputy Attorney Genoral Ayres, in
reply to a question from Sewnrd
county, has said that a county Judgo
who is doing an abstract business and
who has given bond under tho law
regulating abstractors, has a right to
retain fees which ho collects for the
making of abstracts of title outside
of his ofllclal work. Tho deputy at
torney general has also decided that
the election cAlled In Ulalno county
In tho year 1911 to abolish tho ofllco
of county assessor was legal and that
tho ofllco has been abolished aud tho
county assessor cannot hold ovor un
der tho law of 1911 extending tho
term of county assessors ono year.
Bids for State Printing.
Bids for state printing will bo re
ceived by tho state printing bureau
July 1. NotlcoB havo been sent to
prlntors Informing them that bids
will be received on biennial reports
of several Btate dopartmonts and on
miscellaneous printing for the state.
Twenty-three Divorces Granted.
During tho month of March twenty-throe
dlvorceB were granted by tho
district court of Lancaster county,
decrees helng granted to soveuteen
womon and six men. The most com
mon complaint upon which applica
tions wero based was that of crucRy.
Norrls Coming to Nebraska.
Unless tho contest ovor tho parcols
post In tho hoiiBo precincts. Congress
man Norrls contemplates coming to
Nebraska for tho wlndup of tho pri
mary campaign. It Had been under
stood that neither Norrls nor Brown
would personally tnko part In tho
campaign, but plans seoinod to havo
boon changed.
A Lengthy Ballot.
Secretary Thomas of tho stato
printing bureau has mndo nn esti
mate of tho length of tho ballot In
Clay county, whero ho resides, nnd
finds It will bo flvo foot long. In other
counties It muy bo much longer on
account of moro cnudldnteB for
county ofllcos.
Dogs, Hound or Otherwise, Barred.
Commandant Iltlynrd of tho MUford
homo for soldiers does not bollovo In
kicking the dog around, but ho has
Issued an ultimatum to a member of
tho homo that ho must not keep a
dog In his room on tho second floor.
Tho old soldier and his wlfo who own
tho animal both resent this ruling and
make the counter charge that Com
mandant llllynrd hlmsoU keops a dog
Tho letter says ho does not keep his
Eskimo dog In the house. Tho can
ine of tho old soldier must go or ho
sad his wife must do so.
Question Comes Up As to Workings
of the Same.
Aro real estato mortgages held by
stato banks taxablo under the now
mortgngo taxation law? This ques
tion has been propounded by a banker
to tho nttorney general und referred
to Henry Seymour, secretary or stato
board or equalization and assessment.
Mr. Seymour takes tho position that
when a bank loans runds on real es
tato and takes a mortgage on real es
tato and no agreement Is made be
tween the parties aB to who shall pay
the tax on tho mortgage, tho mort
gage Is not taxablo to tho bank. In
tho event tho money Is borrowed from
a prlvnto person, the mortgage is
Mr. Seymour argues that stato
banks need not pay taxes on mort
gages becauso tho money which they
loan on such property Is not assessa
ble to banks. Loans and deposits are
not assessed against banks, but de
IKslts aro assessed to depositors.
Hanks aro assessed upon capital
stock. Tho mortgage taxation act
provides that the plan of taxation of
mortgages shall not apply to corpora
tions whose property Is exempt from
taxation. This section, Mr. Seymour
believes, exempts loans and discounts
of banks from taxation, therefore
mortgages owned by banks are ex
empt. Ills ruling does not apply to
mortgages held by banks as collateral
Tho attorney general's department
Is Inclined to tho belief that a mort
gage may becomo In fact an Interest
In real estato and taxable as real
estate. Mr. Seymour says If this Is
true, money Invested In mortgages of
banks must bo deducted from capital
stock upon which taxes are paid, for
the revenue law provides that real
estate and other property of banks
taxablo separately, shall be deducted
from capital stock on which taxes aro
paid. If bank mortgages are assessed
as real estate and deducted from capi
tal stock, In most Instances stato
banks would pay no tax on capital
stock, becauso loans nnd discounts of
ten exceed tho amount of capital
stock. National banks are not permit
ted to loan funds on real estato.
Tubers Are High.
Potatoes aro higher this spring
than they have been for several years.
Saturday they retailed from 51 to 55
cents a peck. They sold close to $2
a bushel. Last spring commission
men had large consignments on hand
and expected to realize big prices for
them. Instead they lost considerable
money, for potatoes dropped as low
as ninety cents a bushel. The specu
lators had underestimated the amount
of stock on hand. This season, it is
declared, they are making big profits.
Tho shortage Is marked and no ono
seems to know when tho advance will
be chocked. '
Primary Bill Too Late.
I. D, Evans of Kenesaw, author of
the primary law nnd ono of Its most
persistent champions, said that It was
manifestly a mistako to havo tho
presidential and stato primary at tho
same time. ."Thoro Is too much for
tho voter to grasp In such a primary
to obtain really intelligent actldn.
Either the selection of state officers
or the presidential preference will bo
to somo extent neglected in the scan
ning of such an abnormally long bal
lot," ho said.
Lapsley Ends In Prison.
Lloyd Lapsley of ljeatrico last week
made tho Inst station of his wedding
Journey, which was tho penitentiary.
Lapsley Is an electrical engineer who
formerly lived at Bentrlco until the
district judgo and a jury transferred
Ills address to the prison. Ho forged
a check for $200 and with the pro
ceeds started on a wedding journey.
Sheriff J. L. Schlok of Gage county
overhauled him at Dennison, Tex. His
trial resulted in nn " indeterminate
sentenco of from two to ton years.
To Play Nebraska Wesleyan.
Crelghton university will play Ne
braska Wesloyan college In tennis on
May 4 according to an agreement
mndo last week. The Coyotes will be
on an extended tour through Nebras
ka,' Iowa nnd Kansas and while In
Omaha will meet both Omaha uni
versity and Crelghton, the former on
May 3.
Workman Accident Association.
A workman nccldont association or
ganized nmong the Ancient Order or
United Workmen In this state, and
patterned nfter tho Woodmen nccl
dont association, Is shortly to becomo
an nctlvo organization in this state.
Application for tho right to organize
and do business in tho stato was Hied
with tho stato auditor.
Mr. Bryan on Speaking Tour.
W. J. Bryan left for an extended
speaking tour of tho middJo and east
ern states, during which, it was stat
ed by thoso who havo arranged his
Itinerary, ho will make a number or
political addresses and will speak
pointedly on candldncies and policies.
Notified to Pay Up.
Tho secretary or stato is sending
notices to corporations to pay tho an
nual occupation tax to tho stato,
whloh 1b duo tho 1st dny of July of
each year. '
Permit to Burlington.
The railway commission has given
tho Burlington road permission to ab
sorb switching charges on snnd
shipped from pits that nro on Burling
ton lines and are not- readied by other
roads, when Uio freight amounts to
t v.u a cur.
Levees Are Constantly Breaking and
Around Cairo, III., the Country
Is One Big Ocean.
Cairo, 111. Thirty thousand persons
homeless, 2,000 square miles of coun
try Inundated, thirty persons drowned
and a financial loss of $10,000,000 con
stitute tho result of a twb weeks' flood
In tlio Missouri valley.
These llgures wero arrived at by
government engineers and ofllclals or
stato levee loards engaged In hatUlng
tho ravaging sweep ot the Mississippi
river from points in Illinois to threat
ened places In Mississippi and Arkan
sas. Water Is injuring into Arkansas
through three now break In tho leveo
south of Memphis. These gavo way
and several hundred square mlle3 aro
subject to flooding.
Railroad traffic in theso sections is
practically paralyzed. Hundreds or
persons still are menaced by the tide
of tho river at points In lower Mis
souri, northwest Tennessee and Ar
kansas. They aro marooned on house
tops, in trees and on anchored rafts
directly in. the sweep of tho river.
Conservative judgment at Memphis
last night was expressed in belief
that the great majority of the30 flood
prisoners would bo rescued.
Tho most dangerous point In the
flood situation Sunday was at Gold
en lake, uio Arkansas levee guarding
the pressure of tho Mississippi. Had
this embankment been breached it
would have added to tho tide already
sweeping through northwest Arkan
sas. At 9 o'clock at night tho Golden
lake levco held and as it continued to
bafflo tho swirl of tho Hood danger In
tho southern part or tho valley in
creased. As long as tho Hood remains
in the lovecs north the strain on tho
southern embankments Increases.
Hourly the danger zone works
southward. In their upper reaches
tho Ohio and Mississippi rivers aro
practically at a standstill. This means
that the flood's crest now is exerted
on tho dikes from tho Missouri line
There has been suffering among
thosands of refugees gathered In the
towns in the flood district. However,
this situation cannot continue, be
causo ofllclals or tho state and federal
government aro working to carry food
to tho homeless.
Stato and levee board ofllclals in
the districts south of Memphis havo
been laboring to top tho threatened
levees. Mississippi stato officials think
their embankment will hold. Never
theless tho niennco to states border
ing tho Mississippi south of Memphis
will not have ceased until the great
river's rushing waters havo hurled
themselves Into tho 'gulf.
Cairo at this time is an island city,
surrounded by an ocean of water, the
crest or which is ten feet higher than
tho average level of the city. In
many places this wall or water stands
twenty feet higher than tho street
Generous donations from all parts of
Kentucky aro being sent to. Hickman
to aid the 3,500 flood refugees who
havo struggled Into that city.
Workers Want Free Speech.
San Francisco, Cnl. With tho
events of the last week, the struggle
between tho employers of tho Pacific
coast and the Industrial Workers of
tho World, has narrowed.
A manifesto Issued by tho San
Diego Freo Speech league says tho
league Is making the fight to spread
open shop propaganda. Tho question
of higher wages and shorter hours
has been eliminated, at least tempo
rarily, in tho northwost by tho stand
of tho strikers on tho sole issue of
recognition of tho Industrial Workers'
Sergeant Walsh Claims Record.
San Francisco. Sergeant Clem
ents Walsh, aged Gl years, claims tho
record for tho walking round trip
rrom San. Francisco to Now York,
having arrived at the Presidio Into
Sunday. Tho provlous record, hold by
Edward Payson Weston, was eighteen
days longer.
Governor Wilson Robbed.
Chicago. Thieves, apparently with
political affiliations, broko into tho
rooms or Governor Woodrow Wilson
or Now Jersey and stole a suitcase
full of private correspondence and
papers belonging to Governor Wilson.
Mother Found Guilty.
North Yakima, Wis. Mrs. Eva Ber
lalon, on trial for tho murder of her
in an irrigated ditch, was found
in an irrigated dittcli, was found
guilty of manslaughter.
Riot Cases Are Dismissed.
Albert Lea, Minn. On tho motion
of tho county attorney "tho Glenvlllo
riot cases" wero dismissed in tho dis
trict court here. Nearly ono year ago
Dr. J. P. Freomau or Glenvlllo was
tarred and feathered as ho loft his
office for liis homo.
Again Under Arrest.
Chicago. Alfred II. Monroe, presi
dent of tho Globe association, was ar
rested by United States officers on- a
warrant charging he was about to for
feit his bonds of $5,000.
ffsvra Notes of Interest from Varloua
Work on tho now Christian church
art Au'burn has commenced.
Ashland's now Carncgio library has
been formally oponed.
Hartington waa without mail for
nlmost a week on account of high
Tho flood damage at West Point
was sovore. Some families wero com
pelled to acato their homes.
A warrant was sworn out at Wy
moro charging E. W. Soveranco and.
his son or that city with illegal voting
urt. tho election.
The women's clubs of tho Third
congressional district will meet in Te
kamah on April 10 and 17. Elaborate
plans are being laid by tho local club.
Mrs. Mariel C. Gore, widow of
Charles 11. Gere, founder and editor
of tho Lincoln Journal until his death
in 1904, died last week.
Tho Auburn Commercial club select
ed J. M. Burrows and II. C. Green as
delegates to represent the club at Uio
National Drainage congress to be held
in New Orleans.
A $2,000 pipe origan will be installed
In Uio lnethodist church at Peru some
time during tho present year. Mr. Car
ncgio has written that he will assist
in tho work.
Louis Byour of Wahoo, a German,
shot and killed his wife and then com
mitted suicide. The tragedy, which
was tho result or family discord, took
place in the Byour homo.
Tho Crosby company is Uio name
of a now corporation Uiat has filed
articles with the secretary of state.
The company's principal place of
business Is Lincoln.
Superintendent Graham of the Wy
moro High school for tho past seven
years has tendered his resignation, to
take effect on the close of the present
term. Mr. Graham will accpt a posi
tion wiUi an eastern text book com
Iany. At Uio recent town elections, some
places that had been wet arrayed
themselves In the dry column, and.
vlco versa. CI030 inspection, however,
seems to indicate that the wets have
slightly increased their holdings in
tho state.
Superintendent W. R. Hull, who
was tendered tho position of superin
tendent of the Wood River schools by
the unanimous vote of tho board at
their last meeting, has resigned, as
all tho high school Instructors refused
to contract for tho year 1912-13. "
The new Carnegie library, which
has just been completed in North
Platte, was opened last week with an
Informal reception held in tho library
building. The building lAis just been,
completed at a cost of about $12,000,
which includes the cost of Uio site.
The county board of Dodge county
voted to take action for rebuilding
tho bridge over the Platto at once. It
is proposed to put in steel spans the
same as those now standing. Almost
every bridge of any length In tho
county Is out and the damage to
roads Is greater Uian was anticipated.
Charley Morley and Hartford Reed,
charged with participation in the re
cent murders at the state penitenti
ary, were arraigned in district court
at Lincoln before Judge Stewart.
Morloy pleaded not guilty to the
charges contained in tho informations
which had been filed against him,
while Reed declined to plead and a
plea of not guilty was entered in his
behalf by tho court. '
Tho Alliance public library has
been installed in its new home with
out any ceremony. This library was
hlUierto housed in the basement of
the Phelan opera house, where it was
founded several years ago by the Wo
men's club of Alliance. Through the
efforts of this club, sufficient funds
wero raised to meet tho conditlona
required by Mr. Carnegie, who donat
ed $10,000 towards the building,
which is ono of the best in tho city,
being built of pressed brick, with
stone ladings in Uie Gothic style.
Something In the nature or a hair
raising experience, says the Lincoln
Journal, was accorded tho governor
or Nebraska when ho returned from
tho stato fisheries near South Bend
Sunday evening. In order to reach
South Bend Governor Aldrich was
compelled to croea a railroad bridge
a part of which had all been carried
away but tho rails and ties. For a
stretch or moro than ilfty feet he
walked over ties suspended only by
tho swinging rails.
Judge T. C. Munger or the federal
court overruled a motion for a new
trial In tho case of tho United States
vs. Fred A. Corbln, and also overruled
a motion for an arrest of Judgment.
Corbln was formerly postmaster at
Reynolds, Neb., and was convicted
several months ago on a charge or
embezzlement. Tho derendant alleged
that tho Indictment was defective on
teclmlcal grounds, but this view was
not sustained by Judgo Munger. Cor
bln was charged with having taken
money from tho fund collected In
handling the postofflco business,
which ho did In connection with his
store, and paying his porsonal bill
with it.
Mrs. Loui9 Lohms, a farmer's wire
residing a few miles west of Edgar,
died last week of ptomaino poisoning,
as a result or eating welnerwurst.
Tho wholo family wero more or less
Tho Lincoln Traction company has
filed an amended r.ppllcatlon with
Uio stato railway commission asking
for leavo to Issue $93,000 of bonds or
prcrerred stock to pay for Improve
ments already made. Tho original re
quest was for $81,175 of stock 0;
bonds. An amended list of improve
ments which it Is desired to pay for
Is filed In nn itemized form