The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 12, 1912, Image 1

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    8toto Historical Soototf
fltti-KMtto fftrifamr
Just Arrived
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
washable and white dresses.
All Styles, all Sizes from $1.00 up.
Ladies9 Princess Slips
in all shades, all sizes, in washable and silks.
Mrs. P. H. Longeran left this morn
ing to spend several days with friends
in the western part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizor have in
vited the Harmony club to spend Mon
day evening with them.
Mrs. Martin Cowee, of Atwood, Col.,
arrived Wednesday to visit her mother,
Mrs. A. S. Chamberlain for a couple of
Special saleof oranges at the Tramp
grocery today and tomorrow.
Mrs.-Caruon, wife of Dr. Carson of
Council Bluffs, came last night to spend
two waeks or more with her mother
.Mrs. Geo. M. Smith.
Milk, cream, and skimmed milk;
whipping cream a specialty, for sale by
Mrs. H. M. Hershey, 417 W. 5th St.,
near Locust, phone 380.
Theodore Lowe, Jr., John Cornett
and George Zentmeyer will leave to
night for Salt Lake City to spend
several days on business for tho Union
Friends in town received word Wed
nesday of the death of A. H. Lisle of
Hershey, at the age of eighny-two. Be
sides his wife to mourn him are left
his daughter Mrs. Hewitt of Hershey,
and John Lisle of this city.
Joe Pizer entertained a number of
his small friends today at a birthday
party. A couple of hours were spent
in games and a number of gifts pre
sented to the young host. A nicely
prepared lunch was served.
The shelving and counters for the
drug department of tho Rincker store
arrived last night after a delay of over
two weeks. The furnishings will bo
.placed in position at once and tho stock
Oranges at 10c per dozen at the
Tramp grocery today and tomorrow.
All members of the Lady Maccabees
are requested to bo present at the
regular meeting, April 13th. There
will be a kitchen shower for the benefit
of the lodge, and each member is re
quested to bring an article. A ton cent
lunch will be served.
H. C. Diesem, in charge of U. S.
irrigation investigation in Nebraska
and South Dakota, reports that tho
peoplo all over tho western portion of
the state are beginning to investigate
tho possibility of installing largo pump
ing plants for the purpose of irrigation.
tinte a lew plants aro oemg instaiieu
at the present time and the data rela
ting to them is being collected with the
view of aiding in the installation of
other plants. Mr. Diesem will no doubt
give a great portion of his time to the
study of wnter and tho installation of
pumping plants.
For Sale.
Thoroughbred Plymouth rock eggs
for setting. 50 cents per setting or 3
per hundred. Albert Haspel.
Shoes Cash
Believing that advertisement is the sure
road leading to a successful business, call
at The Hub Shoe Department, and investi
gate our "Cash Prize Offer" to be given
away every month.
The Hub Shoe Department
Mrs. Thos. Healey will entertain the
Indian card club Wednesday afternoon
of next week.
For two days the Tramp grocery
offers oranges from 10c a dozen up.
Ernest Casey and Ernest Winters re
signed their positions here this week
left last evening for Portland to locate.
Lost, strayed or stolen, my grey
overcofit. Finder or thief return and
get reward. E. A. Cary.
Mrs. Dahlstrom. livincr on west Sixth
street, submitted to an operation for
appenuicitis at St. Luke's hospital yes
terday. No morning service will be held at
the Presbyterian church Sunday. Sun
day school will, however, bo held at the
usual hour.
Pictorial Review patterns, one of tho
most reliable patterns. E. T. TitAMP.
The Junior class of the high school
will give an entertainment and social
in the central building tonight. All
are invited.
Those who have contributions for the
Elks' carnival will please notify F. J.
McGovein and a messenger will call, or
the articles may be sont direct to tlie
Elks' home. Tho committee is now
ready to receivo these contributions.
Everything in the dainty wash
fabrics. Just one look will convince you
as to their superior quality.
E. T. Tramp.
At a meeting of the Chamber of
Commerco Wednesday evening a com
mittee composed of Ira L. Bare, J. Q.
Wilcox anu F. L. Mooney was ap
pointed to meet with tho city council
and see what arrangements can be made,
if any, in having a water main laid to
the cemetery; or if this is not satisfac
tory, to ascertain if it would not be
possible for the city to take over, own
and maintain tho cemetery. It is time
that this cemetery proposition receive
the consideration due it; it has been an
eye sore for a quarter of a century.
Wo believe that the whole citizenship
of North Platto is interested in this
matter and that they will support a
proposition looking to the betterment of
We have plenty of money to loan on
good real estate security. No detay
waiting for money.
Buchanan & Patterson.
The Chamber of Commerce is now
working on a plan to establish what
will bo known a3 n "publicity fund".
Members of tho organization instead
of making individual donations for
i'ourtn ot July celebrations, expenses
of entertaining conventions,, and liko
purposes, will pay into this publicity
fund a stated amount each year, and
the board of directors will disburse tho
fund according to their best judgmont.
If contributions are asked for proposi
tions that do not meet the approval of
the board, they will have the power to
turn it down. Under thiB plan if a
solicitor approaches a business man for
a donation, the business man simply
refers the solicitor to tho board of
Prize. Shoes
I. W. Chnppcll, of Brady, is vjsiting
his daughter Miss Clco Chappcll.
Carl McGrew, of the postofilco force,
is taking his vacation and Fred Rector
is carrying the mail on Route 2.
Tru Tallinn nnrl rlnnrrlitnr Mm.
Lester Wnker returned Inst night from
Ravenna whore they nttended tho Dil-lon-McCready
Forecast for North Platto and vicin
ity: Unsettled weather, probably
showers, cooler tonight nnd Saturday.
Highest temperature yesterday 72; a
year ago 72. Lowest teirperaturo 4G;
a year ago 42. .
Mesdames M. K. Neville and D. T.
Quigley entertained forty ladies at
cards on Wednesdny afternoon and a
kensington was hold yesterday. Both
functions wore given at the Neville
residence. Tho decorations, place cards
and refreshments were in lavender and
white and suggestive of tho Easter,
Fifteen members of the Tennis club
mot last evening in tho Buchanan Ss
Patterson office nnd made plans for tho,
summer games. William Otten wad
elected president, F. T. Redmond sec
rotary and treasurer and a committee
of tnree namely, H. Munger, Emil
Vosoinkn nnd Clark Ruchnnnn nn-i
pointed to solicit now members. The
court on west 3rd street will be fixed up
and practice begin next week.
"Bettor than ever" is the phrase
symbolic of tho Al. G. Field Greater
Minstrels, that supreme aggregation of
mirth-producers who havo surpassed
tho most olaborato of tho veteran min
strels's earlier productions. This
splendid aggregation of gloom-dispel-lers
will play hero on Wednesday oven
of next week, and indications aro that
a capacity house will greet Field, and
his annual coming is always featured
by a cordial reception from his old and
now patrons. Field is now making his
twenty-sixth annual tour.
Sheriff Salisbury returned last even
ing from Grand Island, having been
summoned there by a message from
Officer Arborgast stating that tho
principles in the recent robbery at
Ginn, White & Schatz's store had been
captured. The two men were arrested
at the Burlington depot as they were
ready to leave for Kansas City to which
place they had shipped the stolon
goods. Their appearance and actions
aroused suspicion and after bqing ar
rested they confessed to robbing stores
at Ogalalla, Lodgepole and other places.
They are about twenty and twentv-two
years of age. Tho case came up
iui uiui iii me tuuuiy cuun una morn
Sunday Afternoon Meeting.
"Mr. E. L. Hamilton, of the New
York Central Lines, will address tho
x . M. (,, A. meeting at 4 p. m. Mr.
Baskerville, of Omaha, will sing. Every
man in North Platte is cordially invited
to attend.
I will be pleased to have all patrons
nwinnr nn nnitnimf n TMirt n yoll
and mako arrangement for settlement.
mm r., n ni
. a. oAnna, r rup. cir
Saturday, April 13, 1912,
5:30 to
1 Music by Crystal
m Olives
Roast Turkey. Oyster Dressing
, Roast Beef, Mushroom'Sauce
Creamed Potatoes, Combination Salad
Ice Cream and Cake
Having thoroughly remodeled the interior of
the Palace Cafe, I cordially invite the public to at
tend this Grand Opening.
RICH! UGAI, Proprietor.
President Mohler Here Saturday.
In reply to a letter addressed to
President A. L. Mohler urging nction in
giving North Platto a new depot, E. F.
beeberger received a letter today from
Mr. Mohler stating that he would como
to North Platte Saturday evening, meet
the business men and discuss the prop
osition. This meeting will be held at the Elks'
hall Saturday evening at eight o'clock,
and all tl'ose interested in tho matter
are urged to attend.
Buys Stockyards.
Tills week John Burke purchased the
interest of John Bratt In the I'nion
Stockyards Co. nnd thus becomes tho
sole owner of the property. Members
of Mr. Burke's family will officer the
company. Mr. Burke has been connected
with the company-both financially and
as manager for a long term of years
and largely through his efforts the
yards havo tho reputation of being
among tho best conducted on the entire
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific
Dr. Leavitt to be Here Sunday.
Dr. Leavitt, superintendent of tho
Nebraska division of tho Society for
the Friendless, wil visit North Platto
next Sunday. In the morning ho will
occupy the nulpit at tho Baptist church,
in the evening will address a union ser
vice of four churcheb at tho Prosby
terian church.
The Society for tho Friendless deals
with prison reforms, uses its kindly
offices for the betterment of convicts,
and uses its influences with those who
havo been liberated after serving a sen
tence in prison.
Inaugurate Y. M. C. A. Campaign.
A half dozen committees composed of
four or fivo men each today begin a
campaign which it is hoped will re
sult in wiping out the indebtedness of
of the local Y. M. C. A. To assist in
this campaign there arriyed yesterday
E. L. Hamilton, executive secretary of
the Y. M. C. A. on tho New York Cen
tral lines, and W. E. Baskerville, as
sistant state secretary for Nebraska.
Last evening these gentlemen met with
a number of our citizens, outlined the
plans of campaign, selected the com
mittees, and arranged for beginning the
campaign today.
About $1,000 is needed to pay associa
tion indebtedness, and if $800 is raised
by tho committees the remaining $200
will be donated from tho Sidney Dillon
fund. This latter donation is contingent
pn our people subscribing the $800.
Tho local association, like associations
the country over, is not self-sustaining,
and to maintain it donations from our
peoplo are necessary. It has been about
two years since citizens have been
asked for subscriptions, and in view of
this lapse of time since assistance has
been asked, each one interested in tho
moral upbuild of the city should froely
give his share toward wiping out tho
Acreage Tract for Sale.
Will sell block 59 of Platteview Sub
division for $500.00. The block con
tains 2.G9 acres and is very high leve
block. Wm. E. Shuman.
8:30 p. m.
Theatre Orchestra.
'1 ffr d'rt. I
We have a very large and new line of pretty
Rings, Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds and
Torquois in all styles and sizes. ,
Let us show you.
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First National lUnk
Local and Personal
Mrs. Frank Winklemnnloftlnst night
for Fremont to spend several weeks.
A. R. Adamson returned Wednesday
from Cheyenne after visiting his son
for two weeks,
Harley Greeson has returned to tho
state university, after visiting with the
homo folks.
Attornoy Victor Wilson, of Stroms
burg, is among the business visitors
in town this week.
John Brntt loft Wednesday evening
for Omaha to Bpend several dayB on
business matters.
Bonds for $15,000 were voted in
Sutherland Tuesday for a new bridgo
over tho Platto river.
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Nichols, of
Council Bluffs, who visited John Herrod
this week, left Wednesday evening.
Mrs. William Maloney, Sr., left yes
terday aftornoon for Kearney to spend
ten dayB with relatives nnd friends,
Mrs. Wood White has as her guest
this week Mesdames Kirby and Engh,
of Chicago, who are enrouto to Salt
Mr. and Mrs. John Derolf are enjoy
ing a visit from tho former's parents
who anived yesterday afternoon from
Terra Haute.
Step into our dry goods departmont
nnd securo one of our Pictorial Review
fashion sheet. Free. E. T. TliAMP.
Mrs. Ben McMichael nnd children
camo home Wednesday from Choyenno
after spending a fortnight with rela
tives there.
Bring your crenm and poultry to the
North Platto Produce Co., and get the
highest cash mnrkot price. 422 West
Front St.
Arvid Samuelson, of tho Lincoln
Bchool of music will givo a concert nt
the Bonner residence on Thursday ovon
ing, April 18th.
Gorden Cronin, who recently re
turned from a veterinary college in Kan
sas City, left Wednesday for Alliance
to spend some time on business.
Storling muslin underwear. All
grades. Host prices. E. T. TitAMP.
Mrs. W. W. Keene, of Council BlufTs,
loft Wednesday morning nfter visiting
two weeks with her nephew Robert
Dickey and nieco Mrs. P. M. Sorenson.
Mrs. A. M. Locke nnd brothers Will
and Edward Yates went to Sutherland
Wednesday to attend the funeral of
their step-father, tho latn Mr. Conway.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engles, late of
hcotts, aro expected tins week nnd will
locate here, Mr. Enables llavinir re
cently purchased the Van Nntta
Pictorial Roview pattterns for Hale.
E. T. Tramp.
Tho Lady Forresters will hold a social
danco at the Lloyd opera house on
Tuesday evening, April 16th, Cards
will also be one of tho features of the
The employes of tho Burlington
shoos nt Havolock havo had their work
ing timo cut to forty hours per week.
They had been working fifty-fivo hours
per week.
Lawrence Lapp entertained n dozen
young friends nt his home in tho First
ward Wednesday evoning. Tho even
ing was spent in games after which a
nice lunch was served .
Tho third motor car dolivery was
placed on tho streets Wednesday when
Ralph Graham began delivering goods
for tho Wilcox Dept. Store, using a
Ford car for that purposo.
Tho Catholic Girls' Club will prepare
and serve an elaborate menu for tho
initiatory ceremonies to bo held by the
Knights of Columbus on Sunday, April
28th. It is expected that three hun
dred plates will be laid.
Send your worn-out carpets to tho
Lincoln Rug factory, Lincoln, Neb.
They will mako them into rugs and pay
the freight both ways for the regular
price. This offer is made rather than
nutting a solicitor in tho territory.
Write for price-list nnd shipping tags.
The caso of tho,. State ngainst Lovi
L. Stryson for assault and bnttery was
fought out in tho county court Monday.
Stryson was charged with an assault on
ono II. B.Russell, a machinist employed
.by tho U. P. nt this point. Afterhenr
,lng a largo number of witnesses and
argument of counsel on bo? sides, tho
cburt found in favor, of thodofondnntr
Tho loss of the delegates from Illinois
will not necessarily dofeat Taft in tho
national convention. Four years ago
Taft received but throe of the fifty
oight votes of tho Illinois delegation.
Just what effoct the Illinois vote will
have on otner states remains to bo
soon, but it is not believed that tho in
fluence will bo very groat.
Fit, comfort, sorvico nnd wearing
nualities nro to be found in Tho Hen
derson corset. E. T. Tramp.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Dolson enter
tained a score of friends on Tuesday
evening. Thoir beautiful new homo on
west Fifth street was thrown open to
tho guests and a series of interesting
games and contests furnishdd thoir
amusement. Prizes were won by Mrs.
John Voseipka and Miss Anna Dick.
An elaborate lunch was served at
Tho Catholic Girls club spent an en
joyable evening Wednesdny nt tho
homo of Mrs. Wm. P. Maloney, thirty
two members attending. High-five
wns tho ontortnining feature, tho prize
going to Mrs. James Hart, who cut
cards with Miss Rebhausen tp decide a
tie. Two course lunch wns served, tho
hostess being nssisted by Misses Mc
Willinms, McGovern, Murphy and
J offers.
Notice to Water Consumers;
Bills for wnter for the quarter com-,
mencing April 1st, 1912, are now being
mado up and will bo mailed to tho con
sumers within tho next fow days.
Kindly bring your bill with you when
you come to settle, as we have no
Bills aro payable at the office of tho
watorcommissionorin tho Keith theatre
Hershey S. Welch,
Water Oommissioner
and Saturday.
A Matter of Business.
The Girl He Left Behind.
Louis and Winnie Worth
in Time, Place and Girl and
Prince of Pilsen.
10c. and 15c,
To -Night