The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 09, 1912, Image 3

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earlv ndlustmont nf the difficulties
ernl dnva would miss before work
Moseley Common pits and also some
Sanitation Has Changed Plague
Center to Health Resort.
Is Called Parlo of Western World
Cost of Living Is High, but Busi
ness and Wages in All Indus
tries Are Good!
Rio Janeiro. Rio is the Paris of tho
Americas in- all that the name implies
nnd is ono of the loveliest, most mod
ern and" progressive cities in the
world. Tho flro and police depart
ments aro perfectly equipped and
maintain a remarkably high standard
of efficiency.
The people of Rio, by the expendi
ture of a vast amount of determina
tion, courage, energy and money, lit
erally havo accomplished marvels.
Fifteen years ago tho city was a mud
hole and a cesspooj of filth and dis
ease scourged by yellow fever and
many forms of pestilence. An Italian
warship visited the city at that time
and every officer and every man of
tho crew died of the fever. A foreign
crew had to bo hired to take the ship
back to Italy. Today Rio compares
favorably with ho healthiest cities in
the world. Sixty million dollars has
boon spent in tho last ten years for
8eworage, water, streets, etc. No bet
ter water supply exists. It is brought
cloar and cold from the mountains to
tho city in covered aqueducts of
stone. Thero are no flies, mosquitoes
or rats in Rio. For two years the city
maintained a force of 4,000 men en
gaged In their extermination, and with
entire success. Her public markets
are gems of beauty and clennllness;
screens aro unnecessary; Indeed, they
aro unknown In Rio, and tho meats
and fish can be exposed with perfect
safety, because there aro no flies nnd
Chance Visit to Sister In Seattle
Brings the Lovers of Early Days
Together Again.
Seattle, Wash. A romance that had
Its inception In Union, Nob., a quarter
of a century ago culminnted here
when Henry R. Wills, chief clerk at
tho Great Northern docks, and Harriot
Pollard Barnum of Union, Neb., wore
married at tho homo of tho bride's sis
ter, Mrs. Harvey E. Shotwell, No. 302
Tenth avenue, North.
In the 25 years Intervening since
they first met, both the bride and
brjdegroom woro married and bereft
of their partners.
Tho brido confessed that little did
she think when she left her home last
summer to visit AlaBka with her fa
ther, 81 yearB old, that she would meet
and marry Mr. Wills in Seattle.
Upon her return from Alaska the
afterward bride was persuaded to re
main 'ns the guest of hor sister, Mrs,
Snotwoll. Sho again mot Mr. Will
and the old acquaintance was re
The bride is a member of a well
known Nebraska family which has
figured In tho history of thnt stato
elnco 1855.
Pigeons 8top Phone Service.
Terro Hauto, Ind. Mysterious In
terruption In tho telophono service in
tho office of the Vnudalla master
mechanic, which occurred only at
night time, was tracod to roosting
pigeons in tho nttlc. They roosted on
a wire and their weight caused it to
como near another wlro which they
caught with their feet, thus establish
ing a short circuit.
between the men and their employers
could bo resumed. The ulcturo shows n
of the youngsters who must suffer if
no dust, whether on the Avenida Cen
tral, the Champs Elyseo of Rio, along
the docks or In the back alleys. They
are all as clean as tho constant use of
soap and water can keep them.. A
100-mile ride through the streets of
Rio does not. discover a scrap of pa
per. The public buildings aro mugnlfi
cent, the parkB, boulevards and ave
nues unique in their beauty. The de
partment of commerce and labor of
tho United States, in an official re
port, states that the beauty of Rio
Janeiro cannot be exaggerated; to
quoto: "It Is very much like Switzer
land for one cannot exaggerate Its
beauty. All is here the beautiful
location, tho well-planned city, the
well-paved streets, tho lovely vistas,
tho Avenue Central, with its million
of dollars' worth of buildings, and the
harbor Improvements that will cost
millions and lead the world." Rio's
park system is one of the most
notnble features of tho city. The
municipality has 507,000 square me
ters laid out in parks, squares and
parkwayH, and in addition the federal
government maintains most extensive
botanical gardens.
The climate Is excellent. It Is
never any warmer even In the center
of the city than tho average summer
weather In New York or Chicago, and
in lfi minutes on tho electric car the
heights overlooking the sea can be
reached where tho residential dis
tricts are located an i where the air
Is always cool and invigorating. The
winters last from May to October and
an overcoat is generally necessary.
Rlo's location, Its beautiful bay, tho
surrounding hills and mountains
clothed in cternnl verdure, are incom
parable. It Is a very cosmopolitan
city and her citizens have all the ele
gance, luxury nnd refinement of Paris,
Brussels or any European capital.
Stomach is Home of Soul
Kansas City (Mo.) Woman Advises
Sun, Exercise and Batons as
Best Religion.
Kansas City, Mo. A new lellglon,
centering In the stomach instead ot
the soul, and having salvation of this
life nnd not some tuture existence as
its aim, is being launched in Kansas
City by Mrs. Katheryn BoggB or To
peka. "All religions of the past," aoys Mrs.
Boggs, "have been bound with tra
ditions nnd unnecessary formality
and have made demands on human
credulity which were unreasonable.
Comfort, health, truth and peace,
whore they havo been present in the
religions of the past, wore accidental.
In my religion they are the objects.'
Last Easter Mrs. Hoggs opened Trin
ity Homo In Topeka for tho followers
of what she terms "Practical Chris
tianity." Whosoever wished to come
was welcome. To thin homo sho ex
pcctH to retum at some tlmo in tho
tuture, and admit all who desire to
live the new religion.
Some of the practices of tills re
ligion are: Daily bathR of sun, water
or clay sho says thero Is nothing so
good for tho body as pure air, sun
shine, water and soil. Tho religion is
essentially ono of the stomach. And
tho rule and guide to conduct Is, "lie
Mrs. Boggs says nil life centers
around the dlgestlvo apparatus. Tho
lirst thing n little child uses Is its
stomach. She nays Us future depends
more on this organ than on anything
else. By treating It right the child
THE strike of tho coal minors Is
causing great distress In England.
Scotland and Wales. Tho situation In
Wales Is acute. 1'inctlcnlly tho wholo
Hfo of the people In tho country de
pends "upon tho output of tho mines.
Hundreds of families In the vlr-Inlty
of Cardiff are In destitute circum
stances and In need of immediate re
lief. Tho striko pay of tho miners
has been cut down by tho union and
there will be, need of assistance. Men
in tho employ of the railroads nnd
other industries are being discharged
dally by the hundreds ns a result of
the strike. There Is some hopo of an
but when a settlement is reached, scv-
group of
tho strikers gathered at
their bi end-winners remain ldlo
Everybody looks prosperous, and as
most everybody i3 making money,
many are spending it fast. Rio is ono
of tho most costly places in tho world
to live, since everything eaten, worn
and used is Imported. Chickens aro
$3 and $4 apiece, turkeys $8 to $12
butter $1 a pound. An ordinary quarter-pound
can of baking powder cost
$1.08 on bargain day.
George V. of England Perfects a
Range Which Is Said to
Save Coal.
New York. King George of Eng
land has taken out a patent through
tho German crown prlnco, his cousin,
for a coal saving range, according to
dispatches published by a scientific
Journal. His majesty 1b said to havo
perfected tho device during the long
month of enforced Idleness following
his father's death. The crown prince,
who some time ago patented a pair of
non-slipping sleeve links, proposed
that he take out a patent in Germany
for King George and his offer was
promptly accepted.
The range hAs two ovens and Is bo
built that by pulling a lever tho con
tents of one side, including tho fire
beneath, may bo shifted across, thus
saving time nnd coal.
Huge Hock Falls.
Buenos AyreB, via Galveston, Tex.
The famous "pledra movediza," or os
cillating rock, near Tandll, in tho prov
ince of Buenos Ayres, has fallen down.
It was tho moat notable natural phe
nomenon in Argentina and was known
since tho tlmo of the discovery of
the country. Tho huge rock lay upon
another rock near tho edge of a cliff.
It swung to and fro on being touched
by hand, but the fiercest hurricane
was unable to dislodge 1L
Tho causo of Its collapse after so
many hundreds of years Is a mystery.
may develop Into a good man, nnd by
treating It wrong It may develop into
a criminal.
Government's Employer's Liability
Law Does Not Apply to Mine
Washington, D, C Although tho
government has an employer's liabil
ity law which applies to certain pnrts
of tho government sorvlco, the widow
and children of .John Ken ell, who lost
his life while exploring the burning
mine at Cherry Valley, I'a., will get
nothing. Ferrell was a mino rescue
worker In tho newly established fed
eral bureau of mines.
The widow of a laborer accidentally
Killed on tno I'annma canal gets a
year's pay. Tho aame benefits apply
to employes of tho reclamation serv
ice. Ferroll had personally saved at least
ton Uvea. At llrlcevlllc, Tenn., in
tho Cross Mountain mine disaster
he found nnd saved five miners, lie
was a miner nnd mine foreman for 31
Ferrcll'B pay was $1,000 a year. Ills
widow and children nro left without
means of support unless congress
passes a special act.
Jap Students Send Taft Trees.
.Soattle, Wash. Threo cherry treeB,
gifts to President Tnft from tho Agri
cultural college of tho Tokyo unl
verslty. have arrived hero on the
steamer Aawa.
Most.lmportant Work Is to Level
the Land.
Kinds of Soil and Crops, Time of
Planting, Amount of Rainfall, Sup
ply of Water and Tempera
ture Are Factors.
Tlio kinds of boII. tho kinds of
crops, the tlmo of planting, tho
amount of rnlnfall, tho supply of wa
ter and tho tempernturo are all fac
tors In tho production of Irrigated
crops, No llxud rules can bo nppllud
to meet all theso conditions nnd
much depends upon tho intelligence
and judgment of tho irrigator. Con
fining mysolf to the preparation of
now land3 and tho planting of tho first
crop of alfalfa, I may bo able to give
some pointers that might be of benefit
to beginners, writes M. V. Cochran In
tho Denver Field and Farm.
Tho first and most important work
is to level tho land. No slipshod
work will do. It must not bo Joft un
til tho water can bo gently run over
every point. If tho surface Is not suf
ficiently pulverized, put tho spike
tooth harrow on and set tho teeth
slanting, so that the cultivation will
bo superficial. - This being done, tho
next step is to get ready for tho seed
nnd water. If the water is to bo ta
ken from a ditch the tho sprouts nnd
Leveling Land Before
ntops must be in plnco; if from a
flume, which is best, tho holes muBt
be made and the stops In place.
I About tho tenth of April is usually
.the Bafest tlmo to sow at altitudes
of a mile or so. Uso twenty
pounds of ordinary alfalfa seed to
the aero nnd If a nurso crop is de
sired sixty pounds of beardless bar
ley can be put in, but tho modern
practice Is to sew tho alfalfa straight
nnd forget the grain. The seed may
be sown either by hand or by wheel
barrow sower. Now put on tho hnr
row again and go over It until all tho
seedB nro nicely covered up and then
go over with tho corrugating roller
tho same way on tho grado that tho
water is to run bo that tho field may
be sub-Irrigated. If a corrugator is
not at hand a home-mndo marker will
answer quite ns well. Tako threo
pieceB of 2xG five feot long. Dress
the front lower corners like a sled
and bolt on each an old cultivator
blade. Plnco them eighteen Inches
apnrt and spike boards across tho
top to hold them together, making a
platform to stand upon. Ubo a 2x0 for
a tongue. With tills and n gentle
team tho rows enn bo marked suffi
ciently straight.
Two very Important things nro to
bo guarded ngainBt. Tho lirst Is tho
wind nnd tho second 1b tho sun.
When the tender plants aro just out
of the ground you may go out in tho
morning and find a good stand and go
out In tho evening nnd not llnd a
single shoot. Tho dry sufaco and tho
bun have killed them nnd tho wind
has blown them away. Alfalfa Is a
slow grower for tho llrat ten days.
After that It la a prize winner for
growth, but of course a good deal de
pends upon the season ns to tho
warmth of tho ground and tho mois
ture of,the soil. As a rule wo do not
have to irrigate the alfalfa up In this
country nor do wo llko to do so, but
If it Is necessary tho corrugations nro
Just what are needed.
Irrigation Satisfactory.
We nro using an overhead irrigation
system In n small way and llnd it very
satisfactory. It consists In tho use of
n one-Inch water pipe. About every
four feet thero Is a tap and troni thlB
little tap the water is sent out by a
very lino spray, says a writer In an
exchange. After the water hns been
turned on for probably halt an hour
the earth Is almost muddy, but not In
clined to bnke. lor water does not get
down In any great quantity at onco,
It comes down gradually. 1 think it Is
a great system for strawberry cul
ture. We are using It In a small way
for strawberries ,and llnd It very sat
isfactory. Easy Cold Preventives.
Shelter, sunshine, exercise, dust
bath, clean water, a good bill of fare,
are the best preventatives of colds and
roup, and to furnish theno 1b chenpor
and easier than to cure.
Irrigation will bring maximum crops
while the land Is new nnd full or plant
food; but where tho crops aro sold
year by year Irrigation will not of It
self assure good results.
Cost of Irrigation,
It Is estimated that It costs from
$20 to J10 an acre to irrigate In some
umv h ' iH "aw Ss.iK3ffi CsiYSSfla "m -MJkT "v bV 2r??rMnHKPmEuiKMftj
"xuoa li wb mi w MrMaaTaMTSBMSaTaratg.ywHrmi Hi i.i'iiiMTBMffHSSeMSM
a . Er& Ifravwy5MhBfcailSaBHMKalBWBV
j-zjKhM -r jf fyrtfaTi il jPaRilKjCsv'IB'MBWSS'1' '" ' !" v-JEtt
In General Ono Source Is Usually as
Free From Injurious Alkalies as
the Other.
In roply to tho query: "Is there
any dlfferenco between well water and
rain or surface water for irrigating
purposes?" tho following roply la
mado by II. B. Wnlker of Manhnttan,
Thero has been considerable discus
sion relative to tho qualities of under
ground water compared with Bitrfaco
and stream water for Irrigation pur
poses. On account of tho Indoflnlto
source of much of tho underflow no di
rect comparison can bo made. In gon
oral, howovcr, ono sourco of supply
Is usually as frco from Injurious alka
lies as tho other. In tho semi-arid
bolt many streams disappear in tho
sands nnd thus supply tho underflow.
In other places tho underflow may bu
at great depths and thus freo from
tho leaching alkalies. Where tho uiii
dorllow hns percolated through soils
containing alkali thero is a tendency
for theso alkalies to bo dissolved nnd
thus bo preBont In tho water in solu
tion. This may tako plnco, however,
oven In tho stream water as well as
tho underflow.
Ordinary nlkali Is mado up of ono
or moro of tho following snlts in vary
ing proportions: Sodium chlorld
(common salt), sodium sulphnto
(Glauber's salt), magnesium sulphato
(EpBom salt), calcium chlorld, and
calcium sulphate, all of which nro
whito alkalies, and sodium enrbouato
(sal soda) or black alkali. Tho pros-
Irrigation, Check System.
onco of theso salts in largo quanti
ties becomes injurious to growing
vegetation nnd their presence is apt
to be encountered in aurfneo water as
well as well water. Well water may
bo colder than Biirfnco water and for
that reason it may not be quite bo do
sirablo for Irrigation purposes. On
account of tho usual methodB of dis
tribution this objection cannot bo
serious. Everything considered, it
would seem that ono source ot supply
1b ns good as tho other for tho usual
irrigation methods.
Not an Easy Matter to Secure First
Class Trees Irrigation Coata Just
the Same.
In discussing horticultural mattori
with a western man tho other day ho
said: "Tho most difficult point to
meet In orchard work Is to socuro tho
proper trees. Tho strain 1b Just as im
portant as variety. 1 llnd just as much
dlfferenco In treeB of tho samo variety
In tho quantity, slzo, color nnd annual
bearing of. fruit troes as in tho quan
tity of milk and tho buttor fat it con
tains in different cows of tho samo
breed. Every orchard of any slzo
contains at least a few trees of such
quality that if tho wholo orchard was
mado llko them, tho producing value
of tho ontlro orchard would be in
creased many times. And heroin Ilea
tho most Important point in socurlng
a high grado Investment In commer
cial orchards. It costs just as much
to prune, spray, irrigate and cultivato
the second or third rnto trcos as it
(Iocb the highest claBs tree and yet tho
latter is tho excoptlon. wo can se
cure bucIi trees in tho following man
ner: Arrange with several growers
who produce apples of tho desired va
rieties, And when tho ripening fruit
Is on tho tree, go carefully through
these orchards and tag with good
substantial tags that will last for
threo or four years tho trees that
produco tho largest, beat colored, and
best flavored fruit, havo tho best
habit of wood growth, and that dis
tribute the fruit properly ovor the
irjrvri r
0 1 L W B V
Tho farmer who uses cheap aires is
A horse should not be fed a largo
quantity of hay and grain without ex
ercise. The breed of white hogs is rapidly
disappearing from this country,
moro's tho pity.
Tho collar is the harness. Son to
it thnt tho collar fits. Collar boils nro
caused by ill-fitting collars.
Freo rango of hogs doos not mean
that they should bo allowed to run
over your neighbor's fnrm.
Plenty of bedding for tho horse is
as suro of a good return as any other
labor performed on the farm.
Tho cloverness with which a horso
walks Is one of tho host evidencos
(hat tho legs work in harmony.
Collar bolls need tho services of a
veterinarian. Ho will cut out tho llt
Uo sack that causes tho trouble.
Don't imagine for a
moment that all brands of
stove polish arc alike.
If your stoves become rusty and
dull sonn after they are polished it
shows tliat you are not using
Liquid and Paste Ono Quality
Black Silk makes a brilliant,
silky polish that does not rub oft
or dust off, and the shine lasts four
times as long as ordinary stove
It is used on sample stoves by
hardware dealers. Sold by them
to those who want good goods.
All wc ask is a trial. Use it on
your cook stove, your parlor stove
or your gas ranee. If you don't
find it the best stove polish you ever
used, your dealer is authorized to
refund your money. Insist on
Black Silk Stove Polish. Don't
accept substitutes. All dealers
can get Mack Silk from their job
bers. "A Shine In
Every Drop"
Ketp r"r tntet, rrgliteri, tctideri ind iter
plpri brick nJ frre from rnitlnr bjr tutor
Im with ech cut cl etumel only.
Uia ntACK SI1.K METAL P0U5H for
illrcrwirc nickel, tlnwtre or brait. It woiti
quickly, cully, ind lerc a brtllUnt lurfaca.
It bu do equal for w on automobile.
Black Silk Stove Polish Works
Vt&GSSwmE&rmi vtt l
20 Pretty
Bnv yjt
to - ivt: .k
COM trt
"I'jM m t,rs v I
pEfcaBg BOOK
don't you want to see them?
Peep into other people's new homes and ge
the latest ideas for your onvn decorating. Out
book tells about the FREE Color Plans out
expert designers will send you for any rooms
you wish to decorate. You will be fflad tg
know more about
The Beautiful Wall Tint
to rxqulilts to color and Quality It It oaed la tbt tut,
cipeailTC modem bomel tbouib It coata far leal tbaa;
wall saocr or calnt. Kalaomlno colon tDDCtr bank
and ctudt belli! tho aolt-hued AUbaatlaa tlnta. Coca.
lutlbeit on tbe walla and la rtileit to uto. Pull dltca
tloni oo crcrjr packase limply mix with cold watiC
and put on. Uoea not cnip,
peel or tub off. 16 Beautiful
Colon and
With our Color Plans
you can easily hay the
most artistic home in your
Send for onr FREE BOOK
Full S lb. pier. White 50c
RejuUiTlnu 55c
Alabastine Company
92 GriotMlle Em. CtiH Stplds, Kldu
tor Tk Olr. Duk MOJ Vster SL
Mado of'eood quality
team shrank coatU
that trill not stretch.
Antoroatlo Boning,
vrnrrnnted not to
break for a year.
Bones oonstraoted with
a, patented aatomnllo
ayttom that gtrea s
sliding moYement In
bending, distributing;
the strain, nnd
making; them lra
posslbla to break.
or sent direct I.OU
Nebraska Directory
ISllafiTlinE CURED In A few days
nUr 1 Ullk without pain or a but.
glcal operation. Wo pay until cured, writs
hVL. 1V11AY. S07 lleo Bide, Omaha, Neb
Omaha, Nebraski
Rooms from I1.0U up single, 75 cents up doubls
Greatest opportunity
of tue day J high sal
ar? J pleasant occupa
Hon. Wo ejulp you
for any position.
Write us at once for
booklet. National
Hoom 830, Urandela
Theatre lJulldlnff.
Omaha, INeoraiKa.