The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 02, 1912, Image 5

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i I
A Siory of Ranch Life
Tho Chinese cook bad spllloil hot
boun soup on Harry Hurry's Imiinic
ulato whlto Hhlrt front, and tho scared
Olcstlnl had escaped from tho room
under a fusllnrio of plutot shots that all
found lodgment In tho oak beamed coil
ing. "You ought not to put on that blled
shirt till after supper," admonished the
Crnno as tho wrathful Harry wiped
tho soggy mesa from his bosom. "It's
taking a risk wearing anything decent
at this tablo nowadays."
"And why?' exploded ITarry, mind
ful of tho fact that this was his only
clean whlto shirt and Ills cull upon the
pretty Widow Clancy must lack that
sartorial compliment.
"Tho chink's In love," was tho
Cmno'8 reply.
"In lover
"Who wlthf
"Didn't know thero was a Chlncso
girl within a thousand mllea of the
Lono Bull."
"Can't ho llnd any other way of ex
pressing his lovo than by acting Mko a
blamed Idlotr
Of courso thla laat remark camo from
Harry Barry, who was consuming
what remained of tho soup In his plate.
"They gonornlly do only It takes dif
ferent forms," obsorved Gabriel mild
ly. A chucklo ran around tho table. Un
der cover of lta good nnturo Wah
Bung pushed open tho swinging door,
peered fearfully around tho edgo and
sidled in with a great dish of steaming
hot potatoes.
Perhapa ho wna nervous, It might bo
that ho was in lovo. At nny rnto, when
hlo mild brown orb met tho steely glare
fit Harry Barry's usually atnlablo eyes
ho set tho dish of potatoes upon tho ta
bio with bucIi frantic hasto that tho
largest and hottest rolled from tho
pyramid and landed upon air. Barry's
Wah Sung cmlttod a desolate wall ns
Harry Barry leapod from his chair and
caught him by tho neckband of his cot
ton blouso and shook htm vigorously.
"Suffering cats! What's tho matter
with you?" yelled Mr. Barry excitedly.
"Can't you throw down a dish of po
tatoes without Htampcdln' 'cm all over
tho tablo?"
"Mo aolly vclly solly," moaned Wah
"That helps n lot," observed Harry
"Mo sick in tho head volly sick In
tho head; mo do' know what to do,"
added Wah Sung pitifully.
Tho cattleman's quick sympathy was
to tho foro at onco. "What's tho mat
ter, boy? Havo you told tho boss
that you'ro sick?"
"No, no; mo no toll anybody. Mo
vclly sick here." Wah sung placed
both yellow hands over his hourt. "It
go what you call Hckorty splltty Uck
crty splltty all time"
"It's your heart, boy, uot your head.
You "want to sco doctor, ch?"
Wah Sung writhed bashfully under
tho gnzo of seven pairs of oyea. "No
no boo doctor." ho mumbled, edging
townrd tho door. "Mo alleo light velly
Boon. Mo go far walk. Excuso, I get
rest supper."
"Golug for a walk, eh?" questioned
Gabriel sharply "You think a walk
up Saltpoter crepk do you good, Wah
Tho Chinaman nhlvered as with ngue,
nnd his countenanco turned from yol
low to gray. Ills lips parted In an at
tempted smllo as ho shook his head.
"Oh, no, no, mo no. novor walk up Sal',
poder creak! Mo walk velly dlfllunt
"numphl Let hUn go, Harry," was
Gabriel's advice. When tho China
man's slippers wore onco more slap
iHng around tho Utehon lloor Harry
Barry resumed his seat nnd Joined the
broad grin that went around tho tablo.
"What is lt-lovo?' he inquired.
"You oughter know, being n sort of
Judgo of symptoms," commented .Tim
Ixnvls dryly.
"What nbout yourself?" retorted
Hurry Harry. "You oughter know
boon married three months, haven't
"Stop your wrnngHn', boys," Inter
twlated tho Crnno, unjolntlng his lean
lorm and taking ndvantago of Wah
tJuug's absonco from tho room to ex
press his opinion. "Listen to me. I'vo
ieon tho chink going up tho creek ev
ery afternoon nfter dinner
k.-'Vhot is thero up Koltpeter creek?"
asked Jim Lewis, lighting u cigarette.
"Nothing but the springs that I know
"Anybody over beer: beyond tho
It Boomed that nono of them had ever
followed tho rocky trail beyond tho
springs that gavo unmo t tho creek.
"Somebody told mo thnt there used
to bo a prospectors' hut up there lu tho
thicket I'vo nover beou tfce-re, though,
and couldn't sny."
"It Wah Bung's in lovo why don't ho
marry his girl and llvo happily ever
after?" commented Harry impatiently.
Afraid of tho boss probobly. You
know Chlneso families nro not very
popular hereabouts."
Tlonty of room on tho ranch There's
that little cabin down In tho three milo
posruro. It's not for from tho bunk
house, and Wah Sung could cook Just
the samo and not net so confoundedly
idiotic over it."
"You'ro appointed a committee of one
to seo Wah Sung nnd straighten tho
mntter out," observed Gabriel ns ha
followed tho rest of tho cattlemen out
of doors, and, although Hurry Barry
mndo no assent, ho was very thought
ful whllo ho went upstairs to his room
and removed tho soup laden shirt nnd
put on n gray flannel one, which nftci
all was much moro becoming to hlro
than tho glossy whlto one.
On his way out ho stopped In the
kitchen whero Wnh Sung was franti
cally washing dishes.
"You married, Wah Sung?" ho asked
Tho Chinaman Jumped nervously at
the question and shook his head in
such rapid nogatlves thnt his cuo lush
ed back and forth Liko tho tall of ud
angry cat
"Mallled? Mo? Ob, no, no, no, nol
Mo no liko gals mo not mallled, oh,
"You got a girl?"
"Oh, no, no, nol"
"Why not? You think boss not liko
you havo a girl?"
"Oh ho not liko Chlncso gaL Mo no
havo gal till mo go back to Canton
somo dny."
"I don't think he'd caro If you want
ed to get married, Wah Sung. There's
a. nlco little house down in tho pasture,
and you could como up nnd cook every
dny. Why don't you tell tho boes7
"Mo no liko gals mo no wnnt get
mallled,' persisted Wah Sung.
As ho rodo over tho well worn trail
that led to tho Widow Clancy's ranch,
Harry Barry was firmly convinced that
tho Chinaman had been lying to him.
It was a bright moonlight night, and
ho resolved to ask Mrs. Clancy to rido
with him up Saltpeter creek and in
vestigate what lay beyond. Tho ro
manco Involved might luro her Into tho
evening ride.
It did. Sho was warmly Interested
In tho story of tho despairing China
man, and tho suspected lovo affair that
might bo at tho bottom of his erratic
"How long has ho acted that way,
Harry?" sho asked, as they rodo eldo
by sldo up tho trail, her hand In that
of her sweetheart's.
"About three months. Ever slnco ho
camo back from a month's leave of
absence. Ho went to San Francisco,
and ho'o ncted liko a crazy Ilea over
since," and ho told her tho story of tho
bean soup, and tho conversation that
"Poor fellow," sighed Mrs. Clancy,
nnd Hurry Barry leaned over and kiss
ed her lips.
When they reached tho springs they
could sco thnt tho trail entered a thick
et of thorns, but Harry investigated
and found thnt tho way had been cun
ningly cleared of thorns, so that a per
son might puss through. They left
their horses at tho Bprlngs, nnd Harry,
leading tho way, they pushed through
tho thicket to emcrgo on tho other sldo
Into nn open sandy spaco dropping
down tho hillside that formed ono
boundnry of Lono Bull ranch.
A faint light pricking through tho
gloom of another thicket on tho hill
sldo lured them down until they Btood
boforo n small cabin thatched with
branches nnd nlmost concealed from
tho vlow of tho casual passerby.
"There la a window. You look, dear,"
sold Harry Barry, and as hla sweet
heart hesitated ho added: "You know
It's to help 'em nlong if it's neccssnry."
Then Mrs. Clancy looked through a
comer of tho pane from which tho cal
ico inner curtain had swung back, ro
ronling tho Interior of tho ono roomed
cabin. Sho looked and looked, Anally
reaching out and drawing Harry to
ward her until their faces touched.
They looked upon a llttlo homo. It
might havo been picked up out of any
city In Chlua and dropped thero on this
lonely Montana hlllsldo. What marvel
ous forco had enabled tho small China
mnn to secretly bring from great dis
tances nil tho llttlo housohold gods that
meant homo to him? Love, of courso.
Tho walls were hung with gnyly
printed cottons, nnd in ono corner
whero a small altar had been erected
for his ancestral tablets thero was a
square of rich silk embroidery. Little
bronze vessels stood on tho altar, and
on n bracket thero was an Imago of a
favorite household god, with on offer
ing of Incenso suioklng before it. A
roll of quilts wiw ou tho built in bed
or bunk lu one corner, matting covered
tho rough tloor, a couplo of Chlneso
chairs were thero and n low table.
Ihero was a row of quaint oriental
porcelain dishes on a shelf and odd
cooking utensils of copper and u brand
new American oook stove of tho small
est dimensions.
Thut was not nil. There in ono of
tho chairs sut the daintiest llttlo Chl
ncso woman you over saw. In her
arms sho hold a yellow morsel of baby
hood, who was staring up at Wah
Sung with beady black slanting eyes
and sucking Its thumb coutentedly.
Last of all thero was Wah Suug not
tho craven, panic stricken cook of tho
Lono Bull ranch, but a Chinaman in
vested with tho dignity of tho hend of
a household. Ho was smiling down at
tho baby, with nothing but lovo in his
mild brown eyes.
"Poor devil!" whispered Harry Barry
crossly, becauso his own eyes were full
of teurs and his aweotheart waa wiping
tho tears from her pretty blue eyes.
"Poor?" challenged Mrs. Clancy,
drawlug him back to tho springs and
tholr waiting horses. "Man allvo, Wall
Sung Is richl Lot us go straight to
Boss Cllntock und tell him that Wah
Bung Is married and that ho must give
them tho cabin lu tho pasture,"
"Of courso ho'll do it. But it ho
shouldn't?" teased nnrry.
"I'll hlro Wah Sung myself nnd build
a Chlneso toraplo for them to livo in
and dedicate It to tho god of lov," de
clared tho Widow Cloncv
A Story of Malibran.
Among tho stories told by 'Arthur
Pouglu of Malibran, tho great singer,,
1b one of her stay In Venice. Sho .waa
to glvo sir performances at ono thca
tcr there when Gnllo, tho director of
tho Toatro Emeronlto, being on tho
ovo of bankruptcy, begged nor to glvo
two at his theater, promising hor 120
for each. Sho consented, but when
Gallo went to tnko her tho second
pnymont ho entered, Baying, "Hero is
tho Bum wo agreed on." "What sum?"
sho replied, with nn air of surprise.
"Oil, tho 120 for yostorday's perform
ance." "I don't want your money.
Tako It all away and spend It on your
children. You shall kiss mo and we'll
bo quits." Did tho good fellow be
lieve his cars? His two performances
had brought him In 400 In round fig
ures, had saved him from bankruptcy,
and, to crown his Joy, ho kissed Mmo.
Malibran. This magnanimity to a
poor Venetian was received publicly
by a frantic oration and crystalized
In verso, whllo tho theater was re
named Malibran. Argonaut
Old Egyptian Perfume.
Priests in Egypt, who wore tho solo
depositaries of sclonco, know tho so
cret of aromatic substances and pre
pared thorn themselves. Egyptian
perfumes acquired great celebrity, es
pecially thoBO made in Alexandria.
Reserved originally for religious ritos,
perfumes subsequently became of cur
rent use among the wealthy classes.
During bnnquots they wore diffused
through tho halls and were burnt In
profusion. Tho Israelites during their
sojourn In Egypt ndopted tho uso of
aromatic substances primarily for re
ligious purposes and afterward for
personal usage. Tho Greeks, who
loved elegance, were especially ad
dicted to tho uso of perfumes, and
they taught their secrets and usago
to tho Romans, who wore not content
to uso merely the perfumes of tho
orient aloes, myrrh, Incenso and nard
but also mado perfumes similar to
thoso of tho present dny stents of
lilies, lavender, rones and thyme.
Pretty Lame Excuse.
Out of tho crowd In tho police court
a man was placed boforo tho Judge.
"You are accused, sir," said the mag
istrate, "of being drunk and disorder
ly. Any dofenso?"
"I nm a respectable man, sir," tho
prisoner answered, "nnd this would
nover havo, happened only I traveled
from Pittsburgh to Now York yester
day In bad company."
"What sort of bad company?' said
tho magistrate.
"Sons of Temperance, sir."
"Sons of Temperance! Why, they
nro tho salt of tho earth. I should
think they'd be tho best company a
man liko you could ask for."
"No, Blr. Excuso mo, sir. You'ro
wrong," said tho prlsonor huskily.
"You sco, I'd brought a quart of whlB
Icy for tlMJ Journey, and on account of
tho company I had to drink It all my-
India 8pun Cotton Long Ago.
Lancashire's proud record of 300
years In tho cotton trado is far bohlnd
India's. Cotton was manufactured to
perfection In India more than 3,000
years ago. Thus Thomas Ellison in
his "Cotton Trado of Great Britain:"
"Fabrics as flno ns any that can bo
turned out at tho present day by tho
most perfect machinery in Lancashire
were produced by tho nlmblo fingers
of Hindu spinners nnd tho prlmltlvo
looms of Hindu weavers a thousand
years before tho invasion of Britain by
tho Romans." When Britons, in fact,
wore suffering from their skins In
dians were "luxuriating In gurmonts of
a texture so flno ns to havo earned tho
poetic description of 'woven wind.'"
What Lancashire makes today India
mado tho day before yesterday. Lon
don Chronicle.
Your Child.
Docs your child break Into tho con
versation when you havo visitors?
Does ho lcavo hla clothes lying all
over tho house?
Does ho eat surreptitiously between
Docs ho lny his hands on almost
anything ho wants to make something
out of without asking your permis
sion? Does ho como down lato to break
fast? Does ho say "null," "Gee?"
And, if not, why not. You are his
pnrcnt, nnd ho is living in tho United
States of America. Life.
The Puzxle of Life.
Llfo la a quaint puzzle. Bits the most
Incongruous Join Into each other, and
tho Bchemo thus gradually becomes
symmetrical and clear, when, lo, as tho
infant clasps his hands and cries, "See,
see; tho puzzle Is mndo out!" all tho
ploces are swept buck into tho box
black box with tho glided nails! Bui-wer-Lytton.
High and Worthy.
She I'm afraid I cunnot marry you.
I want a man who possesses a noblo
ambition, ono whoso heart is set on
attaining some high und worthy object.
He Well, don't I want you? She Oh,
Georgo, darling, I nm yours! Boston
The Refrain.
Sho (at tho piano) How do you en
Joy this refralu?
Ho Very much. Tho more you re
frain tho better I Uko It. Judge
Mlsa Joyce Yes, Jack and I are to
become partners for life. Miss Means
And you will be tho senior partner.
How nlco!
Beware of dissipating your powers.
Strlvo constantly to concentrate them.
For Sale.
A ranch 5 miles north of the city of
North Platte, consisting of 2-10 acres,
100 acres in meadow, 90 acres under
cultivation, 50 acres in pasture. White
Horse creek runs through pasture. A
five room dwelling, corrals, wind mill
and five miles of fencing on place. For
price and terms apply to Major L.
Walker, North Platte, Neb.
Chance of Life Time.
Splended hardware stock, long estab
lished business. Will be sold very cheap
owing to illness of owner. Address
Hubbell Bros., Kearney Nebr.
640 acres well improved 6i miles of
Kimball,, $1700. Also 160 acre relin
quishment most all good farm land no
improvements. 10 miles of town $250.00
L. E. Lockwood, Kimball, Neb.
This is No Joke.
You will need some of these
articles soon.
Ammonia (strong) H-pInt bottle 10 cenU,
Insect Powder In 10c, 15c and 25c cans,
Bug-I-Cide, surest remedy for bed bugs,
large squirt top bottle, 25c; H. & II. Soap
for cleaning carpots on the floor, 15c cake
2 for 25c; Putzine, cleans wall paper like
new, 25c: Muresco finish, more sanitary
than wall paper, enough in one packago to
clean ordinary room, 60c; Chloride Llmo
10c and 15c box; Carbollne, for disinfect
ing drains, cesspools, closets, chicken
houses, etc., a good cheap, dlsenfectant,
75c a gallon; Naptha Flakes for moths, per
lb. 20c.: Moth Balls, per lb. 20c.
We make a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
every morning,
Phone your order in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
Oifice phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
M utnuuMtu 4wiunugiuu uutloiolbTi
2 Office over McDonald State Bank
a Special attention given to conllno- !
s meats and children's diseases. J
Ofllco Phono 183 Bos. Fhono:283
Office McDonald State Hank Bld'g
"I refused to be operated
on, the morning I heard
about Cardul," writes Mrs.
Elmer Sickler, of Terxe
Haute, Ind. "I tried Car
dul, and It helped me
greatly. Now, Idomyown
washing and ironing
The Woman's Tonic
Cardul is a mild, tonic
remedy, purely vegetaMo,
and acts in natatalinaih
ner on the dcllcatcvflroman
ly constitution, building
up strength, and tonlng-op
the nerves. In tho pastSO
years, Cardul has helped
moro than amllHoo-'Wiaica.
You are urged to try ft,
because we are erxro (hat
it will do you good
At all dnrg start
Di ldfield fydfield,
Physlclani and Surgeons.
WILLIS J. nEDFlELD, Surgeon.
JOE I). KEDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
PHONE &12.
m mm rrm
Doctors Ames & Ames, X
Physicians and Surgeons, !
U Office over Stone Drug Co. Jt
d Phones t Office 273 H
p "ones J- Residence 278 p
' is one thing, but putting it into
practice is an entirely difFerent
Wc Suggest
We no Your Plumbing
It's a good suggestion and one we
can fully qualify on.
Plumbing Supplies
Furnished by Us
are all standard makes, while work
we do is superior in overy particu
lar. Estimates given.
Shop Phone 369. Res. Phone 683
217 East Sixth Street.
With ono of Schmnlzried'B Cigars to
smoke makes life worth the living.
Our cigars have stood the test of time:
there are men in North Platto who are
smoking the same brand they did twenty
years ago, and they find them the same
good cigar. Our cigars are made in
North Platte for North Platte buyers;
made of good tobacco and well made.
F. .T. T3T?OT?TnRn?
Merchant Tailor.
We have recently installed a French
Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies'
apparel of all classess, and we
guarantee satisfactory work. We
are also tailors and know how to
repair clothes.
We carry samples of goods and
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
and perfect fit.
of Cheyenne, Wyo., an auctioneer
with 41) years experience, has lo
cated in North Platte, and wnnlH
like to make prices and dates for
your sales. Have sold stock and
general merchandise all over Ne
braska. See me at F. E. Barber's Restau
rant, corner of 6th and Locust St
Send Us Your Shipments of
Grain and Hay
Wo pay tho top market. Three cou
pons free with returns on each car of
hay you ship us to handPe for your ac
count. Fifteen coupons nnd $3.50 in
ensh will secure for your home an ele
gant 42-Piece RoyaJ Blue Dinner
Set worth $10.00.
Consign your hay to us and please
the ladies and nlso get a good price for
your hay.
Our Motto: Fair treatment and
prompt remittances.
Samplo of tho quality of these dishes
enn bo seen at the office of tho Semi
Weekly Tribune.
The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co.,
20th and Wazeo Streets,
Denver, Colorado.
Physicion and burgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
t vhnnna J Office 130
Z Phone8 Residence 115
4ri(tHi'iJriM?rtriMt HM'')M''fl''fl' fr'fli'fl'
Serial No. 03287.
United States Land Olllco.
At North Platte. Nobraska. Fob. 3. IMS.
Notice Is hereby glvon that Elmor
Cooper of North Platte Nob., who on
March 30tb. 1607, made homostoad entry No.
22835, Serial No. 03267 tor the cant half of
the nortliorst auarf ter and tho cast half of
Kouttioast quartor of Section 80. Town 15,
N., IUniro 29 W., of tho 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make final Ave rear
Sroof. to establish claim to tho land above
escribed, boforo tho register and rocolver
at North Platte, Nobraska. on tho 6th day
of April. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses) Car
W. McOrew, Fred Malono. Julia Malone and
Mary llreternltz, all nf North Platto. Neb.
fd-fl John E. Evans Bog-uter.
Notice tor Publication.
Serial No. 03503
Department of the Interior.
U. B. Land Ofllce at North Platto. Neb.
rj Feb, 16th, 1921.
Notice Is hereby riven that Frank Hood,
of North Platto. Neb., who on Mar. 20, 1905.
made Homestead Entry No. 21138. Serial No.
02502. (or north halt and southwest quarter
Section 22, Township. 18, North, ranee 80,
West of tho sixth principal meridian
has filed notice of Intention to make final
five year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, boforo the Register
and Becelver at North Platto Nebraska,
on the 10th day of April, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Chris John
son, Bupnrt Schwalgcr, Btchard Boss and
Charles B. Breternltz, all of North Plate
(20-1 J. R. Kvahh. BoirlAtar.
In the County Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. March 7, 1912.
In the matter of tho estate of Andrew
Johnson, deceased.
Notice Is hereby irlven. that the creditors
of said deceasod will meot the Executor
of said estate, before the County Judge of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on the 4th day of
April, 1912, and on tho 4th day of October,
1912, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for the Executor to
settle said estate, from the 5th day of
March, 1912. A copy of this ordor to bo pub
lished In the North Platte Tribune a semi
weekly newspaper of said county for four
successive weeks prior to said 4th day of
April, 1912.
mlO-4 JOHN OBANT. County Judge
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S3.
In tho County Court.
In the matter of tho ostato of Katlo
Ilendy, deceased.
On reading andlfillng thopotltlonof Charles
Ilendy, praying that tho administration of
said estato may bo granted to himself
as administrator.
Ordered, That Apr. 16th, 1912, at 9 o'clock
a.m., Is assigned for bearing said petition
when all persons Interested In said matter
mar appear at a county court to be hell in
and for said county, and show cause why
the prayor of petitioner should not bo
granted; and thatnotlco of tho pendency of
said petition and the hearing thereof, be
given to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing a copv of this order In tho
North Platto 9eml-Weeklr Tribune, a legal
weekly nowspaper printed In said county for
three successive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated March 25. 1012,
m2t5-3 John GnAT, County Judge-
State of Nobraska. Lincoln county, ss.
In the county court. March 22, 1912.
In the mattorof the estato of Christian
Marquette, doceaxed.
Ou reading and filing the petition of Fred
rick Marquotte. praying that the Instrument
died on tho 19th day of March, 1912. and pur
portlnglto be the last will and testament of
the said deceased, may be proved, approved,
probated, allowed and recorded as tho last
will and testament of tho said Christian
Marquette, deceased, and that the execution
of said Instrument may bo committed and tho
administration of said ostato may bo granted
to Fredrick Marquette, as oxecutor
Ordered. That April 18th. 1912. at 9
o'clock a m. is assigned for hearing said
petition when all persons Interested in said
matter may appear at a county court,
to be held In and for said county
and show cause. If any there be. why tho
prayor of tho petloner should not bo granted.
A copy of this order to be published in the
North Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly
newspaper printed lu said county for throe
successive weeks prior to said date of hearing.
m26-S John Ghant. County Judge.
Serial No. 02578.
Department of the Interior.
D. S. Land Ofllce at North Platte, Neb
.. ... . Mar. 19. 1912.
Notlco Is horeby given that Ilenrr
Doobko. ot North Platto. Nob., who. on Aug
12,i9or,mado homostoad entry No. 21822 hpi-IkI
No. 02578 for 8M Sec. 22. Town 15. N. Ban
a1!0. Ule,.th. Pnclpal Meridian. KS
riled notice of Intention to make final five
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abpvo described, boforo tho Beglstor and Be
day ofaMay ri912. ' Nebraska- on tlie "th
Claimant 'names as witnesses: James
Kech.atV,Hl"rh.Gaunt- Ooorge Macombor and
I)aJ'n Macombor, all ot North Platto. Nob.
p-8-0 J. E. Evans. Beglster.
Application for Druggist's Permit.
Matter of application of Charles R.
Doherty for druggist's permit.
Notice is hereby given that Charles
R. Doherty did upon the 18th day of
March A. D. 1912, file his application
to the city council of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for permit
to sell malt, spirituous nnd vinous liq
uors for medicinal and mechanical pur
poses only at 508 N. Dewey street, in
the city of North Platte, Lincoln coun-
Jfto ralka! fro,m the 3ddayof April,
1912, to the 1st day of May, 1912. If
there be no objection, remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from
March 19th, 1912, said permit will be
Charles R. Doherty, Applicant.
Glauys i Nettie Roschio nnd Reinhart
J. Koschie, defendants herein: Will
take notice that on the lGth dav of
JW1' I91-; William H. Evans, pW
tiff herein, filed his petition in the dis
trict court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, against said defendants, the object
n"dPrayer of which are for a decree
that the plaintiff has an interest and
estate in the southwest quarter (SWi)
of section nine (9) in township twelve
(121 rnncro twnntu.olv lor. ii -r ..
RtKP M i t- 'i v ' weai oi lne
bth I. M. in Lincoln county, Nebraska,
consisting of an undivided two-thirds
I"""1." uiviwx unu mat tne defendants
havo lointlv nn PBtnt,, r ...i...rJ-.?
n avM ,n S ihe-L", Pontiff
forth, and for n nnrtif nn f i.i ,
3Kfrf ft?!!.. & th Wctlve
and If .BMinr,"'TU!fl lWP.
divided, that M P emises maXlsollJ
; uv .r ineroi divced be
tween the nnrrlnn nnnni;nn n.,
spectiyo rights, and for such other re
lief as equity may require.
iou are required to answer said peti
tion on or beoro Uie 29th day of April,
Dated this 16th day of March 191"
By Wilcox &H.S,?-a?B2jI
td tr.J