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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1912)
t , !? I; i SUITS I SELL Twenty Percent Discount h ?;Will Fairly Bulge Out From The - ON y. mm- wm : w anwn n n I I 4) Vf. "' r km iff .A i il if I Hi 1 m Rest of the Crowd Kinschbaum Gothes OUAnANtltD ibaum C All WOCL HASH TAtlOBPO The more Weingand suits in the Easter Parade, X the bigger the "ad" for Weingand, THAT'S the reason I am working1 overtime to get you INTO this store before you give some other clothier your size. Take my own personally vouched for and and personally labeled $20, $22 and $25 SUITS, r $25, $28 and $30 wouldn't touch them elsewhere. Suits that look as though you've paid $5 more. The Easter Hat-Easier Shirt, Etc., Is Better if Bought from Weingand. i You cannot have an Easter with only a new suit; you've got to get a hat, too. I make matters easy for you with my stiff and soft hats at $ 1.50 to $2.50. English Cloth Hats Si. 50 and $2. And Shirts but then see our show windows. If fllLr n lw 1 Copyjhted igii A. B. KXRSCHBAUM U CQ Weingand The Quality Place. if.S&, 1 &!b w AMJD - Ncv 1 i A PyUmbreHn ojwnys makes an acceptable gift for the ladies. We have them in black and all colors with gold silve? EoW hQndle3' A,9 the SUit CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. S DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, I S Graduate Dentist. 2 OfUco ovor tho McDonald 5 e State Bunk. 2 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Tho south side improvement club will hold a meeting April 13th. W. II. McDonald returned Sunday from a business trip to Denver. Mrs. Ilnrry Scott who 1ms boon very ill for a week past is recovering. Thomas Gilmartin left yesterday morning for Denver on a business trip. Miss Ida Wienburg is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Roy Surber, tills week. Miss Emma Johnson will leavo this week for nn extended visit in Cali fornia. Clarenco McGoo, of Sutherland trans acted business in town the lust of the weok. Tho Presbyterian biblo class will moot with Mrs. John Knox tin's after noon,, Dr. Cl)i. A. Henry, of Postoria, Ohio, spent yesterday in town as the KUft df I'lw- y l"i ill'1 .hil fir mlr h ' . . . f . . 1 'I Miss Emma O'Connor left tho lost of tho week for Sutherland to visit her sister. W. H. McDonald returned yesterday morning from n short business trip in Denver. Roy Suiber will move into his now home at -120 So. Pine St. Wednesday or Thursday. George Weinberg was lined $5.75 yesterday for riding a wheel on the sidewalks. Misses Eileen and Edith Gantt en tortained a few friends informally Fri day evening. Roy Nenle, of Stupleton, visited over Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Neale. Miss Maymo McMichal camo up from Gothenburg to spend Sunday with rela tives and friends. Miss Emu Robinson, of Denver, re turned homo after visiting her grand parents for a weok. A boby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fayo Morriss at tho Twinom hospital the last of tho wool;. A. D. McDonoll and Millard Hosier went up the brunch Saturday to spend several days hunting, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilo. nf Omaha. vvhowit iuIImUk-ii Li-t w,-k 1 iht il' ,itl i ' 1 1 n.i ill 0. W. Brandt, who has been travel ing oast with the examination car, re turned home last evening. Miss Mate Rumbaugh, of Ogalalla, who visited Miss Amy Langford last weok, went home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stiles who visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hahler last week, went homo yesterday morning. A large number of basements are flooded by the high water and tho man with the tank pump is in demand. Mrs. C. L. Patterson and daughters, of Denver, formerly of this city, leavo this week for a visit in California. John J. Halligan left Sunday on a business trip to St. Louis, expecting to return tho latter part of this weok. Tho Jewish passover began yesterday and will continue for a week. It will bo obsorved by the Jewish people of this city. Mrs. Freda Barnell, of Lisco, who has been taking treatment at the Physicians and Surgeons left for her homo Satur day. Mrs. Owen Simon is enjoying a visit from her sister Mrs. W. P. Meek, of Hastings, who arrived hero Saturday night. A marriage license wna Granted Sat urday to Howard R. Smith, of Minneap olis, nnd Miss Hazel R. New, of Kilmer. A. G. Knebel, of St. Louis, Inter nntionnl Railroad Y. M. C. A. secretary visited with Secretary Kerr the lust of tho week. Fine millinery at money saving prices at the Parlor Millinery, 300 East 3rd St. Chus. Austin writes locnl friends from Pasco, Wash., that both he and Mrs. Austin are plensod with their now homo there. Charles Murrin, of Sterling, arrived hero Sunday to visit his brother Harry Murrin, who is ill from tho effects of a broken nnkle. Leonard Dick has sold his residence property on west Seventh street to W. II. Blalock for u consideration of sixteen-hundred. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. B. Reed have for their guest Miss Jessie Walker, Mrs. Reed's sister, who arrived from Huron, S. D., Monday morning. Mrs. M. K. Neville nnd Mrs. D. T. Quigley will entertain n number of ladies lit curds tomorrow afternoon at th home of the former. Mrs. Henry Hecker Hnd son returned Npsfi'nl.i nioiiuiig from two numbs , r 'h t. '. i i i ' ' " . ( Boy .A it to v: to .A il Q- to .A to mJf a ta q: m s' Knee Pants Suits. In order to introduce our line of Boys' Knee Pants Suits, made by one of the best manufacturers of this it, country, we offer them at a reduction $ of twenty per cent on regular selling (j) price. to to These suits are made in Norfolks, to and double-breasted coats, with full x Pegged pants. (j Blue serge and corduroys are ex- to cepted from this discount sale. to to Parents should call and see this to line of goods; they are excellent qual- jjj ity and the price is so cheap that they are a genuine to bargain. See Our ShbW Window. W m ill m m .". to to to to to to to to (IV .Vi Weingan THE QUALITY PLACE. 9 m (0 to to to efecaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasa. Local and Personal Miss Maymo Johnson, of Brady spent Sunday in town with friends. W. S. Marr, of Hildreth, spent the last of the week in town transacting business. Giddeon Winkleman and brother re turned the last of week from Fremont where they visited friends. Mrs. Fred Owings returned Sunday evening from Gothenburg, where she has been visiting relatives. Bring your cream and poultry to the North Platte Produce Co., and get the highest cash market price. 422 West Front St. Misses Sylvia Watts and Florence Antonides returned Friday evening from the teachers' convention in Kearney. The funeral of tho late Tim Gibbs was hold Saturday morning and interment was made in the North Platte cemetery. For Sale'-Fino Registered Bulls, one to five years old. E. Soderman, North Platte, Neb. Mrs. Bruce Brown will return in a few doys from Hnstings, where she was called by the illness of her father. Miss Margarot McCarthy, of Ogalnlla, who visited the Misses Eileen and Kath leen Flynn returned home Friday even ing. Having dissolved partnership, nil persons indebted to us plenso call and settle at once. TllAMP & WESTENFr.LD. Mrs. Miller, of Kearney, who has been the guest of her daughter Mrs. D. T. Troup, returned home Sunday afternoon. W. W. Burr, of the experimental sub-stntion, returned Saturday morn ing from Amherst, where ho spent sev eral days on business. Do you know Clabaugh has two thousand samples to choose from? Order your spring suit now. Fit nnd work manship guaranteed. 1C- Several rooms of tho locnl schools were closed tho last of the week in order that tho teachers might attend tho convention in Kearney. Miss Mno Mungor, who has been teaching in Cental City, spent tho week end in town while enrouto to Horshey to visit relatives during tho Easter vacation. Don't fail to attend the special show ing of Fisk Pattern hnts Friday, Satur day and Monday at the Parlor Millinery 300 Htut 3rd St. The Degree of Honor social club which was to meet with Mrs. I. L. MiltonK m r i l.w , h:io innti unod I , n i I i i r Mrs. Edward Park and children who visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Peale, returned home Friday afternoon. Supt. Wilson Tout returned Saturday from the, meeting of the Western Cen tral Nebraska teachers' association at Kearney. All accounts duo us must be settled by tho 19th of April. Tramp & Westemfeld. Miss Cleo Chappoll, who attended tho Teacher's Convention in Kearney the last of ,the week, returned Satur day morning. Jack Cohen, who for several weeks has been employed as salesman and window trimmer at the Leader, re signed yesterday and left for Seattle, Wash. The Knights Templar held a convo cation Friday afternoon, a number of out-of-town knights attending. E. D. Owens headed a delegation of six from Cozad. Do von rennir n unit mnrln tn nnln.? Clabaugh has more samples than all the mat put lOReuier; oruer irom us and get it for Easter. ic-4 Miss Ora White, who is teaching at tho Hall school three miles north east of town, has been making the trip back and forth from her home in this city to the school every day this win ter and hns never missed a day or been Into, even in the unusually cold wenther. The remains of the late Walter Hinkley, who was killed at Julosburg Friday, were taken to Kansas City that evening, accompanied by Messrs. Charles Green, Ernest Mills, H. O. Burgstrom, Jesse Davis, C. J. Corn wall and A. S. James. Having dissolved partnership all persons indebted to us please call and settle at once. Tramp & Westenfeld. Walford Larsen, who lives near Vroman, transacted business in town Saturday. He says a number of far mers in that section have migrated to the Canadian Northwest territory. Seven cars of stock and implements have been loaded at Vroman and two at Brady. Farmers bring in your plows early and avoid the rush. I have tho best disc sharpener made. I sharpen them without cracking or chipping. City Blacksmith Shop, J. E. Jeffries, Prop. John E. Evans is taking great inter est in the comintr Elks' nimm.i mj offer to pay the marriage fees of any luuiuu uiut wouiu ne married during tho fnir, has been supplemented bv a nice cash prize to the "skinniest" cirl who presents herself to the judges, the latter to be Jim McDonald nnd Arthur AVU3tlt Lard Prices Reduced. I' or the next ten days wo will sell tho best home rendered lard in any quantity at ten cents per pound. Marti's Meat Market. We Have Plenty of Money to Loan on Good Security. We Have Helped Others, Can't We Help You? McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. chas. Mcdonald, President. w. h. Mcdonald, Cahier and Vice-Prest. A