m if w THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L. BAIII3, Publlshor. TERMS, $1.2G IN ADVANCE. NORTHNPLATTE, NEBRASKA 3 ENGLISH SPEECH FOR CHINA. As nobody knows even approximate ly tlio number of Inhabitants In the vast Chlneso domnln, so, perhaps, no body can say definitely and positively how many distinct dialects are spoken by tho peoples of tho different pro vinces. A recent authority puts tho number at "over a hundred." So wide ly differing In mnny respects are many of these dialects that they constitute practically distinct languages. To en deavor to group, comblno and stan darlzo these languages Into ono com mon speech for tho wholo emplra would bo n work of many years and of immenso difficulties. In fact, It would seem to bo an undertaking Involving greater difficulties than tho Introduc tion of a comploto now tongue. And It must bo rcinembored that tho of ficial and cducnted classes are familiar already with English. Tho language Is taught In tho universities and many of tho schools. It Is tho common me dium of official communication with other governments. At tho snmo time, tho loaders of tho now movement are enthusiastic friends of our country. II tho republican movement shall suc ceed, that success may bo followed by tho transformation of tho Chlneso Into an English-speaking people. It was noted In theso columns re cently that the prlco of platinum In tho Now York market had risen to the highest flguro over reached over bov en hundred dollars a pound. All over tho world tho demand for platinum arising from tho use of the metal In electrical appliances has mado It high ly prized. In connection with this sub ject a curious story comes from Paris. It Is said that n number of twenty franc gold pieces forged In tho reign of Napoleon III., havo been found to bo worth at leant doublo their face valuo. This is due to tho fact that in tho alloy of which thes" forged eolnB wero mndo platinum was used. At that tlrao platinum was cheap. A pound weight of It could bo bought for a fow sovereigns, Tho spurious twen-ty-frano pieces contain about six grammes of platinum rnch, nud today thcBo six grammes uro worth about A crusado on "fads and frills" in tho public schools of tho city Is to bo start ed In Now York, with raoro thorough ness and loss experimentation as Its slogan. Evorywhero thero Booms stir ring this revolt against tho oxceHslvo system of experiment to which tho schools havo been subjected, with cor responding loBfl of thorough grounding In ossontala. Tho educational the ories of tho prosont seem to sharo tho prominent American crnzo for spood, moro' or leas regardless of tho rlBks involved in uttnlnlng It Tho agitation, which appears to be gonoral, will doubtless result In restoring the pen dulum, which haB Bwung too far In both directions of conservatism and progress, to Its normal swaying. It'o well to bo clean, but If you wash your rugs with gasoline, bo careful. A Springfield, Mass., merchant, who is fastidious, had his offlco rugs scrubbed with gnROllno nnd then gono over with a vacuum cloanor oporatod .... . gasoline fumes whljcjjerffTgnltod by an oloo.trlcsnnFferwhoreupon thero was angspioafon and n blaro necessitating call on tho flro department That collision between a eteamshlp In Uio merchant Biirvlce nud a United States armored cruiser In tho harbor of Honolulu, In which tho crulsor was so badly damaged as to necosxltnto Im mediate rotlvoment for repairs, while the merchant Bhlp ateaniod off appa rently uninjured, might bo cltod as Il lustrating Kipling's assertion to tho effect that tho "weaker vessel" Is the deadlier of tho two. Prof, Worthington told a London au dience that In order to obUlu pictured of what happened when a drop of wa ter fell Into a vessel containing water ho bad taken photographs by on eluo trio spark of tho duration of threo mllllnntha of a second. Some day, perhaps, Prof, Worthington will be able to tako a pl'otograph of the drug Btore soda-fountain wink. Ono of tho baseball umpires an nounces that It 1b not wIbo to boo too much whllo umpiring. It isn't what an umpire sees, but whnt ho hears or feels that makes his task n heavy one. oy electricity. Tno clennor coihjetrTTJvsto, add a llttlo npplo and fat ba- It 1b proposed in Spoknno to mnko no policeman out of applicants whoso 1 waists aro grentcr than their chests. However, rotundity will como with po- lice service, as of old. A Chicago man says ragtlmo 1b as dangorouB ns whisky. And Just as dis Bgrceablo to tako. u Tho debt of New York is larger than that of tho nation. Dut then New York has all our money. Wz MnrctMinif M o-s-t - -J-zrs. wIIIuwh quicken nt the riv er's brim, Tint enter aider breaks lirr tawny buds, Tlio upland hills uro wrapt In bazos dim, And sweet, Impulalvo life Ims stirred tbe woods. Dora Qoodnlo. GOOD THINGS. t A most appetizing breakfast dlah Is toast with a whito sauce generously fionsoned with cheeso and poured over U. Vermicelli added to a whito sauce or a tomato sauce Is another good dish for luncheon, on toast If thero Is a daughter or son awny at college, xa chicken or small turkey, or duck, roasted In n paper bag, and sent packed In a new one, to bo used In warming It up'lf desired, will cause a son or daughter to "rise up and call his mother blessed." Another dainty for that box of goodlos is a nlco cako. Ono that will keep moist for several days, In tho most satisfactory. Tho layer cako of three layers, the mlddlo ono of fruit and splcco, put to gether with ornngo filling Is especial ly Inviting, and It will surely not last long enough to dry. Homo mado enndy nnd some of imother's good cookies, with n package of thinly-sliced dried beef, should not 'bo forgotten In packing tho box. A Jar or two of Jam will delight tho heart of a boy, and his frlonds will ap preciate It as much as ho. Dato cookies are another choice ad dition. Hake oatmeal cookies and put them together with stowod dates that havo boon seasoned with lemon Juice. Ono has tho Individual tnsto to help decldo what Is best to send in tho Tho following Is a cako that many would find too expensive, but for such nn occasion It will add to tho pleas ure, If tho pockotbook Is deep enough: Macmlllan Cake. Take two cups of powdorod sugar, ono cup of black borry Jam, ono cup of sweet milk, two thirds of n cup of softened butter, five eggs or tho yolks of twolvo, two ten spoonfuls of baking powder, spices to taste; mix all together nnd bake In layers. Put togcthor with raisins and nuts and boiling frosting. OMi: sow tlio seed, then sit and wait For Huns to sblno nnd rnlnu to fall. ' And mourn tb harvest comes bo late, Or fear It will not como at nil. Bomo single, minded still work on, Nor stop to nsk or understand; Tho roso-bloom of success Is won, Thu harvest ripens at their band. PAPER BAG DJ8HES. Theso recipes are by Nicolas Soyor, tho chef of tho Brook's club, Lon don: Hare or Rabbit, Roasted. Stuff and truss n rnbblt In tho ordlnnry way. Sprlnklo well with flour and nib with cream, butter or drippings. Place in 'a greased bag with seasoning Jo--ttlsto. Placo on tho oven rnck awl-bako forty flvo minutes In a hoVfivcn. Stewed HareCut up tho hnro In Bmall likrces: salt and nonncr It to -'" . . - con, ono largo onion finely chopped, n tablospoonful of flour and a bunch of 3wet herbs. Mix together, add a quarter of a cup of stock and put all together Into a butterod bag. Allow forty minutes In a hot ovon. Veal and Ham Plo. Make a good pasto for a plo, lay In tho moat, well scasonod, nnd tho crust; moisten the ends nnd cornors, folding to cover tho moat Place In a greased bag nnd bnko an hour If the plo wolghs three pounds. Stewed Kidney (Lambs). Clean nnd cut up sovoral pieces, not too thin; .add salt nnd pepper to tnsto, and n teaBpoonful of Hour for six kldnoys. Add a llttlo tomato, mushrooms, n small ploco of onion chopped, nnd a llttlo chopped parsley. Mix all to gether carefully, slldu Into a haltered bag nnd bnko In a vory hoi ovon for olght mlnutos. Tho onion may bo re moved beforo serving. Broiled 6heep's Kidney. Skin tho ,'kldnoy, season and dot with butter, ,placo In bag nnd cook ton minutes. Chops of lamb aro most dellciouH roastod in a paper bag. All tho sea soning may bo put on boforo putting them into tho bag, oxcopt tho addition of n llttlo buttor, if it is noedod, on serving. U WHO receives but does not not L'lvil In llkn tho Hum! mn jAll tliu fresh floods of Jordan cannot lani-uien HH salt depths. HOUSEHOLD HINT8. When cooking cnbbago, onions or any of tho highly flavored vegetables, leavo tho dish uncovored while cook ing. Afr preparing celery for tho table, save tho tops and Btnall bits for soups and stows. m mi A 'l IZSKt Tho green tops of horseradish will grow again If planted. For colds, n few drops of turpentine, four or five, on loaf sugar, will break, up a cold in one night. If tho cold lu in tho head, a good greasing of the nasal pasages and tho outside of tho nose with carbolated vasellno Is a, great relief. A severe cold on the chest may bo relieved by a good greasing of lard! and turpentine, ono part turpentine tc two parts lard. Cough Medicine. Boll two ouncos of flax seed with a quart of water. Strain, and ndd two ounces of rock candy, a half pint of honey, tho julco of thrco lomonB Boll all together un til well mixed. Lot cool and bottle., Two tablcspoonfuls, taken hot, Is a! good doso, Another flno cough euro Is Bllccd onions. Sprlnklo with sugar and put Into the oven In a granlto dish tO cook. When tho onions nro dark brown tho sirup will bo ready to use. A glass of warm milk taken beforo retiring la a good Bleep producer. Hot milk Is a good drink to tako bo foro starting out Into tho cold, ns it warms nnd nourishes at tho same '. i time. Beetn nro fattening, and they aro a food I which should appeal to tho thin woman. Do got leavo meat wrapped In pa per. Tho meat Is not only flavored by tho paper, but tho paper will absorb tho juices of tho meat. When making French dressing, n small ploco of Ice In tho Balad bowl will mako dressing thick and well blended. Tho water In which a mutton stow Is cooked or a leg of lamb boiled la a good basis for a soup. i" pansles, with their dark, Im passioned faces, Had but been given tho power of human speech, What Is tho lesson that, from lowly places, Eaclr tender, fragrant volco to us would teach? PorcJmnco In tones llko tinkling dewdrops sighing What their lives tell, their velvet lips would say: "Forget llfo's trials that nro round thee lying, And bo tho brightest In tho darkest day." HELPFUL HINTS. To mako ham tender, parboil and put to cook In n tireless cooker. Bo-, foro serving, fry quickly until a gold en brown. It will bo tender, moist and altogothor nlco. If n llttlo vinegar Is added to boil ing fish it will keep it from falling to pieces. This will servo for cooking eggs In water, too. A nlco idea to follow, if boards aro plenty, Is to keep ono especially, for uso in chopping or shredding onions. Burn a round letter O lu tho back and It will never bo UBed for any other material. An unusual combination for salad, but a good ono, Is sour pickles, pea nuts nnd peas sorved with any desired salad dressing on lottuco, using a llt tlo onion julco in tho dressing. Anothor salad combination which is vory delicious and most attractlvo In appearance Is pears, almonds and can dled chorrlcB for gnrnlsh, using tho French dressing. Salad Dressing for Lettuce Sand wiches. Ono egg yolk boaton light, add four tnbleapoonfuls of moltod but ter, half teaspoonful of Bait and a ta blespoonful of vinegar, red popper to tnsto; Btlr without cooking. Spread on broad without buttor. Placo a piece of lottuco or a sllco of cucumber on oach for n sandwich filling. Add n fow almonds to a potato Baled to add to its food value and mako It moro palatable. A Billion Helios. In round numbers tho system of tho New York Tolophono company con ststs of 62G central offices, 383,000 sub scriber lines, 705,000 subscriber Bta tlonfl, 17,050 private branch exchange switchboards, and 35,900 local nnd toll trunk linos connecting tho various cen tral offices. ' During tho year 1011 we handled ap proximately 985.000,000 originating calls, of which about 470,000,000 wore, trunkod to a second central offlco, thus Involving tho employment of a second oporntor In hnndllng theso calls. These figures represont an Increase of approximately 9& per cent, over tho originating traffic handled In 1910. Telophono Rovlow. Best Advertisement. Exporlonco teaches thnt tho very beBt advertisements printed aro thoso which prosont In a clear, forcible, con vlnclng manner the anitent points about a product; tho points which havo actual Belling value and create In tho roador n desire to purchase. Such toxt aa this, coinblnod with good typo selection nnd nrtlstlc Illustration, will produco tho sort of advertising which enn bo depended upon to yield results and glvo prcstlgo to tho concorn which, uscb it. Wm. B. Nesblt. , MZIIviPI I l flAS SCENE OF MANY CRIMES House Built by John C. Fremont In New York Was Believed to Bo Haunted. Now York. Mrs. P. A. Burrollo, who died a few weeks ago and whoso funoral was delayed by a mysterious, telcphono messago hinting at foul play, la tho last victim of ono of Now York's "unlucky houses," snya a wrl tor in tho New York Herald. Thin houso, in West Nineteenth streot, wns built by Gen. John C. Fremont, ono of tho least lucky men In American poli tics. It was n wido English basement dwelling, stnndlng between two va cant lots nnd regarded in Its timo na ono of tho best built houses In the, city. After tho houso had passed out f General Fremont's hnnds a woman hanged herself from ono of Its upper stalrcasos and her ghost was sup- Once Occupied by Gen. Fremont. posed to haunt tho placo ever since. Years ago one of theso tenants de scribed her own grucsomo experiences within its walls, and I well remember her story of a mysterious nnd invisi ble shapo that brushed by her ono evening ns sho stood on tho landing nnd Bent tho llttlo dog In her nrmo Into a fit of terror. Tho next owner of tho property was Dr. May, whoso, family wero pursued by 111 luck for many years. Tho Bad story of Dr. May's daughter, Mrs. William C. Whit, noy, who died after prolonged Buffer ings, Is still fresh in tho public mem ory. Afterward tho houso was tho Bceno of a terrible tragedy, for It waa thero that a woman well known in New York society killed herself nnd her llttlo children. The Burrelles used tho lower floors of tho houso as tho ofllccB of their clipping bureau and lived in tho rooms nbovo. I called upon them thero once, and Mrs. Burrollo, who apparently know nothing of its roputatlon, told mo that they liked tho houso, but had been much an noyed by mysterious sounds, nnd moro than onco had distinctly heard fcomo ono whom they wero unablo to seo tramping up nnd down the great winding staircases. Mr. Burrollo died at sea nnd his wifo followed him a few years later. The house, which has sinco mado way for a loft building, Is well remembered by old New York residents. CITY OF TABRIZ AND ITS ARK An Ancient Citadel That Was Once Used as a Place of Exe cution. Tabriz, Persia. Tho dominating f ea turo in Tabriz Is tho citadel locally known ns tho Ark. It has a keep over a hundred feet high of solid burnt brick, which 1b said to havo been raised by All Shah Tchnn. Tho citadel Itself 1b a great walled Btructuro on top of a mound overlook ing tho town. Tho walla nro loopholed throughout and thero Is accommoda tion -within for several thousand men. A hundred legendary traditions attach to this ancient monument. It is said that tho bricks from which it is fash ioned wero all thrown to tho masons by an Ethiopian Blavo who was lib erated for tho prowess ho displayed. In tho past tho method of execution in Tabriz was to throw tho condemned from tho summit of tho ark. Tho Russian colony is quit largo in Tabriz, and tho consulnto general is a big affair. Tho Russian bank also is a very considerable institution, besides which thero aro tho engineering nnd telephonic institutions connected with tho Tabrlz-Julfa road service, which is a RusBlan-controllcd highway. Tabriz Is also tho point furthest from Hindustan to which tho Indian army supplies a garrison. Tho British consul general at Tabriz haB a con sular guard of a non-commissioned of ficer and ten sowars of tho Indian cav alry. GOLD CROWN ON PIG'S TOOTH Cartridge Shell Through Long Use Had Come to Have Brightness of the Precious Metal. St. Louis. William Welllnghoff, a farmer of Brldgeton St Louis county, Bovoral dayB ago discovered that ono or his "fattcnln' " hogs had what ap peared to bo a gold crowned tooth. Tho yellow metal gleamed every time tho hog opened Its mouth. Tho farmer was puzzled. Ho butchered tho animal and before ho quartered it ho examined tho tooth. Ho found tho animal had In somo way got a 22-cnliber braBs shell around the tooth. Brightened by long uso nnd worn to fit tho tooth, the shell resem bled n perfect gold dentist's crown. Tho tooth wnB Bent to tho dental de partment of Washington university. Goats Do Well In Brush. Klickitat, Wash. Goat rnlsing la growing in favor in tho Klickitat riv er country. Ten years ago Rev. Mr. Hylton, who canto from Virginia nud located In n brushy eectlon, procured Angora boats. Pfeasaiitltofi'esliiiii Rmifmriaf " - ''" -.'.'-., Geiiifc and Effective, CALIFORNIA FIG STOUPCO. in 1fio Clrcfo, on evetij- Package of tho Genuine. DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU.!, $ SYftUP OF F1CS AND CUXIR OF SENNA HAS GIVEN UNlVERSALSATlSFACTtON FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS PAST, AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATION3 TO OrFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER KESSj THEREFORE, WHEN NototteFuff Name of the Gompani PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OF THE CENUINE. REGULAR PRICE COe PER BOTTLE; ONE SIZE. ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. SYRUP OF FICS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA 15 THE MOST PLEASANT, WHOLE. SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION. AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL ETFCCTS IT IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, WHICH 13 MANUFACTURED BY THE California Fig Syrup Co. JEW SCORED ON ARISTOCRAT lll-Bred Remark Brought Discomfiture on Duke of Westminster and His Companion. A friend of mino who is in Cairo Just now told mo a good story in a recent letter of an old Jew of that city who scored off the young dulco of Westminster and his inseparable com panion, Lord Iticksavage, when they wero thero a few weeka ago. They were buying somo Jewelry In the bazar there, and the duke remarked audibly to his friend: "The fool doesn't speak English of course." But tho fool understood well enough. "Do you splk Italian?" he asked them, to which they replied in the neg ative. "Do you splk Grlk?" "No." "Do you splk Turk?" "No." "Do you spik Russian?" "No." "Me one timo fool," said the old man after a short but eloquent pause; "you five times fool I" And tho duko and his friend retired discomfited. Exchange. Not That Kind. "It would save a lot of trouble," said a newspaper man the other day to Representative Slaydon of Texas, aft er the Democratic caucus on the Henry resolution to investigate the "money truBt," "if you would allow us to attend tho caucus." "On the contrary," replied Mr. Slay den, with a twinkle in his eye, "I thought It would mako a lot of trouble." "Well, can't you give me an in terview on it, now that tho fight is over?" "No," answered Mr. Slnyden, "It would be against my principles. "I never kiss and tell!" Small Encouragement. Kate They say a woman Is as old aa she looks. Maud Never mind, dear; wo all know you aro only twenty-six. HARD TO DROP But Many Drop It A young Calif, wifo talks about coffee: "It was hard to drop Mocha and Java and give Postum a trial, but my nerves wero so phattered that I was a nervous wreck and of courso that means all kinds of ills. "At first I thought blcyclo riding caused it and I gave it up, but my con dition remained unchanged. I did not want to acknowledgo coffeo caused the trouble for I was vory fond of It. "About that timo a, friend came to live with us, and I noticed that after he bad been with us a week ho would not drink his coffeo any more. I asked him tho reason.. He replied, 'I havo not had a headache sinco I left off drinking coffeo, some months ago, till last week, when I began again, horo at your tabic I don't seo how anyone can like coffee, anyway, after drink ing Postum'! "I said nothing, but nt onco ordorcd a packago of Postum. That waa flvo months ngo, and wo havo drank no coffeo since, except on two occasions when wo had company, and tho result each timo was that my husband could not sleep, but lay awnko and tossed and talked half tho night. We wore convinced thnt coffeo canted his suf fering, so wo returned to Postum, con vinced that the coffeo was an enemy, instead of a friend, and ho is troubled no moro by insomnia. "I, myself, havo gained 8 pounds In weight, and my nerves havo ceased to quiver. It seems so easy now to quit tho old coffeo that caused our aches 'and ills and tako up Postum." Namo glvon by Postum Co., Battlo Creok, Mich. Read tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellvlllo," in pkgs. "Thoro'a a reason." Ccr rend the nbne letter? X ricvr one npiieiira (torn time to time. Tfcey nre genuine, true, nnd full of buuian Intercut. Nik Sill ttTUttAT7VTT?.riV' ll II III H V JJKvi!V C HI If ill IH lpNM1 I -TOtfTAW &IX Win1 .(III I j CENT. OP ALCOtlOLVflll II H LED UN- DUY1NC, MINIATURE PICTURE OF PACKAGE. Astonished Husband. Do Wolfe Hopper tells a good story about the domestic unhapplness of an other actor. The hsro of the Joko was a man who had married because tho woman had much money, although no beauty. Naturally, after the wedding ceremony and tho acquisition of tho bride's financial resources, tho hus band was never very attentivo to her. Anothor member of the company in which the couplo were appearing was, however, far moro appreciative of the lady's charms, and proceeded to make love to her in an ardent but stealthy manner. Tho grand finale came ono evening when tho actor discovered the other man kissing his wife. The fond lover stood petrified with fear, and expected to bo shot down the next moment. No such thing happened. The out raged husband only lifted his hands toward tho ceiling with a gesture of intense surprise, and exclaimed: "Merciful heavens 1 And ho didn't even havo to!" They Should. "My parents used to threaten to beat some senso into my head." "Those idle threats that parents never carry out should be discouraged In every way possible." Stop the Pain. The hurt of a burn or a cut stops when Cole's Carbollsalve Is applied. It heala quickly and prevent-) scars. 25c and SOc by druggists. For free sample write to J. W. Colo & Co., Black River Falls, WU, Its Nature. "Docs anybody ever win at a tea fight?" "Of courso not It Is a drawn bafl tie." PII.ES CmtED IN O TO 14 DATS YonrilniBKlst will rciunil nioDey It PaSOJ OI1TO. MH.NT falls to euro nnr cam or Itching, Blind, Ulcoaine or PiotradlDK l'llcs In 0 to U dajs. Wo. A woman seldom cats If tbero U anything else for her to do. But it takes a woman to keep A secret alio doesn't know. When the Millennium comes Garfield Te and Holy Chuicn will not toi longer.nccded. Usually a man Is a poor Judge tit bis own importance. i -want everr pernon 'who Is billons, consti pated or hat. any stom ach or Urer rvlli ent to icnd for a free packaira of my Taw-raw PlUa. I want to proTo that they positively euro In digestion, Sour Stom ach, BelchlQK, Wind, Headache, Kerrous ncss, BleeplensnetB nnd are an Infallible cur forConstlnatlon. To da wis x am wining to giro millions or, jree pacu agei I tako all tbe risk. Bold by drugglsta for SS cents a vlaL For free package address. Prof. Munjon, 63rd & Jellenon St., Phlladelpr.il. Pa. Don't Persecute Your BowelV firtitnl harsh. iinnwiearv- 1 rvSBka. UARTEK'5 LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act . gently on the liver. eliminate one, ana soothe the delicate membrane of the bowel. L u r e Constipation, DUlontneii, Sick Head. ache and Indlftillon, as millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature rKngtrm.'xmwsny!' WlU.IHBaH'MiliH 1 Bend Irtt. trc&fmpnt. fnp umt. t.nM '& e,y".ennul.iled hd,r-UaracU,ciimi, . -77 tuimitf niBlll np.n.rr.l far.. Writs. dcacr Ibo eyes. UK. i7. o. Curru. upt, w, tmdm, t,.. But Cough Sirup. Twtet Qood. U In Urn. Sold by Otoxaliti. . -mm miiv Mn? rattan rill III BD i MMMKilKUIiWItMUW all C I lit Ml (" tif hc ua aw t TJ I I I 211 Hfal l1 Ml MM mihtdUD .UMI 'ill C f III K9I i Hinrmir rnvcrrpinnv. ii'll H I ill SB 0 tn tt a!Mrf (at A II nil! 9H 0 Innwnrc inttinni.Tir ill 1 1 411 B ! an trt-v ut u4 III f jflf BuJ 1 H-. fManant M fill fl &y fiVJ K MM uL WIM til I B AfAEL S(aimiiiNnc"syRUPrj; SjjF a a . ta cintj. HI i:3- JUtYys-rreftwssKq wr FREE KMfjLmfKP MBpl . p amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi ni.iBL.iiw mmm'im kittle: EaHr liver; OHPbjTO PILLS. a JE ; i cZl DBsHFk giaMlsK'ri H