tf&MOZCJZ ft m Si i m s I. I I? ! IT 5'i u 5! I M ? v Ayvs.v '. v-' v" yvj Y-F - o"-" p.-" - - -' - - .- -r .--. i v. " - a,""" a, s, w ii toS35 feMRL WFL A All knK f 1 1 iV. wsd- Spoons I LU. ' Souvenir spoons add the final touch of refinement to any table service. v Corise,queri,Uy there is no. other gift so inexpensive which a woman admires and apprec iates quitq so much. i( There is no other souvenir which will remind a distant 1 friend of you or your city as well or ns often, and cer tainly no ift is better in taste. We hnve just received n number of beautiful, unique designs which will delight any woman. The prices are as reasonable 03 the goods nro attractive. The prettiest patterns will go first. CLINTON. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. X OR. 0. II. CRESSLER, I m s Graduate Dcnlist. Oflico ovor tho McDonald N Stato Bank. a u w e a93Caaaefittiis LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dave Duy was a Sunday visitor in Julcsburg. u Mrs. Albert Durbin has been ill for a. week past. Dick Baker spent Sunday with rela tives in Omaha. Mrs. Joseph Harper is ill at hor home on Dowoy St, Perry Carson reBumod work Snturdny after a week's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kosbau, of Hor shoy, went homo Saturduy. Mrs. Henry Waltemath has been quite. ill for several dayB past. Miss McFadden, of Gothenburg, spent Sunday at the Tramp homo. Mrs. Stiles, of Omaha, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hahler. , Claudo Delanoy, of Northport, is spending this week in tho city. Little John O'Kcofe, who has been ill for several days, is improving. Mrs. Hersock, of Paxton, came down Saturday morning to visit friends. Mrs. Geyger and baby, of Suther land, are visiting local friends this week, Coats, The new styles beauty, grace, elegance aud novelty of the spring styles in women's apparel and after all what an incomplete picture it would be -for how could one within the scope of an advertisement, even begin to do justice to an array of Coats, Suits and Dresses that represent the best work of the foremost designers. You are interested inevery woman is interested in new clothes for spring, and so the only sensible thing to do is to visit the ready-to-wear section at Wilcox's tomorrow, if possible, and you will surely have a substantial reward at the end of your journey to that house of fashion. Wilcox UVENIR Mr, nnd Mrs. Frank Cox, of Suther land, aro visiting friends in town this week. ' "' """"" Miss Bertha Banks vdturnodlto.ttLox-1 ington Sunday after n short visit at homo. Miss Maude Thompson returned tho last of the week from a short stay in Omaha. Mrs. Jack McGraw returned Sunday evening from Omaha where she spent a week. miss uuio JJeckor, or uracly, was the guest of friends in town Saturday and Sunday. F. J. Coates, of Grand Island, visited his son Georgo Coates and wife the last of tho week. Mrs. Jack Palmer left yesterday morning for Lexington to visit friends and relatives. Gidden Winklemnn and brother loft the last of tho week for Fremont to visit relatives. Messrs. Roy ShefTer and Wm. En gles, of Gering, were in town Satur day on business. Miss Alfa MuKinley, pianoist at the Crystal, will spend Easter week with relatives in York. . Mrs. Joseph Murphy has returned from Wisner after visiting Miss Mary Carroll for a week. Mrs. Andersonof Bridgeport, visited Mrs. Ida Tarkington Sunday whilo en route to Gothenburg. The Methodist aid Spcioty will meet with Mrs. I. L. Bailor, 202 JSouth Ash St., Thursday afternoon. Ol Suits, Dresses for sorine. Volumes could Rev. P. McDaid returned the last of tho week from Columbus and Omaha, where ho spent a week. James Martin has returned to the city after an extended visit in Portland and other western cities. Mr. nnd Mrs. John McCroden, of Hartwell, arrived Saturday evening to visit Mrs. Dan Mathers. Jas. B. 'McDonald returned Sunday evening from a ten days visit in Omaha and other eastern points. , Architect Bert Reynolds went to Kearney Friday afternoon to transact business for several days. Howard Horde, late of Denver, who has been visiting town friends for sev eral days will leaye today. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hofiine, of Cheyenne, spent Sunday with the. latter's sister Mrs. V. Lucas. THe Rebekah ladies are making ar rangements to hold a supper and sale of fancy work Apr. 16th. , Now Silk Waists for Easter at Wil cox Department store. , , Miss Annie Kramph returned Sunday night from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Saint in Chicago. Mrs. M. J. O'Connell and baby left yesterday morning for Holdredge to spend two weeks with relatives. Jeff Thompson, of Myrtle, spent the5. fore 'part of the week in town with his daughter Miss Maude Thompson. Mrs. Maple, of Lewellen, returned home Saturday morning after visiting Miss Edna Elliott for some time. Leslie Baskins returned to the stato university Sunday evening after spending a week with his parents. Mrs. Miller, of Kearney, arrived Saturday to visit her daughter Mm Harry Trout for a couple of weeks. Clobnugh guarantees a fit, in every suit, or no sale. Two thousnnd samples to select irorx). 16- Mrs. Joe Humphrey, of Sutherland, came down Saturday morning to visit her brother, who lives south of the city. Mi, nnd Mrs. Goo. McGinloy and family who visited in town last week, returned to Keystono Saturday morn ing. Mrs. W. C. Reynolds and children, of Sutherland, came down Saturday morn ing to visit her sister Mrs. 0. W. Size more. Miss Amanda Mylander returned Fri day evening from Omaha, where sho spent a week at the Kcister tailoring school. Only a short time now to Easter. Clabaugh has the samples, and can got tho suit in time. Order now. 1C-4 Florin Muchlinski returned tho last, of tho week from Valloy Junction whoro ho has been employed for Beveral months past Benjamin Johnson, of the Suther land schools, spont the week end in town on business connected with his school work. Mrs. Harriet Gibson, who was operated upon for appondicitis at the P. & S. hospital Friday, is improving satisfactorily. Frank Martin has received a com plete new outfit for moving buildings, and lb now in shapo to successfully un dertake any kind of work along that line. FOR RENT. Town herd pasture with living water and plenty of good bottom grass. Close in. Houses and rooms, storage space, safe deposit boxes for your valuables. Bratt & Goodman. Department and Skirts, i be written on th Special Agent Ferrel, of the interior department, has been in town conduct ing two government contests at the U. S. land office. James McGovern was taken ill Friday at Maxwell and bought to, the home of his daughter Mr3. Hu bert Donaldson. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, of Lincoln, 1 who were called here by the death of the latter's sister Mrs. Ramsey, loft i Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Baker and daughter Clara left yesterday morning for Oma ha to visit their daughter and sister Mrs. Philip Fent. The Rush Mercantile Co. has placed a Reo motor delivery car on the streets, thus insuring a more prompt delivery of goods to customers. J. P. Corrigan, of the credit depar ment of the Nebraska Mercantile Co., oi Grand Island, spent the last of the ween nere on uuamusa. .To ,, ... . , . ., iU oumu cume wire uuiunging io uic telephone company was damaged to the a'mount of ten dollars by the recent fire at the Palace cafe. Mrs. E, A. Garlisch returned Satur day evening from Broken Bow where sho was called by the serious illness of her father Mr. Tannahill. " A petition containing 211 names of voters asking that Attorney Beeler's name be placed on the ticket for school board was filed Saturday. Mrs. Charles Temple entertained a number of her former class mates at Som R Set Saturday evening. Dainty refreshments were served. The 'Platte Valloy Cattle Co., recent ly moved GOO head of cattle from their ranch north of Maxwell to tho com pany's feed yards at Gothenburg. Word was received in the city yester day of the death of Mrs. Joseph Huff man of Gnndy. The remains were shipped to Callaway last evening. Miss Clara Danielson, music instruc tor of tho Lexington schools, visited at the Banks' homo Saturday and Sunday whilo en route homo from Sutherland. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Levett, of Salt Lake City, who have been guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Julius Pizer for several weeks, went home Sunday. Mrs. Edna Brown nnd children, of Hershiy, went home Saturday after spending a week with her mother Mrs . John Cornett. s Do you know Clabaugh has two thousand samples to choose from? Order your spring suit now. Fit and work manship guaranteed. 16- W. J. Criss, sheriff of Sac City, was in town Saturday on the trail of a fel low who disposed of a largo amount of mortgaged property in that city last week. D. A. Line, of Cozad, who recently onened a jewelry store in the Haver- stead photograph gallery, has closed the placo of business and returned to Cozad. For Sale Two passenger automobile in fine shape. Must sell. Address P. O. box 263. tf Clifford Powell, of Greeley, who was called hero two weeks ago by tho death of his grandfather the lato J,ames Frazee, went home Saturday day morning. Hownrd Kock, of Cozad, was taken ill at tho Timmorman hotel Saturday. Ho was enrouto to San Francisco. Mrs. Kock was notified nnd camo up on the afternoon trnin. Mesdames Burnell and Smith, of Callaway, who wero visiting their sister Mrs. Carter wero called home yesterday by the death of their sister Mrs. Huffman of Gandy. mLwjm i .. .. T .. .. i uluic li flBL , . Buys Interest of Partner. F. D. Westenfeld has purchased the interest of E. T. Tramp in the Tramp & Westenfeld grocery store on north Locust street and took full possession yesterday. The firm has been doing an extensive business, but Mr. Tramp de sired to concentrate all his interest in his Front street dry goods and grocery establishment. Mr. Westenfeld will continue to carry a full line of standard goods, give the same satisfactory prices and service, and extend ceurteous treatment to all. Herbert Tramp, who has been in the north Locust street store, will accept a position in the Front street store. Bakery Gutted by Fire. The bake shop connected with the Palace Cafe was completely gutted by fire at five o'clock Saturday morning. Just how the fire originated is not de finitely known, but when discovered by the employes it had gaincfd a good headway: An alarm was sent in, the department responded and the flames extinguished, but notuntil the building, which is frame, was practically de stroyed as was also the frame lean-to adjoining the main building. Consider able food Btuff stored in the two build ings was rendered valueless. The main building'was not damaged. The dance given at the K. P. hall last Wednesday was not under the auspices of the M. B. A., but was given by private parties. The M. B. A. will, however, give a dance tomorrow even ing at K. P. hall. All members and those holding invitations will be ad mitted. Committee. We Have Plenty of Money to Loan on Good Security. We Have Helped Others, Can't We Help You? McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Safety Deposit chas. Mcdonald, President. LOOK! LOOK! READ! You are cordially invited to call and inspect my beautiful lino of samples of Made-to-Measure Ladies Garments, Suits, Waists, Skirts One-piece Dresses and Hosiery. ,We sell cloth by the yard, if you desire It Also a complete lino of Ready-Made-to-Wear Ladies' Misses' and Children's Garments, Suits, Coats, One-piece Dresses, Petticoats, etc and Ostrich Plumes. ' Tailor Made Suits and Clothing of all kinds for the men, All goods fully guaranteed. Out of town business solicited. Your orders wul re ceive our best attention. If you can't call, phone, or write your wants. Respectfully, LYMAN H. WELSCH, Salesman, North Platte, Nebraska. Res. 209 East Second Street. Declamatory Contest. Two hundred people assembled at the high school auditorium Friday evening nnd were highly entertained by the program rendered at the annual declamatory contest of the high school. There were three contestants in' the humorous class, Misses Virginia Bullard, Marie Bowen and Marie LeDioyt, and the work of each was so good that the judges Miss Chappell, Miss Spencer and Editor Sullivan rated tho contestants very closely but gave Miss Bullard the greatest number of points. The latter will represent the local school in the district contest at Kearney next Wed nesday evening. In the oratorical class Edgar Thompson was the only! contestant, and his declamation was very favorably received. The program included a piano duet by Misses Florence McKay and Marie Dornn and two selections by the high, school glee club. The Spectacular Bohemian Girl. The Aborn Opera company's big spectacular production of Balfe's mas terpiece "The Bohemian Girl", one of the truly great successes of last season, comes to the Keith Thursday evening i of this week. Aside from a meritorious: musical rendition of the opera, there is a wealth of novel and attractive feat ures that are most appealing. Inci dental to the five great stage pictures which represent in the first act the ex terior of the castle of Count Arnheim, on the Danube, with a mountainous background, sufficiently massive and solid to resist the strain of twenty horses dashing up to an elevation of twenty-three feet from the stage level, in pursuitof the kidnapping gipsy chief. In the second act are four big scenes representing an encampment of real gypsies, a town fair or Kermess of old Bohemia, a gypsy marriage and barbe cue, and the court scene. In tho last act the scene represents the interior of Count Arnheim's castle, visualizing for the first time on any stage, the beauti ful marble halls immortalized in song, and in the effort for realism, all of these big scenes contain a wealth of marvelous incidental detail employing in all one hundred people, and intro ducing real gypsies, wonderful whirl wind acrobats, twenty trained horses, so consistently introduced that they in no way interfere with a musicianly rendition of the complete score. We have the smoked glasses that will protect your eyes from the glare of the sun on the snow. Dixon, The Jeweler. v i Homestead, 640 acres well improved 6J miles of Kimball,, $1700. Also 160 acre relin quishment most all good farm land no improvements. 10 miles 6f town $250.0O:"-,; w L. E. Lockwood, Kimball, Neb,.. -' For Sale. Good nearly new. 6 room house, alt modern except heat, lot 9, block 8, Trustee's addition, North Platte. Price $1,950; $1,385 in building and loan, balance cash. C. E. Lockwood, Owner, Kimball, Neb. For Sale. A lanch 5 miles north of the city of North Platte, consisting of 240 acres, 100 acres in meadow, 90 acres under cultivation, 50 acres in pasture. White Horse creek runs through pasture. A. five room dwelling, corrals, wind mill and five miles of fencing on place. For price and terms apply to Major L. Walker, North Platte, Neb. Boxes for Rent. w. h. Mcdonald, CashierXand Vice-Pitst. Thone 585. & '' V, ' v ;! ' . -J I M