The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 19, 1912, Image 3

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High Spots Should Be Removed
and Low Ones Filled In.
(Work of Year or 80 Would Make
Task Comparatively Easy One
Paying Proposition to Thor
oughly Prepare Ground.
(By E. B. HOUSK. Colorado Agricultural
Much has been Bald concerning tho
Increased duty of water, and It has
been said that the farmer has boon
UBlng much moro water than is neces
sary. Most of the artlcleB concerning
,tho duty of water tako up tho proper
ties of tho soil, tho mannor of cultiva
tion for conservation purposes, tho
manner of applying water, and show
that In a general way, all affect tho
duty of water, and that proper culti
vation and proper application of water
will Increase the duty of water from
100 to 2Q0 per cent.
It has often occurred to the writer
that this means very little to tho
averago farmer, In that It does not
toll him what he does that he should
not do, nor exactly what he might
do to lncroaso tHo olllclency of his
water supply.
The thing of first importance to
the fanner Is tho preparation of tho
ilold for Irrigation. Ho should see
to It that the high spots are iemoved
and that tho low spots are filled;
in other words, he should see that
the surface of his field Is smooth,
and hero 13 where the ordinary
farmer "falls down." After plowing
and harrowing his field he perhaps
runs a drng over It. and 'then Beeds
it, leaving ridges and hollows, holes
and knolls, consequently when ho ir
rigates the field It Is necessary for
him to almost drown tho low spots In
order to wet the high ones. Water
will often bo found from one to two
feet deep in places In tho field. In
driving along tho road one often
sees embankments piled up along low
spots to keep the water from flooding
the road. If, when tho plowing and
harrowing are completed, tho farmer
would tako a scrapor and take down
the knolls and fill up the depressions
with tho dirt this removed, in the
course of a year or two ho would
change tho flold from ono hard to ir
rigate to ono exceedingly easy for
'irrigation, and ho would find that
practically one-half the amount of wa
ter that ho was compelled to use
Jon tho first placo is ample after the
field has been smoothed in this way.
!More than this, ho will find that his
crops yield better, for when an excess
tof water is applied to the low spots
,the crop at these places in the Hold
Is always Injured, and It Is not an ex
aggeration to say that as much dam
ago to the crop Is done by forcing tho
water up to tho high spots as would
bo done by allowing these high spots
to auffor from a lack of water.
A word of advlco now, for tho pres
ent season will soon be upon us. As
you, irrigate your flolds this spring
and summer Btake tho high spots,
driving the stakes down so that they
will not interfere with harvesting,
and mark on thjese stakes about how
much too high tho land Is at that
point; then aftor the crop Is harvested
In the fall seo to it that these high
spots are removed, and, after plowing,
smooth tho surface with great care.
When you stop to consider that this
work Is a permanent Improvement and
need not bo dono year after year,
when onco it has been accomplished,
and when you consider that during
every day year the crops are injured
for lack of water, it seems that every
Intelligent farmer would realize the
Tact that it will be a paying proposi
tion to thoroughly prepare his ground
bo that it will irrigate in the best pos
sible manner. See to it that tho plow
ed flold is in a perfect state of tilth
before the seed Is planted, for this
careful preparation is what will put
the bushels into the bin in the fall.
In Ancient Babylonia There Has Been
Discovered System Larger Than
Any In This Country.
A great many bellovo that irriga
tion on a large scale is u comparative
ly new project. Many also imagine
that before tho United States authori
ties began to reclaim great tracts of
western lands, it was an unheard of
proposition. But you didn't know, did
you, that out In Babylonia, ancient
Babylonia, mind you, there has been
discovered a system of Irrigation said
to bo larger than anything nttempted
in that lino In this country or any
where else? Of course it Is now noth
ing but waste lands, swamps, etc.,
but In Its day It was something to be
wondered at.
In that part of Babylonia known ns
Iraq el Arabia, tho great plains were
covered with a net-work of canals
which carried agriculturo.1 prosperity
to all parts of tho count? jr. Tho neg
lect of theso has so changed tho condi
tions of the country that instead of a
fertility that was once tho wonder of
tho ancient world, a cheerless wasto
now presents Itself. Somo months of
tho year tho country Is practically
covered with swamps and marshes,
while tho remaining portion Is a des
olato plain.
Depends on Keeper.
Whether tho pure-bred herd will pay
or not depends very largely upon tho
keeper. One thing Is absolutely cer
tain, If a man will give tho cows half
a chance profits will bo his.
Chief of Investigations of Department
of Agriculture Says It Builds
Up Commonwealths.
Samuol Fortler, chief of Irrigation
investigations of tho U. S. Dopnrtment
of Agriculturo, speaking before tho Ir
rigation Congress, at Chlcngo, declar
ed that If tho cost of Irrigation works
was to bo reckoned In tho millions, tho
valuo created by the water which
theso workB hnd furnished wns to bo
reckoned in billions.
"Unllko mining which has unearthed
countless millions by the toll of tho
mnny, but has allowed nearly nil this
vast wealth to pass Into the hands of
the few, leaving tho orlglnnl toller
stranded and helpless, Irrlgntlon builds
up enduring commonwealths by estab
lishing homes on tho land and by fos
tering n high order of citizenship,
good institutions, and a stable govern
ment," ho snld.
Mr. Fortler asserted that the prob
lem now wns to show the fnrmer on
Irrigated land how to secure Increased
"Tho farmers are not getting any
thing like tho greatest possible re
turns from their Irrigated farms," ho
continued. "At our demonstration
fnrmB a season's yield of eight or ton
tons of cither led clover or alfalfa Is
readily obtained. It Is, therefore, dis
concerting to Hnd thnt the nvcrage
yield of Irrigated alfalfa In some pnrts
of the west, as obtained by tho census
In 1311, was only 3.20 tons per acre."
May Be Used to Advantage In Case
Embankment Slips Out, Causing
Any Kind of a Break.
(By II. I,. I'ArtSHAI.U Colorado Agri
cultural College.)
A newly made lateral, with loose
earth embankment on the lower side,
is very easily damaged should tho
water be turned out over the soft
banks successfully. Water may bo di
verted over theso loose earth embank
ments It n piece of burlap or canvas
Is made fast to one end on tho In
side of tho lateral and the other end
let fall outside. This will tend to pro
tect tho banks,, and, as tho water Is
flowing out, Its weight will hold tho
burlap In place.
If your lateral seems to bo cut bad
ly In tho bottom at any place, you
may bo able greatly to reduce this by
taking burlap and lining the bottom
nnd sides. The burlap can best bo
held In place by several slender stakes
driven In the bottom and sides of tho
If your embankment slips out, caus
ing a break, this may be Successfully
closed by using small burlap sacks
filled with earth and laid in such man
ner as to stop the flow of the water.
If there Is not too much water. flow
ing, the break may be stopped, It not
being necessary to turn tho water out
of the lateral for repairs.
Regular Hours for Feeding.
Have regular hours for feeding your
poultry. Irregular feeding often causes
a derangement of tho digestive organs
and this means Impaired health and
fewor eggs.
Cost of Irrigation.
It Is estlated that It costs from
$20 to ?40 an acre to Irrlgato In somo
Egypt Needs Windmills.
Egypt needs American windmills
for Its Irrigation enterprises.
Overfeeding the calf is just as
dangerous a practice as underfeeding.
Raising the heifer calves is one of
tho dairy farmer's most Important
The milk scale and tho Babcock
test must have a place In every suc
cessful dnlry.
Tho silo is the best policy to pro
tect tho dairy farmer against scarc
ity of feed.
Off flavors In milk, cream and but
ter are usually duo to some mistake
In handling the raw product.
In the feeding of calves there is
a splendid opportunity for n man to
exorcise patience and kindness.
Wheat bran Is a good dairy feed,
and generally speaking It Is a good
supplement to other grain feeds.
To the dairyman who would con
duct his work on a business bnsls
tho Babcock test Is Indispensable.
Wo may look at the Bllage ques
tion from any angle, wo are .forced to
accept It ns the cheapest food known
for stock.
Very mnny unruly cows would lose
this unhappy trait If they were well
supplied with what their Instinct nnd
appetite craved
Ono thing should be kept In mind
by dairymen Is that clean pure milk
cannot bo produced on a dirty, Ill
kept dairy farm.
Tho pedigree Is not a voucher as
to the exrellonco of the nnlmnl, but
simply makes It possible to trace that
animal's ancestry.
Many of the catastrophes that are
perpetrated by the herd bull are not
accidents, but rather the result of per
sistent carelessness.
Bettor feed tho cow a little more
than she will consumo each tlmo to
mako sure you aro operating your
factory at full capacity. ,
Tho dairy cows must ho" kept com
fortable It tho best resultB are to bo
obtained. High priced feeds aro very
expensive fuel to maintain animal
I1A119Y niiiiA
May Do Away With
WASHINGTON. Tho leglslnturo of
Virginia Is now considering tho
propriety of enacting a lnw which will
do away with a 25-ccnt admission feo
chnrged nt tho gnto to Mount Vernon,
tho homo of Washington. Earnest pro
tests havo b-jct mndo by many citi
zens of tho stato against tho charging
of any feo for ndmlsslon to tho
grounds, on the theory that tho public
generally, without restraint, ought to
be freo to enter tho grounds and in
spect tho many interesting things
that aro to bo found there. Tho legis
lature of Virginia originally Incor
porated tho ladles' society which owns
tho Mt. Vernon estate, and has mndo,
it what it is today, and of course an
amendment of that act, cutting out
tho admission fee, may bo made when
ever the legislature In its wisdom sees
fit. Two years ago, when tho legis
lature was In session, a similar move
ment was put under way, but thero
was not legislation. This tlmo tho ef
fort has been renewed with Increased
enthusiasm, and tho no-foe bill is now
before the house committee on laws,
U. S. Soon to Have
WITHIN two years tho United States
army will probably posscdB 40
aeroplanes. At present it only lias
seven machines, a number so Insignifi
cant as to mako comparison with
somo of the powers of Europo almost
impossible. In tho development of tho
so-called "fourth army" of tho military
service, this country is far behind
France and Germany, notwithstanding
the fact that tho first men to mako
practicable tho flight of heavicr-than-alr
machines wore Americans. Even
Italy can bIiow greater advancement
than this country, although this is duo
to tho fact that she has on her hands
a war which gave her an opportunity
to demonstrate tho usefulness of tho
flying-machino in actual service. The
only thing approaching that opportu
nity in this country was offered during
tjie period when wo massed troops on
the Mexican border.
Notwithstanding the fact that our
army may possess 40- aeroplanes in
side of two years, we will not even
approach France In tho number of our
"avions," which Is tho name applied
in that country to military flying ma
chines. The French war department
proposes to buy during tho present
year 350 aeroplanes, tho minister of
finance having asked for $1,000,000 for
the extension of aeronautical service.
Twenty machines alono wero used at
Creates Furore in
THE greatest furore has been cre
ated in Washington society by tho
ndvent of Mrs. C. II. Anthony of Mini
cie, Ind., who may or may not bo
making herself a dummy on which to
display tho art of millinery and mnr
velous Jewelry. Suffice it to say, tho
Queen of Shebn would not bo ono,
two, threo in tho class with Mrs. An
thony ns to gorgeousness of raiment
and lavlshncss of gems and Jewels.
For instance, Mrs. Anthony wears
shoos so racklngly costly thnt she has
to put them in the bank vault at night.
There is nothing baser in tho metal
about tho person of Mrs. Anthony
than gold, and sho scorns plain gold,
and has it set with jewels to match
hat, gown, coat, hoso and shoes that
sho wearB them with. Ileal laco Is
huralllatingly used to heel her slip
pers, and her head is topped by ?1,000
Speaker Rides in
I1THEN he was elected speaker of tho
Vf house of representatives Champ
Clark refused to accent an nutomobllo
to bo paid for by tho government
Such a provision was made by con
gress during the term of Speaker Can
non, nnd that gentleman used his gov
ernment nutomobllo to his heart's con
tent. Ho becamo so enamored of tho
Joy of automoblllng that at tho end of
his term ho purchased ono of his own
and puts it to good use.
Whilo Chnmp Clark does not own
an automobile or allow tho govern
ment to furnish him one, ho enjoys
riding, and, Btrango to say, ho enjoys
riding with his predecessor, Joseph
G. Cannon.
Spenkor Clark Is seen very often rid
ing about tho Btreets and avenues of
Washington in Mr. Cannon's machine.
The speaker and tho ex-speaker nro
real good friends.
Whilo Speaker Clark lives almost
three miles from tho capltol ho al
ways walks up In tho morning If tho
weather will permit. Ho enjoys walk
Fee at Mt. Vernon
Which has been giving hearings to
men nnd women representing both
Tho whole country Is Interested in
this proposed change of the articles
of incorporation of the Indies' MC. Ver
non society, for in every stato thero is
a chapter of the society, and each of
theso chapters has had chargo of tho
work of restoring ono of tho rooms of
tho old mansion, or ono of tho out
buildings, or somo particular feature
of tho grounds. Tho purpose of tho
Boclety has been to restore tho build
ings nnd grounds to tho condition
they were In tho tlmo when Washing
ton was alive. This work has boon
carried forward pretty well to com
pletion. In tho ninnslon thero is now
nlmost 50 per cent, of tho original
furniture, for instance, whilo tho out
buildings nro nil to bo found there.
Tho people who want tho admission
feo abolished say tho ladles' society
has been making too much money!
that It is a close corporation, taking
money from the public nnd expending
It without let or hindrance, and pre
sumably piling up a considerable Bur
plus In cash. Tho ladles' society
doesn't plead guilty to theso charges.
It says tho fees aro only sufficient to
maintain tho estate properly, thnt
thero are no largo surpluses, and thnt
tho society has not at any time made
It a policy to earn profits from tho
patriotic impulses of Americau citi
zens. Big Army Air Fleet
tho last French military maneuvers.
Tho now machines will be ordered In
lotB of 20, 50 nnd oven 100. They will
bo of different types and will be sup
plied by all tho leading French con
structors. Tho day hns passed when the aero
plane is a mere experiment for mili
tary purposes. Only a few days ago
an Italian army officer, operating an
aeroplane In Tripoli, dropped bombs
nmong tho Turks nnd Arabs and was
in return wounded by a rifle bullet.
Ho was using a monoplane nnd had
one passenger with him. Tho most
notable feature of the Incident wns
tho fact that ho was enabled to con
tinue operation of the machine after
ho hnd been wounded. HIb passenger
nsslsted him nnd the monoplane was
brought back to safety to tho Italian
camp. Not only wore projectiles
dropped among tho enemy, but tho
aviator nnd his companion mndo
sketches of tho military works over
which they passed.
Washington Society
hats and such like. Her gowns well,
It doesn't take much material to mako
them, and the Icnst snld about them
the better. They nro of tho finest
loom and tho costliest dyes, nnd nro
then overhung with gold and dia
monds, turquoise, emeralds, sapphires
and pearls. Her coats are tho hand
somest and her furs tho costliest that
havo ever boon seen In tho city of
Washington. Tho heels of tho won-
filerful slippers nro set with something
liitu uiumuuuis, aim hho mis uiusc ui
nil colors to wear upon the streets,
Mrs. Nicholas Longworth Is wedded
to cut-glass beds on her shoes and
slippers, but has never gone so far as
cut-glass solitaires. Mrs. Anthony Is
wedded to whnt sho terms tho "gos
pel of clothes." Thero Is one thing
quite certain, nnd that Is, "Lead us
not Into temptation" finds no place in
her gospel decalogue. With all her
love for finery Mrs. Anthony Is In
tensely Amerlcnn, apd saj'B American
clothcB nro good enough for her, and
rlic has all her dresses mado In In
dianapolis. "American clothes aro good enough
for me," sho declares. "Every gowu
I own was made in Indianapolis."
an Automobile Now
ing and declares that the exorcise is
refreshing nnd puts him In good con
dition for the long hours that he Is
held at tho speaker's desk.
When tho weather will not permit
ho rides on tho street cars, taking his
chances with tho strup hangers and
tho corn gilnderB.
On his wny homo at midnight from
a recent Democratic caucus, Mr. Clark
hung by a strap and was Jostled by
the crowd in a car that was packed to
Its fullest capacity.
Ab ho nenred his home ho remark
ed, "If It hudn't been so Into 1 would
huvo walked. Walking beats this ull
to death."
Tho caroful mother, watching close
ly tho physical peculiarities of her
children, soon learns that health Is In
a groat measure dependent upon nor
mal, healthy, regular bowol action.
When tho bowols aro lnactlvo, loss of
nppotito, restlessness during sleep, Ir
ritability and a dozon nnd ono similar
evidences of physical disorder aro soon
Koop tho bowols froo and clear and
good health is assured. At tho first
sign of constipation gtvo tho child a
toaspoonful of Dr. CaldwoU'o Syrup
Pepsin at bed-timo nnd repeat tho
doso tho following night, It necessary.
You will find tho child will quickly ro
covor its accustomed good spirits, and
cat and sleep normally.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup PopBln Is far
profornblo to salts, cathaitlcs nnd
purgatlvo wators which nro harsh In
their action. Syrup Pepsin acts on
tho bowels easily and naturally, yot
positively, and causes no griping or
discomfort. Its tonio properties build
up tho stomach, livor and bowols, re
storing tholr normal condition.
Druggists ovorywhero sell Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin In COo nnd $1.00
bottles. If you havo never tried this
remedy, send for it samplo to Dr. W.
B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Mon
tlccllo, 111. Ho will gladly send a
trial boltlo without any expenso to
you whalevor.
A mnn never forgives his enemies
until ho wishes them prosperity.
Vost human maladies arise from wrong
dieting. Garfield Ton gives immediate relief.
No ono but a gossip can attend to
everybody's business at tho samo
Constipation cau'es and aggravates many
serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Dr. l'icrcu'fl Pleasant Pellets. The favor
ito family laxative.
"Don't toll mp that girl is used to
tho best society."
"What mnkos you think eho isn't?"
"Why, If you notlco, sho Is polito
to evorybody sho meets."
Making Good.
"Slro," expostulated Nero's confi
dential adviser, "what do you propose
to do to rehabilitate this burning city
of Romo so that Its inhabitants will
not hold tho devastating conflagration
against you?"
"Oh. flddlol" retorted Noro.
Which ho did.
Her Idea of a Chicken Farm.
Every Httlo actress In Now York has
a Long Island chicken farm. A well
known leading lady recently decided to
follow the way of her slstora. Sho
secured a leaso on a good bit of prop
erty and thon sought out n roputablo
"I want," sho said firmly, "a thou
sand hens and" Icbb firmly "a thou
sand roosters."
Shot With a Knife.
Years ago In a stock performance of
a famous old melodrama, tho villain,
Charles Wolcott, suddenly dlscovorcd
that ho had loft his rovolver In tho
dressing room. In much confusion, ho
fumbled in his pocked and found a
penknlfo which, ho. llgurcd, would da
Just as well for tho bloody deed. Imag
ino his consternation when, after
plunging tho blade Into the horo's
breast, that player failed to change
his lines and screamed at tho top of
his voice: "Heaven forgive youl I'm
Whoro tho Winters Aro Cold and tho
8nows Deep,
Writing from tho vicinity David
Harum mado famous, a man says that
ho was an habitual coffoo drinker, and,
although ho know It was doing him
harm, was too obstlnato to give it up,
till all at onco ho went to pieces with
nervousness and insomnia, los3 of np
potito, weakness, and a gonorally
used-up fooling, which practically uu
fitted him for his arduous occupation,
nnd kept him on a couch at homo
when his duty did not call him out.
"Whilo in thla condition Grapo
Nuts food was suggested to mo, and I
began to uso It, Although it wob In
tho mlddlo of wlntor, and tho ther
mometer was ofton below zero, almost
my entlro living for about six weeks
of sovoro cxposuro was on Grapo-Nuts
food with a llttlo bread and butter and
a cup of hot water, till I was wIbo
enough to mako Postum my tablo bov
orago. "After tho first two wooks I began
to feel hotter a. 1 during tho whole
wlntor I never lost a trip on my mall
routo, frequently being on tho road
7 or 8 hours at a tlmo.
"Tho constant marvol to mo waB
how a person could do tho amount of
work and enduro tho fatlguo and hard
ship as I did, on so small an amount
of food. Dut I found my now rations
so perfectly satisfactory that I havo
continued them UBlng both Tostum
nnd Grape-Nuts at every moal, and
ofton they comprise my entlro meal.
"All my nervousness, Irritability and
InBoninla havo disappeared and healthy,
natural sleep has como back to mo.
Dut what has been perhaps tho great
est surprlso to mo Is tho fact that
with tho bonoflt to my gonornl health
has como a remarkable Improvement
In my eye-sight.
"If a good appetite, good digestion,
good eye-sight, strong nerves and nn
activo brain aro to bo desired, I can
Bay from my own experience, ubo
Grape-Nuts nnd Postum." Namo given
by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Read tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to
Wollvillo," In pkgs. "Thoro's a reason."
Ever read tlio above letter? A nen
one appenra front time to time. The;
nre genuine, true, and full oC buuiart
Counterfeiter Gets Stiff Sentence.
, Wllllnm Fink, a Broplclyn. N. Y., dealer
In drugs, was sentenced r tho New York
Court of Special Sessions, to Imprison
ment In tho penitentiary at hard labor,
for four months. Tho chargo was coun
terfeiting tho t rado-mark for Carter's Lit
tle Liver rills, In violation of the penal
Tho Carter Medicine Company detected
tho counterfeit before nny quantity of tho
spurious Roods hnd been placed upon th
mnrket In sentencing Fink, Judge Deuel
laid special stress upon tho Injury dons t
tho public when a remedy so well known
rs Carter's Little Liver Pills fa counter
feited nnd put on tho market. lie Im
posed tho scntonco not only as tho prop
er punishment of Fink himself, but In or.
dcr to deter others from tho commission
of llko frauds In the future.
Of Course
"What would you do If you had a
million dollars?"
to crmit a coin in onk day
Tako LAX ATI VI! IIIIOMO Quinine Tkblsta,
DrosTtUuri-rimd monry If It fall! to oars. H.W.
UUUVK'gilgnaluroUonoaoiibox. 36o-
A woman doesn't caro what her
husband earns; It's what sho gets out
of It thnt counts.
To Dyspeptics: Others havo found s
steady course of Garfield Tea a pleasant
means of regaining health. Why not youf
Ornamental ponmanshlp is also a
flourishing industry.
As Spring approaches
nearly everyone expe
riences that run-down
feeling. The system
is full of impurities
the blood is sluggish
the liver inactive and
bowels constipated.
remedy this condition.
lletlthr cowl fire marc milk, miko rtcbtr
hotter, ind requlrt leu ore. KOW KUR.E ll
coir medicine, nal food. It tali!ci tbt
dlccitlte ind (encntlre otftin tad tones up
the entile irittra. A potltlrura lad pitTen
other illratdtlthtt tip thttentth ol ollklnt
cowl. ThoMindiolprofltibUbcrdiovfjlhtlt
He 1 lire to lend lor cmr nlntbla Ires book,
"Mora Moner From Your Com."
LvadoavllL, Vt, U. S. A.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times In ten when the liver tfl
right the stomach and bowels aro right.
gently butfirmly comv
pel a lazy liver
ao us duty.
Cures Con-,
tipntlon, In
and DUtreis After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
1 VitCoth Syrup. Taitet Qood. Uu
la Urn. BoM br DrnczUta.
ClMnw nd buatUUl th h1,
rromotai ft laxurtul powth.
Itarer Puis to Jtemors Qnj
jaut to n loauuttt uvwe,
rrorenia nair roiunjr.
Hntl Mdmi ,nvlnp for FRIES baokl-t la !r. L OUr.
Write for book saving young chicks. Bend us
names 0(6 friends that uso Incubators and Ret
book free. Kalsnll Itemed Co., Illack well, Okla.
BroWs Bronchial TrnrfiM
nirn relief In Ilronchltls nnd Atthma. No opiates,
Haraple tree. Joiin I. Beown & Bom, Dootou, Maaa,
(TllUMrSON Sweailnainode,
'PVP Vlf AT Fl?1?"111 """""
Nebraska Directory
RIBPTIIRF CURED in a few dayi
ElUr I Unia without pain or a sur
gical operation. No pay until cured. WriU
Ult. AVItAY, 307 lloo Hide, Omalut, Neb,
Omaha, Nebraska
m ( wii cunorcMn ru
fcuuiuo liuw vivu U nuuc tit vguto mjj uuuwaw
mm BiYtK
W Jrnf c i
5J UmCotgh Syrup. Taitet Oood. UmBJJ
wm In time. BoM br DraizUt. tUI