'i m 1U h 15 m i ! V tw 1 5li! I I,! s i . iVTfl Rk li THE SEMl-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA li. BARB, Publisher. TERMS, ;i.2B IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA HAVING A PURPOSE. Wo can well lmaglno times when tho necessity for applying oursclveo Is very real and very stern; when we can dcrlvo but llttlo comfort from our position, and whon wo aro likely to poso an martyrs rather than as sol diers ready for tho fray. Dut all that comes beforo tho light of reason and understanding breaks through tho darkness and makes things plainer than they havo over been. It is good to havo an Individual purposo In life; what that purposo Is lies within our own breasts. Wo aro not all molded upon tho Bamo pattern, says tho Charleston Nows and Courlor. In deed, It Is said that there aro no two natures allko and that God In his goodness decreed that such should bo tho cnBo. However, that may bo, wo aro all In fact his children and aro placed In this world for tho ono great, controlling reason of working out our own salvation. How wo aro to do this rests with each ono of us personally, and Just to tho extent of our realiza tion and understanding of that sacred trust will wo mako our offorts toll. To bo prepared at nil times as far as It lies Within our power Is not tho least Important of tho moans at our command, whllo to leave tho futuro to tako caro of Itself and to trust to tho spur of necessity for obtaining our most vital results, howover holpful such results may bo on occasion, Is only tomptlng Provldonco unneces sarily. How much of a man's lncomo ahold bo spent for rent? Benjamin C. Marsh, of Now York, cxccutlvo secre tary of tho commltteo on congestion of population told tho Citizenship linos of tho South Congregational church of this city that no wage-earner should pay moro than 20 por cent of his lncomo for rent, says tho Boston Globe. TuIb Is cutting tho scalo down, as thoro Is a saying that ono-fourth of the lncomo can bo wisely devoted to ront Perhaps conditions aro chang ing and Mr. Marsh Is right Ono-flftn of tho lncomo certainly leaves a larger margin to bo devoted to tho purchase oi' food, clothing and other necessities and gives a llttlo chance to savo. But It Is not always posslblo to And suit ablo accommodations with a fifth of tho lncomo, nor with r fourth for that matter.) Rent is not a luxury, but n flxod charge, and it Is not always what a man wants to pay or can afford to pay, but what conditions compel him to pay. It la not clear from tho annual po llco report exactly what rotation ex ists botwoen tho number of arrests fot carrying concealed weapons and growth of tho habit Itself. Tho largely increased number of arrests may Indi cate keonor attention to tho ovll on tho part of tho pollco rather than any material lncrcaso in gun toting. At least, that BUggesta n ploasantor ex planation of tho figures, says the Clovolapd Plain Doalor. Regardless ol tho fullor Interpretation of tho figures, It 1b hoped thoy may arouso public in terest In a matter of doep moment to tho elty. Judgo Cull of tho municipal court has taken a firm stand against tho carrying of concealed weapons Other courts show ah Inclination to tackle tho problom moro earnestly than has boon tho wont In recent yoars. Tho west can outdo tho oast, whon it sots about It. That Orlontal ball In San Francisco throw tho famous Hyde ball In Now York Into tho shade, says tho Mllwnukoo Wisconsin. Tho guests at tho Now York affair merely wont to European hlutory for tholr cos tumea, for tho moat part; whllo San Francisco searched tho Orient, as be came a city drawing its woalth from tho Paclilc, and a delighted public reads of a hoBtoss In mauvo panta loons embroidered in gold thread, and of her mother In Oriental trousers ol coral pink. Such a dotall as a Salome danco by nix young girls was but a triflo In comparison with tho evident gorgeousness of tho ball as n whole A man In Philadelphia who some years ago bofrleudod a tramp to the extent of ono dollar has been loft a fortuno by tho grateful nomad. But this need not causo a rush of sympa thotlo benefactors towards tho Wnn derlng Wllllo faternlty undor tho de lusion that this caso Is tho rulo and hot tho exception. A western court rules that a bulldog Is a "weapon." Moro accurately, 11 would seom, a projectile of great mux eIo powor at rather short rango, but whoso velocity go n orally beats that ol tho pugnacious Intruder when the bull dog Is turned loose. Ono of San Francisco's wealthy clul men was shot to death because h spied on his wlfo and hor chauffour Ho Booms to have lacked an under tending of San Francisco etiquette). "Tattoo" Veil Photographed bv Underwood & Underwood. N. Y. Hero Is ono of tho latest veils worn by fashlonablo society women, with tho novel "Bwlrl" on ono cheek. Theso veils carry every conceivablo design from an alligator to a rosobush, and givo a curlaus tattooed effect to the wearer. WOMAN HAS CLEVER SCHEME Possible Accidents to Costumes, No Matter What Their Color, Are All Provided For. At ono of tho debutanto teas tho hostess, a woman noted for her fastidi ous dressing, toro her gown so badly that ropalr was necessary. A friend accompanied her to her room to sit and chat while tho mending was go ing on. Tho maid brought out a sow ing case filled with needles threaded With silks and cottons of all colors. It took but a moment to select tho re quired color and tho repairs wcro quickly mado. Tho guest thereupon remarked on tho ndvantngo of having threaded needles ready at hand. Tho hostess proudly admitted that this was her own brilliant idea, as It mado her norvous to boo a maid try and try again for a ncedlo eye when sho was hurried. Sho says sho not only has a stock of needles threaded in black and white, but on tho day a colored frock Is worn needles aro threaded in that color and placed in tho workbaBkct. It takes only a fow minutes on a bright day to thread needles and tho system roally snves time, eyesight and, most precious of nil, patience GOOD COMBINATION. Tho effectiveness of black and gray, shown In a gowu of gray cloth ullled to black panno and black Spanish 'laco. Dainty Dresser Cover. For a dreBsor cover, tako thrco em broidered handkorchlofs, sow a row of insertion around oncli ono; thon Join thora together, nud put a narrow laco around nil; lino with any preferred color of cambric, tacking nt each cor ner so It can bo easily removed for laundering. Put at each corner a bow of ribbon tho color of tho lining. Thlo mukes a very pretty drcBscr covor. jjtf;- BLACK AND WHITE COSTUME Idea That Really Never Has Lost Favor Comes With New Versions of the Mode. Black and white costumes, It seems, havo been revived, though probably, fow havo ever been ablo to discover tha they woro In need of any such process. A smart now version of tho mode may bo seen In a suit consisting of a whlto linen skirt and a black taffeta coat, In Russian blouse style, which is ndorned with whlto linen buttons and buttonholes bound with whlto linen. Another striking blnck and white combination Is In n gown of oystor whlto satin, tho skirt of which opens' In front to show an up ward turning point of black satin, underskirt. This is all tho black thero Is, except In tho girdle, which is of black velvet. A hat that would bo nltogothor stunning worn by tho right woman is a wldo black straw of graceful lines, which Is entlroly cov ered on tho upper sldo by a drapery of whlto chiffon. Tho trimming is a flat mass of pure whlto roses. The Living Room. In choosing chairs for tho living room tho Individual requirements of tho members of tho family should bo re mombored, so that when tho family is gathered together there will bo a com fortnblo spot for each member. Tho curtalnB, too, should be chosen In accordance with tho needs and de sires of tho family. Since tho living room Is nlways where tho prlvncy of homo life la on Joyed, tho curtains should, If neces sary, servo as protection from passers by. On tho other hand, tho room will probably requlro all tho light possible. A happy arrangoment is often mado by having upper nnd lower curtains. Such sash curtains nro mado in two tiers and hung on two sots of brass rods, so that either tho upper or lower half, or both, can rendlly bo drawn aside. Narrow Belts Smart. Whllo wldo glrdlellko belts nro fash ionnblc, there Is something chic and smart about tho narrow bolt which tho former lnck. Black patent leather belts ono nnd n hnlf Inches In width nro popular. These aro decorated with n buckle to match, or ono of antique sliver. Plain stitched cloth belts to match' tho suit aro also worn. Sometimes theso aro trimmed with tiny whlto buttons ar ranged In a design at tho back. Nnrrow satin bolts aro In demand. Some aro mado of contrasting color from that used In tho dress. S u odo nud leather belts aro mado In all widths desired, and In ovory color. Shoes in Colors. Every effort is bolng made to pro duco novoltles. Many colors aro being mado up into sucdo shoes purplo, sngo greon, sea blue, raspborry red. Tho colored shoes aro worn with drosses to match, and with whlto and black gowiiB, nnd coloVod stockings of these bright shades aro worn with black shoes. Nfiv black stockings havo tho walls of Troy in straight lines from tho kneo, which looks llko black satin ribbon. Thoso who aro economically inclined havo Uslo thread hoels nnd toes to tholr silk stockings, for silk doeB not last long, especially if you walk much. mraEH 1MB oraB Veteran and Bride KANSAS CITY. Expelled from tho Confederate Home at Hlgginsvllle because they became engaged and were married several weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Starns, both past 70 years old, came to try their futuro In Kansas City the other morning. Tho aged couple had Just 15 cents when they nrrlved at the court house to apply for admission to tho county homo. Two small telescope suitcases contained all their worldly goods. Mr. Starns told fondly about the ro mance of a few weeks and tho court ship "on tho sly" in tho Confederate Home. "You know, I was in Senator Cock roll's brigade and saw hard service in Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia during tho four years of tho Civil war," Mr. Starns Bald. "I went to the Confederate Home eight years ago from Jackson county. Thero I met W. B. Ellis, my wife's first husband. Ho died two years ago and his widow con- Times Are Bad for N Atlantic liners are now complaining about safety razors, which havo reduced tholr profits to such an extent that thoy have been compelled to eke out a living by selling all kinds of no tions, from Bibles to chewing gum. In the palmy days barbers were in clined to regard with scorn and to keep waiting the passenger who shav ed himself and only came to tho Bhop for a hair cut. On the Whlto Star lino tho dally rush for shaves among first cabin passengers was recognized by tho company, and one of its rules, 403, section 8, read: "Barbers of the White Star steam ships aro not allowed to cut passen gers' hair beforo noon." All morning the barbers were kept busy, and in the afternoon from 4 o'clock until dinner time, scraping the chins of passengers who would not tako a" chance of cutting themselves with tho old-fashioned rnbors as the ship pitched up and down or rolled from side to side, Now many passengers shave them selves, whether it is rough or smooth, and never patronize the barber's shop unless tho ship Is over toward her beam ends, which Is tho time the bar ber doesn't want to shave any one. -lJfSfVid ew Plan for Classifying Prisoners PITTSBURG. Warden Edward Lew is of tho county jail Is thinking of applying to Andrew Carneglo in the hopo of getting him to donate a li brary filled with literary classics in order to supply brain food for a num ber of real "high brows" now In con finement. Tho prison library has been found absolutely Insufficient to supply tho requirements of these highly Intel lectual prisoners, and tho prize for having such a select body must now come to this city, instead of to the his toric old Charlestown Jail of cultured and nstuto Boston, which has hitherto held tho honor over all tho citieB of tho country. i "A city or county Jail Is about tho last plnco In tho world," said Deputy Warden John McNeil, "that anyone would seek for a batch of tho real, simon puro Intellectual giants known as 'high brows but wo havo a collec- VWWVWWWViAAAsAAAaAAAAA "Mammy" Takes Son's Garb to Prison ATLANTA, Ga. "Dls hero's for myi boy. I hear he's gwlno out to de gang ergin," said an old negro mammy tho othor day at tho grill door of tho Towor. She carried an old basket mado of '"splits," which she handed Deputy Sheriff John Suttles as ho opened tho door. It was covered with a newspa per, neatly folded, which ho lifted at ono corner. i "Why, what's this?" asked tho Jailer in surprise as ho saw inside a suit of baggy clothes, alternately striped with broad bands of black and whlto, tho uniform of a Georgia convict. I "It's his Bult," sho oxplnlned. You seo, hit's dls wny: Dnt boy alius was overgrown for his ago, an' when ho fust went out to do roads ho was pow'ful uncomf'tablo 'cause do clo'es ,what ho had warn't llko what his mammy used ter make. Dey was all skimpy In tho, wnlst, and do pants was tight. Why, ho Bald ho Jes had tor pull nn' tug every time ho put 'em an, nnd ho shirts nln't had no tails at all. I "Den when dey woro out, you seo, a speshul suit was made, what fitted bim porzactly. After dat ho didn't aMaig t"v J 1 I I. tlmfi 'T . "Il 1 . . IH"1 1 1 ' fit I r tLllL-- Face Want for Love tinucd a resident of tho home. Sho became 111 flvo months ago and I was assigned to wait on her. "Well, wo Just got to talking to each other and decided that If younger folks could got married there wasn't any crlmo for older ones to do tho same. I wanted a wife and she want ed a husband and wo made up our minds that If we had to bo thrown out into tho cold world or anywhere elso wo would get married. I found that my heart was Just as susceptible to lovo as when I was a youth and a whole regiment of Yankees couldn't have stopped us, oithor. "Thero wore two other couples lr, the Confederate Homo who wanted to get married. But thero was a ban on marriage in tho home. Flvo days ago, a llttlo moro than a month after wo were married, we were told wo would havo to move out. My wlfo had asth ma and I wasn't able to work, so wo were hard pressed for a place to stay and something to eat Now wo havo found a homo where it Isn't any crlmo to bo married." Tho bride and groom were assigned to a room at tho county home. Mrs. Starns has lived In Jackson county more than forty years. Mr. Starns has been a resident of Missouri 70 years. Steamship Barbers Owing to this decline of business the steamship companies have had to reduce tho rents charged for the bar bers' shops on their liners, and in some cases they havo had to pay as much as $40 a month to get tho pro fessors of tho tonsorlal art to go to sea. Reno do Sans Soucl, ono of the most dignified Bea-golng barbers, said: "Yees, it ees verro sad, trlste, eh, for ze artiste of ze cheveux to the sea In big sheeps for many days without making the razor on face to go. I am desolo because for tho rent and my expenses." Sam Skeggs, another roving barber, well known from tho Hudson to tho Yukon, said that tho barber business on board ship since the advent of the safety razor gave him tho fantods. "All I can do today," said he, "is to cut hair and trim whiskers of plouB travelers who do not know how to spend money or give tips." tlon that Is a wonder. Tho literary talent and linguistic power of somo of theso prisoners Is simply marvel ous, and tho strange part of it is how men of such profound knowledgo aro not otherwise brainy enough to keep out of Jail. If tho average receipt of such prisoners is maintained it will bo a strong argument for tho 'low brows" sldo, of whom wo have a big population." All told, there aro a Bcoro of prison ers now doing time in the prison who aro ablo to converse fluently In half a dozen languages. ' As convincing proof of this, a pris oner of Polish birth was brought out to converse with an attache of tho dis trict attorney's office. Tho lattor Is somewhat of a linguist and boasts of being able to converse in 12 different languages. Tho prisoner, who wns formerly engaged as a foreign banker, Just went tho young attorney three better. Ho domjonstrnted to the list eners thnt ho was as familiar with 1G different tongues as ho is with his na tive chatter. Thero aro others In Jail equally fluent, too. All of theso prisoners demand high clnss literature to pcruso In their idle moments. man mln' so much de work, an' when hlB time was out dey let him bring It home. Dat's dera. He'll want om or giu, I'm sho, an' his ol' mammy will bo satersfled about him." "When was ho arrested and what's his name?" "What's his name? Oh. Julius Wll yums. I ain't know In' when ho was 'rested, but I alnt' seen him In or month, so I knows he's In Jail. I wants him tor bo flxed up right when ho goes out. You'll givo 'cm to him?" Tho promise was made on tho spot nnd tho old woman left "satersfled." When tho baBkot was examined It con tained tho suit of stripes, generously mado, an old broad-brim hat that will keep tho sun out of tho eyes, and a pound cako wtth fancy icing. It was clearly of the kind that mother used to make. 111 Jm Mk Free Color Plans foranyroomsyou 'C Want to decorate You can have the pret tiest walls in your town, Rt the least cost. Our expert designers will plan the work for you FREE. Get This Book 20 Pretty Rooms we will null ru W Frte It Itlll bow to lute the belt deco nilnr it lcait cott, li lull ol new color ichtmci and ibowj ilitren ol the cxqulilte AUbaiilne tlnli, lam on i lor their (oft. refined qualities. - The Beautiful Wall Tint li more In rocue In modern homei than wall paper or paint and coin lar leu All lcalsomlne colors are! narih and crudebetMeAhbanlne tlnta Abtolutelr tanltaiy. coes lor then, doei not cblp. perl or rub off. Eaiy to uae )uit mix with cold water and put on. Directions on each packace. l-ull S lb. package. White 50c ReiuUr Tints 5$c Alabastine Company ItSiriic Jl CriDdvtlle Road, Grind RapMs, Hkh. lit York my. Desk t, 105 Wiltr Street Awful. "Is my hat on straight?" "No. Ono eyo shows." Life. The simple life in best. Let your only medicine bo Garfield Ten tho pure and proven remedy. All druggista. Platonic friendship and perpetual motion aro all right theoretically, but they refuse to work. Kra. Wrnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the kuuih, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic 25c a bottle. A Cruel Thrust. He Old ago has no terrors for me. She It neden't havo if It's true that brainy men Uvo long. Stop the Pain. The hurt of a burn or a cut utops when Colo's Carbolisalve is applied. It heals Sulckly and prevents scars. 2So and 50c by rucglsts. For free snmplo write to J. "W. Cole & Co.. Black Itlver Falls, Wla. Unrealized Idyl of a King. King Arthur had Just invented the round table. "Can you Invent a bureau that a man's wifo will let him havo two drawers of?" wo a3ked. Perversity of Nature. HIb father was busy and had cau tioned him not to ask foolish ques tions, so he said to the boy when he came Into tho room: As long as this Isn't a fool question, what is it?" And this Is what tho boy propound ed: "When you've a Bore throat, dad, and it hurts you to swallow, why do you want to swallow all the time?" How He Was Hurt. Sunday School Teacher And when tho prodigal son camo home, what happened, Tommy? Tommy His father ran to meet him and hurt himself. Sunday School Teacher Why, where did you get that? Tommy It said his father ran and fell on his neck. I bet it would hurt you to fall on your neckl The Biblical Injunction. A Washington clergyman made a call of consolatiou upon a woman who had suffered a sad bereavement, "I hope," said tho pastor, "that in your bitter trial you havo found somo ray of comfort from tho Scriptures." "Indeed I have, air," was tho confi dent though fearful reply. "That's grand, sister," was tho sym pathetic observation of tho minister. "May I ask what passage of tho Good Book helped you most?" "Grin and bear it." Convincing Argument A single dish of Post Toasfies with Cream. Delicious Wholesome Convenient "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers. Pottum Cereal Co., Ltd. - Blt!e Geek, Mich. V. B 3K j' m; SH.,V :M: to tfSJxaiP (fotortta 'jgr iffS Mm. iCTjNJLlJIJi' W Tf VV Mswm a ai-TiiT."!- 1 r ' frUWrtyitafraawiiifa .-r, -rArv orr? tewMWWArU)!. u, .