The Kind of
is the guaranteed kind the kind vc carry always in stock.
It's our business policy to carry only the jewelry that wc can
feci sure of jewelry that, being guaranteed to us, we can guar
antee to you.
No matter what you want in jewelry particularly if it is the
nationally advertised kind, and guaranteed by Good Housekeep
ing Magazine, wc 'have it. Come in and let us show you our
complete line of reasonably-priced
Guaranteed Jewelry
DIXON, Tke Jeweler
U. P. Watch Examiner.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First National Hank
Local and Personal
Mrs. W. T. Berry returned Tuesday
evening from a visit in eastern cities.
Mrs. Charles Temple left the first of
the week for Omaha to spend a week.
J. S. Johnson came up from Kearney
Wednesday to look after his interests.
John Stack has accepted a position as
driver on the Herrod & Son auto de
li vey.
Thirty-eight cars containing 10,000
sheep went thru from Colorado Wed
nesday morning.
J. V. Anderson, train master of
Grand Island, spent Wednesday in
town ,on business.
Dick Baker enjoyed a visit from his
father R. L. Baker, of Omaha, the
first of the week.
The ladies of the Catholic church
will hold an exchange at Howe & Ma
loney's tomorrow.
Henry Hansen returned Wednesday
from Omaha, where he was called by
his mother's illness
Kirke Sturdevant returned the first,
of the .week from Cleveland, Ohio,
where,he visited relatives.
MaxVonGoetz resigned his position
at the Hinman Garage Wednesday and
accepted a position in the Fink harness
Mayor T. C. Patterson returned Wed
nesday morning from DenverAvhere he
was called by his brother's death last
Sunday. -
Clara A. Cook and Joseph Possa
were granted license to wed by Judge
Grant Wednesday. They were married
that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Grady returned
to Hershey Wednesday after visiting
the latter's parent's Mr. and Mrs.
Albro for a week.
Miss Orra Hall pleasantly entertained
the Young Ladies Kensington Club
Tuesday evening. Delicious refresh
ments were served.
Pete Hayes took charge of the north
side shoei.repairing shop Wednesday
which he purchased the fn-st of the
week from Mr. Bowman.
EmestClouse received word the first
of the week that the estate of a de
ceased aunt in the east had been settled
and lie had fallen heir to $800. .
Fred Jackson was called to San An-
tonia, Tex., Tuesday afternoon by the
serious illness of his sister Miss Flor
ence Jackson who formerly lived here.
A special train of railroad officials
went thru Wednesday from Salt Lake
to Omaha. Among those on board were
Judge Lovett, chairman of board of
directors of Harriman system, Julius
Kruttschmtt. superintendent of main
tenance, A. L. Mohler, president,
Supt. Cahill, of the jyebrasKa
Mrs. Harry Curtis, of Denver, who
visited her husbantl last week, went
back Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Denn returned
Wednesday evening from a few days'
visit in Oshkosh.
Miss Katherine Seyferth left last
night for Rochester, Minn., to enter a
training school for nurses.
W. H. LcDoyt returned Wednesday
afternoon from Schuyler where he was
called by the death of a relative last
Mrs. H. M. Carlton, of Grand Island,
came up Wednesday afternoon to visit
her daughter Mrs. Joseph Jessup for
some time.
Henry Peterson returned to Kansas
City Wednesday afternoon after visit
ing his father for a few days. Mrs.
Peterson will remain for two weeks.
Mrs. Agnes Krull returned Wednes
day morning from San Francisco, with
her sister Mrs. Anna Seyferth, and left
that dny for her home in the east.
Dr. Miles E. Boardman was called to
Portland, Ore., Tuesday evening by the
death of his father Dr. Boardman, who
was a pioneer resident of Overton.
Arthur Gross, a nephew of P. H.
Sullivan, is playing one of the principal
parts in the "Pink Lady" company,
which is showjngin Cheyenne this week.
Little Alice Ryner, of Chicago, who
spent the greater part of last summer
with her grand molher Mrs. S. H.
Grace was run over and dragged by a
street car in Chicago last Sunday and
received what might prove serious in.
Miss May Marovjsh, who has been
preparing to enter the sisterhood in
Grand Island, came up the first of the
week to visit her sister Mrs. A. J.
Frazieiv Miss Mavorish will take the
veil of St. Francis' Order of Sisters on
March 19th and has chosen the name of
Sister Josephine.
Cards were received in the city re
cently announcing the marriage of
Frank Melville and Miss Carrie Barbee
at Syracuse yesterday. Miss Barbee
was formerly a North Platte young
lady and is well known here. She is a
sister of Mrs. E. C. Richard of this
F. W. Herminghausen filed Tuesday
for the democratic nomination for county
commissioner. For a number of years
past he has resided in town, and has de
voted his time to buying and shipping
stock, a vocation that has given him a
large acquaintance among county res
idents. He is now a member of the
city council from the Fourth ward, and
is proving a very nctive member. He
is regarded as a progressive democrat
and this with his largo acquaintance
will secure for him a largo following.
Twenty-one Years Ago.
In its issue of Mch. 15, 1891, The
Tribuno recorded the proceedings of n
mass convention to nominnto n city
ticket. Judge Neville was selected as
n'enndidnte for mayor, S. Goozeo for
city clerk and Will McDonald city
treasurer. The following resolution,
nfter much discussion was adopted:
Resolved, That it is the senso of this
meeting that we fnvor the nomination
mayor, councilmen nnd city treasurer
who will serve the city gratis, that wo
favor the reduction of tho salary of the
clerk one-half nnd the nbolishment of
the night police. Judge Hoagland ap
posed the resolution in a strong
Mrs. Cody entertained a number of
citizens as a farewell party to Colonel
Cody who was getting ready to take
his show to Europe.
There were five candidates for coun
cilman in the Third ward Louis Peter
son, J: r. scnarman, t;naney fliar-
gileth, James Shiia and W. H. Johnston.
Adrian C. Anson and his l.nll team,
the Chicago Whit' Stockings, passed
through to Denver. The Tnoino had
delegated Tom Healey to interview
Anson, but 'Tom was so deeply en
grossed in entertaing a young lady that
he forgot the ball team was on the
Charley McAllister, living near Her
shey, sold 3,000 bushels of wheat to the
state aid committee which had been
grown under irrigation.
Lincoln county warrants which had
been outstanding and unpaid for 1889
and previous years were being paid by
County Treasurer Osgood.
Coal rustlers were vigorous and vio
lent. One shot the night watchman at
Julesburg, another one at Lodge Pole
attacked Conductor Blood, and at Big
Springs another hit a brakeman over
the head with a club. These rustlers
would jump on a slow moving train,
throw off a ton or more of Jump coal,
and later gather it up in their wagon.
A. J. Miller and W. S. Peniston.'-who
were married at Auburn, N. Y., on the
same dny, celebrated their twenty-sixth
wedding anniversaries.
Mrs. W. W. Birge and Mrs. F. H.
Longley were nominated for members
of the board of education by petition.
It was an innovation and caused con
siderable criticism, but both were
elected and proved valuable members
of the board.
A business man informed The Tribune
that on the preceding Saturday ho had
counted 135 farmers' teams on the
streets and 'wasn't a goodday for far
mers, either."
The little daughter of T. C. Patterson
was taken ill with scarletiha, having
contracted fever germs through handling
a scrap book which had been used' by
her cousin while suffering from scarlet
fever the year before. The instance
was cited to show the longevity of fever
germs. Harvey VanDoran had a case
of scarlet fever that was traced to the
Fashion Form Corsets.
Fashion Fbrm
An exceedingly shapely, well
made corset for the average fig
ures. This model is the very lat
est fashion. Bust is medium high.
Attractively trimmed. Deep skirt
extension. Reinforced front clasps.
Non-rustable double boned through
out. Three pairs very serviceable
supporters. All sizes. PRICE $2.00.
Ml I ' 1
- COR3ET3 3--ll(
A very good style for the average
figure, Embroidery trimmed. Non
rustable boning throughout. Front
and side supporters made of best
qunlity Coutel. PRICE 51.00.
Fashion Form
A very good model for medium to
fuller figure. Bust is medium low.
Two pair good quality supporters.
Mado of best grade Coutel. An
especially good value at $1.G0.
same source.
' feC
A very effective girdle top for
slight figures. Medium skirt exten
sion. Lightly boned with non-rust-ablo
bones. Three pair good qunl
ity supporters. Mado of good qual
ity bastiste. PRICE ONLY $1.50.
Position form
, Corsets
A very desirable attractively de
signed corset for the average figure.
High bust. Deep skirt extension.
Two pair supportors. Made of good
qunlity Cputel. An exceptional
value. PRICE $1.00.
Yourjj Personality
(j B Your Corset
BJCharnctcr is expressed by the
ure as well as the face. Shapeliness
signifies feminine daintiness. The
highest degree of personality is V&
givonlby the best corset. There
fore, to make your personality as -vS
distinctive as possible wear a Hen
derson corset. Theso models nre S
designed to shape the figure to the ii.
most fashionable, graceful lines.
Wo carry a largo assortment of
Henderson Corsets nnd enn fit. nvnrv
woman of every size in an individ- S?
ually designed model that can bo
worn with comfort and ease. We Jfc
ask the opportunity of explaining S$g
the superior merits of the Hender- ?ix
son Co'rset.
Farmer's Attention,
The North Platte Produce Co. will
be open for business Wednesday, Mar.
14th. 1912 at 422 W. Front St. Will
always pay highest cash price for all
kinds of poultry. When you have poul
try to sell come and see u or phone.
The North Platte Produce Co.,
North Platte, Neb.
We Have Plenty of Money
to Loan on Good Security.
We Have Helped Others, Can't We Help You?
McDonald State Eank?
Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent.
chas. Mcdonald,
w. h. Mcdonald,
Caihier and Vice-Prejt.
Nominate Candidates. .
Both the republicans and democrats
held mass conventions -at the court
house Tuesday evening and both
ventions were well attended.
The republican convention whs called
to order by City Chairman E. H. Evans
and the call read by Secretary R. C.
Langford. Later these two were
elected presiding officers of the conven
W. M. Cunningham and Hershey
Welch were placed in nomination for
water commissioner, and the first bal
lot gave Welch nineteen votes and Cun
ningham sixteen Welch was declnred
the nominee.
For school board the following were
nominated: For three years, O. E.
Elder and Dr. N. McCabe; for two
years, Edgar Schiller; for one year,
Nels Rasmussen.
The voters of the several wards then
assembled in sepnrate conventions and
nominated the following candidates for
councilmen; First ward, Jonn Burke;
Second ward, C. F. Tracy; Third ward,
A. B. Hoagland; Fourth ward, Robt.
L. Douglas.
In the democratic convention, with
J. B. McDonald presiding, W. M. Cun
ningham was nominated for water com
missioner; Messrs. Elder, McCnbe,
Schiller and Rasmussen for members
of the school board, and John Frazier
councilman from the First ward, C. F.
Tracy from the Second, Louis Tobin
from the Third and Richard Owens
from the Fourth.
It will thus be seen that the board of
education candidates will be the same
on both tickets, and that Mr. Tracy
was nominated for councilmnn by both
conventions. The race for water com
missioner promises to bo a spirited one.
To Loan,
$2,000 of 5 per cent money in about
ninety days. Must bo secured by
first mortgage on real estate.
BMJ Dewey St..
North Platte, Neb.
Tramp's Dry Goods
Jay Smith has accepted a position
with the Schiller drug company.
William Elder, of Brady, spent a few
days here on businosa this week.
Miss Myrtle Murphy, of Brady spent
the first of the week with Miss Nona
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerkins, of
Wellfleot, are spending this week with
town friends.
Mrs. Hansen, who was operated upon
in Omaha the last of the week, is re
ported very much improved.
Mrs. Frank Dickerson, of Hershey,
who visited Mrs. Florin Muchlinski
last week.Jhas returned home.
Mrs. Harriet Gibson, of the Wilcox
department store, was off duty sevoral
days this week owing to illness.
Miss Amanda Mylander left Wednes
day evening for Omaha to spend a
week at the Keister tailoring school.
Wo wish to thnnk the many friends
and neighbors who so kindly assisted
us in our late bereavement. Also for
the beautiful floral offerings.
Mits. Fkazke and Family.
For Sole.
A innch fi miles north of the city of
North Platte, consiting of 240 acres.
100 acres in meadow, 90 acre under
cultivation, 50 acres in ptistur. White
Horse creek runs through pasture. A
five room dwelling, corrals, wind mill
and livi' milfi ot fi-ncing on plnrn For
For Sale.
Two story nino room house with large
closets, sewer and bath, electric lights,
full length storm windows and screens,
largo barn, GO foot lot with the finest
shade trees and lawn in town. Within
one block of school. Also have some
household furniture for sale.
Ali:x Mkston, 701 West First St.
Dr Infield edfield,
Physlcluns and Surgeons,
JOH II. KBDFIRM), I'hyticlan.
Physicians & Surgeons
, . Hospital . .
Special to Farmers
The North Platte Produce Company has.opened
their poultry house in the cement block building-at
422 west Front street. If you have any poultry to
sell bring1 them in. We will treat you right and fur
nish you the best market in the Platte valley. We
pay cash and give honest weight. Following are our
present prices:
, Hens, per lb 1 0c
Soft Boned Springs, per lb 10c
Young Roosters, per lb 7c
Old Roosters, per lb 4c
Ducks, per lb 9c
Geese, per lb 8c
North Platte Produce Company,
422 West Front Street. NORTH PLATTE. NEB
You aro cordially invited to call nnd. inspect my beautiful lino of
samples of Mnde-to-Monsuro Ladies Garments, Suits. Waists, Skirts,
One-piece Dresses and Hosiery. We sell cloth by the yard, if you desire
Also a complete lino of Ueady-Mado-to-Wcnr Ladies' Misses' and
Children's Gnrments, Suits, Coats, One-piece Drosues, Petticoats, etc.,
and Ostrich Plumes.
Tailor Mndo Sulto and Clothing of nil kinds for the man. All goods
tully guaranteed, uut ot town liusmoBg solicited,
ceive our best attention.
If you can't call, phono, or write your wants.
Your orders wul re
LYMAN H. WELSCH, Salesman,
North Pintle, Nebraska.
11 1 Fa-tt ; oi-ord Sti
n i
il t.
t,pi t.M.-1r i
run'-1 i
' urs&y&kx jte& -KraL-vrissrs z,
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