The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1912, Image 3

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Pretty Lace Bonnets
. jirTK. Vl- ALs.
c r x-xsv s . i - mt . . . i
11 J I N " vV" " tf . M-
THERE is no doubt now that hntB
(or rathor bonnets) made of lace
will be a leading feature in head
wear forchildrentluring the com
ing spring. Already, those who create
the styles for the public's acceptance,
or rejection, have made many beau
tiful bonnets and bonnet-liko hats, with
such good success, that they will be
cure to sell. They appeal to the moth
ers from the standpoint of beauty and
utility, and more than all, from that of
economy. The majority aro mado of
narrow val lace and those of other
laces as a rule will show good wearing
These pretty head coverings are
mado In nearly every case on a wire
frame which is faced with shirred silk
or chiffon. But sometimes the brim
facing is also of lace. Ribbons in silk
or velvet aro used with them. Many
small flowers, too, add to their beauty.
They aro set in prim and quaint fash
ion about the crowns, or in one or two
little bouquets on tho brim. Forget-me-nots,
Juno roses, moss-rose buds, small
daisies and blossoms of fruit trees re
Tho young woman who wants to get
her spring sewing done ahead of time
cannot do better than to copy this
charming frock, just completed for a
brido who will pass her honeymoon
at Aiken. Tho material Is white per
nio fabric, a soft, lustrous weave of
wool with mohair, though any light
weight fabric will answer equally well.
Tho scalloped pipings and sash aro
of gay plaid silk In rod, green and
white and tho scallops around tho bot
tom of the skirt aro particularly smart.
Beneath these scallops tho little white
boots show plainly. Theso pretty
boots aro of white buckskin aud havo
tho new 10 button tops.
Smart Evening Gowns.
Laco and tho most gorgeous of bro
cades threaded with gold and silver
and worked in flowers of wool or silk,
or both, mako up the most handsome
of ovenlng gowns. But beaded net is
also used, with a softening nolo of old
laco on tjio shoulders.
i Vv Jf'ffi) fir -
Ml f
I ! .fMf
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main tho favored posies for little
folks. 3mall field flowers look well
with tho heavier laces.
There is really a great amount ol
work on children's millinery, but it is
not of tho most difficult character. Tho
pretty hats of lace shown hero aro not
beyond the skill of tho mother who
makes her children's dresses. Tho
wire frame must bo bought from the
millinery shop or the department storo
and covered with mull of silk before
tho lace and facing aro put on. Usu
ally the finished hat looks considerably
larger than tho frame.
Val and cluny laces aro the favor
ites. Quito a number of novelty laces
have been brought out, but aro not
more attractive than those we havo
had heretofore.
White and pale colors make up near
ly all tho bonnets so that a choice of
colors is easy enough. Very thin silks,
chiffons and laces, are used for fac
ings. Wide, soft ribbons or narrow
velvet ribbons are c'losen, with small
flowers for (.rimming.
Dayo of Usefulness May Be Extended
If Article Is Not Too
Far Gone.
Hero aro a couple of hints for thn
girl whoso dress allowance has to go
a long way:
White kid shoes which are too soil
ed to wear and which are still of a
good shapo may be rcnowed for even
ing wear by painting them with gold
paint. Do this carefully and smoothly
and the shoes will look like new.
In some cases even soiled satin
slippers may be successfully treated
in this way.
White kid shoes may also bo dyed
a fast black by applying the follow
ing mixture to them: Five cents'
worth of gallic acid and five cents'
worth of sulphate of iron
Put tho sulphate of iron in just as
much water as is required to dissolvo
It, no more, and apply this to tho
shoes. Let it dry, then dissolvo tho
gallic acid in a vsrv Httln wnt.or nnd
) apply this. When dry tho shoes should
oo a good olaclc color. Great caro
must bo taken in using these chem
icals, nnd after they have been used
tho surplus quantity should be thrown
For the Wee One.
During tho winter months a warm
wrapper to slip over tho baby when he
is being taken from one room to an
other is a necessity. A very pretty
one may bo mado of nun's veiling in
pink or blue, with an underlining, of
thin wadding and batlsto. Tho dainty
little garment might bo embroidered
or scalloped round the edge and would
provo a pretty present for baby nnd
also a most useful ono.
Tho wrapper should be large enough
to slip on easily,- for nothing Jnrs a
child's nerves more than to bo forced
into a coat that is too small, nnd If tho
wrap takes the form of capo it is
equally necessary that it bo largo
enough to envelop tho little form when,
as In this case, warmth is tho object
to bo secured.
Dainty Lace Caps.
Laco caps aro much in vogue for
young girls. It takes tho dainty coif
fure of the mnld to produco tho proper
effect when tho caps aro worn, and tho
bits of vanity aro hardly sultablo for
women of years. All sorts of old laco
aro being utilized in tho manufneturo
of the caps, the latter being especially
desirable for theater wear. They aro
often finished with sprays of tiny pink
rosebuds, and fit closely over tho
Blouses With 811k Suite.
Hand tucked tullo blouses aro worn
with silk suits. They aro mado quite
simple, trimmed only with tullo or net
jabots or pllsscs.
e.x- ..
OOD mi ten without enjoyment
Ilea like lend In Oio Rtnmnoh
and Uoi-H moi e Imrm Minn kooiI.
Henry Ij. Finch.
Tlio most Important problem now be
fore tliu American public In to lenrn to
enjoy tlio pleasures ot the table.
Henry ,. Finch.
Meat may bo mado to go much fur
ther In tho nionu nnd tho dish will be
as valuable In nutrition.
Servian Rice With Meat. Wipe off
with a dampened cloth n piece of
meat weighing about a pound and n
half (a piece from the shoulder), cut
in Inch squares. Heat a frying pan
and put in u littlo sweet lard nnd an
onion cut In thin slices and a third of
a carrot. Put over the fire with the
meat, a tablespoonful of salt, a tea
spoon of paprika nnd cook over a
Blow fire. When half done add a pint
of water and n half pound of rice, add
ing more water as the rice cooks.
Season further before serving.
Mutton Stew. Take a piece from
tho neck, cut in small pieces and put
to cook with a sprig of parsley, a bay
leaf, two cloves and two peppercorns
with water to nenrly cover tho ment.
Let simmer about two hours, then add
a carrot cut in fancy slices, nnd six
potatoes cut in thick slices, a cup of
strained tomato and simmer until the
meat and vegetables aro lender. Re
move tho parsley and hay leaf and
Tho pink skin on mutton is the part
that gives tho undesirable woolly
taste; If that is removed the stew will
bo more delicate.
Liver a la Mme. Begue. Take a
pound of calf's liver cut In Inch slices.
Lay tho liver In salted water while
you peel five largo onions, the lnrger
the better; slice in thin slices and cut
In halves. Dry the liver and place iir
layers with tho onion; let stand for
nn hour then cut the liver In cubes,
dredge with flour nnd Eeason with
salt and pepper. Dredge tho onions
in tho samo way, then fry all In n
frying basket until well cooked, the
onions n golden brown.
PIIo tho liver into a platter nnd gar
nish with n circle of onions.
BNj CAN'T nbldo to see men throw
JBSL their tools r that way tho min
ute iho clock bcKliiB to strike, as If they
took no plensuie 1' their work, and was
afraid of doing a stroke too much. I
hate to seo a man's arm drop down as
If ho was Bhot before tho clock fahly
struck. Just ns If ho'd never a bit o'
pride and dollsht in Ms woik. The very
grindstone '11 go on turning a bit after
you Iooso It. -George Eliot.
As every nationality has some char
acteristic dishes which mako them fa
mous, thoy aro intensely interesting
to those who mako a study of cook
ery, and any of utu may be glad to add
them to our collection.
Fatlman's Dakcls (Poor Man's
Cakes). Take ono egg, beat very
light, add a tablespoonful of sugar
and a tablespoonful of thick sour
cream and flour to roll very thin. Cut
In long strips and fry In deep fat.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Another Bakel. Beat four eggs
very light, odd a cup of sugar, n cup
of cream and vnnllln to flavor. Add
flour to roll and cut In diamond
shapes. Fry in deep fat. Sprinkle
with powdered sugar.
Pepita Krause. Tako two eggs and
the yolk of one, reserving tho third
white; add a cup and a half of sugar
to the beaten egg, two tablespoonfuls
of sour cream and a half cup of hut
tor. Mix with flour to roll. Cut in
strips and roll, then fold In tho form
of a wreath, lapping tho ends. Brush
with tho white of egg and sprinkle
generously with flno granulated sugar
nnd cinnamon well mixed.
A delicious sandwich filling Is made
of chopped hnrdcooked egg anrUcqunl
parts of grated cheese. Spread on
whole wheat bread.
KT Into the habit of looking
at the silver linlnir nt tlw.
ciouu, and, when you havo found It,
look nt It rather than nt the leaden i-ray
In the middle. It will help you over
many hard places.
Buy sparo ribs and place n good
stuffing on ono and cover with tho oth
cr, surround with potntoes and onions,
basting nil frequently while ronsting.
Sorvo with vegetables as u garnish.
Sparo ribs with applo and bread
crumbs is another change from tho or
dinary. Placo tho ribs'ln a pan, cover
with a layer of sliced applo and thon
a sprinkling of crumbs, and bako as
Chill Con Carnl. BoIJ a pound of
lean beef until tender, thon removo
from tho broth in which it was boiled
and clfop in small pieces. Put back
into tho broth with half a pound of
nssCsraxS I
KYS SV -"-& t
JH .. "J 'V fiJatf.
kidney beans which havo been cooked
until tendnr; nth! to theso a quart of
canned tomatoes, a bit of garlic and a
red pepper. Cook for twenty minutes
and season with salt, nnd servo. Tho
pretty green French bonus urc an ad
dition to this dish If they aro oLtnln
Flank Steak. Tako ono and n qunr
tcr pounds of flank Bteak, slnsh with
a sharp knlfo on both sides and
spilnklo with salt, pepper and flour,
and a hnlf teaspoonful of curry pow
der. Pound theso seasonings well
intr tho meat and then put into a hot
fr'lng pan with a tablespoonful of
b titer nnd lard. Add two cups of
water, cover nnd simmer slowly for
nn hour, adding moro water, If needed.
The moat will he tender and juicy
and tlio gravy rich and brown.
A delicious snuco to sorvo with
steak Is:
Creole Sauce. Slice flno two medium-sized
onions, two green peppers,
two ounces of lean ham and a clovo
of garlic. Fry live minutes, then add
half a can of tomntoos, two bny
leaves, four cloves and eight allspice.
Let conic to n boll and thicken slight
ly with cornstarch, cook until smooth,
add a dash of red pepper or a fresh
one finely chopped. Mushrooms may
bo added If wanted for nn extra occasion
ACMI day
lor him who taken It rlRhtly.
It l ns much a duty wo owo to tho
world to bo ornamental ns to bo useful.
Tho following recipes havo been
gnthered from tho cherished hooks of
many cooks:
Doughnuts Without Eggs. Tako
two cupfuls of sour milk, a cup of
thick sour cream or six tnblcspoonfuls
of hqt fat, a teaspoonful of soda and a
cup of sugar nnd four tcaspoonfuls
of baking powder sifted with flour
enough to roll very soft. Flavor with
nutmeg and let stand to got very cold,
then they enn bo handled quite soft.
Sponge Drops. Beat tho whites
of three eggs until thick and lemon
colored; add gradually, boating con
stantly, n third of a cup of powdered
sugnr; add tho yolks of two eggs, a
fourth of a teaspoonful of salt, a third
of a cup of flour, vanilla to flavor.'
Drop on buttered tins to bake.
Sprinkle with powered sugar.
Queen's Fritters. Put threo table
spoonfuls of butter Into a half cup of
water over a Are; when boiling add a
half cup of flour. Cool and ndd two
eggs, beating thoroughly. Tho eggs,
are to bo added ono nt a time. Fry
(he mixture by spoonfuls In smoking
hot fat.
Queen's Pudding. Tako tho yolks
of four eggs, two-thirds of a cup of
sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter,
two cups of cracker crumbs rolled
fine, flvo cups of sweet milk, Mix
well and bako in a modernto oven
three-quarters of an hour.
Sauce. Warm n fourth of a pound
of butter, ndd a cup of powdered
sugar, tho rind and julco of n lemon.
Add a half cup of whipped cream.
Coffee Jelly. To two cups or strong
coffco add half a box of gelatine
which haB been softened In n cup of
cold water. Sweeten to taste and stir
well while cooling. Servo In sherbet
cups with 'sweetened whipped cream.
His Quotation.
A high school boy who had failed In
an English examination took tho teach
er to task because sho had asked no
questions on "Tho Merchant of Ven
ice," ono of tho books studied. At tho
second examination, tho first question
was "Olvo a quotation from The Mer
chant of Venice." When tho boy hand
ed In his paper, imagine the teacher'H
feelings as sho read, "0 hell! what
have wo hero?" Llpplncott's Maga
zine. Their Historic Blunder.
Kosciusko had fallen and Freedom
was shrieking.
"Confound her noise I Wo Bhould
havo bound aud gngged her!" ex
claimed her enemies, mortified at their
glaring oversight.
From which wo seem to learn that
tlio whiskered pandours nnd fierce
hussars of thoso days, whllo expert
ninraudors, lacked tho resourceful
ness of tho modern burglar.
Water Is Scarce and Costly.
Water used in Aden, Arnbln, Is
pumped from wells ten miles away.
Distilled water Is delivered at 73 cents
and ordinary well water at 40 conts
for 100 gallons.
The Forgetful Man.
Knlcker What did ho remember on
tho witness stand?
Bocker Absolutely nothing; not
even a winter Just liko this, only
No Doubt of It.
"A mnn's homo ought to bo very
dear to him."
"It Is, nt tho prosont rato of coal
and butter."
Gomethlns that will sire
your rough, ooft wood floors tha appear
nnceof tho flnnt oak ones, do away with
unsanitary carpets, lighten houiewotk,
make a beautiful wainscoting, in fact
change an old houss Into a new ons and
jet be within easy rechuof everjbodj"
Think of It perfect imitation of
oak, inndo of mntcrlnM as duroblo na
iron ana put up in rolls t modernto
Put up in rolls 33 inches wido. Sold In any
qunntlty by all iirst class dealers. Ask your
dealer for Qnl-va-nito Flooring or send to U3 for
samples and a beautifully illustrated booklot.
fib Piul, Omahi, Chlcsto, Ktniat City, St. Lout.
km k id)l
Terry Casey 'What's tho matter,
Jerry? Vhnt aro you running for?
Jerry Lacoy (messenger boy) It'a
all right, Terry! I'm off duty now!
"I think tho Cutlcura romodlcs aro
tho best remedies for eczema I havo
ever henrd of. My inothor had a child
who had a rash on Us hoad when It
was roal young. Doctor called it baby
rash. Ho gavo us mcdlclno, but It did
no good. In n few days tho hoad was
a solid mass, a running sore. It was
awful; tho child cried continually. Wo
had to hold him nnd watch him to
kcop him from scratching tho soro.
Ills suffering was dreadful. At last
wo remembered Cutlcura Remedies.
Wo got a dollar bottle of Cutlcura Ro
solvent, a box of Cutlcura Olntmont,
and a bar of Cutlcura Soap. Wo gavo
tho Resolvent as directed, washed tho
head with tho Cutlcura Soap, nnd ap
plied tho Cutlcura Olntmont. Wo had
not used half beforo tho child's head
was clear and froo from eczema, nnd
It hati novor como back again. Ills
hend waB hoalthy And ho had a bcau
tlful hend of hair. I think tho Cutl
cura Ointment very good for tho hair.
It makes tho hair grow and provonta
falling hair." (Signed) Mrs. Francis
Lund, Plain City, Utah, Sept. 19, 1910.
Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment nro sold everywhere, a saraplo
of each, with 32-pago book, will bo
mailed freo on application to "Cutl
cura," Dopt. L, Boston.
Wish Realized.
While tho mercury was snuggling
closo to tho zero mark tho chnrtor
member came Into tho Curbstone club
"Where's tho Ancient Carpenter?"
bo nsked.
"Oh, ho hasn't been hero," replied
tho Prominent Plumber, "since that
evening whon ho wns wishing for nn
other good old-fashioned winter."
Many things mny como to tho mnn
who waits, but better things come to
tho chap who waits on himself.
Strong Heattby Women
If a woman is stronf, nnd healthy in a womanly way, moth,
erhood means to her but littlo suffcriniJ. Tho trouble lies
in the fact that the many women suffer from weakness and
disease of tho distinctly feminine organism and aro unfitted
for motherhood. This can bo remedied.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Cures tho weaknesses and disorders of women.
It acts directly on tho delicate nnd Important
organs concerned in motherhood, making them
healthy, strong, vigorous, virilo and clastic.
"Favorito Prescription" banishes tho indispositions of tho
period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and
almost Painless. It ntiirlrrrm nml vIIIta. !,.. !..):..
organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands ot women hav
tcstibed to its marvelous merits.
It Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Slctc Women Well.
Ilonestdruggists do not offer substitutes, nnd urge them upon you as "Just
os good. Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secrtt remedy. It
contains not a drop of alcohol and not a gruin of habit-forming or injurious
drugs. Is a pure glyocrio extract of healing, native American roots.
- .- 4
9&r..26 -i '
s2, S.(?- . ,
Is mado of nn indcstructiblo felt baso beautifully col
ored anil grained by a special process, mado possiblo by a
recent discovery. It is protected with n triplo coating of
varnish which rccoivca tlio brunt of tho wear.
Gnl-va-nito Flooring is easy to kcop elenn,
nnd will not crack, peel or blister. Is absolutely
damp-proof , vermin-proof, odorlcs3 nnd sanitary.
Makes warm floors in winter and smnllcr fuel
You know what you soil or buy through tho sales has nbout
"2iC.ntCiM.SP., ,n flyto oscapo SALE STABLE DIBTEMPEH.
SrOHNS' is your truo protcotlon, your only safeguard, for
?, 2iro n"y, treat all your horsoB with It. you will soon
po nil of tho disease. It acta as a sure provontlve no mat
tor how thoy aro "exposed." B0 cents nnd $1 a bottle; J5
EU,!,Ji02o?c,n.,bot,?8 & n" K0? "JruBBlsts, horso Bood
iioimes, or delivered by tho manufacturers.
SP0HN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists, GOSHEN, IND., U.S.A.
44 Bu. to the Acre
is n ncarr yioia, not Unit what John Kenncdr of
no, v
iiyaturii uuuauu. HUb iruitl 4U
from otherdlntrlcts In that iroT-
nnnir viiinrin nun iiMnnrts
lnofl alinivml fithnr ATenl.
lolltroMlilfi- ftnrh nit A
Out) bushels of wheat
trvni im a crps, nr u i-,i
u.iiorncro. 25. CO mid 40
uuvituiyiojusvrero num
erous. As high ot IQ
bunhels of oau to the
aero worothrrshed from
Alboru noldaln 11)10.
The Silver Gup
ft t tho TTCPiit Hmknno
lTnlr irnauvriirtloU to tlio
Alhnrta (duvi-nimrnt fur
ttaexhlbllof Rralnti.Rrasfcosaml
TCHPtAbles.ltoportii of excellent
yiems mr imu oonin nino irorn
Kaskatchowan aud Maultobiv la
Wotorn Canada.
Free hmiH'iitcnd of 1GO
ncres. nntl iwljolulnff ju-o-omptlons
of 100 ncroA (nt
ll lioruoru) iro to lio lmil
111 tlio choicest illsti lets.
Hchools convenient, cll
mntn excellent, noil tho
vory best, rnllwaya close nt
limid, hullrilnif luinlior
clioup, f nolonsy tURut nntl
ronvinnblo In price, vrntor
easily iiroouroil, mixed
ai i nun,, i Btit:vna.
,Vrlto as to best placo for set
tlement, settlers' low railway
rntrs, description lllnotratcit
"Istllest West1' (sent freo on
application) and other Infurnia-
8Uon, to Hup't ot Immigration,,
tuiwa, Can.iorto tho Canadian
OTorutnonl Agent. (30)
Room 4 Bm Bldj. Omahi.Hii.
rieasewTltstothe rent nearest you
Bn4 (iHriM rnvrlopt for FIIKR bixkl.t lo Dr. l.o flfru.
Bro Ws Bronchial Troches
OouKhssnilDronchlal Trophies llelloTcil. No opiates
Bsruplo froo. Jimu I. Uuowh A Kon, Notion, Mass.
tjuy voimsKr.F a FAitnr on ranch in
Dawes County, NobraUa, "tho land of Indepon
donra"andbolndepondont. Farms (10 up. itanchoi
'7 up. Incroaso In valuation alor.n will mako you
rich. Uscollent climate, watnr nnd soil. Write for
froo book . pf descriptions nnd prices nnd stato map.
Arab Xj. llunverford, Crawford, lAiwus Co., tieb.
barn, sheds, orchard, etc.! excellent oca lion: all
contenlonccs. Uol'l'KU, Box 818, Chlcijto.
boft located In county, tnarkot rloht n t door. 4(1 ncres
cult., house, barn, outbldirs.. Hook, eto., OYorythlna
comploto. Uarcaln price. OUUUltU.lloxBlli.CIilcuBo
.,. Nju-I nil tlllnblo. loyol landi SOa. cult.1 naU
locaUd. Address NMLBON, llox SliCnlcaio
IS? ?nAJt'JC'W0 A,- ,N STANTON CO., NEIl.i 1C0 A.
cult., lor.houio, nhoun, barn, outbldrs.' slock, niacn.
orcbardt town. VlSTKIta, Uox 819, Chlcmto. ma-
ly,,LMll,IJj9!lTItApia MT2I0A.IN LINCOLN CO,
Nob.i Ijj, cult., 4 r. houso, bnrn. fruits, etc. nea?
towu, nllcouTenloncos. CAUlI'l'lf, llox 81301 cntto.
nAnaAlH-j A0nK8 IN nOFlTALO CO. Nicn,
M a. culu, all aross-fonced. 7 r. houso, barn, sheds.
ctc.i well located. JJUUOlltilDH, Uox 81 Chicago!
!Hf.,!,.outt,ull'"Dt"' ""!! suick, etc. Veil located,
healthy climate, etc MAllTlN, llox SW, Chicago!
II M W a. In Douglas Co., Mo.i IV n. cnlt.i houso, out
bides., orchard, inacn., oto. Aboon, llox Sly, Chicago
oriTonloncoo, i'li a. cult.. 8 r. house, complete out
blags., orchard ele., must ho seen to hn nppreolntod.
Host bargain In this state 1UHWIN, llox 8lJ, Chicago!
town ot Neb. Conipletn In orory ilotall, 1 a. ground,
house, stuhlo nnd orchard. Vrana, llox 8W, Chicago
a. cult.. 7-r. house, birn. 7 outbldgs., orchanl. stock,
machlnory, etc., n. llanloy, llarry, llox BlU.dhlcago
iitht results.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 9-1912.
, At