T 6 ifiatdfififii tflfltifjfi' A Mi-tltoMjr rSmt. .TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 12, 1912. No. 13 Jt0Hft W4-f-l''V'l''' - J Ji BUST ver.sity' CACO KKErcLLEHHpHpHHHHi rRan f IfflTif " iiiTnil' A aLLLLLL6sLda0f9sMflaftawLLiLLE7 -j SKi uS 'whaMSMflaBaaLLSLflLTjivCfLrTi fit f'i -b...3.j .aj,-to -j t..TstL.'-.iJ:r wnwi'A foicf oof7 D. NockeTeferficiv&been he richest' man m tfte Worfcf fffie had Spent he first money he earned P ' He put it in the: Bank When John I). Rockefeller went into the oil fields, he wont therewith Two Thousand Dollars that he hnd saved nnd with which he was rondy to tnlce n (rood business ohtinoe. HAD HIS JSOT HAD HIS JMOJXEYIJX THIS BAXIC, ho would not hnvo been nble to tnlce the business olxance that led to his stupendous fortune. John D. JRooce follor was no different from other fabulously RICIIM12X. TIII5IR GRI5 AT FORTUNES were logical results of THEIR FIRST SAVJATGS. Do YOUR banking with US. The First National Bank, OF XORTII IL,ATTE, jXISKRASKA. The .Largest Uunlcin Western JSebrusIta. n. w TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS- fekW .fcfcWtf today this few Mrs. N. F. Clough will leave for an extended visit in Ogalalla Mrs. Frank Winkleman loft, morninc for Sidney to spend a days with relatives and friends. Everett Smith, of Garfield precinct, has moved to this city and will make this his headquarters while running a .medicine wagon. For Rent Small bungalow and 12 -acres of land fitted for gardening and chicken raising; 6 miles from town. Phone 26. Mrs. Bruce Brown, of Hastings, who -visited her husband last week, was called back Sunday by the serious illness of her father. Herbert Votaw returned to Denver .yesterday afternoon, having come down last week to attend the funeral of the lata Mrs. Charles Heridy. Upon complaint of B. L. Robinson, Union Pacific watchman, two VonEaton boys ages 14 and 12 were arrested for .stealing one hundred and fifty pounds of coal from the local yards Saturday. "The case was tried in County Judge Grant's court yesterday morning and the testimony showed tho children to be delinquent and neglected and they were put out on a peace bond of $50. Ed. Yates, Thomas Gutherlees George LqDoyt and James Guynan left this morning, for a ten days' hunting trip up the branch. ' i A new orchestra under the direction 6f Prof E. A. Garlisch has been organ ized and will be composed of twenty of the most accomplished musicians in the city. It will be Known as the Philhar monic orchestra. Mrs. Marion Gilbert of Denver is being tried for poisoning her husband William Gilbert. Tho latter resided here about twenty years ago and on account of frequently visiting the Lloyd skating rink was called "Skates" Gilbert At that timo he was employed as brake man. The village of Maxwell, has granted a twenty-year franchise to H. D. Jer gensen for an electric light system. The village has contracted for six eighty-candle power Tungsten llghts.to run all night,, at $2.50 per month. The price for private lights has not yet been determined. Last evening tho Catholic Girls' club held a kensington nnd business meeting at the home of Miss Nell Hanifin. A nicely prepared two course lunch was served. Assisting the hostel's wore Misses Gcnia Maloney, Blancho Fonda, Hanna Keliher and Mrs. Harry Guther less. Misses Barbara McGuiro and Ancelino Herrod were taken into the membership. Attorney Carl Hohlman spent yester day in Lexington on business. Mrs. Clark Buchanan will entertain the Twentieth Century club today. Mrs. John McGowan returned last night from a weok'a visit in Grand Island. W. W. Burr returned Sunday even ing from his trip on the seed corn special. Miss Ora Hall will entertain the Young Ladies Kensington Club this evening. Will Cary camo up from Omaha to visit relatives nnd transact business yesterday. Miss Evn Capps loft yesterday for Thomas county, where she will begin a spring term of school. Mrs. E. R. Goodman will recejvo tho Travel and Study club on Thursday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cunningham attended tho U. C. T. banquet nnu ball at Grand Island Saturday evening. Mrs. James Hart will return tonight from Rochester, 111., where sho was called by the death of Ivr sister. The Methodist aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. E. W. Crane, west Second street. F. H. Brodfield state deputy for the A. 0. U. W. left today after spending a few days with Dr. W. J. Redfield. For Rent 8 rooms for light house 1 keeping. 720 W. 2nd. Mrs. W. T. Banks will entertain the Wide Awake of the Christian church class at her home this evening. Miss Motter, one of the nurses a5 the Twinem hospital, returned Saturday from a two weeks' stay in Omaha. - Tho Kirkgestner family who resided hero several years ago have returned to tho city from Colorado and will locate. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rawlins left for Omaha Sunday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tucker a few days. Dr. O. H. Cresseler will go to Omaha the latter part of this week to attend a metting of tho executive committee of the state dental as sociation. Money to loan on real estate. BR ATT & GOODMAN J Mrs,-D. M. Tatum entertained twenty ladies in a pleasant manner yeBterdajr afternoon. The affair was in t the nature of a surprise to her sister Mrs. Hollingshead, who has been her guest for several months. The Christian church has engaged Mrs. D, K. Livingston, of Rhode Island, to speak in this city on tho Evening of the 20th and 21st. She is a peer of Mrs. Armour, of Georgia. Further informa tion will be given in Friday's issue. For Sule Two passenger automobile in fine shape. Must sell. Address P. O. box 263. tf A million and a half workers idle, tho industry of the country threatened with complete paralysis if tho conditions do not change, the pric6 of bread and other foodstuffs advancing, thousands already feeling the pangs of hunger children "going without breakfasts to school, great industrial properties going to ruin through inability to prevent their deterioration, the railway services reduced to a minimum that is th6 con dition of things in England, Scotland and Wales, and the coal strike is only ten days old. Feed is Scarce. I Owing to tho long continued severo ' weather, feed for cattle is getting scarce, and a numbor of farmers and stock growers nre up against a serious ' proposition. Hay is being hauled from the valley to tho hills to supply tho I needs of those whohnvc fed up their sup ply of forage. As liny is worth twelve ' dollars per ton, those forced to buy nre anxiously awaiting a cassation of snow storms. Feisterraan Brought to Hospital. W. A Feistormnn, who wns shot nt his home in Garden county last week, mention of which was made in Friday's issue, was brought to this city Friday and placed in the P. & S. hospital for treatment. The steel jacketed bullet, which wn3 from a 30-30 gun, passed through Feistcrman'e loft hand, thence through his abdomen nnd splintered tho bone in his right nrm and lodged there. The ball was located by the x-ray and extracted. Mass Convention. Elsewhere appears a call for a re publican mass convention nt tho court house this evening for the purposo of placing in nomination candidates for city offices. Tho retiring councilmen nre Tracy, Frazier, Donaldson nnd Buchanan, And tho members of the school board who retire are Rasmussen, Schiller and Becler, and in nddition Bullnrd hns resigned. But little interest has so far been evinced in the election, tho only feature being discussed is tho licenso or no license proposition. BRATT & GOODMAN Have a few choice loans of $300.00 and upwards. If looking for something safe, paying good rate of semi-annual interest, see them. bALL ii Of Ladies9 Dress Skirts From March 16th to March the 23rd. We will offer between these dates, or while they last, about sixty Ladies1 Skirts that are not of the newest style but that are of good appear ance and made from fine-grades of Dress Goods. None of these Skirts were sold for less than five dollars and most of them from eight to ten dollars each. They are certainly bargains at the following prices; LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 $1.98 $2.48 $3.48 Each Each. Each. Remember these will be put on sale Saturday and meanwhile will be shown in our south window. v?& Wilcox Department Store. Rev. Williams Will Resign. At the morning service last Sun day, Rev. Georgo F. Williams, pastor of tho Presbyterian church, announced that he would tender his resignation nt tho annual congregational meeting to bo held this month. This resignation is to take effect Sunday, April 9th. Several weeks ngo Rev. Williams received a call from tho Presbyterian church nt Columbus, Neb., and his proposed resignation is evidonco that ho will accept tho call. The Columbus churcn nas a largor membership, tho salary is somewhat larger and tho field for work is more extensive. The resignation of Rev. Williams will cauBe much regret amoung our citizens. Favors Court 'House and Tcddv. Editor Tribune: , , I, believe in a progressive movement. I am in favor of a newcourt houso be cause 1 uon t behove in spending money to fix that old ono to make a safe place for all records, but I am also in fnvor of Teddy Roosevelt Bv readintr Tho Tribune one would suppose ho had no support in Lincoln county because he ia willing to answer the pcoplo'scall. Ho did not succeed himself, as he said he would not do, but now, after his retire ment, he has a right to accopt the call. wnen tne populists were in clover years ago a good friend of mine and myself cast tho only two republican votes in Nowell precinct. Roosevelt will have ono voto at tho primary, if no more. S. J. Kocit. Elks Will Hold a Fair. At a remilnrmeetinc of the B. P. O. Elks last evening it was voted to hold a fair for three ovonings, tho dates of which will probably bo April 18th, 19th and 20th, tho latter day being tho first anniversary of tho dedication of tho homo. There will be booths for tho sale of various articles, voting contests, dancing and other forms of amusement. It will bo made tho biggest thing of tho kind ever nttempted in tho city. The annual election of lodge officers took place last eveningwith tho follow ing result: Exalted ruler, R. C. kangiorci; esteemed leading knight, Frank McGovern; esteemed loyal knight, O. E Elder; esteemed lecturing knight, Chas. P. Clinton; secretary, F-, T. Redmond treasurer, Harry Dixon; tyler, Clyde Fristo, trustee, J. B. McDonald; delegate to Grnnd Lodge, E. H. Evans; alternate delegate E. F. Seeborger. F. E. Buliard. who had been in Kan sas City, returned Saturdny, but will return to tho Missouri metropolis m a few days. Proclamation. Notice Is hereby (riven tlint on Tunuluv. thn "ml day of April, JD12, a general election will bo held in tne city or North I'lattc. Lincoln county. Nebraska, between tho hours of 9 o'clock, n. m. and 7 o'clock, p. m., In tho First ward at the liono house in said ward, In the Second ward In tho commissioner's room In the court houso In said ward. In the Third Ward at the hose houso In said ward and In the Fourth Ward at tho hoso nouse in saw ward, at which election there will bo elected: Ono Councilman from tho First Ward to serve two years, Ono Councilman from the Second Ward to servo two years, Ono Councilman from tho Third Ward to servo two years, Ono Councilman from tho Fourth Word to serve two years. Two members of tho School Hoard for tho school district of the city of North Platte, for tho terms of three years, One member of tho School Hoard for the school district of the city of North Tlatte for the term of two years. One member of tho School Hoard for tho school district for the city of North Platte, for the term of one year. And ono Water Commissioner for the city of North I'lattc, to serve one year. And, whereas, thirty legal resident voters of the city of North Platte, have filed a petition with the mayor and city council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, praying- for tho submission of the question of license or no license, to tho electors of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, and by virtue thcreof.sald question Is hereby submitted to said electors. The ballots used at said election shall have written or printed thereon: FOR Issuing liquor licences In the city of North Platte, Nebraska." Ana 'AGAINST Issuing liquor licenses In the city of North Platte, Nebraska." Those voting in favor of Issuing liquor licenses shall mark their ballot with an X opposite tho paragraph beginning "For issuing liquor licenses In the city of North Platto, Nebraska." Those voting against said proposition shall mark their ballot with an X opposite the para graph beginning "AGAINST Issuing liquor licenses In the city of North Platte, Nebraska. Signed this 11th day of March, 1912. bealJ Tiios. C. Patterson, Mayor, Attest: Chas. F. Temple. City Clerk. Listen! One of our new rkts will mcvke your Heed, h&ppy jnsrae bm out Look at your old hat. Is the sweat leather greasy; is the band slick, has it lost its color and shape. If your hat is no longer comfortable for any one of those reasons "chucfc" it and come buy a new one. Top yourself off with one of our toppy hats. Come to us for your furnishing goods and clothing; you will be clothed with "up-right" cloth ing at "doiun-right" honest prices. CLARAUGH, . Everything for Men., i ' McDonald Bank Bldg, North Platte, Nebraska. Junior Normal Teachers. Stato Sunt. Delzell has named tho following instructors for tho Junior Normal, which opens in June in this city: Cloo Chappoll, Wilson Tout, North Plntte; D. F, Dickcrson, Lexington; L. A. Quivoy, Coznd; Maude Mollyncaux, North Platto; G. B. Williams, Lincoln; A. R. Nichols, Elm Creek; P. M. Whitehead, Gothenburg. FOR SALE. Some very cheap residences and vacant lots. This is the time to buy. BRATT & GOODMAN. Chas. P. Ross, formerly of this city, who somo time ago mado n filing for water power riglits from tho Plntto river at Fremont, haB had his right contested by eastern parties. This pro ject of Mr. Ross is u big thing, and if carried out would involvo tho expendi ture of n million dollars or more. Tho contestants claim that Ross mado the filing for speculative purposes and has never mado any effort towards carrying out his proposed plan. Ross denies this and says that ho is going ahead with the organization of his company for tho building of the power plant. Mrs. Anna Beyforth is expected homo today from San Francisco whoro sho spent tho past three, months with relatives. FOR RENT. Houses, rooms, safe deposit boxes and storage room with responsible parties. See Bratt & Goodman. Socialist Lecture Tonight, "Tho Trust Bustors", this and a doz en other phases of the subject will bo disCUSSOd DvMilaT. Mnvnnrrl nrT.lniriVo Opera Houso this evenincr. March LJth . Sho is n highly educnted woman. Sho llRH OfTPIinlpcl vnrimm nnlnlfo In Vm Unitarian church and wns for five years uio leuuing cuitonai writer on tho Rocky Mountain Nowb nnd Denver Times. Tho North American Review places her among tho most distinguished graduates of Cornell University, In addition to being a scholnr, Mrs. May nard is everywhero praised for the vivid manner in which she prosenta her subicct. Her lectures are delivered with wonderful dramntic power, NEVER BE SATISFIED. Until you secure a fire insurance policy written by Bratt & Goodman. Last Attraction Tonight. Colonel Shields, who is to closo tho Lyceum course nt the Keith this even ing, writes that ho will bo hero on timo unless tho trains hold him back. Evers holder of a season ticket should bo on hand and hear this great lecture. Ho will talk on our wild birds nnd ani mals and will tell of tho nrozess of ex termination which hns been going on in the pnst and the plans for protection of valuable Bpecics in tho future. Tho pictures are grand. Children will en joy them and will get a life lesson in JcindneBS to animals and protection of tho young. Bring tickets marked "F" General admission 50c. Lecture starts nt8:30 central time. The Wunderhose The best Hose made for men and boys. Guaranteed for four months .... Four pairs in a box $1.00 AH colors. See our Show Window. The guarantee reads: BE IT KNOWN that we, the Chattanooga Knitting Mills, will replace, without charge, any or all of the four pairs of hose sold herewith, that fail . to wear without mending in the heel, toe or sole, for four months from date of purchase. WEINGAND, THE QTJAIilTY PliACE l