The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 08, 1912, Image 7

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Indians of Alaska are Rapidly
Decreasing In Numbers.
Dr. Foster's Report Shows That Dis
ease, Especially Tuberculosis, Is
Making Great Inroads Among
the Natives of the North
western Territory.
Washington. Tho national bureau
of education has asked congress for
an appropriation of $70,000 for addi
tional medical work among tho natives
of Alaska. Ever slnco tho Indians of
tho western plains stopped going on
tho war path philanthropists havo
boon att work among them seeking to
decrease tho death rate and to make
the ono time warriors and their
squaws and papooses observo the
whlto man's safeguard against dis
ease. The result has been that tho
Indians within the United States prop
er aro Increasing in numbers.
Tho Alaska Indians, however, are In
a 'pitiful condition notwithstanding tho
efforto of tho bureau of education,
which has charge of the work there,
to aid them In every way. Alaska Is
n long way off and tho condition of
the tribes there does not appeal to tho
residents of the United States so
strongly as does that of tho Indians
who are nt tho doorstop. It Is said,
however, that congress Is likely to be
come allvo to Its responsibilities and
that tho condition of the Alaska tribes
will bo materially bettered.
Dr. M. H. Foster, past assistant sur
geon In the public health and marine
hospital service, has recently return
ed from Alaska, where he was sent to
jiako a survey of the health condi
tions of tho country. His report has
li good deal In It to make Americans,
lind members of congress especially,
think on tho duty of this country to
Its northwestern wards, many of whom suffering physical disabilities be
cause of the encroachment on their
country of tho "whlto master."
Population Rapidly Dwindling.
In tho report of the bureau of edu
cation It is said that no Indians at all
will be left in Alaska in sixty or seven
ty years unless tho government at
once takes vigorous measures to check
disease among them. Dr. Foster In
discussing tho decrease in the native
population says:
"Owing to the usual lack of vital sta
tistics in a pioneer country such as
this, the exact facts on which to base
nn opinion have never been available
And most of the statements have been
mero conjectures. At Sitka accurate
records have been kept by tho
churches, and they Bhow that for a pe
riod of five years and seven months
the annual birth rate has been 72.3
per thousand and the annual death
rate 85.4 per thousand. During this
period, with an estimated population
of 400, there were 29 more deaths than
"Tho returns of tho United States
census bureau show that in tho last 10
years there has been a decrease in
the total Indian population approxi
mately equal to 14 per cent., or 1
per cent, per year. This corresponds
very closely to tho rates as figured
at itka, and they may be taken as in
dicating fairly correctly tho rates for
the whole country. Tho death rate in
the United States varies from 7 or 8
per thousand to 35 per thousand, do
pending upon tho locality. An aver
nge death rate may be placed at 22 to
23 pqr thousand.
"Tho very unusual mortality In Alas
ka, 85.4 per thousand, is to bo attrib
uted largely to pulmonary tubercu
losis, and unless It Is checked in some
way It will result in tho extinction of
tho natives In 60 or 70 years. For
tunately, It Is counteracted to a cer
tain extent by an unusually large
birth rate, but the birth rate will
probably decrcaso as time gqes on."
Not Easy to Treat.
Congress has been asked to estab
lish a tuberculosis sanitarium In Alas
ka, a provision having been made for
it in an appropriation bill which is
now before the law makers. There Is
a touch of humor, although It Is a
kind of grim humor, In what Dr. Fos
ter has to say about tho trouble of
rendering medical assistance to In
dians In their own homes. His words
nte intended to show tho necessity for
congressional action on behalf of a
hospital to which natives who are
seriously ill can be transferred for
treatment. In his report Dr. Foster
"Under present conditions tho Indians
vannot bo effectively treated in their
own homos except for a fow minor
complaints. Every physician of ex
perlenco in Alaska states that they
will not carry out Instructions or take
medicine as directed. If the drug Is
palatable or they can feel Its effects,
they are very likely to tako it all at
one lose. If It Is distasteful or if no
immcdlato rosults follow, they tako it
a few tlmeB and then stop.
"I know of a case where a physi
cian was called in to see a native ill
of pneumonia. Ho left some strych
nine tablets with explicit directions
that ono was to bo taken every two
houm. The brother of the sick man,
despite theso directions, reasoning
that If on was good, moro were bet
ter, gave the entire supply at ono timo
and tho man died in a few hours."
It is hoped that before long an ad
ditional corps of doctors and nurses
can bo sent to Alaska who will act as
medical missionaries.
Aaron Burr' Cousins.
A paragraph in a Washington pa
per says that Senator Pago of
Vermont "has n grandson who on
his mother's sldo is a cousin of
Aaron Burr." If Speaker Champ Clark
wero asked about this matter ho prob
ably would say that to bo a cousin of
Aaron Burr may carry a certain
amount of distinction because of tho
blood relationship, but that Aaron
Burr's cousins nro llko tho blossoms
of the applo treo In May In a record
brpaklng fruit year.
Speaker Clark has been a great stu
dent of Aaron Burr's life. In a way,
and porhnps heartily, Mr. Clark 1b
something of a champion of Aaron
Burr, a slncero champion becauso the
speaker, It is said, thinks that Burr
was accused of a, good many thlngB
of which ho was not guilty aud that
ho was a man too much abused for
faults which ho had not committed.
There aro men who think that if
Aaron Burr had not killed Alexander
Hamilton many of tho animosities
against him would not bo In existence
today. There nre other men who say
that the dislike of Hamilton's Ideas of
government, held hereditarily by pol
iticians of today, are responsible in a
measure for tho championship of Burr
by men who otherwlso would not have
loved his memory eo much If thoy did
not hate tho memory of Hamilton's po
litical and governmental views more.
Many Descendants of Edwards.
As for the matter of Aaron Burr'B
many cousins, let It bo said that Burr
was a grandson of Jonathan Edwards,
the great theologian, and ono of tho
first presidents of Princeton college.
Jonathan Edwards had ten sisters, all
of whom married and had largo fam
ilies. Tho descendants. of Jonathan
Edwards direct and collateral, today
are numbered by the thousands and
everyone of these descendants, of
course, Is a cousin of Aaron Burr who
was Jonathan Edward's grandson.
Some one not long ago wrote a story
about the EdwardB descendants direct
and collateral. Six of theso descend
ants, either grandchildren or grand
nephews, were at ono timo presidents
of colleges. It Is possible that moro
men of the Edwards blood hold promi
nent positions in tho world today than
men of the blood of any other one
American family. Tho name is not al
ways Edwards, of course, for In fact
the Edwards of tho female line out
number those of tho male line per
haps twenty to one, but the descend
ants of Jonathan Edwards' sisters and
of his daughters are Just as much of
the Edwards blood as are the people
who bear the name.
Mrs. Theodoro Roosevelt Is a direct
descendant of Jonathan Edwards and
so it is said is former President Eliot
of Harvard. The Dwights havo tho
Edwards blood In them and a compara
tively recent president of Yale uni
versity who held the office for many
years was a Dwight and an Edwards.
He, however, Is not included in the
six college presidents who at one timo
hold office and wero of the Edwards
kin. The most recent Yale Dwight
was of course of a younger generation.
Army Worried About Horses.
MaJ. Gen. Leonard Wood, chief
of stall. United States army, who
as a surgeon was stationed with
a cavalry regiment in tho south
over tho growing difficulty of securing
good horses for tho servlco. General
Wood and some other officers with
him sny that the laws against betting
on horse races in many of tho states
are responsible in a way for the grow
ing scarcity of good borsoB for tho
It must not bo understood that
General Wood either personally or tn
his capacity as the ranking officer of
the army upholds betting. He sim
ply states what he thinks 1b a fact
and deplores tho effect If not tho
causo. When American cavalry of
ficers recently went to England to en
gago In a contest of horsemanship, In
cluding high Jumping, with tho oillcers
of cavalry regiments of European
countries, they lost most of tho ovent3
becnuso it Is said their horseB wero
not tho equals of those used by tho
foreign officers.
August Belmont, who is chairman of
the American Jockey club, at a dinner
in New York a night or two ago, point
ed to the serious menace which threat
ened tho cavalry tand field artillery
branches of tho United States army
"In tho depletion of thoroughbred
horses by -reason of a cessation of
racing." Mr. Bolmont has suggested
the formation of a natlon-wldo asso
ciation to be known as tho National
Cavalry and Artillery Remount asso
ciation, to bo created from all ranks
of sports and agricultural life with
tho center of tho organization nt
Washington, to keep a register of
mares inspected and found suitable
for breeding remounts and artillery
horses. Gen. Leonard Wood and Col.
Theodore Roosevelt havo expressed a
willingness to becomo vice-presidents
of the association. It Is expected thnt
Inducements will bo held out to horso
breeders In all parts of the country
to make a specialty of animals suit
able for the army service.
American Record Rides, p
Thero has been aj general boiler
through tho years that tho foreign
cavalry horses wero better than those
of America, and yet thero aro records
In tho United States servlco of long,
hard rides, tho horses coming through
In good condition, which never have
been equaled by men and horses of
tho foreign service. Tho army has
records of some of these rides and It
fears today that the deterioration of
tho American horso may prevent their
repetition If tho servlco should de
mand strenuous efforts on tho part of
the cavalry horses of tho present and
of the near future.
Any Bright Boy With Few Simple
Tools Can Knock One Together
Within Short Time.
With a few simple tools any bright
boy can knock n skipjack together
within u hnlf-hour's timo.
Tho sketch gives a general Idea of
Its construction and use. Procuro
for tho runnor n stout barrel stave
frco from knots or cracks. In order
that this may pass quickly and
smoothly over tho snow It must movo
with the grain of tho wood, and not
against It. When you have determined
by this which 1b to bo the front of
the runner, fasten tho upright piece
A Skipjack.
to support tho seat about one-third of
tho distance from tho rear. This up
right Bhould bo of two-Inch by four
inch stuff about 15 or 1G inches high.
A short piece to brace, it Bhould then
be fastened both front and back. A
board about 18 inches long and G
Inches wide will complete tho seat
and your skipjack is ready for uso.
Let tho first trial bo over a short
slope. Scat yourself firmly, lift both
feet from tho ground and away you
go. Only a slight movement, of tho
body Is necessary to keep tho runnor
on tho track, and you will quickly
acquire this knack after a fow trials,
and n longer a,nd swifter coast can
then bo essayed.
It is fun for a number of boys to
start to make these sleds at one time,
so that each can help the other over
tho hard places, and contests In
which all can take part can be plan
ned. When boys use different sleds
Details of Coaster.
or coasters their skill In mannglng
them is not always to bo determined,
because some of the boys havo much
hotter coasters, or sleds than tho oth
ers, or because they have been nblo
to spend more money for their equip
ment; but when boys havo all home
made sleds llko this ono no one has
any advantago over the others unless
it bo that he haB worked harder to
make his coaslor better or is really
more Bkillful in managing his strange
Puzzling Questions.
If a goose weighs ten pounds and
half its own weight, what Is tho
weight of the gooso? .
This Is simple, but many a wise
one has been caught napping and
answers at onco fifteen pounds,
though a Httlo thought will bring
twenty pounds, tho correct answer.
A train starts daily from San
Francisco to New York and one dally
from New York to Snn Francisco;
tho Journey lasts seven days. How
many trains will a travolor meet In
Journeying from Snn Francisco to
Now York?
It looks as If tho traveler miiRt
meet seven trains and that Is the
answer thnt nlno out of ton will give
if the question 1b now to them.
The fact is overlooked that every
day of tho Journey a fresh train Is
started from the other end, while
there are seven on tho way to be
gin with; the traveler will, therefore,
meet fourteen trnlns instead of
No "8lng" In Guide.
Llttlo threo-year-old Clara was very
fond of practicing on tho piano. Her
mother, not wishing to have her music
subjected to Clara's vigorous treat
ment, removed It ono dny and placed
a railway guide upon tho piano rack.
The Infant prodigy soon discovered
tho difference, however, and throwing
It to tho floor, sho exclaimed: "Mam
ma, mo tan't sing out of zat; zey ain't
no sing In It."
k SltJE
Constlnrr, coasting down tho hill.
When tho evenings nice and still.
When tlio moon shines In tho sky,
And tho coasters shout and cry.
At their piny, and snow Is deep,
With nn Incline smooth and Btccp;
When the sleds nnd old "bobs" ko
Llko greased lightning o'er tho snow.
Then It Is that fun Is had,
By tho little lnss nnd Ind,
Ah, wo know their Joy, for, lol
We were children Ions oroI
Will Transform Right and Left Mo-
tlon Into Rotary Motion of
Other Without Being Seen.
Probably you know that ovory ma
chine no matter how complicated,
simply transforms ono kind of motion
Into another. Tho locomotlvo trans
forms the straight push of tho piston
rod Into the rotary motion of tho driv
ing wheel. A sowing mnchlne trans
forms tho push of the foot Into tho
rotation of a whool, and that again Is
transformed into the prick of tho
Hero Is a Httlo mschlno that any
boy can make which will transform
tho right and left motion of ono hand
Into a rotary motion of tho other
without his knowing It, Bays tho New
York Sun. Tako a short piece of lath
and cut some notches In tho edge
with a penknife. Then cut out a
little disk of stiff card, color it if you
llko and slck it on tho end of tho
lath with a stout pin.
Now hold tho oud thnt Is further
from the disk with your loft hand and
rub a penholder or a round poncll up
A Simple Machine.
and down tho potches. You will find
that the disk will begin to spin, no
matter how steady you try to hold
your left hand, which shows that you
must bo moving it in n smajl clrclo
or tho disk would not spin.
Chauncey Depew Bought Animal from
Circus Man, but Neglected to Get
Umbrella With It.
Chauncey M. Depow has a keen
sense of humor nnd loves to toll good
short stories. Tho following ono Is a
fair specimen, which, although not a
now ono, Is vory funny:
"When I was qulto a young lady,
about fourteen years old, my fnthor
lived on nn old iarm up at Pough
kcepslo. One day I went to town to
see tho circus, nnd while thero 1 saw
for tho first timo ono or those spotted
coach dogs. 1 bargained for It with
tho owner, nnd trotted him happily
with my now possession. When my
father saw it his good old Puritan
faco fell, and ho said sadly:
"W,hy, Chauncey, wo don't want
any spotted dogs on tho farm! It
would drive tho cattlo crazy.'
"I succeeded in obtaining permis
sion to keep him, however. Tho noxt
day it was raining, and I took the dog
put In tho woods to try him for a
coon. Tho rain was too much for tho
spots, and whon wo returned homo
they had disappeared. I hastonod to
town and hunted up tho mnn who
bad sold him to mo.
" 'Look at tho dog,' Bald I; "his spots
havo all washed off
"arcat guns, boy!' exclaimed tho
dealer, 'there was an umbrella went
with that dog. Didn't you get It?' "
Hitched to Toy Wagon by Harness
Made of Twine They Will Pull
Weight of One Pound.
Take a pair of snails, and lm
proviso a form of harness out of flno
twlno or thread. To this attach a
toy wagon or model lorry. On this
In turn placo a number of weights,
Athletic Snails.
and when tho snails start moving you
will seo, to your great surprise, that
thoy can pull after them n wolght
considerably nearer a pound than you
over had any Idea of.
The Snow.
New-fallen snow la often white,
Dut true It Is, alack I
That snow that falls In city streets
Is quite as often black.
Bargains In
Tho llttlo kitchen was redolent of
freshly baked cake, nnd stout Mrs.
Pickens, hurrying thrdugh tho rem
nant of tho week's Ironing, looked
Hushed and heated.
"Soap club or no Soap club, I got to
gtt Miss Ransom's thtn's dono," sho
lnuttorod. "Sho'U bo after 'em today
sure, for' I suspicion sho ain't got
,raany changes. I declare," she added,
pitifully, as sho surveyed tho flno, lace
.trimmed garment on tho Ironing
board, "It makos mo feel bad to seo
,how careful she's patched an mend
ed 'em. Ev'ry dud slio's got Is most
fnllln 'to plecoB, but I expect sho nln't
got the money to buy now ones. I
ain't a mlto surprised. I read ono o'
hor storios onco an' it was awful dull
to my thlnkln'. I wish to tho land sho
was smart enough to write a reel good
ono llko 'St. Elmo' or 'Lena Rivers.'
Sho looks half-starved. If I wtran't
afraid sho'd tako it bb an Insult I'd ask
hor to Btay to tho mcctln' of tho Soap
club. I'm goln' to hnvo a good suppor,
'If I do Bay It, an' I workod In ono o'
thorn cheap boardln' Iiouscb onco an'
I know what they bo. An' to think
that her folks used to bo as rich as
mud! I mot tho old Judgo Jest a llt
tlo while boforo his death stoppln' out
as If ho owned tho earth well, this 1b
a queer world! Goodness gracious
mo there's Miss Ransom uow, rldln'
in nn autymobll! It's stopped an' slio's
coraln' In!"
HasCily sotting down hor flatlron,
sho ran to tho door nnd admitted a
slim, pale girl dressed In shabby
mourning, ejaculating as sho did so:
"Well, If I ain't surprised to sec you
rldln' in an autymobll', MIbb Ransom!
Come right In your thln's Is Jest
ready, an' whllo I'm doing of 'em up,
I want you should look at tho now
premiums I got slnco you was hero
Glad to Dostnono. even for a fow
moemntB, tho Irrevocable stop to
which sho had Just pledged herself,
Elinor Ransom followed her hostess
Into a room where a tablo was laid
with a bravo array of plated silver and
a sot of china docornted with flaming
red popples.
"It's my day to ontertnln our Soap
club," Mrs. PIckenB explained. "Ton
or us ladlos clubB together an' buys
our 'soap o Lnlly, an' then we takes
turns drawln' for tho premiums. Ho
glveB elegant ones, Jost elegant! I got
all that silver an' that chlny sot an'
that plcter frame ror my share. Ain't
thnt frame completo? Pickens
thought I'd ought to put his plcter In
Instead o' Tim's, but Plckons Is homo
ly enough to scaro tho cat an' Tim
was a reel good-lookln' follor, don't
you think so, Miss RnnBom?" '
Tho large colored photograph in tho
flamboyant gilt frnmo was tho portrait
of a pleasnnt-faced young worklngman,
and In splto or tho crudo coloring, tho
"sllcked-down" hair, and tho stiff nt
tltude or ono oppressed by his "Sun
day clothes" Elinor was ablo to re
spond cordlnlly: "Yes, Indeed. I do,
Mrs. Pickens."
"But I dunno's I ought to find rault
with PIckenB' looks when all Is said
an' dono. I was awful lonesomo after
I loBt my first." Mrs. Pickens said.
"An' It wn'n't long before I round out
that thoro's a mighty sight o' dlf'ronco
between washln' for pleasure as ono
may say, Jest to git yourself some ex
try thln's, nn' In bondln' ovor a wash
tub day in an day out tryln' to keep
body nn' soul together. So when I
como acrost an advertisement, ono
dny, tollln' about a place where you
can buy a husband by payln' down ten
dollars cash In advanco I mado up my
mind I'd try my luck."
"Why, Mrs. Pickens, tho Idea!" Eli
nor gasped. "Tho very Idea!"
"It did seem llko buyln' n pig In a
poko," Mrs. Pickens admitted. "But I
know 'twas resk ten dollars or oarn
my own llvln so rar as I was con
cerned, Tor Tim had been dead moBt a
year an' theer hadn't hide nor hair or
a man come shyln round.
"I got MIh' Jones that lives next
door to go with mo," sho continued,
"for I ain't ono of your reckless kind
an I'd read in tho nownpapcrs how
women is sometimes tolled off an'
murdered. But land, I needn't 'a' been
skeered, for tho man that runs the
place a marrlago broker, ho called
hlmsolf was as pleasant-spoken a fel
ler aB over I bco. Ho said ho was cer
tain ho could suit me, but tho man ho
brought out from tho back room was
as godforsaken a lookln' specimen as
I over Bet eyes on.
'Vnu nnndn't think I'm ffnln' In
tnke up with such a poor oxcuso for a
man as that,' I says to him. 'My
sakes,' I says, 'do you think I'm lookln'
for somebody elso to support besides
"'He's all I got on hnnd Jest now,
ma'am,' tho broker says, kind of ur
gent an' perBUaslvellko. 'But there's
moro to thlB ono than appears on tho
Burfaco -you can't always Judgo by a
cat'B looks how far Bho can Jump.'
"T can,' 1 says pretty sharp, 'I can
tell ev'ry time, an' thnt thero feller
would novor In kingdom come earn
his own salt, let alone mine.'
"At that 1 marched right out of tho
room an' down tho stairs nn' the brok
er follered us most a block sayin' ho
was reel sorry It happened so, but If
I'd como again In a wcok ho'd havo a
largor stock for me to solcct from.
"First I was so mad at his tryln' to
work off a damaged pleco o' goods llko
that on no that I thought I wouldn't
go noxt nor nigh him, hut ten dollars
paid In advance Ib a lot o' money to
throw awny for nothln' and whon Snt'
day camo round I went back.
"I had my pick of moro'n a dozen
that timo, but I didn't havo no difficul
ty In makln' n choice for, If I do say
it, I'm a protty good Judgo o' men."
"Bo enroful, Miss Ransom, don't
stop On thnt coat! Hobo don't let no
body but mo touch It. Tim wan a
track walker," sho explained In ro
sponso to Elinor's inquiring look, "an'
ho got killed pullln' Hobo out from
under tho whools or nn Inglno. You
never boo a dog tako on tho way that
ono did. Ho was Jest wild till I garo
him that old browu coat o' Tim's to
lay on."
"Oh, tho dear, fnlthful llttlo follow!"
tho girl cried. "Oh, Mrs. Pickens,
when I seo how loyal, how true to
their best Instincts a dumb brute can
bo it makes mo nsljamod or mysolf
nnd my Hind!"
Mr8. Plckons looked puzzled nnd n
trlflo puzzled. "Well. I dunno," oho
said slowly. "It seems as If It would
show moro senso ir Hobo 'd stay with
some o' them fellers that treat him so
woll Instead o' comln' back hero to bo
kicked round by Pickens when ho gits
drunk, Jest for tho snko of lyln on
that old coat"
"Why, Mrs. Pickens, you don't mean
to toll mo that Mr. Pickens gets er
that ho drinks!" exclaimed Elinor.
"Then you can't bo such a good Judgo
of men after al."
"1 don't know why not." Mrs. Pick
ens retorted. "Plckons Is aVmonoy
maker an' that's what I was lookln, for.
Thorn politicians says bo's tho man for
tholr money, that ho can dellvor the
goods. Plckons may git drunk onco
In a whllo, an' ho may not bo what
you'd call honeBt. but for my part I
call Pickens a good bargain."
"But your first husband must havo
been so different." Elinor faltered,
glancing at tho portrait abovo her
hoall. "Ho looks bo kind nnd and
"Ho wnB," Mrs. Pickens confessed, n
wistful shadow creeping ovor hor com
placent red face. "Pickens makes a
sight most monoy, for Tim wn'n't prac
ticalyou'd know that by his losln'
hla own llfo tryln' to savo a dog's."
Thero waB a determined tilt to Eli
nor Ransom's Boftly rounded chin n
sho wont down tho steps or tho tene
ment houso a moment later. A man
twice her ago with toll-talo linos about
his mouth nnd pouches under his wa
tery gray eyes, hurriedly advanced to
meet her. tossing away as ho did so
an oily, black cigar.
"Hero you aro at last," ho said.
"What tho dovll aro you carrying that
bundlo for? I told you to pay tho
womnn what you owed hor and1 Bar
good-bye to her slnco you Insisted'
upon It, but your things aren't worth
bothering with You'vo boon down on
your luck so long that your clothcn
aro about all In. But we'll fix all
thnt. llttlo girl," ho added graciously,
his frown relaxing Into n Jovial man
nor that was even moro unpleasant
than his nnger.
"I'm not going with you, Mr. Archer
I I can't marry yo'u." tho girl said.
"I suppoao you want a llttlo more
coaxing." ho said sullenly, "but. my
girl, you'vo kept mo dangling nrtor
you long enough!" he exploded, laying
a heavy hand on hor arm. "Come
with mo now, Elinor, and ror tho rest
or your to you will got the flno
clothes, and the Jewels nnd tho pet
ting that ovory protty woman wnnts,
but I'll never glvo you nnothor chnnce
to mako a fool of me onco for all, Is
It yes or no?"
"It Is no! no! no!" Elinor cried,
pulling away rrom tho touch or hl
Ho turnod away and loft hor with a
muttered curse, but Elinor Rnnsom,
trudging along tho hot pavement In
haling the dust and odor loft In the
trail of tho big car, relt curiously
light-hearted. Ttjrnlng tho corner she
almost ran Into a shabby, broad-shouldered
young man, whoso wholo faco
lighted at tho sight "of tho slim girl
with tho big bundlo.
"Let mo carry that ror you, Miss
RanBom," he said, railing Into stop at
her sldo. "All my luck 1b coming to
mo at onco I thought I wouldn't bo
able to seo you bororo this evening,
and I could hnrdly wait to toll you
that I'd got a stnrt nt last I You
must havo seen that I loved you,
dear." tho young lollow went on, his
volco shaking with tho forco of long
pent-up passion; "but I thought It was
only fair to stand asldo and let Arch
er, who could offer you a Hfo or ease
and luxury, win you If ho could."
Elinor looked up quickly nnd saw
In tho dark eyes that mot hers tho
same expression Bho had seen In tho
crudo portrait of poor Tim Ryan "the
look or a man unbought."
"But at last 1'vo got my chance."
John Talbot said Jubilantly. 'I can't
offer you much except my lovo nnd a
vory modest llttlo flat, but I'm going
to mako good, I'm sure of it now
Tell mo, Elinor doarost do you llko
roe well enough to risk marrying mo
"I don't consider it a risk, Jonn,
dear," tlio girl Bald demuroly, a deli
cious dimple lurking In tho corner of
her lovely mouth. "But O, Johnf
John!" Bho walled suddenly, cjasplne
his arm In tho shock of realization or
hor narrow escapo from lifelong mis
ery. "Just suppose I hadn't stopped
at Mrs. Pickens and learned rrom her
what a bargain In huBbands really la!"