a iiii i minim iiiuimii. in i mi mini mnu imii n mi ii i i ii Xze lunar mat) QaaoKtt ia52y- PROP. T. Patrick's day, March tho 17th, bo longs to tho Sons of Erin by world wide assent, but fow Americans, out sldo of those do Bconded from na tives of' tho Emor nld Isld. pauso to consider what memorable Bcrvlccs were rendered by Irish during tho Revolutionary war. ' With tho single ex- caption of our French allies, they morlt the highest commondation for their aid to tho causo of freedom; and only becauso tho former peoplo hailed from an al ready established government aro their claims granted precedence. Irish historic emblems, both In device and tincture, aro woven unalterably into tho fabric of the evolution of American history. Here, for tho first time, are set forth Items of great heraldic importance, giving the proper credit to Erin's emblems, bb they havo formed an equation in tho development of tho present govern mental devices of heraldic or sym bolic meaning. It is generally supposed that tho only important matter which engaged tho attention of tho first Continental Congress, on tho fourth day of July, was the adoption of tho Declaration of Independence; but tho records show that no less essential national problem a government signature or seal was a part of the considerations of that eventful occasion. It was about three o'clock in the aftornoon, when tho Liberty Boll was still sounding tho call to nrmB and proclaiming tho dawn of freedom, that John Hancock, president of the Continental Congress, aroso from his chair and said: "Wo aro now a nation, and I ap point Dr. Benjamin Franklin, John Ad ams and Thomas Jefferson a commit tee to prepare a device for a great seal of the thirteen United States." The committee immediately proceed- Du Slmltlerc's od to perform Its assigned duty, and after six weeks of labor, during which timo many designs were considered, It was announced that the dovico ar- One of the Proposed Harp Designs. ranged by Jefferson, based on the com pilation of1 a Huguenot named Du SImitler, bo reported to Congress on August 10, 1776. Tho design in ques tion was quite elaborate and indicated fundamental knowledge of tho laws of heraldry, besides containing primal symbolic language, and one impor tant element which appealed strongly to the Irish pride of race. Tho pro posed shleld carried an emblem to represent tho six great nationalities taking part in the war for Independ ence, or thoso who populated the col onies and wero earnest in the fight for American freedom. Thus, for Eng land appeared a roso, for Scotland a thistle, for Iroland a harp, for Franco a fluer-de-lys, for Germany a black eaglo, and for tho Netherlands nllon. Du Slraltlor, who was tho heraldic art ist, placed Ireland third in this im portant subdivision cf that proposed shield for tho Union, nnd It la Inter esting to noto the reasons set forth for this recognition of tho patriotism of tho colonial Inhabitants who camo hero from Iroland: Tho third Quartering, greon, with a harp of gold, was to be tho respected symbol of Ireland, and was placed upon the shield as a token to the Irish patriots who took an active part In the war for independence; in fact, having brought over with them a spirit of dls liko and rovengo against England, they fought most bravely in our strug- m If 8Sl?lN, ,S538sv BBR?iARJO Ju' Device Proposed by glo. Six thousand Irish came to this country in 1729, and dispersed and settled throughout the colonies, princi pally In Maryland, Virginia and the Carollnas. From among those devout Bottlers sprang some of- tho most prominent and influential colonists. Tho musical Instrument which sym bolizes tho land of Erin was an at tributive ensign of tho Goddess Hi bernln, the patroness of early Ireland. As early as the fifth century, the harp was so common in Erin that hardly a peasant houso was without ono. In tho old laws of Wales and Erin the Triads specified the uso of tho harp as one of tho threo things necessary to distinguish a freeman or gentle man from a slave. Pretenders were Design of Seal. discovered by their unskillfulness in "playing of the harp." That tho heraldic dovico of which Du Slmitlor was tho author pleased his critics is proved by the fact that Franklin at onco withdrew hlB design, Adams abandoned his and Jefferson relegated his diagram to oblivion in favor of tho compilation offered by tho French export. Also there wore othor designs placed in ovidenco by distin guished colonists. Among them was an emblem of Ireland, a "Harp" with thirteen strings, nnd the motto, Majora Mlnorobus Consonant, meaning "The greater and lessor ones sound togeth er." Tho strings of tho harp wero of different lengths, yet they composed ono instrument in a strong frame and sounded in harmony. This appropri ate device was intended to represent u hi-' Barton's Second Design. tho now government under the Con tinental Congress, as composed of provinces of various sizes and strength, but all working and re sponding, harmoniously for the gen eral good made united in strength and purposo by the framowork of Con gress. This design no doubt was ob- J. CIOR-4ND Benjamin Franklin, PdTRjfiy. jectcd to as an American cmblom on account of tho harp being representa tive of Ireland. But this, like many other devices, was not roported from tho committee. There is good reason to bollovo that tho following design camo as a later proposal from Doctor Franklin, as ho refers to it in his writings: "Supporters. In tho doxter Bide: the genius of America (represented by a maiden with looso auburn tresses), having on nor bead a radi ated crown of gold encircled with a sky bluo fillet, spangled with silver stars, and clothed in a long, looso white garment bordered with green. From her right shoulder to hor left a Bcarf, semeo of stars, tho tinctures Thompson's Design, the theroof the same as in tho canton; and round her waist a purple girdle, fringed or embroidered, argent, with tho word 'Vlrtute,' resting her in terior hand on tho escutcheon, nnd holding in the other tho proper stand ard of the United States, having a dove argent perchod on tho top of it. "On the sinister side: a man in complete armor, his sword-belt azure fringed with gold, his helmet encircled with a wreath of laurel and crested with one white 'and two bluo plumes; supporting with his doxter hand tho escutcheon, and holding in tho interior a lanco, with tho point sangulnated, and upon It a banner displayed, vert; (green), in tho fess-polnt a harp strung with sliver, between a star In chief, two fleurs-de-lys In fess, a pair of swords In saltier, In basses, all argent. Tho tenants of tho escutcheon stand on a scroll on which Is tho following motto: 'Deo Favonte,' which alludes to tho eye in tho arms, meant for the eyo of Providence." Tho Congress evidently counted it more Important to possess tho seal than a flag, for no deflnlto action on ccymcTMT y tho national bannor was taken until Juno 14, 1777. But Jefforson was so Improssed with tho idea of rocognlz Ing tho countries from whence Amor ica was peopled, and to show definite ly ndmlratlon for tholr patriotism in tho fight for llborty, that ho placed bo low tho Du Slmltlcr Idea tho motto, "E PlurlbuB Unum," to lndicato "From Many (People), ono (peoplo);" or "From Many Nationalities, ono na tion;" or "From England, Scotland, Ireland, Franco, Germany, and . tho Netherlands tho United States." Tho motto does not menn"From many Colonics, ono nation," as tho basio definition Is clearly indicated in tho dovico and in Jefferson's description. 'Still, Congress whs hard to ploaso, and tho report of tho distinguished commlttco wnB set noldo nnd n now coiumltteo nsslgnod to tho task. Though Jefferson continued deoply In terested in tho matter and submitted sevornl othor devices, no less than twonty designs woro under discussion, and four subsoquont committees la borod with tho eoal problem. Thon in 1782 a coiumltteo callod to tholr aid a certain Mr. William Bar ton, n patriot, soldier and heraldic ex pert, and ho designed a seal which again incorporated tho emblems In token of tho Irish allloB of tho Re public. His design was claborato and practically became tho basis of our present seal. In the shield tho Stars and Stripes apponr and tho onglo and eye of Providence But tho special consideration of tho IrlBh is found in tho two figures supporting the pro posed design. Tho harp and tho flour-do-lys relate to tho nsBlstanco ren dered by Ireland and Franco, nnd nro blazoned on a greon banner. How over, this commltteo's report fared no bettor than Its predecessors, nnd finally tho entlro question of evolving an approprlnto seal was placod In tho hands of tho secretary of tho Conti nental CongreBB tho Irishman, Charles Thomson. Ho, with tho aid of William Barton, gavo to tho world our present emblematic signature. Americans In genoral, and those of Irish ancostry in particular, will be in- Basis of Present Seal torested in tho following skotch of the careor of tho man who solved the problem of providing a noal for the Government of tho Unltod States: Charles Thomson was born at Ma ghera, Ireland, November 29, 1729, and enmo to America with his threo eldor brothers in 1711. Thoy landed at New Castle, Dolaware, with no othor dependenco than their Industry. Thomson was educated by Doctor Al lison, tho tutor of several of the signers of tho Declaration of Inde pendence. He hnd a groat passion for reading and when yet a young man ho had gleanod sufllclont knowl edge to bo counted among tho "litorj." Ho was afterwards a teacher in tho Friends' academy, nt Now Castle Del aware. From thonco ho wont to Philadelphia, whero ho becarno ac quainted with and obtained advice from Benjamin Franklin; ho soon be came tho intlmato friend of tho "learned Phlladelphlan" and the-lr friendship seemed to lncreaso dally. In 1772 ho served as negotiator with tho Iroquois and Dolawaro Indians, and his good, conscientious work among tho natives brought for him tho worthy nlcknnmo, "Truthtoller," by which narao tho IndlanB always after called him. Ho was a man of rare abilities and had tho peculiar requi sites to mako and keep friends whore ever ho happened to wandor. Ho was called to tho responsible auty of keop Ing mlnito8 of tho proceedings of tho first Continental Congress in 1771, and from that timo until ho resigned his ofllco In 1789 thon flfty-nlno years old ho was the Becrotary of that digni fied and Important body. John Adams callod him "tho Snm Adams of Philadelphia, tho llfo of tho causo of llborty." This certainly was a compliment, coming ns it did from a tried and honest patriot. Thomson, it Is true, mado a most dillgont iieero tary, and in that position ho had tho rare pleasure of taking notes of all tho Important congrosslonal notions. For tho first year's work ho rocolved no ppy. Ho served ns permunent sec rotary during tho ovontful fifteen years that followed. Ills seal was ac cepted officially on Juno 20, 1782. WILEVVR P..NES13IT u mjjrgevi i lS?ie SPKIG, ilAI 8ho was after a hat, Just a slmplo spring bonnot With tho brim bent or fiat And some llowora upon It; Sho had looked all tho morn For sho wont shopping early, But soma hats roused her scorn And Bomo hats mado hor Burly. Thero wore wondorful brims, Thoro woro crowns that woro qualnteA Thero wero marvelous "trims" Though tho hues might bo fulntor, Thoro wero hats that woro plain And woro daintily Blmple Though not anyways vain In delight sho would dlmplo. When alio tried on ench ono, For thoy truly became hor; (Sho was pretty, and nono Who behold her could blnmo her.) There wero hats whoso high prlco Any purso would ombarrasn, Thero wero hats neat and nlco Just brought ovor from Paris, i Thero woro hats that had things That woro sowed on nnd tlod on, Hats with flowers and wings And nil of them bIio tried on. And the saleslady gushed And tho saleslady flattered Though sho said hIio was rutihcd, Sho denied that it mattered. Btlll no bonnet was qulto What tho ludy was Becking, Bomo had not enough height, OtherH mndo her look peeking, Others wero qulto too low (Not In price, but dlmonslon) OthorB didn't qulto show Any art comprehension. But nt last sho found ono That beenmo hor completely, "I'll tako this; I must run," Sho decided, qulto sweotly. And tho saleslady's roar Wo put down to hor shamo hero: "It's tho hat that you woro v Long ago, when you camo herol" Mixed Answers Again. Inndvertontly last week wo con trived to affix tho right anBWorB to tho wrong questions, or vlco versa. Mrs. Hclolso Partrldgo of Pasadena Cal., asked ub what waB good foi hives on her child, and Mrs. Lizzie Blnks of East Wind, Ind., wanted in structions for dull finishing a table. Inadvertently, as wo say, wo told Mrs. Blnks to baUio it in lukewarm watoV, powder it with pulverized starch and seo that it was not covor od too warmly nt night, lira. Part rldgo was advised to rub her baby down with flno sandpaper, glvo It a coat of hard oil and noxt morning rub thoroughly with wax. Tho ladlea will kindly accept this ns a combined explanation nnd npology. Wo would separate tho explanation from tho apology, but fear wo might again ba Inadvertent. Columbus and the Egg. Columbus having promised to stand an egg on end, failed at tho first trial, but ho reversed tho egg and it balancod perfectly. "Toll mo, Chris," said King Ferdi nand, "why did you turn tho egg over?" "BocauBo, your majesty, tho chlckon could nbt stand on its head." It is said that Columbus got tho Idea of discovering America from this Incident. But, of course, theories nro not nlwaya what thoy aro cracked up to be. Hannibal's Oratory. "Forward, my bravo men," shouted Hannibal; "boyond tho Alps lien Italy!" "Bah, you talk liko a swoet girl graduate," growled a Carthaginian colonel on tho general's staff. Later on Hannibal completed tho resemblance by discovering that Romo was not built In a day. In the Museum. "Hal Ha! Ha!" Tho sword swal' lower waB laughing ns if ho had BwnU lowed a pointed Joko. "Why so hilarious?" quorlod tho inquisitive half of tho two-headed girl. "Tho legless man says ho Is taking steps to securo an Inhorltanoo," re plied tho dagger digester. mSSW ill i n FAVOR INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS Few Breeds Better Suited to Farm Raising Imported From West In dies Fifteen Years Ago. Much has been said through tho dif ferent farni nnd poultry journals in favor of tho Indian Runnor duck, but I bolicvo thoro nro fow who reallzo tha possibilities nnd advantages of rear ing ducks of this breed. As I havo been raising this brood of ducks for a fow years, I can testify that they doservo all tho praise given thorn. Thoy nro not an ontiroly now vari ety, having boon imported some 15 years ago from tho West Indies, thus it receives tho nnmo of "Indian" with tho "Runnor" ndded to denoto its chlof peculiarity, Its rapid movement ovor tho ground. Thoy aro great foragorB nnd pick up innumorablo bugs and Insects. This alone should glvo them, an important place on every farm. Owing to tholr oxtrotno hardiness, It is qulto an easy task to ralso a largo flock of Indian Runners, with very llttlo trouble Thoy nro nover bothorcd with llco, thoro nro no roosts to keop elenn, nnd no oxponslvo houses nro nooded; Juat n. low-roofed shod to protect thorn from tho sovoro winds and snows in winter, BayB a writer in tho Farm Progress. Tho houscB should havo a dry floor covering of straw or Bomo kind of lit ter, as thoy must havo a dry placo on which to Bleep. While thoy Tiro not a land fowl, It la not nt all necessary to havo running, wntor for thorn to swim in, all that Is nocded is plonty of clonn water to drink, placod in a vessel doop enough . Indian Runner Drake and Duck. for ihom to covor their heads, ns tho nostrils nro llablo to becomo cloggod with mud or food. Tho young ducklings grow arid ma turo so quickly it is Indeed vory Inter esting and fascinating to ralso thom. Wo havo had young ducklings that weighed threo and ono-fourth pounds when GO dnys old; when matured they will weigh from four nnd ono-half to five pounds. Being n quick maturing fowl makes their moat exceedingly tender, and juicy, of fine flavor, oqual or su perior to spring chicken. Their eggs nro largo, about one-third larger than tho avorago hon egg, and perfectly white. And, contrary to tho goneral idea of duck eggs, thoy aro of mild, dollcato flavor, making thom vory deslrnblo for tho table or cako baking, puddings, etc. Tho eggs under ordinary conditions aro very fertile nnd will hatch exceedingly well in lncubu tors. DOHLTRTMK Ronew tho nests often with, cloan material. Field peas mako most excellent feed for laying hens. Feeding clover Is a preventive of soft shollod eggs. It takes knowledgo, oxperlonco and skill to produce a good egg. Tho more comfortablo and happy tho hen, tho inoro eggs sho will lay. A hen should havo all tho greon feed sho will eat every day of her llfo. A turkey will consumo moro grit than any of tho poultry kept on tho farm. New blood is a necessity, if ono in tends to build up the egg-laying and' market qualities of his flock. After mated, glvo your birds tho best sanitary conditions posslblo and keop tho houses froo from llco and mites. Great enro should bo oxerclsod that breeding Btock, young chlckB, or1 eggs for hatching, bo secured from flocks which nro freo from whlto diarrhea Infection. Air-slaked lime sifted or scattered ovor tho dropping boards will asalst tho cleaning process materially, and also tako up much of tho dampness from tho droppings. Savo tho small potatoes and other vegetables that would othorwise go to wasto and feed thom to tho fowls. They will help in keeping up tho egg yield in cold weather. A scratching hon and opportunity to got out in tho sun in modornto weath or aro important to tho health and thrift of hens In wlntor, and conse quently to wlntor egg production. Room, exercise, food, warmth, kind nosB, puro water and a management that will conduco to tho comfort of tho hens genorally, will keop tho egg bas kot full In wlutor nnd mako wlntor poultry growing profltablo. '