i l i FORUESS IRRIGATION t r 1' L Excessv? Use of Water Causing ' t Much Damage. i - 1 1 Dy Proper Cultivation of Soil, Surface of Ground la Kept Loose So That '?! -MolkUre 'is Prevented ' ,J' ' From Evaporating. ' '1IR I 3 Tlio moro-l -go-over the state, tho more I B$cthe ncbe's'slty ol tho peo ple being awakened to the tact that they must do moro cultivation and less Irrigation. Thoro aro Vast areas of land all over thd strfto that aro be ing ruined by cxbosslvb Irrigation, it Is causing large areas to becomo wat tor logged and swampy, says a writer In tho Qosort Farmer, It Is causing largo areas to chpngp from fertllo floldB to alkali bodai It Is causing vnst areaB to becomo over-run with weods. By propor cultivation or tio soil, tho surfaco of tho ground Is kopt loose so that tho moisture which haB soaked Into -it irom rains and molting snowa Is prevented from rising to thd Burfaco and thus evaporating Into tho n!r. Wo can cultivate with lefsa eX poneo than wo can Irrigate and our soil by so doing Is always kept In hotter condition for crop production. Irrigation always has tho tondency to produco shallow rooted plants becauso the roots always develop where thoy can got -tho moisture. Tho r6otB ot such plants wll bo able to get loss food from the eoif for tjlb develop ment of tho plant than will tho roots of plantsiwiitch ypurato to greater depths into the soil becauso thoy will havo loss area Irom which a draw their (pad. t . u Plants, . require a , on3ldbrablo amount of vinbistur'o for- their'' proper development. '"It 'has" been estimated that nirider tiorlnal 'conditions ft takos ' n'bout' 7o0 tonk qf waiter to iirpduco o'rie' "'tori' of Alfa'jfa, haj and' akout 6b tons,' Qfwalqr to mature ono bushol ' of, wkeat, Vnilnchi.pf ralnfalh orr ono acroj weighs .a littlcoverll!; tons, so that wfiero tho annual rainfall Is about .12 Inches, 1.S5G toils or water mils upon eVery acr'6 of gound every year. (ThIa would bp enough" to produqe, If It we're all1 conserved, and cpujd, bo, used 'by, tho 'plants, 1,88 tons of alfaira or ,27 bushojs of wheat. The only way in which wo can conserve this-moisture fn tho soil, so that tho rrtaiita'can .use It when they need It,1 Is by thor ough cultivation. The quluvation,' 'too, miifil bo dono at the propor ,tlmor which, Is as soon, in th.o spring as th ground can bo( worked without dan ger of, injuring the texture onthe soil? and aftor each heavy rain storm. I it Is left until sdmo more convenient tlmo mudh moisture Is lost. Last1 Bprihg I Induced a farmer to plov two acres of la,ud upon tho same day during tho last week In May. Soli Bamples wero taken to tho depth of eight leet Immediately aftor plowing and tho moisture determined. The two acres contained, about lb per cent, of i moisture or 2,240 tons or water' was hold In tho soil on onch aero to tho doptlv of eight feet, One aero Was harrowed Immediately after plowing and tho other acre was lott rough without being harrowed for 6no week. After a weelc, soil samples wero again taken to th6 depth Q tight feci, f ho aero that had been harrowed had lost -70 tons or water, while, tho acre that had not been-harrowed had lost 770 tons of water, or" enough to produco ono ton o .alfalfa, or 15,4 bushels of wheat. Thlnlr for a moment, If you can, of tho 'thousands of tons of wa ter Ujat ara being lost each day, each week 'jind each year in our state. Think of the vast amount of Irrigat ing this would snvd, and the great In crease in yield which this would bring to oui state.. , ELECTRICITY TO KILL PESTS First Experiments Made In Washing ton to Destroy Moths and Aphides , ... by Incandescent Lights. Some experiments in electrocuting tree pesls, said to bo tho first ever mado, wero recently conducted In the state of Washington by W. N. Frost and J. C. Lawrence. In a six-year-old orchard many second-brood moths and green aphides wero killed in a few mlnutos. Tho apparatus consist ed or a storage battery and incandescent-light globes of slx-candlo power, netted with fine steel wire, coaled with copper and tin alternately. Tho globes wero placed in tho trees, at tho onda or covered wires, and the motha flying against thom completing tho electric circuit, wero killed, and fell into receptacles beneath the globes. Mr, Frost estimates that one battery to an acre of trees will keep tho moths under control, dispensing with the usual spraying and saving many dollars. He Is preparing to wire his orchard of ten acres, containing seven' hundred troe3, and soino-nolgh-bora will do the same. Several thou sand acres pt bearing apple trees in 111 bo thus equipped by spring. If com mercial electric wires nro extended to orchards tho-'Axpensd of batteries may be saved by making direct connection with thom. Green Celery A homo gardqnpr at Preonvi'lle, Pa preforB Giant Pascal td Winter Qutfen colery: He claimB'that Giant Pascal is moro'sollfl and that there Is Iob'b' tondency for It to becomo hollow. It also grows moro crept than Winter Queen, but its great height makes blanching more difficult. These, with out doubt, aro tho leading varieties of green colery grown In tho United States. U. S. FARM NO BED OF ROSES Reclamation Service Head Points Out Many Drawbacks Irrigated Tracto Pay After Hard Work. Life on n government irrigation fnrm is not tho bed of ioscs which many picture it-tojbe, Director New ell of tho reclamation Bcrylco points out in n paper prepared for the Smith sonian institution. ?. it. j, "Thla wakening to (ho fhet that ir rigation 'had Its thorny elde," he de clares, "sometimes comes as nstnrt Ung shock, sufficient to dlscpuraga all but tho most enthusiastic or per sistent, and tho more faint-hearted seek farther Tor tno promised land. ' "Thoso who remain spon learn that success must be secured by subduing tho Boil, getting It into a good condi tion of tilth, applying water day and night and perhaps all night, wading around in tho mud or enduring tho heat of tho long days of brilliant sun shluo and tho nccompanylng dust of tho arid regions, tlio troubles with ncighbqrs over tho division of wntr and tho possible seepage, followed by crop losses or ruin from nlkall. As a consequence a considerable part of tho first settlors on every Irrigation system sell out or relinquish their homesteadB and seek other fields." The most difficult problems Btill re main for tho reclamation service, ho says. It has successfully solved tho engineering and buBlness problems, but those of "dealing with tho sot tlcis giving, them sound advlco and at tho same tlmo collecting from them tho cost of the works,, the-dealing with tho human as opposed to the pltjsicnl demerit's, aro' fnri'jnorp difficult jthari thoso, of ongincerinp construction Or related business man agement." " t I ALFALFA' Mb BROtiD MARES t v . , ln.rrlnated Section MahyGb'rtSivBorn Dead on Account -Of Feed Give Some Grain With Hay. Alfalfahdy has n-vcrylgrcat field of usofulnoss In'.foedtng'-all classes of Jlvo stock under' Wdntorn condi tions, but it cannot Bafqly bo fe4 to brood mares in unlimited quantities, writes" Prof; Tsr JTTdTIIngsT From somo-sectlons of tho Irrigated belt have cqme, sorncK icports ,of ri large percentage- or colts born dead or "wpak arid dofbrmedJ Irr" gome casei an ovor-usod and defective stalltori Is undoubtedly responsible. In .many caseshowever, when colts aro mosj In, tho manner heretofore mentioned; UlP. farmeraarQf ceding, alfalfa alond to thej, ma$eBT It shouldtnotf bo sd fed. For best results with the brood, maro,fsdme' grain sh'ould'be fedln addtjtionpto thfttbay. .Jnicas it Is dc-1 sired to feed a largo amount of hay as compared with tho grain, tho hay' ration will bo improved and made safer by combining wild hn,y, , ttm-' othy or even Oat or wheat straWwlth tho alfalfa. In no event should a brood mare weighing U,2Q;0to l.fiOf) pounds bc-ifed '"rrioro than iS-or' Impounds of airalfa daily. A sole ration of alfalfa bay contains a much larger proportion"1 Otjiitrogen than the ln-foal mare needs or can' use. Tho surplus mUst be eliminat ed aa a waste, and the condition lays an extra burden, on tho digestive tract and on the organs qt elimina tion. Especially heavy is tho labor placed on the kidneys. Good grlfis sharp. See to that when you buy.i f ' Meat sfips that are partly decayed are dangprqua to feed. Housing ducka and geese with chick ens is not a good plan. Mashes that aro too warm when fed lay the birds liable to colds. Tho modern hen house has every thing In It teadily movable. A recommended euro for sorehead Is an ointment mado of ono part ker osene and two parts lard, It is riot good f6r a fowl to bo car ried by the legs unless you nro carry ing It to tho chopping block. Ono advantage In using an Incu bator Is that It keeps all tho hens lay ing when eggs are up in price. On warm, sunny days It 1b a good Idea to open all doors and windows of tho hen house for a thorough airing, Cresol stirred up in wator and used as ri spray is a good disinfectant whore there has been a pon,tngioua disease. When an egg" Is severely chilled It weakens tho germ for hatching. Kggs for hatching should be kept at a mod erate temperature. It doeB riot take long to lower vi tality by Inbreeding, Now roosters or onio eggs, for hatching from a go6d flock solve tho problem. Chickens that aro off feed havo of' ten been brought back by putting a tablespoonfu) of Epsom salts. In t,bp feed tor each ten kens, , When city folks can . make mpney with chickens, in ji cramped back lot, therq certainly ought to bo money In farm raised poultry. And there is. No matter how long any of tho leading breeders haVo been In tho bua ineaa, they do not raise all prize-winners. Thero nro culls in Qvory flock. Turning out tho flock whonover thq weather Is good will give the hens a chance to pick up food olemonts that aro lacking from thplr dally ration. Noxt to pure air, wator Is tho cheap est tiling we can supply to our poul try. Do not forget that it must be given In order to get sgs. Reduco tho quantity and tho egg yield will also bo reduced. IfclMMBHIMl&Smaf MB "-" i "Socsal Queen? iFound to Be Butcher ii.i At t0$J i -1 WHEELING, W. VA. A bundlo pt blood-stained butchers' aprons, ah electric washing machine, a "brldgo" party and a buckot of water havo start ed a domestic and industrial warfare hero In which nro invohed Thomas Ylngllng, millionaire wholesale meat dealer, and his wlfo, would-bo social dictator. It Is becauso of them that Mrs. Ying ling has resigned her effortB to , die tato to Wheeling society and has an nounced her intention of spending n million which sho possesses in hor own right to put her husband "out of buslneBS." Meantime both wlfo and husband continue fo reside "in thd mansion which was tho scene of tho affair which, Jed lift tc) their spparation. Both say thoy will remain there and 'that tho campaign thoy 'will wnge agrilnst each other will b,o cpnductcd from! the same fieodliuarterB. ' I Thq story of thq aplitj between tho Vingllngs will "bo fold' hero lor yars. : ji- i ' ' Kolice Chief Escapes A IBANY.-t-Tufcked'aWay rtmdtig the IiIIIr In tlifi nnrtlinrn tmrf nf West. cliestoJ6oUnty1, tlfo littio town 'of flill Blde, wl.h Its 1QP yptcrs. t))o, smallest Incorporated vlilag'o ih tiro siatb, iaj ex cldedwith a,i qjlmlnal o,ud)uplltlcnl sensntlo'n that would delight the Boul of tho late-Sir William' S. 'Glltcrl of, comic opora fame. ' Polltlchl iftllVlty Ih1- Hillside goes by inveiso latio to tho tpwna Bizq. Leaders of tho opposing factions aro Howson Stephenson, chief of police when bo la mot dolngmdd Joust of paint ing, nnd the police justice, William Stage. ' ' ' '. Stephenson was makng his , usual tour 'of duty' tlio other night whenj ho spied a shaft of l(ght, through 'the closed shutters of the room above Henry Fry's saloon. I "'rial' AVker'gariic," ho muttered, as ho stole allonUy up tho r(eai stairs. He' cduld heftr voices in lively argu ment bohjnd.thftoor,, JIq brared jhlj s'houlder' to forco It, but when ' he turned the handle Itfuylelded tand ho found himself confronting 20 familiar but not friendly faces. Also ho countered n heavy sconce. M There wero nordsTdrUchlps en- hut, and this was tho bitterest dlsappo fit ment, thqre satjtllq vvlllago constable, tho chiefs 'right hand of oft omce, silting "i "iqfto Goes to Prison to CHARLEY OHY- ,1L BE TlCKLEb 5EE 'ME i Mi r '1 . to see uou- 4U x. KANSAS CITYVlt wduldTn't ko trqe, perhaps, to ay that Jdrndfr Biugh man. cap,qrpd w)ti delight when tho judgo of Wyandotte county common pleas court gave him q( little package tuafmls canlfng'to him the other .aft ernoon. , jlJutj fhotJ9ok q bundle, un wrapped itand examined tho contents ten to twenty years in tho peniten tiary for highway robbery. And then ho smiled. ' It was not a sneer. Thoro was no bravado In it. A man who suspected that learned his mistake when he ask ed tho prisoner about it afterward. "I'll tell you why I don't mjnd It j5o much,-" tho convicted man said. "Charley's up there my brother Charley. And It's ,my fault he 1b. Ho took a chanco for mo and lost. I'm go ing to ask 'cm if they won't let mo work alongside of him. 'I don't caro - aasSd I tTrVA.'JJL2n i rmv i r -run i i vskSWk l i r4J,r , (HBfesJl9VLfr SafsiJilK5rrt " j Meanest Man Is Found by a Minister NEW YORK. Whenltcqmesto de priving th6 minister of hB wed ding fee, tho "meanest man" may bp plural, but when It cornea to not only "doing" tho mlnlpter, but to soliciting a Jov frcin, ,him siftqrward,, thppev. 'Lincoln Itolll.stcr CaBYcll Ifc ron fVinced the mdairesl-flan lives In Flat) bush, The-Rov."Mrr Cnswell-also 'lives in Flatbuah, -where lie-is-paEtor-or-the Fenimoro Street Methodist Episcopal chunjh.-.A'few; vtdkH lago the Rev. Mr1. CasVelll Was 'approacfie.r by 'a young man who cpnflded ho v, Ished to be inarrlccf'nndVlshed tlio minister to tie thp knot, , Aliodt" 200 RucifltB'weW present ',at thd' church an tho dny hpjiolnleh, ahd tho bridegrooni wus a sight mbr'c gorgeous than Soloinon lit nil his glory, for ho appeared In brilliant tan Bhooa and yollow glov'cs, colorful scarf and cjothqt to match. Tho brldo was attired In a plain (raveling coatumo of tan. Thoy stood at tho altar whllo tho minister read tho marriage service M J; tSSSSTre P " Ifr ffl r-- Mrs, YJqgllng has Jong aspired tq bo cial, leadeishlp.j nud was partly sue cqsstul, She hnij planned a sercs of inceptions nii(t dn'ncps tor thla winter utyl (nfornicd ber , Jiusband he must don, lila evening plolbea and hplp her ehlortnln. ,, ' Hq ( did ipt( npprop, ( and Mra. Ylngllng started to do tho entertaining herself. . , Tho first affair, s.ho planned was a party for tho Euterpe club. jAu elab orate musical program was given, at tended by most of Wheeling's elect. This Over, tho guests sat down to brldgo. Then M,r. Tinting nppbarcd in his Shirt sleeves. Ho carried a washing machine in ono hand and in tho' oth er a basket! of, dirty clothes,' among them a nunibor oi; blbod Btal'ned butch ers' aprons, That! was a shock. Tho guests tlioilght that pcrhrtps some nov ol feature had been piovldcd for their entortnlnmeht. ' ' ' Put they were mlstnkbn. I ' ' 5fr. Ylhglln 'caltnly attached tho washing machlrio '16 ah electric chan delier, carrlt'fl l lii 'a "bucketful of wa ter; nnd began to 'wash tho dlpty clothes. Tho glitsts s'ct'cKmed and do parted. ,",t ' ' ! ' i " Tho result was her announcement that she Intended to become a busi ness rival Of ' her husband. from Own. Prison 1 ru,,root ' that PUUCH oFtftsms-i T-T-THEY tti easy- , o i? QIHC BUST W o5 'as" a secretary of What ha know at, a glance was a lautiuh of his political cnemiesi 'toVo Voti ar"wnrrant td fidrvo?" coldly Inquired Mr.1 ritago1, hFo Jlistlco of tho peac6, who at 'at 'tho head of tho table; Stephcnsori shook' his hend. "Then I brddr y'6ir arrest for Unlaw ful ehtry," conflriued' 'tho justice. "Constable, dc'your dut." i Tho constablo stood up and placed his' liand on' tho jictlifcb1 dhlofa' Bhodl der. "Now, 111 cbmniit you to 'jail undfcr $2,006 bnir," tlio, justico Went on. Tho qaucus adjourned to dscort tho yiq tmi tb tho tdwn lodii Yp. Tito constablo saw that his chief was Kicked afojy in a cell. Ho iockeil tlio Jail door and went back to the' meeting, "Five- 'minute? later tho ejilof took a key oiit or his pocket, unlocked his coll. palmly "brokd jail," and wont nomo 10 oqu, Join His Brother what kind of work it Is, no as thoy let ua sqrve our time together. "When got plucked for sticking up thoso two guys I sent for Charley and ho came. , " 'Get, mq out of this I Bftys. " 'I can'.t ilp It, Jim ho told rao 'Tho bond is too much. I don't knowwhoro I, cai 6 Jhat pile of money," 1 1 "It was, my first tlm,o In jail, and It wns a er?or to mo. 1 cquldn'j atuudJt. I crlqd and begged and, pjqaded .witji him. fpr, Qod's sake to p something to get mq out. t mode him ,feol piptty bad, I guc8Bi to har mo a,ct tho kid, that way. Ho looked at mo hard and then he put his hand on my shoulder and-r- " 'Jim,, I will,' ho says. "Three days atLer that thoy pinched him as hq una gutting off a train in Argentine. Ho had his pockets full of stuff that ho had stolen from several stores in OJathc tho night before. He Was bringing it here to sell It so bo could rnjse the price of my bond, "Thoy took Charley back to Olatho. They had tho goods on him. Ho cquldn't do anything but plead guilty and they sent him up again. "Say, do you think they'll let us ork together up there?" and until -thd tlmo for tho presenta tion 'of tho I'i-lng- tihrlved. 'Th'eil 'tho urldo', thinking" Unit the marriage was concluded, liiEiHted on elrtspiitg hoi' husba'nd a ar'odnd Iho neck and ahdw" oring him I with kiriBes', to his cdrf fURlon and to the dismay of tho min ister i i i i.i However", tho lilt'ter managed ''to convey to hor a delicate hint that tlfo son ices woio not yot concluded,1 and tho marriage was finally performed. At tho conclusion tho bridegroom led the minister aside, nnd, In u confi dential manner, apprised hint he would be Hhort or money until nfter" tho honeymoon trip, and requosted him to wait until that tlmo for his fees. To this the mlnlBlor consented. bEIiI il 7 AiaaiJUtU uiiiani -mvi .flHBi-s: mWm 1 t ?r --- - .-- RE8TORED TO HEALTH. After Suffering with Kidney Disorders for Many Years, Mrs. John S. Way, 209 3. Sth St., In dopendenco, Kana., says: "For a nura bor of yenra I was n victim of disor dered kidneys. My back ached pon- stantly, tho passngo of tho kldn6y secre tions "was irregular and my feet nnd an kles badly swollen. Spots nppoarod bo foro my eyes nnd I wnn vorv nnrvniin. Aftor using numerous PScgj remedies without relief, I was com pletely cured by, Doan'd Kidney Pills. In vlow of my advnncod ago, iuy euro sccniB remarkable'' "When Your Dnck la Lamo, Romem bcr tho Nnme-DOAN'S. 50c. nil stores. Foster-Milburn Co.f Duffalo, N, Y. NO COMPLAINT. ' Th6 tiny By Heck! it'd cortalnjy hurt' a filler tb'Yall off 'thot 2. -story building. ii,... Tho Guldo-'-WMl,1 d6 laBt giiy wot dlditaevor'edmplalnfcd.hbno. ""' LAWYER CURED iOP ECZEMA i , tjl IT "Whllo attending school at CoUanon, Ohio, in US82, I bwbnnlo' afflicted with bollB, which laBted for hbtfut two yoars, whoq tho unilctlon'inssumod tho fprm, of an eczema out my face, tho lower part qt my faco bojpgr Inflamed mos of ,tho time. Thoro would bo watef-bllstera rlso up and open, and whorYpp tho Tjator, ,jv,puld touch It woiijd burn,'ancai1so anothqr pno t6 rfsb. ' Aftor tho bllstor would oponi tho placo wdiild Bcab ovori nnd would burn and ftch sd as to bo Almost un bearable nt1 tinles. In thla why tho sorca would spread frond ono placo to Another, back and forth ovor thti Wjiolo of my upper lip and chlni land at tlmoB tho whp)o lower part o my fao would bo, a solid, oro, Tbfa con dition continued tpr four o Xlvq years, without getting any bettor, and In fact got worso' all tho time, so much bo that my 'Wlfo hocamo alarmed lbbt it provo fatal. "During- all thla tlmo of' bolla and eczoma, I doctprod with tho best pby1 Blclana of thla part, of tho country, but to nq avail. Finally I dqcldc& to Try CuUcura Remedies, wjilch I did, t,ak Ing tho Cutlcura Jtosolvent, applying tho Cuticura Ointment to tho sores, nnd using tho Cutlcura Soap for wash ing, in a very short tlmo I liegdri to notioo Improvement, and continued to U80 tho Cuticura itemcdloti until I was well, again, and havo not had a ro currpnpo of, Ujo troublo Blqco, which IS over twpnty ycfvra. I havp rcconl meh'ded C.utiqura, RomedioSjtP pthers ovot '6inc6, ahd hrtvo grpnt fdth In them ha remedies1 for skirl dlBcases." (Signed) A. O. llraridon, 'Att6rnoy-at-Law, Qreonvlllo, 0 'Jart. i7, 1S11. Although Outlcura Sonii and Oint ment aro sold iqyerywhero, a samplo of, eaph, with 32-pagq book, will bo mailed freo on application to "Cut!' cura,' Dopt, L, Boston. t , Among tho Ancients. DpmocrituB had just announced the" theqry tha thp ylfllblo univorao is merojy tho result of tho fortuitous concourse of ntoma. "Subject, or course," ho said, "to tho approval or Mr. Clompers." For ho did not wish to bo drawn Into a magazlno controversy oyer It. Important to Mothers , Exnmlno carefully overy bpttlo of CASTORIA, a Bafo and sure remedy for InfantB hud children, and poo that it Hears tho 1 yfTt L.mm f ,BTnTaturT oiCdaMU In Ubo For Over 30 Yoars. Children Gry for Fletcher's Cnatoria Irascibility Explained, "Isn't your husband getting a fear fully bad disposition?" nBkod MrB. Shortsoot. "No," replied Mra. Leodout "Ho has read somewhere that brainy men nro always cranka and ho'a trylpg to get a reputation." When Your Eyes Need Care fry Marine ICyo Himedr-, No Aroortlnp treeU Fine ActB Oiiluklr. Try t fjF lteU,Wrfali, WuCry Ifyoa iiiA Oranulaltld EyellOni lllusi t rated ,llodk li) tuot, l'acliiiKt-, ,JIi-)ur'H conipotindcxl br our pcalimn not n'Tnttnl Med' lOlni"r-blll UHert In jtiweiurill l'llJli'Urlj' l'rifc llco (ur manr jtmrn.. Now dwlluuiwl Ip Mi? I'nti Ua and tnld 'J Dmpgita at 'Ho unit too nor Hon In, Murine K;o Si,lt" III Aoptlo Tuber, Via bnd Mo, rlurlno Eyo Rorfiotly Co.,- Chicago .Hadn't Brought it. teacher (dlsgu8j.odly)-r-rMy boy. my boy,. horo ia your intuition? Jloy -1 nln't got any. I'moiily hero a fow days, and I didn't kiidW what I had to glt.-nJudgo. Lucky. HoWoll It costs a good deal to lfVo, Powell Aren't you glad you nro a dead ono? Some of ua aro born foolish and nev er outgrow It. I W 1 FOR EVERY FAMILY "'' MEDICINE CHEST ,i To tho hend of every family tho health of ita different members la most important, and, tho value, of aa ngrcoablo laxativo that is portnin wi Its offect la appreciated. Ono of tho most popular remedies In tho family modlclno cheat Is' n combination of slmpld lnxatlvti herbs with pepsin that is known to druggists and physicians as Dr. Cnldwoll's Syrqp Papain. Thla preparation Is mild nnd gontlo In 1U action on tlio bowole, yot positive In Its ffccL ri A dofrv' of Syflip Pepsin at night moan., relief, noxt morning, whllo Its ton.lc properties tonq up and strengthen thq muscles of stomnch, liver nnd bowo)a so that theso organs nro nhlb in a short tlmo to again per form thoir natural functions without holp Dnifiglats overywher6 sell Dr. Cald woll'a Syrup Pepsin In GOc and ?1.00 bottles. If you havo novor tried thla slmplo, Inoxponsive, yet offcctlvo remedy, wrlto to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Monticello, III., and ask for n samplo bottlo. Dr. Cald well will bo glad to send It without any expenso to you whatever. Ladies' Diplomat. Miss Lillian Itusscll, inoro beautiful than over, was Bervlng tea nt thO' Pro fessional Woman's LeagUo bazar at tho WaldorftAstoria. A member of tho Spanish legation passed with two charming girls, and Miss Russell said: "No wonder that young man is so popular with tho ladles, Ho la a la dlca' diplomat.'' ' ' "How a adicB' diplomat?'" a ' com liose'r nslled. ' 'Wbll,"')oX)laJnd,Mi8s'P.tH81 "ho la tho'Bort dt chap wlio tiiWh'ysiibom bprs a 'omahi'bltthday'and'. forgets llM HW.'"' 1 ' ' ' . . ",v "tu i i , il ' ! i. ii- Tr -fi yo-1 ,,, .i Ala! in ili I WjBff-lYoung'i Slllcua 'aayalt his hcaft, la lacqraUjd. , - ,va 1 WaggTT-,Who'a , tho lass ?i Philadel phia iRooordu n( )( ru fio-d) tdi oi i II ,. ,.,i.. ,n 1,' !,M , i! i VIHnl vrixm iorrntert iKo'Trt"i4'iiAH Vqnrlfmliili(t lll,rnCuDlt Jmojilf I'.AZqiUlNT MiJlh,rfalir 6' cum Unr;fji,gt ltoHJng, llllnd, llleotllns ur 1'ratnwltiu I'lUi In 6 to U Ujf." Wo. ' i - ' Tho tip-tot-datd vvalfresa' -wjara a fotchlug ;ostumo. ' ' - A "BClfrrmdo rnrth, "noalrly always mnksoai pmyufonW-tnllorflmndo wlfo. YMCflN ASSIST YOUR WEAK STOMACH back, to its normal condition by taking a short course of' x "" ' It tons and invigor ates, also prevents Poor Appetite, Indi gestion, Heartburn, Co8tiveness, Colds, Grippe arid Malaria. TRX A DOTTLE T0QAY. , plendid Crop i SaskAfchfirVari (Westsrri CaHada) uuw iicji iuics IIUIII AW ilUIUTI ol wheat Wan trie threslitr return irom n. Moy a mlrtBter farm In the season of 1010, Many field In that na well aa pther district! yield ed from 23 to 35 bu flie1akr Wheat to the ficre. 0(ber grains n proportion. LARGE PROFITS ara (has derived from Iho 1' It E K IIOMESTliAD LANDS oi Weatcra Cnnntlii. llila cicollont ebonlnR cannon prices, to adTfuncfl. liund Toluee ilinnld doublotntwo icurs' time. Ornln irroMrlnu.iulTiuil fnrm- Injr, cut(l rnlaliiK iiimi tmi lliir nr nil tirolltlllllr. il ry- 1ifimBiilHfif KIO iiuroaiirs oo to lio Imil In tlio viry bft iimirioiai i lit... a u ill!l. otai 10l noro tiru-einv- liiiisHtSli.OO iioracro wltli- In nnrtikln liriinil. Kclmolft mill cliurciics. In. ery eltlo metit, rlltimte iiiii.elleil. toll the rjclicetl wood, wutor mill ImliaiuK luulorlul Kor partlcnlari M (o location. Inw dettlon' railway rates and doscrlmlTe UlustraUHl rauiphleu Via it lleit West." and otbar In formation, wrlto to Bup't of Iniml 8 ration, Ottawa, Canada, or to anodlan Qorernmeot Agent, W. V. DENNETT Room 4 Bu Side. Omihj, lib. PltaM writ to the agent nart yea 16 CENT SALiE.' lO OOn KERNELS OR FKRTILKitSCKDS lo IvO FKRTILKitSCKDS lor i7o0 Onln " loooludiih ToZmiv iSSSftXm 17aoT)jmlp , I QQ Melon . VJI700 nrlllUntFlow'erScedi.SHofif iuu 1'omsio A7V,?I.,, mesep(re,i wotin Ibei Wrlce e aU' for- the whole io,io uerntli. it is merely our way of letifnir yon test o(iried rrovlnj to yoji, bow jnlghty good Send II cents Initunnsto-dirind 7 Send II cents In stamps lo-di III (end you this Crest collections turn inafl. We'll tlio mall you frc we will send you this erattcoiletiilonbt seeds by return inafl. We'll tlio mill you (res our great 1111 ejUlog-ll youeik lerlt-HUlpoatpaJd. hi j cjuiog ii yousiu rerit-Hiiipei JOHN A. SAUER SEED CO. leulh eighth Street La Oreeet, ' Wla. Wm rOPO Frf 1 r Bl7Va i ElwiiiXt II llTfL BIil WjXriPr T ilL it Q mLmS D00 pfl Beat Coujh Hyrnp. Tutea Oood. Ue Bl'