su J The Man and the Place. AudrowjCarnoglo whb giving ndvice oa. aU-fecent- Sunday to ono of tho younger members of tho Rockefeller Bible class. . ' -jl nm an advocate of early mar ridges,"' ho said. 'Tho' rlghUman,.In the riglU place, nC tlio right time, la a; very good saying, and to my mind, the right man In tho right placo at tho right tlnieJa unquestionably a-husbnnd redding to his wife on a winter's nlbt beiido the radiator. A, Styleo In Alfments.H ' v j'tWell, hero I -am,'' announced tho fashionable physician In his breozy tfny, "And now what do yoi think isl he matter with you?', , 1 , ,j Doctor, I hardly know,r6plloditlo. fashionable patron. "Whnt.Is new?" i " K -? J i The Proportion. ' ' 'Knlckor Did ho speak at a dinner? 7Jockcr No; ho ntoat a talk. t A mirror of tan prevents tv,vtom,an, fropi getting lonesome. ' Nebraska IMegiory FOn RELIABLE AND DURABLE" WORKtRT TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA i4-. PAINLESS DENTISTRY GOLD CROWN, 4.00 to $5.00 Plata or bridge mado Iml dny. Itx ncUnatlon lioo. 2Uyrs. guarantee BAILEY the DENTIST Kewomt.1iUTY..iTi(mr.iiKni.D. KalAblUlixll !!) lClhll.nnr, 0k Cut (hit ad. out to find n DOCTORS MACH & MACH DENTISTS formerly DAILEY&MACH trd Boor rstton tllocV OIUIU JlhDIUSlU Bl muSptwl Dental Offices in Omaha. Reasonable prices. Special cucouot to all people living outside oi Ociaha. WanPiiMcn 1 learn (he " amcuAulomobItebuslness. and get ready for the apring rush. You linve nothing to risk, satisfac tion truaranteedormonev refunded. 1'osltlvely the best and most thorough equipped bcuool in the business. Practical experience on any makes of cars, also driving and road work. Call or write for catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. U 1 7 Dodoe SI.. Omihi.Neb. Telephone With its Long Distance con nections, reaches nearly every city, town and village, giving instant communication near or far, which emergencies as well as business and social needs demand. Talking over the Long Dis tance Lines of the Bell System may be much less expensive than you think. Ask our nearest agent for information regarding rates or service connections. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE GO. BELL SYSTEM ONLY $22.50 Buys This Genuine, New Victor Victrola Outfit, Exactly as Pictured Below The outfit stands four feet In height, and Is exquisitely finished In golden oak. The "Victrola" part of the outfit Is tho new No. 4 selling at $15. Tho Cabinet, or stand, Is arranged to hold 150 dlsa records and has separato re ceptacles for needles, etc. This "Victrola," It must bo remem bered, 1b operated without the unsight ly and cumbersome) "horn," and Is moro distinct, clearer, and sweeter than any other tone reproducing' In strument made. It will piny any disc record, ond never boforo In tho history of talking machine iuanufacturo tins to marvelous avuluo been offered at moroly CiM. Uuaranteod satisfactory or your money routes bark. Wo refer to any bank or business bouse In Umaba. Order today and kIto your home a trtoasrjro It has never bofore known. Wo aro tho largest distributors of talking machines, records and supplies in the west. 15th & Harney StfrSftffifliv, i H9t W HtjTw "ir r ill? T IS never hard to do tho right thine. It In In. deciding to. da It., that the tUjf nstpdo It,. that tl f Bh Hi J . 1ST03 tmlr tho )lld to m light titid (Cllttlo hatdefi 'ior,,ii to no wiong. mrr j. w DAINTY THINGS FOR THE TABLE. irL&&M?mh ut u: ' Fruit Snnnrir- ,Drona: VJlih Crnsm. IJeat thoroughly a cuu of sugar and,, 'thcec- 'eggs.haddS ' third' ' of a cllp oY- water and a cup of flour sifted with ,two. teaHpoonfula-of' bakhtg-Tcder:4riinn"nTin5r'cfirmy''re Add ealt 'and a teaspoonful of fvanllln. will "dry smooth. ! V )i ' Hake in patty pans uud whbn cool scoop out the center onrefully'and fill tho cavities with peaches, pears or any desired fruit, Place u Spoonful of whipped cream on, each, garnish with a piece of fruit ukeil for the fill Jng, and servo. Or they may ho rolled In boiled frosting and sprinkled with cocoaput. Cottage Cheese Salad. Mix two cup fuls of cottago cheese with half a cup of walnut meats, a teaspoonful of chopped chives or onion. Season high ly with salt and paprika, and arrange In balls, three In a nest of lettuce. Pour around them mayonnaise to which has been added some chopped olives or capers. Mock Clam Soup. Wash free from salt a half pound of salt codfish, cover with a quart of cold water, and bring to the boiling point and simmer for one-half hour. Remove tho fish, which may be saved for balls and strain the water, add a thickening of a table' spoonful of butter which has been cooked with a tablcspoonful of flour. Add a pint of milk and bring to tho boiling point Into the soup dish placo a piece of buttered toast, pour in tho soup and garnish with finely-cut parsley. Graham Bread. Mix two cupfuls of scalded milk, one-third of n cup of mo lasses, two tcaspoonfuls of salt, and when luko warm a fourth of a yeast cake dissolved in warm water, and two cupfuls of flour, four cupfuls of graham. Beat well, let rise until double Its bulk, beat again, placo In buttered pans and when well rlson, bako In a moderate oven. Prune Pudding. Make a small mold of lemon Jelly. Cook until tender a cup of largo prunes, placo in a glass dish and pour over the lemon jelly. Set away to harden. Servo with whipped cream. 11 K WHO would lead muat that himself be led; Who would be loved bo capable of love Beyond the utmost he receives; who claims The rod of power must first have bowed his head, And being honored, honor what's above. This know tho men who leave tho world their names. Bayard Taylor. SEASONABLE DISHES. During tho cold weather we aro able to digest heartier foods and they are most necessary to keep up tho body heat. An occasional dish, not so rich In fat, Is relished. Hero is a recipe rather unusual: Mar8hmallow Grape Juice. Add the juice of a lemon to a quart of grape juice and sweeten as desired. Boll with a stick of cinnamon and a few cloves. Servo hot in glasses with two marshmallows in each glass. This is a nice hot drink on a cold day. Mutton In Green Grape Sauce. Brown two tablespoonfulB of butter and two of flour in a saucepan; add salt, pepper and a cup of gravy. As soon as well blended add a third or a cup 6f green grapo jolly. When moltod, lay in a few slices of roast mutton, and when thoroughly hot add llvo tnblespoonfuls of unsweetened grapo juice, and serve. Oysters Sauted. Pour a quart of boiling water over a pint of oysters, then drain and chop fine. Melt two ta blespoonfuls qt butter, turn in tho oysters and season well; add two ta blespoonfuls of rolled crackers and three-fourthB of a cup of cream, stir and cook five minutes. Servo on toast strips with parsley. Baked custards aro greatly Im proved by tho addition of a few spoon fuls of cocoanut. The samo Is true of custard pie. IICUE ore two stones we may not dare to cast; Tho stone of stumbling in our brother's way, The stone of Judgment at our brother's past, We, who ourselves llko Bheep have gone astray, Hamilton. PRACTICAL POINTS. During tho extronioly cold weather If tho clothes pins are put Into a drip pjng pan anjl. heated hot, tho hanging out ofthe clothes will be mado much moro" comfortable,, Donpt, carry out a ,thn btaket, Qrofliahtfi,plnaiAl second A MPTr wfttmfti jFfe trip will moro than pay by tho conP fort ' i Always wjjnp llncnfhnt InSto lay any length or time, In ?u lift? rmrrSr. It will keep It from turning M'llow. Hair brushes, If carefully washed hotsodn waJtejjSud quickly dried, w keep, llifeir Treslinoss for yeais. n if Aood housekeeper fays If wo w stliCa tablnshaonful of vlncunr In nto the lard lii- which fritters, doughnuts' or potatoes arc fried, they will no EUillt till K, 1 , A' traaftinnthi rff shlMr9 smnlf'1 .ploco of, ,giliiv, camphor added o tll$ oil' lir a- lump is bald to improve lhJ" 'num.. hivujb proviumg me quruur i To lessen the labor of "Ironing tnblo, linens, If they are wrung by hand the lflin-nTin5r'ofirmrTe niut Knt apples. They are a tonic and an tnppellzer. They urn-rich In flavor's and n valuablo food adjunct. j ' If" one' would liavo a good c6nplex-; Ion, It Is, liQceEsnrj' to,lhavo plenty of fresh air while sleeping and plenty of work to keep the mind busy. The only wrinklcB then will bo those made from laughter, and those aro considered beautiful. Wintqr or summer, one window In tho sleeping room should be kept open, day and night. Ono person can exhaust all the air In an ordinary bedroom In an hour. A well-ventilated bedroom and the sleeper's bend entirely covered with the bedclothes Is no better than sleep ing with a closed window. Don't worry nbout taking cold. Fresh air is ono of the best preven tives. GOOD to dream Thut cen In a city street. Above the highest building's top God's nnswer and my prayer meet. will If but to see nmld the crowd Two comrades meet and greeting give; A face the lovellght glorifies; A luughtng child 'tis good to ltvet Maude llartwell. WAYS OF USING MUTTON. In small places during tho cold weather mutton is hard to buy; but a few recipes will bo useful when tho meat Is more plentiful. Shepherd Pie. Take, a pound, of cold mutton, a pint of cold boiled po tatoes, ono-half an onion grated, one or two cooked carrots; cut the mut ton and potatoes into small pieces and put them with the onion and carrot into a deep baking dish. Add a cup ful of stock or water, salt, pepper and ' a tablespoonful of butter cut In bits. Pare and boll four medium-sized po tatoes, mash and add cup or cream, salt and pepper to taste, beat until light, then add enough flour to make a soft dough; roll out and cover tho dish with the dough, mane a crosis cut In the center to allow tho steam to es cape, and bake in a moderate ovon ono hour. A modern shepherd's pie is made llko tho above with the addition of a few capers and a stalk or two of cel ery. Barbecued Mutton. Make a sauce by melting two tablespoonfuls of but ter; to this add tho Juice of half 1 lemon, a quarter oi a glass oi cu rant Jelly, one-qunrted of a teaspoon of prepared mustard, one-half tea (spoonful of snlt, pepper to taste and a bit of grated orange peel. Reheat slices of mutton In this sauce and serve hot. Do not cook after getting hot or It will toughen the meat. Mutton Left-Over. Mix together tho following Ingredients: Two cup3or cooked macaroni, threo cupfuls of cold cooked mutton, ono-half cup of strained tomato, one teaspoonful or curry powder, ono egg, one and a halt tablespoonfuls of butter, snlt and pep per to taste. Butter a deep pie plato or baking dish, make a mound of tho mlxturo and cover thickly with crumbs, well buttered; cover tho pan and cook twenty minutes, then uncov er and brown. Remove to a hot plat ter and garnish with sprigs of parsley. Croquettes are flno made from mut ton, using curry for flavoring or a llt tlo tabasco and Worcestershire sauce. Quit Going Out. An Atchison girl begat going with an Atchison man several years ago. Ho called about every evening In the week. Took her to the theater, mov ing picture shows and dances. They wont buggy riding together, and walk ing Sunday nfternoonB. About a year ago they were married. SInco then theatorgolng has stopped, a danco Is unhenrd of, and a moving picture show an event to the couple. Sunday nftor noon wnlk'lng has onded, and buggy riding belongs to their dead past. Tho other day tho girl met ono of her neighbors who evidently had not heard of her marriage. She said to tho girl: "You have quit going with that fellow you went with so long, haven't you?" Atchison Globe. ftjg Is .Persia Comparatively Temperate. n Persia there rtro'no distilleries nop' breweries', nnd native wlno.Js the on y intoxicating' bdverago used. t' FLAX GROWING IS PROFITABLE WESTERN CANADA FARMERS BE- COMING RICH IN IT8 PRODUCTION. So much hna been written regarding tho great amount of money mado out of growing whoat in tho pralrlo prov inccs of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, Western Canada, that many other products of tho fnrmo aro over looked. ThSQ provlijcofl -tJIU always grow largo areas of wuqntbqth spring anil wlntqr-r-and ttio .Iolds will continue ta bo large, nnd tho .gonornt average greater than in any othor rortlon'of tho continent. Twenty, thir ty, forty, and as hlgh'as fifty bushels per acre of "wheat t6 tho hero yields Unusual in other parts of tho wheat growing portions of tho contlncnt--hayo uttraotqd world-wldo attention! but, what of oats, which yield, forty, fifty and as high as ono hundred ami ten bushels per aero and carry off tlio world's prize, which, by Iho way, was also done- yvheat, - raised , ,Jn Sas katchewan during last November at tho New York Land Show. And then, there la tho barley, with its big yields, and Its oxc611cnt samples. Another money-maker, and a big ono is flax. Tho growing of flax Is oxtonslvdly car ried on in Western Canada. Tho writer has boforo him n circular is sued by a prominent fnrmor at Saska toon. Tho circular deals with tho treatment of seed flax, the seeding and harvesting, and attributes yields of less than 20 bushols per aero, to later seeding, imperfect nnd illy-prepared seed. Ho sowed twenty-flvo pounds of seed per aero nnd had a yield of twenty-nlno bushels per ncro. This will probably dispose of at $2.50 per acre. Speaking of propor prepa ration of seed and cultivation of soil and opportuno sowing, in tho circular spoken of thero is cited tho caso of a Mr. Whlto, living fourteen miles south of Rosetown, "who had fifteen acres of summer fallow a year ago last summer, upon which ho produced thirly-threo bushels to tho acre, when many in tho district harvostcd for wnnt of crop. Now, thero can bo no proper reasoir advanced why such a crop should not have beon produced on all tho lands of tho samo quality in tho adjacent district, provided they had been worked nnd cared for In tho same manner. This year (1911) tho same man had ono hundred acres of summer fallow, had something over 3.S0O bushels of wheat. Ho also had 1,800 bushols of oats nnd 300 bushels of flax." There aro tho cattle, tho horses, tho roots and tho vcgetablo products of Western Canada farmB, all of -which Individually and collectively deBorvo special mention, and they nro treated of in the literature sent out on appli cation by tho Government agents. Sharp-Eared Maid. Wife Our now maid has sharp ears. Hubby Yes. I noticed that tho doors are all scratched up around tho keyholes. A QUARTER CENTURY Before tlio public. Oyer KIto Million Free Snmplrs given anuy each year. The constant nnd Increas ing sales from samples prove tho Renulno merit of ALLUN'S KOOT-13AHH, the antiseptic ponder to bo shaken Into tho shoes for Tired, Achlnir, Hwollen, Tender fecL Kclicves corns and bunlonsof all pnln. Sample FltEE. Address, Alien H.Oluuled.LoItor.N.V. Needed Reform. Beuham We need a reform In our banking Bystem. Mrs. Bonham Yes; It's a shame that a wlfo can't overdraw her hus band's account! Judgo. Colo's Cnrbollsnlvo qulckty relieves and cures burning, Itching nnd tortuilng skin' diseases. It Instantly stops tho pain of burns. Cures without scars. 25c and COo by .druggists. For free Bumplo wrlto to J. W. Colo & Co.. Cluck Itlvor Falls, Wis. Absent-Minded. "I want a dog-collar, please." Yes'm. What size shirt doos wear?" Life. ho Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy, rcuulato and invig orate stomach, liver and bowels and cure constipation. Only to find our duty certainly, nnd somewhere, somehow, Nto do It faith fully, makes us good, strong, happy, and useful men. Phillips Brooks. ONLY ONT5 "I1IHIMO QITININK." That Is I.AXAT1VB IIIIOMO QUlNINK. Ixilc for tbo i,li;natur of K. W. HUOVK. Used ttio World urer lo;uro u Cold In Onojtajr. He. Too often tho man with the hoo gotB tho worst of an encounter with tho man with tho gold brick. Mrs. Wrnslow's Boothlnp Syrup for Children teething, Boftenii the gums, reduced InMatnran tlou, allays puln. curc wind colic, !!5c a bottle. Many people suffer Intensely over imaginary injuries. Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sickness starts with weak stomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous nnd pnlc-peoplc laok ood, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating for, alter all, a man can be no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives out disease-producing bacteria and cures a wholo multi tude of diseases. Get rid of your Stomach Weakness and Liver Laziness by taking a courao of Dr. Pierce'. Golden Medical Discovery the slrcat Stomach Restorative, Liver InvlHorator and Blood Cleanser. You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown nmpoilllon as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery, which is a medicine oi known composition, having a complete list o( Ingredients in plain English on its bot-ue-vrrapper, same being attested as correct n.ib. Dr. Piece's Plcaiant Pellets tvsrulata anil ;, ' i ' - "'"!rirBr f M7r ,r B trxiii. 'i)a' :aA':.-H' viflMHP 't&KEP EtrKM&QEKfMr , i turn , - - Read About These Tliree Girls. How Sick 1 . . nriL-ur,!..- .i rT ;,; . , flRjf, yyna sn,ow ,we; Jraeaim Was Restored by - Lydia E. Pinkham's rijM i in i i i ... . i . , ,,,. .Applcton, Wis." I tako pleasure in writing you mi account of niv sickness. I told ft friend of mino ' pimples eamo on my face. But I have tnken your . bydia E. Pinkham's Vocotnblo Compound and it has" restored my health. 1 think it is tbo best medicino in existence" Miss CkoiLia. M. Baukk, 1101 Lawronoo St., Applcton, Wis. A SCHOOL TEACIlElt'S GRATITUDE: Bv Geneva, Iowa.- "I have been teaching school for somo years and 'I have neglected my health because I was too busy with, my work to nttontl to myself properly. I suffered greatly ovory' mouth ah'd was on tho vorgo of a nervous breakdown. "I wrote to you about my condition and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and tho Blood Purifier as you recommended. Those romedies have dono wonders for mo and I can highly and widely recommend them to every suffering woman." Miss Minnie Shavku, 11. F. D. No. 1, Geneva, Iowa, co Sam Erickson. A COLORADO GIRL'S CASE: Montrose, Col.4 I was troubled very much with irregular periods. Sometimes two months would olapso. I suffered severo headache, was weak and nervous, could cat ecarcoly anything. " I took both Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compound and Bloa 1 Purifier and tho result was wonderful. I feel like another person. "I think your remedies aro tho best on earth and cannot express my thankfulness to you for what they havo dono to mo. I holp my neighbors when they aro sink, and I shall always recommend youi medicines." Miss Ella MoOandlebs, Montrose, CoL Is it not reasonable to suppose that a medicine that did so much for these girls will benefit any other girl who is suffering with the same troubles ? Does it not seem the only sensible thing to give such a medicine at least a trial ? You may be sure that it can do you no harm, and there are lots of proof that it will do you much good. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinlclinm's Vogotablo Compound 1ms been the standard remedy for fo inulo ills. No ono sick with woman's ailments docs justice to herself who will not try this fa mous medicine, mado from roots and bcrbs, it lias restored so ninny stiff orlnp women to health. tMBWWrito to LYDIA LM'INKIIAM MED1CINEC0. IPV (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for ndvlce. Your letter will bo oponed, rend and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. 1 m'-r: ks.IL. 1 111 ?GUARnrCnf ,ua,l,nKTimM 11 Many who cannot afford 10c cigars aro now smoking Lewis' Single Binder straight 6c cigar. You pay 10c for cigars not so good. W. L. DOUGLAS 2.25, 2.50, 3, 93.50,4 & 5 SHOES All Style. All Leathers, All Size and Widths, for Men, Women and Boy. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER SO YEARS THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar antees superior quality and more value for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon havintr I the genuine W. L. Douglas Imim 'lake no substitute. "JSfttSZ' ywiio W TO OBDEIl BY MAIL. HW.LDoukU. sborsare not sold I SfefcK. C353k ui iw, .uuvtu in iiKHiri iiaio nyio aoiirrn ; nize una wiam usmiiiT worn t pjsia or ail) ton t hi-aTV. medium or light solo. I lo tho large it shoe oioll buU iilwiroWii. llllu-CstalcuKroe. W.L.DuUaLA8,H0SpllBt,BrocUa,Kwe. Lose Either Way. Reason Romemhur, my hoy, wealth docs not bring hnpnlncEB. Rhyme Maybe not, but flghtlnc tho wolf Ib no round of pleasure. larlzonle Stomach, Lht;r aad liowelt. I I - .J.TL - .nL - 4i1i -ita. iff- Vegetable Compound. how? JUf eltiRudiskuBaidlmLUdromaiwtBoiibleindM ndvLsed mo to uso Lj'dia E. rmklinnfs vegetablo Compound, as sho bnd tnken it herself for tho samo troublo with wonderful results. I had been sicklyv foy two years and overworked myself, nnd had such.' bad feelings every month thfifc I cduld hardly Walk, for pain. 1 was very nervous and easily tired out and could not alcon nicbts. I bad dizzy spoils, and vHAYnfiKJOTf"' i,' i ; iMf r"i shoes. Bl v Sent Evorywhero- All Charges Prepaid. In jour town, send direct to factory. Tnko ineauremcnU THE NEW FnENCH REMEDY. No.l. No 2.N0.3, THERAPBON 'fiSW OllKATHUri:H, I'UIIKH m.FH, KIDNKY. IlLADDKU MS. KAHKH.CIIIlO.MOIJIX't.UH.SKINEUUl'rUINS- K1TI1KU8KJ K'fil Mr.M tnvrl.p. fur KBRR bonkl't to Dr. m CWra. MUD. CO., JUVKIIHTOCK ltD., UlMrSTKAD, LONDON, UN mmmxzm - nena trr, treatment for wuk, uor uypH.unirminfi-wl iu Mi..i-nn. .,.. rowr f 1 1 1 ;,.; - ..i.. 'v v.v" ..:"" l-scnbo OJCB. UK. tf, O. tOfrSK, 11.1, W, Vt. Mole, I,. PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY Jllma brlnirs you formula to tnnko best fire rill. tulUi.r, Cost We, sells Si. '. M. Biuiirlch, Uoalifut, Mick, SUHNY GEORGIA LANDS jKsaW caBli.lialanco U'ruis. Mnest soil nnd country, for lull details, odd. K. J.Wllktnbon & Co., TIkiuiII, Ub. TO HBTTWJ KSTATH Wlli 8ACIUFICH 160 ' A. In Macon Co.. Mo.; luu a. culu Plenty yutor, lioustC burn, bbwls. orclmr.1, ctc.i tj.-nl Vnt location! all comcnloucis. UUl'l'lSU, Jloi mi), Cblcago. KOK 8AI.B-10D A. UOUODAS Oa, MO., SO A. CUW.l houss. out biilldliuts. trnlt, stock, etaiwoll'locatod! healtby climate, etc. MAUTIN, ltoi 8l5, Cblcagol lii a. cult., all cross.fenrnd. 1 r. bouso, barn, sliods. ctC woll located. llllUCldNKlt, llox SID, Cliltlasa: Foil HAI.B-AT A.UAlUMINt 0 A. IN HOCK Cm., Nob.! nil tlllablo. lovel land. Ml d. cull.! VU SrSyfty hK5c:' r(SW 2r5gSj)k located. AddreW WKLbONni" (, Jca.go'" "i l B" ,TTffAHXU?i-m$.