The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 05, 1912, Image 2

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nt a ci
story oholm In n. Cnrtfertorito tmt
crltlciU Btiuta of tho Civil War. Clen.
ta Imparts to Copt Wuynd on important
niOBinco to Jyoniratrcct. Acconipnnled by
Herat, (jralir. an old urmv scout. Wayne
starts on Ills mission. Tlioy cet within
tlio llnea of tho enemy find Irt tho dark
nos Wayno Is taken for a Kederal gf
flccr and a young lady on horseback la
given In hid tiharee. Hho Ib a northern
ft Irl and attempts to escape, Ono of the
lorjies suemtmbs and Crnlg iroes through
alth tho dispatches, while Wayne and My
ndy of tho North aro loft alone. They
seek nholtcr In a hut and ontcrlng It In
the dark a hujjo mastiff attacks Wayne
Tho. Klrl jihootH tho bruto Just In time.
Tho owner of tho hut, Jod Iiungay, and
Ills wife appear and soon a party of
horsemen approach. Thoy aro led iy a
n)an cldltnlnic to b Red Lowrlo, but who
proves ta b MaJ. Brcnnan, a Perioral
officer 7hom tho Union nflrl recognizes.
Ho. orders the arrost of Wayne as a py
and. ha Is brought baforo Hherldan. who
threatens him with death unless ho ro
VCHM tho Bocrot moBBaBc. Wayno bclloves
,imii urennan to no tne wire or Aiaj.
Ilrennati, Ha is rescued by Jed Bunaay,
Who starts to reach Own., while
Wayne In disguise- penetrates to tho ball
.room, beneath which ho hud boan.lm
InHsoned. Ho Is Introduced to a Miss
iWnor and barely escapes belnir Unmusi
cal Kdlth Hrennan, recopnUlntf Wayrie,
,Bys she will savo him. Bccurlnjr a pass,
tBrouBh tho lints, they aro confronted by
lyTJ,.n,ln W,,D ' knocked Bonsolcss. Then,
(blddlnir Kdlth adieu. Wayno makes a
JMh for liberty. Ho encounters Bungay;
tn4v reaclr tlio camp and aro Bent
with reinforcements to Join Kurly. In tho
.btttlo of Shenundoah tho regiment Is
Field Hospital, 8lxtn Cdrpa. '
My head ached an nhnmlnahlv
wa en I1 first oponolf my oyos that I
whs compelled -,toclooo thom'' atra1n.-
naroly realizing dimly that I looked
in at Bdiholhlngj White libdv'o -"me:
wllch uppoared to sway ns though
b c wn ontly by tho wind. My grop-
it t h.nn,d, tho-ronly ono . I appeared
ab o to move, tolu mo I wnn lvlncr
u m ?.&.. oamp-cb't, ' with s'dft sheWs
ab'iut mo, and that my head, roBtpd
uy iu u piuow. i lion i pasucu onco
mere .Into UBponBcIoiisncBBr. butmhls
time It was aslccD.
WbdrrT onto moro awakened tho
tHrlobblng pan had. largely Joft, my
hai temples,' nnd I saw that tho Bway
lnfe whlto canopy composed tho roof
oCja largo tont, upon which tho
golden sunlight nowuayMn checkered
ma)ujeB, tolllngraoTthoJcaVivasl had
S.. .- ! i - 1' i - ' A M '.
tan orectcdjamong trees.
a mint-
mbun caused mo to movo my head
Bllghtly on tho gratefully 8,6ft pillow,
nrq I could pcrcefvo if long row of
com oxacuy Blmllnr to tho ono I
ocbuplod, each apparently filled,
Btrotchlngaway townjrd-nn; toponlng'
thanked fortb Into tho open altr
A man was moving alqwly down tho
narrow alslo toward inb, stopping
hero and there to bond ovor somo
nufforer with mcdlclno or n cheery
word. Ho wore a short whlto Jacket,
and was without a cap, his head of
heavy rod hair n most coiibpIcuouh
object. , Ao bo npproaqhqd I en
deavored to Bpcak, but for tho moment
m? 'throat Tofusod responao to tho ef
fort Then 1 maiiagod to ask fcobly:
"Whoro am 1?"
Tho Uu6 eyes In tho freckled, boy
lab faco danced good-humorcdly, nnd
ho laid a. big rod baud gently tipon
my forohoad,
"Flold hospital, Sixth Corpa," ho
said, with p. ajioug Hlbornlnn aq
cent "Anf how do yo lolko It, John.
"tlottor than somo othors I'vo'scon,"
I mnnaged to articulate faintly. "Who
won?" ,
"Dlvll a wnn. of us, knows," ho ad'
mlttcd frankly, "but your follows did
tho rotratln'."
It was art bid, old slory to all of us
by that time, nnd I closed my oyos
wearily, content to ask no more.
I havo ui way of knowing how long
I rested thoro motlonloss although
awake, tny eyes closed to keep out tho
painful glero, my sad thoughts busied
wMi memory or thoso men whom I
had seen rool and fall upon that
stricken flehl wo had battled sq vainly
to boyo. Onco I wondorod, with sud
den, start of fear, If. I had lost a limb,
if I was to bo crippled for life, tho
one thing I drendodaboyo all elso.
Feeling foobly Beneath ihy bed-cloth
ing I tested, nSwtbcst Icould, each
limb. All wero apjiarwutly. intact, nl.
though my left ,nrm Bocrucd useless
and devoid of feeling, -brokon no
doubt, and I heaved a sigh of gonulno
rollef. Then l becamo pahlally
aroused tdny' surroundings by a
volco Hpoaklng from tho cot- next
initio. a - (
tou iaiyj,jriBii mariner
Iotulnntly,A"that beet stow
jl, cried
mas to
hnvn hi'nn firlvArl rnn nn linnr
"Suro, Bdr," was tl)o soothing reply,
"It wasn't to bo given yer honor till
two o'clock."
"Won.)TfaHl od IBrVTnowh, ;:n
"Wan-tlilrty5, bn 'dd'sdwl., sbr"v
That first volco sounded oddly
familiar, aud I turned my faco that
way, but was unablo to perceive tho
"If that' Lieutenant Caton?" I asked
"Most ujsuredly It is," quickly.
"And who are you?"
"Captain Wayno of tho Confodorate
"Oh, rtf-yne? dlad you spoke, but
extremely sorry to bavo you hero,
t'pdly hurt?"
"Not seriously, 1 think. No limbs
missing, anyhow, but exceedingly
weak. WhcrJ did thoy got you?"
"In the aide, a musket ball, but ex-
&JP''7 ayiAAaAi'AzgASjr
iy A il IAhttet lATrir'rvETvrriVTF? ori "BAT a n Xtt.t-
y viuinor or fvuaayji y v iij-wvicijaa
trnctcd. I would bo all right If, tha
lazy Irish ucamp would onlygjvo mo
1 alf enough to eaC jfu Hho way,
Wayno, of courso I "never got tho
straight of It, for there aro linlf-a
dozen stories about' tho affair flying
nround, and those most Interested will
not talk, but ono of your special
friends, and to my notion n most
charming young woman, will bo In
horo to boo mo somottrao this aftor
noon. Sho will bo delighted to mcot
you again, I'm suro,"
"Ono of my friends'" I questioned
Incredulously, yet instantly thinking
Ing of Edith JJrcnnan. "A young wo
man?" "Suro; at least she has confessed
enough to mo regarding that night's
work to make mo strongly auspicious
that Captain Wayne, of tho Confed
einto Army, and Colonel Curran, lato
of Major-Qonoral Halleck's Btaff, aro
ono and tho same pcrsotf, A mighty
neat trlcK, by Jovo, and it would Iiavo
dono yon' good to Bee Sheridan's faco
when thoy told him. Hut about tho
young lady sho clnfma-grenfcvfrlend
ship with tho gallant ICblonol' of light
artillery and hur description of his hp
pearanco at-tho bdll 'Is' sliVWIy a
mstorpIeco of romantic fiction. Come,
Qaptaln) syrely you.ttrp not the kind'
or man to forgot, a pretty face into
that?-! can nsaii-VjrbuVydu'madb a
dpop impression. Thorp iro tlmos
wfton I nm 'almost Jealous' of' you."
t.Mnut," -I ' protested ' bV heart 'bfeat
lng rapidly, "I met several that eve
ning f arid you'havtr- 'ml'ntto3Rl' "ho
namo.'' f w r JM t ,
"Well, to mo It chancps Tthoro Is
'butjOno worthyo.o'f montloni'l ho said
carncBtly. "and that ona Is Cella
,,Mls8 HlnorI",I(folt,a strnnB-ijSepoo
ol (tisfTppolntmeut "Dtics sho como
nlon'dK' ft O Ail'H i jud
,("JIost certainly; do jrpuJuflpbM alio
ould oxposo me In tuy proaent' woak
sta9 to ,tho fasolpatlona of any -ono
"Oh aoVthe' wind Ilea In that quar
ter, doc3 It, old fellpw? .1 congratu
late you, rmjruuro." ,
Aiy roconoction or mibs,' Minor was
certainly- a mostDlcnsnTit dno. and
recalled to memory tho attractive pic-
ttirc-Vbt' hdtf "Bt'ds&y tyack hair and
flashing, brown eyes, yqt I felt ex
ceedingly BtnaJI lneresJihagaipjiijeot
Ing her. Indeed I was asleep when
SlioMItially .entered, and-lt was-'the
bound -of Caton'8-volce-that aroused
mo and muilo. mo conscious of tho
prosonco of othors.
"I shall sharo these grapos with my
cot-mato ovor yondor," ho said laugh
ingly. "By tho way, Cella, his volco
sounded, sTangoly familiar to mo a
short tlino ago. Just glanco qyer
thcro aud see It ho Is any one you
I horird tho soft rustlo of sklrtri,
and, without a smllo, looked up Into
her dark eyes. Thoro was a sudden
start of pleased surprise
"Why," sho oxclalmod eagerly, "t
Is Colonol Cvirran! Edith, dear, horo
Is tho Rebel who protended to bo
Myrtlq Currnn's brother,"
How tho hot blood loappd within my
oliis nt montlon of that namo; but
boforo I could lift my head sho had
swept acrosa th6 narrow aUlo, and
was stnrtdlng beside mot Wife, or
what there was that within her oyes
which told mo a wondrous story. For
tho In3tnn,t, In lmr sUrprlso and agita
tion, sho, forgot herself, and lqst that
marvellous self-restraint which had
hold us bo far apart. '
"Captain Wayno!" Bho cried, nnd
her loVod handR fell Instantly upon
my own, whoro It rostod without tho
coverlet "Vpu hqro, and wounded?"
I smiled up nt hqr, fooling now that
my injuries wero Indeed trivial.
"Somowhat weakened by Iosb of
blood, Mrs. Brennnn, but not danger
ously hurt." Then I could not for
bear asking softly, "Ib It possible you
can feel regret ovor lnjurlos Inflicted
upen a Hobol?"
Her chocks flamed, and the audaci
ous words Borvcd to recall her to our
surroundings. '
"Even although I lovo my country,
nnd Blncoroly hopo for tho downfall of
her enomloB," sho ausworcd soberly,
"! do not delight in suffering. Wero
you In thnt terrlblo cavalry chargo?
They toll mo scarcoly a mar. among
thom survived."
"I rodo with my roglmont."
"I know It wns your roglmont tho
namo was upon ovory Up, nnd oven
our owu men unite In declaring' it a
magnificent sacrifice, a most gallant
dcod. You must know I thought In
Btantly of you when I waa tqld It waa
tho act of tho t Virginia,"
Thoro wero tears In my oyoB, 1
know, ns 1 listened to her, and my
heart warmed nt this frank confes
sion of hor rouflbmbroheb.
"I nm glad you caod sufficiently
for me," I said gravelyj "toehold) nfd
lr your thought at such a time. Our
command moroly performed tho work
glvob it, but tho noceenity has cost
us doarly. You aro yet at Qenoral
Shorldan's headquarters?"
"Only temporarily, and simply be
cause there hat.i boon no opportunity
to got away, tne movements of tho
army havo been so hurrlod nnd un
certain. Since tho battle Miss Minor
has desired to romaln until assured
i. i s
of Lieutenant Caidn's' pcrbiancnt re
covery. Ho Was most severely
vounded, and of codrso I could not
well leavo her horo alono. Indeed
I am her guest, as wo dopart tomor
row (or her home, to remain indefi
nitely." "But Miss Minor Is, I understand, a
natlvo of this Stato?"
"Her homo Is in tho foot-hills of the
BIuo Rldgo, along tho valley of tlio
Cowskln, a most delightful old South
ern mansion. I passed tho summer
thcro when a moro girl, previous to
tho war."
"But will It prove Bafo for you
"Oh, Indeed, yes; everybody saya
so. It Is entirely out of th6 track of
both armies, and has completely es
caped dcspbllatlon. But yoti, Captain
Wayno; surely you havo already
risked enough?" ,.
"Thcro Is much suffering upon both
sides, but surely ovxfn you would not
wish ma, to bo) other than truo to
what I look upon ns a duty?"
"No; I I nthlnk ! I -respect you
tho more."
I clasped her hand close within my
(own, . i
"Your words encourage mo greatly,'
X said earnestly. "I havo dono so much
to bring you trouble and sorrow that
,1 haVo been fearful lest it had cost
Vno what I Valud more iilghly than you
jean ovor know." ' '
These words Wero unfortunato, and
Instantly bpqught baqk to .her a mom
lory which scorned a barrier between
us. I rend tho chango in her averted
! "That can never bo,,t Captain
iWayne," sho returned calmly, yet rls-
,. ...-(,,.-.".. Ilv.v
. , ,
"I ' ' SnvL VJ'' I Isr S ' f
"Captain Wayne!" She Cried.
Ing oven ns sho spoke, "ion have
como Into ray life under circumstances
so peculiar as to mako mo always
your frlond. Colin," and Bho turned
townrd tho othors, "Is It not time wo
wero going? I am very suro tho doc
tor said you wore to remain with
Lieutenant Caton but n brief tlmo."
"Why, Edith." retorted tho other,
gayly, "I bnvo been roady for half an
hour haven't I, Arthur? but you
wero bo deeply engrossed with your
Rebel I hadn't tho heart to interrupt."
I could seo tho quick color as ft
mounted over Mrs. Drennnn'a throat
"Nonsenso," shoapsworcd; "wo havo
not boon horo that 16ngth of time."
"Did tho Major omorgc fror- out tho
lato entanglement unhurt?" It wns Ca
ton's volco thnt spoke.
"Much to his regret, I bollovc, ho
was not oven under flrq." Tho tone
wnB cool and collected again. "I will
say good-bye. Lieutenant; doubtless
We shall Bee you at Mountain View ao
soon as you aro ablu to tnko the Jour
ney. And, CapUln Wayne, I trtist I'
shall soon learn of your complete re
covery.'' . '
TMy eyes followed thom down tho
long aisle. At the ontrunao sho
glanced back, nnd I lifted my hand.
Whqthor sho marked the gesture I
do not kno", for tho next Instant
both ladles had disappeared without.
Tho night drew slowly dowu, ami
an It darkened, only o miserable
amp shed Its dim days throughout the
great tent; nursos mbyod nolslcssly
from cot to cut, aud I learned some
thing of tho nature of ray own In
juries from tho gruff old Burgeon who
dressed tho wound In my cheat nnd re
factoned tho Bpllnts along my arm.
It must havo been midnight pos-
was iu jrtu g
slbly even later ivjien a number of
rapid shots fired outsido tho tent
aroused mo, and I heard many voltes
shouting, mliigled with tho trend of
horses feet Tho night-watch had al
ready disappeared, and tho startled In
mates of tho tent wero In a state of
Intense confusion. Ab I lifted myself
slightly, dazod by tho BUdden uproar
and eager to learn its causo, the tent
flap, which had been lowered to ex
cludo the cold night air, was hastily
Jerked asldo, and a man stepped with
in, casting ono rapid glanco about
that dim Interior. Tho flaring lamp
o rhead revealed to mo a short,
heavy-set figure, clad in a gray uni
form. 'No ono hero nesd feel -Oarm," ho
said qulotly. "Wo are not making war
upon tho wounded. Aro thero any
Confederates present nblo tb travel?"
A dozen eager voices answered him,
and men began to crawl out of their
cots onto tho floor.
"We can bo burdened with no help
less or badly wounded men," ho said
sternly. "Only -those nble to ride. No,
my man, you ard in too bad shapo to
travel. Very aorry, my boy, but it
can't be done. Only your left arm,
you Bay? Very well, iraovo out in front
thoro. No. lad, It would bo the death
of you, for we must rldo fast and
' Ho carne to a pauso a' half-dbzbn;
'Cots away from mo, and' seemed ab6ut
to retraco his Bteps. 't)Im as tho
light was, I felt convinced I had for
morly seen that short flguronnd stern
faco with Its closely cropped beard.
''Mosby," I called out. resolved to
risk his remombrance. "Colonel Mos
by, isn' it possible to take me?"
wan um you?"
sharply, turning in
ho questioned
tho direction of
my Voice.
"Wayno," I answered eagerly,
"Wayne, of tho th Virginia."
In an Instant ho was standing be
sldo my cot, his eyes filled with
anxious Interest.
"Phil Wayno, of Charlottesville?,
You hero? Not badly hurt, my boy?"
"Shot and bruised, Colonol, but I'd
stand n good deal to got'out of this."
"And, by tho Eternal, you shall;
that ls, If you can travel. Jn. a -wagon.
Hero, Sims, Thomas; two of you carry
this qfllcer out. Take hor clothes ,nd
I. ..... I,
uii -truHj uuw. .. .J-
The fcllowa picked mo up.tcnderly;
u'sle, Mosby walked beside ua -an
far as the outer opening.
"Put him down thoro by the fl("
ho ordered, "until I lb6k dyortha irqa't;
of tllcso chnps and divide the wheat
S .11... 1. M
uuiuiiuu (jiuiu. 9 r
reon1;!!: 1
1 -
ANlnht Ride of tho Wounde
W .. . 4 14
..ut aas a wild, rudd'scend'vfthout,
yet iu ua way typical or a nttlc-un-jiorstjwd
chapter of Clll War. jMdrje-
ovor ft was ono wlthwnidhil wiis'AqV
ontlroly unacquainted. Years of cav
alry Bcoutlng, bearlngmbeyondtfie
patrol lines of tho tWpgrcnt arm(qs,
had frequently brought mo Into con
tact with thoso various Independent,
Jrrogular forces, which; cooperating
With Mb, often, rendered most offlciont'
porvlco by preying on . tho scattered'
Federal camps and piercing their lines
of communication. Seldom risking an
engagement 'n tho open, their policy
was rather to dash down upon somo
outpost or poorly guarded wagon
train, and retreat with a rapidity ren
dering pursuit hopeless. It was parti
Ban warfaro, and appealed to .manyp
ill-adapted to abide the stricter dis
cipline of regular service Thesd bor
der rangers would rendezvous under
somo chosen leader, strlko an unex
pected blow whoro weakness had been
discovered, then disappear as quickly
ax they came, oftentimes rcattcrlng
widely until tho call went forth, for
some fresh assault It was sorvlco
not dissimilar to that performed dur
ing tho Revolutionary struggle by
Sumter and Marion in tho Carollnas,
and added In tho aggregate many a
day to the contest of tin Confederacy.
Among Uicbo wild, rough riders be
tween tho lines no loador was more
favorably known of our army, nor
moro dreaded by tho enemy, than
Mosby., Daring to tho point of reck
lesnness, yet wary as a fox, counting
opposing numbers nothing when
weighed .against tho ndvantngo of sur
prise, tireless in saddle, audacious in
resource, 'qulqk to plan nnd equally
quick to execute, hp was always
whbre least expected, and it "Nvas
seldom ho failed to win reward "for
thoso who rodp at his back. , Pos-
bUbpiuj; luguiui imiu iu iuu voniqu-
erate 'Army, making -report! of hfs op
eratlonB to .the cdmffl&ridorrn.chref.'his'
peculiar, talent as, a partisan Jeadcr
had won him what wa3 .practically, an
lndependent"c6mmand.n fcnowlng him
as I did, I' was1 not surprised that 'ho
should now have swept suddenly tftlt
of the back night uponttho very vergfo
of tho jattlo to drlyo hhi drrltatlag
sting into tne hard-earned Federal vic
tory. An empty army wagon, the U 8.
A." yet conspicuous upon itB canvas
cover, had bebn .overturned ndrflred
in front of tho1 hospital tent to1 givo
light to tho raiders, j Grouped ijbout
beneath tho trees, aid within the glow
of tho flames, was a picturesque Bquad
of horsemen, hardy.toughjlooklngfel
lowstho mosf "o? tliem",thelrcIothIng
an odd mixture' of uniforms, but "ev
ery man heavily armed and admirably
equipped for service. Some remained
mounted, lounging carelessjy In their
saddles, but far the larger number
wero on fcot, their brldlo-rolns wound
about their wrlsta. All alike appeared
alert and ready for any emergency.
How many composed tho party I was
unablo to judgo with accuracy, as they
constantly cahie and went from out
the shadows beyond the circumference
of tho fire. As all sounds of firing
had ceased, I concluded that tho work
pmnned had been already accom
plished, Undoubtedly, surprised as
they were, the smnll Federal forco
left to guard this point had been qulqk
ly overwhelmed and scattered.
Tho excitement attendant Upon my
relonse had left mo for th'o tlmo being
utterly forgetful as to tho pain or my
wounds, so that weakness alono held
mo to tho blanket upon which I , bad
been left Tho night was u-ecldely
chilly, yet t had scarcely be'gun to
feel its discomfort, whdri nrriah strodb
forward from but of tho nearer group
and stood looking down upon me.. Ho
was a young fellqw, wearing a gray
artillery Jacket, wjth high cayalry
boots coming above tho knees. I no
ticed his firmly sot Jaw', and a pearl
handled revolver stuck carelessly In
his belt, but observed, no symbol of
rank about him.
"Is this Captain Wayne?" ho asked,
not unploaBantly.
I answered by nn inclination of tho
head, and ho turned at onco toward
tho othors.
"Cass, bring three men ovor hero,
and carry this officer to tho Bamo
wngon you did the othors," ho com
manded briefly. "Fix hlra comfort
ably, but bo In a hurry about It"
Thoy lifted mo In tho blanket, ono
holding tightly at elthor corner, and
bore me tenderly out into tho night
Once ono of them tripped over a pro
jecting root, and tho sudden jar of bis
stumblo shot a spasm of pain through
mo, which caused me to cry out ovon
through my clinched teeth.
-"Pardon me,- lads," I panted,
ashamed of tho weakness, "but It
slipped out before, I could, holp it.""'
VDont Jjo ajtor a nujntlpnln' ay'lt.
yer h'onor." returned 'a rich broguo,
"Suro nn mo feet got so mixed oup
that I -wondher I didn't drnp ye en
tolroly." "If vn had. nitrcv." said tho man
Ttaed Cnal.j Grimly, i?fir&p.j AsJndV
tlio' Colonel would "have drapped you."
At tho foot of a narrow ravin o, lead
which four mules had been.alroady at-
tached, I , Thpscanyas. was drAwp asltiagfc
'and ifAhfe lifted WnWcarVfuVy O&f
posited in tho hay that thickly covered
tho bdtiom. It iwna so Intensely. dstU
$itftlK J co6)F ef e(ofhng- oft iujyj JtnS
mediate surrouudings, but a low moan
told me (here imiBt be a least ono
o(hqr iwonndet( man 'tHefent ?putslde
1 heartl th'o tread of horso's' hdofa, and
then tho sound of Mosby's voice.
"Jako," he said, "drlvo rapidly, but
with as 'much pare a's possible, Tnko
thg lvqrjroad after yqn cross the
bridge, and you-will jneot with no pa
trols. Wo will rldo beside you for a
couplo of miles."
All Treatments Failed. Relieved
by Peruna.
Mrs. Wm Iloh-
mann, 2WL Lincoln
r Ave., Chicago, 111..
writea: '
, "I .miffctcfd with
'citarrb efitho bron
chial ttlbC9 and had
a terrible cough-eveij
,Blnee a child. '
"I w6uld sit up in
id with pi II own
propped up behind
mc, but still the
:oui?h would not let
ao sleep. I thought
and everybody elso
that I had consump
tion. "So reading tho
papers about Pe
runa I decided to
try, without the
least bit of hope that
it would do mo any
good. But after tak
ing three bottles I
noticed a change.
My appetite got
., ,, better, so i kept on,
Mrs. nonmann. never discouraged.
Finally I seemed not to cough so much
nnd the pains ia my cheat got better
and I could rest1 at night.
"I am well no-w and cured of a chronic
cough and sore throat. I cannot tell
you how grateful I am, nnd I cannot
thank PeVuna enpugh.'-" It has cured
kWnero doctors have, failed and 1 1 talk
JPdruna wherbvervT 'go, recommend it to
cverybbdy. Pcoplp who think .they
have, consumption better .give it. a
wiai. ft
. i'. - 1 J
It's Ui WU1
Ead '
Sore Ere ,
ii . i ' i .I
noar town:-8 r. house, bam, oheda, COO poach trora, i
stock, impletncnu, etc MASTEll, BoxSW, Chicago
, . 5 f li 111 ii
"Did you fall, my eon?"
"Nawl 'Course I dldn'tl I'm Jest
takln' a mud bath by mo doctor's or
No Sale.
"Hill work?" replied tho denio&-.
Btrator, after Stlgglns had Inspected
tho new car carefully. "Hill work?
Why that'3 our strong point, Mr. Stlg
glns, ThlB car can climb a tr."
"Ha!, hum!" demurred Stlgglns.
"Then I guess 111 look elsowhore. I
never saw a car yet that climbed trees,
that waa any good afterward." Har
per's Weekly.
Too Far for Business.
"I see King Georgo's uuelo Is In
New York."
"H'm! Thafa bad 'ur Giorgo." "
"Why so?" , ''"
sVha' will ho do If ho has occasion
togo and seo his upclet" -
Touch Prevertter.
Howell Why do you call your dog
"Strlko Dreaker?"
Powell I havo douj It over since
he grabbed a fellow who was. about
to strike mo for money.
Our Ovens
Your Table
by human
the aristocrat of Ready-to-Serve
"i' taJf ainjt.j made of
white Indian corn present
ing i delicious' Hdvbur and
'wholesome 'nouninment in
new and appetizing form.
fyTtefteadiJjlJ ncr$sin g sale
of this food speaks volumes
in behalf afrits excellence.
Ail .iJlMUblK
for a package of
m your
grocer wi
will provide a
treat for
whole family.
"Th Memory Lingers
f if. m v.
Fostum Cereal Company, Limited
Battlo Crek, Michigan
''Af&JmP, Wv Yti -'(.
'&&&2mz4ii l : i
SnWTTjT.'K", Jt'TT
. 6