The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 05, 1912, Image 1

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    ftiAto Historical fiwUtf
No. 11
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1 KrffCAJttt
ph .rfcis
JSconomy looks like an up-liill game when yon
first begin, and sometimes it IS nn up-hill irnmc;
but it is' the JJOAD TO PROSPERITY, unci if
you enn preserve in your small economies you
-will find this out.- Your extravagance does not
drnw interest. Some dny you will pny interest
on your jtrcsent extravagance. If you put that
money in the ZJAJVv INOW, 3-011 enn some day
afford to buy the luxuries you crave without
missing the money.
IDo YOUR bunking with US. '
The First National Bank,
The Largest Hank In "Western Nebraska.
i Tmra Awn rmiMTV mcwc
Airs. Jesse Thomas, of Ringgold, is
, spending a few days in the city.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Wyman is quite ill this week.
Dr. Ambrose, of Des Moines, spent
several days this week with Dr. J. S.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seeberger are
spending a few days in Omaha, leaving
for that city Sunday evening.
Mrs. 0. W. Sszemore and daughter
Ruth visited Mrs. Sizemore's sister
Mrs. C. M. Reynolds last week.
G. W. Diener and son Howard left
last evening for San Juan, Texas, where
the former recently purchased a farm.
Atty. Geo. E. French and wife left
the last of the week for Chicago where
the latter will take medical treatment.
The meeting of the Travel and Study
Club which was to be held at the home,
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDonald to
night has been postponed on account of
death of Mrs. Charles Hendy.
Found A pair of glasses in case.
Owner can have same by calling and
paying for this notice.
Silas R. Barton formerly of Grand
Island who has been twice elected to
the office of state auditor, is the re
publican candidate for congress from
tho fifth congressional district.
The Christian Aid Society will be en
tertained by Mrs. Frank Elliott Thurs
day of this week, Wost Third and Vine
St. The members are asked to come
on time. A good attendance is desired.
. . . -
The continued improvement in the manufacture of
Men s Ready-to-wear Clothing is strongly evidenced
in our new spring stock, now ready for your in
spection. The tailoring is better, the styles more
attractive and patterns more beautiful than ever.
Weingand s Cj
- r -: a
"the J?$y
Phillips and George Burmood, of
Somerset, were North Platte visitors
the last of the week.
Mrs. W. M. Lawson
n arrived yester
City to join her
cay irom central uty to join
p -
family who have been here for some
John Canright came back Sunday
from a few days stay in Yorke during
which he attended the socialist conven
tion. Nels Beck and Miss Mary Nelson,
both of Brady, were granted a marriage
license yesterday morning by Judge
Twin girls were born to Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Eddy of North Locust street
yesterday afternoon. All concerned are
doing nicely.
Mrs. E. Roueche, formerly of Lc
wellen, left for Hershey yesterday to
locate. For a week past she has been
visiting her mother Mrs. John Cornctt.
Louis Diehl, who had been residing
on tho Jack Morrow Flats, left last
night for San Juan, Texas, to accept a
position on the Diener ranch.
John Schram accompanied by his four
sons and two daughters arrived Sun
day evening from Columbus and will
locate on a farm two miles south of tho
Several cars of insane soldiers went
thru on train No. 10 yesterday morning
enrouto from the Philippines to cities
in the east where they will bo placed
in on asylum.
C. L. Gribblingfind family, formerly
of thif city, but late of Gandy, have
been spending a few days in town
while enrouto to Portland, Oregon, to
make their future homo.
luality PI
Tho Episcopal Guild will meet at tho
Rectory Thursday afternoon.
Thomas Sodin will leave teday for
Custer, Wyo., where intends to locate.
Miss Jennie Geyger, of Julcsburg,
camo down yesterday to visit her sPater,
Mrs. Ralph Starkoy. t
Firomun Raleigh Warren left lasU
evening for Wood, Kas., to stay six
woeks with tho home folks.
Allison Wilcox returned Sunday
evening from Paxton whore he spnt
tho pat two weeks on business. J
Police Judge Warren returned Sun
day from York where he went aB socia
list delegate to the state convention.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hiliikutf of Den
ver, visited friends a short time this
morning while onroute to visit in the
A special train of eight 'coaches,
currying the company of eighty-five
playing "The Pink Lady," passed
through Sunday onroute to Denver.
Robert Armstrong who has been in
business in Sutherlin, Ore., for several
months is expected back in a fow days
and will once more become a resident
of this city.
Joe Levcn, of Salt Lake City, who
has been a guest at the Pizer home,
loft for Now York to spend several
weeks. Mrs. Leven will remain with
her sister Mrs. Pizer until his return.
Unusual care has been exercised to
provide an attractive and thoroughly
up-to-date line of Spring Millinery
which are you cordially invited to call
and inspect. MlSS WlUTTAKER.
Tho wedding of Miss Maude Stowert
of Sterling and Charles Berkcbioe, of
Swanson, O., which was to take place
at Sterling tomorrow has been post
poned on account of the serious illness
of the latter. Miss Stewert was re
cently employed hero as pianist at
the Crystal theatre.
Joe Sculley, of Omaha, died at Los
Angeles Sunday. He was a member of
the Omaha Originals ball team a scoro
or more years ago, and played in a
number of games on the North Platte
diartlond. All the older local fans will
remember Joe.
While 'Harriman line earnings for
January show a falling off as compared
with thoso of the corresponding month
of last year, the slump is only half of
that of December. During December
tho earnings fell off over $1,000,000, as
compared with the December of 1910.
Emma Waggoner, by her attorney
Wm. E. Shuman, has filed suit against
the city for $2,500 damages she claims
to have sustained by falling on the icy
pavement on Fifth street near Dewey
December SOth. She also asks for costs
of suit and interest on $2,500 from Dot
cembor 30th. This claim was presented
to the city council several weeks ago,
but was rejected, hence tho commence
ment of a suit.
Fred H. Thompson, Joseph Spies,
Emma Schott, Dorothy Rowland, Mary
A. Baker, Gustave F. Meyer, Anna M.
Meyer, Henry Breternitz, Fred Waltc
math, Sarah E. Hinman, Minor Hin
man, Cora C. Osgood, Curtis Hinman
and Adeline Breternitz as plaintiffs
have filed a suit in the district court in
which they seek to nullify part of the
city ordinance passed last August be
cause their lands were included in the
city limits by said ordinance. E. H.
Evans appears as attorney for the
paintiffs. ,
about fire insurance when written by
Bralt & Goodman, leading fire insur
ance agents.
Will Vote Wet or nry.
Rev. R. B. Favoright filed with City
Clerk Temple Saturday a petition
signed by thirty-five voters and resi
dent free-holdrs asking that tho ques
tion of ycunsc or no license b submitted
to the voters at thu coming municipal
election. This petition is filed under a
law pnsBod by the last legislature, and
is certainly a much more sane way of
settling the wot or dry proposition than
to make it nn issue in tho election of
councilmen. It will also be 11 test as to
how the voters of North Platte stand
on the saloon question.
A Safe Investment
for your iu!c money in first mortgage
loans made on conservative values,
backed by responsible parties. We
have some choice onc3, $250 and up
wards. Nothing safer.
Dralt & Goodman.
New Corporation.
A corporation known as tho Rincker
book and drug company, with F. W.
Rincker, Dr. G. B. Dent, Dr. V. Lucas
and C. L. Doherty, camo into existence
The new company takes over the pres
ent stock of the Rincker store and will
add thereto a complete line of drugs,
toilet articles, etc. Mr. Rincker will re
main ns manager of the book depart
ment and C. L. Doherty will be mana
ger of the drug department Tho latter
has been employed for a number of
months by the Rexall drug store.
Proposition Almost Unanimous.
At the special election hold yester
day on a proposition authorizing tho
city council to apply tho $100,000 bonds
previously voted to the purchase of the
present water plant and construct ad
ditional mains, the vote was almost
unanimously in favor of tho proposi
tion. Out of a total vote of 3G0, there
were 327 for and thirty-nine against.
The vote by wards was: First, 83 for
and 5 against; Second G7 for, 7 against;
Third 110 for, 4 against; Fourth 07 for,
23 against.
The council will nt onco enter into
negotiations with tho company for the
purchase of tho plant.
To the Public.
I have the insurance business of
Judge Grant tho British American
and the German Fire of Omaha. Pol
icies written by Judge Grant are abso
lutely good, notwithstanding other
wise reported. Will take of all old bus
iness and want new business. Will
list your property for sale, or rent it
for you.
Phone me or come and see me. With
Nebraska Real Estate Co., over Marti's
Meat Market.
Rural Carrier Examination.
The civil service commission an
nounces an examination to be given
Mar. 30th, 1912, to fill a vacancy in tho
position of rural carrier at North
Platte, Neb., and other vacancies as
they occur on the rural routes at post
offices in Lincoln county. The usual
entrance salary for rural carriers is
from $G00 to $1,000 per annum. Undr
a recent ruling! of the civil servico
commission rural carriers may bo trans
ferred, after ono year's service, to the
position of clerk or mail carrier in firht
or second class offices, the position of
railway mail clerk or to other positions
in tho classified Service, subject to such
examination as muy be required by the
civil sorvice rules. As men are dosired
for rural carriers women will not be
admitted to this examination.
For Rent
Large pasture adjoining city with
living water and good grass. Suitable
for town milk cows.
Bratt & Gcodman.
Miss Mao Bolts of St. Louis, ar
rived last evening to visit her cousin
Miss Blanche Fonda.
W. P. Collins received a letter last
night from Miss Ella Dillon, of Cores,
Cal., in which she states N. B. Olds,
formerly of this city, iscritically ill and
10 hopes uro entertained for his re
covery. He i8 Buffering from a general
physical break down.
Geo. P. Smith will open a new meat
market on North Locust Street in tho
Van Natta building. Mr. Smith has
had considerable experience in th 0 bus
iness and willl no doubt make good.
Tho caso of the state of Nebraska vs
John Parker for malicious destruction
of property was up for trial in tho
county court yesterday. While intox
icated Saturday evening Parker broke
a large plate glass window of tho Don
saloon and was arrested. He plead
guilty to the charge and was bound
over to tho district court in tho sum of
$200. Unablo to pay ho was takon back
to jail. Parker had boon employed on tho
Holloway ranch for some time. So
great was his resistance to the officers
Imf ovtwi lirmrl n(Va wurii lluiul iif tlio
j time of arrest.
S -v2
tv1 yfv&MfrMjgm7'' aaffltffc.
-iai wtKira iau
MT v:jtfHBKV. --JP
d -r-afci.iMT ,'r iv T-i-ZliiTTZtt vfcws tr,r--
We are Mary Jane and her lamb. Wc have
hired out to the hest store in this city.
We are happy; because our consciences are
clear. The ,store we are going to work for has a
clear conscience. There is no cotton in what they
tell you is "all luool."
We are happy, because we succeed. So does
the store we work for succeed; their upright goods
and upright methods compel success.
Each week for a whole year we shall greet you
in this paper, always with a smile. Our store folks
greet you xuith a smile ivhen you come in, and sell
you reliable merchandise.
McDonald Bank BVdg.
Miss Hazel Rork will spend Sunday
with friends in Sidney.
Tho postoffice at Eddy, Neb, will be
discontinued after Mar. 15th.
Frank Cross ha3 been very ill for
several days past.
John Nagel, of Dickens, spent tho
past few days in town on business.
Robert Taylor, of Grand Island,
spent yesterday in town with friends.
Mrs. Clydo Cook will leavo Thursday
for Fremont to visit relatives for ten
Miss Lucy Dunn returned last night
from n two weeks' visit with friends in
Grand Island.
The grocery store on North Locust
street which has been conducted by
Fred Wendcborn, was purchased last
evening by Mrs. Clovis Raynor.
Mrs. Hardin and daughter Mrs.
David, of Huntley, mother and sister
of Mrs. John Stackhouso of the Stato
Farm, left for home today uftor spend
ing a week with Mrs. Stackhouse.
Weather forecast: Unsettled weather;
probably snow flurries tonight or Wed
nesday, warmer. Maximum tempera
ture yesterday 20, a year ago 50,
minimum last night 8, a year
ago 20.
Miss Matio Paulson was tendered a
surprise party by a number of her
friends Saturday evening. Games and
contests were played for several hours,
after which a dainty lunch was served.
An enjoyable ovoning waB spont by nil.
Tho senior class of tho Kenrnoy
Bchool has adopted a grey cap and
gown for tho commencement reason,
and tho action has buen strongly com
mended by tho board of education, as
it limits tho cost of tho suits and gowns
for tho graduates.
"Pony Bob," well known to the old
timers of North Platte died a few days
ago in Chicago. Bob was a pony mail
carrier and fifty-two years ago rode up
tho Platte valley and announced tho
news of Lincoln's first' election, For
years ho was associated with tho Cody
show, and though a midget in size had
a heart in him as big as a mountain.
Notice of Indebtedness of the C. F.
Iddiags Co.
At tho close of business Februnry 2D,
1912, tho amount of all existing debts
of Baid company was $12, G38.ll
This notice is published in compliance
with Sec. 1IJG on corporations, of Com
piled Statutes of tho stato of Nobraskn.
E. C. Iddings, Pres.
Fhed Pbhuctt, Treas.
R. L. Baker, Secretary.
sr rrm
By ker dV'
Si rc
for Men.
North Platte, Neb.
Sale Postponed.
The salo of J. O. Anderson which
was to hayo been held March 2, was
postponed o'noccountof the snowstorm,
to Saturday, March 16th, nt 2 o'clock,
sharp, at tho U. P. barn, Lexington,
Nebr. There will bo sold 80 Red Polled
cattle and 50 Duroc and Poland China,
brood sows. Catalog on request.
Yours for a better day,
J. O. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Richards spent
Sunday with relatives in Odessa.
C. S Clinton will go to Omaha tonight
to spend a few days on business.
Mrs. Payne entertained at six o'clock
dinner Friday in honor of Miss Edith
Mr. Sturgian Hall, of Canada, is
visting his sister Edith and Iris Hnll
this week.
Tho Presbyterian Aid Society will
meet with Mrs. D. E. Morrill, 904 west
4th st.
E. A. Sten8rad, of Ravonnn, Neb.,
has been conferring with Sec. Tomplo
of the Chamber of Commerce relative
to oponing a poultry house in this citySj..
Arrangements are being mada to se-
curo a suitable location and the choices
now rests between two buildings on
Locust street.
.Borntch and rub nil) nnrt scratch
until you fcul iih If you could almost
tear tlio burnlni? .Bkln from your liouy
until It HoeniH iih If you couM no
longer endtiro Uiobo enules.i days of
awful torture thoso torrlblti nights
of Hlcoploss iifiony.
Then iv fow drops of D. D. D tho
famoiiH TCczoma Hpooldo and, Oh I what
roliof! Tho Itch ,'ono instantlyl Com
fort and rost at lust I
D. D. D. 1h a slmplo external wash
that cleannoH and lioula tho Inllnmod
tildn as nothing el so can. A rocoKtiiwul
Hpecllla for Eozema, Psoriasis, Salt
Hlioum or any other shin trouble
"Wo can Klvo you a full slzo Ikottlo
of tho Konulno T. D. D, remedy for
S1.00 and If tho very first bottle fulli
to kIvo relief it win not cost you a
"Wn also can glvo vou a sample bot
tle for 20 conts. Why suffer nnothor
day when you can ctt V. V. D.?
S chiller & Company.