Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year by Mail in advance $1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entored at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllec as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, FEB. 27, 1912. Stevens Files for Representative. Yielding to the importunities of friends, Hnrry P. Stevens, living south of Maxwell, has filed for the republi can nomination for legislative repre sentative from this district. Several Weeks ngo friends of Mr. Stevens in sisted upon him becoming a candidate, but it wns not until last Saturday that he decided to so do. Mr. Stevens is ono of Lincoln county's most progressive farmers and Btock growers. Ho came to Nebraska with his parents iu 1873 and lived in the east part of the state until 1902, when he came to this county to accept a po sition as foreman for the Platto Vnlloy Land and Cattle Co. Ho remained with that company for b!x years, and then bought a farm in Garfield precinct and lived there a year, and then purchased a furm south of Maxwell where ho Jias since resided. As evidence of his pro grcosiveness and his desire to boost Lincoln county, in 1910 he cxibited alfalfa grown on his farm attho Omaha land show and received first prizo in a competition that was open to the world. Last fall Iho attended the dry land farming congress at Colorado Springs, exhibited products of his farm and took ono first prize on sugar beets, four first prizes on apples and received sec ond awards on several other products. Theso instances show that as a fanner "ho does things." Mr. Stevens is a man of liberal educa cation, an excellent business man, hon est and conscientious; and withal n fit man to represent Lincoln county in the . legislature. Ho is a good "mixor" will command respect and influnco at Lincoln, and his vote will always bo cast for the best interestof his constituents and the state at largo. It will be a plcasuro for this writer support to Harry Stevens. Roosevelt Will Accept. In accordance with a promise made several days ago, Colonel Roosovelt made a reply Sunday night to the joint letter of the eight governors asking that ho become a candidate for tlio re publican nomination for president. The lottor of acceptance is as follows: "Now York, Feb. 24, 1912.-Gontlo-mon: I deeply appreciate your lottor and I realizo to the full the heavy re sponsibility it puts upon me, express ing as it does the carefully considered convictions of tho men elected by popu lar voto to stand as tho heads of gov ernment in their sovoral states. ,"I absolutely agreb with you that , this matter is not ono to be decided with " any roforonco to the personal prefer ences or iuterosts of any man, but purely from tho standpoint of tho in- terosts of tho people as a whole. I will accept tho nomination for president if i it is tendered to mo and I will adhere to this decision until the convention has oxpressod its ureforonco. Ono of tho chief principles for which I have stood nnd for whlclI now btand and which I ( have alwnyB ondeavored and always shall endeavor to reducu to action is tho genuine rulo of tho peoplo; and therefore I hope that so far as posaJblo tho people may bo given tho chanco, through direct primaries, to oxpreBS their preforonco as to who Bhall be tho nominco of tho republican presidential convention. Very truly yours, THEODORE ROOSEVELT." At tho national Roosovelt eommitteo headquarters ut Washington, of which Medlll McCormick is director, tho fol lowing dtatomont wnB given out: "Colonol Roosovelt lias no intention whatsoever of forming a third or 'peo ple's party' in tho event tho Chicago convention fails to name him as the candidato of tho republican party. Statements recently made that tho for mor president would toko such action are declared without foundation." Employes' Liability Legiilation. Tlio most drastic employers logisln ' tion in many years is proposed by tho employors' liability and workmon's compensation report, made public last woek. Headed by Senator Suther land, of Utah, the commission personnel also consists of Sonator Chamborlain, of Oregon, Rep Moon of Pennsylvania; Hop. Brantley, of Georgia, and D. L. Ceaso, editor of a railroad men's mag azine. Tho report is accompanied by tho draft of a bill in which tho commission eliminates tho common law doctrino of ncligonco with what it characterizes as tho unjust dofonsoa of assumption of risk, follow servants' fault and con tributary neligence, Compensation with a general basis of an equivalent to one-half wages is to bo . paid in every case except where tho injury or death is caused by tho wilful intention of tho employe to injure himself or another or in case of intoxication on duty. The employe or his dependent must notify tho employer of tho nccident within 30 days, except under ccrtEin contingencies which extend the limit to 90 days. After tho M-day period fol lowing the injury employer and ploye are to agree in writing on a tlement; arbitration committees bo organized by them to settle cm-set-may dis- putes and award compensation, subject to review within two years, an "ad juster of accident insurance" to be appointed by ench United States dis trict court for four-year terms at from $1,800 to $3,000 annually. Either party may petition the adjuster to pro ceed. Tho adjuster is to report his finding to the court. Right to com pensation is forfeited by an employe as long as ho refuses physicnf exam ination by the employers' physician. No contract or device of any kind is to operate to relievo tho employer from any liability under tho jact. The monthly wages aro to be considered ns not more than $100 nor less than $50 a month, with certain exceptions. Monthly payments of death benefits are to be made for eight years thus: A widow alone, 40 per cent of the monthly wages; widow and child under 10 or otherwise dependent, 50 ner cent; any child under 10 or dependent, 25 per cent, nnd 10 per cent for each ad ditional child; payments, if tho widow dies or remarries within eight years to be continued to the children, if any, for tho unexpired period. If no widow or children, 15 per cent to tho partially dependents, and 20 per cent to ono wholly dependent parent, and 40 per cent if both parents- are de pendent. In the absence of these de pendents, provisions aro made for brother, sister, grand parent, or grand child as dependents. Personal injury compensation is made on the basis of 50 per cont of monthly wages for lifo for permnnent total disability and 50 por cent during temporary total disability. For loss of an arm payments aro to continue 50 months, a leg CO months, an eyo 30 months, a thumb 13 months. No pay ments aro to bo made while tho em ploye is at work at wages 90 per cent of those he received at the timo of his Injury. Tho commission made provis ion for contribution of payments by joint employors for defining tho dif ferent beneficaries under the act, for modes of payment of compensation. The report was submitted to con gress by Presidont Tnft, who sent with it a message urging that congress onact a law covering tho recommenda tions in tho report. A Minister Shows How. To prove his theory, preached from tho pulpit, that success depends upon a man's efforts, Dr. A. T. Osborn, a min ister of Knnsns HJity, has developed n mushroom bed from which he derives an income of thirty-five dollurs a day. Ho made tho announcement Saturday only after ho had thoroughly demon strated tho fact. Six years ago Dr. Osborn began experimenting but with poor success. Finding nn abandoned street railway tunnel, with the exact conditions re quired, ho "borrowed" it for experi menting purposes. .Tho tunnel contains 50,000 equnrd feet, every inch of which is utilized. The mushroom bed yioldod beyond his wildest dreams. In six months of the year tho minister hns sold nn average of from thirty to 100 pounds of tho product n day to hotels at sixty-five cents n puond. BURDENS LIFTED. From North Platte Backs, Relief Proved by Lapse of Time. Backache is n heavy burden; Nervousness wonrs ono out; llhcumatic pain; urinary ills; All are kidney burdens Daily effects of kidney weakness. No uso to euro tho symtoms. Curo tlio kidneys and you cure tho cause. Relief comes quickly conies to May. Doan's Kidney Pills curo kidnoy ills; Provo it by your neighbor's case. Tho story of a permanent curo. August Ackerman, 221 S. Walnut St., North Platte, Neb., says "I still hold n very high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills. I used thorn for backaches, nrising from disordered kidneys nnd liavo received tho best of results. It is over thrco years sinco I hnvo had oc casion to uso Donn's Kidnoy Pills but my henlth has been splendid, not a symptom of kidnoy trouble having bothered mo. I can endorse this ex cellent remedy." Forsaloby all dealers. Prico 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo. Now York, solo agents for tho United States. Remombor tho name Doan's and take no other. Red Polled Cattle and Hog Sale. On Saturday, March 2, I will sell 30 Red Polled cows nnd bulls, also 15 Poland China nnd Duroc Jersey sows, all immuno. Salo will be held at U. P. barn in Lexington, If interested, writo for catalotr con taining descriptions. All cows orhoifera not iresn, will bo in up spring. J. O. Anderson. Notice. Major Wnlkor is no longer connected with my office. W. II. C. WoodhurBt, Insurance Agency. From the Wholesale House' to the Consumer. We invite one trial order for groceries from peoplo in the country as well ns North Platte. Our goods and prices will take care of future orders. We pay the freight and deliver any where in tho City. E. W. Crank, Phono 10 Black. Political Announcements. COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for county assessor, subject to the action of the democratic voters at the primary election April 19th. My home is in Fox Creek precinct, where 1 have resided for the past 23 years. I will appreciate any support given me. Peteii J EPSON. COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the republican nomination for County Assessor, subject to the decis ion of the voters at tho primary elec tion in April. Lawiience P. Carpenter. The Baby's Bath should bo in surroundings that lack nothing in sanitary meas ures. Everything in tho bath room should bo such as can be cleansed with the Greatest Convenience As plumbers, we have given special attention to both rooms. If we mstnll tho plumbing, your house will always bo in sanitary condition. We perform job-work promptly. R. F. STUART, Shop Phone 3G9. Res. "Phone 683 217 East Sixth Street. Di edfield edfield, Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, Surgeon. JOE I). REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . ' . Hospital . ."" THONE 642. AN EVENING AT HOME.' f With ono of Schmnlzried's Cigars to Bmoko makes lifo worth the living. Our cigars have stood the test of time: there nre men in North Platto who aro smoking the samo brand they did twenty years ago, and thoy find them the same good cigar. Our cigars are made in North Platto for North Platto buyers; mado of good tobacco nnd well made. J. F. SCHIUALZMEn ,J.BRLEKEJR Merchant Tailor. We have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's nnd Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and know how to repair clothes. We carry samples of goods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring first-class workmanship and perfect fit. Notice To Delinquents. Notice is hereby given that tho rental upon tho leaso contracts to tho following desiribed lands in Lincoln county, Nobrnska, ns set opposite tho names of tho holder thoreof, is delin quent, and if tho amount which is duo is not paid within GO days from tho Unto ot this notice, said contracts will bo declared forfeited by tho Board of Educational Lands nnd Funds, and said forfoituro entored of record in tho mannor provided by law. x SEi, NEJ 3G-1C-34, Lydia A. Collins. All 10-9-27, Snmuol Stinnett. E. B. Cowles, Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. SHERIFF'S SALH. II y virtue of nn order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein American Investment and Trust uomiuiny, a corporation, Is plaintiff, and Victor A. Palm et. nl.. aro defendants, and to me directed, I will on Uie 23rd day of March 1912, at two o clock, (p. m., at the cast iront UoOro( tho court nouio In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interests and coats, tho following described property, to-wit: The past half (EH) section, nine (U) township (16) north, range thlrty-ono (31) west of (ith P. M., In Lincoln county, Ne braska. Dated North Platte. Nob., Feb. Uth. 1912. A. J. Sausuuky, Sheriff. fiHmsfflim is hag' irf Mr McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock Fully Paid $100,000.00. Oldcsl Dank in Lincoln County. We Respectfully Solicit your Banking Business. Satisfaction Guaranteed . . CHAS. Mcdonald, President. For Sale: 111 Acres improved valley land three mies south of Gothenburg, Nebr. Cash sale $75.00 per acre. Inquire of J. B. Bacon. Gothenburg, Nebr. Send Us Your Shipments of Grain amd Hay We pay the top market. Three cou pons free with returns on each car of nay you ship us to handle for your ac count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in cash will secure for your home an ele gant . 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consign your hay to us and please the ladies and also get a good price for your hay. Our Motto: Fair treatment and prompt remittances. Sample of the quality of these dishes dan be seen at the office of the Semi Weekly Tribune. The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wazec Streets, Denver, Colorado. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that on Satur day, March 2, 1912,nt 2 o'clock P. M., I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction at the county jail in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, the following goods and chattels, to-wit: 1 Oliver typewriter, with metal cover, 51 dry cells or batteries, 7 boxes of rubber patches, 3 oil guns, 1 box tape, G cans wood rim cement, 10 packages diamond cement, 3 cans rubber cement, 1 package valves, for rubber tires, 2 packages bicycle chains, , 12 cans Arco grease, 1 waste container can, 2 bundles waste, 1 box pipe collars, 1 four inch trap, '28 bicycle rims, 2 bath tub seats,' it,. 30 soil pipe fittings and traps, . 1 block and fall chain with pulleys, 13 cans metal and body polish, 1 enn carbide, 2 metal oil trnks with pump, partly full of lubricating oil, 1 bolt case, containing numerous bolts, nuts, screws, washers, etc. 1 barre) nearly full of cup grease, 1 barrel about half full lubricating oil, which said goods and chattels were levied upon byme,A. J. Salisbury.sher iff of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon an execution issued out of and under, tho seal of tho District court of Lincoln county, Nebraska upon n judgment rendered and docketed in said court, in favor of Crane company, u corporation, and against John W. Lo M aster, defendant. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, th.'s 19th dny of February, 1912. A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Nebraska. ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRO HATE OF WILL. Stnte of Nebraska, Lincoln County. S. S. In the County Court, February Uth, 1912. In the Matter of tho Estate of Andrew Johnson, deceased. On rending nnd flllnir the petition of Asker Edward Strom, prnyini; that tho instrument tiled on tho SQth day of January, 1912, nnd pur porting to be tho last will nnd testament oi me sam UccenseU may lio proved, approved, probated, allowed nnd recorded ns the last will nnd testament of the! said Andrew Johnson deceased, nnd that the execution of said Instru ment may bo committed nnd the administration of said estate may be granted to Osker Edward Strom as executor. Ordered. That March Btli. 1912. nt DnVWV a. m. Is assigned for hcarinir sold petition, when all persons interested In sakl matter may appear at.a county court to bo held In and for uM mim. ty, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner snouui not oq granted. A copy or this order to be published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper of said county three suc cessive wceKs prior to said date of hearing, f 13-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge, Notice. Hans Thiasen will tnko notico that on tho 23rd day of Jan.. 1912, P. II Sullivan, Justice of tho Peace, of North Platto Precinct No 1, in nnd for Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an order ox attachment for tho sum of $15.00 in an action now ponding before him, whoroin John Sandnll is plaintiff and Hans Thiasen is dofendant, that property consisting of monoy in the hands of tlio Union Pacific railroad company, a corporation, has been at tached under said order. Said cause was continued to tho 19th day of March.1912, at 2 o'clock p. m. Dated this 7th day of Feb. 1912. John Sandall, Plaintiff. w. h. Mcdonald, Cashier and Vice-Prest. DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, tfvrnrltifit a TMnrtritiTnaf orn Tint trove! 4- f Ofilco over McDonald State Bank J wr www srtrwjrwwl5 Pmmwmmmw f m A A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, & Physicians and Surgeons, tt 1? Office over Stone Drug Co. J 0 Phones I Office 273 H 0 rnones Residence 273 '0 M355VVW-753irS miJSMMM- Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. r'fcJ'-1t lti4Wi It-lftlfc GEO. D. DENT, j Physiciou end Surgeon", 1 Office over McDonald Bnnk. Phones Office 130 ones J-Residence 115 Tr'flW?t?rfltrH5r!Wfflr5tflri5t'frWt DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon a Special attention given to confine- 2 merits, and children's diseases, q 0 Ofilco Phone 163 Res. Phono?283 0 Office McDohald Stato Rank Rld'g 0 0 00y0e000000000000000o000 Scientific Facial Massage and Scalp Treatment With Electric Vibrator done at your own homo or at 303 E. Third. MISS BIRKINSHAW Phone 689. Notice of Special Election. Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of March, 1912, a special elec tion win oe neiu in ine city qi iNortn Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. The polling places to be as follows: For the first ward at tho hose house in said ward; for the second ward at the commissioners' room at the court house in said ward; for the third ward at hose house in said ward; and for the fourth ward at hose house in said ward, at which election the following proposi tion will bo submitted to the voters of said city: "Shall the mayor and city council of the city of North Platte comply with the decree of the United States Cir cuit Court of Appeals of the Eighth Circuit, and pay for the waterworks in said city, owned by tho North Platto Water Works Company, in accordance with tho provisions of said decree, and oxtend and improve said water works, with tho proceeds of the $100,000.00 bonds issued October 1st, 1909, for tho purpose of obtaining money with which ,to erect, establish and construct a system of waterworks in said city?" The ballots to be used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: "For authorizing the mayor and city council of the city of North Platte to pay for tho water works system in the city of North Platte, in accordance with tho decree of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, ond to ex tend and improve said system and to use in payment for said purchase, ex tensions and improvements the proceeds of the $100,000.00 bonds issued October 1st, 1909, for tho purposo of obtaining money with which to erect, establish and construct a system of water works in said city. Against authorizing tho mayor and city council of the city of North Platte to pay for the water works system in the city of North Platte, in accordanco with tho decree of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, and to extend and improve snid system and to use in payment for said pur chase, extensions and improvements tho proceeds of the $100,000,00 bonds issued October 1st 1909, for tho pur pose of obtaining money with which to erect, establish and construct a system of wnter works in said city." Thoso voting in favor of said propo sition shall mark their ballot with an X opposite the paragraph beginning with "Fo-authorizing the mayor nnd city council of the city of North Plntto to comply with the decree of United States Circuit Court of Appeals, etc." Thoso voting against said proposition shall mark their uallot with an X op posite tho paragraph beginning with "Against authorizing the mayor and nnd city council of tho city of North Platte to comply with the decree of the United States Circuit of Appeals, etc." uated this sum day or Janunry, 1912, Thos. C. Patterson, Mayor. Attest: Chas. F. Temple, Clerk. AUCTIONEER. E. H. FUNK, of Cheyenne, Wyo., an auctioneer with 40 years experience, has lo cated in North Platte, and would like to make prices and dates for your sales. Have sold stock and general merchandise all over Ne braska . See me at F. E. Barber's Restau rant, corner of 6th and Locust St E. H. FUNK. Notice of Sale. In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraskn. In the matter of the application of John A. Herrod, administrator of the estate of Isaac Lamplaugh, deceased, for leave to sell real estate. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of nn order of tho Hon. H. M. Grimes, judge of the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on the 7th day of October, 1911, for tho sale of tho real estate, here in after do scribed, there will bo sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder fpr cash, at the east front door of the court house in the city of North Platte, Lin coln county, Nebraska, on the Gth day of March, 1912, at the hour of 2 p. m. the following described real estate: Tho east one-eleventh of lot six (G) in block one hundred and three (103), in the city of North Platte, being a strip of land six feet wide and one-hundred and thirty-two feet in length on the east side of said lot six, in block one hundred and three (103), in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras- ka. Dated this 13th day of Feb., 1912. John A. Herrod, Administrator of the estate of Isaac Lamplaugh, deceased. Notice of Sale. In .the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. In the matter of the application of John A. Herrod, administrator of the estate of Mary Lamplaugh deceased f leave to sell real estate. Notico is hereby given that in put suance of an order of the Hon. H. M. Grimes, judge of thedistrict court, of Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on the 7th day of October, 1911, for tho salo of the real estate, here in after de scribed, there will be sold at public ven due, to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court house in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 6th day of March, 1912, at the hour of 2 P. M the following described real estate: That part of Tot 6 in block 103, original town of North Platte, described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of said lot, forty feet east of the south-west corner, thence on the south line of said lot easterly twenty feet, thence in a northerly direction on a line parallel with the east lino of said lot to the north line of said lot, thence westerly on the north line of said lot twenty feet, thence in a southerly direction to the place of be ginning; said land being In the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated this 13th day of Feb. 1912. John A. Herrod, Administrator of the estate of Mary Lamplaugh, deceased. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF JACK MORROW FLATS TELEPHONE COMPANY. Notico is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation the name of which is Jack Morrow Flats Telephone Company," with its principal place of business at the resi dence of J. T, Lloyd, on the Jack Morrow Flats, in Lincoln county, state of Nebraska, the general nature of tho business being the operation of a telephone system or telephone lines in the vicinity of Jack Morrow Flats and surrounding country and connections therewith with the power to es tablish and collect rentals for the use of telephones and to chargo and collect tolls; to establish a messenger service and charge nnd collect fees for such service and to collect such other charges ns may be necessary and proper in the conduct of said business; and to connect and furnish connec tions with other telephone lines and systems and to purchase such personal and real property as may be necessary for the transaction of said busi ness, and also to erect and maintain such buildings and structures as may be necessary for the trans action of said business; the amount of the author ized capital stock Is Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in shares of Fifty Dollars ($60.00) each. One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) of which shall bo subscribed nnd fully paid up before the corporation shall commence the transaction of business. Tho tlmo when the corporation shall commenco Is the 1st day of November. 1911. and shall continue for a period of fifty years. The highest amounf of Indebtcdnes to which the cor poration shall, subject Itself shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the paid up capital stock of sold corporation and the affairs of tho corpora tion shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, the five stock holders and a president, secretary una treasurer to do cnosen by tlio Hoard of Di rectors. John V. Diener, A. S. Giuxsa, Wm. A. Hoi.pehness, J. T. Lloyd, Hehman Johnson, R. O. Hockus, J. It. White. E. SODEnMAN, Henky Paiiker, Wm. Hite. M. P. Buckley, G. W. DiENnn. A. R. Leavitt, W. A. Kelso. Serial No. 03207. NOTICE FOR 1'UHLIOATION DEPARTMENT OF THE IKTHItlOII. Halted States Land OHIce. At North Platte, Nebraska. Fob. 3.I91U, Notico Is herobi given that Elmor Cooper of North Platto Nob., who on March 30th, 11107, rnado homestead ontry No. 22S35, Serial No. 0XK17 for the oast half of th northerst ouarftor and tho oast half of southeast Quarter of Section 30. Town 15, N Hange 29 v of tho 0th Principal Meridian, has filed notico of in tention to make final flvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo the register and rocolver at North Platto, Nobraska. on tho 5th day of April. 1912. Claimant names as wltncssos; Car W. McGrow, Fred MaSone, Julia Malone and Mary Hrotorultz, all nf North Platto. Neb. W- John E. Evans Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. O3W0. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob. ., , . December SO, 1911. Notico is horoby given that Ohrls ;Tol.',!i?n' ,r North Platto. Neb., who. on Mar. 17.Uw.mado homestead entry No. 2110a, serial No.tCWl forWM SWH. SvK NwCsEW HEM. and lots 1. 2. 3 4, Sec 4. Town 15?RanBe SO W. of the flth Principal Meridian, has filed notice ot intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before tho Register and Re ceiver at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 27th day of February. 1IS. umo-.m Claimant names as witnesses: Bupo Pchwalger, rcd J, Ilromers. Frank Hood Henry Doebko, all ot North Platto. Nob. i'0 J. E. Evans. Register. Notice tor Publication. Serial No. 02502 rr a TDeDitSentofJt,,ie Interior. u. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Neb. TJ.i i x. v FoD' loth.1621. Notice is horoby given that Frank Hood, of North Platto. Nob., who on Mar 20, 1905 ffir.?!6 Homestead Entry No. SUM. Borlai No ST50.5.' 'or ncmu half and southwest quarter SoctlonM. Township. IB. North, range 30. West of the slxtn principal meridian has filed notico of intention to make final Dveyoar proof, to establish claim to tho iV$ rlhov,a described. , boforo thn Register an?. 1i?,c.e,v,er ftt Nortl I'latto Nobraska. on the 10th day of April, 1912. "uur"". . mnt namps as witnesses: Chris John Sft, ': 'w.?. ur' '?d o and Nob. -..-.,,.., . jt;tuMit. aii ui orrf iMntt V 120-6 S, E. Kvans. Register. i , ,iHt. ' i r, -"fl&!rr'telV,AJ