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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1912)
n ' ?yto HJfttQrtyal pfttyjf TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 27. 191. No. 9 m m m m m m m i 4 IJ-U 144 IVU 1-U lt IVU ISA! ff&zmwi Ui 2ND. I JtLMmAMu& m Motth qknvm CLOSES 1 JldJPL wJOL W'H &li:iiJH,'!'j'1IMffJI;rjiiiHMrtBW ti.iS? J M t' Hcsonz When this firm contemplated entering the clothing business we took into consideration every phase of the clothing situation We decided that a store that would show nothing hut NEW MERCHANDISE each season must win out. We knew that it was a radical dcparture--that in the selling out of each season's merchandise during that season would entail considerable loss. Yet we felt that what we lost at the end of each stason would he more than made up by the prestage given an exclusive men's store showing noteing but new merchandise each season. We resolved to gain that prestage at any cost. These season end sales are the result of that resolution. They have been successful beyond our expectations. Each sale has resulted in a thoroughclean up. What few garments that have remained after the close of each season have been withdrawn from stock and disposed of to outsiders. This sale is one of the most successful lue have yet held. It has been in force for the past three weeks. It covers practically every department. Many of the lines are about exhausted and it will be but a short time until all must be withdrawn from sale. Therefore vie advise you to come at your earliest convenience. The merchandise is all new and the choicest on the market and the reductions are immense. Continuance of the Shirt Sale. We have sold lots of Shirts Lots more to sell. $1.25 Shirts $1.00 $1.50 Shirts $1.20 $1.75 Shirts $1.35 $2.00 Shirts $1.55 $2.50 Shirts $1.95 Your choice of any Miller-Made Suit or Overcoat for 15.00 SAVE SHOE MONEY. A11 $3.00. 3.50 and 4.00 Shoes . . p2.00 1 All $4.50, 5.00 and 5.50 Shoes . . p300 All $6.00 and $7,00 Dress Shoes . . $400 All odd Dress and Work Trousers at 25 Per" cent Discount. Fancy Vests, Jewelry and Dress Caps 25 percent discount All A. & P. Parrins and Keith's Dress Gloves and . Great Western and Grinnell Work Gloves at. .25 percent discount All celebrated Munsing Union Suits . ...33 and one-third per cent discount Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases at '..20 per cent discount All other Furnishings not here listed 20 per cent discount , "These prices for cash only. Salef closes Marph 2, 1912. jcrp&M . -.. jew '' TiMy" . f .Buy now. - McDonald Bank BTdg j JL x Jp J U vjr Jrx , N.orth Platte, Nebr. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. mMMsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmBimmsmm TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS 8 5 Warren Hogg spent Sunday with friends in Sidney. G. W. Ridgely was called to Illinois Sunday on business. Dr. J. B. Redfield returned Saturday from a professional visit in Ogalnlla. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marti is reported to be very ill. Mr. Erricson, of Brady, is a patient at the P.- & S. hospital and improving rapidly. Mrs. Mary McClanahan and daughter Carrio wenp to Hot Springs Sunday evening to spend two months. Mis9 Agnes Coffee was called to Omaha the last of the week by the serious illness of a relative. Mrs. Lundeen. of Brady, who is taking treatment at the P. & S. hospw tal," is getting along nicely. Miss .Marie VonGoetz, principal of the Overton schools, visited her parents in town, Saturday and Sunday. J. S. Davis, of this city, sold a half section, of land northeast of Brady last week to H. K. Peckham, of Brady. Many cars of baled hay are being shipped from stations along the North river branch bb far west as Bridgeport Mrs. Geo. T. Field and mother leave in a fow days for Detroit where Mrs. Field will remain for an indefinite period. Mrs. Theo Philips, of.Cozad, returned home yesterday morning after an ex tended visit with her daughter Mrs. Albert Meiski. Harry Cramer returned Sunday evening from Burns, Wyo., where he spent the past two' months building grain elevators. E.. Cary returned Saturday even ing from Omaha and Lincoln, where ho spent the greater part of the week at tending supreme court. J. 0. Sutton, of Omaha, Union Pacific dining tar and hotel inspector, has been in town on business for several days. Charles Tighe returned to Creighton college in Omaha Sunday afternoon, after spending a week's vacation with his parents in this city. . The Altar society of St. Patrick's church will hold a social at the home of Mrs. Ike Stebbins on West 5th St. on Thursday afternoon and evening. George King and 'Raymond Johnson, who plead guilty to horsestealing at Sidney were given an indeterminate sentenco last week by Judge Grimes. George Hatfield, who has been home steading north of Paxton for the past five years, was in town yesterday making application to prove up on his claim. Clark LeDioyt resigned his position at the Green pool hall Saturday even ing and began work ns reporter for the Daily Telegraph yesterday morning. John McConnel, of Somerset, will ship a number of fine thoroughbred cattle to Kansas City to bo sold at the Hereford, cattle sale to bo held there March 5th and 6th. P. W. Sitton came in from the west Sunday night, spent yesterday in town and went to Omaha last night. His father recently suffered a paralytic stroke and he may go to Illinois. The Burlington road is getting ready to ship from one to two thousand men into central Wyoming to complete the unhnisheu lines upon winch work was discontinued the latter part of last sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Simon, of Sid ney, were visitors in town several days the latter pr.rt of last week. Mr. Simon is Western Union manager at Sidney. Henry Mehlman and C. II. Walter have sold their elevator, coal and stock business at Wallace to Chas. Kinney and Fred Walter. C. II. Walter has moved to this city, and Mr. Mehlman will also leave Wallace. v Roy McGraw went to Denver Satur day to remain indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. James Norton and daughter Irene, of Dnver, arrived Sat urday to visit the former's parents. Mrs. Howard Adams returned 'to Sidney, Sunday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tarkington. Mrs. Brown, of, left Satur day morning after spending several weeks here taking treatment for her eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Packer, of Wood River, who spent tlje past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bowen, left Saturday morn ing. Charles N. lathes and Miss Grace Bartholomew, both of Tryon, were married the last of the week by Judge Grant. Miss Hattio Ross, of St. Joe, will ar rivo in a few days to take the manage ment of the Maloney & Lintz millinery parlors. Hojner Handley went tb Dcs Moines Saturday where he expects to spend a week or longer on business and visiting his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Stone, of Sheridan, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burney for a week, loft Saturday for Wood River. Ex-sheriff Carpenter came up from the south part of the county Saturday to visit friends, transact business and talk a little politics. Mrs. Carl Lintz returned the last of the week from a three weeks' stay in St. Joe, where she purchased j-her spring millinery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter, of Wallace, moved last week to this city. Mr. Walter will devoto his timo to his business interests here. Miss Hazel Henderson, who spent the past six months with her aunt Mrs. Will Hupfer, will leave in a fow days for her home in Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Gertrude Rebhausen, of Colum bus, who spent the past two weeks with her sons Henry, Edward and M. 1 kl. IVUUIIHUDUlIf iVIUliltU llUIUVUiHUIUUJf Strikers Return to Work. Supt Jeffers, of the Wyoming divis ion announces that thirty-two Union Pacific strikers at Green River return ed to work Friday. While a majority of these men were car repairers, thoro were several machinist among the number. Noted Civil War Veteran Coming. Colonel G. 0. Shields, the naturalist and lecturer of the Lyceum Course, is a( veteran of the Civil War. Ho fought in 13 regular battles and once on a scouting expedition narrowly escaped capture by Mosby's guerrillas. Local veterans will bo glad to moot and hear this grand man who has given tho best years of his later life to tho protection of our birds and animals. Lease Garage. E. N. Ogier and W. J. Hendy have leased the LeMasters garage on east Sixth street and will uro it jointly. Mr. Ogier has two livery cars for country use and has ordered a taxi for town hire. These cars will be kept in tho newly leased quarters. Mr. Hendy, who is agent for ho Ford car, desired a down town show room and entered into a joint lease with Mr. Ogier. Mr. LeMastera, retains the rear part of the room and with his son Ira will continue to conduct a repair shop. Boy's Corn-Growing Contest. The Nebraska statu board of agricul ture offers to tho Nebraska boy under eighteen years of ago growing tho largest yield of corn from ono aero of Nebraska land during tho year 1912, $25; second, $20; third, $15; fourth, $10; fifth to eighth, $5 each; ninth to twelfth, $4 each; and thirteenth to six teenth, $3 each, and to the boy growing tho largest yield on an acre of land west of tho east lino of Boyd, Holt, Wheeler, Greeley, Howard, Hall, Adams and Webster counties, $25; second, $15; third and fourth, $5 (each; fifth and sixth $4 each; seventh to tenth, $3 each, and twelfth to sixteenth, $2. Not the North Platte Way. l 'The volunteer fireman of Blair, Neb., are out to not help themselves, but also to help the town. They have started a a compaign to raiso fundB for building a city hall and fire station combined. They have raised $5,000 and believe they can secure the balance of tlie $12' 000 before spring is ovor. North Platte needs a city hall and fire department building but tho citizen re fused to vote bonds for that purpose Will those who opposed tho bonds subscribo to a fund such as the Blair firemen are raising? Well hardly. Extend Call to Rev. Williams. Tho last issue of tho Columbus Tele gram contained this item, which will bo of interest to our North Platte readers; At a congregational meeting of tho Prcsbytorian people last Monday even ing tho parish voted to extend a call to tho Rev. Dr. Geo. F. Williams to tho pastorate of tho church, as successor of Rov. Samuel Harkndss. Dr. Wil liams is now pastor of tho Presbyterian church at North Platte. Ho is a young man, finely educated, and while in the city two weekB ago to conduct services in tho church he made many friends among tho peoplo of tho Prosbytorian congregation. They are hoping his present congregation will permit him to accept tho call of tho Columbus church. Brady Vindicator Items. Niles Bowen shipped in three cars of cattle Tuesday and will feed thorn on his place, sixteen miles south here. Thomas Lafforty has tendered his resignation to tho government as rural mail carrier, and will go to Canada as soon as somo ono is appointed in his place . Joseph Soderman killed a twelve pound Canadian groy goose last Sunday morning. Thoro were a number of flocks feeding in the nlfalfa fields along tho river. H. E. Smith and wifo closed their work in the Maxwell stato bank last Saturday and left for Oregon Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Schopp succeed them and bogan their duties Monday. About sixty young people mot at the homo of Wm. Johnson, three miles sputh of Brady last Tuesday evenirg and surprised Harry Jdhnson and wife. Refreshments wore served and every ono had a splendid time. J. H. VanCleave. My general blacksmithing at 110 W. Oth St., is tho largest and most fully equipped in weBtern Nebraska. I can handle any work coming under tho headvof general blacksmithing, wagon and carriago work. I havo as largo a stock of heavy hardware, wagon and carriago Woodstock as is carried by any shop in tho state. I have modern machinery, electric power and can undoubtly servo you quicker and better than those doing it the old way. I would call your attention especially to disc sharpening. Cold kolling is THE BEST, saves all tho material, makes them a little harder and absolutely keeps tho shape. Give us a trial and if I can't convinco you, you get the job free of cost I give great effort and timo to horso shoeing. Havo a man employed that does nothing else and has given years of study to his special line. Horses will bo treated kindly and all the work guaranteed perfect. Plow work, wagon and carriago work done tho best. Come and see me. Brick Shop. J. H. VAN CLEAVE, 110 West Sixth St. Dr. Sadler, of Hershey, spent tho last of tho week in tho city. Edward Fox, of Garfield, spent the week end in town qx business. Miss Mayrno McMichaol spent Satur day with friends in Gothenburg. Charles White, of Sutherland, trans acted business in town Saturday. Clyde Allison, of Gandy, spent the Inst of tho week'here on business, Roy and Merlo Belchor aro visiting rolativoj in Suthorlend this week. . l