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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1912)
mniiwOB mi(iiimMwii M ym i Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 s Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1912. Hoagland for State Senator. W. V. Hoagland, of this city, has filed for the republicnn nomination for state senntor from this district. ThiH action was not wholly volunteer on his part; his decision enmo nfter many, both in this county and in other counties in the district, had urged him to again become a enndidato for the office. Mr. Hoagland will ask for sup port on the record ho mado in the sen ate at the last session, and that is sufficient. Certainly his work in that body entitles him to re-election. As a senator he was recognized as a leader; ho wielded much influenco and shaped and secured tho passage of a number of excellent measures. Ho was par ticularly alert as to the interest of western Nebraska, and through his olTorta this section of tho state re coivedjmoro recognition than had "been given it for many years. We predict Mr. Hoagland'a nomination and elec tion will follow. In an address before the constitution al convention at Columbus, Ohio, Tues day, Colonel Rooscvclt'among other things said: "Tho anti-trust law does good insofar as it can bo invoked against combinations which really arc monopolies or which restrict production or which artificially raise prices. But insofar as its workings are uncertain or as it threatens corporations which havo not been guilty of anti-social conduct it does harm. There should be a fixed goverment policy which Hhall clearly define and punish wrongdoing and givo in advance full information to any man as to just what he can nnd just what ho cannot legally do." JJJAbout twenty-five squares in tho residonco district of Houston, Texas, wore dostroyed Tuesday morning by a firo which started shortly after mid night and only checked at 10 Wednes day forenoon. Thousands of people aro homoleos, and tho loss will bo prob ably $0,000,000. Soveral factories aro burned. The firo was Impellod by a galo sweoplng in its character. Forty fivo thousand cotton bales wore burned. QA rather peculiar condition exists in tho mayoralty contest in Seattle. A year ago Hiram C. Gill was romoved In disgraco as mayor by tho recall system. Tuesday ho wns ro-nominatod for tho office and received nearly 10,000 moro votes than his nearest competitor. Evi dently tho voters considered thoy did him an Injustico when thoy voted toro movo him from office. Down In Texas thoy seem to bo get ting rid of tho negro as rapidly as possi bio. A dispatch from Boaumont states that within a shortporiod of time thirty colored people aro known to havo beon murderod. Tho number murdered and not roportod is probably larger. It must bo a little dishoartoning and disquiotlng to Senator La Folletto to havo so many of his formor prominent supporters desort him. If these deser tions keep up a month longer the Wis consin senator will not bo in tho raco as a presidential candidate. William Hubartt Dies. William Hubartt, for thirty-thruo yoars a resident of this county, died bununy at Uonnett, Col., and tho ro- ninina woro brought horo for intor ment last night. A short funeral ser vice , under tho auspices of tho G, A. R. Post will bo held this afternoon. Tho deceased was born JApril 9, 1841, in Franklin county, Ind., and later moved to 'Huntington county, Ind. In Jnmiary, 18G2, ho enlisted in Morse's Co. of tho 14th Indiana Battery, and honorable discharged March 20th, 1S05, at Danphin Island by reason of expira tion of term of service. Shortly after roturning'lEfrom his servieo with his country ho Iwas mniried to Mary Ann Heart, and in 1871 moved to a homestead north of this city, which was his homo unti March, 1901, whonho moved to Denver his wlfo having died Juno 5th, 1903. J Thoy had sovon children, flvo boys and two girls, four of tho boys dying in Octobor and November, 1883, of diph theria. The living children aro Mrs. Ella Knox of Springdale, Mont, and Emanuel and Mamie, of Bennett, Col., at wiiobo homo he paused away. There aro also two sister living in Indiana. Having joined faith with his Saviour early in life, (haloid steadfastly tho end. Funeral sorvlces woro hold at Bennott Tuesday afternoon. From the Wholesale House to the Consumer. W Invito ono trial order for groceries from people jn tho country as well as North ' Platte. Our goods and prices will take caro of futuro orders. Wo pay tho froight and deliver any where in tho City. E. W. Crane, Phono 10 Black. THE ADAMS SEPARATION By WINIFRED COWLES Copyrlcht by American Press Abso elation, 1011. Mr. nnd Mrs. Adams, Laving con cluded that marriago la a failure, agreed to separate. Mr. Adams own ed tho house, but Mrs. Adams owned tho homestead In which shofliad been born, and sho decided to go thcro to live. Perhaps 1 am not right In In cluding Mr. Adams with his wlfo In considering matrimony a failure. Ha was a steady going business man whom nothing nppearcd to trouble, and whenever ho took any action It was not on Impulse, but after deliber ation. Mrs. Adams departed on Monday and on Tuesday afternoon returned to her husbnnd's house to procure some articles that sho had forgotten. "Who aro you?" sho asked of tho person who received her. "The housekeeper." "Well, I'm Mrs. Adams. I havo left some things upstairs In my room that I want" Sho brushed past tho housekeeper, went upstairs, tried her bedroom door nnd found It locked. Sho called to tho housekeeper for tho key. Tho housekeeper Informed her that Mr. Adams hnd locked tho doora of tho rooms ho wished kept closed and com mitted tho kcyu to hor charge. Sho did not feel at liberty to permit any ono to enter any of those closed rooms. "But I am I mean I havo been tho mistress of this house. I wish you to glvo mo tho key to my room." "Not without Mr. Adams' order." Mrs. Adams waa nonplused. She had not considered what It would bo to find herself locked out of her own bedroom. Flouncing Into tho library, sho throw off hor wraps, unpinned her hat and laid It on a table with an air of ono who proposed to settle herself and remain till tho crack of doom. "Will you wait for Mr. Adams to re ctum?" asked tho housekeeper uorer- cntlnlly. "What is that to your "Nothing, but I thought it might bo something to you slnco Mr. Adams told mo he wouldn't dlno at home today, but at his club, and ho will spond tho evening there." "I will dlno at home." said Mrs. Ad ams decisively. "I havo no orders as to a guest at dinner; thcreforo 1 have not prepared anything." "I'll not troublo you to prcparo any thing. Send Susan to mo." "Mr. Adams has discharged SuBan." "Discharged Susan! I told blm to keep Susnn." "I thought you and Mr. Adams haa separated." "Never mind about that I don't propose to glvo up my houso to your management" Sho whisked off to the telephouo room nnd shut tho door. "Glvo mo tho Athenaeum club I menn 4608." When tho club answored Mrs. Ad ams asked If her husband was tucrb, and on being told that ho waB oho do slrcd that ho bo called to tho phono; his wlfo desired to speak to him. This was reported to .Mr. Adams in tho rending room. lie noticed that the words wife and husband had been used Instead of Mr. and Mrs. Adams. When ho took up tho receiver and wbb asked "Who Is this?" ho replied: "Mr. Adams." "I'm your wife," waa tho reply. "Oh!" "I'm at homo." "Your homo or mlno?" "noth our homos. I boo that I havo scarcely left it when you havo got in n housekcepor." "Just no." "And she has refused mo admission to my own room." "Whoso room?" "My room mlue. mlno! Do you henr?" "Oh!" "I'm going to stay horo till you como homo to dinner nnd let mo Into my room." "Thoro Isn't any dinner there." "I shnll order ouo "sent In from Blnkesley's." "For ono?" "No; for two." "Who's tho othor ono?" "You." "Oh!" "Frank, I'vo como to tho conclusion that this separation is all nouscuso." "Nonsense?" "I'm going to stay Just whoro I am. I wish you to come homo at onco and dlschargo this housekeeper. I don't want her in tho house." "Oh!" "Well, will you como?" 'Of. courso, if I'm mire of a dinner." "I'll attend to that" "Woll, I'll bo thoro by 0." "All right Goodby." "Goodby." Whon Mr. Adams appeared his 9fo wafl somowhnt mollified. Indood, sho waB quite ready to be very good to him. Ilcr bitterness against tbo house keeper, howover, remained tho same. Mr. Adams greeted his wlfo bb though nothing unusual had happened. Ho called tho housekeeper in and intro duced her. "Miss Ellon Burbank." "Whatl" "My half slstor. By tho bye, yon two havo nover mot I bollovo." "Frank, you havo been putting up a Job on mo." Adams and Miss Burbank laughed. That ended the Adams separation. Robert Dickey returned ycotercay from Sutherland and Paxton, after spending soveral dnjs en business. ASHAMEDOFHERFACE "I wriB ashamed of my face," writes Mln8 I'lcknrd of North Carolina. "It was all full of pimples nnd Bcnrs, but nfter using . . P- Proscription for Eczema I enn eny that now thero Is no sign of that liczcma and that wns three years njjo." This Is but one of thousands of cases In which D. D. D. has olmply washed away tho skin trouble. V. D. D. cleanses tho skin of tho (Terms of Ec zema, Psoriasis and other Borlous skin diseases; stops tho Itch Instantly, and when used with D. D. D. eonp tho cures seem to bo permanent. Nothing llko 1). D. E. for tho complexion. Trial bottle 25 cents, enough to nrovo tho merit of this wonderful rcm- ed iv iVo can also Rlvo you a fun slzo linttln for $1.00 on our absolute guar- nntce that If thin very first bottlo falls to glvo you relief it will cost you noth ing. Schiller & Company. AN EVENING AT HOME. With ono of Schmolzried'9 Cigars to smoke makes life worth .tho ,living. Our cigars have stood the test of time: thero are men in North Platte who are smoking the samo brand they did twenty years ago, and they find them the same good cigar. Our cigars are made in North Platte for North Platto buyers; made of good tobacco and well made. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Di Infield MField, Physicians and Suroeohs. WILMS J. REDFIELD,Surgeon. JOE 13. REDF1ELD, Physician.' OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . . Hospital . . PHONE G42. F. J, BROEKER Merchant Tailoifc We have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and kiow how to repair clothes. We carry samples of goods and make clothes of all kinds, to order, insuring first-class workmanship and perfect fit. Notice To Delinquents. Notice is hereby given that tho rental upon the lease contracts to the following described lands in Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, ns set opposite the names of tho holder thereof, ia delin quent, and if tho amount which is duo Is not paid within CO days from tho date of this notice, snid contracts will bo declared forfeited by tho Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and said forfeituro entered of record in tho manner provided by law. SEi, NEi 8C.16.34. Lydia A. Collins. All 1G-9-27, Samuel Stinnett. E. B. Cowles, Commissioner of Public Lands nnd Building3. SHERIFF'S SALE. lly virtue of on order of sale iatued from tho dlitrlct court of Lincoln county, Nubriiskn.'upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein American Investment and Trust Company u co-partnership, is plaintiff nnd Victor A. Palmer et id aro defendants, and to me directed. I will on tho 23rd day of March 1912. at twoo'olock, p. m., at tho east front door of the court house In North l'lattc, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho htithost bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests and costs, the following described property, to-wlt: Tho east half (EH) section, nine (9) township '(16) north, range thlrty-one (31) west of 6th 1'. M In Lincoln county, No braska. Dated North l'lattc. Neb.. Feb. Uth, 1912. A. J. Salisbury. Sheriff. Notice tor Publicalioa.v Borlal No. 02503 $ f, Depsrtmcntof tho Interior. Land Ollice at North I'latte. Nob U.S ! rob. tb.iv3i. Notlco I horeby elvon that Prank Hood, of North Platte. Nob,, who on Mar. 20. W5. made Homos to sd Entry No. 21130. Serial No. 0210.!, for north half and southwest Quarter Poctlon 22, Township. 10, North,, raneo 80. West of tho tdxtn principal meridian has Ulod notlco of Intcnttou to make final flvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before the Register and Receiver at North Platto Nebraska, on tho 10th day of April, 1012, Claimant names as witnesses: Olirls Joiin sou, Huiort Hchwalgor, Richard' ltos and Charles It. llrotornltz. all of North Plato, Nob. 120-0 . K. Evans. Register. McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock Fully Paid $100,000 00. Oldest Bank in Lincoln Counly. We Respectfully Solicit your Banking Business. Satisfaction Guaranteed . . chas. Mcdonald, President. Political Announcements. COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for county assessor, subject to the action of the democratic voters at the primary election April 19th. My home is in Fox Creek precinct, where I have resided for the past 23 years. I will appreciate any support given me. Peter Jepson. Big Combination Sale. We wish to announce that we will hold a big combination stock sale on February 29th, and on March 14th and 28th. We will be fixed so as to handle and feed all kinds of stock. The sales will be hold under cover, and will therefore occur rain or shine. Parties having animals to sell seei us at least two weeks before the sale, so we can list what you have and advertise it. Write or phone, or call and see us and get our terms. E. L. Jones & Co. JTorth Plate, Neb. The Baby's Bath should bo in surroundings that lack nothing in sanitary meas ures. Everything in tho bath room should be such as can be . cleansed with the Greatest Convenience As plumbers, we havo given special attention to bath rooms. If we install the plumbing, your house will always bo in sanitary condition. We perform job-work promptly. R. F. STUART, Shop. PJione 3G9. Res. Phone C83 517 Enst Sixth Street. Send Us Your Shipments of Grain and Hay Wo pay the top market. Three cou pons free with returns on each car of hay you ship us to handlo for your ac count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in cash will secure for your home an ele gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consitm vour hnv to us and nlease tho ladies nnd also get a good price for your hay. Our Motto: Fair treatment and prompt remittances. Sample of tho quality of these dishes can bo seen at tho office of the Semi Weokly Tribune. The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wazeo Streets, Denver, Colorado. OKDEU OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL TRO HATE Of WILL. Stnto of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S. S. In tho County Court, February th, 1912. In tho Matter of the Estate of Andrew Johnson, deceased. Un reading ami imntr tne petition oi Asker Edward Strom, praylnir that tho Instrument filed on the SOth day of January, 1912, and pur porting to bo the last will and testament of the said deceased may be proved, approved, probated, allowed and recorded as tho last will and testament of the! said Andrew Johnson deceased, and that the execution of said Instru ment may bo committed and the administration of said estate may be granted to Oskcr Edward Strom as executor. Ordered, That March 5th, 1912. at 9 o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at!a county court to be held in and for said coun ty, and show causo why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted. A copy of this order to bo published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal seml.weekly newspaper of said county three suc cessive weeks prior to said date of hearing. f 13-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. Notice, Hans Thiasen will take notico that on tho 23rd day of Jan.. 1912, P. H. Sullivan, Justice of tho Peace, of North Platte Precinct No 1, in and for Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for tho sum of $15.00 ($. action now ponding before him, wnereln John Snndnll is plaintiff and Hans Thiasen is defendant, that property consisting of money in tho hands of the Union Pacific railroad company, a corporation, has been at tached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 19th day of Mnrch.1012, at 2 o'clock p. m. Dated this 7th day of Feb. 1912. John Sandall. Plaintiff. BIB? w. h. Mcdonald, Cashier and Vice-Prest. i -tt4-it ;. uj us Vi4. DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduate Northwestern University. Ofllco over McDonald State Bank 'frWTTWTTJf ti A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Jj Doclors Ames & Ames, f (: Physicians and Surgeons, !: U Office over Stone Drug Co. 8 Phonea I Office 273 g 6 ones J- Rcsidence 273 $ Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. ii'11-1111 GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, Office over McDonald Bank. vur, ,, I Office 130 t Phones Residencell5 1 & Wt'!t-(flr9t'9ri?t'itr!-!Jri5T DR. J. S. TtflNEM, 1 Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon 2 Special attention given to con II no- 2 J ments and children's diseases, g e Ofllco Phono 183 Kes. FhonoI283 Ofllco McDonald Stato Hank Bld'g Scientific Facial Massage and Scalp Treatment With Electric Vibrator done at your own homo or at 803 E. Third. MISS OIRKINSHAW Phone C89. Notice of Special Election. Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of March, 1912, a special elec tion will bo held in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. The polling places to bo as follows: For the first ward at the hose house in said ward; for tho second ward at the commissioners' room at tho court house in said ward: for the third ward at hose house in said ward; and for the fourth ward at hose house in said ward, at which election tho following proposi tion will be submitted to the voters of said city: "Shall tho mayor and citycouncil of tho city of North Platto comply with the decree of tho United States Cir cuit Court of Appeals of the Eighth Circuit, and pay for the waterworks in said city, owned by the North Platto Water Works Company, In accordance with the provisions of said decree, and extend and improve said water works, with tho proceeds of the $100,000.00 bonds issued October 1st, 1909, for tho purpose of obtaining money with which to erect, establish and construct a system of waterworks in said city?" Tho ballots to be used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: "For authorizing tho mayor nnd city council of the city of North Platte to pay for tho water works system in the city of North Platte, in accordance with the decree of tho United States Circuit Court of Appeals, nnd to ex tend and improve said system and to use in payment for said purchase, ex tensions and improvements the proceeds of the $100,000.00 bonds issued October lst 1909, for tho purpose of obtaining money with which to erect, establish and construct a system of water works in said city. Against authorizing the mayor and city council of tho city of North Platte to nay for tho water works system in the city of North PIntte, in nccordanco with tho docreo of tho United States Circuit Court of Anneals, and to extend and improve said system and to use in payment for said pur chase, extensions and improvements tho proceeds of tho $100,000,00 bonds issued October 1st 1909, for the pur pose of obtaining money with which to erect, establish and construct a system of water works in said city." Those voting in favor of said propo sition shall mark their ballot with an X oppoBito, tho paragraph beginning with "For authorizing tho mnyor and city council of the city of North Platto to comply with tho decree of United States Circuit Court of Appeals, etc." Those voting against said proposition shall mark their ballot with aij, X op po3ite tho paragraph beginning' with "Against authorizing the mayor and and city council of tho city of North Platte to comply with tho decree of tho United States Circuit of Appeals, etc." Dated this 24th day of January, 1912. Thos. C. Patterson, Mayor. Attest: Chas. F. Temple, Clerk. AUCTIONEER. E. H. FUNK, of Cheyenne, Wyo., an auctioneer with 40 years experience, has lo cated in North Platte, and would like to make prices and dates for your sales. Have sold stock and general merchandise all over Ne braska. See me at F. E. Barber's Restau rant, corner of 6th and Locust St. E. H. FUNK. Notice of Sale. In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. In the matter of the application of John A.. Herrod, administrator of tho estate of Isaac Lnmplaugh, deceased, for leave to sell real estate. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the Hon. H. M. Grimes, judge of tho district court of Lincoln county, Ncbraskn, made on the 7th day of October, 1911, for tho sale of the real estate, here in after de scribed, there will bo sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cosh, at the east front door of the court houso in the city of North Platte, Lin coln county, Nebraska, on the Gth day of March, 1912, at the hour of 2 p. m. the following described real estate: The east one-eleventh of lot six (6) in block one hundred and three (103), in the city of North Platte, being a strip of land six feet wide and one-hundred and thirty-two feet in length on the east side of said lot six, in block one hundred and three (103), in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka. Dated this 13th day of Feb., 1912. John A. Herrod, Administrator of tho estate of Isaac Lamplaugh, deceased. Notice of Sale. In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. In the matter of the application of John A. Herrod, administrator of the estate of Mary Lamplaugh deceased f J? leave to sell real estate. Notice is hereby given that in put suance of an order of the Hon., H. M. Grimes, judge of the district court, of Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on tho 7th day of October, 1911, for the salo of the real' estate, here in after de scribed, there will be sold at public ven due, to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court house in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 6th day of March, 1912, at the hour of 2 P. M., the following described real estate: That part of Tot 6 in block 103, original town of North Platte, described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of said lot, forty feet east of the south-west corner, thence on the south line of said lot easterly twenty feet, thence in a northerly direction on a line parallel with the east line of said lot to the north line of . said lot, thence westerly on the north line of said lot twenty feet, thence in a southerly direction to the place of be ginning; said land being In the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated this 13th day of Feb. 1912. John A. Herrod, Administrator of the estate of Mary Lamplaugh, deceased. notice of incorporation of jack morrow flats telephone company. Notico is hereby given that tho undersigned have formed n corporation tho name of which Is "Jack Morrow Flats Jclejihone Company," with Its principal place or business nt the resi dence of J. T. Lloyd, on the Jack Morrow Flats, in Lincoln county, state of Nebraska, tho general nature of the business being the operation of a telephone system or telephone lines in the vicinity of Jack Morrow Flats nnd surrounding country and connections therewith with the power to es tablish and collect rentals for tho Use of telephones and to charge and collect tolls; to establish a messenger service and charge and collect fees for such service and to collect such other charges as may be necessary and proper in the conduct of said business; and to connect and furnish connec tions wjth other telephone lines and systems and to purchase such personal nnd real property as may be necessary for the transaction of said busi ness, and also to erect and maintain such buildings and structures as may be necessary for the trans action of said business; the amount of the author ized capital stock is Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000,00) in shares of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) each. One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) of which shall be subscribed and fully paid up before the corporation shall commence the transaction of business. The time when the corporation shall commence is the 1st day of November, 1911, and shall continue for a period of fifty years. The highest amount of Indebtednes to which the cor poration shall subject ItBClf shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the paid up capital stock of said corporation and the affairs of the corpora tion shall be conducted by a Hoard of Directors, the five stock holders and a president, secretary and treasurer to be chosen by the Board of Di rectors. John V. Dieneh, A. S. Ghkoo. Wm. A. Holderness, J. T. Lloyd, Herman Johnson, It. O. Rockus, J. R. White. e. sodehman, Henry Parker, Wm. Hite. M. P. IlUCKl.EY, G. W.DlENER. A. R. Leavitt, W. A. Kelso, Serial No. 03207. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DBPAUTMENT Of THE INTKWOR. United States Land Ofllce. At North Platto. Nebraska. Fob. 3.1912, Notlco Is hereby given that Elmer Cooper of North Platto Neb., who on March 30th, 1F07, mado homestead entry No. 22fc35. Serial No. (0!i;7 for tho oast half of th northurst iiuarfter and the east half of southeast o.uarter of Section 30. Town 15, N.. Rango 29 W., of the flth Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of in tention to make final five year proof, to-establlsli claim to tbo land above described, before tho register and receiver at North Platte, Nohraska, ou tho 6th day of April, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses; Car V. McOrow, Fred M alone, Julia Malone and Mary llrotornltz, all of North Platte. Nob. W-o John E. Evans Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 03010. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Nob. December 'A. 1911. Notlco Is hereby given that Chris jQhnson, ot North Platte, Neb., who, on Mar. 17,ll05,made homestead entry No. 2111W. serial No. 02491 forWH 8WX. SWK NW, 8E SEW. and lots 1. 2, 3. 4, Soc. 4. Town 15, Range 30 W. of tbo 6th Principal Morldlan. has filed notlco ot Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, beforo the Register and Re ceiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho 27th day of February. 1812. Claimant names as witnesses; Rupert 8cbwaleor. Fred J, llromers, Frank Hood, Henry Doobko, all ot North Platte. Nob. J2-6 J. E. Evans. Register. ISOLATED TRACT. Serial No. 04920. Public Land Salo. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Neb. ,. . , . , December 22, 1911. Notlco Is hereby given that, as directed bv tho Commissioner of tho Ooneral Land Ofllce. under provisions of Act of Congress approved Juno 27. IBM, (34 stats.. 51?" wo lalNE'S NW0 nWfS'S deSetfiM oroiinviiniiti. im np )ufnn. . i .. -. uia- ..-..i- :;-" """" nated for salo. tho tlmo deslir. o:o-o E. EVANS. Register.