The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1912, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in advance. . . . . .$1.23
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.00
Kntorod at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
offlco as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, FEB. 20, 1912.
Political Announcements.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate) for tho democratic nomination
for county assessor, subject to the
action of the democratic voters at the
primary election April 19th. My home
is in Fox Creek precinct, whore I have
resided for the past 23 years. I will
appreciate any support given me.
Peter J EPSON.
President Taft lins tho confidence of
our people. Ono of our best citizens
tho other day said: "Taft has made a
good presidont; ho is no trimmer and
considering the make up of congress lie
has accomplished much demanded by
tho pcoplo without fear or favor.
Every ono must admit that wo hnvo a
safe, clean, ablo and fearless presi
dent." This is the expression of podple
who arc not in politics.
Gifford Pinchot in a Bigncd statement
made public, announces ho has with
drawn his support from Senator La
Follctto'B presidential candidacy and
that ho will hereafter advocato tho
nomination of Theodore Roosevelt.
Mr. Pinchot says that tho oventa of the
last month have mado it apparent that
Senator La Follctte's candidacy will
neither hold tho progressive republi
cans togother as a fighting force nor
prevent the nomination of "a reaction
ary republican.."
At tho noxt session of tho legislature
n marriage restriction law will bo in
introduced. Tho bill has been drawn by
J. A. Loavltt, superintendent of the
Nebraskn Society of tho Friendless,
and will bo recommended for passago
by Governor Aldrlch. Ono section of
tho bill roads as follows: That it shall
bo unlawful for county judges to issue
n liconso to ninny to any person who
fails to present n medical certificate,
duly sworn to, showing said person to
bo free from all contagious and vencral
diseases, said certificate to bo sworn to
by a licensed physician and to bo fixed
with the usual application to marry.
Speaking of the proposal that all of
tho candidates for delegates to the re
publican notional convention pledgo
thcmsolveB to voto for tho candidate
who receives the highost number of
votes in tho preforcntial primary, Secre
tary Currioof tho Taft league says that
it had always been tho understanding
that such would bo tho cao and that
tho idea was not n now one. It is the
present intention when tho delegates
named by tho friends of President Taft
file their accoptnnco of tho petitions in
tho secretary of state's office that they
accompany it with a statement to thnt
The Score to Date.
It is a popular pasttimo for nows
papors to poll their readers on presi
dential preference. Mostly insurgent
shoots aro doing it. Consequently tho
inaurgont noes fleem to hnvo it over tho
progressive nyos. It would bo un
gontlemnnly in a nowspapor'B readers
to voto tho way tho nowspapor didn't
wnnt thoin to voto.
Also there is a good deal of noise
boing mado with slapsticks, tom-toma
and how-gaga, mostly by insurgents of
both parties. Eight Tooloy tailors,
govornora of states, mot Chicago,
adopted resolutions, sent out telegrams
and writ a letter to tho Colonel, from
whom wo may soon hear doubtless to
tho contrary.
Eliminating tho sound and fury, tho
fusa and fustian, let us soo how tho
Hcoro stands.
Delegates olocted to date 21. Taft,
21; Roosovolt, 0; LaFollotte, 0; Cum
mins, 0; domocrats, 0.
Now York City republican commlttoo
endorsed Taft 478 to 17.
Chicngo city convention. Taft; C89;
.Roosovolt, 180.
St Louis city commlttoo endorsed
Second Iowa Congressional district
committoo unanimously endorsed Taft.
This is Cummins' own stato.
Tho Colorado atato central com
mittoo overwhelmingly endorsed Taft.
Tho Illinois Lincoln Loaguo endoraed
Thp Utah Btato central committco
has declared for Taft.
There has been many more similiar
declarations which wo do not doflnltoly
recall at the present writing.
Tho main point is that wherever
official action has been taken or whore-
oyer republicans have dono all tho
voting tho result has boon for Tnft
with great uniformity. And it will
continuo to become more and more bo.
Fremont Tribune.
Pigs For Sale.
Weighing CO to 100 lbs in numbers to
Buit purchasers. Inquire at Horshey's
Locust and 5th Sts. Phono 15.
Local and Personal
George Diener returned Saturday
from a two weeks' visit in Texas.
G. A. Schrecongost, of VVellfleet,
spent Saturdoy In town on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Trotter, of Brady,
spent tho week end with town friends.
William Churchill, of Wellfleet, spent
tho Inst of tho week in town on busi
ness. Will Craigie loft Saturday morning
for Paxton to visit relatives for a few
Miss Bertha Murphy, of Brady, was
the guest of Miss Edith Holcomb the
last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weingand re
turned home Saturday from a pleasant
visit in Texas.
Logan Marcott and Raleigh Connei,
of Brady, spent tho last of the week
here on business.
Miss Iaabcll Stafford, of Paxton,
enme Saturday morning to visit Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Murphy.
Billie Green was awarded the plumb
ing nnd heating contract in the new
residence of W. II. Mungcr to be
erected soon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Miller, of
Davenport, In., became tho parents of
n baby girl Friday which was born at
tho home of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. II. Rector.
A very interesting time was had at
tho Platte Valley literary last Thurs
day evening. A short program was
presented followed by a spelling con
test. Miss Nona Johnson, teacher at
Nichols, won out.
Myrtle and Vicinity.
Had a good rain last Monday and tho
frost is going out of tho ground.
The voice of tho prairie chicken is
heard in tho land.
Dick Ross left for Los Angeles, Cal.,
last Monday.
Mrs. F. D. Tatman, who has been
seriously ill, is Blowly improving.
Andy Greoley has rented Carl Mc
Grow's place and will bach(?)
It iB reported thnt DicK Kolley has
rented the C. A. Moore placo.
Daniel Grceloy moved on the W. V.
Hoagland place this week.
Miss Helen Tatman was on the sick
list last week.
A Woman Finds Her Ambition and
Energy Slipping Away.
North Platte women know how the
aches and pains that come when the
kidneys fail make life a burden. Back-
ncho, hip pains, headaches, dizzy spells,
dlstro ssing urinary troubles, all tell of
sick kidneys and warn you of the
stealthy approach of dropsy orBright'a
dlRease. Doan'a Kidney Pills are for
tho kidneys only. Hero's proof of it in
a North Platte woman's words:
Mrs. Mary Hollenbeck, 520 E. 11 St.,
North Platte, Neb., says: "In a state
ment endorsing Doan's Kidney Fills
given in August, 1907, I told how for
several years previous, I had suffered
from a sovoro acho in tho small of my
back. I arose in tho morning foiling
stiff and lnme and it required a long
time for mo to straighten. Tho kidney
secretions also annoyed mo greatly.
Doan'a Kidnoy Pills, procured from
McDonnoll & Graves' Drug Store,
proved beneficial and no other remedy
I have evor taken hns given mo more
relief. I do not know how I could get
nlong without them."
Forsnloby all dealers. Price 50
cents. Fcstor-Milhurn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for tho United
Romombor tho name Doan's and
tako no othor.
Ml Am Mfdi
i Hiii nun
writes Mrs. L. R. Barker,
of Bud, Ky., "and can do
all my housework. For
years I suffered with such
pains, I could scarcely
stand on my feet After
three different doctors had
failed to help me, I gave
Cardul a trial Now, I feel
like a new woman."
Tho Woman's Tonic
A woman's health de
pends so much upon her
delicate organs, that the
least trouble there affects
her whole system. It Is
the little things that count,
In a woman's life and
health. If you suffer from
any oi the aclies and
pains, due to womanly
weakness, take Cardul at
once, and avoid more seri
ous troubles. We unrc
you to try It Begin today?
We Ask
Your Aid
Probably you have never
realized that each telephone
subscriber is a vital factor in
securing good telephone
You and every other tele
phone user are essential part
ners in the Company that
supplies you telephone equip
ment. This Company is making
every effort to meet the needs
of the entire public for a tele
phone service that is united,
direct and universal, and is
trying hard to win and to
merit a reputation for prompt
and efficient service,
We have no desire to dodge
our responsibility to give the
very best service, but take
note of this:
No community ever enjoys
really first-class telephone ser
vice unless the Company has
the intelligent and the hearty
co-operation oi its subscribers.
In a series of advertise
ments we will point out how
you can be loyal to yourselves
and your neighbors in helping
us give the best service pos
sible. Nebraska -Telephgjne
With ono of Schmnlzried's Cigars to
smoke makes life worth the living.
Our cigars have stood tho test of time:
thoro are man in North Plftto who aro
smoking the same brand they did twenty
yenrs ago, and thoy find them tho same
good cigar. Our cigars aro mado in
Nortli Platte for North Platto buyers;
mado of good tobacco and well made.
Merchant Tailor.
We have recently installed a French
Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies'
apparel of all classess, and we
guarantee satisfactory work. We
nro also tailors and know how to
repair clothes.
We carry samples of goods and
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
and perfect fit.
Ily VlrtUO of nil order nf AAln la.UAil fmm Mm
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a
decreo of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein American Investment anil Trust
Company a co-partnership, is plaintiff and
Victor A. Palmer et al aro dsfundants,
nnd to mo directed, I will on the 23rd day of
March 1912, nt twoo'olock, p, m.. at the cast
front door of tho court house In North Platto,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell nt public auction
to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said
decree. Interests and costs, the following described
property, to-wlt: Tho east half (EH) section,
nine (9) township '(16) north, range thirty-one
(31) west of 6th P. M., In Lincoln county, Ne
Dated North Platte, Neb., FrX I4th. 1912.
A. J. Salisbury. Sheriff.
Notice tor Publication.
Serial No. 02503
Department of tho Interior,
O. S. Laud Office at North I'latto, Nob.
' . , , . l'ob. loih.lKH.
Notice la hereby Rlvon that Frank Hood.
of North I'latto. Neb., who on Mar. 20, 1903.
in ado Homestead Entry No. 21180. Serial No.
U250J. for north halt and xouthwost uuartor
Section 22. Township. Id. North, range so.
West of tho sixth principal meridian
has filed notice of Intention to mako final
II vo year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, bofore tho Register
and ltocolvor at North I'latto Nobraslca,
on tho 10th day of April. 1912,
Claimant names as witnesses) Chris John
son, Rupert Schwalgor, Richard Hews and
Charles It. llrotornltz, all of North Plato.
t20-6 J. K. Evahk, Register.
McDonald State Bank,
Capital Stock Fully Paid $100,000.00.
- Oldcsl Bank in Lincoln County.
We Respectfully Solicit your Banking
Business. Satisfaction Guaranteed . .
chas. Mcdonald,
Big Combination Sale.
We wish to announce that we will
hold a big combination stock sale on
February 29th, and on March 14th and
28th. We will be fixed so as to handle
nnd feed all kinds of stock. The sales
will bo held under cover, and will
therefore occur rain or shine. Parties
having animals to sell see us at least
two weeks before the sale, so wo can
list what you have and advertise it.
Write or phone, or call and see us and
get cur terms.
E. L. Jones & Co.
North Plate, Neb.
Mrs. Edward Johnson, who spent the
past week in Wellfleet, returned home
Wednesday morning.
Miss Florence Stamp was off duty at
the Electric Light oflice yesterday
owing to illness.
Mr. E. Bolstu, of St. Louis, who had
been assisting E. T. Tramp in opening
his new dry goods store, left last oven
ing. The Baby's Bath
should be in surroundings that
lack nothing in sanitary meas
ures. Everything in tho bath
room should be such as can be
cleansed with the
Greatest Convenience
fl piumoers, we nave given
special attention to bath rooms.
If we install the plumbing, your
house will always be in sanitary
condition. We perform job-work
Shop Phone 3G9. Res. Phone U83
217 East Sixth Street.
Send Us Your Shipments. of
Grain and Hay
We pay the top market. Three cou-
Eons free with returns on each car of
ay you ship us to handle for your ac
count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in
cash will secure for your home an ele
gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner
Set worth $10.00.
Consign your hay to us and please
tho ladies nnd also get a good prico for
your hay.
Our Motto: Fair treatment and
prompt remittances.
Sample of tho quality of these dishes
can be seen at the ollico of the Semi
Weekly Tribune.
The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co.,
20th and Wazco Streets,
Denver, Colorado.
Slnte of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S. S.
In the County Court, February Uth, 1912.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Andrew
Johnson, deceased.
On reading nnd filing tho petition of Askcr
Edward Strom, praying that tho instrument
filed on tho 80th day of .January, 1012. and pur
porting to bo tho last will and testament
of tho said deceased muy be proved, approved,
probated, allowed nnd recorded as the last will
and testament of thel said Andrew Johnson
deceased, nnd that tho execution of said Instru
ment may be committed and tho administration
of said estate may bo grunted to Osker Edward
Strom as executor.
Ordered. That March 6th. 1912. at 9 o'clock
a m. is assigned for hcarlnu itnlil notltlnn. wh.n
alpersons interested in said matter may appear
at,a county court to be held in and for said coun
ty, and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted. A copy of this order to be
published in tho North Platto Tribune, n legal
semi-weekly newspaper of said county threo suc
cessive wocks prior to said ilote or Hearing,
f 13-3 JOHN GUANT. County Judge.
Hans Thinsen will tako notico that
on tho 23rd dov of Jan.. 1912. P. H.
Sullivan, Justice of tho Peace, of
iNorin Be rrecinct xmo l, in and for
Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an
order of attachment for o sum of
$15.00 In an action now pending before
him. wheroin John Snndnll is nlaintiiT
and Hans Tjiiasen is dofendant, that
property consisting of money in tho
hands of the Union Pacific railroad
company, a corporation, has been at
tached jwder said order.
Said causa was continued to tho 19th
day of March.1912, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dated this 7th day of Feb. 1912.
John Sandall, Plaintiu".
w. h. Mcdonald,
Cashier and Vice-Prest.
DR. Y. r. CROOK,
H Office ovor McDonald State Bank F
lvrnrmnrn ni fiPtlnvaotorn I Inittnrmtti J
'iKTfjfwrf irrwwK'CT
y Doctors Ames & Ames, (J
p Physicians and Surgeons,
y Office over Stone Drug Co. K
M . ) Office 273 V,
6 a f Residence 273
j LhkfeFfe &
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank, i
1 '
) Office 130
rnones , , , c
j ncaiucukc xxu
rtrflt trJ'Jh'ift'flrflrSrflrflrt'rSti'ilj!
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
S Special attention given to confine-
v monta and children's diseases.
a otiice I'liono ltfl Hes. l'hono:2S3
Offlco McDonald Stato Hank Bid's
Scientific Facial Massage
and Scalp Treatment
With Electric Vibrator done at your own
home or at 303 E. Third.
Phone G89.
Notice of Special Election.
Notice is hereby given that on the
4th day of March, 1912, a special elec
tion will bo held in the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. The
polling places to be as follows: For the
first ward at the hose house in said
ward; tor the second ward at the
commissioners' room at the court
house in said ward; for the third ward
at hose house in said ward; and for the
fourth wnrd at hose house in said ward,
at which election the following proposi
tion will be submitted to the voters of
said city:
"Shall the mayor and city council of
the city of North Platte comply with
the decree of the United States Cir
cuit Court of Appeals of tho Eighth
Circuit, and pay for the waterworks in
said city, owned by tho North Platte
Vater Works Company, in accordance
with tho provisions of said.decree, nnd
extend and improve said water works,
with tho proceeds of the $100,000.00
bonds issued October 1st, 1909, for tho
purpose of obtaining money with which
to erect, establish and construct a
system of waterworks in said city?"
The ballots to be used at said elec
tion shall have printed thereon:
"For authorizing the mayor and city
council of tho city of North Platto to
pay for tho water works system in tho
city of North Platte, in accordance
with tho decree of tho United States
Circuit Court of Appeals, nnd to ex
tend and improve said system and to
use in payment for snid purchase, ex
tensions and improvements the proceeds
of the $100,000.00 bonds issued October
1st; 1909, for the purpose of obtaining
money with which to erect, establish
and construct a system of water works
in said city.
Against authorizing tho mayor
and city council of tho city of North
Platto to nay for tho water works
system in the city of North Platte, in
accordance with tho decree of the
United States Circuit Court of Appeals,
and to extend and improve said system
and to use in payment for said pur
chase, extensions and improvements
tho proceeds of the $100,000.00 bonds
issued October 1st 1909, for the pur
pose of obtaining money with which to
erect, establish and construct a system
of water works in said city."
Thoso voting in favor of said propo
sition shall mark their ballot with an
X opposite the paragraph beginning
"For authorizing tho mayor and city
council of tho city of Nortli Platto to
comply with tho decree of United
States Circuit Court of Appeals, etc."
Those voting against Bdid proposition
shall mark their bnllot with an X op
posite tho paragraph beginning with
"Against authorizing the mayor and
and city council of tho city of North
Platto to comply with the dfceroe of tho
United States Circuit of Appeals, otc."
Dated this 24th day of January 1912.
Tlios. C. rATTEItsON, Mayor.
Attest: Chas. F. Temple, Clerk.
of Cheyenne, Wyo., an auctioneer
with 40 years experience, has lo
cated in North Platte, and would
like to make prices and dates for
your sales. Have sold stock and
general merchandise all over Ne
braska .
See me at F. E. Barber's Restau
rant, corner of 6th and Locust St
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
John A. Herrod, administrator of the
estate of Isaac Lamplaugh, deceased,
for leave to sell real estate.
Notico is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Hon. H. M.
Grimes, judge of the district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, mado on tho
7th day of October, 1911, for the sale
of tho real estate, here in after de
scribed, there will be sold at public
vendue, to the highest bidder for cash,
at the east front door of the court
house in the city of North Platte, Lin
coln county, Nebraskn, on the 6th day
of March, 1912, at the hour of 2 p.
m. the following described renl estate:
The east one-eleventh of lot six (G) in
block one hundred and three (103), in
the city of North Platte, being a strip
of land six feet wide and one-hundred
and thirty-two feet in length on the
cast sido of said lot six, in block one
hundred and three (103), in tho city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras-
Dated this 13th day of Feb., 1912.
John A. Heurod,
Administrator of the estate of Isaac
Lamplaugh, deceased.
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Lincoln county,
In the matter of the application of
John A. Herrod, administrator of the
estate of Mary Lamplaugh deceased for
leave to sell real estate. J52"
Notico is hereby given that in pui
suance of an order of the Hon. H. M.
Grimes, judge of tho district court, of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on the
7th day of October, 1911, for the sale
cf the real estate, hero in after de
scribed, there will be sold at public ven
due, to tho highest bidder for cash, at
the east front door of the court house
in the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on the 6th day of
March, 1912, at the hour of 2 P. M.,
the following described real estate:
That part of Tot 6 in block 103, original
town of North Platte, described as fol
lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on
the south line of said lot, forty feet
east of the south-west corner, thence
on the south line of said lot easterly
twenty feet, thence in a northerly
direction on a line parallel with the
east line of said lot to the north line of
said lot, thence westerly on the north
line of said lot twenty feet, thence in a
southerly direction to the place of be
ginning; said land being In the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated this 13th day of Feb. 1912.
John A. Heuuod,
Administrator of the estate of Mary
Lamplaugh, deceased.
Notico Is hereby given that tho undersigned
have formed a corporation tho namo of which Is
Jack Morrow Flats Telephone Company,"
with its principal place of business at the resi
dence of J. T. Lloyd, on the Jack Morrow Flats, in
Lincoln county, state of Nebraska, the general
nature of the business being the operation of a
telephone system or telephone lines in the vicinity
of Jack Morrow Flats and surrounding country
and connections therewith with the power to es
tablish and collect rentals for tho use of telephones
and to charge and collect tolls; to establish a
messenger service and charge and collect fees for
such service and to collect such other charges as
may be necessary and proper In the conduct of
said business; and to connect and furnish connec
tions with other telephone lines nnd systems and
to purchase such personal and real property as
may be necessary for tho transaction of said busi
ness, and also to erect and maintain such buildings
and structures as may bo necessary for the trans
action of said business; the amount of the author
ized capital stock is Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) in shares of Fifty Dollars ($50.00)
each. One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) of which
shall be subscribed and fully paid up before tho
corporation shall commenoe the transaction Of
business. Tho time when tho corporation shall
commence is the 1st day of November, 1911, and
shall continuo for a period of fifty years. The
highest amount of indebtednes to which the cor
poration shall Bubject Itself shall not exceed
twenty-fivo per cent of the paid up capital Btock
of said corporation and tho affairs of the corpora
tion shall be conducted by a Hoard of Directors,
the five Btock holders and a president, secretary
and treasurer to bo chosen by the Board of Di
rectors. John V. Dienek, E. Sodeiiman.
A. S. Greco, Heniiv Parker,
J. T. Lloyd. m. P. Buckley,
Herman Johnson, G. W. Diener.
It. O. Hockus, A. R. Leavitt.
J. R. White. W. A. Kelso.
Portal No. 0326X
department or the inthuioii.
United States Land Ofilco.
At Nortli Platte. Nebraska. Fob. 3. 1912,
Notico In horobr given that Elmer
Cooper of Nortli I'latto Nob., who on
March 30th. 1W. mado homestead entry No.
230, Serial No. 03207 for tho eat half of
th northorst iuarftor and the oast halt of
southeast quartor of Bection so. Town 15,
N.. IUngo 2U V., of tho fltli Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to mako Dnal five year
proof, to establish claim to tho land ahovo
described, before tho register and receiver
at North Platte, Nobraska, on tho 5th day
of April, 1912. .
Claimant names as witnesses; Car
W. McGrow, Fred Malono, Julia Malono and
Mary lirotornltz, all nf North Platto. Nob.
W-8 John E. Evans Itegiste r.
Serial No. 0SOI0.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Neb.
.. , , , December 89. 1811.
Notico Is hereby given that Chris
Johnson, ot Nortli Platto. Neb., who. on Mar.
n.lWM.mado homestead entry No. 21108. serial
No.02JUl forWM SWX. SWK NvV. SEW
SEW. and low 1. 2. 3. 4. Sec. 4. Town 15. Range
30 W. of the 8th Principal Meridian, has
filed notice ot Intention to mako final live
ypar proof, to establish claim to tho laud
above described, before tho Register and Re
ceiver at Nortli Platte. Nebraska, on the 27th
day of February. 1912,
Claimant names as wltnessosi Rupert
Bchwaleor. Fred J. Itremers. Frank Hood,
Henry Doebke. all ot North Platto. Neb.
J26 J. E. Evahs. Register.
Serial No. 04020.
Public Land Sale.
Department of tho Interior.
U. 8. Land Oilico at Nortli Platto. Nob.
., , . . , December Si, 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by
the Commissioner ot tho General Land
Oflice, under provisions of Act of Congress
approved June 27. ISO), (31 stats.. 517). wo
will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder
f.f,.eno'c,I9cka m on tho 20th day of Feb..
8&fti& NWiv3 NSEBwWabC
Any persons claiming ad verstjy the abovo
described land aro advised to lllethelrclalms
or objections, on or before the time desig
nated for salo.
-fl J E. EVANS. Register.
v'WJiWt'' i!Mt.
if a