The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1912, Image 4

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JHargourt &. Co.
.STATIONERY, ETC. Maybe left with uj witK the assurance that the
work whet completed will mark the user as"Carrec'atd meet every regulr
mcit of the most discriminating taste.
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician.
' fttrirxtT?rK'?r?fyi
i oeiety i
S Graduate Dentist. 5
Office over the McDonald J
Stato Bank. e
teaser, rooms and safe deposit boxes.
Drstt & Goodman.
returned Sunday
Weeks stay with
Millcdgo builard returned Friday from
a two weeks' stay in Denvor.
Ralph Graham returned the last of
thu week from n short visit in Omaha.
Davis Auto Co. unloaded n carload of
fivo Iiu'ck touring cars Friday aftcr-
Charles Pass, Sr., returned Saturday
from a short visit in Gothenburg on
Frank Stuart enme dovn from Ogal
nlla Satutduy to vitit his patents lor a
low days.
Attorrwyn Wi'cox & Nnllignn loft
Gunday evening for Chnppi'II whyro dli -tnct
court is In sauton,
C. P. Caruon, of Columbus, visited
liia ton Pony Cnison at.d wifo the last
tf the week.
Police Judgo Fred Wan en returned
Jaiinduy evening from a short business,
trip to Omaha.
Attorney J. G. Bcclcr and Attorney
M. E. Crojty transacted businuss in
Ognlalla Saturday.
Miss Alico Wilcox
morning from a two
friends in Denvor.
Mrs. Brown, of Ravanna, nrrived tho
last of the week and is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Walker.
Tho Ritner Cafe has purchased a now
$200 victor vlctrola which will furnish
music during meals.
For Sale R. F. D. Mall Boxos at
Horshoy'a corner Fifth and Lopust St.
Robt. Dickoy roturncd tho last of tho
week from a bnsincss visit of fivo days
in points up tho line.
Attorney W. T. Wilcox returned tho
last of tho week from Lincoln whero
ho spent several days.
Mrs. Andrew Yost resumed work at
Bratt & Goodman's offico yestorday
after a month's illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nugent nnd
baby of Maxwoll, catno up Saturday
morning to visit town friends.
Mrs. J. B. Pizor, of Hastings, who
speni tho prist week with Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Pizer, loft Saturday for home.
Mrs. M. E. Boardman returned yes
terday from an extended visit in Port
land, Scattlo and othor western points.
Miss Emma Smith will entertain tho
Travel and Study club at tho Murray
home on Monday evening, February
MlsArloIgh Mooro savored her con
nection with tho Wostern Union ofllco
and loft the last of tho woek for
Loron SturgcB, of Hastings, who was
called hero by tho death of his daugh
ter tho lato Mrs. Ad Boyorlo, wontl
liomo Friday.
Mrs. Fred W. Millar, of Fremont,
who spent tho past two months with
her mother, Mrs. J. D. Cox, loft Fri
day afternoon.
0. C. Wells wns over from Gandy
nnd drovo homo his now Reo touring
car tho last of last weok. Marvin
Peary and Nick BrosiUB camo over with
Mrs. Glen Miller is oxpected back
this week from Alliance, whero sho
was called soveral wecka ago by tho
death of her sister and whllo thero wus
taken ill.
Any body wishing mo to figuro with
them on thero Now Bath Room or Heat
ing Plant and repair work, pleaso call
and boo mo nt my New Plumbing Shop
on East Gth St., Ottenstcln building, or
call Black 18-1. No shop phono at pres
ent. Tho old Reliable Plumber,
BlLLin Grcgn.
The commissioners of Dawson county
havo submitted a proposition to vote
$100,000 bonds for n new court houso.
Tho proposition calls for a four mill
levy for four years. It will bo u direct
levy, and will rniso in nil about $100,000.
Three times special elections to voto
bonds for this purpoBo were called, and
each time tho proposition was dofeatcd.
This election will occur on April 19, and
will bo on tho same day as that of the
primary. N
Frank Hood left Sunday for Alliance
to spend n week or longer.
Wanted An apprentice. Apply to
R. F. Stuart. Plumber, Goozee build
ing. Sheriff Salisbury Bpent yestorday in
the south part of the county on bus
iness. The necessary machinery for an elec
tric light plant at Maxwell has been
Money to loan on real estate.
Bratt & Goodman.
Alex Meston, who spent tho past two
months in California, returned Satur
day morning.
Miss Clco Choppcll loft yesterday for
Moorefield to spend a week or more on
school matters.
Frank Obermohr loft Sunday evening
for Denver and other points west to
visit for several weeks.
Messrs. Chnbot nnd Emerson, of Lex
ington, camo up Friday to attend tho
meeting of tho I. O. O. F.
Davis Auto Co. shipped a now Reo
touring car to Sandstrom & Anderson
nt Gothenburg last Friday.
Mrs. Wocd White returned a few
! days ago from an extended visit in
j I.os AngelcB and othor western
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott left Sat
urday evening for St. Joe, Omnhn and
Kansns City to spend n week or more
combining business nnd pleasure.
Say, don't forget thut Billy's shop
phono number is OGG or (G double 0)
when you want any plumbing or hent
ing done. Bilmk Gkeen.
Judge and Mrs. II. M. Grimes re
turned Saturday from their trip in tho
south, which extended as far as Tampa,
Florida. Tho trip was n pleasant and
onjoyablo one.
Road Commissioner Thoelecko nnd
Capt. Roddy of tho heavy artillery, dyn
amited tho ice at tho north river bridge
Saturdny and loosened up quito an nrea
of tho ico surface.
For RentModern G room houso, 320
West First street. Inquire nt 4 South
Willow street or phono 391.
For Sale Rofrigerator used two
months, hard coal stove, and Majestic
range used G months. Inquire at onco
nt tho Star clothing houso or phono Red
The Epworth league will hold a social
nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs, J. G.
Beolcr Friday evening.
Mrs. O. W. Brandt will entertain a
number of ladies at an afternoon party
tomorrow from 3 to G o'clock.
The Mothers' club spent-a pleasant
afternoon with Mrs. Chnrles S. Clfnton
Friday. A bufTet lunch was served.
Misses Hazel Henderson nnd Vera
Scharman will entertain a number of
friends at cards on Thursday evening.
February 22nd.
Mrs. E. T. Casey entertained a
number of friends nt Som R Sot SatA
urday evening. After an enjoyable
evening refreshments were served.
Tho men of the COO club will entertain
their ladies at a theatro party this
evening on the occasion of the appear
ance of May Robson. After the theatre
supper will be served at the Ritner
Mrs. Joseph Redfield entertained the
Coterie club on Friday afternoon. In
tho card games prizes were won by
Mcsdames Bnrraclough and Golden.
Nicely prepared refresments were
The Elk dancing pnrty Friday even
ing nt the homo was largely attended,
eighty-five being present. Music was
furnished by tho Stamp orchestra, and
at eleven o'clock refreshments were
served in the dining hall by Mrs. Jas.
A score or more friends of Miss
Helen Winget tendered her a surprise
party Friday ovcnlng. Intctesting
games were played until n lato hour
when a delicious lunch was served.
Tho young peoplo report a delightful
A very pleasant masquerade party
was given nt tho Alexander homu Fri
day evoning by Misses Vera Golf and
Bertha Clothier. The costumes were
nil on the comic order and tho score of
young guests henrtily enjoyed the, oc
casion. Tho house was prettily dec
orated in red heaits and tri-colored
bunting, A delightful lunch wns served
ot midnight.
For Rent.
7 room modern residence in North
Platte, SEi, Sec. 31, Twp. 9, rnngo 30,
Lincoln county, NEJ Sec. 4, Twp. 9,
Rnngo 30, 22 ncro chicken nnd garden
farm 3 miles west of North Platte.
North Platto, Neb.
J. M. Fristo, of Dickens, wns in
town yesterday visiting Clyde Fristo.
Loo Lucey, real estate dealer of
Suthorland, spent Snturday in the city.
Miss Bertha Banks, of the Lexington
schools, spent the last of the week with
her parents.
Miss Ethel Jacobs, of the Brady
schools, spent Saturday and Sunday
with relatives in town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Radel, of Wal
lace, left for homo Sunday after visit
ing in town for feveral days.
Miss Marie Brodbeck left Saturday
evening tor Omaha to visit friends and
relatives for a week or longer.
Julius Hahler returned Sunday even
ing from a three weeks' stay on busi
ness in Kansas City, Chicago and
Miss McCready, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Jr., for
several weeks, went to Grand Island
yesterday morning.
Leonard Lilhe, of St. Louis, spent
the week end in town on business and
visiting friends and assisted in the
Catholic choir at high mass Sunday.
H. R. Potter, formerly of the local
shops, who has been employed in Lin
coln for some time, arrived here Satur
day to spend two weeks with town
Charles Swenson, who recently died
at his home in Gaslin precinct, was one
of the early settlers of the county, hav
ing filed on land in Gaslin precinct in
1875. He was an uncle of A. W.
Johnson, and had never married.
Rain, sieet and snow fell Sundiy
night and this was followed by a sn).-
siorm yesteruay, trie naKes coming
down in chunks that were full of mois
ture. Certainly the spring will open
with an unusual amount of moisture in
tho ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snyder celebrated
tho sixth anniversary of thoir weddn
Friday evening. The evening was
spent in cards and social conversation
and a number of useful nnd pretty
gifts presented to Mr. and Mrs. Snydei.
At midnight an elaborate lunch was
Play Pleases Audience.
"What Happened to Jones" was pre
sented at the Keith Friday evening by
high school students and well pleased
and interested tho large audience pres
ent. Tho characters were well taken,
tho ncting was natural and not'straiji'ed,
there was no hesitancy nor Vsjsige
fright, " nnd tho general verdict was
that th'o young ladies and young men
did exceedingly well; in fact the play
was presented much better than could
reasonably be expected of amateurs.
Tho net proceeds were nbout one
hundred dollars, which will be used in
defraying expenses of the cadets'
eampment next summer.
From the
Wholesale House
to the
Notlco is hereby given trnt on Satur
dny,;March2, 1912,nt 2 o'clock P. M.f I
will sell to tho highest biddor, for cash,
at public auction at tho county jail in
the city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, tho following goods and
chattels, to-wit:
1 Ollvor typewriter, with metal cover,
51 dry cells or batteries,
7 boxes of rubber patches,
3 oil guns,
1 box tnpe,
G cans wood rim comi'nt,
10 packages diamond cement,
3 cans rubbor cement,
1 package valves, for rubber tires,
2 packages bicyclo chains,
12 cans Arco grcaso,
1 waste container can,
2 bundles wnste, '
1 box pipe collars,
1 four inch trap,
28 bicyclo rims,
2 bath tub Boats,
30 soil pipe fittings and traps,
1 block and fall chain with pulleys,
13 cans motnl and body polish,
1 can carbide,
2 motnl oil trnks with pump, partly
full of lubricating oil,
1 bolt case, containing numerous
bolts, nuts, screws, washers, etc.
1 barrel nearly full of cup grease,
I barrel about half full lubricating
which snid goods and chuttels were
levied upon bymo.A. J. Salisbury, sher
iff of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
an execution issued out of nnd under
tho seal of tho District court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska upon a
judgmont rondored nnd docketed in
said court, m favor of Crane company,
a corporation, and against John W. Lo
Master, defendant.
Dated ut North Platte, Nebraska,
this 19th day of February, 1912.
Wo invite one trinl order for groceries
from people in the country ns well as
North Platte. Our goods nnd prices
will take care of future orders. h vr
Wo pay tho freight and doliver any
whoro in tho City.
E. W. Crane, Phono 10 Black.
Baled and loose hoy. John Brail.
Store your goods with responsible
parties. Bratt & Goodman.
Norman Edward, of Brady, was a
guest at tho Banks' home the last of
the week.
Davis Auto Co. sold a Reo touring
car and two Buick touring cars at
,Cozad and shipped them down there
last Friday.
Lenten services will begin at St.
Patrick's church tomorrow with mass
nt eight o'clock after which the ashes
will be distributed. Special services
will be held on Wednesday, Friday and
Sunday evenings.
Red Polled Cattle and Hog Sale.
On Saturday, March 2, I will sell 30
Red Polled cows and bulls, also 15
Poland China and Duroc Jersey sows,
nil immune. Sale will be held at U. P.
barn in Lexington.
If interested, write for catalog con
taining descriptions. All cows or heifers
not fresh, will be in the spring.
J. O. Anderson.
The Status of the Local Nest of Owls.
The Correspondence which Came from Headquarters
the Order to a Local Member.
(The following communication has been given The Tribune for publication
nnd 1b paid for at our regular advertising rates.)
John W. Talbot, Supremo President.
South Bend, Ind., F.b. 12, 1912.
South Bend, Ind., Feb. 12, 1912.
Mr. R. E. Marshall,
North Platto, Nebraska.
Dear Brother:
Enclosod find carbon copy from
my filos of tho lettor revoking tho
charter of tho North Platto Nest. This
letter was sent to Mr. Huffman in nn
envelope containing a five days return
direction, just liko tho envelope con
taining ths letter, and it wns never re
turned (o he undbubtly received it. Ho
subsequently wrote here complaining
thnt tho Nest should not bo required to
pay per capita tax for tho quarter end
ing September 30th, but that they
would mnko their report and pay tax if
they wore given credit for it for tho
quarter ending December 31st. Tho
Supremo Trustees considered tills and
finally agreed in the instance of your
Nest to allow that to be done, and
HuiTmnn was so imformed, and since
that timo he has never written to tho
Supremo Officers.
Mr. Kesler never had a commission
ns n organizer from this order. Mr.
Hill did havo such n commission to or
ganize North Platte. Enclosed find n
blank such as was used for his com
mission, on tho back of which you will
find his contract as an organizer. I
havo uovor hoard from Mr. Hill since
tho North Platto Nest was Instituted.
As to when per capita tax was due, I
call your attention to Article 8 on page
0 of tho constitution
enclosed. This
Shoriif of Lincoln County, Nebrasku. constitution is somewhat different from
that which was furnished you at the
time of your institution, because it has
since been amended, but this particular
article is just the same in the amend
ment as it was in the other nnd it will
show you in connection with Article 9
on tho same page that per capita tax
is payable for every member who paid
dues for any time during the quarter
ending September 30th; therefore.
thero was due per capita tax from your
Nest on all thoso members who paid
dues at any time between September
9th nnd September 30th, but as you
say, that matter is, in tho light of cir
cumstances, not so important ns that
blamo should bo placed whero it be
longs. Yours in O. O. O.
John W. Talbot.
November 27th, 1911.
Mr. G. S. HuiTmnn, North Platto, Neb.
Dear Brother: My attention has been
called by tho Supremo Secretary to
tho fact that since its charter was
Issued September9, 1911, and forwarded
to you nnd received by you, as shown
by tho registry receipt returned, many
communications have been addressed to
you nnd your President, Vice-President
and treasurer, relative to your Nest
and to the report which it should have
mndo on September 30th. To all of
these communications your officers havo
failod to make any responso and you
havo failed to make tho report of your
Nest, for which report blanks wore
forwarded to you on Soptombor 15th.
Therefore, I heroby rovoko tho chnrtor
of your Nest at North Platto, Nobras
ka. Yours in O. 0. 0.,
John W. Tamiot,
. Supremo President.
idl'MB ' 'iiFSiniMTEri i iiTTMBH
Women's Suits
Spring Styles.
An excellent collection, showing-
the subtle ways in which
fashions differentiates between
the passing and the coming sea
son. Coats are shorter, and
have roll or hand turned collar,
tuxedo colla or round collar in
shawl effect. The skirts are
trifle wider and most of them
are in panel effect or strapped
and trimmed to match the coat.
$13.50 to $35
What Do You Think of This.
of ihemi
or J
Saturday, Feb. 24
REGULAR PRICE $2.50 to $5.00.
With our ample capital, long experience
in banking, and assets of three quarters
of a million dollars, we are in a position
to give you the best possible service.
F. L. MOONEY, Cashier,
Mrs. Julius Hahler is on the sick list
this week.
Littlo Lois Porter has been very ill
for several days past.
Miss Irma Home visited friends and
relatives in Maxwell Sunday.
Miss Helen Minshall has accepted a
position in the ten cent store.
Di Redfield Redfield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE U. ItEDriKLD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
Philip Lippert, of Lincoln, arrived
unday evening totransactbusinessnnd
visit his cousins, the Messrs. Simon.
Notice To Delinquents.
Notice is hereby given that the
rental upon the lease contracts to the
following described lands in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, as set opposite the
names of tho holder thereof, is delin
quent, and if tho amount which is duo
is not paid within GO days from the
dato of this notice, said contracts will
bo declared forfeited by tho Board of
Educational Lands and Funds, and said
forfeiture entored of record in the
manner provided by law.
SEJ, NEJ 3G-1G-3-1, Lydia A. Collins.
All 1G-9-27, Samuol Stinnett.
E. B. Cowles,
Commissioner of Public Lands and
f w