The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1912, Image 2

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    IV '
IRA L. DARE, Publisher.
From tho standpoint of utility, ex
cept In bo far as dccoratlvcnoss ii
utility, not much can bo said for th
average cat thcBO days. Tho cat on
Joys Its privileges without greatly con
corning Itself with tho responsibilities
'And in point of fact. Us services In
most houses would bo Buporfluous
Tho mousetrap now does for most
IhouBoholds whnt tho cat formorly did
Nor Is tho cat particularly distin
guished by tho affection for Us mafr
tor which Is so conspicuous in the
idog, Us solo domestic rival for the
warm spot under tho kitchen stovo
Jf you will nolo tho cat carefully, you
(will observo that It usually wants
something of you when It comes
around. Nono of Ub calln nro courtesy
calls. Tho arched back and the
"mow-mow" arc eloquent of Its do
tires. If it docs not rocolvo those
marks of attention and falls to find
anything clso that interests it, say, a
jileo warm spot In your lap to take a
dozo on, tho cat moves majestically
nd indifferently away. Your person
ality has no particular charm for It
It admires tho radiator more than it
doos you. Thcso characteristic symp
toms of self-contcrcdneas and grave
detachment aro reinfotccd by tho oyct
of the cat A cat's eyoB look at you,
but thoy seem to bo looking beyond
you. Thoy aro llko tho eyes of the
caged Hon, which always seem to be
seeing tho distant desert that It loves
and that Is calling to It by night and
From year to year thcro havo come
reports of tho lncrcaso of door in Con
-pocticut which weBtorn people have
round It difficult to bcllovo. Last yeai
Ihoro wero complaints that tho pro
tected animals wero destroying far
mors' crops. This year comes the
story that tho Connecticut gamo war
lcns havo given warning that motor
men on lntorurban electric cars must
exerclso tho utmost caro not to run
down deer which happen to got upon
tho track, or thoy will bo mado tc
incur tho full penalty of tho lnw foi
killing deer out of season. It Is said
that a considerable number of dcet
havo been killed In this way, espe
cially at night, when thoy woro at
tracted by tho hoadllghts. Dcci
stalking with an electric car la cer
tainly a modern method of acquiring
venison; but thoy wero always an
Ingenious folk In tho Btato of the
wooden nutmeg. '
A bonflro was hold by tho Postofflce
Dcpnrtmont of over 170,000 Christmas
postal cards, barred bocauso of tholi
tinsel decoration, notification having
been mado that thoso cards aro un
mailable on account ot danger to the
clorks In handling. Tho number sent
In splto of tho warning shows thnt
mon and wotnon nro but children of a
larger growth, who koop on doing
things apparently bocauso thoy have
been told not to do thorn.
Census roturns ot tho foreign-born
inhabitants of Creator Now York
show that, thero aro moro natives ol
Italy residing In tho Emplro City than
thero nro in Palorrao. In a similar
way tho Russian-born population ol
Now York far exceeds tho entlro num
ber ot Inhabitants of bo characteris
tically ti Russian city ns KIov. The
ItusBlan-born Now Yorkora number al
most halt a million and tho Italian
born Now Yorkers oxceod 340,000.
Tho patient Griselda's famous rec
ord for meekness and ondurnnco haa
been beaten by a woman in Chicago.
For twolvo yonrB Bho supported hor
husband with patient resignation, but
finally decided that having to take
beatings as well ns glvo earnings was
a llttlo too much, oven for a modern
A medical Journal hns started a
campaign against tho boloved stu
dent pipe, alleging that studonts who
smoko aro not thoso standing high
est In their classes. This Journal
Is behind tho times, holding tho anti
quated idea that collego students in
thcso strenuous days go there to
Sixteen babies in n courtroom in
Now York upsot tho court'a dignity
and yelled their contompt of court till
the latter was drlvon to ignominious
surrender in nn ndjournmont Which
proves that tho Infant of tho spoclos
is moro vocltorouB than Judicial prece
dent "When I read I don't llko to think,"
is a remark credited to Thomas A.
Edison. A good many others fool tho
eamo way, which is a posstblo ex
planation for tho abundant output of
light Htcraturo that calls for no
thought in tho procosB ot its perusal.
The puro food board has issued a
definition of mincemeat But It has
offered no beta that it can define the
things mincemeat producoa the night,
Vanity Class Is Feature In School
EW YORK. A vanity class, It was
revealed recently, has been start
ed amoct tho girls In Erasmus Hall
High Bchool, Brooklyn, ns a part of
tho hygiene and gymnasium courses.
It wa3 originated by Cathcrlno Tur
ner, asslstnnt principal, as a means of
teaching tho girls to tnko greater
prldo in their personal appearanco
and of Impressing on them tho fact
that a girl who has plain features
may make herself unusually attrac
tive by displaying taste In dress, caro
of her teeth and hair, her complexion,
carriage of shoulders, nnd tho like.
Tho pupils arc urged to glvo heed to
all thoso things, nnd they nro exam
ined In them Just as they take exami
nations In algebra, arithmetic and
MIbb Tumor, who Is nctlvo In evolv
ing tho new course, Is a stanch be
liever In slniplo gowns. Sho Insists
that girls may bo Just ns attractlvo In
nlmplo frocks as In silks, provided
thoy pay attention to many other
things and mako it a point to appear
J& S&t
fLm "mj . tfcO ildiJ
&1&M: W-A
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Farmer Boy Buncos City Firemen
CHICAGO. Whether Frank Andor
Bon camo from Wheeler, Ind., or
whother ho didn't, ho succeeded in
working n "Bkln game" on scores of
members of tho city fire department
that would do credit to tho most ex
porlonccd and skillful of Chicago con
fidence mon, and now tho firemen nro
looking up "Wheeler, Ind., on tho mnp.
To tholr relief they find that Wheel
er, Ind., Is really so. This is tho only
think they havo found to ba true
about Frank Anderson, howevor, and
In fact thoy aro beginning to doubt
that ho Is Frank Anderson at nil and
mny bo somebody else which latter
suspicion tho police concur in.
Frank Is a stolid, healthy-looking
country lad, with rosy cheeks. Ho
wont nround to tho various flro
houses and told his story.
"I llvo back on a farm near Wbcol
Br, Ind.," ho would say, "whero my
ma Iiob 3,000 chickens n'td 10 cows.
Wo got a tol'ablo sized farm back
thoro. I camo to Chicago to find my
Aunt Jnno, but run out o' finances
nnd I calculate as how I'll havo to
hoot It back. If ono of you gontlo
men will assist mo In getting bnck
homo I'll send you moro than I bor
rowed In eggs and butter."
Jerome Connor, n salesman, who
happened to bo In tho quarters of on
Wireless Used by
SAN FRANCISCO. A prank of Cupid
with tho wireless aboard tho Pa
cific Mall liner Mongolia tho other
day basely botrayed to an indulgent
world afloat and nBhoro tho plan of
Lieut. Edmund Sponco Root of tho
unvy to marry Miss Maudo May Rad
cllffo, daughter of E. F. Radcllffc,
electrical manufacturer of Portland,
Oro., nnd to surprlso his relatives and
friends with the news.
Tho Mongolia wn plowing soronoly
toward San Francisco when tho god
of lovo began to get busy with tho
key of tho wirclosB nppuratus. Other
vessels far nt sea and a fow of tho
land Btatlona received tho persistent
cnll of tho Mongolia's operator, but
tho receiving stations did not pay
much attention until tho words "mar
riage llconso" clicked forth in tho dis
patch lonving tho Mongolia's aerials.
Tho aerogram was addressed to
Zoo Keeper Says
NEW YORK. "Bill" Snyder, bend
keopor nt tho Contral Park men
agorlo, has quallfiod as an alienist.
"Bill" never graduated from n col
lego, or servod on an asylum's stnff,
but whon a man named Fulbcrg
trlod to break into tho Hon cago, Sny
der sold at onco ho was crary. How
did ho know? Bccnuso "BUI" Bays
tho lions nlwayB try to mako frlondB
with an insane person.
"Yop, 1'vo nover Boon it fall yet,"
said "Bill." "Whonovor a crazy man
gets near n lion, tho animal Just
naturally comes up closo to tho bars
and trios to bo a good follow. Ho
will wag his tall and purr llko a cat.
It's wondorful, but it's bo. Why, I
onco knew a crazy man to tnko n
llou'a food nway from tho brute, and
tho animal Boomed to bo trying to
smllo about tho Joko."
"What do you Bupposo makoB n
Hon bo friendly with n crazy man?"
"Bill" was asked.
"I never tried to flguro it out, but I
lmnglno it's bocauso whon a man
goos crazy his animal nature comes
K lj'-3.JMALWAY5 I
xd5 HI I '.-: 11 - i T ,fhTi
f tg) r iD " 'fit 'lilX-j
XSS l' e r -"iJa-BiBSifc
f" tffT C-
neat. To tho girls Bho uob mado It n
point to explain tho many thingn that
aro required to look fetching. Sho
has given lectures on tho caro of tho
person, on harmony in dress, tasto
In tho selection of materials, and on
many other things.
Tho opportunity for giving moro at
tention to those things has come be
cause of tho inability of all tho
classes to get as many hours, as Bet
In tho schedulo, In tho gymnasium
every week. As tho exercises aro in
tended primarily to aid girls in im
proving their appearanco, It was do
elded to devoto nn hour to tho vanity
class. Tho girls aro gathered in tho
auditorium. Five of tho most attrac
tive glrlB aro selected and sent on
tho Btugo In tho full glare of tho foot
lights. Thoy aro lined up and tho
studontB In tho auditorium aro asked
to study tho appearanco of each ot
tho girls, her teeth, her complexion,
her flguro, her hair, her feet, hor
dress, her method of standing and
other details.
Aid Is given to tho observation pow
ers of tho girls by tho teachers, who
call attention to various parts of tho
girls' dress. After that has been
dono tho pupils aro required to voto
on tho appearance of tho girls. Tho
main points considered aro tho figure,
teeth, hair and feet. Different girls
aro Inspected every week.
ROCK '? -
glno company No. 5, 320 South Jef
ferson street, listened and saw vis
ions of omclottes. Ho bought ?2
worth of eggs. Members of tho en
gine company brought tho donation
up to $10, and Frank took tho names
of all.
As ho wns loavlng ono englno
house after having mado an extreme
ly successful plea, ho asked ono of
tho mon whother ho preforred "Ply
mouth Rock" eggs or tho "Jersey"
kind. Several days later ho was re
lating tho Incident to some friends,
nnd inquiring about "Jersey" chick
ens. .
When ho was told tho truth he sent
a messago over tho wire to all of tho
flro houses warning tho mon against
purchasing eggs
Frank Anderson.
and butter from,
Too Into. Wo'vo waited so long ,
for thorn eggs I guess they're all
epolled," waB tho answer that camo
back in nearly overy Instance.
Cupid On Steamer
Miss Radcllfto at tho Palaco hotel,
and after a fow phrasoa, important
only to tho pnrtloB directly Involved,
oxplnlnod thnt tho Hnor would not nr
rlvo until late, and that unless a ll
conso were procured Saturday a wed
ding could not tnko place in San
Tho lieutenant waB hurrying homo
from tho Asiatic station, under orders
to roport at onco to Washington, so
Miss Rndcllffo used tho moro dlBcreot
nnd secretlvo telephone to beg Grant
Munson, marriage liccnso clerk, to
hold tho office open until tho Mon
golia arrived. Tho gallant Munson
did even bettor ho promised to ro
turn to hlc office and lssuo tho liccnso
at nny tlmo eho and hor fianco should
At 7:30 o'clock tho officer nnd tho
girl woro at tho ofllclal trystlng place
nnd soon wero In possession of tho
covotcd permit. Tho lieutenant gnvo
his address as Cincinnati, O., but ex
plained that tho rcaldonco was purely
theoretical, ho having a sister living
lu that olty. MIbb Radcllffo gnvo her
address as Portland, Oro., whero tho
navy man first courted hor.
Lieutenant Root soon located a
minister who tied tho knot.
Lions Are Alienists
out, nnd tho lion recognizes itsolf in
a llttlo higher dovolopment.
"I wUh I could bo put on somo
lunacy commission. I would bring
tho BUbJoct down horo, tnko him up
to tho Hon cago and mighty soon find
out If ho is snno or not. It would
snvo tho stato and city a wholo lot of
money, as they wouldn't havo to hold
a suspect under observation moro
thnn long enough to bring him to
"Ib tho lion tho only animal that
tries to become acquainted with luna
tics?" "Bill" was asked.
"No, they all do In BOtno way or an
othor, For instance, tho monkey
makes nn effort to search for fleas,
und tho elephant tries to glvo tho,
person a rido."
1 AC! '
i n ?
ilfe&iSb. g23
Prof. Buffum Establishes Seed
Breeding Farm-
His Most Important Experiments Havo
Been With Emmer Useful as
Feed for Fattening .Cattle,
Horses and Swine.
During the past few years agricul
ture has probably been developed wltn
moro rapidity in tho northwest than
In any other part of tho country. This
Is duo in part to tho activities of tho
government reclamation service and
to prlvato enterprise in providing wa
ter with which to Irrigate what were
before large tracts of arid lands. For
the moBt part these lands havo been
sottled by experienced farmers rrom
the rain belts.
With tho opening of tho Big Horn
Basin to settlers by reason of tho
soveinl irrigation projects, Prof. B. U.
Buffum established near Worland a
plant nnd seed breeding farm, writes
Robert Bonowell In tho Country Gen
tleman. Mr. Buffum Is strictly a
product of tho west and for several
years prior to establishing his experi
ment farm was an Instructor in tho
agricultural colleges of both Colorado
and Wyoming. During his experimen
tal work at tho stato stations ho be
came convinced that ho had discov
ered tho proper methods of improv
ing and producing now grains. After
carefully examining tho different sec
tions of the west ho choso tho pres
ent site of his operations for tho rea
son thnt tho altitude, tho variety of
soils and tho climate furnish tho prop
er conditions for breeding tho hard
iest grains.
His most important experiments
have been with emmer a grain be
longing to tho wheat family whlcn
dlffes from wheat, however, in having
two kernels of grain each splkclot and
staying in the hull when threshed, like
barley. It is a feed for fattening cat
tlo, horses, sheop or swlno. Spring
emmer, often wrongly called spelt, has j
been grown successfully In tho west
for a numbor of years, proving to bo
of considerable value. Tho winter
emmer Is a new and moro valuablo
grain recently Introduced from Russia
by tho department of agriculture. Ab
a ruler winter grains givo larger yields,
can bo produced moro cheaply and
succeed with much less moisture.
Professor Buffum secured Boino of
tho first black emmer seed Introduced
Into this country and by applying
plant-breeding methods has secured
an Improved variety that promises to
become ono of tho Important winter
grains. By placing the winter emmer
under tho lnliuenco of unusunl condi
tions of soil and treatment ho so dis
turbed Its appearanco, constitution
and habit that a number of mutations,
or sports, wero secured. These havo
given rlso to such Improvement tnat
thoso acquainted with tho original em
mer would hardly recpgnlzo tho new.
It Is lniger, darker, heavier in straw
nnd hend nnd moro prolitlCt Many or
tho heads double tho splkclots, giving
tho appearanco of a composite wheat,
Slnglo heads weigh In many Instances
a half ounce. So prolific is this grain
that In four seasons tho yield has In
creased from tho first sporting plants
to twenty thousand bushels this year.
It seems to bo ns hardy as winter ryo,
and its sevoro test in different parts
of tho northwest demonstrates that It
has solved tho stock-feeding problem,
making posslblo tho fattening of tno
stock near the range, whereas previ
ously tho grower fcad to finish his
stock for market in tho corn-belt
ThlB grain recovera well in tho
spring nnd tho heavy straw prevents
falling, so common In most grains
whero windstorms aro frequent during
tho growing season. Its stoollng pow
er Is remarkable In a field last sea
son ono stool was noted containing
slxty-fivo Btrnws, most of which had
headed. A hundred bushels to tho
ncro was tho averngo for tho different
fields grown last season, although one
field on exceptionally good ground
mado 180 bushels nnd parts probably
made ns high as 200 bushels.
This grain hns held Us Improved
character for four yenrs, which gives
confldenco In its future. It can bo
grown nnywhero that winter wheat
can bo grown, and the enormous yield
should mako It a most valuable addi
tion to our farm cropB. Tho seed lias
boon woll distributed over tho winter
wheat bolt, and tho coming senson
will demonstrate its possibilities to a
wido area. Experiments havo shown
thnt this Improved winter emmer has
a food value relatively greater than
oats for horses. Moreover, tho ground
product has achieved a local reputa
tion ns a breakfast food.
It takes from four to a dozen years
of tho most dlftlcult kind of scientific
work to breed and perfect a new
grain and tho breeder enn sccuro no
patent protection. The purchaser not
only buys tho seed, but with it all tho
rights to grow and soil his Increase
at his own price. This fact has prob
ably deterred many from entering
such n profession nnd hns limited tho
field to bo few that tho results ac
complished are ospoclnlly notoworthy.
Tho vnluo to tho country nt largo of a
grain that would even produce an In
crease of a bushel an ncro Is so great
that In tho noxt fow yenrs undoubted
ly tho grains and forogo crops or our
country will rocolvo tho nttentlon
necessary to meet tho demands ot a
largely increased population.
Care of Eons.
Put your eggs In n room whero they
will bo cool, but will not get chilled.
Chilling injures tho keeping qualities.
Where Irrigation la Used Qardenei
Can Reap Big Reward From Thoso
Who Grow Big Field Crops.
Men who havo pumping plants in
tho dry farming sections, together
with a knowledge of gardening, reap
a good reward, for they havo market
at their doors for those who aro en-'
gaged in growing field crops and havo
not given attention to this matter. It
will bo Just In an odd year that a gar
den will succeed with crops through
out the season under dry farm
ing methods, for but fow gar
den plnnts aro drought-resistant Mel
ons aro so, together with tomatoes In
tho Inter stage of growth. Beans may
bo Included, and thcro aro no doubt
somo other kinds. Tho great bulk,
however, of saas, such as lettuce, rad
ishes, peas, and especially cabbage and
other plnntB that havo to bo sot out
need lots of water or they becomo
tough and stringy. Windmills should
bo used to their highest capacity, both
for winter nnd summer Irrigation, nt
which tlmo they aro far best re
enforced by a gasoline englno, oven 11
It ho but a small one. Tho uso ol
hoso is all important to save water
from soaking Into the ground In un
necessary quantity, and thlB can be
homo-mado if desired, by stitching
eight-ounce duck together with a
doublo seam. Such hose should bo
larger than that moro firmly made, to
allow a freer flow of water. The
ground that Is winter Irrigated can
best bo UBed for spring crop3 except
such as require a high temperature for
germination, which can bo planted on
warm ground only slightly moist and
Irrigated afterwards. A good degree
of fertility should bo established so
that plants can do their best to repay
tho use of water, and evaporation will
be less where somewhat closo plant
ing is practiced and tho ground some
what shaded. Thero aro very fow
countries whore gardening can bo car
ried to Its highest fruition without
extra water, and tho dry bolt is cer
tainly not ono of them.
Virgin Empire for Uncounted Millions,
Says C. J. Blanchard, Statistician
of Reclamation Service.
"Tho Arid West as a National
Asset," was tho title of a lecture be
fore the Rocky Mountain club In New
York tho other night by C. J. Blanch
ard, statistician of tho United Stntes
reclamation service, who has recently
returned from a trip of nearly 17,000
miles, Including visits to most of tho
national parks and many of the fed
eral irrigation projects. Ho' hailed
the region as "Our last land of oppor
tunity and fortune." Mr. Blanchard
alluded to tho campaign being waged
by tho department of tho interior to
educate tho people to tho fact that
tho "Great American Desert," as it
was onco called, is in no sense a lia
bility, but a virgin emplro nnd a na
tional asset
"It Is the future granary from which
wo aro to gather tho harvests for un
counted millions of our peoplo," said
Mr. Blanchard. "Not alone as the fu
ture homo for our children, who may
bo crowded out of our congested cen
ters of population, but as tho great
est national playground In all tho'
world, tho great American desert In
vites consideration."
Tho young stock that Js exposed to
cold and storms Is sure to requlro
greater feed and care.
Somo succulent feed should bo sup
plied during tho winter to keep tho
sheep's system In tone.
At present prices butter fnt is
pretty expensive hog feeding. It is
expensive at any season.
Ono seldom sees a vicious horse
that Is bad by nature Ho Is usually
spoiled by his trainer in his youth.
Now and then put n llttlo brlno on
tho straw. It acts as an appetizer,
and tho sheep clenn up tho straw hot
ter. A sow with a mean, cross tempera
ment Is always hard to deal with, and
this disposition often causes the loss
of pigs.
Huccess in pork production is
largely affected by tho attention giv
en to tho health and comfort of the
brood sow.
A few years ago steer feeders
thought silage was too sour and slop
py to produco good beef, but they do
not think so now.
If you havo nover tried rnpo raise a
small field next spring. It Is very
popular with tho hogs and does them
a world ot good.
If a young horso brenks his halter
at tho first trial ho 1b pretty suro to
bo a puller tho rest of his llfo unless
broken at tho very Btart.
Remember that quality Is ahead ol
size every time. Tho hog which will
produco tho most pork with tho least
wnsto Is tho desired sort.
Tho vigor and health of the hog are
to soma extent Involved In the
strength nnd texturo of his bones, In
fluencing to somo oxtent his exercise.
The horso now idle thnt does con
sldornblo work during tho summer,
needs dally oxorciso to keep his di
gestion, assimilation nnd circulation
In proper working order.
If your shouts aro thin nnd go round
humped up, have a rough coat and do
not thrlvo on good feed, you can bo
aafo in doctoring for worms nlno
tlmee out ot ten, if not ten times out ot
ISNotcs H
Doctors Said
Health Gone
Suffered with Throat Trouble
Mr. B. W.
D. Barnes,
ex - Sheriff
d Warren
C o n n t y,
T e nncsscc,
in a letter
from Mc
M i nnvillc,
T e nnessce,
"I had
and had
t h r co doc
tors treating
me. All
failed to do
in o any
good, and
p r onounccd
my health
pone. I con-
Mr. B. W. D. Barnes.
o 1 u ded to
try Peruna, and after using four bottle
can say I was entirely cured."
Unable to Work.
Mr. Gustay Himmelrcich, nochheim
Texas, writes:
"For a number of years I suffered when-
ever I took cold, with sevcro attacks of
asthma, which usually yielded to tho com
mon homo remedies.
"Last year, however, I suffered for cigbn
months without interruption so that I
could not do any work at all. The va
rious medicines that were prescribed
brought mo no relief.
"After takinR six bottles of Peruna,
two of Lacupia and two of Manalin, I
am freo of my trouble so that I can do
all my farm work again. I can heart
ily recommend this medicine to any,
one who Buffers with this annoying
complaint and believe that they will
obtain cood results."
Old Grouch So you had a fight with
Clarence. Ho claims he licked you.
Cholly Oh! the boastah! It's twue
ha wumpled my cwavat dweadfully,
but when it was all ovah his collab
was fwightfully wilted.
Deep-Sea Version.
Tommy Cod What is It they call a
pessimist, pa?
Pa Cod A pessimist, my son, Is a
fish "who thinks thoro is a hook In ov
ery worm! Puck.
A Possibility.
"He's gono to that meeting, full of
"Then ho had better be careful or
they will put him out."
jLiKe a
of an old friend
with cream.
Sweet, crisp bits of white
Indian corn, toasted to an
appetizing, golden brown.
A delightful food for break
fast, lunch or supper always
ready to serve instantly from
the package.
V !
The Memory Lingers
For a pleasing variation
sprinkle some Grape-Nuts
over a saucer of Post Toast
ies, then add cream. Tho
combined flavour is some
thing to remember.
Foatum Cereal Company, Limited
Battle Creek, Michigan
ImVfJi? . w V
1 MnTHE BES7iNED(Ti miFi iJm
Ifor Coughs & ColusI
. teMitoJi,.., . -