The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 16, 1912, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribunes
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Entorod at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 1912.
Keep Away from Oregon.
The Portland Oregoninn, advises all
to steor clear of Oregon, and in speak
ing of the general conditions there, nnd
of the people who have lately gone
there expecting to get employment
says: Large numbers of these people
are now destitute, after having spent
their saving in railrord fares and in
vainly seeking work. Their suffering
at present is so intense that tho city
council of Portland was forced to ap
propriate a largo sum of money to put
sonic of the actual starving people to
work on park and street work at wages
below tho prevailing rate of laborers.
Private charity has and is still being
taxed to its utmost.
The fault for this lamentable condi
tion of affairs lies with unscrupulous
employers of labor and a certain type
of real estate men. For years false
advertisements about land and labor
conditions in Oregon have been' placed
in the eastern papers.
These advertisements lured to Ore
gon homeseckers, mechanics and la
borers, who on nrrival here, quickly
found that they had been duped.
Twenty-one Years Ago.
In a. freight wreck at Brighton, Col.,
on the Colorado branch, engineer John
Downs, of this city, had both legs cut
off, Fireman Spragg was horribly
mangled aud Conductor Douglas was
more or less injured. Tho wreck oc
cured at Ave o'clock in tho morning
during a dense fog, and a double-headed
freight running thirty miles nn hour,
crashed into tho rear of a freight
standing on the main line. George
Hockenburg, engineer on the head
engine jumped and escaped injury.
Rov. Waldron arrived from Sidney to
succeed Rev. Conway as priest in
chargo of the local Catholic parish.
The official census gave Lincoln
county a population of 10,441, a gain of
0,000 in ten years.
Five tons of Hour, Ave tons of corn
meal, a ton of bacon and beans and
rice galoro wore received for the needy
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Roth.
Mrs. John Burke, of Cottonwood,
was allowed ?5,G12 on an Indian dopro
dation claim. Tho donredations wore
committed by tho Sioux Indians in
18G9, when fifty head of mules and
6omo cattle wore stolen.
In a bad ptorm Georgo Long lost four
ho ml of cattle, Hall & Evans nine head,
Wm. Dikomun sixtoen, Wm. Siebold
two, D. B. McNeil two and others
from ono to three head.
Tho residents of Medlcino precinct
wero making an effort to BccOro a
oeet sugar factory.
Clint Patterson, then a member of
the city cduncll, .introduced a resolu
tion that tho mayor, councilman and
treasurer servo without nav. tl.aderk'n
salary bo reduced to $100 per year, und
that tho services of marshal.' night
police and street commissioner bo dis
pensed with; but the othor councilmen
didn't boliove in cutting off their sal
aries and tho resolution was tabled.
Pattorson said tho city was awfully in
debt and ho believed in cutting
J. N. Calhoun sold his big bunch of
cattle to John Britt for $1G per head,
rented tho ranch to Albert Cooledgo and
Inter left for Indiana.
Councilman Klein resigned in ordor
to becomo a candidate for city clerk.
Lecture by Socialist.
Prof. W. F. Rids lectured to an ap
preciative audienco in tho Lloyd opera
housn Tuesday night. Ho had a chart
illustrating tho many ways wo nro
gouged by tho banks, railroads, tele
graph linos etc. Under the caption
"Civilzation in Practico" ho said:
"Tho larger nnd more costly they build
their churches tho biggor and more ox-
Eensivo and deadlier thoy build their
attleships." "Tho larger and moro
olaborato thoy make tho bibles to save
souls tho larger and moro deadly they
make guns to destroy human life."
"Consistency is a jewel not to be
found nmong civilized nations whoro
they build up with ono hand, and
slaughter and destroy with tho other.
This farco nnd mockery has boon gphlg
on for thousands of years in tho name
of God and Justice.'1
"Lotthonntionown tho trusts. Social
ism moans tho golden rulo against tho
rulo of gold. Tho laws govern the
poor and tho rich govern tho law. Do
you know that seventy-two per cent of
tho American people do not -own a
Tho tio between the laborer and the
master is still ono of force, although it
is not now ono of visible chains. Dogs
have fleas, society capitalists. Tho
fleas aro not good for the dog nor the
capitalists for society, both live on
their hosts. Beautiful llttlo children
vnntr fin nnnn fn nil mlr InrfTA ftttna rllrv-
ging deep into the garbage barrels
seeking for food and fuel, while within
a few feot of them may bo Been ugly
pups with blankets and gold collars
taken out to walk by silly women.
This is the system you uphold, Mr.
Abraham Lincoln, said: "Our who)o
specioa falls into thrco great classes
useful labor, useless labor and idleness.
Of tlicso tho first only is meritorious,
and to it all tho product of labor right
fully belongs. But tho two latter,
while they oxlst, are heavy pensioners
upon tho first, robbing it of n lnrgj
proportion of its just rights."
I will
North Platte, Saturday, Feb'y 24th 5
Bring in your good sound fat horses, I buy for the &
eastern and southern markets and pay best prices. Don't flf
bring blemished or small horses. fc
Mules wanted up to eight years old, ' gj
F. C. Pielsticker was a business
caller in Sutherland Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells, of Brady, are
visiting local people this week.
Photographer G. W. Anderson spent
several days this week in Oshkosh on
Roy Marovish of Sutherland, came
down Wednesday to attend tho K. C.
Miss Mary Mavorish left the flrst'of
week for Grand Island Island to spend
several weeks.
Mrs. Sara Holden has returned from
Poxton after visiting her sister for a
week past.
Miss Cleo Chappoll roturned Tuesday
from a short visit in the eastern part
of the county.
J. E. Sebastian went to Bifj Springs
Wednesday to transact business for
several days.
Tho funoral of tho late Mrs. Adolph
Beyerle was held Tuesday afternoon
from tho Presbyterian church. Ser
vices wero conducted by tho Rev. Geo,
F. Williams and tho church choir sang
sevoral beautiful hymns. Long before
tho appointed hour tho church was
filled with sympathetic friends of tho
deceased and tho bereaved family,
who camo to nay their last rospects to
their departed friend. The casket was
piled high with beautiful sheafs of
flowers and set pieces sent by loving
friends. Pall-bearers wore Messrs.
Georgo Austin, Charles Ell, John
Bonner. John Strahorn, William Welsh
and J. T. Stuart. A largo concourse
of friends followed tho remains to tho
North Platte cemotery, whoro inter
mnnt was made.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desiro to express our sincere
thanks to neighbors, friends and mem
bers of fraternal orders for tho kind
ness extended us during the illness and
at tho funoral of tho lato Mrs. Adolph
Beyerle and for tho beautiful floral trib
utes. Theso kindly ministrations will
never bo forgotten Toy us.
Adolph Beyhrle and Family,
Loren Sturges and Family.
Red Polled Cattle and Hog Sale.
On Saturday, March 2, I will sell 30
Red Polled cows and bulls, also IB
Poland China and Duroc Jersey bows,
all immune. Salo will bo held at U. P.
br.rn in Lexington.
If interested, write for catalog con
taining descriptions. All cows or heifers
not fresh, will bo in tho spring,
Commtuioncrs' Proceedings.
Feb 9th, 1912.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment,
present Streitz, Robert, Whito and
county clerk.
The following claims of I. L. Milton
borger, acting as jailor for tho pecond,
third and fourth quarters of 1907 for
330.00, first, second, third nnd fourth
quarter of 1908 for 417.00 and first,
second, third nnd fourth quarters of
l')09 for 510.00, a total of 1,323.00, al
lowed on tho general fund according to
tho court's decision.
I. L. Miltonberger having turned ox
cess fees amounting to 855.22 into tho
county troasury receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged, final settle
ment ia hereby made.
Tho following clnims wore allowed on
general fund, towlt:
D. M. Toyor damages, 15.00.
Dorryberry & Forbes mdse. for jail,
Hoagland & Hoagland, legal sorvlces,
State vs. Johnson 35.00.
Georgo N. Glbbs, acting county at
torney, disallowed for 15.00, allowed
for 35.00.
O. II. Thoolocke, services as high
way commissioner 25.00.
The claims of Eric Ohllno for 90.00
and 51.50 for bridge work aro hereby
Claim of I. V. Dalley, cash to bo
used in road district No. 37 allowed on
commissioner district No. 2 for 100.00.
J C Crow is hereby unpointed road
ovorseor for district No. 11.
Goo. E Hardin is hereby appointed
road overseer for district No. 40.
.Tease Long is horeby appointod road
overseer for district No. 31.
County Clerk is herebv instructed to
advortiso for bids for 50,000 feot
axiz-iz-iu-iB root rougn oak bridgo
plank, dolivored at Brady, Maxwell,
North Platto, Ilershoy and Sutherland
be at the Star Livery
in car lots as needed for the year 1912.
Also ono car 3x14 20x24 foot for
stringers. Bids to be filed by noon
March 15, 1912.
County Clerk is hereby instructed to
advertiso eight weeks Beginning Feb.
15, 1912, for bids for care of county
poor farm for ono year, according to
specifications on file in clerk's office.
Bids to bo filed by noon April 15th,
County Clerk is hereby instructed to
advertise for bids for grading of new
roads with elevated grader and the re
grading of old county roads for tho
year 1912, a total of 40,000 cubic yards,
more or less. Bids to be filed by noon
of March 15th, 1912.
Board reconsidered its action of yes
terday in regard to claim of Henry
Fulk, attorney for Griffon Fisher, as
to damages on road No 334 and allows
his claim for 75.00 on general fund.
Claim of S E Anderson, damages on
road No 334, claim allowed on general
fund for 70.00
Claim of W A Weiserniller for 50.00
damages on road 334, disallowed.
Geo Hoover is hereby appointed Supt
for South Platte river brmgo at Suth
land. The following claims 'wtfre allowed on
tho general fund:
A W Hoatsonr services1' State vs
Minnie Roberts, 10.00
Guy D Holm, use of cement roller
and material, 16.00
Klopp & Bartlett Col, supplies,
11.55 i
P Kelly, balance on claim for
printing, 95.00 1
North Platte Gemotery Association,
burial for county paupers for 1909,
iyiu, iyii, uo.oo
Wilcox Dept Store, mdse for county
poor, 42.06 ''nu ,
A B Yates, special deputy sheriff,
arrest of Geo Elm, 8.00
Board adjournb ta Feb 10, 1912
Feb. 10, 1912
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Streitz, Roberts, Whito and
county clerk.
Board proceeded to draw the jury for
uiu vpni term oi uiHinci court.
Bond of A P Kelly, for county print
ing is hereby approved.
B M Stackhouso is hereby appointed
uosussur lor uaguou precinct.
E W Mann is hereby appointed as
sessor for North Plattfl No 2.'
Geo Morgan is hereby appointed as
sessor for Hooker precinct.
Geo Diener is hereby appointed as
sessor for Plant precinct.
R E Marshall is hereby appointed as
sessor for Lemon precinct.
Jesse Long having, resigned as-ovcr-seerofDist
No 31,'IWm Pittman is
appointed to fill tho vacancy.
Claim of A F Streitz, services and
mileage allowed on general fund for
Claim of D B White, ".service? and
mileage allowed on genoral fund for
County assessor is hereby authorized
to procure necessary help for his office.
Whereupon tho board adjourns to
March 5th, 1912.
Big Combination Sale.
Wo wish to announce that wo will
hold a big combination stock snlo on
February 29th, and on March 14th und
28th. Wo will bo fixed so as to handle
and feed all kinds of stock. Tho sales
will bo hold under cover, and will
theroforo occur rain or shine. Parties
having animals to sell seo us at least
two weoks before tho salo, so wo c an
list what you havo and advortiso it.
Write or phone, or call and seo us and
get our terms.
E. L. Jones Co.
North Plate, Nob.
Mrs. Edward Johnson, who spent tho
past week in Wellfleet, returned homo
Wednesday morning.
State of Nebraska. Lincoln County, 3. S.
In tho County Court, February 9h, 1912.
In tho Matter of tho Estate' of Andrew
Johnson, decuafcod.
On reading and filing the petition of Asker
Edward Strom, prayjrur that the Instrument
filed on the 30th dayof January, 181J. and pur
porting to be tho last will and testament
of the ald deceased may be proved, approved,
probated, allowed and recorded as the last will
and testament of th1 said Andrew Johnson
deceased, and tent tho. exocution of said Instru
ment may bo committed and tho administration
of said estate may be granted to Osker Edward
Strom as executor.
Ordered, That March 5th. 1912, at 8 o'clock
n. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to bo held In and for snld coun
ty, and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted. A copy of this order to be
published In the North l'latto Tribune. -a legal
semUweekly newspaper of said county three suc
cessive weeks prior to said dttc of hearing.
flS-3 JOHN QUANT, County Judge.
Hans Thiasen will take notice that
on tho 23ni rinv of .Tnn 1Q19 P TI
Sullivan, Justice of tho Peace, of
North Platte Precinct No 1, in and for
Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an
order of attachment for the sum of
$io.uu in an action now pending before
him, wherein John Sandal! is plaintiff
and Hans Thiasen is defendant, that
Eroperty consisting of money in the
ands of the Union Pacific railroad
company, a corporation, has been at
tached under said order.
Said cause was continued to the 19th
day of March.1912, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dated this 7th day of Feb. 1912,
John Sandall. Plaintiff,
Legal Notice.
To Earl W. Brodine, defendant:
You will herewith take notice that on
the 2nd day of December, 1911, tho
plaintiff, Lincoln County Land Com
pany, a corporation, filed its petition in
the district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, against Viola A. Brodine, Earl
W. Brodine, George E. Brodine, Fred
erick V. Brodine, a minor, Albert A.
Brodine, a;ninor, and Viola A. Brodine,
as guardian of Frederick V. Brodine
ana Albert A. Brodine, minors, tho ob
ject and prayer of said petition being
to secure anaccounting upon four notes
each signed by Fred Br6dine, since de
ceased, and Viola A. Brodine, each in
the Bum of four hundred and fifty dol
lars ($450), and each bearing date of
October 28, 1907, and payable Novem
ber 1, 1909, November 1, 1910, Novem
ber 1, 1911 and November 1, 1912, re
spectively, with interest at 7 per cent
per annum payable annually from the
date of Baid notes, and if any interest
should not be paid when due, said in
terest should Dear interest at tho rate
of 8 per cent per annum frorn time
samo became due, no7 "payments having
been made upon said'notes, except that
interost has been paid upon all of said
notes up to November 1, 1909, and the
mortgage given to secure the payment
of said notes and signed by Fred Bro
dine, since deceased, and Viola A. Bro
dine, which bears date of October 28,
1907, acknowledged November 1, 1907,
and recorded November 9, 1907, in book
ai oi mortgages at pago qyij of the re
cords of the county clerk's office of Lin
coln counrv. Nnhrnslrn nrwl mnvnulnrr
to the plaintiff to secure tho payment
or saiu notes tne nortneast quarter
(NEJ) nnd the south half (Si) of sec
tion twenty-one (21) township ten (10)
range twenty-nine (29) west Sixth
principal moridan in Lincoln county,
Nphrftslfll thnf flfiirl mnrtrrnfro n wl-
judged to be a first lien upon the real
i-aiuiu uuuvu uusci iuuu unu ue lorecioseu,
and the defendants be barred of all
clnims nnd inrproar 5n ani lnnd nn.1 fn
such other relief as may bo just and
X ou nro required to answer said pe
tition by tho 4th day of March, 1912.
n Corporation, Plaintiff.
By Wm. E. Shuman. Its Attorney.
Herman P. Chelins, defendant, will
tako notico that on the 20th day of
Jan., 1912, William Henry Essex filed
hia petition in tho district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, againt the
defendants Gilbert Smith and Martha
J. Smith his wife and Herman P.
Chelins, tho object and prayer of
which aro to redeem from a certain
mortgage and void foreclosure thereon;
said mortgage being given by Hyla
Mary Davis and Elizabeth Davis to
Lombard Investment Company and
by the said Lombard Investment Com
pany assigned to tho defendant Hermin
P. Chelin said mortgage covering tho
following, described real estate to-wit:
Tho south three hundred acresof the
east half of section fourteen, township
nine, north, range thirty-one west of
the 6th P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne
braska, and to quiet title of plaintiff
against tho defendants in and to said
premises, and to have declared null
and void a certain sheriff's deed, exe
cuted by tho sheriff of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to tho defendant Herman P.
Chelins, and to havo declared null and
void a certain deed executed by said
Horman P. Chelins to tho defendant
Gilbert Srnith, and to havo declared
null and vpld a certain mortgage exe
cuted vy sajd defendants Gilbert Smith
and Martha J. Smith to tho defendant
Horman P. Chelins. All of said, in
strument being for tho abovo des
cribed premises.
You are required to answor said pe
tition on or beforo tho 4th day of
Dated Jan. 20th 1912.
William Henry Essex, Plaintiff.
By M. E. Crosby, his attorney.
-acjs AtMJ. JJ.J4J.J.
Graduate Northwestern University
'i Office over McDonald State Bank
f jr44MM mm
Doctors Ames & Ames, J
6 Physicians and Surgeons,
Y. Office over Stone Drug Co. lA
I nones f Residence 273
0 nm04Al
. r - m m i
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
PKnnn- ) OfilCO 130
PhoneB Residence 115
fjt'r''fr'fr'fr&'fr'ifc'fli'jfrt ijt
2 Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
m Special attention glvon to confine- !
q monts and children's diseases, g
e Office Phone 183 Res. Pbone;283
Offlco McDonald Stato Bank BldV
Scientific Facial Massage
and Scalp Treatment
With Electric Vibrator done at your own
homo or at 303 E. Third.
Phone 689.
Send Us Your Shipments of
Grain and Hay
We pay the top market. Three cou
pons free with returns on each car of
hay you ship us to handle for your ac
count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in
cash will secure for your home an ele
gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner
Set worth $10.00.
Consign your hay to us and please
the ladies and also get a good price for
your hay.
Our Motto: Fair treatment and
prompt remittances.
Sample of the quality of these dishes
can be seen at the office of the Semi
Weekly, Tribune.
The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co.,
20th and Wazeo Streets,
Denver, Colorado.
Notice of Special Election.
Notice is hereby given that on the
4th day of March, 1912, a special elec
tion will bo held in tho city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. The
polling placos. to be as follows: For the
first ward at the hose house in said
ward: for the second ward at the
commissioners' room at the court
house in said ward; for the third ward
at hose house in said wardj and for the
fourth Ward at hose house in said ward,
at which election the following proposi
tion will be submitted to the voters of
said city: '
"Shall the mayor and city council of
me city oi iNonn naiie comply witn
the decree of the United States Cir
cuit Court of Appeals of the Eighth
Circuit, and pay for the waterworks in
said city, owned by the North Platto
Water Works Company, in accordance
with the provisions of said decree, and
extend and improve said water works,
with tho proceeds of tho $100,000.00
bonds issued October 1st, 1909, for the
purpose of obtaining monqy with which
to erect, establish and construct a
system of waterworks in said city?"
The ballots to be used at said elec
tion shall have printed thereon:
"For authorizing the mnyor and city
council of tho city of North Platto to
pay for the water works system in the
city of North Platte, in accordance
with tho decree of tho United States
Circuit Court of Appeals, and to ex
tend nnd improve snid system and to
use in payment for said purchase, ex
tensions nnd improvements the proceeds
of the $100,000.00 bqnds issued October
lstj 1909, for tho purpose of obtaining
money with which to erect, establish
and construct a system of water works
in snid city.
Against authorizing tho mayor
and city council of the city of North
Platte to nay for tho water works
system in the city of Worth Platte, in
accordanco with tho decree of the
United States Circuit Court of Appeals,
and to extend and improve "tid system
and to use in payment for said pur
chase, extensions nnd improvements
tho proceeds of the $100,000,00 bonds
issued October 1st 1909, for the pur
pose of obtaining money with which to
erect, establish nnd construct a system
of water works in said city."
Those voting in favor of said propo
sition Bhall mark their ballot with an
X opposite tho paragraph beginning
"For authorizing tho mayor and city
council of tho city of North Platte to
comply with tho decree of United
States Circuit Court of Appeals, etc."
Those voting against said proposition
.shall mark their ballot with an X op
posite tho paragraph beginning with
"Against authorizing the mayor and
and city council of tne city of North
Plntto to comply with tho decree of tho
United States Circuit of Appeals, etc."
Dated this 24th day of January, 1912.
Thos. C. Patterson, Mayor.
Attest: Chas. P. Temple, Clerk.
of Cheyenne, Wyo., an auctioneer
with 40 years experience, has lo
cated in North Platte, and would
like to make prices and dates for
your sales. Have sold stock and
general merchandise all over Ne
braska. See me at F. E. Barber's Restau
rant, corner of 6th and Locust St
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
John A. Herrod, administrator of the
estate of Isaac Lamplaugh, deceased,
for leave to sell real estate.
Notico is horeby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Hon. H. M.
Grimes, judge of tho district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on the
7th day of October, 1911, for the sale
of tho real estate, here in after de
scribed, there will be sold at public
vendue, to the highest bidder for cash,
at the east front door of the court
house in the city of North Platte, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, on the 6th day
of March, 1912, at the hour of 2 p.
m. the following described real estate:
The east one-eleventh of lot six (G) in
block one hundred and three (103), in
the city of North Platte, being a strip
of land six feet wide and one-hundred
and thirty-two feet in length on the
east sido of said lot six, in block one
hundred and three (103) , in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras
ka. Dated this 13th day of Feb., 1912.
John A. Herrod,
Administrator of the estate of Isaac
Lamplaugh, 'deceased.
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Lincoln county,
In the matter of tho application of
John A. Herrod, administrator of the
estate of Mary Lamplaugh deceased for
leave to sell real estate. H
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Hon. H. M.
Grimes, judge of the district court, of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on tho
7th day of October, 1911, for the sale
of the real estate, here in after de
scribed, there will be sold at public ven
due, to the highest bidder for cash, at
the east front door of the court house
in the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on the 6th day of
March, 1912, at the hour of 2 P. M.,
the following described real estate:
That part of Tot 6 in block 103, original
town of North Platte, described as fol
lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on
the south line of said lot, forty feet
east of tho south-west corner, thence
on the south line of said lot easterly
twenty feet, thence in a northerly
direction on a line parallel with the
east line of said lot to the north line of
said lot, thence westerly on the north
line of said lot twenty feet, thence in a
southerly direction to the place of be
ginning; said land being in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated this 13th dav of Feb. 1912.
John A. Herrod,
Administrator of the estate of Mary
Lamplaugh, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
have formed a corporation tho name of which is
Jack Morrow Flats Telephone Company,"
with Its principal place of business at the resi
dence of J. T. Lloyd, on the Jack Morrow FJats, in
Lincoln county, stato of Nebraska, the general
nature of the business being the operation of a
telephone syBtem or telephone lines in the vicinity
of Jack Morrow Flats and surrounding country
and connections therewith with the power to es
tablish and collect rentals for the use of telephones
and to charge and collect tolls; to establish a
messenger service and charge and collect fees for
such service and to collect such other charges as
may bo necessary and proper In the conduct of
said business: and to connect and furnish connec
tions with other telephone lines and systems and
to purchase such personal and real property as
may be necessary for the transaction of said busi
ness, and also to erect and maintain such buildings
and structures as may be necessary for the trans
action of said business: tho amount of the author
ized capital stock is Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000,00) in shares of Fifty Dollars ($60 00)
each. One-Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) of which
shall be subscribed and fully paid up before the
corporation shall commence the transaction of
business. The time when the corporation shall
commence Is tho 1st day of November, 1911, und
shall continue for a period of fifty years. The
highest amount of lndebtednes to which the cor
poration shall subject itself shall not exceed
twenty-five per cent of the paid up capital stock
of said corporation and the n Hairs of the corpora
tion shall be conducted by a Board of Directors,
the five Btock holders and n president, secretary
and treasurer to bo chosen by tho Board of Di
rectors. John V. Diener, E. Superman.
A. S. Gregg, Henry Parker,
Wm. A. Holderness, Wm. Hite.
J. T. Uloyd, M. P. Buckley,
Herman Johnson, G. W. Diener,
R. O. Bockus, A. R. LnAVlTT,
J. R. White. W. A. Kelso,
Serial No. 03207.
United States Laud Ofllce,
At North Platto. Nobraska. Fob. 3. 1912,
Notico Is hereby given that Klmer
Cooper of North Platte Neb., who on
March 30th. 1807. made homestead entry No
2835. Serial No. 03207 for the east half of
th northerst ouarftur and tho east halt of
Routhoast (juarter of Suction 30, Town 15,
N Range 29 V of tho 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notico of In
tention to make final five year
proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, before tho reglstor and receiver
at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho Sth day
of April, 101.2.
Claimant names as witnesses; Car
W. McOrow, Trod Malone. Julia Malono and
Mary Hretornltz, all nf North Platte. Neb
t-B John E. Evans Register.
Serial No. 03010.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land OUIco at North Platte. Neb.
December 29. 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that Chris
Johnson, ot North Platte, Nob., who. on Mar.
17.HW.mado homestead entry No. 21108, serial
No. 02191 forWtf SWM. 8WX NWH. 8EX
8EW. and lota 1. 2, 3, i. Pec. i. Town 15. Range
30 W. ot the Bth Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make final five
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, before the Register and Ko
colvor at North Platte, Nobraska, on tho 27th
day of rebruary. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Rupert
Schwalgor. Fred J, Hremers, Frank Hood,
Henry Doebke. all ot North Platto. Neb.
U-6 3. E. Evans. Register.
Serial No. WKM.
Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Otllco at North Platto. Neb.
, , . , , December 22. 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed or
tho Commissioner of the General Land
Ofllco, under provisions ot Act of Congress
approved June 27, 1006. (34 stats., 517), wo
will offor at public sale, to the highest bidder
at ten o'clock a. m.. on tho 20th day of Fell,
1912, at this oilice, the following-described
lnd: NEW NEW, NW NWM. BeWh ami
SWVf SWM. 8ec. JO. Township 12. Range 32,
W of the Dili P. M,
Any porsons claiming adversely the abovo
described land aro advised to file their claims
or objections, on or before the tltno desig
nated for sale. .,
d--8 j fc. EVANS. Register.