The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 16, 1912, Image 4

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U Cmlized
The Use cfEnpnveH
Cards and Termini
fyress of Civilization,
flie Use of Our Work
Jeweler and Optician
S Graduate Denfisf. S
Ofllca over tho McDonald J
a State Bank.
Presbyterian Church.
Tho heating plant will be in working
order by Sundny and all services will
no held on the audience room floor for
tho first time since the week before
Chrintmaa. Sunday school at 10 a. m
Public worship at 11 a. m., Endeavor
at 0:45 and evening worship at 7:30.
There will be pood music, helpful ser
mons and a spirit of fellowship and
Tho aid society of the Christian
church will meet at tho home of Mrs.
John LeMasters Thursday afternoon,
Feb. 22.
Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Saturday; colder Saturday. The maxi
mum temperature yesterday was 50,
a year sgo 40; lowest last night 28, a
year ago 20.
R. L. Graves arrived fromi New
Orleans yesterday and will remain for
a few days assisting in settling the
business of the late firm of McDonell
& Graves.
The Tramp Dry Goods Department
will open Saturday, Feb'y 17th.
Attorney George Gibba is transacting
business in Sutherland today.
Mrs. Franzen went to Sutherland
this morning to spend a week with
After visiting her brother, Walter
Falk for two weeks, Mrs. P. B. Shroke
retutned to home in Pine Bluffs this
Tho Lutheran ladies will hold a ten
cent social at tho parish houso next
Tuesday evening and will serve ice
cream, cake and coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. George LeDoyt were
tendered a surprise party Wednesday
evening bv tho Coterie club and their
Tom Green camo up from Grand
Island today to transact business.
Mrs. Charles Boguo loft this morning
for Omaha to spend a week with her
Leo Tobin, of Denver, camo down
this morning to spend a fow dayB with
reiatives und friends.
Mr3. Albert Muldoon went to Ogal
nlla this morning to attend- tho funeral
of tho lats Marguorito Wolpton.
The Tramp Dry Goods Department
will open Saturday, Feb'y 17th.
Tho Roval Noichbors' officers will
entertain tho social club nt tho K. P.
hall on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Elmer Crosby, of Sutherland,
who has been tho guest of Attorney
nnd Mrs. Crosby, loft this morning.
Mrs. Geo. White and children, of
Sutherland, "camo down this morning
to visit her brothor Will Hawloy and
For Snlo Full blooded Rhode Island
Red Roosters. J. H. Van Clcnver
A masqurado party will bo given by
the Misses Golf at tho Aelxanuer homo
tonight to tho schoolmates of tho
young ladies'.
Tho county jail has but three inmate's.
Thov aro tho 'Icelander- whbassaXilted
tho Callahan girl at O'Fallon," George
Stevens who is charged with imperson
ating a federal officer, and tho follow
Guinn who was brought ovor from
Logan county for safe keeping.
husbands. Card games were played, a
nice lunch served and a rocking chair
presented to the host and hostess as a
remembrance of their birth anniversary.
"For Sale R. F. D. Mail Boxes at
Hershey's corner Fifth and Locust St.
Engineer Hugh Bird returned tho
enrly part of tho week from a visit at
Oolwine, la. Ho says in that section
there is two to four inches of snow on
the houso tops that has laid there since
earlv in Janunrv. in other words tlioy
havo had two months of continuous
cold wenther.
Effective today all North Platto em
ployes of tho Union Pacific will receive
their pay checks on tho lGth of each
month. Heretofore wo havo had two
pay days tho loth and lath but now
that tho Nebraska division has been
extended to Cheyenne, there will bo
but one.
Yesterday being tho fifty-fifth wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Meyers of East 0th street they were
tendered a surprise by tho members of
tho G. A. R., W. It. C. and a few
friends. On behalf of tho guests At
torney J. S. Hoaglund presented the
worthy couple with some fine tablo
linen. The afternoon was greatly en
joyed by all present and a nice lunch
was served.
iy and J. r. duos navo
disbanded until after the Lenten Sanson.
Robert Falk went to Pine Bluffs this
morning to spend a fortnight with rela
tives. The Methodist Brotherhood met at
noon yesterday and took dinner at the
Ritner cafe. jR .?
The Lady ForreshTnrheld a benefit at
the Pat last evening and were given a
good patronage.
Miss Isa Murphy re'turned Wednes
day from Sutherland where she spent a
week with her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Long are re
joicing over the arrival of a baby girl at
their homo Tuesday morning.
Claude Mecombcr who has been at
tending college in Des Moines came
homo' thiB morning to visit his parents.
Attend the opening of the Tramp
Dry Goods Department Saturday, Feb.
All members of the Rebekah lodge
aro urged to attend a meeting which
will bo held nt tho hall this evening.
Business of importance will be consid
ered. The people of Somerset will serve a
big dinner in a vacant store room in
that village February 22nd, and "Will ar
range a program for the next annual
farmers' institute.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Payne en
tertained a few of their intimate
friends at a prettily appointed six
o'clock dinner last evening. The table
decorations were very artistic and
each course of the dinner elicited
flattering remarks.
For Rent Eight room modern houso
on west Front street. Also two good
farms. Inquire of W. V. Hoagland.
The Presbyterian Brotherhood mot at
the homo of Attorney and Mrs. M. E.
Crosby last night. An interesting
meeting was held after which dainty
refreshments were served. It wasJ
agreed to noiu tneso meetings bi
monthly. Any body wishing me to figure with
them on there New Bnth Room or Heat
ing Plant and repair work, please call
and jc me nt my New Plumbing Shop
on Ea3t Gth St., Ottenstein building, or
call Black 18i. No shop phone at pres-
The old Rchnblo Plumber,
Billie Green.
Ready for Spring .Work.
Wo aro now ready for spring work.
Bring In your old harness and get thorn
fixed' up and 'oiltfd. We' oil for 6ne
dollar a sot. Wo also havo a full lino
of hand mado harness. Como in and
see us before you buy.
Locust Street.
Of "A Night Out" at tho Keith next
Tuesday evening, the narrative deals in
part in illustrating hereditary influence
upon character. Two men, Jack and
Paul, aro full of life and aro ambitious
to see the world boyondtho social barri
cade established by a puritanical mother,
resolvo to outwit licr rigid supervision,
but aro discovered by theirgvandmother
a generous, broadminded old lady,
who loves them devotedly, yet is de
termined to investigate the places they
visit and pass judgment. The boys con
sent to take her along they leave the
houso nt night, taking Granraum "(tb a
famous cafe. Granmum'has no ide,a q?
the character of the place, until
raided by the police. Then she realizes
her position and bribes a policeman by
offering him a reward for the return of
her brooch, which she has lost during
the excitement.
v Special Sale on Lard.
Beginning Saturday, February lQtrj.
nnd continuing for ten days, we will sell
pure, rendered lard at ten-vceptsper
pound. Mahti's Meat Market.
SI &
Special Embroidery
February 17th, 19th and 20th.
This will be your opportunity to buy your spring trimmings in this line
both of heavier edges and fine Swiss bands and narrow flouncings.
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
, , . , ..t Cambric Edges and In- Nainsook Edges and In-
Cambric edges, up to 2K sertions, gobod widths, 'sertions up to 8 inches
inches in width per yd pe yard wide, , per yd
3k 6ic 9k -
Lot 4 Lot 6 Lot 6
Swiss Bands, fine pat- c . R . , .. Swiss Flounces up to 17
13k 16k 19c
Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Swiss Flounces 13 to ay Fine Corset Cover Em- Extra quality Corset Cov-
inches wide handsome broideries, good work, er Embroideries
patterns, per yd , per yd per yd
29c 1 39c I 69c.
Let us help you srart spring work right.
It's time to look after your harness.
We are showing a line worth the money.
Elect Officers.
The annual meeting of the Railroad
Employes and Investors' Association
was held Wednesday evening and offi
cers elected as follows: President, F.
T. Redmond; vice-president, W. J.
Berry; secretary, Mr. Baldock. State
organizer Mike Roach was present nnd
addressed the meeting.
Will Erect Garage.
Among tne buildings to be erected
this spring will be a brick garage by
A. M. Lock on his lot on the corner of
Locust and Fourth. This building will
be 66x126, and will be constructed of
hallow tile with stucco finish. While
it will be but one storv. tho walls will
be sufficiently heavy to carry A second
Solicit Stevens to Run.
., -Frjends of Harry P Stevens 'who
live3 south of Maxwell, have requested
him to file for the republican nomina
tion for legislative representative from
Lincoln county. Mr. StevenB has taken
the matter under consideration and
will make a decision within a few days.
He is one of the most progressive
farmers and stockgrowers in Lincoln
county, full of energy and a reputable
man in every particular.
"The Girl from RectorV was pre
sented to a slim audience at the Keith
last evening. The play was somewhat
disappointing to the audience.
For Sale 4x5 premo camera, nearly
new, been used 3 months. $7.50. Apply
Ritner hotel.
Jed A. Mooney and son Jed, both of
Mayflower, were in town yesterday
making final proof on their homesteads.
"What happened to Jones," a three
act comedy, will be presented at the
Keith this evening by the high school
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to tho kind friends and neigh-
bors wno so willingly nelped us in our
late bereavement, the death of our rson
and brother, and for the beautiful
floral offerings. Also we wish to
thank the school-boy friends and the
members of the Degree of Honor
Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Giueson,
Last Dance Before Lent.
February 19th.
opera house , Monday,
Come and enjoy a Classy Concert
and Dreamy Dancing to Merry Music
by a Big Brass Band
Dance Tickets, $1.00. Spectators 25c.
Brotherhoods Will Dine,
The men's brotherhoods of the Luth
eran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episco
Eal and Christian churches will give a
lothorhood dinner at the Ritner some
evening next week. It is expected that
at least 100 will be present, and tho
men's forward and religion movement
will bo discussed. An invitation has
been extended to Bishop Beccher, of
Kearnoy, to bo present, but word from
him has not yet been received. If he
ennnot accept some other out of town
churchman will bo secured.
These goods will bo shown in our windows all week. No goods will be
sold before 8:30 Saturday morning, and none will be reserved or sold over the
telephone. No pieces shorter than three yards will be cut except Corset Cover SS
Embroideries. HJ
Wilcox Department Store,,
Elder Declines.
Tho following letter addressed to Sec
retary Wnito explains itself:
"North Platto, Neb., Feb. 13,
I notice in this morning's Bee that I
have been chosen by tho parties repre
senting Senntor La Follotto as a presi
dential candidate as an elector from tho
Sixth district, I had no knowledge of
this matter until I saw it in the paper,
and do not know who is responsible for
putting my name before tho committee.
1 do not cnro to go on tne uauot as an
elector, and would be pleased to have
you notify the proper parties."
W. C. T. U. Program.
Tho Women's Christinn Tempeinnco
Union will meet at the Home ot .airs.
A. P. Kelly. 705 W. Second street,
Tuesday evening, February 20th, when
n program in memory ot trances vu
hml will bo rendered. Following the
grogram reiresnments will be served,
onir. by the Union: prayer, by presi
dent; scriptural reading, Daniel 5:17-30;
threo lessons drawn from scripture
rending, 1. the least ot urunkeness,
Mrs. llartmnn: 2. the folly of drunken
ness, -Mrs. Kelly: 3. the fate of tho
drunkard, Mrs. Perkins; solo, Mrs.
Leon: roll call, answered with temner-
nnco items: sketch of Miss Willard's
life and work, Mrs. Banks; peon, Song
of tho Decnnter, Mrs. Van Cleavo; solo,
Mrs. Fnvoriuht: temperance story by
tho loader: round table, topic "Our
Boys", led by Mrs. Morris and Mrs.
Warner; prayer for local union.
Pigs For Sale.
Woighlng GO to 100 lbs in numbers to'
suit purchasers. Inquiro ,at Hershey's
Locust and 6th Sts. Phone 15.
With our ample capital, long experience
in banking", and assets of three quarters
of a million dollars, we are in a position
to give you the best possible service.
Tho Rebekah ladies ni making ar
rnnroiruntR to hold nsuppo. April 10th,
J Ifr
F. L. MOONEY, Cashier.
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas.
First Mortgages on Real EstatelBought, Sold and Negotiated.
This company is prepared to loan monoy of investors on first mort
gages on roal estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent semi
annual interest. Money so invested will be exempt from taxation.