The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 30, 1912, Image 1

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    Stato Hlotortcnl Sooletf
No. 1
FURNISHINGS in the City, from JANUARY 31st to FEBRU-
ARY 15th. At our
Seventh Semi-Annual Clearing Sale
Your choice of any Mens suit or Over-
coat worth up to $40 at . . . . Ji
This means the choice of any pattern in the house at a price to reach all
Your choice of any Shirt in the house Tnfi
worth up to $1.50 at ....
Your choice of any Shirt in the house ,
worth up to 2.50 at . . . . 1 mOU
One lot Mens Dress and Work Shoes
broken sizes worth up to $4 at . ,
One lot Men's Dress Shoes broken sizes Tfyr
worth up to 5.50 at Q.UU
One lot of Freneh Shriner Urner 6.00 a
and 7.00 Shoes at ...
One lot of Men's Soft Hats worth up rj
3.50 at .......
All mens soft and stiff hats at 25 per cent discount. All heavy underwear, including the celebrated "Munaing Union Suits" one-third off. We have a
few heavy Winter, Caps left and they go at one-half .price. All Dress and WorkG)oves at one-fourth off '. All Men's Dress Trousers, consisting of all the
latest patterns at one-fourth off. All Corduroy and Work Trousers one-fourth off. All other Furnishings., not listed here, at 20 per cent discount.
. Everything for Men C L A B A UGH
McDonald ;.V,n:.- Zwlding
Miss Mary Armstrong went to Ogal
alla the last of the week to visit rela
tives. Harry Gutherjess is acting as night
police during the illness of Officer
A chapter of the Eastern Star was
organized at Wallace lastveek wjth a
membership of seventeen.
Mrs. Miner Morrow and sister Miss
Pauline Baldock went to Paxton this
morning to attend the wedding of a
A. F. Beeler reports the birth of a
grandson at Hershey, a baby boy having
been born to Mr. and Mrs. Shingle
the last of the week.
Thcrrel Wolliver of the Fourth ward
celebrated hia thirteenth birthday Sat
urday by inviting a number of friends
to spend it with him. Interesting
games were played a nice lunch served.
Cash Williams, one of the early
settlers of Wallace precinct, and woll
known to many of our older residents,
died at Hastings on Tuesday of last
week. '
Mrs. Wm. Ebright returned last
evoning from Beatrice where sho was
called two weeks ago by the death of
her brother, Charles Hoffine, who
was a former resident of this city.
Judson White, the fellow who made
an unsuccessful attempt to flim-flam
Harry Dixon on a diamond deal the
latter part of last month, was recently
arrested in Kansas on the charge of
Three live subjects that should bo
discussed at tho next luncheon of the
Chamber of Commerce are: The fire
dopartmont conditions, the waterworks
proposition and the transcontinental
automobile rout. Don't let us indulge
in pipe dreams of the future; let's
solve tho questions that demand solu
tion today.
Mrs. Blanche Owens has been quito
ill for several days past.
The W. R. C. will serve lunch at the
K. P. hall next Saturday afternoon.
The L. 0. M. record keeper will bo
at Newtons store Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Mary Vincent expects to leave
shortly for Colorado where she will
The Methodist Aid Society will
meet Thursday uftornoon with Mrs.
Dr. Twinem on West Sixth street.
Mrs. Young, of Hastings, who has
been the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Owen Simons, left a few days ago.
Jim McKennn became hilarious the
latter part of last week, following the
imbibation of liquid damnation. He
was arrested and assessed ten dollars
and costs by Judge Warren.
The wedding of Miss Francis Nichols
and George Kanough will take placo
tomorrow evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scharmann at
8:30 p. m.
Weather forecast: Unsettled weather
tonight and Wednesday; warmer to
night with probably snow flurries to
morrow. Tho maximum temperaturo
yesterday wus 31, a year ago 50; mini
mum last night 8, a year ago 2&.
Frank Hood and Will Sivits engaged
in an altercation the latter part of
last week and were arrested. Ar
raigned boforo Judgo Warren they
were assessed two dollars each and
costs, the total amounting to $1-1.40.
At tho monthly mooting of tho build
ing and loan directors Saturday oven
ing loans amounting to $5,000 were ap
proved and allowed. It was ordered
that n dividend of nine por cent be
declnred on tho permnnent Btock.
Why not rent a safe deposit box in
the Dratt & Goodman strong fire
proof vault to protect your valuable
papers etc. The cost is small.
Dratt & Goodman.
-JIarry Walrath will return today
from an extended stay in Kansas City
and Omaha.
The stork deposited a baby boy nt
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mc Michenl last evening.
F. II. Perry, representing tho
Gypsum Co., of Hot Springs, S. D., is
expected today to discuss the brick
plant proposition with Charles Temple,
Secretary of tho Chamber'of Commerce.
Mrs. Fred Conn, who was taken to
Denver two weeks ago for treatment,
died in that city Sunday. Death was
duo to tuberculosis. Two years ago
Mrs. Conn came to this city for her
health, and Iiub resided with her hus
band and father on a ranch south of
tho city. Sho was formerly Miss Lena
Mnrquiss. The remains will bo taken
to the old home at Peru tonight.
At reasonable rates by responsible
parties. Bratt & Goodman.
"Princess Charming."
"Western Hearts".
"The Maid's Double."
Houses and rooms furnished and
unfurnished. Bratt & Goodman.
'The Wanyes." Novelty
Singing and Dancing.
10 and 15 Cents.
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
meet with Mrs. Chaa. Saunders, 320
west Sixth street Thursday.
Tho Epworth leaguo of tho Metho
dist church have organized an Esper
anto class and will have their first
meeting Friday in tho rooms 'occcupied
by Dr. and Mrs. Lucas. All members
of the leaguo that are interested are
asked to bo present.
A little daughtor of Mr. Godfrey,
who residos in tho Fourth ward, was
taken to tho P. & S. hospital Saturday
to rcceivo treatment for an injuredeye.
Sho nnd a sister wero playing with a
file, when tho point of the instrument
was nccidontly thrust In hor eye. Dr.
Lucas says tho sight of tho oyo will bo
Tho Ladies Aid of tho Platte Valley
scnooi district served an oyster supper
in the basement of the new school
house on tho evening of Jnn. 25th.
This was given in connection with tho
literary program, which was enjoyed
by nil. The proceeds of tho supper
wore twenty-six dollars. Lot all hope
that this will be tho flrst of a soriea of
suppers given by tho ladies in tho flno
and spacious school building.
Mrs. W. W. Sadler died at tho Physi
cian nnd Surgeon's hospital last night
of poritonitas following tho birth of a
child twelvo days ago. She had been
brought from Hershey to tho hospital
on Thursday of last week. Tho remains
will bo takon to Sioux City, In., to
night Accompanied by tho husband, and
by tho mother and a sister, tho latter
two having been Hummoncd horo a few
days ago. Tho deceased was tho wifo
of Dr. Sadler, who has boon located in
Hershey for three or four yoars as a
practicing physician. Mrs. Sadler was
held in very high esteem by tho people
of Hershey, and her death is deeply re
Woodmen to Raise Rates.
"Tho action taken by tho delegates
of tho convention of the Modern Wood
man of America in Chicngo in raising
their fraternal insurance 47 per cent
will directly afreet 1,270,008 members
of tho order," said Nelson Pratt, one
of tho Omaha delegates at tho conven
tion. "It marks tho boginning of a
safo era in tho insurance departments
of fraternal orders.
"Tho now rates become effective for
new members May 1, 1912." ho snid.
"Old members have until January 1,
11)13, to make their choicest seven
optional plans. If they have not de
clared their preference by that dato
they will arbitrarily bo given the whole
now lifo plnn ranginir at 75 cents a
month to every $1,000 when 18 years
old to $2 por $1,000 at -15.
Two indictments, each containing
counts of briborv and attempted cor
ruption wero returned yesterday at
Loa Angeles by the county fgrand jury
against Claronce S. Darrow of Chi
cago, lormorly chief counsel for tho
McNnmara brothers. Tho .bills allege
that ho furnished the money for tho
McNamara defense fundj'and bribed
Robert Bain, a juror sworn to try
Jnmea U. NcNamnra, tho confessed
dynamiter and murderer, nnd GeorfcO
N. Lockwood, a venireman.
Elmer Anderson submitted to nn
operation at the P. & S. hospital today
for appendicitis.
Miss Desslo Graham, of the Dickey
confectionery, is off duty owing to ill
ness. Now spring goods arriving every day
nt Wilcox Department Store.
Notice of Indebtedness of the Union
Stock Yards Company of North
Platte, Nebraska. Limited.
At tho close of business January 2,
1912, tho amount of nil Texisting dobts
of snid company was $1,000.00.
This notice is published in compliance
with Section 130 on Corporations of
Complied Statutes of Nebraska.
John Bkatt, President.
E. II. Goodman, Secy, and Trons.
John Buuke,
John Bkatt,
E. It Goodwan,
'1 refused to be operated
on, tho morning 1 heard
about Cardul," writes Mrs.
Elmer SIckler, of Terre
Haute, Ind. "I tried Car
dul, and It helped me
greatly. Now, I do my own
washing and Ironing."
E 63
The Woman's Tonic
Cardul ia a mlJd, tonic
remedy, purely vegetable,
and acts in a natural man
ncron tho delicate, woman
ly constitution, building
up strength, and toning up
the nerves. In tho past 50
years, Cardul has helped
more than a million women.
Vou are urged to try It,
because we are sure that
It will do you good.
At all drag stores.