The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 26, 1912, Image 2

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IRA L. BARB, Publlshor,
Includes What It Going On at Wash
Ington and In Other Sections of
the Country.
Tho nnm'c of J. C. Wharton will ho
Font to tho president for postmaster
at Oinnlin.
Itcprcscntntlvo Shorloy (Ky.) boforo
interstate commcrco coinmlttoo urged
lils bill against patent tncdlclncs
claiming fraudulent curative propor-
The rcnolutlon Introduced by Senn
tor Hitchcock (Ncbrnnku) directing
tho foreign relations committco to ro
port what authority existed for Bend
ing Amerlcnii troops Into China wus
agreed to.
Thero nro serious defects In tho
general mining laws of tho United
Btntcs as applied to Alaska and these
i defects aro becoming nioro apparent
is tho opinion of Governor Clark, ox
pressed In his nnnunl report to Sccrc
tary of tho Interior Fisher.
Tho Interstato Commorco commis
sion dismissed tho complaint of tho
Fairmont (Neb.) Creamery company
against tho Hurllngton. Tho creamery
rnmnnnv swrrntilnltiful nt n mtn nt fl?'
cents per ton gallon enn of cream
from Concordia, Kas., to Crete, Nob
Tho resentment of Colorado cltlzons'
orgnnlzntlonn nnd beet sugar growers
nt tho testimony of threo Colorado
witnesses before tho bouso sugar In
vcstlgatlon committco was shown to
fay when 11 vo ropronentntlvo citizens
of tho Btnto appeared to rofuto tho for
mer testimony.
Androw Carncglo 1b having trouble
collecting from tho government f 28.70
In witness foos for lils rocont testi
mony boforo tho houso Btcol trust
commltteo. Tho notary In Now York
who witnessed tho voucher for Mr.
Carnoglo failed to affix his Benl. Not
until this dofect Is remedied will
Undo 8am glvo up tho money.
Congress this week 1b giving soma
attention to tho matter of tolls for tho
Panama Icanal.
Senator Cummins of Iowa declined
to discups reports that ho would bo
a presidential candidate.
William J, Bryan was honor guest
nt a banquet clvon by tho Woodrow
Wilson club at Tampa, Fin.
Mr. Sulzer of Now York Ib drafting
bills for tho American embassy build
ings nt Mexico City, Ucrno Toklo and
Tho special commission of tho Turk
ish sennto has accepted a petition for
tho dissolution of tho Charabor of
At St. Josoph, ThomnB Mnrshall, 7
years old, coasted down a Btcop hill
into tho Btdo of a street car and was
James Spoyer, tho banker, has re
ceived from tho Gormnn emperor tho
decoration of th Ited Eaglo of tho sec
ond class,
TuBkegco'B annual negro conforonco
adopted tho slogan, "Romnln on tho
roll," Booker Washington presided
over tho conference.
Tho Bonnto commlttoo favorably re
ported Gamblo bllla to open 2,340,880
acres of unallotted Choyenno Itlvor
Standing Hock Indian landB In tho Da
kotaB. Secretary MaoVongh urged nn ap
propriation for printing moro curren
cy paper to meet the shortage of
mnall bills and provldo "clean
John T. Bartcnstoln, manager of the
wholosalo department of a local coal
company, MomphlB, Tonn., was Bhot
nnd Instantly killed by W. T. Avery,
formerly a real cstato dealer.
In tlio senate- tho industrial exposi
tions commlttoo postponed until noxt
Monday tho hearing of California on
measures for government participation
in San Diego nnd San Francisco expo
sition In 101G.
Resolutions urging Nebraska's rep
resentatives in congress to support
nny measuro to onnblo tho United
Rtntcs bureau of Immigration to more
practically dlBtrlbuto alien Immi
grants, were passed by tho Commer
cial club executive committco of
Congressman Klnknld (Nob,) intro
duced a bill providing for tho Issuance
of land patents, Biibjcct to tho 'gov
eminent! Hon, to entrymen boforo tho
wholo required period of rostdoiico
lias boon completed. Tho object of tho
bill Is to afford homesteaders a clianco
to omploy tholr equity as collateral.
Tho Rov. R. 0. Mcllwaln, rector
emeritus of St. John's Episcopal
church at Keokuk, Iowa, and for forty
years n pastor, was sued for $50,000
in a breach of promlso action by Mrs.
Rosa Hagn, CO years old, now of Tul
sa, Okla., but formerly of Keokuk,
Tho houso labor commlttoo approv
ed the bill to creato n children's
bureau in tho Commorco and Labor
AlvJn W. Kroch, prosldont of tho
Equitable Trust company, Now York,
Iins submitted an offer to purchase all
tho stock of i)-i Trust company of
America at $375 a sharo.
Jnmcs K. Vnrdamnn has been
chosen United States senator by the
Mississippi legislature.
Tho New York state convention to
elect delegates to tho national repub
lican convention will bo held in
Rochester on April 0.
At Dulsburg, Gormany, eight Iron
workers wcro killed nnd two others
seriously Injured by tho bursting of
n blast furnnce.
Tho administration building nt tho
Massachusetts leper colony on Pcnlc
koye Island, at tho entrance of Buz
zard's bay, was burned.
Tho democratic Iron nnd steel tnrlff
schedule to amend tho Pnync-Aldrlch
law will bo placed before tho houso
full ways and means committee.
ShortagcB nggrcgntlng $9,000 hnvo
been found In tho accounts of Ward
Spelllninn, toller of tho Merchants
National bank of Topoka, Kns., who
was arrested.
Ambassador and ministers of the
foreign countries represented In
Washington were entertained at a din
ner nt the Whlto House by President
and Mrs. Taft,
Congressman Norrls (Ncb.) propos-
ob to amend his bill for placing tho
postal department undor civil sorvlco
by adding the postmaster general to
thoso affected.
Tho republican city committee of
St. Louis adopted a highly laudatory
resolution Indorsing Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt for candidacy for tho pres
ident In 1912.
Tho Kqultnblo LIfo Assuranco com
pany httH purchased tho $2,(518 mort-
gago on tho homo of tho late battalion
Chief William J. Wnlsh and presented
It to his widow.
Tho -will of Mine. Caroline Lcroy
Bonaparte, widow of Joromo Napole
on Bonaparte, grnnd nephew of Em
peror Nnpoleon, disposes of an cstato
valued at $000,000.
Tho Henry bill for chnnglng tho
dato of Inauguration nnd assembling
of congress wns favorably reported by
tho house Judiciary commlttvo, with
prospect of early dobate.
Flro destroyed tho four-story build
ing occupied by tho St. Louis ling nnd
Burlap company, St. Louis, causing n
loss of $50,000. Adjoining buildings
wore damaged by water.
Armour nnd company's nnnunl state
mont gives tho net earnings for tho
yonr ending November 4, 1911, bb
$2,510,053, or about 2H per cent on tho
net cnpltal Investment which is listed
ns $04,403,300,
Secretary Meyer before tho Inter
stnto Commorco commission advocat
ed government construction of twonty
two Bupply vessels for the Pnnnmn
canal, through which tho fleet will bo
sent regularly ns n part of tho drill
Contracts for tho construction of
two 27,000 ton Buperdreadunghts,
uitthorlzcd nt tho last Fcsslon of con
gress, will bo nwnrded to tho Now
York Ship Building company of Cnni
don, N. J nnd tho'Foro River Ship
Building company of Qulncy, Mass.
Tho movement for n fitting celebra
tion In 1913 of tho flfLIoth nnnlvcrBnry
of; tho battle of Gettysburg took de
flnito form when tho Pennsylvania
commission having tho matter in
chnrgo appeared boforo tho Joint con
gressional committco nnd mado pub
lic Its plans.
Tho kaiser's third son, Prlnco Add
bort, Is to visit tho United Stntos
some time this yenr. Ho wns born
July 14, 1884, and is unmarried. Tho
prlnco probnbly will follow In the
footsteps or his undo, Prlnco Henry
of Prussia, ns commnndcr-ln-chlof of
tho Imperlnl lleot.
Whether Senntor Alliort J. Cummlnn
of Iowa will bo a candldato for tho
republican nomination for tho presi
dency will bo discussed nnd probably
determined at a mooting of tho Iowa
delegation In congress which will bo
cnll&d Immediately upon tho roturn of
Senator Konyon from Chlcngo.
An order was Issued by tho secre
tary of war detaching Brigadier Gen
oral William W. Wlthcrspoon from
duty In Wnshlngton ns president of
tho war collego and assigning, him to
duty ns commander In chief of the de
partment of tho gulf nt Atlanta.
Tho Into Associate Justlco John
Mnrshall Harlan of tho supromo court
of the United Stntes left an cstato of
$13,000, of which $7,200 was In life
Insurance. Letters of administration
wero granted to his son, Interstato
Commorco Commissioner James Har
An Issuo of $20,000,000 15 per cent
gold dobenturo bonds has been sold to
a Now York banking Iioubo, It was an
nounced by tho Chlcngo Rock Island
Railroad company. The proceeds will
be used for terminal additions nnd
betterments to tho system nnd for re
funding purposes,
Cherldnh Simpson, tho muslcnl com
edy singer, filed suit In the suporlor
court nt Seattle, Wnsh., agalnBt Frank
M. Stetson, n wealthy machinery
denier of Seattle, asking $35,000 dam
ages for broach of promlso. Tho com
plaint alleges that Stetson, In 1909,
promised to wed tho plaintiff, but In
July, 1911, married Miss Bosslo Frank
lin. Personal.
Bishop Rowo of Alaska before the
territories committco recommonded
a public health commission in Alaska.
Mrs. Roosovolt Is in poor health and
may tnko n sen voynge.
Cuban veterans have promised tho;
will stay out of politics.
Tho Armour Pncklng compan)
earned $2,r10,000 In 1011.
Rt. Rov. P. A. McGovern has beon
appointed bishop of Choyenno.
President Tnft'B name has been
signed for tlio Nebraska primaries.
Samuel Gompors discussed Injunc
tlon legislation before tho houso Ju
dlclnry commltteo.
Androw Carnoglo earned $28.70 wit
ness roes oy appearing uotoro uie
houso Bteol trust committee.
Attorney General Martin Gives Expla
nation In Reference to Recently
Enacted Taxation Law.
County assessors, several county
clerks nnd a number of county com
missioners, totaling upwards of 130.
attended a meeting hold at the Btnto
hotiEo at Lincoln nt which taxation
was tho principal theme undor dlEcus-
iJnn n V IWn 11, .f c-.....i .... -
chairman of the gathering nnd R. C. (
Miller of that city acted as secrotnrv
ProblotnB under the terminal taxation
net and tho recently enacted taxation
law were given n great deal of atton
Hon by thoso present. Attorney Gen
oral Martin gavo nn explanation of
the latter pleco of legislation nnd an
Bwered scores of qtiostlons directed at
mm ny mo assessors.
Tho law passed by the legislature
providing for tho taxation of tho mort
gago against tho holder was subjected
to tho scrutiny of tho meeting and tho
Interesting question of whether or not
mortgages hold by banks would bo
hold to Its provisions. In consideration
of tho fact that they aro already
taxed, was brought out.
The railroads' obedlenco to tho tax
atlon laws, particularly tho termlnnl
tax, disclosed a multitude of opinions,
limited only by tho number In attend
nnco nt tho conference. L. O. Geno-
ways of Aurora declnred ho had cog
nlznnco of an Instance where tho
stockyards facilities of tho comnany
wero valued nt the rnto of $1,300 In
their returns, to tho assessor, while
he bad absolute evidence that tho
property In question had cost sllKhtly
over $0,500 In construction. C. A.
.TtiBt of Boyd county declured that rail
roads wcro assossed In his county
flvo times what other folks wore, nnd
they never complained, but paid tho
Saluting the Flag.
Urging tho adoption of tho regula
tion flag salute In tho various schoolB
of tho stnto, S. C. Bassett of Gibbon
opened tho sessions of tho county su
perintendents' gathering In Lincoln
with n demonstration of how tho cero
mony could bo most effectively nnd
Impressively given by tho dilldren of
tho stnte. Tho saluto Is designed as
a pnrt of tho school duties nnd Is giv
en tho first Mondny morning of every
month, according to tho rulo In places
whero It has beon adopted. Tho snluto
proper Is followed by tho rending of
tho lines. "I nlediro allegiance to-the
flag nnd tho republic for which It
stands, one country, ono language, one
flag." Tho ceremony concludes with
tbe Blnglng of "America." No nctlon
wns tnken ns to tho adoption of tho
mnttor, county superintendents being
free to use their own prerogative In
regard to accoptlng it as a part of
their school duties.
National Populist Convention,
There Is prospect that tho 1912 nn
tlonnl convention of tho populist par
ty may bo held In Lincoln. J. H. Fer
ris, .Toilet, ill., ohnlrmnn of tho na
tional commlttoe, was In communica
tion with the stnto commltteo on the
subject nnd Indications nro that Lin
coln will get tho convention.
Lawmakers Invited to Banquet.
Former nnd present ntnto lawmak
ers of Nebraska, regardless of pres
ent residence, occupation or previous
condition of servitude nro Invited to a
big banquet In Lincoln about the
mlddlo of Februnry.
Meeting of Superintendents,
Fifty county superintendents of
public Instruction answered to roll call
In the senate chamber nt Lincoln
whon tho stnto convention was called
to order. Just half of tho number
were women, but later a couple more
men camo In nnd gave thorn a mnjorl
ty. It Ib said thero Is one more wo
man than male superintendent In the
State Superintendent Upheld.
Tho attorney genoral In an opinion
given by Stnto Superintendents Dol
zoll, sustains the contention of that of
llclal regarding payments to tho board
of oxamlnors of llfo cortlllcntos for
examinations of tho state normal
schools. Undor tho law this hoard Is
charged with tho duty of Inspecting
nnd passing on the qualifications of
twolvo denominational and prlvato
schools to ascertain if they aro keep
ing up to tho Btnndard set by l.iw
which ontltlofl tholr graduates to Ufo
certitlcatos. This standard Is supposed
to be that of tho state's normnl
Farmers Not So Rich.
Thnt tho farmers of tho state are
not making 5 per cent on tho money
they have Invested In this state was
tlio assertion mado by Prof. C. W.
Pugsley of tho state agricultural'
Bchool In nu address boforo tho Ne
braska Corn Improvers' association,
in session In Lincoln. Ho declnred
that tlio farmer, desplto tho glowing
accounts thnt hnvo been scattered
broadcast about him and his fortlle
ncros and untold wealth, is "tho tough
ing stock of tho commercial world,"
because of business methods,
Amount Bought and Sold Under In
vestment Law.
8tnU Treasurer Georeo has Issued
a statement which shows the amount
of bonds bought and sold by tho
state during tho year 1911. Under the
provision of tho Potts reinvestment
law, which was enacted nt tho last
session of the state legislature, a to
tal of $1,017,000 of the bondB of other
states havo been disposed of and all
but $764 have been Invested In the
bonds of vurloux civil divisions of thin
state. Not all of tho doals havo been
mado through tho regular channels
ana in tho way proscribed by law, but
several hnvo been negotiated largely
through tho assistance of former
Stnto Trensuror L. G. Brnln.
In his report tlio stnte treasurer
lists only tho bonds dealt In under
tho now law. tho money In tho norma-
nont school fund which was Invested
yj In tho state securities belnc set
out In a separate report to be Issued
later. On all tho bonds of tho stntos
sold, tho state received a total premi
um of $8,418. Tho average rate of in
terest on tho bonds sold was .0308,
while tho averago rato of Interest on
bonds bought was .0401, tho difference
In tho rates being $9,450 per year ac
cording to Stnto Troasurer Goorge.
The record of bonds Bold out of tho
$4,300,000 on hand at tho time of tho
pas-sago of tho Potta law la ns follows:
April 25, 1911 Alabama... $100,0z0.00
April 27 California 500.000.00
Juno 26 Maryland 150,000.00
Juno 26 North Carolina... 50.000.00
August 1 California 25,000.00
Soptember 2 Tenncsseo .. C6.000.00
Sept. 2 Massachusetts .... 25,000.00
October 11 Idaho C.000.00
January 8, 1912 Tennosso 59,000.00
Feeble Minded Institute.
J. A. Piper, who visited tho fcoblo
minded Institute at Beatrlco. is con
fident the epidemic of typhoid fovor Is
at an ond but deems it adv sable to
send no moro to that Institution until
tho repairs now being mado to tho
plumbing and heating plant are com
pleted. Thero aro now thirty or more
applicants on tho waltlnc list. Thero
aro 235 malo and 222 female Inmates.
Governor Names Delegates.
Tho governor's office was busy send
ing out credentials to more than 100
porsons named as delerates to the
convention of Charities and Correc
tions, which meets In Omaha January
28 to 30.
Requisition for Morland.
A requisition has been issued on
tho governor of Iowa at the reauest
of County Attorney English of Doug-
ins county ror the return from Sioux
City of Bert Morland, wanted on a
chargo of wife nnd child abandonment.
Nine Trust Companies.
Up to tho present time nine trust
companies havo llled tho necessary
papers with tho stnto auditor to en
title them to conduct n trust business
In Nobraska.
Life Insurance Question.
Auditor Barton has asked the attor
ney general to tell him which of two
plans Is tho correct ono under tho law
for fixing tho vnluo of policies In
stock llfo Insuranco companies. There
Is a difference In method, ono favored
by tho younger companies and the
other by those longer in business.
Endowment for Wesleyan.
A conference of Methodist ministers
and friends of Wesleynn university
was held at tho Young Men's Christian
association rooms and It was decided
to open tho cnmpnlng for a $500,000
endowment for tho Methodist uni
versity. Tho movement will be
launched formnlly at a banquet at the
Auditorium January 23.
Taxes fay Off Warrants.
Un to this tlmo thirty-two counties
havo mado tholr January settlements
with tho state treasurer, the umount
of money remitted being $275,377.50.
Enough of this belongB to tho general
fund to tnko up tho call for $150,000
of outstanding warrants nnd ns soon
ns these nro disposed of It Is hoped
enough money will bo on hand to take
enro of tho remainder.
Document Is Nullified.
Tho withdrawal of the names of live
men who signed a petition nsklntr that
tho namo of Colonel Charles Fanning
of Omaha bo placed upon tho primary
ballot as candidate for vice nrcsldent
of tho United States, has nullified that
document in the opinion of Secretary
of Stnte Wnlt.
Fruit Men Name Officers.
Tho horticulturists of Nebrnskn
olected tlio following officers: Presi
dent, J. J. Brown of Geneva; vice
president, C. H. Barnard. Table Rock:
second vlco prosldont. L. Henderson,
Omnhn: secretary. Poter Younsors.
Genovn; Roy Duncau, Peru, to till
vnenncy on bonrd of directors.
Files as Populist.
C. M. Sklles of David Cltv has fllud
his petition as populist candidate for
congress In tho Fifth district. Ho had
nlready tiled as a democratic candl
dato for tho same oftlcc.
Nebraska Fifth Dairy State.
Only a fow years ago Nobraska was
rated as the tonUi dairy state In tho
union. Now wo hold tho distinction
as being tho fifth dairy stato In thn
union, nnd some equnlly conservative
nuthorltios plnce us as tho fourth
dairy stato.
Vlco President Melcher of tho Rock
Island Also a Victim of Wreck
on Illinois Central.
Contralto. 111. Flvo norsons nro
known to bo dead nnd moro thnn a
scoro Injured as a result of n rear end
colloslon nt KInmundy. 111., nt
o'clock Mondny morning between So-
minolo Limited No. 3 nnd No. 25. ulso
a fast passenger train on tho Illinois
uentral rnllroad. Tho nrlvato car of
F. O. Molcher. second vlco nrcsldent
or tho Rock Island railroad attached
to train No. 25, was telescoped and
uio four occupants killed.
Tho dead arc:
P. O. Melcher. vlco nrcsldent of the
hock island railroad, WInnctka, 111.
J. i . naratian. Sr.. former nresl-
dont of tho Illinois Central, Chicago.
E. E. Wright, nn nttorney of Mem
phis, Tonn., son of Luko Wright.
E. B. Polrce. general solicitor of
tho Rock Island, Chicngo.
Payne, engineer of train No. 3.
Champaign, 111.
Tho fireman of No. 3 escaned bv
Tho responsibility for tho accident
has not yet been ascertained.
Chicago. James T. Harnhan was
born at Lowell, Mass., in 1843. Ho
worked hto way in tho railroad world
from watorboy to president. His first
employment was with tho Orancn &
Alexandria railroad at Alexandria,
Va. Subsequently ho was with tho
Nashvlllo & Decatur railroad nt Nash-
ville, Tenn., with which ho held vari
ous positions. Ho then became su
perintendent of tho Louis! ana &
Northern railroad with headouarters
at New Orleans.
For many years ho was eenoral
manngor of tho Illinois Central rail
road, being mado Its president In No
vember, 1906, after the late E. H. Har
rlman had secured control, succeeding
Stuyvesant Fish. Ho was retired by
the Illinois Central on a pension a
fow months ago. .
E. B. Plcrco was general solicitor
of tho Rock Island with offices In tho
Rock Island station In this city.
Frank Otis Melcher, who was born
in Mnlno in 1864 and graduated from
Tift's college in 1887, entered tho rail
way service as an assistant in the en
gineers' corps of tho Pittsburgh rail
Kate Shelly, Who Saved Northwestern
Train, Expires at Home.
Molngonn, In. MIsb Cathorlnn Pnr.
roll Sherly, known th ocountry over
ns Kate Shelly, Iowa's heroine, dlod of
Brlght's dlseaso at hor homo here Sun
day morning.
Miss Sholly wns 47 yenrs old. She
boenmo fnmous tho nlcht if July fi.
1881, when sho saved a Chicago &
rsoruiwcstern passenger train from
going into Honey creek. Tho stream
had awolen out of Us banks and
washed nwny tho railroad bridge. Sho
Frauders Out of Business.
Washington. Promoters of fraudu
lent Bchemes who had obtnlnod
$77,000,000 from tho public, woro put
out of business during tho fiscal yonr
enumg Juno 30, Inst, nccordlng to tho
nnnunl report of Robert S. Sharp,
chief Inspector of tho postofllco de
partment, Issued today.
Bombarded by Italians.
Constantinople. Tho town of Khnn
Yunus. on tho Svrinn co.-iRt linn finnn
bombarded by nn Italian warBhlp, ac
cording to ndvlces renchlng here.
There Is considerable tnlk of collect
ive intervention by the powers to end
tho wnr, but It meots with nothing
but derision In Constnntinoplo.
To Build Brigade Post.
Denver, Colo. W. F. Noot, con
structing engineer of the United stntn
hrmy post at Fort Logan, received a
telegram from tho quartermaster gen
eral at Washington, ordering him to
sail for Honolulu and thero build a
brigade post.
Inclined to Name Hook.
Washington. Among friends of
President Taft It aws generally under
stood that tho nomination of United
Stnteso Circuit Judg Hook of Kansas
to tho supremo court, succeeding tho
late Justlco Harlan, would be sent to
tho senata during tho present week.
Russian Peasants Starving.
London. Tho terrible condition pre
vailing among tho poasantry In south
eastern Russia aro depicted in a tele
gram from a doctor in Orenburg, pub
lished here.
Seizure of a French Liner.
Paris. Seizure of the French lino
steamer, Munouba by Italian destroy
ers hns aroused Intonso feeling In po
litical and commercial circles. Premier
Polncnro has Instructed tho Fronch
ambassador at Romo to protest
ngnlnst tho solzure.
May Be Peace Pacts Soon.
Wnshlngton. Tho general arbitra
tion treatlos with Great Britain and
France may receive early ratification,
ns n plnn for amending tho resolution
of ratification.
News Notas of Interest from Various
Congressman Klnkaid has filed as
a candldato for renomlnntion.
Fairbury capitalists will rebuild tho
flouring mill In that city recently de
stroyed by fire.
lnated for president ho would bo
elected. Tho money was quickly cov
ered. The lato cold weather was hard on
livo Btock. Some losses are reported
hero nnd thoro by freezing.
TJie meeting for tho organlzntlon of
tho Nebraska Pence- socloty will bo
held in Lincoln February 5th.
Adolf Heyde, n tailor by trade,
hanged himself in tho county fall at
York. He had been n steady drinker of
During 1911 thero wero 253 farm
mortgages filed In Thaver county.
amounting to $854,030.10; there wero
200 releases amounting to $558,207.4G.
Tho Burlington denot at Dalton.
eighteen miles north of Sidney, was
totally destroyed by lire and tho nacnt
barely escaped with bin wife nnd
Albert Ranbe wns adludeod Insane
by tho Board of Insanity Commission
ers of Clay county and Bent to Has
tings. His residence is In South Da-
Tho council of administration of the
Grand Army of tho Republic hold n
meeting nt Bentrico and decided to
hold tho stnto encampment there on
May 21, 22 nnd 23.
S. R. McKolvIo of Lincoln, a mem
ber of tho lower houso nt thn last
sion of tho stnto leglslnturo, hns filed
ns a candldato for the republican
nomination for lieutenant governor
Although tho matter has beon kont
quiet It haB been known for some
tlmo thnt tho riflo rnngo for tho prac
tice of tho Fort Crook troonR wnn in
bo located at the Plattsmouth.
Congressman Goorgo W. Norrls of
McCook haB entered tho fight for the
United States senatorshin with Norrls
Brown by filing nn application for a
placo on tho republican primary bal
lot. Tho nnmo of William H. Taft Una
been filed with the secretary of stnto
to bo placed on the Nebraska primary
ballot ns n progressive renubllcnn
cnndldate for president. The petition
bears the names of fifty Omaha
Allle W. Thompson of Humboldt
filed a petition In voluntary bankrupt
cy in uio rederal court. Ho has been
In tho grocery business In tho Rlch
nrdson county town. His totnl in
debtedness is listed nt $2,939 nnd his
assets nt $1,442.
David Graf, a farmer living north
east of Beatrice, slipped and fell while
trying to drlvo some of his hogs into
tho feed yards and broko his left leg
near tho hip Joint. Ho layon the Ice
and snow for nearly an hoilr beforo ho
was rounti by his son.
Attorney General Martin Intends to
appeal from tho decision of Judge
Troup in Burt county, holding that
the Farmers and Merchants' bank of
Oakland need not report its averago
deposits for tho years 1909 and 1910
ns tho basis of a guaranty fund assess
ment for tho tlmo prior to Its chang
ing from a state to a national bank.
A list of teachers who havo been
engaged in their profession for more
than twenty years In this state has
been prepared by Superintendent
Delzell following in tho wake of a
banquet given to tho veterans In Lin
coln. The oldest In tho profession Is
J. A. Beattle, who began teaching In
1857 In Ohio and who enmo to this
state in 1863.
Washington dispatch: President
Taft today signed an order reserving
14,000 ncres of the Niobrara reserva
tion, which has be6n nbnndoncd for
military purposes, Is open for entry.
Tho preserve may later bo used for
bison nnd elk. Congressmnn Klnkaid
at first opposed tho proposition, but
after submitting tho proposal to tho
people of Valentine, submitted to their
wishes nnd supported the measuro.
Frank W. Bartos of Wllber has
llled his application to enter the rnco
for tho democratic nomination for
state senator from Saline county.
Tho branch houso managers, sales
men and. department managers of the
Dempster Mill Manufacturing com
pany at Beatrlco woro tendered a
banquet nt tho Paddock hotel by tho
officers of tho company. ,Tho annual
family gathering of tho Dempster sell
ing forco is looked forward to with a
great deal of pleasure by tho men
and this yoar's event eclipsed all for
mer efforts.
Threo railroads of tho state for the
fiscal year of 1911 used over ,2,000,000
tonB of coal, according to roports filed
with tho state railway commission.
Counting two tons to tho wagon load,
this means 1,000,000 wagon loads, or
twonty tons to tho car, a total of
20,000 carloads of coal. Cars of this
capacity, strung ono after another and
meted out In sixty-car trains, would
mean a total of 1,006 trains. At tho
counting of 365 days in tho year, It
would mean un nvorago daily coal
consumption on tho threo roads of
5,750 tons, or 115 llfty-ton carlouls.
Banks, railroads, croamerios and Im
plement companies of Omaha and tho
newspapers of tho state have rallied
to tho support of the publicity bureau
of tho Omaha Commorclal club In itn
campaign for tlio testing of seed corn
by fanners.
Prof. Pugsley in an address at Lin
coln to tho corngrower nrwllnoi n
fnmlno In really good seed corn and
naked all farmers and othors who had
corn which they really thought would
germinate to send It to -tho itn ff.-,n
authorities that It might be tested and
nu seed that waB really vxi .,.,
mado available to farmers.