The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 26, 1912, Image 1

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No. 101
- ' - - -
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One-third Oft
From January 19th to Fob.
ls wo will clean up the
balance of our Fall Suits at
one-third off.
Alex Vaughn, of Hershoy, Is among
the visitors in the city this week.
Miss Merle Thornburg has severed
her connection" with the ten cent store.
M. S. Rebhausen returned yesterday
afternoon from a short visit in Grand
Mrs. Edward Park, of Denver, who
lias been visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin Pealo, left for home yes
terday. Rolfo Halligan, who is ill with typhoid
fever at the state university, is re
ported to bo much improved, and will
return homo next week.
B. K. Bushee, who served two terms
ls representative from this district,
will be a candidate for state senator
from the Twenty-seventh district. Mr.
Bushee lives at Kimball.
The courity. commissioners have been
,in session tfjis .week making settlement
with the county treasurer, examining
road conditions, making settlement with
road overseers and transacting other
routine business. The proceedings to
date will be published Tuesday.
One of the longest drawn out contest
cases heard before U. S. land officers
in several years was completed today.
The hearing lasted seven and one-hnlf
days, and the land involved is the Frank
Hood homestead in Myrtle precinct.
The contestant, Michael Gleeson, was
represented by Judge Hoagland and
Hood by G. N. Gibbs.
As forecasted in these columns Tues
day suits have been filed in the federal
court against western Nebraska cor
porations for failure to make proper
returns on the business transacted
during the year 1910. Five cases were
filed with Deputy Clork Prosser in this
city Wednesday, four against telephone
companies and one against the neck
yoke manfacturing company nt Brady.
I Continues to Feb. 1st,
The big Discount Sale at The Leader, which
has saved hundreds of dollars to the people of
North Platte and vicinity, will be continued until
February 1st. Many lines of
New Spring Goods
are being received, and are being sold at the
discount allowed on other goods. If you have
not attended this sale, go at once and get the
benefit of the price reductions.
Miss Frances NicholB expects to go
to Grand Island tomorrow to spend a
few days.
Tho Degree of Honor social club mot
yesterday afternoon with Mrs. Mary
Mike Salcetti is figuring on erecting
a house on tho tract of land ho owns in
the Third Ward.
Mrs. James Hart and Mrs. E. F.
Seebergcr will entertain the J. T. Club
this evening at tho Seebergcr residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tyler returned
yesterday from Cheyenne whore they
were called by tho death of a relative.
Misses Laura White and sistor Lillie
went .to Omaha last night where the
latter will submit to an operation.
Peter Burke, of Maxwell, had an
operation performed on his hand which
was injured in a corn shcller several
weeks ago.
County Treasurer Durbin returned
this morning' from Omaha where ho at
tended tho state, meeting of county
treasurers. ' '
E. R. Goodman will this spring com
plete his residence on west Fourth
street, work on which was started a
year ago.
Judge and Mrs. H. M. Grimes left a
few days ago for a visit with their son
Lee in Atlanta, Ga. They expect to re
main there two or threo weeks.
Storage eggs 27i cents per dozen.
Country eggs, when we have 'them, 30
cents a dozen, at Wilcox Department
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ericsson nnd Fred
Ginapp, of Gaslin precinct, wero among
tho out-of-town people who attended
"The Lion and the Mouse" at the
Keith last evening.
Burgdorfer, who appears at tho
Keith Monday evening, places a table
and screen or curtain on tho stage and
with only these aids ho makes up be
fore tho audience and gives us the de
lightful impersonations which have
been the rage in places he hns been.
Entertainment Monday Evening.
C. L. Burgderfer, "tho man with tho
smilo worth while," cornea to tho Keith
Monday evening as tho third attraction
of tho high school lecture course. He
is commended ns a high class entor
talner, ono that will intorest nnd ploase
Large Audience Present.
One of the largest nudiencos of the
senson witnessed tho production of
"Tho Lion and tho Mouse," notwith
standing that the play had previously
been presented on the local stage. Tho
company was Htrong, particularly the
l.uly and gontlemnn assuming the lead
ing roles.
Sutherland Man Gets Ribbons.
James Shoup returned from tho Don
er stock show with a bunch of ribbons
last week. He secured on his hogs ono
first prize, one reservo chamnionshin
nnd three second prizos. Tho cash
prizes amounted to $35. So long as tho
competitors wore among the lending
stockgrowers of tho country. Jim
naturally feels good because of his
ability to share so many prizes Suth-
nd tree Lanco.
Wyoming Wants Roosevelt.
Progressive republicans of Wyoming.
who met and orgnnized nt Cheyenne
yesterday, declared for Theodore Roos-
velt as tho republican presidental nomi
nee in the coming campaign and pledged
themselves to oppose tho "stnndpat"
faction of the pnrty, headed bv United
States Senator Warren nnd Congress
men Mondell. Among the leaders in
tho progressive movement is Robert
Carey, son of Governor Carey.
Men Not Deserting.
Notwithstanding tho claims of tho
Union Pacific that the strikers aro re
turning to work, Sam Grace, district
secretary of tho machinists' union, snys
thnt but two machinists have deserted
the union in the last two months, and
that but twenty-eight have gone back
in the four months since the strike com
menced. He says that so far as he
knows the other unions nro remaining
as firm. One machinist returned to
work' fbr t,ho Union Pacific this week
and one car worker went back to tho
Illinois Central.
Install Officers.
Walla Walla lodge,NI. 0. 0. F. held
installation services last uvenine in the
presence of a very large attendance of
members and their ladies. The occasion
was one of more than ordinnry interest,
for in audition to tho usual ceremonial
there were addresses bv Attorney Boe-
ler and Judge Warren nnd vocal solos
by Mrs. W. V. Hoagland. Following
the program of exercises nnd elaborate
meal was served in the dining hall by
tho management of tho Ritner House.
Tho evening throughout was a verv en
joyable one.
Claims He Was Beaten and Robbed.
Two men clniming Somerset precinct
ns their homo but not divulging their
names, fell into tho hands of Philistines
Wednesday night. They hnd been
transacting business in town nnd suc
ceeded in meeting some now acquaint
ances with whom they took several
drinks, or enough to becomo intoxi
cated. After dark tho now found
friends took them ncross tho railroad
tracks, and when near the waterworks
tho two Somersot mon wero nssaulted
and knocked down. Ono managed to
to escape, but tho other was robbed of
his money-several dollars nnd some
jowoiry in addition to being badly
bruised. When ho regained conscious
ness he mnnnged to find his way to the
P. & S. hospital, whore ho had his
wounds dressed. Ho left for home
Sunday Dinners and Suppers, 1
A La Carte Service from 6 a. m,, to 12 p. m.
Arrested for Stealing Money.
Sheriff Snlisbury goeB to Denver
this afternoon to bring bnck a man
named Lcaman, who is wanted on tho
charge of stenling ninety dollars and a
valise- from n fellow workman in tho
locnl Union Pacific shops. Leaman had
worked in tho shops up to Wednesday
evening, when ho quit tho service of
the company, looted the strong box of
ono of his follow workmen and left for
Denver where his nrrest followed.
Hearing Before Insane Board.
Upon complaint of Levi Edis
George Amvny, who for several years
has lived south of the river, will have a
hearing before the board of insanity
today. Anway has been mentally de
ranged for some time, though hns
never shown n vicious disposition. For
some time ho made his homo with a
brother; but of late has been living
nmon neighbors nnd working for his
bonrd. Recently he has refused to do
any clnss of work, has acted strangely
and It was thought best to file a chargo
of insanity ngainsthim.
Eastern Star Memorial Service.
The first memorial services of
Sighet Chapter 55 Order of Eastern
Star was held at the Masonic hall on
Wednesday evening. Since the organ
ization of the order in 189.'!, twenty-one
members have passed away and these
impressivo services were held in their
memory. Tho fifteen oflkors and
Worthy Matron Mrs. J. F. Claubaugh
wore called into tho hall by Worthy
Patron Arthur Boyd. Tho roll call of
the dead was cnlled after which Rov.
G, F. Chapman spoko on Friendship
and Memory and an nddress was given
by Rev. G. F. Williams. Upon tho
altar which was erected in honor of
the departed members was the fivo
pointed star and upon this was placed
red, white, yellow, bluo and green
flowers and similax by tho ladies as
they marched by. The closing cere
monies were very impressive. Tho
flowers used in the services wero sent
to the sick nt tho local hospitals yester
day morning.
, For Sale Picture show In a good
town nnd doing good business. House
supplied with modern conveniences. In
quire of or address M. C. Westfall,
North Platte, Neb.
Weather forecast: Probably snow to
night or Snturday; colder. Maximum
temperature yesterday -12, a year ago
18; minimum last night 27, a year ago
Frank Moiski, of Long Island, Kan.,
s visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Meiski of this
A Good Fellows X-mas
Bill's Flute.
r a i irrrwii t it
Rnrlifr Rr Pnlmv. I
Vaudeville Artists.
, . ... ' 1 A
10 and 15 Cents. OH 611
Copy right, 1910;
There can be only one best tho tip top of excellence.
We both aim to t!et it. You. the clever nnd successful
M housewife want the groceries
in your food that please your family and visitors-
We sell only tip top quality in groceries so that we may get your
trade nnd retain it. Every item we send out is an advertise
ment of tho quality of the others. If we did not maintain tip top
values always, our business would not continue to grow as rapidly
as it does. Inspect our extensive stock or telephone n trial
Compare the following bargain prices with the superior
quality of our goods:
Fancy Naval Oranges, now at their bedt, from
15 to 50 cents per dozen; fancy Lemons, 15 cents a
dozen; fancy Jonathan and Wine Sap Apples, 60
cents a peck; fancy Ben Davis, 40c a peck; fancy
Grape Fruit, 10c each; fresh Oysters and Celery
every day.
Rush Mercantile Company.
Dr. N. Mc Cabe was called to Sidney
last night on professional business.
Mrs. B. F. Fletcher went to Gothen
burg this rrioniing to spend n few days.
Last evening Albert Boyer and Mies
Mary E. Buckly wero married in this
Earl Brownfield returned to Kmix1;
today nfter transacting but.. ,u
Ray W. Peters, druggist of Suther
land, spent yesterday with Frank Gar
man. Miss Efilo White, of Sutherland, ia
visiting her Bister Mrs. Will Eshelmnn
this week.
Mrs. Charles Corp, of Julesburg,
left this morning after a short visit
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Davo White, of Hershey,
came down last ovening to attend the
Lion and the Mouse.
Mrs. Mary Marovish returned to
Sutherland today nfter visiting her
daughter Mrs. A. J. Frazier.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lundoy, of Jules
burg, who spent a few. days with the
former's sistor Mrs. McKnight, loft
this morning. They are enroute homo
from Exeter, whore they attended the
funeral of Mr. Lundey's mother.
Commencing Thursday, Jan. 25th.
In order to make room for new stock of
Dry Goods, we will sell all Queensware
except Haviland China and plain White
.Ware less'
for cashi This is a Bargain never be
fore offered in North Platte as we must
have room and disheB must go. This
will be your chance to get dishes cheap.
The Tramp Groce
that give thejgreatcst results
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. iMcKhight J
turned yesterday from Exeter where
they wero called by tho death of tho
lattor's mother Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jolly, of Mt. Gidden.
Ind., left this morning, tho former hav
ing resigned his posilion in tho Yellow
Front Shoo repairing department
Notice of Indebtedness of the Union
Stock Yards Company of North
Platte, Nebraska, Limited.
At the closo of business Jnnunry 2,
1912, the amount of all existing debts
of said company was $1,000.00.
This notice is published in compliance
with Section 130 on Corporations of
Complied Statutes of Nebraska.
John Bhatt, President.
E. R. Goodman, Socy. and Trcns.
John Buuke,
John Bhatt,
E. II Gooowan,
E. Bhatt,
L. G. Buiike,
Scientific Facial Massage
and Scalp Treatment
Willi Electric Vlbrntor ilono nt your own
homo or nt 303 E. Tlilnl.
Phone 089.