TAFT ON ECONOMY President Sends Another Special ' Message to Congress. PLANS, FOR BETTER SERVICE Results of Commission's Inquiry Into Methods of Saving Money and Getting Better Work From Government Employes, Washington, Jnn. 17. President Tnft submitted to congress today an other message, thla time on economy and offlclency In tho government sorv Ice. Tho message In part Ib an follows: To tho Sonnto nnd llouso of Hopro nontatlves: I tfubmlt for tho Information of tho congress this report of progress made In tho Inquiry Into tho efficiency nnd economy of tho mcthodH of transact ' Ing public business. Efficiency nnd economy In tho gov ernment sorvlco have boon domnndod with Increasing Inslstcnco for n gener ation. Heal economy Is tho result of efficient organization. Ily perfecting tho organization tho tmmo bonoflts niuy bo obtained nt less expense. A reduction In tho total of the minimi appropriations Is not In Itsolf a proof of economy, slnco It Is ofton nccony pnnlod by a decrease In offlclency. Tho needs of tho nation may demand a largo Increase of oxpondlturo, yot to keep tho total upproprlntlons within tho expected rcvenuo Ih necosRary to tho malntonnnco of public credit. Upon tho president must rcBt a largo share pf tho responsibility for the demands mndo upon tho treasury for tho current ndmlnlatratlon of tho cxocutlvo branch of tho government. Upon tho congress must rest responsi bility for thoso grants of public funds which nro mado for other purpoBos. Reason for tho Inquiry. Kocognlzlng my uhnro of ronponsl bllity for elllclcnt nnd economical ml ministration, I havo endeavored dur ing tho pnst two yoars, with tho ns platnnco of hendB of dopnrtmentB, to Hecuro tho best results. Ab ono of tho moanH to thlfl end I requested a giant from congress to mnko my ef forts moro cffoctlTo. An appropriation of $100,000 was mmlo Juno 25, 1010, "to onnblo tho president to lnqulro Into tho mothods of transacting tho public business of tho executive departments and othor government establishments and to recommend to congress such legisla tion as mny bo noccBsnry to carry Into effect changeB found to bo doBlrnblo that cannot bo accomplished by execu tive action nlono." I havo boon given this fund to cnnblo mo to tnko action and to mnko Hpeclflc rocommondntlonB with respect to tho details of transact ing tho business of an organization whoso activities nro almost as varlod ns thoso of tho entire buslnosB world, Tho operations of tho government nf feet tho Interest of every person liv ing within tho Jurisdiction of tho Unit ed States. Its organization embraces stations nnd centers of work located In ovory city nnd In tunny locnl sub divisions of'tho country. Hb gross ex penditures amount to nearly $1,000, 000,000 nnnunlly. Including tho per sonnel of tho military and naval es tablishments, moro than 400,000 per sons nro required to do tho work Im posed by law upon tlio cxocutlvo branch of tho government. Plan of tho Work. In accordance with my Instructions, tho commission on economy nnd effi ciency, which I orgnnlzcd to aid mo in tho Inquiry, has directed Us efforts primarily to tho formulation of con croto rocommondntlonB looking to tho betterment of tho fundamental condi tions under which governmental op orations must bo carried on, With n baals thus laid, it has procoudod to tho prosecution of detailed studies of in dividual scrvlcea nnd clnssos of work, nnd of particular practices and meth ods, pushing these studies nn far, nnd covering ns many points nnd norvlces, as tho rosourcoB nnd ttmo nt Its dis posal havo permitted. In approaching its tnak It lias di vided tho work Into five Melds of In quiry having to do rcspoctlvoly with organization, personnel, business meth ods, accounting nnd reporting, and tho budget. 1 Organization. I hnvo stated that tho congress, tho prestdont, and tho ndmlnlstrntivo offi cers nro attempting to discharge tho duties with Which they ore Intrusted without full Information as to tho agencies through which tho work of tho government Ib bolng porformod. To provide moro comploto Information nu this point tho commission has sub mitted to mo a report on tho organiza tion of the governmont as it oxlstod July 1, 1011. This roport, which Is trnnsmlttod herewith, shown In groat detail, by mentis of outlines, not only tho departments, commissions, bu reaus nnd offices through which the governmont porforiiiH lt varied .ac tivities, but nlo the soetlonu, iiliopH, field stations, etc., constituting tho subordinate divisions through which tho work Is actually done. It shows for tho sorvIcoB at Washington each such Html unit ns n laboratory, library, ehop and administrative subdivision; and for tho Borvlcos outstdo of Wash ington each station and point nt which nny activity of tho government 1b enr rtcd on, Comprehensive Plan of Organization, With this outline ns a basis, tho commission ban onterod upon tho preparation of threo series of reports. Tho first scries deals with tho man ner In which tho Borvlcos of tho gov ernment should bo grouped In depart ments. This Is a matter of fundament al Importance. It Ib only aftor n sat isfactory solution of this problem that many Important measures of reform bo como posslblo. Only by grouping Borv lcos according to their character can substantial progress bo mado In elim inating duplication of work nnd plant and propor working relations bo es tablished between sorvlces ongagod In similar nctlvltlos. Until tho hend of n department In called upon to deal exclusively with matters falling In but ono or a very few distinct fields, of fectlvo supervision and control Is Im possible As long as tho Hnmo depart ment embraces servlcos so dlvorso In character nfl thoso of Ilfo saving nnd tho management of public finances, standardization of accounting mothodB and of other biiBlnosB prnctlcoa Ib ex ceedingly difficult of attainment. So dopendont nro other reforms upon tho proper grouping of sorvIcoB that I havo Instructed tho commission to Indlcnto In Its roport tho chnngcB which should bo mndo In tho oxlstlng organization and to proceed In tho satno way n would far-seeing archi tects or engineers In planning for tho Improvement and development of a groat city. My doslro Ib to socuro nnd to furnish to tho congro a scheme of organization that can bo used as a basis of discussion nnd action for years to como. , In tho pnst Borvlcos hnvo boon cre ated ono by ono hb oxlgonclos hnvo Hoomed to demand, with llttlo or no roforenco to nny schomo of organiza tion of tho government ns n whole. I nm convinced that tho timo hna como when tho government should take stock of Its activities and agendas and formulate a comprehonfllvo plan with roforonco to which futuro changes may ho mndo. Tho roport of tho commis sion Is bolng propnrod with this Idea In mind. When completed It will bo transmitted to congrosB. Tho recom mendations will bo of such n charac ter that thoy enn bo ncted upon ono by Ono If they commend thomBclven to tho congress nnd ns notion In re gard to nny ono of them Is deemed to bo urgent. Report on Particular Services. Tho socond nndsthlrd Borlos of rc portB dcnl, rospoctlVoly, with tho or ganization nnd nctlvltlos of particular services, and tho form of organization for tho performance of particular busi ness operations. Ono of tho reports of tho socond so rlos Is upon tho revenue euttor Borvlco, which costs tho government over two and a half million dollars each year, In tho opinion of tho commission Its vnrlod nctlvltlos can bo performed with equal, or greater, advantngo by1 othor Borvlcos. Tho commission, thorofore, rccommondfl that It bo abolished. It Is estimated that by so doing a Hav ing of not loss than $1,000,000 a year can bo mado. Another roport Illustrating tho sec ond Borlcn recom.mondB that tho light house and llfo saving sorvlces bo ad ministered by n slnglo bureau, Instead of as at proflont by two buroaiiB lo cated In different dopnrtmonts. Thoso Borvlcos hnvo much In common. Geo graphically, thoy nro similarly located; administratively, thoy havo many of tho snme problems. It Is estimated that consolidation would result In n Bavlng of not lean than $100,006 nn nunlly. General Technical Services. A third Borlos of reports Is being pro pnrod on thoso branches of tho organ ization which aro technical In charac ter and which exist for tho sorvlco of tho government as n wholo -branches which havo to do with auch matters ns public printing, heating, lighting, tho making of repairs, tho providing of transportation, and tho compilation of stntlBtlcB where mechanical equipment Ib cssoutlal. Abolition of Local .Offices. I'erhapfl the part of the organization In which tho greatest economy In pub lic oxpondlturo Is posalblo is to bo found In tho numeroua local offices of tho government. In boii)o lnatnncoR tho establishment and tho dlHcontlnuanco of theso local ottlcoa nro mnttera of nd mlnlstrntivo discretion. In othor In stances thoy nro established by per manent law In such a manner that their discontinuance Is boyond tho powor of tho proBldont or that of nny cxocutlvo olllcor. In a numbor of serv lcos thoso laws woro pasBod nottrly a contury ngo. Ghnnges In economic con ditions havo tnken plnco which havo had tho offoct of rendering cortnlu of fices not only tsclcsa, but oven worso than useless In that their vory exist ence needlessly swells expenditures and complicates tho ndmlnlatrnttvo Byatom. Tho attention of congress hnB been called repeatedly to these conditions. In Homo Instances tho congress hnB ap proved rocommendatlonB for tho abo lition of useless positions. In other cases not only do tho rocommondn tlonB of tho cxocutlvo that uboIoss po sitions bo abolished remain unheeded, but laws uro passed to ostabllsh now ofllcos ut placoH where thoy aro not needed. Tho responsibility for tho main tenance of thoso conditions muat nat urally bo divided between tho con gross and tho executive Hut that tho exeoutlvo has porformod hU duty when ho hnB called tho attention of tho congress to tho matter must also be admlttod. Realizing my responsibility tu tho premises. I have directed tho commission to prepnro a roport sotting forth tho positions In tho local serv lcos of tho governmont which may bo discontinued with ndvnntngo, tho sav ing whloh would result from such uc tlou mid tho cjinngos In law which nro necessary to carry Into effect chnugos In organization found to bo dealrnblo On tho coming In of tho roport, such offices as may bo found usoIosb nnd can bo abolished will bo so treated by oxccutlvo order. In my recont message to tho con gross I urged consideration of tho necessity of placing In tho classified sorvlco all of tho local officers under tho dopnrtmonts of tho treasury, tho In terior, postofllcoi and commerce and labor. Classification of Local Officers. Tho Importance of tho exlstcnco of a competent nnd reasonably perma nent civil sorvlco was not approclatod until tho last quarter of tho lust cen tury. At that tlmo examinations wero Instituted ns a meant) of ascertaining whether candidates for appointment possessed tho rcqulslto qualifications for governmont positions. Slnco than It has come to bo universally admlttod that entrance to almost ovory subor dinate position In tho public sorvlco should bo dependent upon tho proof In some appropriate way of tho ability of tho appointee. Ab yot, however, llttlo If any attempt has been mndo by law to socuro, elthor for tho hlghor ndmlnlstrntivo posi tions In tho sorvlco at Washington or for locnl ofllccs, tho qualifications which tho Incumbents of thoso posi tions must havo If the business of tho government Is to bo conducted in tho moBt efficient nnd economical man ner. Furthermore, In tho enso of many of tho local ofllcers tho law positively provldos that the term of ofllco shall bo of four yearn' durntlon. Tho noxt step which must bo tnkon is to require of heads of bureaus In tho dopnrtmentB nt Washington, and of most of tho locnl oflicora undor tho departments, qualifications of ca pacity similar to thoso now required of certain bonds of burenus nnd of lo cal ofllcors. Tho oxtenslon of tho morlt Hyslom to theso ofllcors and a noedod readjustment of salnrlos will havo Important oftocta In securing greater economy and olllclonoy. In tho first place, tho possession by tho IncumbontB of theso positions of requisite qualifications must In Itself promoto efficiency. In tho second place, tho removal of local ofllcors from tho realm of po litical patronngo In mnny cases would reduco tho pay roll of tho Held serv lcos. At tho present time tho lncum bontn of mnny of thoso positions leave tho actual porformnnco of many of their duties to doputles nnd assist ants. Tho governmont often pays two porsonH for doing work thnt could easily bo done by ono. What Is tho loss to tho government cannot bo fitntcd, but thnt It Ib vory lnrgo can not bo denied, when It Is remembered how numorous aro tho local ofllccrB In tho postal, customs, Jntornnl rove nue, public lnndu, nnd othor field serv ices of tho governmont. In tho third place, bo long as local oflicora nro within tho sphero of pq lltlcal pntronngo It Is difficult to con sider tho question of tho establish, mcnt or dlscontlnunnco of locnl offices npnrt from tho effect upon local po litical sltuntions. Finally, tho viow thnt thoso vnrl oun offices arc to bo filled ns a result of political considerations baa for its consequenco tho necessity thnt tho president nnd members of congress dovoto to matters of patronngo tlmo which thoy should dovoto to questions of policy and ndmlnlatrntlon. Tho gronteBt economy nnd effi ciency, nnd tho benefits which mny nccruo from tho president's devoting his tlmo to tho work which Is most worth while, tuny bo nssured only by fronting nil tho distinctly ndmlnlstrn tivo officers In tho departments nt Washington and In tho Hold In tho entno way as Inferior officers havo been treated. Tho tlmo has como when all thoso offlcora Bhould bo plnccd in tho claaslflod sorvlco. Tho tlmo has nlsn como when thoso pro visions of law which glvo to theso officers a fixed term of yonrB should bo repealed. So long nB n fixed term la provided by tho law tho quostlon of reappointment of an olllcor, no matter how elllclontly ho may havo performed IiIb dutlos, will Inevitably bo raised periodically. So long as np polntmoutB to those ofllcos muat bo confirmed by tho senate, and so long as appointments to thorn bo mndo ov ory four yenrs, Just bo long will It bo Impossible to provide a force of em ployes with a reaaonnbly pormnnont tenuro who nro qunlllled by ronson of education and training to do tho bent work. Superannuation. Attention hna boon directed In ro eont years to tho need of a suitable plan of retiring tho superannuated employes In tho oxccutlvo civil sorv lco. In tho belief that It Is dcRlra bio that auy steps toward tho estab lishment of auch a plan shall be tak en with caution, I Instructed tho om mlsslon to mnko nn Inquiry first In to tho conditions nt Washington. This Inquiry has been directed to the as certainment of the extent to which Hiipornnnuntlon now exists and to tho consideration of tho availability of tho vnrlouB plans which olthor hnvo beon proposed for adoption in this country or havo actually been adopt ed In othor countries. I shall submit, In the n oar future, for tho coiiBtdorn tlon of tho congress a plan for tt , re tirement of aged omployoB In the civ il scrvlco which will anfoguanl tho Intorosta of tho government and at tho enmo tlmo mnko rontionnblo pro vision for tho noods of thoso who havo given tho beat part of their llvoa to tho sorvlco of tho atato. Efficiency of Personnel. I havo caused inquiry to be mndo Into tho character of tho appotntooa from tho point of vlow of oftlriency nnd compoteuco which hna resulted from prosont mothods of npnolnt' ment; Into tho present rolntlon of compensation to tho character of work dano; Into tho oxlstlng methods of promotion nnd tho keeping of ef ficiency rocords In tho various de partments; nnd Into tho conditions of work In government ofllccs. Thla Inquiry will help to determlno to what extent conditions of work.nro uniform In tho different departments and how far uniformity in such conditions will tend to Improvo tho service I havo felt that satisfaction with tho condi tions In which they worked was a necesBary prerequisite to nn efficient personnel, and that satisfaction was not to bo expected where conditions In ono department wero Jess favora ble than In another. Thla Inquiry baa not boon complet ed. When It hna been ascertained thnt ovlls exist which enn bo rem edied through tho exorclao of tho pow ers now vested In tho president, I ehnll endeavor to remedy thoso ovlls. Whcro thnt Is not the case, I shall present for tho consideration of tho congress plana which, I believe, will bo followed by great Improvement in tho service. Business Methods. In every caao whoro technical pro cesses havo been studied It has been domonstrntcd boyond question thnt lnrgo economies mny bo offected. Tho aubjects first approached wero thoso which Ho closo to each administrator, viz, ofllco prnctlcos. An lllustrntlo'n of tho possibilities within this flold may bo found In tho results of tho in quiry Into tho methods of hnndling and filing correspondence Kvory of llco In tho government has reported its mothods to the commission. Thoso roports brought to light tho fact that present methods woro quite In tho re verso of uniform. Some- ofllcos fol low the practlco of briefing nil corro Bponudenco; Bomo do not. Somo have flat flies; others fold all papers be fore filing. Somo uso press copies; othors retain only enrbon coplos. Unnecessary Cost of Handling and Filing Correspondence. Tho reports also show not only n vory wldo rango In tho mothods of doing this comparatively Elmplo part of tho government business, but an ex traordinary rango In cost. For tho handling of Incoming mall tho aver ages of cost by departments vary rrom $5.84 to $84.40 per 1,000. For tho handling of outgoing mall the avor ngca by departments vary from $C.94 to $09.89 per 1,000. This does not in cludo tho cost of preparation, but Is confined morcly to tho physical aldo of tho work. Tho variations between Individual offices Ib mnny tfrncs great or than that shown for averages by departments. It Is at onco evident either thnt Is Ib costing somo of tho offices too llttlo or thnt others nro being run nt nn unwarranted expense Nor nro theso variations explained by differences in character of work. For example, thorp nro two departments which hnndlo practically tho snmo kind of business nnd In very lnrgo volume Tho nver ngo coat of handling incoming mall to ono was found to bo over alx tlmea as great as tho cost of handling Incoming mall to tho other. Excluding tho coat of preparation, tho avcrago coat per 1,000 for outgoing mnll to ono wns nearly GO per cent, greater than that for tho othor. It hns been found that differences of averngo coat by departments closely follow differences In mothod nnd that tho greatest cost Is found In tho de partment whcro iho method is most Involved. Another fact Is of Interest, viz., that In tho two departments nbovo referred to, which show tho low est averages, orders havo boon Issued vhlch will lead to largo saving with out Impairing ofllcloncy. It cannot bo said what tho saving ultimately will bo when tho attention of officers In all of tho departments has been fo cused on present motllods with a view to changing them In auch manner as to reduco coat to tho lowest point compatlblo with efficient service it, howovor, must bo a conalderablo per centage of nearly ?fi,000,000, tho total estimated coat of handling thla part of tho government bualnosa nt Wash- Ington. HesultB hnvo nlrendy beon obtained which aro notoworthy. Mention line been mndo of tho ordcra issued by two departments. Of thoBo tho order of ono Ib moat revolutionary In charac ter, slnco It rcqulrea flnt filing, where beforo nil correspondence wns folded; tho doing nway with lottcrpresa cop ies; and tho discontinuance of In dorsements on Blips,, ono of tho most expensive processes nnd ono which In tho other dopnrtmont hns been cnrrlcd to very grent length. Need for Labor-Saving Office Devices. Tho nso of lnbor-snvlng olllco de vices In tho sorvlco has been mado tho subject of Bpeclnl Inquiry. An Im pression proviitls that tho governmont Is not making uso of mechanical de vices for economizing Inbor to tho snmo extent us nro efficiently mnnnged private enterprises. A study has been mado of the oxtent to which dovices of this character aro now bolng em ployed in tho Bovnrnl hranchos of tho governmont nnd the opportunities thnt oxlst for their moro general ubo. In ordor to secure information ns to the various kinds of lnbor-snvlng dovlcos thnt aro In existence nnd ns to their adaptability to governmont work, an exhibition of lnbor-snvlng otllco appli ances wns held In Washington from July 0 to 15, 11)11. Ono hundred nnd ten manufacturers nnd dealers partici pated, and moro than 10,000 officers nnd employees visited tho exhibition. Thoro Is no doubt that the exhibi tion Borvod the purpose or bringing to tho attention of otllcera devices which enn be employed by them with advan tage. The, holding .of this exhibition wns, howovor, but a step preparatory to the contemplated Investigation. Unnecessary Cost of Copy Work. Tho offorta of tho commission re sulted nlso In tho adoption by aovoral bureaus or departments of improved niethods of doing copying.. Tho amount of copy work heretofore dono by hnnd ench year in tho many offlcos Ib esti mated to aggregate several hundred thousand dollars. Tho commission ex hibited, nt Its offices, appliances that were thought to bo especially adapt ed to this kind of government work. Following these demonstrations meth ods of copying woro Introduced which havo brought about a saving of over 75 per cent, in offices whcro used for six months. Thla chango in one small cross-section of office practlco will moro than offset tho wholo cost of my inquiry, Waste In tho Distribution of Public Documents. Going outsldo the office, ono of tho business processes which havo been Investigated is tho distribution of de partmental documents. This is a sub ject with which both tho congress and administration heads aro familiar. Tho prevailing practice in handling depart mental publications Ib to havo them manufactured at tho government printing office; each Job when com pleted Ib delivered to tho department; hero tho books or pamphlets aro wrapped and addressed; thoy aro then Bent to tho poBtofflce; thoro thoy nro assorted and prepared for shipment through tho malls; from tho postofflco they aro sent to tho railroad station, which is only a few steps from tho government printing ofllco, whence they started. Tho results of this labo rious and circuitous method Is to mnko tho uso of the host mechanical oqulpmont Impractlcnblo nnd to wnsto ench year not less than n quarter of a million dollars of government funds In useless hnndling, to say nothing of tho Indirect loss duo to lnck of proper co-ordination. Wasteful Use of Properties and Equip ment. Tho uso of equipment is a matter .which nlso has been lnvostlgntcd. Up to tho present tlmo this Investigation hnB beon in tho main confined to tho subject of electric lighting. Tho gov ernmont pays over $G00,00,0 por yenr for olcctrlc current; It has mado largo cnpltnl outlnys for wiring nnd fixtures. With tho Increnalng demnndB In many buildings tho present oqulpmont is taxed to its limit and if tho present mcthodB aro continued much of this wiring must bo dono over; In many places employees aro working at a great physical diaadvantngo, duo to In ndoqunto and Impropor lighting, and thereby with reduced ofllcloncy. In every place where tho Inquiry hns been conducted It nppenrs thnt thero Is largo waato; that without the coat of rewiring, simply by giving proper attention to location of lights nnd the uso of propor lnmps nnd reflectors, tho light offlclency nt points where needed mny ho much Increased nnd tho cost of current reduced from 30 to CO per cent. Other Inquiries Into tho ubo which Is being mndo of prop erties nnd oqulpmont nro contemplat ed which promise oven lnrger results. Unnecessary Cost of Insurance. It Is the policy of tho government not to Insure public property against flro and other losses. Question has been raised whether tho government might not apply tho satno principle to other forma of risk, Including In auranco of tho fidelity of officials and employees. A roport la now In prepa ration on tho subject which will show opportunities for largo savings. I be llovo that tho presont expense for In suring tho faithful execution of con tracts, which, though paid by tho con tractor, Is moro than covcrod In tho added prlco to the government, can bo largely reduced without taking away any clement of security. Lack of Specifications. Tho importnnce of estnbllshlng nnd maintaining stnndnrd specifications Is found not only In tho possibility of vory mnterinlly reducing tho direct cost of government trading, but also In Insuring to tho service materials, supplies and equipment which nro bet tor adapted to Its purposes. Ono of tho results of Indeflnltcness of specifi cations Ib to lmposo contract condi tions which mnke It extra haznrdous for persons to enter Into contractual relations. This not only deprives tho government of tho advantngo of brond competition, but cauaca It to pay nn ndded mnrgln In prlco to vendors who must carry tho rink. Excecslvo Coat of Travel. Ono of tho ffrat atopa taken toward constructive work wns tho reclassifi cation of tho expenditures for tho year 1910 by objects. Tho foundation was thus mndo for tho investigation of government trading practicea. Whllo It wns recognized thnt this largo field could not bo covered within a yenr except nt enormous cost, tho subjects of "Traneportatlon of per sons" and "Subsistence whllo In trav el fltatus" wero tnken ns concroto ox nmplea. Tho nnnunl cost of travel to tho government was found to bo about $12,000,000. It was also found that tho government employeea wero traveling In prnctlcnlly every wny that wna open to tho public; It wnB fur ther found thnt nlthough tho govern mont wns tho largest usor of trans portation, It wns buying rnllrond tick ets on a less favornblo hnals thnn would bo posslblo If tho subject of traveling expenditures woro systemat ical handled from tho point of vlow of tho govornmont as a wholo. Tho form of ticket moat ofton used bo tAvoen such polntB na Now York. Phil adelphia and Washington was tho sin-glo-trlp, flrst-clnss ticket. In two do pnrtmentB doflnlto tests havo been mndo In tho use of mllonge books nnd In each practically tho samo result has been reported, viz., nn avorago saving of a little over one-hnlf of ono cout por mile. Better Methods for Purchasing. Through a long period of yoara nnd by numerous laws nnd orders thero hns grown up n procoduro governing public advertising nnd contracting thnt Is moro burdensome and expen sive In some cases than Is nocessnry. Tho procoduro Is not uniform In the ynrlous departments; It Is not uni form In mnny cases for the different Borvlcos in tho Bamo dopartmctit. To make uniform tho requirements so far as practlcablo will bo In tho Interest of economy nnd efficiency nnd bring about that simplicity that will securo tho largest opportunity for contract ors to bid for government work, and will securo for tho government the most favorablo prlcos obtained by any purchasor. The Budget. Tho United States is tho only great nation whoso government Is operated without a budget. This fact seems to bo moro striking when it is consid ered thnt budgotB and budget pro cedures nro tho outgrowth of Demo cratic doctrines and hnvo had an im portant pnrt In tho dovelopmont of modern constitutional rights. Tho American commonwealth hns suffered much from Jrresponalblllty on tho pnrt of Its governing ngoncles. Tho consti tutional purposo of a budgot Is to mnko government rcsponalvo to pub lic opinion and responsible for Its acts. The Budget as an Annual Program. A budget should bo tho means for getting beforo tho leglnlatlvo branch, boforo tho prosa, and beforo the peo plo a deflnlto nnnual program of bual neas to bo financed; It should bo In tho nature of a proapectua both of rovenuea and oxpondlturos; It should comprehend every rolatlon of tho gov ernment to tho people, whothor with reference to tho raising of rovonuea or the rendering of service In many foreign countries tho nn nual budget program is discussed with 8peclal referenco to tho rcvenuo to bo raised, tho thought being that tho raising of revenue bears moro direct rolatlon to welfare than dooa govern ment expenditure Around qucatlons of sourco of rcvenuo political parties havo been organized, and on such questions votora In tho United States havo taken sides Blnco tho first rcve nuo law was proposed. Public-Welfare Questions. Tho principal government objects in which tho pcoplo of tho United States nro Interested includo: Tho national dofonso; tho protec tion of persons and property; the pro motion of friendly relations nnd tho protection of American interests abroad; tho regulation of commorco and Industry; tho promotion of agri culture, fisheries, forestry and min ing; tho promotion of manufacturing, commerce, and banking; tho promo tion of transportation nnd communica tion; tho postal sorvlco, Including pos tal savings and parcels post; tho caro for and utilization of tho public do main; tho promotion of cducntion, art, sclenco nnd recreation; tho promotion of tho public health; tho caro nnd cducntion of tho Indians and other wards of tho nation. Theso aro public-wolfaro questions In which I nsaumo ovory citizen has a vital interest. I bellevo that ovory member of congrcaa, na an official rop reaentatlvo of tho people, each editor, as a non-ofllclal roprcsontntlvo of pub lic opinion, ench citizen, na a bene ficiary of tho trust Imposed on offi cers of tho government, should bo ablo readily to ascertain how much hns been spent for ench of thoso pur poses; how much hns boon approprl ated for tho current year; how much tho administration Is asking for each of thcao purposes for tho noxt fiscal year. Furthermore, each poraon interest ed should havo laid beforo him a clear, wcll-dlgostcd Btatoment show ing In dotall whether monoys approp riated havo been economically spent and whether each division or ofllco has beon efficiently run. This Is tho Information which should bo nvallublo each year In tho form of n budget and In dotall accounts and reports support ing Uu budgot. Continuance of the Commission. I nsk tho contlnuanco of this com mission on economy and efficiency bo causo of tho excellent beginning which hns been mndo toward tho re organization of tho machinery of this government on business principles. I ask It becauao Its work In" entirely non-partlsnn in character and ought to apply to ovory citizen who wishes to give effectiveness to popular govern ment, In which wo fool a just pride. Tho work further commends Itsolf for tho renson that tho cost of or ganization nnd work hna beon cnroful ly considered nt every point. Threo months wero tnken In consideration of plans beforo tho Inquiry was bo gun; six months wero then spent In preliminary Invcatlgntlona beforo tho commission was organized; beforo March 3, 1911, when I asked for a con tinuation of tho original appropria tion for tho current yenr, only $12,000 had boon spent Tho oxpondlturo for tho Inquiry dur ing tho present Dscal year is at tho rato of $130,000. Tho mass of Infor mation which must bo collocted. di gested nnd Bummnrlzed pertnlnlng to ench subject of inquiry is enormous. From tho resulta obtained It Is evi dent that ovory dollar which Is spent In tho prosocutlon of the Inquiry la tho futuro will roault In manifold sav ings. Every owm "vhlch baa been or will bo offected through changes In organization or method will Inuro to tho benefit of tho government nnd of tho pooplo in Increasing mensuro through tho years which follow. It is clearly the pnrt of wisdom to provido for tho coming yonr moans at least equal to thoso avnilnble during tho current yenr, nnd In my opinion tho nppropriatlon should be lncrensed to $200,000, and nn additional nmount of $60,000 should be provided for tho pub lication of thoso results, which will bo of continuing vnluo to ofllcors of tho governmont and to tho poople. WM. II. TAFT. Tho Whlto House, January 17, 1912.