The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 05, 1912, Image 2

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LTIA L BAKE, Publisher.
Drlcf Mention of Whnt Is Transpiring
In Various Sections of Our Own
' and Foreign Countries.
Senator Works of California will nt
tonipt to nttnch to the Shorwooil pon
filon bill n nrovliilon nbsolutely prohib
iting any special pension bills nnd
making inollglblo for pension any por
son who attempts to got special legis
lation. Discovery by tho congrosslonnl
Joint commlttoo on printing that
"ndtiltornted" papor bad boon tinod for
7cars In tbo sovornmont printing 'of
flco led to tho nnnouncoinont of n
coraploto now act of government paper
Evard .TanBcn haa boon promoted
to bo kcopor of tho Lime Rock light
Btatlon, llhodo Island, In plnco of Ida
Wilson I.owIh, popularly called "tho
draco Darling of Amorloa," wIioho
doath October 21 last, closed more
than thirty yean contlnuoiiB fiorvlco
filled with horolo doods and crownod
with unlvorsnl fame.
The controversy ovor tho rogulo
tlonH forbidding tho Importation Into
tho United States of colored tons Is
tlll a Hvo Ibsuo boforo tho treasury
department. Lloyd C. Grlscom, repre
senting caBtorn ton Importers, Dan
protoated to Assistant Secretary Cur
tis that considerable colored lea was
getting through at San Francisco.
MIbb Clara Barton, founder nnd
Tlrut proHldont of tho American Na
tional Rod Cross noddy, was bIiow
cred with groetlngB and good wIbIiob
on tho nlnotloth anniversary of hor
birth. Although feobto from hor Ill
ness this yoar, Miss Uarton was nblo
to colobrato hor birthday with rela
tives and frlonds who aro spending
Christmas with hor at hor homo.
Subsequent to a call at tho Whlto
JiotiBo by VIco rrosldcnt Sherman
wldo crcdonco wnB given to a report
that Mr Sherman does not dcBlro to bo
tho republican candlilnto for governor
of Now York. It further was reported
apparently on. tho hlghoflt nuthorlty
that unloss his party desired him to
run ngaln for tho vlco-prosldoncy, ho
would rctlro from politics, March 4,
Dr. Sun Ynt Son Ib proving tho man
of tho hour In tho Chinese crisis.
Tho aonato by a unanimous voto
docldcd for tho abrogation of tho
treaty with Russia.
An appeal has boon mado for a mil
Ion dollars to swell tho Gcorgo Pea
body education fund.
Stripped of power, Gonoral Royos
has stiirondorcd nnd Is a prisoner of
tho Mexican government.
Tho government, alloglng an Illegal
combine, bun brought suit against
the Koystouo Wntch CaBo company.
A turkoy from Rhodo Island, In
tended for tho presldoul's Christmas
dinner, arrived at tho Whlto house. It
weighed forty pounds.
Norman H, Mack, chairman of tho
democratic national commlttoo, denied
that ho was In any way committed as
to whoro tho noxt democratic conven
tion should bo held,
Tho California sounto passed tho
prosldontlal prcforonco prlmnry bill
without a dlBsontlng voto. Tho bill
now romilros only tho govornor's slg
naturo to becomo a law,
Amondtnonts to tho articles of In
corporation of tho Minneapolis A St.
Louis Railroad company havo boon
filed, Increasing tho capital stock
from $20,000,000 to $110,000,000.
At Indianapolis, books and papors
solzod from tho International Associa
tion of Drldgo and Structural Iron
Workora nftor tho arrest of tho Mo
NamarnB woro mlnutoly examined fol
lowing tho nppearanco boforo tho tod
oral grand Jury of Robert J. Foster,
n dotoctivo.
Thirteen out of a dotaohmont of
twenty ruralcs woro klllod in a fight
with Znpatlstos near San Maria, Mox.,
Sunday, according to details which
liavo Just been received. In addition,
two womon and a ohlld woro klllod
nnd their bodlos mutilated.
That Oonoral Morales is likely to
forfeit his llfo bocauso of his last at
tonipt at roholllou in Santo Domingo
la tho tenor of ndvlco rocolvod at
Washington from tho Island ropublto,
Ho nppenrs to havo landed on tho oast
coast of tho Island with fower than a
half dozen followers.
Oystora floatod in bronklsh wntor
for fnttonlng purposoB heroaftor will
bo considered as ndultoratod under
tho puro food net, according to a do
clslon by Uio puro food board. Tho do
clslon wjll not bo final until signed by
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson.
Camilla Gloldlnl, owner of n number
of fruit storoa in San Francisco, wnn
bold up and robbed of $700 by confi
dence mon in Chicago.
Governor Marion 13. liny of Wash
ington has docllncd to call n special
cession of Uto legislature for tho en
actment of a presidential proforence
primary bill.
Congre3, 6n reassembling nftc.
holidays, will get to work on tho wool
Moro than a million gallons or mo
lassos woro destroyed In a flro among
tho wharvos and buildings of tho Bos
ton Molasses company.
Colonel Roosovolt has declined a
second tlmo to nttend tho Now York
peaco dlnnor.
Tho Hamburg-American lino has or
dered a third 50,000 ton liner for tho
trans-Atlantic service.
Congresn will have a stirfolt of bills
providing for n downward revision of
tho woolon tariff.
Dr. Sen, Chlncso republic promoter,
has arrived at Shanghai nnd Is in con
ference with Wu Ting Fang.
Republican members of tho wnya'
nnd moans committee hnvo begun
work on tho republican wool bill.
Tho visible supply of wheat In Can
ada Decombor 23 was 11,800,000 bush
ols, an iicrcasc of 238,000 bushels.
Kansas City rollglous workers hnvoj,
undertaken to find respectable homos
for womon of tho rod light district.
Henry N. Vnn Dyke, formerly regis
trar at Prlncoton university, died of
heart dlaenBO On a Broadway car In
Now York.
Honry J. Horn, former assistant
general manager of the Darlington
linos wost wnn mndo vleo-prosldont of
tho New Hnvon road.
Robbers blow tbo postofllco snfo at
Spnnldlng, Ohio. Two mon, with $100
worth of stamps nnd some roglstercd
mnll wore arrested at Hlckvllle.
Edward Sawyer, fiocrotary nnd ns
Blstant treasurer of tho Groat North
oru nnd one of tho ploncor railroad
ofllclnls of tho northwest, will rctlro
Jnnunry 1.
Diamonds valued at botwocn $0,000
nnd $7,000, enclosed In a Jowoler's wal
let, woro stolon from tho diamond
room of a Jowolry Arm In Minneapolis.
Tho thief oscaped.
Tho California ostato of - tho lato
Mlchnol Cudahy, tho Chicago moat
packor, who died at Los Angeles, has
yielded $1 l.'OOO to tho stato in tho
form of Inheritance taxes.
Tho funeral of Wright Lorlmcr, tho
actor, who committed suleldo In Now
York last week wns hold In the Dana,
Mrss., town hall, the building whoro
ho first nttcndod school.
13. G. LowIb or St. LouIb, publisher
nnd promotor of ronlty and banking
ontorprlsos, wnB rolndlcted by tho
fedornl grand Jury on tho chargo of
using tho malls to defraud.
Mrs. Elroy M. Avory, nged C7, edi
tor of tho official papor of tho Daugh
ters of tho American Rovolutton and
prominent In club nnd educational
work, died In Clov'oland, Ohio.
Tho will of John R. Walsh, tho for
mer Chlcngo banker who died cany
In November following his release
from tho Ixmvonworth ponltentlary,
was admitted to probate.
Tho Jowlsh Chronicle Bays that tho
loading Jowlsh Institutions In London
hnvo decided to urgo tho abrogation of
tho Anglo- Russian' treaty, which dlf
forontlntes ngalnst tho English Jews.
Wllllnm Rockofoller gnvo to his em
ployes as a ChrlstmnB present $G for
ovory year each had worked on his os
tato at Tarrytown. Several men hnvo
boon In his employ for upwards of
twenty years. ,
Edward II. Sinister, cousin of
Morgan Sinister, trcauuror general of
Persia, is in Now York, on routo to
Tehornn from tho Pnnnma canal zone.
Ho Is going to hojp tho treasurer gen
eral In his trouble wltli Russia.
Tho Chicago grand Jury returned
Indictments charging Frederick G.
Ronoham nnd William R. Chnnnoll
with' tho murder of Mrs. Hnttlo Knuf'
man, who wnB klllod by four automo-
bllo bandits December 2.
Tho oxports of tho United StntoB
during tho elovon months of tho cur
rent yonr ending with Novombor ex
ceeded tho Imports by somewhat moro
than $176,000,000. Tho valuo of tho
oxports was $1,807,014,010, whllo tho
Imports woro worth $1,392,550,228, ac
cording to statistics Issued today by
tho Department of Commerce and La
bor. A dispatch to tho taudon Mnll
from Sydney,' N-. S. W., says that
Groat Britain nnd Franco havo enter
ed into negotiations for tho division
of tho Now Hebrides, tho Joint rcov-
ornmont having boon a failure. Tho
Now HobrldB group In tho Pacific
ocoan Is administered by a mixed
commission of French and British
naval olllcors.
Prosldout Taft has settled tho
vexed quostlon of nllowlng tho prac
tice of Christian Sclonoo or other no
modlcnl methods of honllng tho sick
on tho Panama canal zone. Tho oxo
cutlvo ordor, mndo sovornl months
ago, which mombora of tho Christian
Solonco church fonred would prohibit
tholr method of honllng, was modified,
so that thoro can bo no doubt as to
tho lawfulness 0f such praotloe.
Frank Gotch, tho ojiamplon wrestler,
has retired for good.
Madoro will not Insist on tho dontl'
penalty for Reyes nnd his followors.
Byron Clnrk will suoaood J. 13. Kel
by ns gonoral Bollcltor of tho Bulling,
ton linos wost of tho Missouri rlvor.
Tho invasion or Ohio by UiFollotte
llouteiinnts has begun.
Jim Flynn, tho lighter, Is anxious
to tnko on Jack Johnson.
Sonntor LaFollotto preached the doc
trine of progression at Clovolnnd and
Youngstown, O.
Chicago Christian ondoavorors pro
poso to tost tho sincerity of Mayor
Postofflco omployos ovor tho coun
try hnd to work Suuday on account of
tho holiday rush.
President Tnft Is preparing a mos
sago on oilloloney and nconomy In tho
government dopnrtmonts.
Thirty-nine Killed on Lines In Ne
braska During 1911 as Against
Flfty-aeven In 1010.
An amended roport to tho 1911 aa
nunl roport of tho Burlington railroad
has been filed with tho stato railway
commission, the added flguroa giving
tho number of deaths which occurred
on Its linos in this stnto for tho yoar
ending Juno 20, 1911. Whan tho an
mini report first camo In tho llguros
in this tnblo wore lacking, tho result
of tho Indlanola wreck which occurred
May 29, not being listed. Tho com
mission In coneoquonco was forced to
call upon tho ofilclhts for corrected
figure In this tabic boforo tho report
could be filed ns comploto for Uio
Tho roport shows that during tho
yoar thoro woro olght trainmen
killed and 131 Injured on tho Burling
ton linos In this stnto. This was out
of nn avorngo of 1,702 men which
woro employed dally on tho various
lines. Thoro woro no shopmen killed
but two were injured during tho yoar,
out of nn nverago of 2.011 mon cm-
ployed dally In that lino or work.
Thoro woro three trackmen klllod ana
thlrtoen Injured during tho year out
of an avorngo of 3,321 men employed
on tho Burlington tracks every day or
tho year. Of other omployo3 thoro
woro two killed nnd nineteen Injured
during tho yoar out of an average dal
ly ofnployod list numbering 2,307 men.
Of tho total numbor or 10,809 mon
omployod on tho road for each worK
lnk day of tho yenr, thoro woro tour-
toon mon klllod nnd 319 injured. In
1910 in tho sntno classes tho annual
roport of tho road shows that thoro
were twonty-four omployos killed in
the snmo porlod of tlmo nnd 178 in-
Tho 1911 report nlso shows that
(luring Uio yonr thoro woro six pas
Eongors klllod and sovonty-llvo in
jured, two postal clerks klllod nnd
nlno Injured, and sixteen other per
sons killed and fltty-scven Injured, a
total of twonty-four killed nnd 141
persons injured other than tho om
employes. Tlio grand totnl for tho
year nhows that thero woro thlrty
nlno employes, iKiBsengors and other
persons klllod during tho year and
1,445 persons Injured on the various
Burlington linos of tho stnto. In
1910 tho grand totnl amounted to
fifty-seven killed nnd 1,251 Injured.
During tho year tho Burlington pnld
out on nccount of tho Injuries or
death of employes tho sum of $98,507,
whllo for tho denth or Injuries or pas
ncngers tho totnl amount was $29,851.
For tho Injury or doath of all other
persona thero was a loss of $20,517,
paid to tho victims or tholr bonollci
nrlea. Doys Opinions of Books.
Tho stnto library commission nns
been collecting tho opinions of Uio
boys nt tho Kcarnoy Industrlnl scliooi
on tho vnrlous books bought for tlio
chool library. Tho books ortglnally
liurchnsed for tho library had Docomo
worn or hnd disappeared nnd Inst
January n new assortment was pur
chased. Selleck Files for Congress.
W. A. Selleck has mndo filing ns
ropubllcan candidate for congress In
this, tho First district. This makes
two candidates to date to go on tho
ropubllcnn prlmnry ballot, tho othor
bolng Paul Clark.
Letter from Fire Marshal.
Stato Flro Marshal RandnlKIs send
ing out n lottor to tho various coin
niorolnl clubs of tho stntojuilllng nt
tontlon to tho enormous wasto from
flro loss, nnd to tho additional fact
that a great portion of It enn bo pro
vented by tho e.xercl80 of n little enro
Ho artca for co-operation along these
Vital Statistics Blanks.
Dr. Mlllor or tho Stato Board of
Health, is sending out n now set or
blanks on which to roport vital statis
tics. Heretofore birth returns hnvo
Ijcen mado on postal cards, but tlio
new blank Is identical with thoso
used by tho federal authorities In col
lection of suoh stntlstlos, '
Short Course to Begin.
Tho winter short cottrso In scien
tific ngrlculturo will begin nt tho stnto
farm this wook. Thoso coursos nro
hold to glvo farmers nn opportunity
to study scientific farming at n tlmo
when thoy can best spnro tho tlmo.
Ex-Senator Dietrich's Health,
Clork Harry C. Llndsny of tho su
premo court has received n lettor
from Mrs, Dietrich of Hnstlngs stat
ing Hint ox-Sonntor DIotrloh has nl
most completoly recovorod his health
and strength nftor n long nnd serious
Senator Brown Chosen Orator.
Information Iuab renohed hero that
Senator Norrls Urown has been cnos
cn principal speaker at tho republican
editorial association banquet to bo
licld nt Indianapolis next mouth,
New Era of Prosperity to Western
Tho decision of Secretary of tho In
terior Fisher to sli to Irrigating
furmors tho surplus waters accumu
lated In tho Pathtlndor roscrvoir may
mean a now era of prosperity in tho
western part of Nobrnska, Bays a
Washington dispatch. Moro than half
of tho water now stored In UiIb reser
voir is surplus. Thoro Is enough sur
plus water thoro to satisfy nil tho
i' needs of- the Interstate ditch and to
cover tho trl-Btnto property flvo feet
Tho letter of Director Nowoll to
tho supervising engineer ht Denver
slates that payment for this wntor
shall bo mndo by an Initial paymont
of 10 por cent of tho wholo umount,
tho romnlndor to bo paid for In four
nnnual Installments. The rate por
ncro foot will be $5. Four-acre foot
aflor July 1, tho dato after which tho
private ditches have boon dry or
noirly so In drouth season, will thus
cost $20 per ncro, payablo at tho rato
of $1 por yoar.
It would appear that tho announce
ment or this policy means still fur
ther delay in tho Goshon Holo project
in Wyoming. That project has ac
quired tho nature of an alr-castlo In
tho minds of many who havo hoard
each yoar of now surveying partlos
going ovor tho nron, nil of said par
ties making reports which have boon
carefully filed nwny nnd novor ncted
upon. Survoys nro In progroaa oven
now, but tho building of tho project
scorns moro of n matter of tho fu
ture than over since tho surplus wa
ters of rosorvoirs mny bo diverted to
prlvato projocts.
Whllo tho sale of this water to prl
vato projects probably gives tho prl
vato land nn Increased valuo, proba
bly moro than tho nctual cost of tho
water, tho Interior department has
undertaken n policy which seems con
sonant with good business sense. Tho
prlvato ontorprlaes nro well under
way, somo of them hnvo grown good
crops nnd demonstrated tholr valuo
and tho farmers havo spont their
money In good faith to build up tho
nreas. For tho government to lend aid
to thoso projects all tho tlmo con
serving enough water to supply Hb
own projects lndlcatos a dosjro to
foster tho growth of partly developed
communities rathor than to lot them
take card of themselves whllo tho
government embarks in new projects.
Got the Wrong Man.
Bccnuso ho answered tho descrip
tion and boro tho snmo nnmo as a
man who has secured a letter contain
ing n $50 draft by fraudulent means
from tho local postofflco, C. A. Mor
ris of Sheridan, Wyo., was brought
hero on tho supposition that ho was
tho man wanted. It was nil a mistake
and ho was released.
Killed While Hunting.
Otto C. Swarts, whllo hunting near
hero, shot and killed himself ns the
result of a pecullnr nccldont. Ho and
his companion wero removing n hand
car, on which thoy had beon travel
ing, from tho trnck, to make way for
an npprbaching freight train. Tho gun
foil from tho car and wns discharged.
Repudiated by Shallenberger.
Tho Intorvlow nttrlbuted to ex-Gov-
ornor Shallonbergor whllo on n recent
trip to Toxas and In which ho was
quoted as saying that ho did not be
llovo that tho lnltlatlvo and referen
dum amendment would pass In this
stato at tho next election is repud
iated by that'gcutlemnn.
Glanders Being Eradicated.
Tho Btnto vetorlnnrlan'H offlco re
ports substantial progress in stamping
out glnndorB in tho stnto. Tho dlsonso
Ib principally confined to tho north
nnd northeast portions of tho stnto
nnd tho department hopes to havo It
ontlrely crndlcated In the near future.
Delzell's Speaking Dates.
Stato Superintendent Delzell has n
number of speaking dates in tho near
future, tho first ono being nt Bontrlco,
where ho addresses tho boys Interest
ed In agricultural competition. At
that tlmo prizes will be awarded to
thoso Gago county boys who eutercd
tho 1911 competition. Jnnunry 8 no
speaks at Wostorn on school topics;
Jan. 10 nnd 11 ho will ba In Omana
nnd speak boforo tlio Rural Llfo com
mission nnd January 12 boforo tho
fannora' instltuto at Dlllor.
School Bonds In Issue.
A enso nrguod in district court horo
may nffoct school bonds Issued in all
districts of tho state, tho nttornoy
gonoral contending In tho onso of tho
bonds, sought to bo registered that
tho lnw Is Iofoctlvo In that tho 'leg
islature, whon It nmondod tho law ro
gurdlng school Javy In 1891, noglected
to put In the tltlo anything rogardlng
tho iBsunnco of bonds.
StateAld for Bridges,
Appllcntlons for stato aid for
hrldgos undor tho now law aro suf
ficient to tnko up tho avallnblo funds
not only for tho curront flscnl vear.
but nlo for tho succeeding ono, nc-
cording to tho Btate onglnoer. Only
ono project, howevor, that ovor tho
Cedar rlvor near Cedar Rapids, In
Boono county, lias progressed far
enough to glvo prc-nilco of n brldgo In
tho near future In this caso bids
havo alrendy boen rocolvod and tbo
contrnct will bo lot soon. Thoro nro
sovornl othor applications.
Candidates Suggested from Vacant
Circuits Eliminated One by One
from Consideration.
Washington. President Taft prob
ably will decide next Tuesday upon
tho man to succeed tho lato Justice
Harlan on tho supromo court bench
Tho Hold of possible appointees lias
beon nnrrowed to four anon and It la
said Hint n selection may bo looked
for at tlio next meeting of tho cabl
net, Jnnuary 2. Tho nomination
probably will bo Bont to tho senate
noxt week.
Tho four from whom the prosldont
will make his selection nro said to bo
United States Circuit Judgo Hook ot
Knnsns, Secretary of Commerce nnd
Labor Nagol, Senator Sutherland or
Utah nnd Frank R. Kollog of Mlnnc
sota, trust buster for tho government
and its prosocutor in tho Standard Oil
suit -Sonator Borah of Idabo, it is
said, has not boon entirely eliminated
from consideration, but tho choice
rests npparontly botweon Uio othors
Of thoso men Judgo Hook nnd Sen
ator Sutherland stand foremost, al
though Secretary Nagel and Mr. Kel
logg aro still "in tho running."
Judge Hook wan undor consider.!'
lion by tho president last year wnen
lo mado his supremo court appoint
ments nnd his backers hnvo been net
Ivo this winter. Senator Suthorlnna
Is warmly ndimlred.. by tho president
nnd hns boon summonod to tho Whlto
House frequently of Into.
Ono fact said to militate against
Secretary Nagol Is that ho Is 03 years
old and Mr. Taft has declared several
times that no man should go on tlio
bench after ho reached tho nge of 00.
Mr. Kcllog's candldncy has beon
vigorously pushed by his friend3 nnd
his work In tho Standard Oil ana
othor ensos hns attracted favorable
attention at tlio Whlto House.
As at present constituted tho Third.
Fourth nnd Seventh circuits aro un
represented on tho supremo court
and tho Fifth nnd Sixth circuits each
have two, Chief Justlco White nnd
Justlco Lamar and Justices Day and
Lurton, respectively.
All four of Urt leading candldntcs
come from tho Eighth circuit, nlrcauy
represented by Jdstlco Vnndevauter,
appointed by tho prcsldont last year,
but candidates suggested from tho
vacant circuits, whllo considered by
tho president, bavo beon .eliminated
ono by one.
Unanimously Elected President ot
Chinese Republic.
Nanking, China. Dr. Sun Yat Son
has been elected unanimously presi
dent or tho republic of China. His
olcctlon ns president of tho republic
by tho Nunklng conforonco means
that tho peaco conforonco botwocn
Wu Ting Fnng nnd Tnng Shao YI is
closed. Tho president will nssumo
chnrgo of nil nogotlntlons.
Grave Opened by Robbers.
Ditquoln. III. Grave robbers havo
beon nt work In tho Odd Follows'
ometory horo, but nn lnvcstlgntlon
showed that no bodies havo been re
moved. Tho grnvo of Robert Whont
ley, who died suddenly several months
ago, had beon opened nnd nearly nil
tho earth removed from tho casket,
but tho body was not disturbed.
Mr. Bryan As Candidate.
Omaha. A potltlon to placo tho
namo of William J. Bryan on tho
democratic primary tlckot ns a candi
date for president In 1912 1b being
circulated by A. A. Artor of Omnha.
Up to this tlmo he hns secured more
thnn half tho required number of sig
natures. Croker Sued for Damages.
Now York. Richard Crokor and
Ids sons, Rlchnrd Croker, Jr., and
Howard Crokor, vero mado Joint de
fendants In a civil action begun to
day by John J. Brcon to recover
Hasn't Planned Revolution.
Snn Antonio, Tex. Emllo Vas
quoz Gomez, who is in tho city ns n
self-styled refuge, donicd ho had
planned or would plnn a revolution
ngalnst tho Mexican government.
Chicago Bishop Consecrated. .
Chicago. In tho prosonco of n dis
tinguished gnthcrlng of clorgy and
laity Rev. William E. Toll was conso
ornted Episcopal Bishop sufrragan ol
Chicago on tho 27th.
American Runs Amuck.
Bresln, Gormnny. A visitor nt ono
of tho hotels bore, who is said to bo
an Amorlcan, but whoso Idontlty has
not yot boon ascertained, after firing
Eovoral shots at tho hotel portor and
entering his room, dolled tho pollco
for nn hour.
Bride of Navy Captain,
Washington. Tlio innrrlago of Mrs.
D. P. McCartnoy and Captain Harold
P. Norton, U. S. N. took placo at noon
Thursday at tho homo of tho brido In
this city.
News Notts of Intorest from Various
Sections. - .
Mnny Nebraska towns nro looking
forwnrd. to much building In 1912.
Generous fall of snow all ovor Ne
braska puts a good outlook oa farm
work in 1912.
Governor Aldrlch has Issued nn un
conditional pardon to Alfred Jones, n
convict who is said to bo afflicted
with tuborculosis.
Tho Kcncshw school board Is plan
ning to build n new $25,000 school
building. Bonds for tho structure
wero voted recently.
Two men in a South Omaha packing
plant were electrocuted by taking
hold of a chain that wns not known to
bo charged. Both mon lenvo families
Tho cornerstone of tho now Christi
an church at KenosnW was laid rec
ently. Tho new church Is to bo con
structed of brick with basoment nnd
Governor Aldrlch has paroled Elllck
Bogdnnovltch, sent up from South
Omnhn for eovon yoars on a chargo
of assault with intent to kill. Ho was
committed Janunry 16, 1909.
A fdlght increnso in tho not Income
or 1911 over tho provious yoar is
shown in tho roport of tho SL Paul,
Mlnnenpolls & Omaha railroad, filed
with tho stato railway commission.
It 13 now practically assured that
Aurora will soon havo n modern nnd
permanent mausoleum. Representa
tive of an Omaha concern havo been
canvnsslng tho situation nnd have met
with much encouragonionL
The orgnnization of tho Aurora
Construction company has Just Taeon
onnounced. The company starts busi
ness with a paid-up capital of $10,000,
and will do a general construction,
plumbing nnd lighting business.
Whllo eating his Christmas dinner
and without n moment's warning, T.
E. Hnbcrlan, proprietor of a grdcory
storo in Lincoln, lost tbo sight of his
right oyo. "Thrombosis or tlio cen
tral nrtory of the retina" was given
is tho cause. ,
Herman Hnvokost, aged seventy
nine, president of tho Logan creoic
farmors club for tweuty-llvo years,
dropped dead from paralysis at his
homo near Hooper. Ho camo to
America in 18G8 nnd liomestiaded in
Dodge county.
Thoro nro 4,188 Inmates nt tho four
teen state institutions at the present
time, according to figures compiled
frbm monthly reports Just mado to
Governor Aldrlch from tho hends of
tho various institutions. Tho Has
tings asylum contains the largest
number, thero being 1,048 Inmates at
Inglealde. Thero aro 01 G Inmates at
tho Lincoln hospital for tho lnsnno,
and 330 at the Norfolk liospltal, n to-
tal of 1,994 Inmntos at tho three In
stitutions for tho care of tho Insano
In the state.
Tho Union Pacific railroad's annual
report shows that with an increase or
$009,571 in tho operating expenses for
tho state of Nebraska tho operating
revenues for tho year 1911 havo de-
creasd $308,270. The total operating
revenuo for 1911 aggregated $19,059,
477 whllo for tho fiscal year ending
Juno 30, 1910, tho total was S19.3C7,-
747. Thero was a flight decrease also
In tho operating revenuos for tho en
tire system, tho total footing up to
$51,284,501 In 1911 nnd $52,028,873 in
Undor tho provisions of tho Liver
bill onacted at tho last sosslon or the
Icglslnturo several score of municipal
ities ovor tho stato will bo privileged
to submit tho llccnso or no llcenso
quostlon nt tho coming spring elec
tions. Tho now law, which was tho
only chnngo mado In tlio liquor laws
of the state nt tho last session of tho
stato legislature, sots out that upon
potltlon or thirty freeholders In nny
city or 10,000 or loss inhnbitants, tho
question shall bo submitted oparate
ly nt tho regular spring election.
Ottm II. Ballon, a former Omana
lawyer, was killed in Seattle, Wnsh..
by bolng run down by an. nutomoblle.
Tho Boys Industrlnl school nt
Kenrney has sold a carload (G7B
bushels) of potatoes, for which 9B
cents a bushel was received. Tlio
school farm had previously sold $2,000
worth of sugar boots, and in addition
raised a largo amount of supplies
used in tlio school.
According to a law enacted at Uio
last session of tho legislature, wnen
over n rural mall carrier in Uils stato
or a postmaster notifies tho county
survoyor or county highway commis
sioner that any of tho mail routes
within tho county aro .blockaded with
snow or aro Impassablo for any causo
It is tho duty of tho county official
within twenty-four hours or receiving
such notification to proceed with all
'.asto to open bucIi road. To accomp
lish this, tho now lnw sets out that
any road overseer may demand ana
require tho sorvicos of any nblebodled
person who Is n patron of tho snow
bound mnll routo. For his services ho
will rocelvo thirty cents nn hour.
E. H. Mack, for many years post
master of Bancroft, wns recommend
ed by President Taft for conllrmntlon.
Judge Burk nnd County Clerk Prall
of Chn80 county called on tho stnto
board or oducatlonnl lands and funds
to protest ngalnst tho high npprnls
inont placed on stato school lnnds in
Chase county. These lands aro now
undor lease, but tho county officers
say Uio leasing price is so high that
tho renters cannot pay, tint thoy nro
charged $150 a section and prlvnto
landa ndjncent can bo rented from
Ktukald homesteaders for one-third
that amount.