The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 02, 1912, Image 7

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In View of Extraordinary Occasion
"Pinkey" Might Well Bo Ex
cuscd for Absence.
"Pinkey" is tlio ntcknntno ot the
chocolato-colorcd Chesterllold who
presides over tlio bar In a small,
uniquo ,und out-or-tho-wny liquid re
frcEhmont establishment In Washing
ton pntronlzod by nowspnper corre
spondonts, visiting cclobrltles and gov.
crnmont olllclals. llo Is a great
"J'lner," and devotes his ono evening
"off" a week to his several lodgo du
ties. Bolng missed on ono ot these
occasions by 0110 of his friends and
patrons, who had lugged to his placo
a suit of evening clothes which ho
thought would lit tho Plnkertonlan
form, on tho next ovcnlng regretful
rofcronco was mado to It, tho suit
having boon bestowed on another, a
waiter In a rival hostelry.
"I'so mighty obliged to you, Bah,"
groaned Pinkey, "mighty obliged, Jcs"
tho same. Thls'Il teach mo a lesson
to stny on the Job."
"Attending ono of your lodgo meet
ings, I suppose?" queried his friend of
tho dress suit.
"Well, not exactly, sah," replied
Pinkey, "not exactly, Bali. You sco,
wo wns Jos organizing tho colored
, He Knew Her Well.
"i6W, old man, mako yourself com
fortable and lot's talk over tho good
Md. times. Wo hnvon't scon each oth
r ilnco wo wero boyB togothcr. I
told you 1 was married, didn't I? Hy
tho way, did you over Hvo In Palncs
vlllc?" "Yes, I lived there three years."
"Ever meet Miss Katlsh?"
"Ha! ha I Why, I was engaged to
horl But that's nothing all tho fel
lows In my crowd were engaged to
nor at ono tlmo ornnothor. I sco
you've lived In Palnesvllle. Why did
you ask about her, In particular?
Como confess?"
"Why, I er I married her."
What! Rub a Kiss Off?
At tho tender ago of threo mascu
line conceit, had gripped that small
boy with a rolantless clutch. Ho had
kissed a Httlo girl of throo, and sho
wns rubbing her lips vigorously.
"You mustn't do that again," said
tho boy's mother. "She doesn't llko
It. Just seo how hard sho Is trying
to rub your kiss off."
"Oh, no, sho ain't," said tho boy.
"She's rubbing it In."
Exact Description.
"My brother has Just got a snap ot
a Job."
"What Is it?"
"Setting trapB."
Couldn't Bear Sight of Him.
"He's tho light of my llfo, pa."
"I don't llko tho light In my eyes."
Pericles woro hla hair pretty closo
to his oyes but nobody over called
him a low-brow!
Nebraska Directory
CURED in a few days
without pain or a bun
gleal operation. No pay until cured. Write
DIt. WKAY. 007 Uoo llldff., Otnnlin, Nob.
3maha, Nebraska
Itoous from Jl.0) up nlDgle, 75 cents up double.
I m Huiuounuuu, 1UZ h All NAM
than uiiy three other schools. COME SEE.
(0vtei -Better Things to Eat.
Order Table Delicacies by mail. Ask for New
Catalogue. 17th & Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.
llest in the West. Write for booklet.
Express paiit one wny on S3 orders.
Drether Brot., 221 1-13 Farnam SL.Omaha, Neb.
Do you want tha words
you wrote for that
I write rouilc for your words
or wordi for your muiio
taoomlotl durft
I can make you money by telling your
butter, ccci and poultry on commission.
W.I. & f .1 - .
DefectiveEye Sight
Wo Know IIow. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
S13 South lath Street, Omaha, Nob.
Furniture and
Carpet Co.
Before You Buy
Wo Guarantoo
a IB to 50
Actual Saving
On All Kinds
I 1 1 HO Wo pay high.
Hm 1 1 K o cst pr'ccs r
W ij II Hides, Furs,
p Pelts, Tallow and
Wool. Write for our price
list and tags today. We have no
Branch Houses. GREAT WESTERN
IIIDE & FUR COMPANY, 1214-1218
Jones Street Omaha, Nebraska
(National Pawnshop
ASIIINGTON. Shall Undo Sam
follow tho cxamnlo sol hv K"rnncn
Germany, Holland and othor Kuro
poan nations nnd mako It posBlblo lor
tho temporarily embarrassed to ob
tain monoy on personal bolonglngs
without paying rrora 3G to 100 por
cent, lntorcst on loans?
This question Is called up for con
sideration through tho publication by
tho department of comniorco and la
bor of a series ot consular reports on
pawnbroklng In foreign countries.
Needy citizens can obtniu small sums
of monoy on short notlco, nvoldlng
tho exorbitant rates of lntorost
charged by tho private pawnbroklng
concern, nnd keeping frco from tho
greedy clutch of tho professional mon
ey lender.
Whcro tho plan has been tried long
est Its success has been most marked.
Tho citizen Is furnished with what
money ho needs up to a roasonablo
amount, on personnl collateral. Tho
avorngo rato of lntorcst charged Is
Great Work Done
THE great mechanical problems con.
-nccted with tho construction ol
tho Panama canal, which is to bo
oponod In January, 1915, pass In ro
vlow in tho annual report or tho Isth
mian canal commission. Tho record
of tho year's achievements includes:
Completion of almost threo-qunrters
of tho Culobra cut. Total excavations
from Culcbrn during year, 16,221,672
cubic yards at average cost of 68.8
cents a yard. Dig plans laid for ter
minals, Including storage of fuol,
fresh water and othor supplloa, repair
facilities, otc. Pacllic termlnnl to havo
dry dock, storehouse and coaling sta
tions. Prnctlcal completion of plans
of all locks. Elaborato schemo for
lighting. Safeguarding against land
slides. Tho IocIcb havo been a great prob
lem. Designs for tho approach walls
nt all locks except ono havo been pre
pared. Contracts in forco at tho bo
ginning of tho fiscal year woro prac
tically completed and now contracts
entered Into for a vaBt amount or
frames, valves, gates and othor para
phernalia needed to put tho canal Into
Moro than 051 tons ot cnstlngs
wero made on tho Isthmus. Building
of ho groat lock gates each lear or
Uncle Sam is Using
JNCLE SAM now has a system of
balloon recording for help in fore
casting tho weather. Ho makes bal
loons of dlfforent kinds and sends
them up at tho various stations over
tho United States to bring down rec
ords of tho upper nlr. These arc sent
up from day j.o day and tho results
aro telegrnphed all over tho country.
It is partially from thorn thnt our
weather forecasts como. These bal
loons aro filled with hydrogen of n
quality which Is difficult to obtain.
Indeed, thero nro only ono or two
places In tho country whero it enn bo
had. Tho result Is that tho govern
ment makes its own hydrogen and it
has a groat machine for tho purposo
at Mount Weather In Virginia.
Hydrogen is ono of tho two gases
which form water. Tho other gns la
Zoo Keeper Gored
GORED by a bull huffnlo, James K.
Dean, a keeper at tho Zoological
Park, is in a critical condition nt tho
emergency hospital with a compound
frncturo of tho skull. Dean, who la
ono of tho oldest employes of tho zoo
In point of 6P-ryJco, was attacked attor
ho had given tho nnlmnl Its dinner
and whilo ho wns cloaning Its pen.
Prompt and bravo asslstanco ot J, .).
Kroamcr, a watchman at tho park,
given at risk of serious injury to him
self, probably saved Dean from being
killed by tho enraged brute.
Tho hull buffalo Is confined In n
small pen in tho western part of tho
park. It is Dean's duty to feed tho
jnlranl and keep tho pen clean. iVjan
placed tho feed for tho bull In ono
corner of tho pon.
Engrossed in his work, Dean grad
ually becamo careless In his move
fMnts about tho pen nnd forgot to
RjjiD a weathor oyo out. Ho turnod
Vlrti back on tho bull, Intent on his
work, when tho beaBt mado a sudden
rush at him. Dean was unprepared
for tho attack, and tho animal was
upon him almost beforo ho could movo
out or his tracks. Tho buffalo vicious
ly rushed at him with his bead closo
is Now Proposed
Iobs than 12 per cont por nnnuru.
Morcovor, with tho possible exception
of Franco, whoro tho government ex
ercises a complete monopoly of tho
pawnbroklng business, tho national
nnd municipal Institutions havo suc
cessfully combated strong competi
tion from prlvato concorns that havo
boon permitted to charge much hlghor
ratc3 of lntorost,
Tho pawnshop of Amsterdam, tho
oldest nnd probably tho most lonlent
In tho!d, is known as tho llnnk
van Lccnlng. It has boon under tho
control of tho municipality since 1C14,
and now has fifteen branches through
out tho city. Tho nvorago rato of
interest is less than 10 per cent, a
year. Still tho bank Is nblo to main
tain a working balanco of moro than
11,000,000. In Frnnco tho pawnbrok
lng business Is strictly n govornmont
monopoly, which tho Mont do Ploto,
tho nation's pawnbroklng concern, has
onjoyod for moro than Iirty years,
Much tho samo policy as outlined
In tho Dutch nnd French Institutions
Is followed In municipal and govern-!
mentnl pawnshops In Germany, Hou
mania, Italy and Russia. Tho avor
ngo lntorcst chnrgo is about 12 per
cent., tho pntrons nro protected as
fully as possible nnd overy lnccntlvo
Is offered to redeem pledges. ,
on Canal in a Year
which Is ilfty-rour foot eight inches
high wns expedited. At each lock
entrnnco strong fondor chnlns at
tached to powerful springs will bo In
stalled to prevent ships from batter
ing down tho locks.
A floating cnlBscn gato Is being In
stalled for uso in closing a lock so
as to enablo workmen to repair tho
permanent locks nnd tho bottom
sluices. Canal Illumination will bo
provided by rango lights for establish
ing tho direction of vessels on tho
longer tnngonts nnd by sldo lights a
mllo apart marking each Bldo of tho
chnnncl. Duoys nnd lighted boacons
built of reinforced concroto will
Culcbra cut Is ton miles long nnd
deep enough to recolvo tho United
States capltol. From this cut, desplto
tho enormous oxenvation during tho
year, on July last thero remained
23,929,110 cubic ynrdB to bo removed.
Weather Balloons
oxygen. Tho oxygon lins to bo takon
out and only tho puro hydrogen left.
This is dono by moans of electricity,
tho machlno for tho purposo having
been imported from Switzerland. Tho
hydrogon is stored in littlo round
cylinders, each about as thick and
long as tho log of tho average man.
Tho cylinders nro sealed so that they
aro absolutely tight, and nro shipped
by freight to tho various weather sta
tions. Returning to tho bnlloons, many of
thoso which nro now being sent up
nro equipped with parachutes which
extend abovo them. As tho balloon
rises into tho upper nlr it llnally
reaches an altitude at which It bursts.
It carrlos with It ono ot theso boxes
containing tho lino instruments. ThiB
Is nttnehed to tho parachuto, and for
this reason It falls so gently that the
machinery is not injured. Attached
to tho box aro pieces or writing, which
state that a reward will bo given to
any ono who will send tho box to tho
nenrest weather Btatlon. For this rea
son tho fnrmors watch for tho bal
loons and cnrofully tnko them to tho
scientists when thoy fall.
by Enraged Buffalo
lo tho ground nnd Its noso almost
scraping tho oarth. With a wild bel
low it struck tho keopor and hurled
him sovornl ynrds against tho Bldo or
tho pen. Tho short but sharp horns
struck Dean on tho bond, ono or them
partly penetrating tho skull.
Cnlllng for help, Dean ondcavorod
Jo protect himself from tho nniinnl.
Ho lay on tho ground. Watchman
Kreamor wan but n short dlstnnco
away at tho time. Ho heard tho cries
for holp and rnn to tho pen. Kream
or, at tho risk of tils own llfo, climbed
over tho fenco of tho pen, without
obtaining a wenpon to defend him
self. Ho yollod at tho nnlmul to at
tract its attention from Dean. Tho
buffalo turned toward tho watchman,
and as ho did so Doan, who was un
nblo to rlso to his feet, crawled to
tho gate of tho pen.
mi -mnr
Pension System for
how MY 1
ANSAS CITY, MO. Knnsns City's
plan of pensioning widows is at
tracting wide attention. Requests for
information como to tho officers of tho
Juvenile court ovory day from cities of
tho United States nnd Cnnnda. Thero
aro moro thnn 40 widows on tho pen
sion roll and tho plan is working sat
isfactorily. It wns found soon nfter tho estab
lishment of tho Juvenile court that
mnny children woro kopt from school
to work, tho monoy thoy enrnod elng
tho solo support of tho family. This
was particularly tho cuso whero wid
ows with several children woro unablo
to work because of tho necessity for
remaining at homo to enro for tho
umnll children.
At tho suggestion ot Judgo' McCuno,
thon prosldlng over tho Juvonllo court,
philanthropic persons formed n volun
tary n8Soclatlon nnd boys of school
ago compollcd to . work wero pnld n
certain amount ot monoy, according to
tho needs of tho family, In plnco ot
Stowaway is in Ship's Hold 12 Days
BALTIMORE, Md. To havo lived
twolvo dayB In tho ley, inky black
ness of a ship's hold with nothing to
eat savo raw potatoo3, with only rats
for companions, nnd to havo boon res
cued only becnuso tho foremast light
of tho ship on which ho wnB a Btowa
way refused to work, was tho soul
racking oxperlonco of Walter Purdlng,
nu American, who reached Baltimore
on tho Johnston lino steamer Ulster
more, Captain Gownn.
According to .IiIb story, whon tho
Ulstermoro was about to loavo Liver
pool, ho gained tho consent ot a steve
dore to stow away In hatch No. 3. Ho
snld ho chose tho hatch becauso It
contained potatoes, unl ho bollovcd
the ship's cook would rcloaso him tho
first day or two at sea. But Captain
Gownn procured his "Bpuds" somo
whoro ,elso, nnd tho cook camo not.
Hour by hour, Purdlng said, his hun
ger nnd thirst boenmo grcntor. Ho
began to ent potatoes, but In two days
theso palled on him and ho could cat
no more. Thirst then attacked him.
Seeking to rollovo his ngony ho
sucked tho steel sldoH of tho ship,
which recked with moisturo, but with
tho drops of filthy water camo tho
lead paint and nddod to his Buffer
ings. When hunger began to weaken him
Killed Owl He Thought Was a Burglar
CINCINNATI. Tho whack of a club
resounding nt tho dead of night In
tho parlor of tho rcsldenco of M. B.
Herman, coupled with tho piercing
Bcroam of a dying mnlteso owl, mark
ed tho climax of a three-cornered bat
tle, wnged In darkness, botween tho
owl, Night Pntrolmnn Joo Coulon of
tho Newport police forco nnd tho Her
man household. And when tho half
articulato and corio cry of tho dying
bird of prey Bubaldod nnd tho lights
wero turned on, neighbors of tho Her
mans, who hnd heard tho crash of
brlc-n-brac, tho thumping of tho pollco
mnn's mnco on tho llntol of tho Her
man threshold nnd tho hoots of tho
cnuflo of tho trouble, did not know
whether to turn over In their beds or
call out tho fire department.
It vas a bit of a braw night whon
Patrolman Conlon rounded tho corner
Bringing Together
NEW YORK. Tho Nntlonnl Employ
ment exchange, a prlvato organiza
tion In New York, In tho first year and
a half of Its oxlstonco has learned
many things about tho task of bring
ing together tho Jobloss man nnd tho
manlesH Job. It wna established with
a fund of $100,000 contributed by a
number of wealthy men to rollovo tho
deplorable conditions of unemploy
ment In Now York city. Two Bopnrnto
exchanges aro maintained, ono to sup
ply manual laborers, skilled and un
skilled, tho othor to supply morcantllo
employes. During 1910 tho domnnd
for men to do manual work grently
exceeded tho supply. Work for moro
than 4,000 was found In tho city, in
Now York nnd othor states. Many
moro could' havo been placed bad tho
men boon available. It cost $1.93 to
got ench man hla Job, over nnd abovo
tho small fco collected. Business de
pression this year hns altered condi
tions, and not so mnny pohUIoiih nro
opon, but It hns boon established ub
gonorally truo that tho man who is
willing to do manual work, skilled or
L ffl.Q:"LA
Widows a Success
tho monoy thoy woro earning, on con
dition thnt thoy attended school rcgu
larly. Many scnsltivo women hesitated to
accept this form of charity, and nt first
thero woro fow nppllcntlons for such
pensions. Lnst winter, however, n law
was passed by tho legislature provid
ing thnt tho county clerk establish a
pension bureau, tho pensions to bo
pnld from county funds In such
amount no tho Juvonllo court found
Tho law provides that a widow may
bo paid not to excood $10 a month for
ono child to cnnblo thnt child to nt
tend school; If sho hns moro than ono
child, not to exceed $5 a month for
each additional child. Tho yearly ex
penditure must not exceed $12,000.
Tho lden of tho lnw is to hoop tho
family together under homo Influ
ence. Each applicant must answor ques
tions proparod by tho Juvenllo court
Tho list Is mado out In tho form ot n
petition to tho court and Is consid
ered nt a formal hearing, nftor a full
Investigation by a probation officer.
To bo ollglblo to a pension, a wom
an must havo boon a rcsldorit ot tho
county two years. Tho ponslon sys
tem Is costing tho county about $500
a month.
vnn PAN tXFT '
V-i V
tho weathor becamo rough. Purdlng
says ho was tossed about tho hold llko
tho potatoes until overy flbor ached.
Tho ship ran Into tho vicinity of lco
bergs. Hall fell on tho sides of tho
ship and convorted tho stowaway's
quartors into a vorltnblo refrigerator.
Tho prisoner said that tho rnts In tho
hold nostlcd on his brenst nnd ho did
not fight them bocauso thoy kopt him
warm. Thoy sought no blood or bono,
but only tho wnrmth of bis body.
It was whon tho ship was 12 days
out, whon tho foremast light refused
to work nnd It was necessary to open
hatch No. 3 to follow tho wiring.
Third Englnoor Pottor ontorod tho
hatchway to bo surprised by a figure's
hurtling by him toward tho sldo of tho
uhlp. Dropping his lnntorn ho wrap
ped both arms around tho man nnd
brought him up. Aftor ho was ro
loased it was with difficulty ho wns
kept from Jumping Into tho sea to
slnko his fiory thirst. Purdlng was
given a bnth and food.
and passed tho Horman homo. Mr.
Horman, a noophyto of tho froah-alr
movomont, had loft tho parlor window
wldo opon. Tho owl, ono of n nest
which havo been hooping Nowport
nwnko of nights for tho past month.
Invaded tho room nnd a foarsomo
nolso ensued. Aftor tho owl, which
was making wldo circles of tho room,
hnd smashed an antlquo clock, a hall
trco, Boveral small pictures and a
Louis XIV. chair of frail design, nnd
hnd its claws entangled In n piano
cover, on which woro a Japanoso vaso
and a roso Jar, was taking chnrgo of
this portion of tho homo furniture,
Horman was roused by Patrolman Con
lon thumping on tho door.
"Thoro'B burglars In tho houao!"
exclalmod Conlon. "Who-o-o?" mourn
fully inqulrod tho owl. "Burglars!
Don't you hoar 'cm?" shouted Conlon.
Not knowing whothor tholr quarry
wns human or ghostllko, tho pair cau
tiously turned tho doorknob. Boforo
Herman could reach tho light button
thero wns a feathery bwIsIi past his
head and ho struck out with Conlon's
club. Tho owl's cry of mortal nngulBh
Jobless and Job
unskilled, can find work If ho wnnts
It. Thoro is plenty of room for him.
But not bo in tho morcantllo bu
reau, for ofllco holp, salosnien and slm
llnr occupations. Tho number Book
ing work of this hind Is many tlmos
larger than tho number of possible)
places. Positions woro found for only
537 out of 4,510 applicants nnd tho
cost of placing each ono was $10.40
moro than tho feo. Many of theso
successful applicants woro forced to
accopt employment at flvo or bIx dol
lars a wook. Now York is flooded
with a hordo of young men and wom
en who want to do only "gonteol"
work, nnd this drugging of tho mar
ket has forced Balarles which tho av
orago applicant must nccopt far below
u fair living staudard.
I urn
Religion as
By Rev. Hugh T. Kerr,
Palor of Fullctton Avenue
Presbyterian Church, Chicago
TKXT-Ono thing thou lackest. Mark
This Is a character study In black
and whlto. Tho picture Is drawn by a
determined hnnd nnd thero Is no hint
of hcsltntlon. Stroko follows stroke
until tho complete portrait Is boforo
us. Tho story Is as comploto ns It la
concise t begins In comedy nnd ends
In tragedy. Tho young man, Impulslvo,
optimistic and tompornmontnlly on'
thuslnstlc, hurries breathlessly into
tho proBonco of Jesus with tho long
hushed question of his heart upon his
Hps, nnd thon whon our hopes for him
nro htghoBt wo behold him making
what Dante calls "Tho Groat Re
fusal" and returns to his old llfo as 111
nt enso and with his heart as hungry
ns over.
Let us not misunderstand UiIb young
mnn. Ho wns no comedian trifling with
sacred things nnd then cnstlng them
thoughtlessly away from him. Ho was
Intense, enthusiastic, n nobleman nt
heart, and whon Jesus looked upon
him ho fell In lovo with him. Ho
had cllmbod tho ladder of lawful am
bition, nnd whilo still n young man
wns In tho council of tho oldcrs. Honor
did not Bpoll tho humility ot his
henrt, nnd In tho prasenco of tho Mas
jtor ho bowed In grnceful rovoronce
Richly endowed with worldly wonlth,
Jio was still moro richly endowed with.
a nature rich In tho virtues that mako
for righteousness.
Jesus was Intensely Interested in
this young man. Wo road that "Ho
jlovod him." I think ho was lntorost-
)od In him on nccount of his youth.
Christ nnd young manhood, as has
))oon Bald, aro as magnot and Bteol.
This young. man had nil his llfo to
Jlvo. Tho years with all their possl
blo achievements woro still bofon
Christ wns Interested In this young
man becauso ho was rich. Riches and
wealth moant power, nnd power la an
other namo for responsibility. Joaua
spoko hard words about rich men and
about rich men who loved monoy, who
trusted In monoy, who becauso oC
tholr monoy forgot about God. Jesus,
however, did not dosplso a man be
catiBO ho was rich. Ho loved tho rich
young rulor. It wna a rich man who
begged hla lifeless body as It hung
unclaimed upon tho cross. Two rich'
men took hla dead body nnd wrapped.
It tenderly In tho choicest of linen nnd
laid It awny In a costly sopulchor.
Jesus knows nnd recognizes no class.
RIchos and poverty to him nro but tho
tools with which character fashions clr
cumstnnces. "Tho mnn's tho gowd for
a' thnt." It Is wrltton of him that "ho
mado his gravo with tho rich In hla
loath." Thoro 1b pathos and tragedy
in that sontonco. "Must tho Mastor
wnlt till death to dwell In tho hab
itations of tho rich?" Mny ho not mako
his nbodo with tho rich In hla llfo?
Lot tho rich man opon tho door nnd
Christ will ontor In to shnro his lono
ly isolation, nnd will Batlsfy tho hun
ger of his heart.
Josub was interested In this youna
man becnuso bo was moral. His llfo
iwaa puro and hla hands clonn. For him
;a good namo was bottor than great
riches. Ho followed tho quest of tho
host. Ho wns ono of tho Knights ot
,tho Round Table, who had pledged hla
honor to "Hvo aweot llfo of purost
chastity." To gain tho lovo and nd
miration ot Jesus it 1b not nocossnry
to wandor off Into forbidden paths
of aln, and to run tho gauntlet of a
'dlflslpatod llfo. For all young men;
who are lighting sin nnd tho devil and
carrying a clean conscience In tho.
midst of contaminating circumstances
Jesus has a warm wolcome.
Josus wuo luterostod In this young
man, who, with his youth, his position,
his lulluonco, his purity of llfo, was
still dissatisfied and camo with tho
cry of unrest "What lack I yot?" This
1b n wonderful thing that bo should
havo so much and yet not havo
Jobub answered tho young man'a
question by n command. "Como, follow
mo." In a groat book recontly pub
lished thoro Is this Btriklng sontonco,
"If tlo gods wont tholr way nnd woro
satisfied, and tho boasts wont tholr
wny nnd wero satisfied, tho unrest oC
man can only moan thnt ho 1b not
rightly related to his present llfo."
Now, Is not that Just tho truth? IIow
can a man bo rightly rolnted to this
present liro In which ho Is sot If ho
leaves out God nnd rofuses to becomo
related to tho eternal renlltlos that llo
all around him, In tho world of truth
and bonuty and goodnoss? Aro youth,
and worldly honor, and riches tho only
things that llfo needs to bo related to?
Out ot all theso human relationships
tho cry is heard, "What lack I yot?"
And Jesus responds promptly, "you
lack tho lovo and tho light of tho proa
onco of tho God or truth."
Tho human heart Is homeless until
It finds tho Heavenly Father." Find
God, nnd you And rest and penco and'
satisfaction. Religion la satisfaction.
Religion completes llfo and porfectB
lovo, nnd only In tho prosenco of aod
Is tho soul satisfied.
No Bacrlflco is too groat to gain this
great troasuro. "Soli all that you
havo and give to tho poor If nocoa
sary." Lot nothing hold you back from
following after ChrlBt In tho llfo ot
Bolt-surrendor and loving service