atnu Historic! SocUt 3. rf" . - atMV:-? ;1. TWENTY-SIXTH YEAH, NORTH PLATTE, NEW, DECEMBER 28. 191 1. No. 92 1 If' n 1 One - Fifth Off t 0 Beginning December 26th and closing January 13th we will give you a discount of one fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, tloaks, Dresses, Suits, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notions, Gents' Furnishing and Shoe stocks. These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from your bill. During this sale we will not open any new goods in these departments, so it will pa? you io come early before the as sortments are broken. Wilcox Department Store. NORTH PLATTE, NBBEASKA. '8' i a i TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS K It Miss Clara Gloy returned to Ogalalla Wednesday after visiting Mrs. Warren Kelly. ' Guy Rcese. of Plattsmouth, came, up Wednesday to act aa best man at the Bonner-Woods wedding. The Yeoman will have a public instal lation of officers in the I. 0. O. F. Hall on January 9th. Miss Stella Mills, of Ogalalla', who visited her brother Ernest Mills this week, went homo Wednesday. Attornoy Crissman, of Cedar Rapids, .arrived Wednesday to transact business relative to the Taylor addition. Mrs. Pollock, of Ponder, returned home yesterday after spending several weeks with her daughter Mrs. W. P. Snyder. " " Messrs. George Austin and Sanford Hartman returned Tuesday from Om aha, where they attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Chas. Ware. Mesdames Nancy Davis, of Portland, and Malinda Metcalf of Parma, Idaho, who have been visiting their brothor Dave Scott and family for several weeks went to Lexington Wednesday to spend a week or more. On Christmas night at tho homo of 4.he bride on E. 8th street, Rfcv. C. B. Harman joined , in marriage William Campbell and Miss Maude Miller. Mr. Cnmnbell is in tho employ of tho U. P. and tho newly married couple expect X, to reside in the city. Col. W. b Cody, who spent Christ mas with his wife in this city, left Wednesday for Cody, Wyo., to trans act business bofore going to Now York to negotiate for now machinery to be used in his mines in Tuscon, Ariz. m M Attorney J. G. Beelor transacted business in Opjalalla Wednesday. (Jharjie; Thompson went to Kearney WedrieSda'y to spend a few days with friends'. " - jljsJHazclObortelder,.pf Sidney, Is. tho-guest of Miss Mamie Pizer this week. Mrs. "Sherwood and son Louis of Sutherland aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Cox. Tho record keeper for the L. 0. T. M. will bo at the Newton art store today and tomorrow. Miss Isabel Stafford of Paxton, came down Wednesday to visit Miss Loretta Murphy. Misses Bertha and Mablo Anderson returned Tuesday from a short visit with Hershey relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Votaw of Wollfleet, spent tho fore" part of tho week with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murrin and chil dren returned Wednesday from Chey enne where they, spent tho first of tho week. E. E. Henderson, formerly omployed in the railroad suryoyors's office in this city came up from Collnway on business Wednesday. Mrs. Johanna McGraw received word Wednesday that a son had been born to her daughter Mrs. Sartwell at Savanna, 111.,, the first of tho week Officers G. A. R. Post 09. which were elected at thlast mooting are: Comdr., J. S. Hoagland; Sr. V., Ashley Peters: Jr. V., A, M. Mason; Uliap lain, A. It. Crusen; Z. M., A. McMich nol: Officer of tho Day. P. H. Ruddy; Officer of GuaTtl, J. A. Foster; Dele gate, L. A. McDonald, Post and Corps will hold Joint public installation in I. O, 0. F. nail on tho evening of Jan uary 0, VJU6. Attornoy Wr V. Hoagland loft Wed nesday for Gandy to spend several days on business. Mrs. Mary Marovish has .been In Grand Island this week visiting her mother, Mrs. Frolkey. Attorney W. T. Wilcox wont ta Lin coln Wednesday to attend the meeting of ;tho stnto bar association. Doll Bonner of the Statu UpiVorsity. catne up Wedncsuay to vim relatives and attend his brother's wedding. Mr. and Mm. ChaB. A. Howe of Osh- kosh,,aro spending a few days . in town before leaving for Yorke to visit tho lattor's parents, Tha Elk dancing party held Tuesday evening was a very enjoyable affair .and notwithstanding tha inclemency of tho weather tho attendance was very largo. i'Fred McCord, of Topokn, Kans,, and. Miss Nina M. Frazior, of Maxwell, wcro married by Judgo Grant Tuesday ovenlhg in tho prosenco of Elld Frazicrl ana liertha uonger. F. H. Johnston and mother wont to Morgantown, W, V., Tuesday evening, where tho latter will como into posses sion of 5131,000 which sho inherited about twenty-eight years ago, but tho estate has just been settled, Genuine crushed Oyster Shells. Make liens lay. Hershoy's, Fifth and Locust. Officers elected Tuesday in Prido of 28 Lodge No. 128 wore; President, Celia Groves; Past President, Rnlo Ogier; Vico President, Crosslo Cauffman; Sec rctary, Mnry Roddy; Treasurer, Inda Baker; Collector, Olive- Cox; Warden, Lizzio Mang; Conductor, GeorgiaMnlm stein; Chaplain, Emroy Wolbach; Inner Guard, Maudo Erhart; Outer Guard, Sadie James; Member of board of Trustees, Maud Erhart; Medical Ex aminers, Pra. McCabo and Kerr. lV , Anderson Given Sentence. Charles Anderson, the tramp who attempted to wreck a passenger train near Brule ten days ago, ploaded guilty before Judgo Grimes at Ogalalla the early, part of the week and.vwan given an indeterminate sentence trom ono to ten years, according to futuro beha viorin tho stato penitentiary. Los Angeles Limited Wrecked. Union Pacific fust westbound train, Los Angeles Limited No. 7, running at a speed of forty miles an hour, was wrecked fourteen miles woot of Lnra mio Wednesday On account of a broken rail. Tho(engino and tho first three cars in tho train left tho track, Tho dining enr chof and sevcrnl passengers were injured. One-Tenth Off on Groceries Until January 20th. We will give ten percent off on our regular prices except ing butter eggs and potatoes. Our stock is new no old items in the store. We give you prompt service with our auto wagon. Oar of fancy Minnesota potatoes just received. HERROD & SON, Phone 208 The purpose of the above discount sale is to demonstrate to the people of North Platte and and vicinity that we have fresh and reliable goods. Bnngalow Doys Will Entertain. Tho bungalow boys on cast Fifth street will entertain at a dinner party Sunday in favor of Clntfde Selby and Albin Sandall, who nro homo from Chicago on tho school vacation, Plates will belaid for n dozen and tho piece do resistenco will bo roast, pig stuffed with oysters. Green vegetables and strawborries have been ordered from Omaha and of course there will a basket or two of Mumm'a extra dry. Land Under Cultivation. It will bo surprising to our readers to know that of tho 1,658,880 acres in Lincoln county, only 175,040 ncres nro unuer cultivation. i1 or every acre un der tho plow there nro nearly ton acres that nro in pasture or in hay. While tho remaining 1,483,240 nro mostly grazing land and hardly suitable for farming, yet tho cultlvnblolandis prob able threo times as great as that under actual cultivation. It is theroforo ovi dent that the cry of "back to tho farm" is not out of place in Lincoln county. Bonner-Woods Wedding. Miss Adeline Woods and Cnrl StobbltiH Bonner wcro married Wednesday oven ing. At tho homo of tho groom's parr ents, whoro tho coromony took place, tho rooms woro beautifully decorated with palmriovorgreen boughs "and Christmas bells. Tho bridul party woro mot at tho foot of the stairway by Rov., Charles Chapman and tho mnrrlago solemnized beforo a small nltar in tho library, tho ring service of tho Episcopal church being used. Mrs. Horry Cfamer and i Adelbcrt Bonner, brother and sister of tho groom, played tho wedding march, Tho bride woro an exquisite gown of cream muBsallno veiled In marquisette with trimmings of pearl beads and silk fringo. Sho was nttonded by Miss Eloronco Stomp, who woro a rich em pire dress of pink cropo do chlno orna montcd with pink satin rose" buds. Guy Reese, of Plnttsmouth, nctod as best man. Following tho ceremony nn olaborato wedding Buppor was served and tho linppy couplo left at midnight for Den ver and Pueblo to spend their honoy-moon. Mrs. Bonner ia tho daughter of Sam uel Woods, of Puoblo, a former engi neer of this city. Sho has made her homo in this city for sovoral months with Mr, and Mrs. William Yost. Of a sunny, cheerful disposition and bright mind, sho has endeared herself to nil who know her. Tho groom .is tho oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. ohn N. Bonnor and needs no introduction to our readers. A mor al, brilliant nnd tnlented young riian who is held in high esteem by all, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bonnor will mnko their homo in this city with tho groom's parents. Extension West From Gering. Gering Courier: A well defined re port is in circulation that a contract has been awarded to Pholan & Shirley for building tho Union Pacific westward from Goring. Some of tho rumors Indi cato fifteen miles, or to tho point to which tho right of way has already been settled up to tho upper end of Mitchell volloy, nnd others that stretch of forty-fivo miles is let. It is understood that J. F, Williams will have tho local charge of the work as heretofore and that ho expects to be working in tho bad lands above Goring inside of n few weeks. Bo that as it may, there is more now to expect tho road to go on next year than there has been for some time. Copt. Black, ono of tho company right-of-way men. has been hero during tho past week looking over vnriouH matters In connection witl tho extension. Notice. TatoLodgoNo. CI A. O. U. W. offers for sale to the Highest bidder for cash lot o, block, 7 In l'enlston'B addition, Scaled bids will bo received until January ia, iviz. uno lougo reserves tho right to reject any and nil bids. JqilN KkmIieu, Recorder, A. T. Woods returned Wednesday evening from a short visit In tho cust om part of tho stato. Local and Personal .. . Sol Hodea returned vestehlav' tr&mt Omaha where ha spent Xmw. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ros rturna . 1 Wednesday evening from Cosad. Milton Marcott left veMtanVv fa- Omaha to a-pond several days. For Rent-Furnlalicd Room will board. Mrs. II. II. Langford. - Ml88 Joaslo Rouse, of Coziwl i. 1 guest of hor sister Mrs. E. A. Boyd. . Mrs. Ray Rnynor and bnbv the first of tho week from n visit with Gothenburg relatives Mrs. Tottroll, of Bradv. nrrlvml liV night to Visit Mr. and . Mrs, H, L. uakcr and other rclntlves. GoorgoRondlo of tho CudahvPBolct.i - Co. of Iowa, who has boon visiting thla wock in town loft last evening. Mrs. E. A, Bovd nnd child rnn homo Wednesday from Cozad where woy visiteit rolatlves last wpe!:. Miss Clara Stowart and Mrs. Uiu of Sterling, aro spending this week with Missea Maud atcwart and Maud Jaquea. Local friends recolved word this week that Mrs, John Owens, formerly a real- . ( dent of tills city, died at hor home in Rawlins. Laurence Carpenter returned Wedne day from Curtis were he spent Xmas with his parents and loft yesterday to ! visit in Omaha for ajweek. Robert Gantt entertained a tloeen couples at a dancing prtyiil his home Wednesday eventng. Tho 'rooms wero hung with red nnd grcon. At midnight nico refreshments woro servod. Mrs. James Poyno ontertalned forty fiyoof ladles at 600 Wednesday after noon. Tho color schemo of orange, and white was carried out in tho refresh ment which woro vory enjoyable. V Horrod &. Son, who purchased, and nro using an auto dallvery car, tare well . , pleased with lhat.rapid method, of get ting good to their new customers".' Martjn Wynian1 drives the car. -. r At n meeting of tho Taft loaguof in "Lincoln. WdnewlaV W. T. Wllenv. of ftliis city, wall selected' nsoiuf of tKe flvo committeemen from tho Sixth Con gresslonnl district. Tho district com mitteemen will meet in Lincoln Jnnuary 15th. Col. V. F. Cody invited a dozen of his old frionds to eat BufTulo with him at Scout's Rest Ruhch Tuesday even ing. Tho BufTulo was sent tho, colonol from Pawnoo City by Major Lllllu 'and ' and tho Bproad wan a raro treat for all present. After tho dinner a cquplo of hours was Bpent in rcmmlciiindcs and tho guests convoyed to and from tho . ranch in a largo bob sled. Tho Ladies of tho Macobees oloctbd officers Saturday afternoon as followa; Past Commandor, Lula .Trout; Com mnndor, HJnncho Smnllwoodi Record keeper, Addio Broternltz; Financial Auditor, Mary Eidor; Lieutenant Com mandor, Nolllo Dick; Chaplain, Celia Groyos; Sargoant, Cornelia Douglas; Mistress at Arms, Tillio Owens;'' Senti nal, Borlhu Russell; Pickott, Emma ' Scott. Installation of officers will bo held in the K, P. Hall on January 13t,h,( On Tuesday ovonlng Mr. and Mrs. E A. Cary entcrtninod nb6ut thirty gunstB in honor of August Molzor, the' well known violinist nnd director of tho.Mol zer Violin School, of Lincoln' Nebraska. Mr. Molzor played for an hour for tho guests, with Mrs. Cory at tho piano, rondorfng some of tho finoBt composi tions of both tho old nnd modern corn posers to tho groat delight and enjoy ment of nil prcsont. Tho house was appropriately decorated for tho occasion and rofroshmontfl woro served after tho program. RITNER HOUSE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, Opens Jauuary 1, 1912, under new management. European or American Plan 35 Rooms Steam Heat Unexcelled Cafe A. Modern Hotel- Large and Commodious Sample Rom.. Walter gever and carl cbristenson, Proprietors.