D 11 I 1 T.I. . SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Ono Year by Mail in advunce $1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in udvanco. ...... $1.W) Kntorei at North Platte. Nebraska, Post ofiko as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1911. Senator Cummins boom for the presi dency is expected to be launched within tho next Week. Efforts are being nude by tho LnFollette supporters to keep Cummins out of the running, but there Jb oqmo question ns to whether they will bo successful. ' Over the protestation of Roosevelt, there nro those who insist upon his nomination for tho presidency next year. This move, whilo apparently coming from Roosevelt's friondu, is looked upon by some ns nn effort to get both Tnft and LaFollotto oUt of tho running in order that a man satis fa o t ry to both factions may bo selected m the candidate. Governor Aldricli set at rest Wadilos day some Bpeculatioh ns to his inten tions by announcing that tho latter pttrt of next week or tho foro part of .tho week following ho would fllo his prjmary petition for rcnominatlon for . governor, Thcro had been talk . In some circles that ho would ontor the scnntorlhl contest and that Georgo Cdupland, regent of tho university, would, among Others, filo for the re publican gubernatlonnl nomination. Tho sennto by n unanimous vote Tuesday night formally ratified Presi dent Taf t'a notification to Russia of tho termination of tho treaty of 1832. Tho Lodgo joint resolution reported by tho foreign resolutions commlttoo as a substitute for the Sulzor resolution that pnsacd the house, 300 to 1, was adopted after an all day debate over tho Russian discrimination against the Jews of America, A plan Of trust control, which would givo three complainanto tliu.riglit to In Mtftuto Joint action JnTnny federal court against an alleged combination, nnd fbrconn Investigation by n board of ftv;rirbItrators, was proposed in coiigrcBs Tuesday by Ropresontnlivo Jafcl6(bn ,of Kansjia. Mr. Jackson ri rpditcinl a bill to carry out hid plan jujil outlined ta wot'"' ig in a spedch OTforo tho house. 'fiio Jackson bill .'would reuuiro all .corporations doing nn iHiratntt) business to maintain uniform prices in all locnlittcs; would prohibit elytra ts that c'mpel dealers to handle only ono ljno of goods and would pro .hibitjbahkjng or financial houses from Oiintng money to establish n trust or frojrf refusing crodlt to a rival. iA'.v''. . 1 . '''Ttin Inftof anwntla nllwntr ni.nlH.tnf occurrcd.on n road protected by tho block systom. Both Of tho cars where tho, grontost number of casualltloa oc- 1 - ' . - - -1 . 1 hi of stool, Every precaution: humanly possible seems to have been taken, nnd yet carolo'ss employes dropped a stitch in their work at tho costof u dozon lives It Is tho porsonnl equation again, Invol ving thegroatest problem in modern rail roading. Tho manager who can suc ceed in making his men as accurate ns tho mechanism they operate la the ono 611 tho corporations are looking for, ;of course without success. There is nothing to do but to go on with tho work of Installing, safety devices and thon go to educate mon to opernto them with tho minimum amount of orror. At times it sQemu like a discouraging task, and yot n groat improvement has boon mtau mi, recent yours nnu still moru Improvement Is yot to come. It will all cost tremendously, of course, but .. .1 . .. 1 1. . it m i it iimier me new tneory or rntiroaumg the public nnd not tho stockholders will 7lty iMbill'3tntoJour"ul- HMO I "I i inci'unj oi linluiii, TJiroo hundred republicans from all purta of tho stato" attended tho Tnft meeting bold at Lincoln Tuesday, A pormanont organization was offocted by tho selection of C. E, Adams, of Superior, chairman, Jesso McNish, of Winner, vico president, S. II. Ournhnm, of Lincoln, treasurer. Tho president and secretary will name n committee of flvo to act with thorn In tho organizing of Taft clubs over tho state. Tho samo central commlttoo will name a com' mltteo of five in each congressional dis trlct, which commlttoo will moot sovor ally on or before January 10 to name candidates for delegate to the national convention. On or before January 22 thi committees from tno live congres sional districts will moot in Lincoln to rocjmmond tho names of four candi dates for delegate at large. This action was taken, as explained in tho rcsolu tlona, In order that a multiplicy of can didates might not get into tho field. At tho general mooting In Lincoln a candi dato for national committeeman la to bo recommended and also eight eandt- dates for presidential' electors. Miss Lucille Ilalllgau was taken suddenly, 111' Wednesday afternoon, Giydo Oiddon'-'loft Wednesday - for "Donnphnn to spend tjio holidays with re jot Ives, ChrwUmu t the L-lkwa Cimrch. Sunday-Tho regular morning service will bo hold at the usual hour, 10:30 and the Sunday school at 12 m. Thcro will bo no evening services, neither Luther League nor regular worship. Christmas Day Tho usual early morning Bervico at 7o' clock. Tho choir will present "Tho First Christmas" as set to music by Ira Bishop Wilson. The outline of service and parts assigned are as follows: No. 1 Organ Prolode Mrs. Dick Parti -Tho Prophecy No. 2 "Tho Pcoplo That Walked Cin;S Darkness", Women's Chorus; MIsscb Diencr, Rich ard, Minshelt nnd Mrs. Huffman; bari tone boIo, Mr. Yost nnd choir. No. 3 "Bethlehem, "contralto solo, Mrs. Huff man. Pnrt2-"nio:FuHfilIment-o. 4 -"My Soul Doth Magnify," tenor solo, Harry Moore and choir; No.5 "And It Camo to Pass," baritone' solo, Harry Moore, ladies quartet nnd choir. Part 3 The Star and tho Song-No. 0 "The Shepherd's Vision," soprnno solo obligato, Mrs. C A. Dill and choir; No. 7-"The Aneol's" Song," tnon solo, Dr. Croosoler nnd choir; No. 8 "The Star nnd tho Song," Boprnno nnd alto dtlpt MIm Erma nnd Mrs. Huffman; No. 0 -"No Room in the Inn," baritone sola, On Ebright; mole quartet, Will Votaw, Harry Moore, Onk Ebright, Androw Yost; No. 10 "A Uabo In Bothlehom Manger,' tho choir; No. 11 "A Christmas Lullaby," contralto boIo, with violin obligato by Paul Scharman, Miss Richard. Part 4-"Tho World Wide Christ mas" -No. 12-"Tho Heart of God," soprano nolo, Mrs. Dill and choir; No. 13-"BleBsed bo tho Lord;" Final Chor us, Tho Choir. Tho motto of tho service is "cautorc serviro est." to sing is to- serve, or singing is sorvlng. Tho regulnr morn ing servico will bo used nnd tho usual opportunities for tho congregation to tako part, .Tho evening servico of this day will bo in charge of tholISundny school. "Tho Angelic Chorus" composed by II. Ernest Nichol will occupy tho main part of tho service. Tho primary de partment and a fow of tho clnsscs in tho other departments will bo repre sented in recitations nnd songs, in nil promising to bo nn interesting nnd in spiring Christmnn service. Tho orches tra will holp in the chorus. Thoofforing at this service will bo for tho benefit of our church schools. The morning of foring will be for tho benefit of tho tho choir fund to securo music for use at tho church services. Local and Peraonal Mr. J. W. Fetter spent Wednesday with friends In town. Mlas Doll Hnnks will leave shortly after Christmas for Fremont to vialt her purentfl for some time. Spencer Woods nnd Jnmos Howo, of Wallace, transacted business in town tho first of tho week. James Fogorty, who left Wednesday for Omaha and Plattosmouth will return tomorrow evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Stroup will eavo shortly for Chicago to spend sev eral weeks with relatives. J. T. Hondrow, of Ottumwa, In., who, visited his nicco Mrs. Ora DoFord last week loft Tuesday evening. Misses Anna VonGootz, of Omaha, and Mario VonGootz, of Overton, will spend tho holidays athome. Miss Isabell Doran, who is teaching school In Gretna, will come up, this evening to spend tho holidays. Torranco McGovom, of Sldnoy, came down Wednesdny morning to vialt his mother and transact business. Christmas nackarres of Palmer's Perfumo: the Best Made, nt Schiller & Co. Attorney Geo. N. Glbbs left Wednes day evening for Kansas City to visit relatives for n week or longer. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Young nnd baby left Wednesday for Denver to visit friends for n fortnight or longer. Ernest Robbins and Belle Anderson, of Wollfleot, wore granted liconso to wed on Wednesday by Judge Grant. Ladies Sli'tiotRiniis, and Bracelets. A very fine assortment nt Clinton's Jew- lory Store. Albert Rasmussen returned to his homo In Denmark, Neb., Wednesday to at tor spending soverni nays with ills brother Wm. Moore this week. In the Hailed States States District Court, for the District of Nebraska, North Platte Division. Case No. 10. In tho matter of ) In Bankruptcy Joseph M, uenKosKy, voluntary vo unnKWpt, ution. NOtlOE OP FIRST MEETING OK GKEI)ITOK3 To tho creditors of Josonh M. Bon- kosky, of Wollfleot, in tho county of Lincoln anu District uioresniq, bankrunt Notlco la horebv.trlvon that on 0th day of Docembor, A. D., 1011, tho snld Josenh M. Benkoskv was duly ad judicated a bankrupt; and that tho first mooting or tno creuttors win oo noiu at North Platto In tho oillco of tho Rofereo on tho 2nd davof January. A. D.. 1911 at 1 o'clock, a. m., in tho forenoon, at which timo tho said creditors may at tend, nrovo their claims, anpoint t trustee, exnmlno tno uanKrupt anu transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting, Dated this luth uay or Doeomu 1011, at North Platte, Nobraska. this 19th day of Docembor, A rth riatto, isournsKa. WAKTEK V. IlOAQLANU, Roforeo In Bankruptcy, mam Put thai jnoney back Just forget that "rftof expense5 item. rut the repair money . bacit in your pocket. Yo'u're not fjoing to need it. This time, before you cover your build ings, you're going to invert, ft: prepared roofings and as sure as you do, you' t:h Peerless, Your money does nore than its share when it brings Peerless Prepared Roofing. The moment your building is covcredwith Peerless, a! expense ceases. This roofing is on for good. You can forget your "roof troubles" for will end them. The real quality that's the material insures wear on the roof. . Remember that there's a twenty year old. reputation behind every roll of roofing that bears the Peerless mark. The makers have to make Peerless so it makes good, because they can't afford to sacrifice' the prestige they've spent twenty years a' building. We've samples here for you. Come and geVfliem. We've informa tion that will save you dollars real ones on the next building you roof. Find out about it today. For Sale by W. BIRGrE Raymond and GladyB Leonard will leave ohortly after Christina for Missouri Valloy to visit relatives for two weeks. 7" AXMAS CALL to ronair a leak, or to install ,or renov- ato your plumbing, shonld bo nuldc'as early ns possible, if you want tho work complotcd by Christmas. Wo oro "ex ports on overy urancn ot Good Plumbing. Wo know our business thorouirhlv. nnd we ean oavo you timo. which is money, u you uenu for us to uo your plumbing work. R. F. STUART, Shop Phone 8G9. Res. Phone G8i! 217 East Sixth Street. AUCTIONEER. E. H. FUNK, ot Cheyenne, Wyo., an auctioneer with 40 years experience, has lo cated in North Platte, und would like to make prices and dates for your sales. Have sold stock and general merchandise-all over Ne braska. See me at F. E. Barber's Restau rant, corner of 0th and Locust St E. H. FUNK. Wing Hing, New Laundry. OKaRstalH Uulldlna, E. Oth Maid Work a Specially. ' V -'! ' ), '"St JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specially: SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered Ofllce P. S. Hospital. Phone 642. F.JBk0EKER Merchant Tailor. We have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and know how to repair clothes. We carry samples of goods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring firat-class workmanship and perfect fit. , t Notice. IrnGoddard and Mrs. Ira, Goddnrd, his vyife, first and real namo unknown; H. L. Bahcock and Mrs. H.L.Bab cock, his wife, first and real names un known: John R. Green, John L. Green P. L. Bnvlcs and Mrs. Ti1 T. Dnirlno his wife, first and real namo unknown! uuu u. ju. nicnmonti. nrst anu real namo unknown. defondnnta. will take notlco that nn thn istl, An,, ol Uecembor. 1911. th nhnva nameu piaintllf, Sona Franzen-Kollv. tllea her amended petition in the dls- incc court or Uncoln county, Nebraska, wncroin sno prays to have the title to tho southwest quarter (swj) of section 21, townshin 18. rnnoro .11. In Tiinonln county, Nebraska, quieted andjeonfirmed in her for tho reason that she and her grantors havo been in tho open, notor 10UB, exclusive nnd adverso possession ui Drtiu iuiiu ior a periou oi moro man ten years at and prior to tho filing of oiuu uiuunueu ieuiion, aunng nil ot wnicn Bolu timo she and her grantors havo claimed to bo the owners thereof. anu by tho further reason to have a certain treasurer's deed dated May 31st, 1901, made by the county treas UI?Ir.of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and which said treasurer's deed is recorded in book A-2 of deeds at paeo 171 ex amlncd and confirmed nnd for such other nnd further relief as equity may require. That said notice is being published III pursuance of nn order of court duly entered in this action upon an applica tion mnde by Baid plaintiff alleging and Bnuwing inat ino nrat( true anu real names or said defendant, if any, are to piainmr and her attornoys unknown, mu uwemme -residences, uomlcilo or pinco of abode of said defendants, nnd each of thorn, are to said plaintiff and uu iiikuniuya unnnown. i ou nnu each of you are required to answer Bald petition on or boforo Mon day tho 29th day4of .January1912. Dated Docembor 18th, 1911: Skna Franzen Kelly. . A ipy flimuoon & (ilb.bs,, lIor,(Attornoys. i IK. W. F. CROOK, .DENTIST, Graduate Northwestern UsiTcrwty. Office over McDonald State Bask (? A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. ft Declers Ames A Ames, jjj Physicians and SurgeeM, le Office over Stono Drug Co. I Phones rS?"273 J I ZHiZ ?I " r aw I OfMcc phono ail. Res. phone 2l7 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Iinnk Building. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic Phyalclon nnd feufgeon 9 b'p-ml nttentlun ulvcn. to conllno- 2 m menu and clilldrun'H dlsoasui, Omcu. Phono 183 Ken. l'liono:2S3 Offlco McDonald SUto Hank Uld'e 1 GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, 2 Office over McDonald Bank, if . i nm.n iin Phones "it mi ) uesmence no r It Send Us Your Shipments qf Grain and Hay Wo pay the top market Threo cou pons freo with returns on each car of hay you ship us to handlo for your ac count. Fifteen coupons nnd $3.50 in cash will secure for your home an clo. gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set wdrth $10.00. Consign your hny to us nnd please tho ladies nnd also get a good price for your hay. ' Our ftlotto: Fair treatment nnd prompt remittances. Snmplo of tho quality of these dishes can bo seen at tho office of tho Semi Weekly Tribune. The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co.; 20th and Wnzeo- Streets, Denver, Colorado.- Notice. To' whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that tho mayor nnu city council will hold a special meeting, .beginning at the hour of 8:00 P. M., (Central Timo) Wednes day, December20th, 1911, in tho council chamber for tho purpose of making as sessments for tho cutting of weeds for tho season of 1911 on tho following de scribed lots in tho city of North Piatto, Nebraska: Lots 5, block 14, Miller's addition 1.00 Lot 6, block 14, Miller's addition 1.00 Lot 7, block 14, Miller's addition 1.00 Lot 8, block 14, Miller's addition 1.00 Lot 8, block C. Miller's addition 1.00 Lot 5, block 10, Miller's addition 1.00 Lot C,. block 10, Millor's addition 1.00 Lot 7, block 10, Miller's addition 1.00 Block 11, Miller's addition 8.00 Lot 1, block 1G, Millor's addition 1.00 Lot 2, block 16, Miller's addition 1.00" Lot 7, block 10, North Platto Town Lot Co'8 addition , 1.00 Lot 8, block 10, NOrth Platte Town Lot Co'8 nddition 1.00 Lot 9, block 10, North Plntto Town LotCo'a nddition 1.00 Lot 10. block 10. North Platto Town LotCo's addition 1.00 Lot 1. block 8. North Plntto Town LotCo's nddition... 1.00 Lot 2. block 8. North Platto Town LotCo's addition 1.00 Lot 3. block 8. North P atto Town Lot Co's addition 1.00 Lot 4, block 88, Original town of North Platto 1.00 Lot 1. block 122. Ornnnal town of North Platto 1.00 Lot 3. block 122. Oriirinal town of North Platte 1.00 All persons interested will file their objections, if any they have, to tho as sessing of taxes against tho abovo de scribed property on or boforo 5:00 o'clock P. M. (Central Time) December 20th, 1911. CHARLES F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. Notice for Publication. Sorlal No. Will Departmentot Die Intorlor. U. S. Laud OlUco at North Hat to. Neb. Doc. 8th. 1911. Notlco U hereby siren that Henry V. Itlckloy. ot Tryon, Nob., who on Feu, 17, 1005 made flomostoad Entry No. 2WKJ7. Serial No. OiUl. for EM. and FM of WM Soctlon A. Township. Id, North, range so. West nt tho sixth principal meridian has filed notlco ot Intention to make final flvoToar proof, to establish claim to tho land -above described, boforo the Rotrtster ana uecoivor at nortn riatto nqprasua, on the 10th day of Fob. 1011. Claimant names as wltnessest David N. Oallendor and Harry K Oallondur of Tryon, Neb. Jacob Meyer, North Platto, Nob. Elmer M.MayOold.of Ncsblt, Nob. dl2-8 J. K. Evahs. RrirUter. NOTICE FOH l'tJIIMOATION. HmlalNo. 03000. Dec 5th, 1011. Notlco Is hereby elvou that Owen L. Howard, ot Welllloot, Neb., who, on Nov, 20th. ll)0u. niado U. K. No. 22S4H. Serial Nn. Otoao, for nH, nwM. soM nwK and noH. hwU. Section iA, Township 11, north llaniro SO. 1V. of tho 6th l'rlnclnal Meridian. has tiled notice ot Intention to mako final live yearproor to csiauiisn Claim to the land abovo described, boforo tho ltcclster and Ho colror at North Platte, Neb., on the oth day of Fob, 1012. M aim a nt t amna a a linianii TTtiuti A CI m. Oeorjro Schreconcrost, Elijah Cocklln. all oi woiidoet. neu.t J as. bhuck, or North riatto, 'dli- J, E. Evang. Reelstor. Cigars for Gifts. Tho man who smokes always ap preciates tho gift of a box of cigars ho prefers such to somo nienne or gewgaw that affords him no pleasure Our cigars aro appeciated by all men who know a good cigar and the price is moderate. Give him a box of oui cigars and ho will feel satisfied. J F. SCIimALZMEO. CARPET AND BUG WEAVING 321 West First Phone 592. Street Amendment to the Articles f Incor poration of the American Invest ment aitd Trust Company of North Platte, Nebraska. This is to certify that at tho annual meeting of tho stockholders of the American Investment and Trust Com pany of North Plntto, Nebraska, hold at its office in North Platte, Nebraska, on October, 10, 1911, tho stockholders all having previously received thirty days' notice of tho proposed amend ment to change tho namo of tho corpor ation, tho same was acted upon and the following is u true copy of the pro ceedings of tho meeting in reference thereto: "It was moved and seconded that the name of tho corporation bo changed by amending Article I of tho Article of In corporation to rend as follows: 'Tho name of this corporation shall bo American Investment nnd Lonn Comnnny'." All tho stockholders be'og present, and representing all the sto:k of the corporation, having voted In favor of Bald amendment, the samo was de clared adopted. We, John Bratt, President, and E. R. Goodman. Secretary and Troasurer of tho American Investment nnd Trust Company,, hereby certify to tho above as being n true nhd correct copy of the proceedings of said meeting in refer ence to snid amendment. John Bratt, Corporate Seal President. E. R. Goodman, Secretary and Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day ofDeccmber, 1911. 1 Marie Yost, Notarial Seal Notary Public. My commission as Notary Public ex pires Juno 18th, 191G. Notice. John Franzen and Carolina Franzen, his wife; Joseph L. Franzen and Pella Franzen, his wife; Amanda Peterson and Johan Peterson, her husband; Bernard O. Franzen and Roslna Frnnze'n, his wife, and J. E. Richmond, defen dants, will tako notice that on the 20th day of November. 1911, the plaintifi,. filed her petition in tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defendants, and each of them, for tho purpose of having the titlo to the Northwest of Sec. 20, tp. 18, Rge. 34, quited in her as grantco of John Frnnzen; that John Franzen ac quired tho title to said property through and by operation of Baid law as the heir of Adena G- Franzen, de ceased, tho said Adena G. Fxanzen,hav ing made homestead entry of said land but died before the title to snid real estate was acquired in her name nnd that tho patent thereon was made to tho heirs of AUena G. Franzen. deceased nnd that tho said John Franzen, under the laws of the state of Nebraska, is the solo and onlv heir of the snid Adena G. Franzen. You and each of you aro required to- answer said petition on or before Mon day, the first day of January, 1912. uateu tins zutn any ot xsovembor, 1911. MULDOON &GIDBS. Attorney for PlnlntifF. Sena Franzen Kelly. Notice to Bidders. Scaled bids will bo received at tho office of tho county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on or before Decem ber 31, 1911, for records, blanks and supplies estimated as follows: Class A books. 4-8 qr. plain records, looso leaf. 4-8 qr. printed pngo records, looso leaf. 4-tax lists 1-4 qr., 2-1 qr., 1-3 qr. The above records to be made of the bcBt linon ledger pnper, full bound, extra ends bands and front. C000 tax receipts in duplicate, or triplicate. 2 dozen chnttio files of 200 pages each. 43 assessor's books, ledger paper, cloth bound per book. 10,000 nsessor's schedules in dupli cate. Poll books for 43 precincts (gcnoral election). Poll books for 43 precincts (primary election). Class B. Whole sheet blanks per 100. Half sheet blanks per 100. Quarter sheet blanks per 100. Envelopes, UJxGJ .per 1,000. Envelopes 4x9 per 1000. Class C. Sanford's, Carter's or Stafford writ ing fluid per quart Spencerian, Glucinum or Telia pons per gross. Vanadium or Falcon pens per gross. Velvet pencils or equal, rubber tips, per gross. All of said samples to bo first class and to bo .furnished ns required by the county officers. Successful bidder" to furnish bond to bo approved by .the county board, ench bidder to havo printed On the envelope. "Bids for Printing." . Tho commissioners of said, county ie sotye the right to rojeqtnnyor air bids. 27 1911 p,atte, Nobraskn',:Nov. ' F. R Elliott, County Clerk."'