The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 22, 1911, Image 2

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LRA I BARB, PablUher.
TMtMa, 1.28 W ADVANCE.
Embraolng Condensation of Events
lit Which Readara Generally Aro
More or Leea Concerned.
Democratic Leader Underwood pro
dieted that tho caucus of the houso
domocratB would not authorlzo an
omnibus public building bill at thla
cession of congross, notwithstanding
tho public building comratttco's re
commendation for one.
Tho 8borwood servlco pension bll.
which would add upwards of $40,000,
000 to tho govornmont's annual ox
pendlturcB by granting Increased pen
sions to civil and Mexican war vet
erans on tho basis of length of sor
Ico, was passed by tho house despite
tho determined opposition of many
democratic leaders.
A plea for tho creation of a special
coimnittoo of flvo to investigate tho
so-called "money trust" was mado be
fore tho house rules commlttoo by
ltcprcaentntivo Lindeborgh of Mlnno
sota. Mr. Llndobcrgh's contention la
that a nyndleato of bankers and allied
capital controlling tho reserve funda
In American banks dominates the
financial world.
Former Senator Aldrlch of Ilhodo
Island, chairman of tho national
monetary commission, had a confor
enco with President Tnft at tho white
Iioueo. Tho president expects to
snako suggootlona for what ho con
ciders noccssary financial reforms In
a messago to congress after tho holi
days, and It wns understood that Son
ntor Aldrloh talked with him over
such legislation.
Indictment and prosecution of rail
roads which fall to refund promptly
manlfost overcharges on tho trans
porUtlon of freight, hereaftor will bo
requested by tho lntorstato commorce
commission. The commlsslgn called
official attention to tho fact that "It
Is as unlawful for a carrier to over
charge a shipper as It Is to give
him a rebate." It also Bays that the
refund of overcharges should bo
made without an order from the com
mission. Oanaraf.
The McNamara brothers have boon
put to work In the prison Jute mill.
The resolution terminating the
treaty with Ilussla was passed In tho
Tho Indianapolis grand Jury Is go
ing deeply Into tho dynamite out
rages. Prosldont Taft gives out no hint as
to what ho will do with tho ponBlon
A bill Id congress provide for a
distribution ot tho relics of tho
Thomas Knorrer, publisher of tho
Munich Koueoto Nachrlchton, died tat
at Munich.
Tho Page, bill enlarging federal aid
for agricultural Instruction was In
Senator Works chargod negllgenco
In the care of veterans at tho nation
al soldiers' home at Los Angeles.
The bill requiring two wireless
operators on steamers was Introduced
by Senator Hitchcock ot Nebraska.
Lieut Charl Lantheaume, the well
known French military aviator, was
killed by a fall.
President Taft Is crodlted with lul
tlfltlntr the federal Investigation of
dynamite outrages,
Senator Cummins Insists tho su
nreme court should rovlow tho de
cree In the tobacco dissolution case,
Tho Infant daughtor of Quqon Vie
torla of Spain, who was born recently
nrobably will recolvo tho nnrao ot
At a meeting of the board of trust
m of the Carneglo Institution ot
Washington $1,200,000 was appropri
ated for tho work for 1012.
A license to wed was lsBitod to
Edith Pulitzer, daughtor of tho late
Joseph Pulitzer, and William Scovlllo
Moore, son of Clement Clark Mooro
Au adjournment of congress Thurs
day, Decombor 21, until Wednesday,
.fftnuarv 3. was agreed upon in tho
houso. Tariff legislation will bo do
ferred until attor tho ChriBtmas
Tho advance guard of the LnPol
Jotto presidential candidacy will In
vado Ohio betwoon Decombor 2C and
Docomber 30, when a campaign of
oratory will bo trtnrted In various
Darts ot tho stato.
A suit was filed at Boston for tho
dissolution ot tho United Shoe Ma
chinery company.
The Northern Securltlos company
lias reduced Us annual dlvldond from
4 to 3 per cent, because of a pro
longed strike.
Senator Cummins Introduced a bill
(o xlvo independent tobacco organise
tlofis the right to appeal from Amer
ican Tobacco reorganization.
The eight hour labor law, enacted
ty congress In 1802, controls the con
structlon ef levees as well as other
.work for the government, according
to a deeision by the supremo court.
Tho estate ot the lato Jo?m W.
Gates Is stated to bo $18,542,705.07.
Tho United States Is now among
tho leaders In rapid warship building.
Heavy punishments were meted
out to tho English spies arrested at
Hamburg on March IS.
Soil products of Iowa for tho year
of 1011 aro valued at $388,001,164.
Protest aro pouring Into tho sen
ato against precipitate action on tho
Russian treaty.
Democratic Loader Underwood said
it was unlikely tho houso would pass
an omnibus building bill.
Lillian Graham and Ethol Conrad
wcro acquitted of tho shooting of Mil
lionaire W. B. D. Stokes.
Tho report of tho -Investigating
board on tho wreck of tho Maine was
sent by tho president to congress.
Legislation for direct election or
United States senators apparently Is
hopolozflly hung up in conference.
Tho foreign affairs committee
agrcod to favorably report tho Sulzor
resolution for abrogation of Russian
More than 60,000,000 animals were
Inspeccd during tho last riscnl year by
tho United States bureau of animal In
dustry, A report crront In London Is that
Prince Arthur of Connaught will suc
ceed General Haron Hardlngo as vic
eroy ot India.
Tho flour output of Minneapolis is
approximated at 10,000,000 barrels
and will turn the high water mark,
according to tho millers.
Louis D. Brandeis of Boston, dis
cussing trust regulation before the
Interstate commerco committee, urged
the competitive system.
The 50,000 women suit makers and
3,000 tailors who havo been on strlko
In Berlin since November 23 havo
abandoned tho struggle.
Tho Canadian Pacific liner Empress
of China, which went ashore on July
27, tarty miles from Yokohama during
a fog, was refloated.
A personal campaign to secure sen
atorial support for tho British and
French arbitration treaties wao bo
gun by President Taft.
Prosldont Tnft has accoptod an In
vitation to open tho twolfth Interna
tional Association of Navigation con
gress at Philadelphia, May 23.
Tho Omaha railway announced tho
installation of a 19 per cent milling
in transit rate por houndrcd pounds
on wheat from Kansas City to Chi
cago via Minneapolis.
The commlttco of tho German Aero
club has decided that tho Interna
tional baloon raco for tho Jamos Gor
don Bennett trophy Is to be hold nt
Stuttgart next year.
Tho gonoral tariff bltuutlon, and
particularly President Toffs forth
coming messago to congress on the
wool tariff schcdulos, were discussed
at length by tho cabinet,
Two young ofllcors from tho presi
dent's yacht Mayflower, Lleutenantss
J. S. Dowell, Jr., and A. L. Bristol, Jr.,
havo boen ordored to Berlin to study
Qcrmnn shipbuilding mothods.
Wire and .nail product prices have
boon advanced ono dollar a ton
by the American Stool Wire com
pany, a subsidiary of tho steel cor
poration. An Investigation to determine why
tho prlco ot sugar wns Increased sev
eral conta a pound last eummer was
begun hy tho house commlttco ap
pointed to Investigate sugar conm-
Enough ammunition to supply the
United States army, navy and otato
mllltla for thrco nnd a half years will
bo In tho arsenals and strong boxes
ot tho United States at tho end ot
tho present year.
Mrs. Agnes Taylor flchwnrtz, slstoi
to tho lato President John Taylor ot
tho Mormon church, and mother-in-
law of President Joseph F. Smith,
died at Salt Lako City. Sho wa9 nine
ty years old,
On account ot two vacancies in tne
supromo court or uio unucu tiiaios,
movement has been started to
havo tho group ot stato railroad rato
cases assigned for argument on Jan,
1012, postponed for a full bopch.
Completo Information ot tho oper
ation of tho parcels post In twenty-ono
foreign land has neon compiled lor
the use ot tho Bennte commlttco on
postotnees and post roads, to bo used
In considering proposed legislation to
oatabllsh a parcels post In tho United
After a running bnttlo of thirty
miles with n company of stato mllltla
and a posse of armed citizens, John
Woldomolr, who shot and killed
Sheriff Moody of Wahpoton, was sur
rounded near Whlto Rock, S. D., and
Wiled attor ho had wounded thrco ot
hla pursuers.
" personal.
Qov. Woodrow Wilson has begun
his campaign In Illinois.
Tho Lorlmer investigation seems
dostlnod to drag until spring.
Attornoy Gonernl Wlckershnm fav
ore tho creation of a bureau to supor
vloo corporations.
Sonator Works ot California has
asked investigation of soldiers' homes
and urges federal caro ot confodornto
Gen, P. H. Barry ot Nebraska has
tho refusal of tho place ot governor ot
tho soldiers' home nt Dayton, O.
Walter Cook ot Now York was elect
od prosldont of tho American Instl
tute ot Archltocta.
Congressman stephons has Intro
duced a bill in tho interest ot the
Ponca and Snntoo Indian trlbeo.
oonator. Lorimor will probably bo
tho last wttnesa In tho senatorial brl
bory scandal,
Senator Cummins Introduced a bill
to glvo the tobacco organization tho
right to appeal from tho American
Tobacco company reorganization.
Specimens to Be Used as the Beit
Modela of Beef Typea at the
Winter Couraes. r
Dy the request of tho -mnnngoment
ot the National Shcop show at Omaha,
tho department of animal industry of
tho University of Nebraska placed on
exhibition at tho Auditorium the two
etcors which have recently won fame
at the International Live Stock exhib
ition. Ono of them, callod Prince of
Vlow Point, was mado resorvo cham
pion ot the show, and, as the cham
pion has been slaughtered, Prince has
tho distinction of being the boBt stoer
In America, any nge or breed. He
was purchased when a small calf by
J I. It. Smith, professor of animal hus
bandry, from Paul Culver, an Angus
breeder at Edgcrton, Mo. Prlnco was
made champion of tho Angus breed
when exhibited as a calf last year,
and this year brings back tho addi
tional honor ot reserve grand cham
pion. Ho has nover won anything less
than first prlzo wherever he has been
shown, tho total winnings In cash
prizes amounting to approximately
$400, or four tlmos his original cost
to the university. In addition to re
ceiving milk as a calf, Prlnco was
given a m(xcd ration of corn, oats,
bran, linseed meal. Alfalfa formed a
large part of his roughage during tho
winter, nnd grass in summer. Ho was
also given corn sllago during tho win
ter. Bluebeard, tho other steel on exhibi
tion at the Sheep show, was first prize
grado calf at Chicago lust, year, and
first as a yearling this year, bringing
back the additional honor of reserve
yearling champion, a rating noxt to
Prince as given by tho English Judge.
Bluobcard was born and reared on
tho university farm. His dam was a
mater of Challenger, the grand cham
pion steer a few years ngo.
Both steers arc sto be returned to
the university farm at tho close of
tho Shcop show to bo used as models
of beet types In tho winter short
courses at the school of agriculture.
State School Funda.
Tho sum of $252,172.47 is to be ap
portioned among tho ninety-two
counties ot tho state, according to an
nouncement made at tho stato house
today. Tills Is tho annual apportion
ment of stato school funds and will
bo distributed to a total of 376,622
school children. The following funds
mako up the sum total:
State tax $ 471.44
tntorost on school lands sold 16,295.11
Interest op school lands
leased 54,637.83
Interest on bonds 166,820.11
Interest on warrants 659.98
Fish nnd gnmo licenses... 13,588.00
Total $252,472.4 1
For Cleaner Milk.
With "a vlow to Inaugurating tho
campaign for cleaner milk, Stato
Food Commissioner Jackson has Just
completed a thorough Investigational
138 dairies In nnd near thlB city. In
tho sedimentary tests which ho mado
the state ofllclnl found that only six
graded god, forty-throe fair and
eighty-nine poor. Tho commissioner
declares that although people are
prono to require a rich milk so far as
butter fat Is concerned, they pay Utile
or no attention to tho cleanliness ot
tho fluid.
Gift to Historical 8oclety.
Tho Nebraska stato historical so
ciety has recolved from Rov. Dennis
G, Fltzgornld of Red Cloud, n framed
copy of tho London Times of Juno
22, 1815, which contains tho dispatch
of tho Duko of Wellington, datod at
Waterloo, Juno 19, 1815, giving an
nqcount of tho battlo at Waterloo.
This papor is in n good Btato ot pro
sorvntlon nnd will ibo placed on ex
hibltlon In tho museum of tho his
torical socloty.
8ays She's Not Horaelf.
Mrs. Jennie Golgor, who Is serving
a life sentonco in tho penitentiary, in
sists that sho Is not herself, but her
twin sUtcr. Mra. Gatgor Is sorvlng a
life sontenco for tho murder ot a man
with whom sho was travoltng across
tho country. She was tried and can
victod In Choycnno county and.' after
being taken to tho penitentiary was
later removed to tho Lincoln asylum
Decombor 16, 1909, nud escaped from
thut Institution February 19, 1910. Sho
waa recaptured nnd returnod to tho
Pardons by the Governor.
uovornor Aiuncn nas issued par
dons to Martin Ulcus of Richardson
county and Fred Bishop of Kimball
county, In accordance with rccommon
datlons of tho advisory board of par'
dons. The formor was convlctod for
entering a houso and stealing there
from a pan ot milk and a pockotbook
containing a small Bum ot tnonoy,
Bishop stole n cow valued at $20, Tho
latter was recommondod for exocutivo
clemency because It was thought his
smnlshmont would preclude his lu
dulijouco In depredations.
Rural Life Commission Sends Out
In order to obtain tho most exhaus
tive Information posslblo from the
farmers of this state, the Nebraska
Rural LIfo commission is sending out
blanks that contain questions asking
for facts and opinions with respect
to rural conditions in Nebraska.
According to Frank GOdcll, secre
tary of tho commission, that organiza
tion is undertaking a great proJccL
"The results already obtained,," ho
says, "Indicate that tho final report ot
this commission will bo of great value
as a survey of farm life conditions,
such as has never before been at
tained. It is vital that wo reach the
largest number of farmers posslblo
without nny dolay."
"To the Farmers of Nebraska" Is
the way tho appeal Is addressed.
Questions Asked Farmer.
Following is a list of the questions
asked In tho pamphlet:
1. Aro the farm homes ln your
neighborhood as good as they should
be under existing conditions?
2. Are tho schools In your neighbor
hood training boys and girls satisfac
torily for farm llfo?
3. Do the farmers of your neighbor
hood get tho returns they reasonably
should from the solo of their pro
4. Do the farmers In your neighbor
hood receive from the railroads, high
ways, trolley lines, etc., tho servlco
they reasonably should?
C. Do tho farmers In your neighbor
hood receive from tho United States
postal service, rural telephones, etc.,
tho servlco they reasonably should
C. Are tho rentals of farms in your
neighborhood making a satisfactory
living and accumulating profits which
tenor to onablo them to become own
ers of farms?
7. Is the supply of farm labor In
your neighborhood satisfactory?
8. Aro tho conditions surrounding
hired labor on tho farm In your
neighborhood satisfactory to tho
hired help?
9. Aro tho farmers and their wives
In your neighborhood satisfactorily
organized to promote their mutual
buying and selling Interests?
10. Havo tho farmers in your neigh
borhood satisfactory facilities for do
ing their business in banking, credit,
insurance, etc.?
11. Are the taxation laws of tho
stato satisfactory to the farmer?
12. Do you know of undervaluations
of real estato or personal property In
your neighborhood, for purposes of
13. What change, if any, would you
suggost In tnx laws?
14. Aro the sanitary conditions or
farms In your neighborhood satisfac
tory? 16. Are tho religious facilities In
your neighborhood satisfactory?
16. Do the farmers and their wives
and families In your neighborhood
get together for mutual Improvement,
ontortalnment and social Intercourse
as much as they should?
17. What. In your Judgment, Jb tne
most Important slnglo thing which
may bo Immediately done for tho
bottermont of farm life In Nebraska?
Liquor Consumption.
Figures garnered upon the amount
ot intoxicating liquor consumed Jn
Lincoln show that approximately 600,
000 gallons of beer and 39,000 gallons
of whisky aro disposed '.of in a year.
This amount, according to local sa
loon-keepers, is less than before tho
Intervening drouth ot two years.
Fair Dates.
Secretary -toiler of tho stato fair
board has returned from a meeting
ot national fairs and expositions ai
Chicago. Nebraska was well repre
sented by delegates at tho meeting
and Secretary Mellor has again been
appointed chairman of tho committee
on transportation, a position ho has
held In tho national association for
two years. Tne dato ot tho Nebraska
stato fair next year Is September 2
to 0.
Corn Prizes to Boya.
Audsloy Follows of Winnebago,
Thurston county, won tho first prlzo
ot $50 offered by tho stato board of
agriculture for tho best yield of corn
on one aero. In all eleven prizes wero
offered this year, the first being $50,
second,$25; third, $20: fourth, $16;
fifth, $10 and to tho sixth, seventh,
eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh, $5
The Lincoln Monument
Tho contract for tho architectural
accessories ot tho Abraham Lincoln
monument was awarded to Kimball
Bros, of Lincoln, whose bid was $7,
000. A Chicago firm bid $7,600.
For the Supremo Bench.
President Taft will shortly havo on
opportunity to pass on the merits ot
a Nobraskan for a seat on the su
premo bench of the United States. A
Bet of resolutions commending Judgo
Roscoo Pound formerly of tho state
university for that high plnco ot Judi
cial authority was mailed to the pres
ident Public Land Sales.
United States public land sales
will bo held this month at tho ofllco
ot tho commissioner ot public land?
In the fedoral building beginning
December 31. -trtocn tracts or
land ranging from six acres to 280
acres In slzo will bo disposed of to
tho highest bidders. Four of tho
tracts .to bo sold aro in Hayes county,
flvo in Chase, one In Hitchcock, two
In Dundee, and ono In Hamilton
county. Tho first sale will bo held at
10 a. rn., December 21. Sales will
also hold on Jan, 5, 6 and 10.
Communications Prepaid and. Inter
national Rotations Not Lightly
to Be Dealt With.
Washlngton.Presldent Taft called
the five members of his cabinet now
in Washington to tho White Houso
Sunday and conferred with them
from 10 o'clock until midnight on tho
Russian treaty situation.
Nothing waa given out for publica
tion at tho conclusion of the confer
ence, but it is understood, that the attl
tudo of the administration was finally
decided upon and messages outlined to
be sent to tho capltol Monday, In
which, It Is said, tho senato will bo
urged to adopt a resolution abrogating
tho treaty of 1832, couched In lan
guage that will not bo offensive to tho
St Petersburg government.
Attondlng tho conference were, Sec
retary of Stato Knox; Secretary ot
tho Navy Moyer, Secretary of Agri
culture Wilson, Secretary of tho
Treasury MncVengh and Attornoy
General Wlckersham. Secretaries
Stlmson, Fisher and Hitchcock are
out of town.
President Taft, It Is said, has In
dicated that ho will veto tho Sulzcr
resolution If It should bo forced
through tho eenato tomorrow without
modification. Nothing that can bo
construed as on offense to Russia will
bo permitted if tho prosldont can holp
In his communications Mr. Taft, It
la sold, will call attention to tho fact
that International relations aro not
lightly to bo dealt with.
Dcsplto tho advlco of certain repub
lican leaders of tho houso that the
lower branch of congress 6hould bo
considered in tho matter President
Taft wasMcJd to bo determined to lg
nor tho houso entirely In his further
dealing with tho Russian situation.
Senate leaders expect to hear Mon
day that tho president, through Amer
ican Ambassador Guild nt St Peters
burg, already has notified Russia or
tho Impending abrogation of tho
treaty. This notice la believed to
havo been couched in tho politest
terms of diplomatic language, and to
havo stated that tho American people
had como to regard tho treaty as ob
solete in many of its provisions. Tho
expiration of tho treaty is fixed for
January 1.V1913.
President Taft is said to have taken
tho ground that if ho chooses ho can
abrogate tho treaty by executive de
cree without waiting for or taking
Into consideration any posslblo action
either by tho houso or tho senato. Ho
is supported in this view by various
members of tho senate committee on
foreign relations, and Is eold to baso
hla attltudo upon precedents laid
down by his predecessors.
Seventy-Seven Bodies Found.
Knoxvllle, Tenn. Ten bodies wero
removed from Cross Mountain mlno
at Bricovlllo Sunday, leaving seven or
olght moro In the mine. .The removals
brings tho total of Identified dead up
to seventy-seven, while tho total
number of victims will bo eighty four
or eighty-five.
Restoration of Canteen.
Washlngton.-j-MaJor General Leon
ard Wood, chief of staff of tho army,
favors tho rostoratloa of the canteen
to army posts. Ho declares In his
annual report that tho consensus ot
opinion In the army is that tho can
teen should bo re-established.
Mrs. McKIm Weds.
London Alfred Gwynno Vnnderbllt
and Mrs. Smith Hollina McKIm, for
merly Miss Margarot Emerson of Bal
timore, were married at Relgato at 1
o'clock Sunday aftornoon, tho bans
having been announced in tho cus
tomary manner,
Robbers Blow 8anta Fe.
Galnesvillo, Tex. Robbers blow
tho safo In tho Santa Fo freight depot
hero with nitroglycerin and took $200
In cash, leaving about $4,000 in
Big Drydock Opened.
Now York. Drydock No. 4 at tho
Brooklyn navy yard, tho largest- in
America, was ojened. Four years
havo been spent In ids construction,
at at cost ot $8,000,000.
London Given Scare.
London A rumor that King Georgo
had been assassinated in the royal
camp at Dolhl was circulated broad
cast In Loudon Saturday and created
tremendous excitement
Harry F. Richer la Dead.
Emporia, Kas. Harry F. Rlchter ot
Council Grovo, former lieutenant gov
ernor ot Kansas, died hero Friday,
following an operation. Richter was
sixty-flvo years old. Ho was a lead
or In republican politics la Kansas
for many years.
Appendicitis In Baby.
Pittsburg. A uino weeks old baby
was operated on at a Pittsburg hos
pital for appondlcltls. Physicians say
the operation was successful and
that tho child will recover.
It Is a serious matter to launch a
soul on tho tcmpostuouB sen of life to
bo storm-driven and possibly wrecked
upon some hidden reef.
Wo were reminded of this by a re
cent afternoon spent in Judgo FroBt's
Juvenile Court at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Tho first case was that of a young
ster Just budding into manhood who
had been intoxicated. Tho liquor had
been given him by an older man with
whom he worked. Ho professed not
to know his name. Ho was reticent,
almost sullen. His faco suggested' a
parental influence that cursed him
Wore ho was born. Tho Judgo sent
him away with an exhortation and
warm Bhako of the hand. To tho
writer ho said: "I havo not much
hope, havo you?'' '
Caso No. 2 is a baby in tho arms
of a woman with a mother heart All
unconscious that its destiny is fast
being determined tho eight weeks' old
child is tugging away at a bottlo to
satisfy present needs. Tho parents
havo separated and havo both de
serted tho little waif. There is noth
ing hotter but to turn it over to some
child-saving institute.
Case No. 3 was that of two girls;
tho father and stepmother appeared
with them. Tho mother is deflant
and has a reputation none too good.
The Judgo coverely reprimands tho
parents and postpones action one
week" and commands that tho second
girl bo present
Caso No. 4, Husband and wlfo
havo separated. She has taken steps
to procure a dlvorco. Charged her
husband with drunkenness, infidelity
and cruolty. The evidence mado It
clear that her conduct had been un
solaclous if not criminal. Tho Judgo
proposed to taka hor 8-year-old child
from her. Ho had taken ono before
and It had been adopted Into a good
family. For an hour sho wept and
pleaded that tho Judgo would not
tako away hor baby. "rho Court as
sured her again and again that ho
would bo glad to glvo her tho child It
ho felt that tho future ot tho child
was eafo with her. Sho produced
letters showing that her husband had
reformed and was willing to tako her
back. Sho promises to return and
tho Judgo promises to restore her
child when sho can glvo good evidence
that her homo Is fit for Its nurture.
Caso No. 5 Is that of eleven boys.
Thoy havo been guilty of stealing flvo
gallons of elder, tearing down a
fenco, , flinging mud nt houses and
making llfo miserable for their neigh
bors. They are well dressed, Intelli
gent, and evidently from good homes
and good families. Tho oldest Is 14
or 15 and tho youngest 8. Tho
overworked probation officer, Mr.
Hoenborgor, could not see them all
and thoy, for tho most part, havo
como In voluntarily. They know that
tho Judgo Is their friend.
Young as thoy are they belong to
that great class of American youth,
uncontrolled by parents, out at night,
taking eagerly such instruction aB
tho street affords. They aro embryo
anarchists. The Court and probation
officer try to Impress them with their
danger and to transform tho leaders
In tho wny of ovll Into leaders In tho
paths of virtue.
Tho boys aro not marked excep
tions. Thoy nro simply illustrations of
tho great mob of young anarchists
that Infest every town. Thoy aro tho
derelicts of parents too busy in mak
ing money and attending clubs to
manage their own homes. Tho Juve
nile Court Is needed In all our towns
to buttress up tho slender authority
of parents. If men and women do not
think onough of their progeny to care
for thorn suitably and train them
properly, then they should forfeit tho
pleasure of begetting them. The fam
ily will either perpetuate or over
throw tho stato.
Ladles Object to Profanity.
The woman golfers of New York
havo mado objections to swearing on
tho links and have discussed tho mat
ter In their clubs. Tho men who play
over tho links are all supposed to bo
gontlemeu, but sometimes they aro
not careful of their languago, and
ladles have beon'mado very Indignant
by tiomo speeches. It has been sug
gested that notices bo placed In tho
clubhouse, but the fact that the
ladles havo discussed tho subject
wl, no doubt bo all that Is neces
sary. Tho Facetious Judge.
A horso dealer complained to a
magistrate that eomo malicious .per
son had cut off his horse's tall, which,
as ho meant to soil It, would bo a
groat drawback.
"Then," Bald tho magistrate, "you
must sell tho animal wholesale"
"Wholesalo?" i replied the' other."
"What do you mean? How so7"
"Because you cannot re-tall It," waa
tho reply. ,
Rather Late.
"Does that young man who calls on
your daughter stay very late?"
"Rather. It'a got so that I ifave
to uso tho back door when I etart out
for work In tho morning eo as not to
Interrupt them Baying good by to
each other.
"That singer certainly knows how
to manage her range."
"Sho ought to. She used to bo a
Flour Output Heavy.
Minneapolis Tho flour output hero
is approximated at 16,000,000 barrels
and will turn the high water mark,
according to tho millers. It Is es
timated that tho production will bo
between 600,000 and 600,000 barrels
grcJir than In 1910.