Stnto HUb.rkn! Soctotr Ik Jtorth $btfr fcj-WMIsr f rffame TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 22, 191 1. No. 90 Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year To all our Customers and Friends. fOII s aTmost gone and wp want to thank the people of North Platte and vicinity for your very generous patrouage during the year just draw ing to a close and we assure you that we shall do our best to merit by honest dealing and courteous treat the same liberal patronage through the coming year. You will always find our stock complete with the best goods the market affords. Club House and Richelieu canned goods, none better. Occident Flour that everybody .acknowledges to be without a peer. Callaway and Morning Glory Flour, Nebraska's best products. Our goods are bought right and sold right, quality considered. If you wish to buy in quantity for cash let us figure with you. Again wishing you a . . . Happy and Prosperous New Year, ' We are yours for business, , Silver WetMiag AsniversariM. . i Rtdgcly Attorney fw Wywuwp. j One of tho most elaborate social Tuesday's Washington dispatches nn j functions of tho year was tho dual nounced tho appointment of Hilliard S. silver wedding anniversary of Mr. liidgely, of Basin, Wyo.. to bo United (and Mrs. Henry Wnltomnth nnd Mr. States district attorney for Wyoming . and Mrs. Albert Muldoon on Wcdncs- To ho pooplo of Lincoln county this op day evening. Tho guests numbered poiritmcnt is of interest, for tho ap pointee wns a lormcr Lincoln county boy. Ho spent his early childhood in II H :n m - .., L- Greeson 1st door north of postoffice, North Platte, Neb: P TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS 8 Robert McMurry of Brady is the guest of his daughter Mrs. Asa Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meston left today for Hasting to visitrelativesnextweek. Ed Maupin went to Kansas City Wednesday to spend a month or longer. Mrs. L. H. Welsh will leave this -weok for an extended visit in Kansas City. ' Orrin Brown, of . Northport, is visit ing relatives and friends in town this -week. Mrs. Bonham and son, of Sutherland, are visiting friends ,in tho city this week. T.nsiiis O'Brien will leave today for Boulder, to visit his mother for several -weeks. Paul Leonard, who has been ill for some time, is reported to be much im proved. Mr. and Mrs. Bnird' McMulIen left Tuesday afternoon for Omaha to visit relatives. M. B. Moeder.of Grand Island; is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank Taylor this week. George Adamson returned a few days ago from a visit with his brother in New Mexico. Miss Zita Worlemont, of Cheyenne, is visiting her cousin Miss Irene Hub bard this week. Miss Edith Bitner, who was operated on at St. Luke's hospital Wednesday, is improving rapidly. Frank McGovern will leave tomor row for Denver to spend Christmas at the parental homo. Miss Battle Martin began work as saleslady in tho Johnson cash store tho first of the week. Mrs. Charles Reynolds returned Wed nesday evening from a short visit with-1 friends in Lexington. Claude Armstrong, of Ogalalla, is visiting his brother Fred Armstrong nnd wife this week. rr Wnltflr Crook will depart for Carroll, la., today to visit relatives and friends for n fortnight. Tho Catholic Girls' Club have been .aoiiini Ymns stamns at the Kelihor Confectionery this week. A marriage licence was granted Wed nesday to Charles White and Eva R. Cox, both of Suthcrlaud. Hilmer Thompson camo up from Om- i.n thn first of tho week to spend tho holidays with his parents. C. .1. Maupin left Wednesday morn ing for St. Joe to visit relatives . for some time. Mrs. Fred Thompson returned the first of the week from a short visit in Omaha with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick roturned Wed nesday from Oshkosh, where thoy were called last week by tho illness of a relative. Miss Pearl Howland who is teaching at Brady camo u,p Wednesday to spend her vacation with her aunt Mrs. Albert Schatz. Miss Gertrude McGinloy, of Ogalalla, who spent several days with town friends, returned homo Wednesday morning. Wm. Tanner, who was in town tho first of tho week to have a slight op eration performed, returned to Lcxing ton Tuesday. Wm. Reynolds and son Charles, who spent the past three weeks in Douglas, Arizona, and other points camo home Wednesday night. Just receiveu a big assortment or uio $5.00 cut class water sots. Thoy aro going fast. Dixon, Tho Jewclor, Cody Boal, of the Culver University, nrrived Wednesday afternoon to spend tho holidays with his grandparents, Col. nnd Mrs. W. F. Cody. Mrs. Sam VanDoran, who has been taking treatment for goiter in Roches ter, Minn., for several weeks is ox pected home this week. Word was received in town Wednes day of the death of Mrs. Ada Webble man. of Maxwell, who was known to many of tho local, people. Diamond Rings, Brooches, Studs, (sixty, nnd to them tho event proved a most delightful one; In fact nil it could bo wished for or desired. At 8:30 tho guests assembled at tho Waltemnth resilience, where after extending con gratulations, to thoso in tho ri'coiving lino, thoy wore entertained by selec tions from an orchestra, vocal solos by Elizabeth Carr-Langston, nnd enjoyed themsolves in a social way. woro profusely decornted tinsel, wedding bolls and cut flowdrs. In tho dining-room a punch bowl was in ovldonco presided ovorby four young Indies. After pnssing two hours nt tho Waltemnth home, tho guests were es corted to tho Muldoon residence, whoro after wraps had been removed nnd in step to n wedding march, thoy were seated at three tables and served, to n six course dinner nicely prepared undor tho supervision of Mrs. Hart and ser ved by nine yonng ladies under tho supervision of Miss Kolihcr. Tho menu was n most excellent one, nnd after full" justice had been done, Judgo Grimes, as toastmastcr proposed four toasts which woro responded to in turn by T. C. Patterson, W. T. Wilcox, Ira L. Bare and Miss Annie Kramph, each response being along complimen tary lines to the hosts and hostess, nnd at tho end of each tho guests drank to tho health of those who had provided the pleasant evening. Tho decorations, both rooms and tnblcs, were in keeping with a silver nnnivorsary, and with a weath of cut flowers. Many tributos of tho occasion wero prcsonted to Mr. and Mrs. Waltemnth and Mr, and Mrs. Muldoon, among which .was u silver cofTeo sorvico to ench couple. It was ono o'clock when the guests bade thu hosts, and hostesses good-night nnd ovory minuto of tho evening Una been ono of pleasiiure. Can Fight Own Battles. President Kline, of the iiBsociation of blacksmiths, declines to say whether a genet nl striko of railroad employes will be called to enforce the demands of the Harrimnn system federation "As long as the Harrimnn employes can enrry on their battle unaiueu, said Kline, "we will not coll a general striko. Tho moment wo think more aid is needed, we will call n general walkout. Since the Harrimnn shop men can tako enro of themselves, you can draw your own conclusions, Re member, though, wo nro going to win this striko if wo have to tie up all tho railroads in tho country. Link Buttons. Special prices this month. Clinton, The Jeweler. Mrs. W. W. Keen, of Omaha, who is enrouto to San Francisco, visited her sister-in-law Mrs, P. M. Sorehson this week and left yesterday. F. A. Stroup, of Omaha, who has been spending Boveral weeks in Calif ornia is expected this week to visit his son Leonard Stroup and wife Mrs. Charles B. Winegar and child ren, of Lebanon, Kansas, .will arrive today to visit the former's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor VonGootz, Sr. Stevo nnd Ben Albro returned yes torday morning from a two weeks visit with relatives in Valparaiso where they attended n family reunion Our Store is after Xmas. Georgo P. Smith left Wednesday for Burlington, la., to spend several weeks with relatives. This is his first visit to his old homo in twenty-fivo years, open evenings until Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Somorset precinct, then rnmo to North Plntto nnd workud his way. through tho high school; doing odd jobs' In "Thcjfrt buna office and olsowhero to. enrii bin bonrd nnd lodgi. Ho grudurttcd, wad law In tho oillce of Grimes & Wilcox, thonet to thu stato university, whoro Tho rooms he graduated in the law course. Ho re- with silver turned to North Plntto nnd opened an office, Inter wns elected county nttor- noy. , At tho oxpiration of his term he ought a new country, and located at Cody, Wyo., later removing to Bnsin. In Wyoming ha made good, and has built up an extensive nnd lucrntivo practice. His practice is Worth moro than the district attorneyship, which haa a snlury of $4,000 "attached, but Ridgely is using this ofilco as a stepping stone to something higher -that of United States senator from Wyoming. This latter may bo sorno years' olf, but t will probably come; ha usually gets what ho goes ufter. Tho Tribuno man took nn interest in "Hill" whon tho lattor was a boy; ho has watched his advance ment with keen satisfaction; nnd to him sincere congratulations aro extended, nnd with it tho wish for yot better things. Tho appointment of Mr. Ridgely will necessitate his removal from BaBln to Cheyenne. Wc earnestly renueit that all our customers settle their accounts by Sat urday, Dec. 23rd, as wo will give the motor-tycic away that night and wc want every one to gel their tickets. Yours may be the lucky number. Uicner & Fleishman. 220 FOR RENT, The 6 room furnished house at West Front Street. 8 room house on east Fourth street, suitable for two families. 8 room house with bath opposite Second Ward school. A Serious Accident. Willie on their way to North Platto Tuesday Messrs. Kidwoll and VnnScyoc had nn experience thnt they do not caro to repeat. While going nt a rate of about 30 miles an hour they ran into a two-wiro fence that hnd been stretched across nn open road to form a lane to drive cattle through, nnd had not been tnken down, and ono wire struck them about brcost high, Van Scyoc being protected by tho steering gear, had tho best of it, but Kidwell had ti heavy fur overcoat just about cut in two, and had it not been for the coat and other henvy clothing he would have undoubtoly been badly if not fatally injured. As it was the suitorium instead of a surgeon got the job of taking tho stitches. Walinco Winner. us Fresh Home-Made Candy. Coma in nnd buy candy, and help mako Somo money tospend forsweetcharity's Hake. Wo wish to buy flowers to brighten nnd cheer, Thdt you'll miss what you give us, you need never fear. Our candles are puro, and wo'ra sure you won't grudgo Tho money you spend for a dime worth of fudge. 'Twill just mako you happy, nnd then don't you see You're sweeter to us than our candy will be. Girls of tho Flower Mission at Ginn, White & Schatz's, Sat. Dec. 23rd. Attempts to Wreck Train. Charles Anderson, a tramp, wns ar rested at Ogalalla Monday and confes sed' thnt ho attomntod to wreck one of th'3 passenger trains on tho Union Pacific west of Brule by laying ties nnd, plnnka ncross tho track. Fortunately tho obstructions were discovered in ad vance of the nrrivnl of tho train Anderson said that he intended to wreck the train with a view to Hotting somo of tho spoils. Ho hud been around Ogalalla for sovornl days, acted suspiciously and his arrest and confes sion followed. Receivers for Wabash. Receivers for the Wabash railroad were appointed in St. Louis Tuoodny. Tho road is declared insolvent, and the petition for tho roceivcrs was filed by tho Wcstinghouso Airbraka Co., on a claim-of $18,000. Tho Wabash has an outstanding capital stock of ninety-two million dollars, on which no dividends have been pnld for sovoral years. Through tho receivership it is believed that a reorganization of the road can be elfcctcd. I insure my city properly, buildings and live stock on my farm with Bratt & Goodman and am both protected and satisfied. W Bay Marc Strayed or Stolen, A bay mnro belonging to mo, 4 years old, reasonably gentle and will weigh about 1050 pounds. She has a small lump on tho lower jaw where a tooth wna extracted. Was kept on tho farm miles southwext of Bignoll and has boon gone three or four weeks. Will pay a liberal rownrd for informa tion ns to the animal's location. J. II. Edminsten, North Platto, Neb. K. 0. T. M. Notice. Tho regular review will bo held at tho K. P. hall on Dec. 28, 1911, at which timo election of officers for the ensuing year will occur nnd other very impor tant business. All Sir Knights aro re quested to be present. C. M. Newton, R. K. If your idle money is not earning 7 to 8 per cent semi-annual interest in choice sajo mortgngo loans made on conservative bnsiH and backed by good, rclinblo parties, see Bratt & Goodman, in A daughter wns born to Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Keith Novlllo Wednesday morning. Mother and babe aro doing niaoly and Keith is wreathed in smiles Miss Maud Roes, of the Kearney Normal, arrived last evening to spend several days with her sister Mrs. Jack McGraw boforo visiting relatives Elsie. Mr. and Mrs. T, D. Buchanan and son Harry, of Omaha, who visited th formor's brother Butler Buchannn nnd family this week, loft Wednesday oven Ing for homo. Mrs. P. H. McEvoy und son Jnmea returned from Omnha whore they each adopted a two year old baby from tho number that woro rocontly sent Omaha from Now York Special Prices Until Further Notice ! AT- aug s Mens Suits onefourth off Overcoats one-fourth off Men's Shoes 20 per cent discount Everything else for Men 10 percent off. , If you want it good, get it here. CLABA UG'k , Everything for Men. 520 Dewey Street ' RITNER HOUSE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Opens' Jauuary 1, 1912, under new management. E d rb pea n.o v m e r i c a n P 1 an 35 Rooms Steam Heat Unexcelled Cafe A- Modern Hotel. Large and Commodious Sample Reom. WALTER GEYE& and CARL CHRISTENS ON-, Proprietors. aWHHHMHHHHIHBMMMMI OR J. S. TWINEM'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL 218 West Fourth St. For tho treatment of MEDICAL and SURGI CAL patients. Also for' accommodtions con finement coses. Notice All iuIik nm Awlnrr Tim I.onilnr will please call and settle between now and January 1st, 1912. Stntemonts will be Bont to thoso who are indebted to us. JUI.1U8 l'IZEU. Greeting Christmas is Merry for tho man who wears . . . '000000 to There is a reason ask BURKE, The reliable made to order clothier for men. Room 0, now Waltemnth Building. Gifts for All AT RINCKER'S. Our display of X-mas gifts this season is tho largest and best which wo havo over shown, as tho stock was selected to bo suitable for young and old. Wo ask you to visit our store and mako your selection boforo the usual rush which is customary a fow dayB boforo Christmas, By doing so you will have tho advantage of getting tho choicest goods and wo can give you moro time and attention. Articles purchased now will bo laid away until desired. A cor dial invitation is extended to you. RINCKER'S Book and Music Store. Special Tonic Shampooing dono nt your own homo. MISS DIRKINSIIAW Phono 080.