Stfltd Historical fMoty Wfo Motth whin Crtbunr WENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 19, ton. No, 89 Ml Christmas 1911 Only four more days in which to buy your presents. You will find our stocks as usual full of many desirable things that will make both useful and ornamental gifts and the price governed as it always is here by the quality of goods, you choose. We offer a few suggestions: m m m m p The Y M. a A. often a 21-jewel XMnlltenwateh (Je 16) to the ksso- eiUontmfiWr securing the greatest mwnbcr of now paid subscribers tbo fcrfrtn now and April 1, 1912 Applica tion blanks and full particulars may bo obtained of Secretary Kerr. This 440.00 watch Is on display in Dixon's window. " , We rsettlv reotteet that all w caetemrs mMm tbwr accetmta by Sat- dky, Dec. 23nl, a we will give ike Meter-Cycle away tkat fkt aid we want every ee te get tkeir tickets. Yews may be tke lucky nimber. Uieaer & rlciMMMB. NuU Fruits Candies Ribbons ..." Silk Hose . Furs Jewelry Gloves Handkerchiefs, Shoes Rugs Carpets Portiers Curtains Skirts In additien to the above we have a full line Children's Books, Toys, Dolls, etc. Cloaks Suits Waists Sweaters Petticoats Silk Dresses Wool Dresses Velvet Dresses Rimonas Silk Waists Aprons Neckwear Napkins Table Cloths Lunch Cloths Br88r Scarfs , Fin Towels Dress Goods Underwear Night Dresses Couch Covers Belts Hand Bags Fancy Combs Barrettes Socks Shirts ,, Neckties "- Suspendera .. ' v, .of Christmas Novelties, m m as Wednesday evening of last week a committee of seven of the P. E. 0. en tertained the members of Chapter AK and their htiebando at the home of Mrs. H. S. White. After a musical and mirth-provoking program, in which all participated, tho guests repaired to the hemo of Mrs. George Frosser, where a three-coarse luncheon was served. The houso and table decorations were in yellow and whito and tho hand painted place-cards in marqulsettestho colors -and flower of tho national sisterhood. Christmas For IDG'S CD your convenience we will keep our sic-re open until $;30' p. m. 'until Ohristmas. , Wilcox Department to even- (j) Store. I Cody's Second Farewell. "Yes, Christmas is coming on," Baid Colonel William F. Cody in an inter view last week in tho New York Sun, 'and I'm going out to hiy ranch a North Platto, Neb., to see my wife and and daughter and grandchildren. Its tho old homo ranch I took up thirty ftvO years ogo, when I was in the army. I'm in Now York to block out next year's" tour. For tho colonel is going to hnvo an other farewell tour next year, accord ing to tho Sun, oven though ho adver tised last sonson that it was his last appearpneo in tho saddle, This 1b tho way the colonol told tho Sun reporter about it: "I got to say farewell nil over tho country. When I showed In Now orlc last fsHJt was positively my last ap pearance in New York. But I. haven't .said farewell in Brooklyn and n lot of ojtfjcr cities. ;t - . v , i TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS jj Frank Tagadoc is assisting in the Wiengand Clothing Houso during the holidays. AH trimmed hats at less than halt price. Parlor Millinery, -300 cast Fourth, Corner Pine. Ralph Mackay loft last night for Wynott, S. D., to spend a month with relatives. Surveyors J.J. Sorenson and Fairmont loft this morning for Kearney to tran sad business today. ' Warren Doolittle came up from 'tho Ktntn University today to spend his vaction with his parents. Mrs. Louis Derr has been very ill fnr RVfrnl davs at the homo of her mother Mrs. Johonria McGravv. Mlfis Mvrtle Wrieht returned Inst evening from Columbus, after spend ing three weeks thero with relatives. Miss Nellie Workman will go to Bayard Friday evening to visit at tho parental homo during the holidays. Frank Laughlin, who has been em nlnvoH nt. Nnrthnort for some time is spending this week with town friends. Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Cressler were guests at a dinner pn'rty in Cozad Sun day which was given by Dr. and Mrs. Farroll. Miss Gertrude Hanks, of the local teachers' force, will .leave Friday for her homo in Peru to spend her fortnight vacation. Tho Christmas tree committee and others aro invited to the homo of Mrs. J. Snyder noxt Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock to dress dolls, etc. , William Tanner, of Lexington, who has been ill for Boveral days, was brought to St, Luke's hospital in this city last evening and an operation will bo porformed today. Weather forecast: S now tonight pr Wednesday, not much change in tern nerature. Maximum temporatnro yes tnnlnv SO. venr aero 44: minimum last night 28, a year ago 31. J. H. Ross camo in from tho Bird wnnd vosterdov with a load of fat tur keys, ono of which weighed thirty-fivo nminria and was delivered to Fred Garlow. Word was received by local relatives veaterday that George Friburg, for .morlyof this city, was critically ill ."at his home in Denver and his recovery doubtful.llo is suffering with Bright's Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. has just sold a fiVe'pnssengerrJackson touring car to C. A. Gill, of Myrtle precinct All trimmed hats at lees than half price, rarior Millinery, auu qass Fourth, Corner Pino, ? North Platte friends will bo inter ested in knowing that a boy baby.was born on Wednesday of last week to Mr and Mrs. E. H. Genge, of Greeloy, Col. A. J. Frazicr and sister Miss? Mar garet Frazier left last evening s for Denver, where they were called'by tho serious illness of their brother-in-law, George Friborg. .Colonel Blxby of tho Stato Journal says: with ah thoso unnstmas ex penses staring us in the face wo aro inclined to feel chanty for; Abo Reus, who says he inaugurated his graft terprues in tan trancisco, needed tho money. en but he Miss Fayo Britton will leavo Friday to spend two weeks at hor homo in Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Fletchor will go to Topekn this evening to visit rela tiues for two weekR. All trimmcd hats at less than half prico. Parlor , Millinery, , 800 oast Fourth, Corner Pine. Miss Emma McVoy wilK leavo tlii, evening for Loma, Colo,, to make an extended visit with friends. Tlio'teaclier's training class, training for tho service class of the Christian bible, school, has been postponed by consent of tho members until tho first Wednesday evening in January, Messrs. Seth Sherwood, E. Evans and Frank Tagador appeared before Judgo Warren yestorday and wore cleared of tho charges made against them for selling groceries without a license opeciai Until Further Notice AT CI ab aug s Men's Suits one-fourth off Overcoats one-fourth off Men's Shoes 2Q per cent discount Everything else for Men 10 percent off If you want it good, get it here. CLABAUGH Everything for Men. 520 Dewey Street ; Talking About Big Strike. What is considered tho most far reaching railroud striko plan over at tempted in this country, involving ev ery class of union . labor on every rail road west of tho Missippi, almost 700,000 men, is now being talked of among railroad men and labor leaders. Tho plan calls for a general striko of all shopmen, telegraphers, rqadmon, clerks, freight handlers and switch men, on all Western railroads, and ex tension of the walkout to such eastern railroads as handle freight which may bo moved by strikebreaker on the western carriers. Whother such a paralyzing blow to the railroads can bo dealt roots, of course, with the tolegrnphers, road men, clerks, freight handlers and switchmen themsolves. The plan was reached, it is stated, after a three-day secret conferenco of tho international presidents of. tho flvo big unions of craftmen now concerned in tho Har rlman lines strike, Tho plan of action is first to socuro co-operation of all union men on nil lines running south of St. Louis In a strike, and then to have tho union em ploycs on all connecting western lines, ono by one to join tho striko, until the chain of roans nuectcu snail covor tnc cntiro western half of tho nation. O-O-O-O-h i watch the youngsters eyes widen and sparkle when they see our display of Christmas Goodies bon-bons, candies and cakes with never a tummy-ache in a pound of them All these Christmas Dainties are chosen bV us for their purity. They can be gfven in modeduett to any . child, or to a person with the weakest storp'with out ill after effects.. They are guaranteed tobe 100 per cent pure. . Santa Claus specialties in great variety. Order early to ensure delivery. , , " ! Rush Mercantile Company. OR J. 5. TWINEM'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL 218 Weit Fourth St. For tlib treatment, of MEDICAL and SURGI- CAL patients. Also for accommodtlonH con- .flriement cases, MmiiManniiu mmmpmmmm Opticians agree that the light froM a good oil lamp i easier on the eyes man any otner arimciai ugm. The Rayo Larrip is the best oil lamp made. It gives a slrong, yet soft, white light; and it never flickers. It pre serves the eyesight of. tho young; it helps and quickens that ot the old. You can pay $5, $1,0, or $20 for other lamps, but you cannot get better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. ' Made of solid brass, nickcl-plated. Easily lighted, without remov: ing shade or chimney, Easy to clean and rewick. , k' DeUn verrvUnt or writ iot ti:criptiv elrcuUr &ttt lo n)r tfncy o( tK , Standard OH Company (Incorporated) . . , The Flower Girls' Mifision will hold a sale of home made candies at tho Ginn, White & Schatz store on Saturday afternoon. Mcsdomea Gus Huffman and J. C. Fedorhoof entertained a fow friends at dinner last ovening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Louis HoJmonu, ot Oakland, Oal. CRYSTAL THEATRE To-Night MOVING PICTURES: . Desperate Desmond. The Breaking of the Sev enth Commandment. A Tale of a Cat. VAUDEVILLE. Hop, Handy & Co., Novel ty Soap Bubble Juggling. 10 and 15 Cents. Sunshine Christmas Tree. Prof rnm for riilfitrnnH ttvo will bo hold at the court house Suturdny nftor noon December S2.Jrd. Tho program will bo ati follows: Mrs, It. B. Favor ight, song; Miss Sarali Kelly, reading; miss Marion Cross, rcuding; Mrs. R. B, iavorignt; song: rean uorK"i6un, rvu ItnUnn. "A I.Kttnr tr Santa Claus": GlndvB Perkins, recitation, "What aanta uaus 'ininics. "Mrs. Anna Hi. Moore, of Maxwell, one of our stato nrvi.llniita will Un nnmnnt. And itvi a . t ii ri i!i c.l!I snori mix on ounsnine worn, ounci ting committee, Mrs. James Snyder nmi Mrs. Perkins: committee on r.hrlxtmnn troa: Mrs. John Koontz. Mrs. Jnmos McMichnel, Mrs. Jamos Rnvdnr. Mrs. John Woinborcer. Mrs, A. Howard. Mrs. C. E. Gould. Mies Hnzel Leskv. Mrs. Elder ana Mrs. Parkins All donations end bo loft at 110 W. 4th St., at any time this week. Phono 560 Mrs. M. Porkins, Sunshino Secretary. Tho Travol and Study club very pleasantly entertained their husbands I and gentlemen friends at a Christmas party last evening nt the noma oi mrs. W. H. McDonald, Tho thirty guests present wore each dressed to represent a hook, which caused mucn amuso- mont Tlin nvnnlnrr' was devoted to contests, music and a grab bag from which each received n unristmas giu. At n intn linur nn enmvnma CWO coursa I lunnli wna nnrvml nt Htnnll tallies, the guests finding their places by uniquo piaco enras. MIrs Ethel McVov. who is attondincr thn If nnrnov nnrmaf is cxncctcd tho . . . .1 i "l !. insc or mo wcok io visit nor aiawr Creeling! ChriBtmas is Merry ipr tho man who wears t There is a reason ask BURKE, The reliable made to order clothier for men. Room 9, new Walternnth Building. Special Tenic Shampeslng done nt your own home. MISS BIRKINSIIAW IMjono 089. disease. Mrs. Throckmarkli.