State Historical Sootat? ciiwii rmiiiiywmij mum .0; .. ; ' J- . , , ; WENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 15, 191 1. No. .88., A WENTY-SIXTH YEAR. .1.., . . t " ' ' ' 1 1 1 I 1 1 mi. .ii.l..Mf I il ii hm i. I 1 1 .III it- w ft m m s m it ft $ it. a ft ft Christmas 1911. Only.seyejg mor days in which to buy your presents You will find our stocks as usual full, of many desirable things that will make, both useful aud ornamental gifts and Ihe price governed as it always is here. by the quality of goods you choose. We offer a few suggestions: to rn m m m v m m jVyltftttM Ilaanell, who spent the x toga the with Her den AHjert X Niite Fruits Candies Ribbons Silk Hose Furs Jewelry Gloves Handkerchiefs, Shoes Rugs Carpets Pdrtiers Curtains , Skirts In addition to the above Cloaks Suits Waists Sweaters Petticoats Silk Dresses " Wool Dreses Velvet Dresses Kimonas ' Silk Waists Aprons Neckwear Napkins Table Cloths Lunch Cloths , Dresser Scarfs Fine Towels Dress Goods Underwear Night Dresses Couch Covers Belts Hand Bags Fancy Combs Barrettes Socks Shirts Neckties 'V Children's Books, Toys, Dolls, etc. Suspenders .. , we. have a full line of Christmas .Novelties, For your ings convenience. .we will keep our storje open. until 9:30 p. m. until Christmas. even- Wilcox Department Store. m m m m ! ft ft .ft ft ft. ft' ft ft ft' ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m m ft Hilmur Thompson, of Omatin, will ar rive thtr first of tho week to spend the holidays with his parents. Charles E; Pickering, late deputy for tho A. 0. U, W. but now deputy fortho "Woodmen of tho World" arrived In town .Wednesday evening to spend a few days in 'tho interest of the latter order. bank, w)i'r spimt the-pust two days hero on misItMes, left'tfiis morning. Claude Alcien and yife, of Kimball; aro expdeted tomorrow to visit tha for-, mer's. parents, M.r and Mrs. W, T. Alden dhd attend- tt family reunion which & being hold. -T-r- 3; .,7 Distance need not prevent family visits. For your benefit Bell Telepone Service has linked ' together the entire nation by means of twelve " million miles of wire, reaching 50,000 Amer ican cities. Every Bell Telephone is connected with six' million other telephones. From your tele phone you can reach friends' and relatives nearly everywhere. . v NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., ( ( jWvEm. ) Union Realty and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. -OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS- T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, 'Scc'y and Treas. First Mortgages on Real EstateBought, Sold and Negotiated. This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured ana drawing eight per centlsoml nnntialjnterest. Money bo Invested will bq exempt from taxation. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS John Camnbell has been annointed watchman for tho Union Pacific to suc ceed Louis Kogge. Wo want to show you our line of ladies' Chains, Lockots and Pendants. Clinton, The Jeweler. James Campbell returned yesterday morning trom a lengtny visit in rort- land and other western points. CountV, Judsro John Grant went to ColumbuB this morning to transact bunifesa. for two or three days. Mrs, Johnson returned to Hcrsho; this morning after spending a wee, with her daughter, Mrs. Carroll. I Mrs. J II. Ross, of tho Uirdwood, is nursing a sprained wrist wnich sho sustained from a fall from her auto mobile tho lirst of the week. At tho meeting of tho county 'clerks at Grand Island tins week, Will Yost, of this city, was elected secretary- troasurprot tne association, H. H. Fletcher, formorly of tho Western Union ofilco, came down from Sidnev Wednesday to snend Hovnrnl days qn business and pleasure Tho. stork culled at the homo of Mr, nnd Mrs. Thomas Healev vostordav morning aim ten a ueautitui uauy gin. Ail concerneu are doing well. Chnfing Dishes. Baking Dishes. Per coiotus sets, xea nettle sets, all now. A fine lino this Christmas. Clinton. M'Ue. Jeweler, UHiis uoggo. lor muny years an em ploye of tho Union Pacific, who has been acting as watchman for some time, was placed on the pension list Wednesday. Tho Sunshine Society will hold an en tertnlnmcnt and Christmns tree at tho court house on Saturday, Dec. 23rd, at wnicn. an tnoso in nccu will bo rcmem bored, wnen tne present sewer was laid vo all tore Aur hair because wo feared that tho seepage would bo so ereat as to interfere with tho sewoee from the houses. It is now known, that tho flow or sewago is so light that It does not keep the sower sufficiently flushed and a good flow of seepage water though tho tile" joints would be a dis tiuct advantage. - Mm. FrcdoliOMMM feft ihU Twrwtwr .Th kMUM(fl whih Waa te have BHt' hW, Mr.IIowe. A Makmy's store tmrrow, Bm ben .MMtpofied. , There htf; ben forty-five em'iver Mf n RjsTih"revivl Mng conM:ted by lVev, Jobmonn and IWthl at StiUMrknd. The OaUHtftie Qirk club will enterUln Ht "qprde mi dandnr in the Masonic Mrs. IMttt SiX fUtUK'H.iltfft 'ttihi mrnif&r her bom ki Merlin; .County Cwm!Mioner-elect Whita Iim b4n in GtomffIsland for several ikvs ltthd4g'tJ4 sUte convention of com-Miwionertftt K dwftiknVnt. between Juleburg and wrlin ,veter4v delayed the DVer tjfWMl Four cars of a freight VTftiu wereff 'U track. WeattMfjfarecMt Fair tonlrht snrl edneedeArniot much change in tein wwatUwk t-The maximum temperature VteriiVryR8 41. a year mini- DMirn lat, irht 16, a year ago 20. Missetl ft' and Hazel Nichols en. 1rtAiriwrtk J, D. Club last evening m r' meatmen jeyable manner. Games ami Tniwc.tumifliieu amusement for the vohkc latii and Uie lunch waa de- ttM "pHekHfres of Palmer's te: 'the Best Made, at Schiller &Co. ' Arch HaWard returned yesterday from Hot Spriun,. S. D.. whore he wont to brine herate H. S. Crocket. Tho latter is in neer'wiyMcial condition. Buffering irom Mffler er mo inroat. e CotiKreeeman Kinkaid has introducel bill in cijrwreBs annronriatintr $130,000 for a federal buildinK in Lexineton. 'lliftt'a r jiretty liberal sum for a town the: size of .Lexington, but then Lex intdn expects to be much larger. The Times claims that Hcrshcv Bends out' mor hay than any other town of ttf Bizo in the state, nnd tho claim is undoubtedly true. Last Monday cloven cars were shipped from that station, ahd so SXr this month a total of ninety can; have' been sent out Unon takinsr the cast from tho frac tured leg of Professoc Garlisch it was found that one of the broken bones had not knitted. The Professor therefore will need remain indoor for several mocf weeks. A mosfc'u'niqup and enjoyable.! uWtloit neiuacuio norne or 'Uiirs. 21. a. F. m . society vand their husbands woro nory guests, xsovei leaturoapx entertaining vcro Introduced and proved very pleasing. An elaborate unch was served. Uhristmas naclcntros of ra mer's Perfume; the Best Made, nt Schiller uo. Wj AUCTIONEER E. H. FUNK, of Cheyenne, Wyo., an nuctioneer witli 40 years experienqe, has lo cated in North Platte, and would like to make prices and dates "for your sales. Hove sold stock am general merchandise oil over Ne brasko. is See me at F. E. Barber's Rcstau "Tho Doctor" will bo tho tonic at tho Presbyterian church on Sunday night at i:m. L,&st sundav n ant "Tho .Law yer" interested a larco conerctration. Sunday school arid nt 11 o'clock A. M. ubllc worship. Tho themowillbo "Tho Jhurch." Thoro will be cood music and a cordial welcome. ' Of general teacher's meeting Sator- V. Decemlier 16th. room "G'Tln Hirh School ImikMfMt. The fconk "Greater da: tnctency 01 -jreacnera.'v, J. Should cHy teachers take the State Reading Circle, work?' MIm Blake and Miss Davie. 2. All tho Universities and Normal schools ofTer extension course. Whit may we get from them? MIm Murray, Mlsa Rudolph '8. Iff a teacher itwiiDiMt In atWruKno1 her time takinr nrivake leeeotMt in nne1 not tncwded m her worxr Mm Flynn, Miss Lowe. 4. The Teacher's Reference Library. Wlwt is it for? Mise Hansen, Miss Hanks. 5, The. General Teacher's Meeting. How ofUn? What? Miss Hartman. Misa Gantt, Mise Brownell, Miss An-tondJes. It Is recommend tkl that those on thj program use manuscript or notes so they will say what thay mean without hesitation. All teachers in the citv echeele aro expected to be present at 2 o'clock1 and remain until the mooting is adjourned. WIL80N TQUT.-Ulty SUpt. Nfttke. All who are owing The Leader will please call and settle between now and January lBt, 1912. Statements wlH be sent to tfiose who nre indebted t) ub. Juuys Pizek. Street Commissioner Salisbury is rather discouraged. Ho is very anxious to have tho streets and alleys kept clean and sightly and devotes his ener gy in that direction, but unfortunately no la not aided and abetted by the cit izens; in fact the reverse Is true of the average householder. Though he has published notices, made personal pleadings and In some instan ces used cuss words, yot people will insist on dumning ashes in tho street and Hlloys, which is contrary to ordi nance. Soma day a number of prom inent citizens will be arraigned in tho police court for fracturing this city or dinance. MTho Newly-Wed" company prides itself on tho handsomo chorus girls it has assembled. Thoso girls aro said to bo not only very pretty, but aro un usually good vocalists. This company apptmrs mum rvuiui jibm j.ueuiiy. Mrs. Meriam and daughter Clara.f Tipton, la., who visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hershoy tho fore part of the week, leit Wednesday, , The stock lr the new grocery store of Herred k Son is new being ptaeed on the shelves ami the store will be ormeJiy Ofened next Tueeday; -Dt rooin. nd SxWres haYtf .beeM rwfMinVed, 'and with the bright stock mt new fftoda a very attractive store will result. The stock has Wen carefully selected, and the brands of goods'carried are among the beet known on -he market. Herrad Son will be pteMed to have you caU next Topdy, or any other day tkerefterL j4 Wwywt their hwte. M t CiyrisiTfrWfW Spunky Progam for, the Strikers BeneAtt "The Mooniiiner,, "The Tempest," from a 4ay by Win. Shakeeaewe; 'The -Return. Vaudevitte: KaSeliffe & Hal), alnging, talking and wooden shoe dancing and tlw "Hobby Her." Matinee Saturday atternoen at f IV !..-J M. H. Douglas returned laet evening from Kearney, where lie waa sununeMd as a defendant, with tke llntttn P-i in a damare case broue-ht by Mrs. O. A Bleen for the death of her l0btd last aun-.mer. Blean and a man named Finke attempt ed to croes the U. P. track ahead of a train hauled by Douglaa, and both were killed. The caae. however, waa dismissed, tli evi dence being such as to indicate that the accident wa due to the carelenanesc of tho men;. Fr Sale. My bungalow on North Side. Fur nace, city water, electric lights. One or three acres of orchard goes with place'. E. A. Qaky, Commissioner A. F. Strelte returned today from tho Convention in Grand Island, The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McMickael yesterday and deposited a girl baby, Tom Branlgan, a well known horse buyer of Columbus arrived this morning to spend a day or more for buslnoss. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yost returned to town last evening from Grand Island after spending Revoral days In thatcity. N. S. Purbaugh, Rob't ami William Horner and H.B. Wood, of Wallace, spent the greater part of the week in the'clty. Christian Science; Society, Sunday Pll:00 A M.. Subject "Is tlie Universe larc" P, hall Dewey St PRIVATE HOSPITAL 218 Wert I'eurik St. For the treatment of MEDICAL and SURGI CAL patients. Also for accommodtions con finement cases. Men $ 1 Tb I IUUU! of I uits and Overcoats at 75c on the Dollar No end of the season pick up, no secondgracie lines marked at tirst-grade prices, but the choicest olrennRS for fall. and winter in Kuppenheimer Clothin(j, the high-v est grade, mos.t fashionable, best made ready-to-wear line in America, Gef full' Value for Your Money, Don't Go it Blind. Such splendid Suits and Oercoats as we are selling arc" worth a hundred cents on the dollar every time and they are never sold for a song. Boys and Children's Suits and Overcoats at 20 percent Discount. C timrnlvijiwrf Chicago We will place on sale our entire stock of Ederheimer, Stein & Co's celebrated EXTRAGOOD Clothing at one fifth less than regular prices. Special reduction in prices of tailored-to-order stiits if ordered before Christmas. Come in and examine our lines. ' Here is a rare opportunity to buy the man or boy a valuable Christmas Gift in a Suit or Overcoat that he will appreciate, at prices never before offered We have hundreds of other presents for the man or boy at prices that will not hurt your purse, We are always pleased to show you J. B. McDonald, THE HOME OF GOOD dLOTBG&S.' 1 rant, corner of Gth and Locust St. E. H. FUNK.