'J 8 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS Mlsa Ida Ottonutcin will entertain tho CathoHc choir this evening. Art Yates, of Sutherland, is trans acting business in tho city this week. Mrs. Irvo Temple, of Gandy, was among tho visitors in ihb city yesterday. Mrs. James Hart will entertain tho . Catholic Girls' club the first of next .week. i, .Mrs. Asa Snyder 1b spending this week, with relatives and friends in Omaha. Father Greeson, of Omaha, arrived '' "yesterday and will assist Rev. Mc Daid of this city. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilcrrod loft Wednesday evening for Omaha to spend several days. A; M. Muson went to Omahu Wed nesday evening to spend a week on business and pleasure. Mro. Davis, of Grand River, la., left yesterday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Spurrier for sevenil days. Seo our Parisian Ivory Goods. Some thing new. Dixon. Tho Jeweler. Mrs. Jahies W. Payne returned Wed nesday from Omaha, where she spent several days with her daughter. Oscar Smith, who had been tho guest of his parents for sevnral weeks, left Wednesday evening for Chicago. Pat C.Roddy left Tuesday evening for Iowa to visit relatives after which he will accept a position in Minnesota. Miss Mnry Carroll, of Wisner, re turned homo yostcrday after a short stay with Mr. hnd Mrs. Joseph Murphy. ' Mrs. Brandt, of Columbus, Ohio, will arrive next week to spond sovoral -weeks with her son 0. W. Brandt and wife.' Christmas , pi c'tages of Palmer's Porfumt; the Best Made, at, Schiller & Co. Mrs. Joseph Schwnigor, who sub mitted to an opcratioh'for appendicitis thr first of the week, is gotting along nicely. Miss Elsie Langford, who is attend ing Boyle college in Omaha, is oxpected . shortly to visit her mother and sisters during tho holidays. Dame rumor says that three local young salesladies will bo wed to tlirco young men employed on the Union Pacific within the next month. Charlos Tighc, who has been em plbyed at the Schiller drug store for some time, will leave in a short time . for Omaha to enter Creighton college. A. F, Beclor, of Hershdy, transaotcd business in tho city yesterday. Miss Isa Murphy spent yesterday in Sutherland with her sister Miss Roxy. Miss EiH6 Rodgcrs is assisting in tho Huffman millinery parlors, having be gun work yesterday, Wanted A girl for general house work. Mrs. II. C. Brock 714 West Fourth. Frank Patrick left for Oshkosh Wed nesday, being called thereby tho6crious illness of a relative. Mrs. Patrick loft last wcek.x Harry E. Ambler ago 22 and Sarah N. Jenkins ago 19, both of Gandy, were married Wednesday oveninir bv Countv Judge Grant at his residence. Miss Delia Hanks, who hns been giving instructions in china painting In tho city for sovoral Vccks, will leavo for her homo in Frccmont, Dec. 26th, Joo Nolen, who has boon employed in Sheridan for Bomo time, Will nrrlvo shortly to take tho position in tho Schiller Drug storo made vacant by the resignation of Cha lea Tiglie. Dr. Foote, of Omaha, spent Wednes day in town assisting Dr. J. S. Twinem, in oporating upon Norman Loudon, Mrs. W. II. C. WoodhUrst and the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grady. Mrs. Wallace Quinn entertained the members of tho Novita club Wednes day afternoon. Enjoyublo games and Contests were features of amusement. The prizo was awarded to Mrs. George Schatz. Lato in tho afternoon u dainty two courso lunch was served and tho guests returned to tho city by auto. Mrs. Andrew Scharmnn ontertaincd tho Cotorio Club on Wcdnosdny aftor noonin an enjoyable manner. Card games were played and tho highest scores matte by Mrs. Will Yost and tho second by Mrs. Robert Lannin. After partaking of a delicious lunch an elec tion of officers took placo as follows; President, Mre. Harry Johnson, Vice president, Mrs. Wm. Stcgall; Secre tary and" Treasurer, Mcs. Robert Lanniii and Mrs. Andrew Scharmnn, reporter. At n meeting of tho Owls held in their new nest Wednesday evening the following officers wore elected for tho coming year: F. W. Rinckor, presi dent; P. H. Sullivan, vice president; Wm. Connelly, invocator; G. S. Huff man, secretary; C. M. Reynolds, treas urer; Harry Sawyer, Warden; Charlie Johnson, sentinel; Wm. Hupfcr, Picket. The above officers will bo in stalled at tho first meeting in January. The House Committeo roported pro gress on some improvements and ad ditions to bo made. Mrs. Van Brocklin, of tho Firs1 Ward, is reported to bo very ill. Miss Bessie Foster enmo up from Kearney a fow days ago to visit rela tive. Miss Kathcrlno Seyfcrth ,will assist in tho Clinton Jewelry storo during tho holidays. Sam Westfall returned Wednesday from n short visit in Grand Island on business. Will Hendy returned Wednesday from Omaha, after spending soveral days there on business. Nel Turpio returned Tuesday evening from eastern points where ho combined business and pleasure. Heating Stoves at near cos,t at Hcr shey's Fifth and Locust. Miss Jcssio Van Brocklin was called hero from Grand Island Wednesday by tho illness of her mother. Robert Weeks camo home a few days ago from n short stay in Grand Island with his grand parents. Mrs. Clarence Tollcfscn of Sutherland left for homo Wednesday morning after spending n week with hor parents. Christmas packages of Pnlmer'B Pcr, fumo; tho beat made, nt Schiller & Co. Mesdames J. C. Fcdorhoof and Gus Huffman will cntertnin tho Lutheran Aid Society next Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roscnbloom, of the Fourth wnrd, were called to Ogden Tuesday ovoning by tho serious illness of a relative. Chas. Pass n fow dayfl ago exhibited a perfect lemon which ho grow in his hot house. Tho tree has homo aovora) crops of tho fruit. Chas. Horrod has boon in Omaha for several days purchasing a stock for tho grocery storo ho will open. fltrq. Hor rod wont to Omnhn with him. Mrs. F. L. Rork received word Wed nesday that hor daughter Mrs. Olive Wright wns critically ill nt hor homo in Tampa, Florida. Harry Brodbcck has sovorcd his connection witli Iho Tramp grocery and began work in tho Yost-Brodbock meat market this week. Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply at -113 east Fifth otreot. Iho annual meeting of the share holders of tho tho First National Bank of North PJntto will be held at the bank on Tuesday, January 9, 1912, at 4 P. M. F. L. Moonby, Cnshior. The Twentieth Century Club wero pleasantly entertained Tuesday after noon by Mrs. Cal Lowell of Lincoln nt tho homo of hor mother Mrs, Milton berger. Dnlnty refreshments wero served. Miss Ada Gardiner Is assisting in tho 10 cent storo during tho holiday rush. Trot Roberts, living near Maxwell, Is erecting a now barn 42xG4 fcot on his ranch. , Dr. Twinem has just received his now Buick touring car und is very well pleased with it. W. J. Hgndy recently sold a Ford touring car to,,0. P. Mndscn, of tho Maxwell Section. Ernest Calling, of Gothenburg, trans acted business nntTvlsited friends in. town Wednesday. Mrs. Agnes Krull, of Wnlthill. ar rived Wednesday to visit her twin sister, Mrs. Anna Seyferth. Christmas packages of Palmer's Porfumo; tho Best Made, at Schiller &Co. Sentence wns suspended by tho dis trict judge in tho caso of tho stato of Nebraska Vs Nick LowJa for adultery. In tho case of tho stato of Nebraska vs John Logis for horsestealing from Henry Coker, scntenco was suspended. We havo all tho latest copyrighted novels by tho best authors at from $1.00 to $1.40. RiNCKnn'a Book Stow;. Mrs. Harry Vincent and daughter Margarot will leavo noxt week for Omaha and Blair to visit relatives until January 1st. Tho J. S. Davis Auto Com pany has just sold a now 1912 Buick tan colored runabout to Joo Sullivan of Brady. '.. Mrs. Sam Richards, of Omaha, who has been visiting friends nnd transact ing businosa in town for several days left hist evening. Charlos McLano nnd wifo returned Wednosday afternoon from Illinois, where tlioy wero cnllod by tho illness of n relative sevorul wooks ago. Genuine crushed Ovstor Sholln. MnUo .hens lay. nocjiioy'H, l'irtti ami LocuBt, Miss Florence Jnck'son, who has been ill for some time, left Wednesday after noon for El Paso, Texas, to tako medi cal treatment for severnl months. Mrs. H. K. Smith, of Pleasant Hill, Mo., arrived a fow days ago to spond a week or longer with her brothers Messrs. Jesso and Chnrles Edwards. For Ront I havo two nico four room cottngCB( on tho outskirts of tho city fo rent. 10 per month... Both prop erties nro new and in good condition. See mo nt once. C. F. TEMl'LE. Boys! , Come in and see tho Mooro and Waterman Fountain Pens forXmns. Book and Music Storo. full lino of non-lenkablo AtRlnckcr's Albert Culton was granted ft divorco from Mnmto G. Culton in tho district court Tuesday. Causo abandonment Frank Ebolo, living north of tho river, was in town Tuesday making final proof, on a 320 aero tract of land. Wanted A girl for general house work. Small famllv In B room cottneo. A snap for the right party. 408 E. 5th., or Phono 633. tf A. O. Sumption, auditor for tho Union Pacific, spent tho first of , tho week in town checking tho Western Union office C. Klinge, who resides south of Max well, hns no complaint to mako of his yield of corn. Ho lias so far husked 2000 bushels and still has nearly as much. to husk. Buchanan & Patterson arc erecting a five room house on their MO ncro'farnv nino miles southwest of town. Tho placo has been leased by Mf. Christian sen for a period of flvo years. Mary Ella Shaner was granted n di vorco from John Shaner In tho district court this week. Her causo was staled as non-support. Both parties are resi dents of Maxwell. Allen Tift hns woll under way n largo cement barn in tho soutli part of town. When this is completed ho will tear down his barn on cast Sixth street and probably erect a dwelling house on tho site. Luko Henly enjoyed a visit this week with his two half brothers, tho Messrs. Heathevton, of Jersey City, who wero enrouto to California. These gentle men nro contracting plumbers and do a big buslnoss In their homo city. Twonty-ninth annual bnil of Elkhorn Lodge, B. of L. F. & E wlll boheld Tuesday 'evening, January 2d. Tickots will bo on sale nt Schiller's ding atom tho early part of noxt wook, and will not be placed in tho hands of a com mitteo, aa hns boeli tho usual custom. W. M. Raskin, of Logan county, who was a Tribune caller Tuesday, nays that the groding of tho now railroad from Callaway to Stnplcton is just about completed. Stnploton is tho west ern termlnnl of tho now rond, and on Omaha engineer is now platting tho now town Into blocks nnd lota. It is tho general Impression that tho major ity of tho business men of Gandy will movo to tho now town; In fact a num ber of them havo already selected lots on which to build. Gandy promises to bocomo a deserted village. For Sale. Pure bred duroc Jorsoy boars and giltB, all eligible to registry. Prices right. Also puro bred barred plymouth rock cockerels. Inquiro of or address, Blankenburg Bros., North Platto, Nob. CHy CftuitcH MeetMgt The city council met In regular ses sion Tuesday evening with n full board. Tho flro department requested ithat the occupation tax bo turnedyajr, to them, tho nmount being $230. J. T Police judgo Wnrren's' report was re ceived and placed on filo. Tliri report was accompanied by is clio'ek'forVl4.C0 collected as fln'ca and feesdiirlng. tho past month. City Clerk Tomplo handed 1n his re port of lovies and the amount issued on each. Samo was placed on file. Tho city treasurer's statement was also recoived and placed on taK A resolution' asking tho council to agree to Accept a decision of" ond suit with referefico to the special -sower tax lovlod on extension of dlstrict'N for re placing 1000 feet'of the'dd sower, wbb introduced by Councilman Malonoy but failed to carry. ' With the exception of two bllla to re fund taxes, all accounts on filo voro allowed. Tho question of withdrawing a tract of land in tho west part of town, which belonga to F, W. Thompson, was taken up hut not settled. Tho city clerk Was ordered to secure n state statuto for tho polico judgo, City Attorney Halligun was ordorcd to draft an ordinance repealing article 11 of city ordinance with reference to gambling, tho same being In conflict with stato law, and as statu law covers this fully, It was thought unnecessary to havo ordinnnec covering same. City nttornoy roportod tho receipt of a messngo hi which tho decision of tho federal court with reference to tho water worka enno, was reversed. A man with family can occupy, ront free, for four months nn imtiroved sec- 1 Hon 2a m ea north rff North V nHn . ,f!nti jhnvousoof tonni, cow and chickens. j4f agreeable party can lease this, and i another improved oction. The above offer is in cavo of tho sccrotnry of tho Y. M. C. A. In the caso of the stato of Nebraska vs. Eunice Houghtolling for adultery camo tip Tuesday in tho district court. Defendant plead guilty, sentence was suspended nnd she wns bound over to noxt term In tho sum of $100, Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond Miller and baby of Horshoy, who visited relatives hero tho early part of tho week, re turned homo Wednesday morning. For Rent. New four room cottago in tho west ond $10.00 per month. Six room cottago and 2J acres gnrden G blocka from high school. $12 por month. Eight room, two Btory dwelling in good condi tion, city Vator and olectrlc lights," one block from Washington school. $20 per month. Buchanan & Patterson. I Who Said Hard Times? Not Us. I WHO SAID MONEY IS SCARCE? NOT US. 2 WE are BUSY all the time supplying the multitudes $ihr Men's and Boys7 wearables of every description. Why? , Because we -carry the stock for tlie people and we give you more for your money than any other store in North Platte. And Now Hurrah for Christmas and Santa Claus. t y i ... V 4 We offer you unparalleled inducements for your Xmas Trade. Never was our Store so Replete, or our induce 4 ments to the public so generous both in price and variety. We have everything for the Husband, father, Son, Brother and the Best Fellow. A Suit -An Overcoat A Hat A pair of Shoes A Sweater A Trunk A Grip A Suit Case A Bath Robe A Smoking Jacket A Fur Coat An Austria Hat A Rough Beaver Hat. READ THIS LIST OVER Make a memorandum of your wants and bring them to our store and we will do the rest. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs Hosiery, Wool, Cotton and Silk Phoenix Silk Hose and Tie to match in Christmas Box Neckwear i each in Christmas box, 50c to $1.50 Bradley and Phoenix Mufflers, 50c to $2.00. Handkerchief, 50c to $1.50 Suspenders and Belts 25c to $25,0 each Silk Arm Bands and. Silk Garters. Silk and Wool Lined Gloves and Mittens. Silk Mufflers and Scarfs Full Dress Scarfs anil Shirt Protectors. Collapsible Opera and Black Silk Hats Rubber Footwear Slip on Rain Goats Fancy Vests Dutchess Trousers Newest style Caps just re ceived Auto Gloves and Mitts, Lamb Wool Lined Night .Robes Pajamas , ' Union Suits 2-piece Underwear Don't Forget A Lamms Tailor-Made Suit, the best on earth, From December 10th to December 25th, for CASH ONLY, we will give 25 per cent discount on ALL SUITS and 50 per cent on BOY'S OVERCOATS up to size 33; THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA.