The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 08, 1911, Image 6

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    Cc97f!U 1910, by C. C ZHmnmnn Co. Ko. 71
Over half of the things
bought in this store
through the year are gifts.
gold or sil$r always artistic,
HIS is simply because
our Jewelry Store is a
logical place to buy presents
, for here you will find every
desirable article made from
unusual and, in good
especially, you tlcslro to buy renl gifts, something Unit
is not simply n token of remembrance but n joy in itself
No matter what you wnnt to spend, no matter who the
preqnt is for, you will find otic store the ideal place
0. L I IS T 0 N f Jcweler and Pticia"'
May Build Cutoff in Sfriag .
Yesterday's Omaha Bee contained
the following!
Jt is generally believed around Union
Pacific headquarters that next year
construction work will begin on the
Mcdicino How Cutoff, thus shortening
tho lino between Omaha nnd Ogdcn
nearly fifty miles.
Color is given to tho early construc
tion of tho Mcdicino Bow cut-off by tho
Union Pacific annual report for tho
fiscal year, ending June 30, and which
ifls just reached headquortcrn In this
city, it having been prepared in New
York and sent hero for distribution.
This report contains a map of tho
Union Pacific system and on it is
shown tho cut-oiT line. Thin map
Bhows tho cut-fi as leaving tho main
line at O'Fnllon nnd running northwest
erly to Bridgeport, and thence west to
Gcring, thirty-seven miles. This por
tion is completed and tho thirty-seven
miles will likely be opened for business
about tho first of the year.
From Gering the proposed lino runs
almost duo west to Mcdicino Bow,
Wyo., where it Btrikcs the mnin lino.
Union Pacific men and others who
have been ovor the proposed cut-off say
that tho lino after getting seventy-five
to 100 miles west of Gering, extends
tho balance of tho distance though n
a magnificent country, much of it
being similar to the Big Horn basin.
It is made up largely of valleys and
for miles on either sluo is ns level ns a
floor, capable of supporting a large
number of people. It Is estimated that
along tho now lino thcro io enough ag
ricultural land to give at least, 1,000
men forms of 100 acres each. This is
all government land, subject to ontry
as homesteads. It is not an irrigation
proposition, but thoro nro enough
stronms to furnish water to irrigate the
ontire nreo, provided it is stored in
reservoirs and conserved for future
Local and Personal
J. W. Fetter, of Maxwell, is spend
f 4 this week in town.
Uov, T. D; Sullivan, of Elm Creek, is
Ending a few days with Fathur Mc
" Mrs. John'Hcrrod wont to
('.vdayn ago to spend a
jeorgo Weir returned Tuosday ovon-
; from Lincoln, whero ho spent a
.jjek with friends.
Harold Langford, who spent several
.vys in York and Lincoln, roturnod
r 'tne Wednesday.
Omdtm a
Verik or
Editor Itaonuisson, of Hershey, loft
yesterday nftor sponding Eovcral days
with local relatives.
Mlssou Bessie Smith and Elslo John
son loft n few days ago to teach in tho
Platto Valley school.
Mrs. Leslie Coleman, of Aslnnd, loft
yesterday morning after Hponding sev
eral days with Mrs. Levi Duke.
Max VonGootz, Stevo McWilliams
and James Thompson will go to Gothen
burg on their motorcycles Sunday.
Rov Johncn who has been assisting
Rev. Mc Daid for several weeks was
transferred to Gothenburg Wednesday.
Street Commissioner Salisbury has
been instructed by tho council to pro
hibit the depositing of ashes in the
streets and alleys, and ho intonds, to
onforco tho instructions. Tho sano
solution of tho gnrbago nnd nsh ques
tion would bo tho installation of re
cbptacles in which to deposit tho refuse,
these to bo emptied and carted away
at convenient times at tho expenso of
tho lot ownor or tenant. Woro this
done, our Btreots and alloys would pro
Bent a much neater appearance.
For Rent Ono five room and ono six
room, modern housos, about 7 blocks
out on Fifth street. Seo mo at once.
C. F. Temple.
Wm. Dowhower and Joo Mike woro
fined by Judge Wnrren Saturday
for disorderly conduct on tho '.main
BtreotH while Intoxicated."
Chriitaa Cheer.
The Yuletido is the one season of the
year when We nil unite in tho effort to
make every one happy that can possi
bly bo reached through ourinfluencc and
labor. It is such a busy season that it
would seem almost Impossible to get
workers to carry out any extra under
takings'. ot wo must not forget the
poor children or the mothers of these
poor children who will know no Santa
Onus; and we have no such intention.
North Platte Branch No. 1 will have
in charge tho Sunshine Christmas tree
party. It will provide for quite a num
ber of these children and the Sun
shiners, through this branch, will give
tho children a merry Christmas. In
order to carry on tho work properly
this year, arrangements have been made
to open public headquarters at the
homo of Mrs. Minnie Perkins, 11C West
Fourth Street, whero those interested
in tho work can call any day and leave
their contribution, or phono 550 and it
will bo, called for.
Our plea to every Bociety and to
every person interested In spreading
abroad the spirit of cheer at this
Christmas time is asked to- do some
thing to help cither in money or dolls,
bnlls. games, toys, books, candy, nuts,
etc., nro needed for the children.
Won't you help just a. little in this
this work? Tho Christmas tree will bo
December, 23d, in the afternoon. The
plnco will bo announced latter.
- Mud. Minnie PnnuiNs,
Sunshine Secretary.
For Sale.
My bungalow on North Side. Fur
nace, city water, electric lights. Ono
or three acres of orchard goos with
place. f A' CARY-
Lutheran Notes.
A Christmao box wan sont to the
Fabithu Home containing usoful ar
ticles for tho old people and children,
thus to gladden their Christmas time..
Tho choir is deligcntly working on
tho Christmas cantata tojbo given at
the early servico Christmas morning
nnd tho Sunday school is buay arrang
ing for their sorvico on Christmas
Tho Mission Band will meet again at
tho Parish houso Saturday p. m. at 3
Tho Brotherhood will meot in its
regular monthly session next Monday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Pletcher, 202 So. Dewey St, at 8 o'clock
A full attendance is desired.
The Pastor.
Mrs. J. A. Joacs Librarian.
A meeting of the Library board Was.
held a( tho office of Bratt & Goodman
on Tuesday evening. The secretary re
ported that Mr. Carnegie had furnished,
to date, $6,000 to pay for labor and
material already furnished for the
library building. The salary of tho
librarian was fixed at $50 per month
and Mrs. J. A. Jones was elected libra
rian to report for duty at the call of tho
board. A book committee consisting
of Messrs. Seeberger, Cory and McCabo
and Miss Kramph was appointed to ar-
rnngo for the purchaso of books for tho
library. The contractor reported that
he would probably finish his contract by
Janunry 1st.
Becerae Citizens.
Natural?zation papers were taken out
in the district court this week by Anton
Marcius Paulson, who has resided in
United States since July, 1003, by Jno.
Oscar Nystrom, who came to this
country in July, 1900, Arthur Georgo
Know, whoso arrival hero dates back to
Sept., 1005, James W. Abbott, who
camo hero in Juno, 1889, Ncls J. Rosscn,
who took up his residence in Juno, 1893,
Soren Hansen, who landed in April, 1888,
and Johnathan Gust Johnson, who camo
here in June, 1903.
Prescription Druggists
flint Door North of
Klrnt National Dank
Cathelie Feast Day.
Today all Catholics arc allowed to cab
flesh meat Formerly Christmas was
tho only festival of tho year on which
they were allowed this privilege if that
day fell on Friday. Under tho pro
vision of the motu proplo of July 2d of
this year tho law of abstinenco is
abrogated when tho feasts of the.
church happen on Friday. Today, is tho
fenit of Immaculate Conception.
Mrs. Linhart, of Goring, left for
Oshkosh yesterdoy after spending sev
oral days with town frionds.
Notice to Householders.
By direction of tho city council I
notify all persons that tho practice of
depositing ashes in the streets and
alleys must cease. Ashes, and all other
rubbish, must be kept on the lot, nnd
hauled off at such time as owner or
tenant mny elect Please save your
solf inconvonlcnco and costs by oboy
ing this notice, as it will bo enforced.
W. B. Salisbury,
Street Commissioner.
Mr. W. Uoncmons, of Grand Islnnd,
ono of tho leading officers of labor
unions, gnVo nn interesting nnd encour
aging talk to tho local strikers at the
engineer's hall Tuesday evening. Ho
complimented them uoon their splendid
conduct during tho strike and instructed
them to quietly await developments ns
he wa3 confident that n settlement was
not far distant.
Mrs. Georgo Miller, of Davenport,
la., who has been tho guest of her par
ents Mr. nnd Mrs. William Rector for
several weeks, left for home Wednes
day morning.
Rev, Thomas . Haley, of Lexington,
arrived Tuesday evening nnd is tho
guest of Rov. McDaid and Father
Miss Elin Sjogren, of Sweden, is ex
pected tho first of tho week to visit her
aunt Mrs. onariea aanuau.
To whom it may conocrn:
Notice is hereby given that tho
Mayor and city council will hold a
spocio' meeting, beginning at the hour
of 8:00 ' M (Central Time) Wednes
day, Docembor20th, 1911, in the council
chamber Tor the purpose of making as
sessments for tho cutting of weeds for
tho season of 1911 on tho following de
scribed lots in the city of North Platte,
Lots 5, block 14, Miller's addition 1.00
Lot G, block 14, Miller's addition 1.00
Lot 7, block 14, Miller's ndditlon 1.00
Lot 8, block 14, Miller's' addition l.OO
Lot 8, block fi. Miller's addition 1.00
Lot C, block 10, Miller's addition 1.00
Lot 0, block 10, Miller's addition l.OO
Lot 7, block 10, Miller's nddition 1.00
Block 11, Miller's addition 8.00
Lot 1, block 10, Miller's addition l.OO
Lot 2, block 16, Miller's addition 1.00
Lot 7, block 10, North Platto Town
Lot Co's nddition. .... .....l.OO
Lot 8, block 10, North PIntto Town
Lot Co'b addition 1.00
Lot 9. block 10, North Platto Town
Lot Co'b addition". 1.00
Lot 10, block 10, North Platto Town
Lot Co'b addit'on 1.00
Lot 1, block 8, North Platto Town
Lot Co'a addition .T 1 OO
Lot 2, block 8, North Platte Town
Lot 3, block 8, North Platte Town
Lot Co's nddition ." 1,00
Lot 4, block 88, Original towp of
Lot 1, block 122, Original (town of
North Platte , '....l.OO
xtLo1. Vlock 122 Original town of
North Platte i.qo
All persons Interested will filo their
objections, if any they have, to tho as-
sessing of taxes against the nbovo de
scribed property on or before 5:00
Smt.ockn?; (Antral Time) December
20th, 1911.
Charles F. Temple, City Clerk.
A Tic
' .vt-
If you have not do it now. Never before have the ladies of North Platte and vi
cinity had an opportunity to make selections from such a large stock of Suits,
Cloaks, Dresses, Skirts and Furs. In addition to the large stock we already had
on hand, we received this week an enormous shipment of Coats from a New York
house who consigned them to us unsolicited and ordered us to dispose of them at
such prices as we could get for them the season is getting late and they must go.
This shipment consists of Fancy Mixtures, Blacks, Near-Seal, Plushes, Curacoa, and Russian Fur Pony Coats.
AH sizes for the Ladies' Misses, Juniors and Children, no two garments alike. Stop and look at our show windows
and you will see the class of goods we are selling at the low prices; you can't help but conclude that these are the
greatest bargains ever offered in North Platte. All alterations made free.
lu all other ready-to-wear lines in our store, dress goods, silks and trimmings included, a cash discount of twenty per cent
will he gives during the month of December.
... m-
PIZER, Proprietor.