The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 08, 1911, Image 1

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    'V "sr. :
No. 85
v' i vitt 'www rmrrj'www'w'w'w lyw w Tmr'W K'r rf JL f'Vff'tf'
Made to the Comptroller of the Currency. December 5, 1911.
Loans and Investments .....i,......-,' $468,262.60
Overdrafts,.,....... ." 486.19
U. S. Bonds for Circulation.... ;. v . T. V. . ,t 50,000.00
Premium on U. Sr bonds..... ,v.,', .'.lTt'.'-, 1,000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and.FIxturea..... .... ; 22,000.00
Bonds for Deposits. , "........."... t; 11,000.00
Due from U.-S. 'Treasurer. . . . . . . ; . . . . - 2,500.00
Cash and Sight Exchange. . . . .', . ... .' 193,463.'80 211,963.80
, ' - ' ... $753,722.69
Capital Stock ......... . vf. ..... l. . ; ?100,000.00
Surplus and-Undivided Profits . . : "..... 48,134.47
Circulation . . ." ; . Tr, . . f ; . . , 50,000.00
Deposits ; V .'.t;. ... . 655,568.12
E. F, SEEBERGER, President , F. L..MOONEY, Cashier.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald will entertain
.the members of the Travel and Study
Club on Dec. 18th.
The Presbyterian ladies will hold an
exchange at Howe & Mnloney's store
Saturday, December 16th.
Tho county commissioners convened
in session this morning and will trans
act such business as may como before
Lee Johnson, charged with stonling
hay from the North Platto Land &
Water Co., was acquitted in the district
court this weelc.
"Tho Red Mill" was presented last
evening to a large audience at the
Keith, and-well pleased the auditors.
Tho scenery and costumes were fine,
tho singing good and the comedy parts
were well taken. '
Shipments of baled hay and alfalfa
aro fairly liberal these days, notwith
standing the Denver market, is said to
be glutted.
Mrs. Jas. Hart will entertain tho
members of the Catholic Girls club
Mondayeveningata "kitchen shower"
for Miss Mary Guilliaumo.
Weather forecast Fair tonight and
Wednesday; not much change in tern
pcrature. Maximum temperature yes
terday 48, a year ago 28; Minimum
last night 20, a year; ago 12.
Issac Erlckson, a young traveling
matt, In some manner foil from a west
bound train near Sunole last Thursday
and when found was unconscious. He
was taken to Sidney to the hospital
where it was found "thot-besldes being
bruised his shoulder was dislocated.-
Chappell Register.
The Hustlers will give one of their
social dances on Doccmber 28th at the
Masonic hall.
Mrs. Nets Hamer and daughter Freda
left this morning for Sidney to visit the
formers daughter, Mrs, Ed Aherns.
Mrs. John Bratt Is expected hoth
tonight from an extended visit with,ha
daughter, Mrs. Baldwin, in Omaha.
The Brady Vindicator has agaki
changed management, C. W. Botkin,,
of Gothenburg, now being In charge.
The. Tribune is In receipt of a card
announcing the birth of'a daughter te
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O. Dillard, of
Grand Junction, Col.
Santa Claus letters have began to be
received at the postoilice and In accord
ance with the permission of the depart
ment the postmaster would appreciate
the help of any persons so. Inclined to
assist him in their proper dispatch.
This week has been an active one foe
local merchants and etellly those
who make a specially of hHdy goods.
Peoplo are making Unrir .purchases
early, which is gratlfyfitg to the mer
chants and of distinct advantage to
The representative of Andrew Car
negie has notified the library board
that the full amount of his donation's
must be used in tho construction of tho
building, or tho balanco returned.
This precludes devoting any balance to
tho purchase of books.
A special train of twelve cars loaded
with Armour meat consigned to the
Philippines passed' through yesterday.
Tho consignment is duo in San Fran
cisco on the morning of Dec, 13th and
will be loaded into a boat that Bails the
following day.
Mrs. H. E. Worrell had several of
her fingers frightfully burned a few
days since by an acid used in removing
paint from china. For a time It was
feared she would lose one or more of
tho members, but that danger is now
past The burns have caused much suf
fering and inconyenl0rtce;.-Suthorland
t reo Lance.
C A. Gill, of Myrtle, Is doing busl
heB in town today and made this office
acall. ,
Dave Scott returned yestorday from
a .short (slt with relatives in Lexing
Miss (Amy, Young and slater returned
jfeeterwjy fetn Lexington after a two
Weecs Jrlsit with relatives.
,1 Mrs. , Ne4,llaintner received word
veetertkv thai a, sen was bora td her
daughter, Mtw, Kd Aherna at Sidney.
Rev. W. 5. Pertar returned thki
Morning fram Gethrnburg where he
went savdraVdays to assist at the re
vival services.
t T. M. Aker?, of the Colorado Milling
Mlniag'Co,, arrived yesterday from
Denveri to. spend' several days with
Rubf Hoyt was granted a diverce
'from JNlia Hoyt In the district court
yesterday btt the grounds of extreme
Juelty, nori 'support and adultery.
The Travel m& .Study cjub met with
Mpr. Ray CtammlkgM onaMqnday even
incr. An infaraadnir irnm wita ren-
" , 1 o . - - o -1
dered as follows: Women's Colleges,
JCrs. Cuafiniirigs,. Causes of the Civil
-War, Laura;Murray, The Other Wise
Men, Miss Smith, Xmas Stories, Misses
Mae. Walker ndXIHIan Hendy.
In order ,to expedito tho transaction
of business during the holiday rush
Postmaster Davis will convert the phow
window into a receiving booth for
rkofVacrao. . A ' ntnrlr will Iia oLa'If&fl
ijjuvb)vui i ..... recolvo the packages aad sell
the rfccoS8ary Btampa. This will re
lieve (tho congestion at the stamp and
registry windows.
Union Pacific No. 16, tho Colorado
express, mado a new speed record
-Wednesday afternoon as it camo down
the valley of the Platte river, attaining
and maintaining an averago of .almost
sixty miles per hour. No. 10 left
Grand Island yesterday afternoon ono
hour and seventcon minutes late, pull
ing into tho Union statipn at Omaha-fin
time, coverinir tho 153 miles In two
hours' and fifty se von minutes, making
iour aiops.enruuie. umaqa uoo,
R. F. Stuart spent several days in
Maxwell this week on plumbing busi
ness L. W Walker is transacting business
in Omaha, having left for that city last
Mrs. E, R, Plummer returned last
evening from a. short visit in Ogalalla
and Sutherland.
Will Cralgio has been off duty at the
SchaU Cigar store for several days
on account of illness.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E, Vorrell camo
down from Sutherland last evening to
attend "The Red Mill."
Attorney W. V. Hoagland left at
noon today for Lexington to transact
business for a day or more.
Miss Bessie Graham returned last
night from Lincoln and Omaha after a
two woeks visit with friends.
Alex Brooks, of Lexington, arrived
today and will be the guest of Mr, and
Mrs. G, W. Anderson for Beveral days.
Mrs. Geo. B. Dent and two sons will
leave December 17th for Long Beach,
Cal., where .they will visit relatives for
several months.'
The case of A. Abercromble, of Max
well, va Landgren, for tho violation of
a contract, is pecuping tho attention of
tho district court today.
A. F. Strcltewlll leave the flrst.of
tho wcok for Grand Island to attend the
annual meeting of tho commissioners,
which will bo held there next week.
Mrs. Cal Lowell and sons Milton and
Dillon, who have been visiting her
mothor, Mrs. Mlltonborger for several
weeks, left for Chicago last evening.
Tho showing mado by tho local banks,
Btatemonts pubtishod in theso columns
today, does not Indicate lack of
money among, our po'oplo. Tho do
posits aro certainly encouraging.
In the district court yesterday nftor
noon Sarah Lambert Holdeh Was grant
ed a divorce from Cato Holdoh as the
evidonce showed ho had been guilty of
cxtrcmo cruolty to her and tholr small
son and refused to support them,
L. B. Dick went to Omaha today te
transact beeinew for a few days.
If Mrs. .Nettle Morris Mr.Nche4r,
alias, Mm, Lawrence Nichpkont wh'e
arrived' in North Platte las't May and Is
still supposed to be in this section will
write Mrs. M. 'A. Morris at Buena
Vista, Col.,, or Wrwood Dudley,
Johnstown, N. Y., she will learn some
thing of vital Interest to her.
Mrs. OKve Wright tfedRt' kr ketne
In Tampa", Florida, yesterday aftrneei
after a start Hints. Mrs. Wright
was formerly Miss Olive Rork of th'ls
city and Was married here to Pearl
Lott who died several years ago. In
1909, she was married to Dr. Wrighi of
Tampa, Florida. r father F. T.
Rork, left for that 'city last evening, -
upon receipt of the, message--and will
make arrangements; to have the re
mains brought to this city for burial.
Fer Exdwage.
Wanted for exchange, a good ranch
With some good farm, alfalfa and pas
ture land, with good Improvement fer
a good farm in Central Nebraska. All
clear; priced at $24,000. We also have
some good farm land and city property
In Central Nebraska for exchanger fer
relinquishment on farms and ranches'
Call on or address Lucey Bros., Suth
land, Neb. Phono 101.
Fer Lawyer.. , ,
"Tho Lawyer" will be the topic at
tho Presbyterian church on Sunday
night at 7:30. This is one of . a series
on various occupations, and should be
of Interest' to men at the bar, The
morning theme will bo, "Children and
tho Church."
A week ago nine pcrsoris, all Adults,
wore received Into tho church and one
bnby baptized.
Sunday school at 10 A. M., classes
for all ogos. Endeavor at M5. , Miss
Floroitco Johnston, leador.
Miss Wakeman addressed our congre
gation. Jast Sunday .morning delighting
tho .people. G. F. Williams.
Books at 50 Cents.
We havtf 1200 of the popular novels
at 60 cents, each, Thoy Include the
wprlwof tho ibest.novelfsts.
: RMCKpit'8 Book Store.,.
1 -0',
J. t -f -
1 "iu.vji-.vJ! .."..-
Weingand's, The Quality Place, Not Selling Junk.
Meii, Buy a Suit or Overcoat at a Discount ot 25 Per Cent
1 '
I opened this store November 18th with a complete line of dependable goods frosljfiriVhi the
best makers. Since .that dat,e I have not not had a dull day, and muchto my satisiuct ion. business
is growing daily. Lots of people know of Weingand, the Quality .Placebut I want lots more to
know of rae not only to know but to come and learn that under any condition
they can buy a Suit or Overcoat for $15 or $20 that the other fellows sell for
$20 and ,$25. But I am not satisfied with saving you that $5 I will do more
I will give you a discount of twenty -five per cent off on ray entire line of
Men's Suits and Overcoats.
This means 25 per cent less than my usual prices, which are always lower than the other fellows
My stock is absolutely fresh- I have no junk to unload on you. This means something, does'nt it, some
thing that's worth considering. Here's your chance to get the pick of a carefully selected stock of new
goods not left overs from a half dozen seasons.
Remember 25 per cent discount on Men's Suits and Overcoats, Cash or Credit. Sale begins Dec.9th.
The Quality Place. On the other side of the Street.