The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 05, 1911, Image 5

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and Christmas are closely"
associated. They not only
fine gifts, but a good invest
ment. Our ".Diamonds are
selected with the utmost care.
We do our own piamond set
ting in our own shop.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Graduate Dcnlisl. 2
m 2
. Stnto Dank.
W. P. Byron, of Gothenburg, is spend
ing tho day in town on business.
Tho Birthday club will bo entertained
this afternoon by Mrs. II. M. Grimes.
Miss Nell Hnrtman will entertain tho
young ladies' ,500 club Saturday even
ing. Heating Stoves at near cost at Her
Bhey's Fifth and Locust.
The COO club which wns to bo enter
tained by Mrs. Harry Dixon on Thurs
day, evening will meet Friday evening.
Dr. Bnncroft, of Ticxington who came
up last.week to attend tho funeral of
tho M, V. Mitchell, left Sunday even
ing. Genuine crushed Oyster Shells. Make"
hens lay.
Hershoy's, Fifth and Locust.
Miss Gnrco Martin, of Sutherland,
whfl-has been the guest of her aunt
Mrs. C. P. Martin for several days
went home this morning.
Davo White, of Hershey, who has
visiting in Denver for several days re
turned this morning and will transact
business hero before returning homo.
Mrs, Wallace Quinn will entertain
the-Nevlta Club tomorrow afternoon,
Tho little daughter Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Johnson was injured on the head
Sunday afternoon by being struck and
knocked down by a man riding a motor
cycle on Front Street.
We have all tho latest copyrighted
novels by the best authors at from
.$1.00 to $1.40.
RwcKErt's Book Store.
Miss Emma Smith entertained thirty
friends at a kensington Saturday at tho
Mrs. John Murray residence. The
rooms were decorated, an enjoyable
lunch served and the afternoon proved
a must pieuaunc one.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply at 413oast Fifth street.
Tho remains of Frank Gnrdner, who
was injured in tho local yards last week
and died in a Grand Island hospital yes
terday, were brought up this morning
accompanied by tho father, and taken
to Lisco for interment.
When it comes to fire, lightning,
cyclone and tornado insurance, there is
none better.cheapcr nor safer than that
written by Bratt & Goodman, the lead
ing insurance agents. -
Senator Hoagland went to Lincoln
yesterday for tho purpose of looking up
tho irritation law as to tho question as
to whether tho railway commission has
tho right to regulate rates and service
of irrigation companies.
Peter Burke living south of Maxwell
is a patient at P, & S. hospital taking
treatment for his loft hand which ho
injured tho last of tho week in a corn
shredding machine. Although nobonea
were broken tho hand was so ' lacerated
that amputation may bo necessary.
For Rent I have two nico four room
cottages, on the outskirts of the city
for rent. $10 per month. Both prop
erties nro new and in good condition.
Seo mo at once. C. F. TiiMi'LE.
Tho Modern Brotherhood of America
Which is resisting the payment of
51000 insurance on tho lifo of Mark
Schrader, who committed suicide in the
local jail a couple of years ago, has tak
en tho caso to tho supremo court. This
court is asked to decido whether
Schrader committed suicide or choked
to death in a fit The lower court
found against the company.
For Rent Five room house, modern
except heat. Rent $18.00. Inquire of
P. A. Norton. 83-2
Miss Julia Howe Edmonds, daughter
of Airs. Ueorge E. rencn anu sister oi
Mrs. Ralph Smith, of this city, was
married Tat Lincoln at high noon No
vember 29th to Carl Friedrickson, tho
ceremony being performed by Rev. S.
Miles in tho Holy Trinity church. Ow
ing to tho illness of the bride's mother,
the wedding was a quiet one. The
brido wore a gown of golden brown
chiffon cloth, trimmed in marribout and
silk fringe, with corsage boquot of
lillies of tho vnlloy, and picture hat and
gjoves to match tho gown. Tho brido
mado her homo in this city during early
girlhood and won the admiration of nil
by her cheerful disposition and mental
brightness. Tho groom is (he son of a
well-to-do farmer near Bennington and
is employed in tho office of tho Cudahy
Packing Co. at South Omaha. Follow
ing a wedding trip to St. LouIb thoy
will bo at homo at 1029 South. 3Gth
street, Omaho.
If your surplus money is not earning
7 to 8 per cent semiannual Uterest in
ht and safest first morfeaee loans.
made on conservative basis, with good
parties to back it, see Bratt & ueodman.
Glefee Giril'tnf AtMM&Je Arrives.
With n total mileage of 88.348 miles
covered since July 31, 1910, and 47
states traveled in the globo girdling
Abbott-Detrolt "Bull Dog" arrived In
this city nt six o'clock Saturday from
Denver in charge of Dr. Charles G.
Percival, editor of Health Magazine,
of Now York City, undor whoso auspices
a trip of 100,000 miles is being at
tempted. Tho Abbott car has been
traveling sinco July, 1910, on tho
longest trip over known to tho. automo
bile InthlRtrv .100 OOfi mtlnn nnrl li1rirr.
ing from Its performance up to date it
bids fair to accomplish tho feat The
car has already been completely around
tho borders Of tho United States for
tho first timo in tho history of autom
bilingand has pathflndcd tho Pacific'
Highway from Tia Juana, Moxlco, to
IF T . f t r 1 1 1 1 I
Vancouver, unusn VyOiumDin, anu nns
traveled under Its own power from
Skagway, Alaska, over tho dreaded
Whito Pass to tho headwaters of the
Yukon River and been to a point 30
miles hcvonri f2 rintrrcpn north in tin
Artie Circle and a thousand miles
farther north than over before mado by
Miss Fenna Beeler will visit the
Misses Brown In Kearney the lastoftho
Tho Rcbekah Kensington will meet
at the I. O. O. F. hall on Friday after
noon. Mr. Florrey, of Omaha, has been n
guest at tho York Hinmnh homo sinco
Mrs. L. G. Hnnze and son, of Denver,
arrived here Sunday morning and nro
guests nt tho Bundy home.
Mr. and Mrs. Vermillion of Kansas
who visited Judgo and M rail. M. Grimes
last week left Sunday evening.
MisS Edith Gantt, principal of tho
Clarka high school, left Sunday evening
after visiting her mother several days.
Mrs. Gcorgo B. Dont, who was a
patient at St. Luke's hospital, was dis
charged f rpm that institution last week.
Miss Mabelle Tobln, of Denver, who
is well known among tho locnl peoplo,
is ill in thattity at St. Joseph's hospi
tal and will submit to an operation.
License to wed was granted yester
day by Judge Grant to Vernon Ynnken
nnrl T?tinVinol T. Wnlltf . nf TVTti vtitll nlon
to Fred Drake, of Maxwell and Lula R,
Pell, of Bignell.
Miss Helen Doolittlc, of Long Beach,
Cnl.. who fltient tho flummox with
friends in this city, will bo nfnrricd 1
next week nt tho homo of he"r parents
to a young reporter on tho Los Angeles
Misses Florence and Margaret John
son entertained n number of friends
Saturday evening in honor of their
cousin Miss Mario Barry, of Omaha.
The evening was a very pleasant one t j
all and the refreshments were dainty
and nicely served.
Tho December term of district .'court
convened this morning with Judge
Hobartt, of Scotts Blulf, on tho boncn.
This morning was devoted to issuing
naturalization -papers to Upplicants.
Tho jurors arrived in town this morn
ing and the first jury enso will bo called
this afternoon,
The civil service board will hold nn
examination Dec. lGth. 1911, for the
position of electrician at Ft. Lincoln,
North Dakota, at a salary of $900 per
annum. There is also a shortage of
eligibles for tho following positions nt
various posts; blacksmith, blacksmith
and horseshocr, carpenter, horscshoer,
plumber, stationary steam engineer and
iiroman, any person With experience is
urged to apply.
Amherst Ott, tho lecturer, enter
tained an audience of several nundrcd
at the Keith theatre for two hours la3t
evening. His subject was "Tho
Spenders," tho profligacy and extrav
agance of the American people. Tho
subject was treated in all its phases;
many good points wero made,- while
other suggestions were more .theoretical
than practical. As a whole, however,
tho lecturo was a most intortaining
and enjoyable one. This lecture j:on
stituted tno first number of the lycoum
For Rent.
New four room cottngo in tho west
ond $10.00 per month. Six room
cottngo and 2J acres gurden G blocks
from high school. $12 per month. Eight
room, two story dwelling in good condi-
tn oi tt irn4-n nnrl nlnitrtn lirrlifa nnn
block from Washington school. $20 per
month. .huchanan & l'ATrnnsoN.
Money To Loan Oa Real Estate.
One to five years er et ef er
Building & Loan AHOciatiea returnable
in monthly payments.
Bratt & Goodman.
(John Pielsttckcr, of Wallace, visited
his brother F. C. Pilstlcker yestcrdny.
Mrs. W. T. Banks will entertain tho
Christian Aid Society on Thursday after
noon. Nels Christjnn is enjoying n visit
from his mother who arrived Sunday
from Cnllnway.
Mrs. Jackson, of Kansas City, arrived
hero tho last of tho week to visit her
friend Mrs. Lyslc.
Mrs. Hnrry Dixon and daughter
Unmet returned yestcruny from a
wcok's stay in Denver.
Tho Methodist aid society will moot
with Mrs. J. D. Cox, 317 Wost Sixth
Thursday afternoon.
Rov. Allen Chamberlain, of this city,
was married on Thnnksgiving evening
to Mrs. Catherine Williams, of Scotts
Bluffs. Tho ceremony was porformed
nt Sidney by Rov. E. J. Hayes nnd tho
brido and groom returned to this city
Friday morning. A lnrge number of
neighbors nnd friends tendered thorn n
houso wanning Friday evening nnd pre
sented them with numerous gifts.
Wanted A girl for general houso
work. Small family in 5 room cottage.
A snap for tho rightparty. 408 E. 6th.,
or Phono 033. tf
Tho Catholic Girls club wero enter
tained nt cards last evening at the
homo of Miss Mary Tighe. Eight tables
were in use nnd fourteen names of hieh
fivo played tho greatest number of
which wero won ny Miss Mary Guil
llaume nnd she was presented with a
hand painted plate. A two course lunch
was served on small tables lato in tho
evening and a short business sossion
held. Miss Mario Stack wns added to
the membership. Assisting tho hostess
were tho misses Kato opies, luma nnu
Alice Sullivan anu Mrs. felmor net
For Rent.
The nice Dill home on West 6th t.
The good 7-room O'Brien houje'on
West 3rd St., only $18.00 per month.
Other nice houses, turnuhed and un
furnished rooms, storage space also
safe deposit boxes.
Bratt & Goopman.
Card of Thanks.
W.o desiro to express our heartfelt
thanks to tho lrionus anu neighbors
who so kindly helped us in our lato be
reavement, the loss of our dear one.
Also to tlf6 Ordor of Railway Conduc
tors,- qruer of Knuway inumen, A. u.
U. W.. Ladies Auxiliary to Trainmen.
L. O. T. M. and others for tho beauti
ful floral tributes.
Mns. M. V. Mitchell,
Mns. Thomas Mitchell,
Mns. M. -I. Neaky,
Como in and ace tho full lino of
Mooro and Wntermnn non-lenkablo
Fountain Pens forXmas. At Rinckqr's
Book and Music Store.
For Sale.
Puro bred duroc Jersey boars and
Kilts, nil eliniblo to registry. Prices
right Also pure bred barred plymOuth
rock cockerels, inquiro ol or address,
Blankenburg Bros., North Platte, Neb.
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Scc'y nnd Treas.
Firdt Mortgages on Renl EstntejBought, Sold nnd Negotiated.
This compnnj is prepared to loan monoy of investors on first mort
gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent eemi
nnnuai;interest. Money so invested will bo exempt from taxation.
218 West Fourth St.
For the treatment of
CAL patients, Also for
accommodtlons con
finement cases.
Charles Bocruo camo un from Oinnhn
tills morning to visit his family.
Miss Fern Garrison left this mnmlntr
for Eugene, Ore., to spend several
Miss Nollte Bucklov loft this morninc?
for Paxton to spend n week or more
with friends.
A baby boy wns born Sunday evening
to Mr. ond Mrs. Gcorgo Payno.'
Mrs. Ncttlcton, of Grccloy, who has
been visiting tho Messra Obcrnohr, left
Miss Dca Hardin returned last even
ing from Lincoln whore she spent
Thanksgiving with relatives.
First National Bank,
of North Piatt, Nebraska.
Capita) and Surplus $145,000.
... C, F. SECBCXGCR, President,
H. KEITH NEVILLE, Vlce-HrcsidcHl,
f . L. M00NEY, Cashier.
A Modem Institution
For the treatment of medical nnd surgical coses. Open to tho
medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases
Training school for nurses in connection. Address all comniu
cations to tho superintendent.
Phone 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust
McDonald State Bank,
Capital Stock Fully Paid $100,000.00;
. Olriesl Bank In Lincoln Caunly. :
v ',W6 Respectfully Solicit your Banking
Business. Satisfaction Guaranteed
chas. Mcdonald, ;
w. h. Mcdonald,
Cashier and Vice-Prest.
Cstil 1 E 8ftS ,y if IFi. KEa EE
A $250 Harlcy DavidsonL4-HoraePower
Motor JCycle, Magneto Ignition . . . .--
Ticket With Every Pair of Shoes.
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
Cary Act Land Opening
The Union Pacific Railroad announces the opening of
1 4, coo acres of public land under the provisions of the
Carey Act by the State Land Board of Idaho, at Jerome
Monday, December 11, 1911,
All persons 21 years of age or over, except married
womsn, are eatitled to enter for 160 acres, although
they may have previously used their homestead or other
rights. j
Be on hand for the opening of Jerome on above date.
For literature and information relative to fares,
routes, reservations, etc., call on or address
F. E. BULLARD, Agent.
A Master of Million., Jeff Jb
Mutt' A Threo Shell Game.
The Stolen Play.
Gordon Jb Etarbtr, an athletic
and musical novelty.
10 and 15 Cent.
fM I j I I I I I I 1 11 'Tl
vtYs I
about tbia senson. How nbout your
proporntions for tho Rrcnt fonst? Ro
mcrnber you ennnot linvo n hot tlmo In
n cold houst)p.--45oso your hentintf np-pnrntuft
Cull on ua nnd wo'll fix mnttors up bo
you will bo aa warm ns tonst Don't
put tho mnttor off olthor. About this
nonson people nro npt to nil wont ua in
a hurry nnd nt the numo tlmo.
Shop Phono SGC. Rob. Phono G83
217 Enst Sixth Strcot.
AmeHflweRt te ike Articles of iHcsr
peralioR ef ihs American Invest
ment sttd Trust Company ef
Nerth Platte, Nebraska.
Thin Is to certify that nt tho annual
mooting of tho Btofikholdora of tho
American Invostmont nnd Trust Com
pany of North Platte, Nebraska, held
at its offlco In North Platte, Nebraska,
on October, 10, 1011, tho stockholders
all having previously received thirty
days' notlco of tho proposed amend
ment to change tho name of tho corpor
ation, tho snmo was acted upon and
tho following la ft'truo copy of tho pro
ceedings of tho mooting in reference
"It was moved nnd seconded that the
nnmo of tho corporation bo changed by
nmonding Article I of the Articlo of In
corporation to rend ns follows
'Tho nnmo of this corporation nhall
bo American Investment mid Loan
All tho stockholders being ptosont,
and representing nil the sto:k pf tho
corporation, having voted In fnvor of
said amendment, tho same Was do
clnrud ndoptud.
Wo, John Bratt, President, nnd E.
of thp Amcilcnn Investment nnd Trust
Uompuny. heroby certify to the nbovo
ns bolnc n true nnd correct chuv of tho
proceedings of nld meeting In rofor
enco to said amendment.
Corporate SenlJ President.
E. It. Goodman,
: Secrotnry and TronBuror.
a..t ti..i 1- 1. !
this 4tli dny of December, 191k
Mauie Yost,
, 'Notarial Seal Notary Public.
Mv commission iim Notary Public ox-
pi.resJuno 18th, 1910.
Borlal No. OSWU.
Dtiparttnnnt of tlio Intorlor.
U. 8. Loud Olloo at North l'lstlo, Noli,
. BoptcmbcrSO. If 11.
Ixjwlff, at North t'latte, Nob., who, Nov.
J-Mli.tnttdo homPHlDii'J entry No. fiilw.nirlal
jxo. uiium tor rrtY. nnn nr.simYM, n4
HKA. RViUUKU of 10. Town 12. N. ltaiiL-n
n3 VI. or tho 0th l'rincti)! Morldlnn. has
fllqd notlco of Intention to mako fitiul nro
yeut proof. to.catablUh claim to thn land
alxivu dfiHrlbcn. Ixiforo tho ItduULor ana Ho-
eclvor at North lMutto. Nobraska. ou the 24th
day nt iNovcmunr. ivii.
Claimant names na vtitncsot llfiiJorrson
J. Itunner. liorfihor, Nob.i Vllllant Kacka.
pIokciiH. Neb,i l'at.l Bmlth, ot North Viatic.
Nob.) Hiiencer V Kdrolnton, llorehoy. Nob.
5-fl J. K. KVANS. Hcelster.
Porlal No. 02710.
llnttod Btatos Land OHlco,
At North I'latlo, NobrasUa, Oct. 0. tOlf,
Notlco la horoby glvori that lluvh
T.. Qftunt of North Platto Nob., who on
Doc. 'nth. 1003, mado homestead otttry No.
21803, Serial No. 02110 for tlmwHt half am
xvtiHt hnlf DtHtbalf, Hoc' Ion 10, Township 15.
N Hanifo 31 W of tho 6tb I'rtnclpal
Morldlan, hag filed notlco " Of in
tention to. inako final fle year
nroor, to i establish claim to tho land abovo
dpseWbod, bororo tho refflstor and rocolver
ai Jfort,ln,..,atto Nebraska, on tho tub day
of Dec. 1011.
Claimant names as wltnessosj Harry
MadlTOii. Honry DoobUe. Uoortre Blacombor
Nob? Macomber, all nt North I'latto.
o'0-B John E. Evans. ItciriHer,
Wing Hing,
New Laundry.
OlloBStela Building, C. 6th
Hand Work a Specially.