The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 05, 1911, Image 4

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Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First National Hank
Cojrrirfit 1910, b7 C. B. iimnttmia Co. Mo. U
Over kalf ef tke tfeiBg
taught hi tbi) ttere
ikreogk tke year are gifts.
, taste.
is simply because
our Jewelry Store is a
logical place to buy presents
for here you will find every
desirable article made from
or silver always artistic, unusual and, m good
especially, you deslro to buy rotU gifts, something that
Is not simply a token of ro'mombranco,but n joy In Itself
no matter who the
j No matter what you want. to spend.
present is for,
to purchase it.
you will find our store the ideal place
; O LINTON , 1 Jeweler andoPtiCun.
Seo our Parisian IvoryGoods. Some
si Ing now, Dixon, Tho Jowolcr.
Thomas Ryan Is wreathed in smiles
ver the arrival of a ten pound son
:Ich was born early Sunday morning;.
. Mrs, Ncls IlasmusRcn nnd children
n turned last evening from KeneHaw
where they spent several days with rel
ieves, A. T. Whitney, one of the vice-pros-u
i ante of the Brotherhood of Railroad
.trainmen, arrived this morning and will
f. end the day in town. This afternoon
it wilt mako an 'address before tho
(.timbers of tha order.
Alfred Sandles left ycetorduy for
Columbus after ViBitirig his undo Julius
Hahler and family.
Miss Bertha Banks returned to Lex
ington Bunduy af tor n short visit at tho
parental home.
W. 0. Roynolds and son Charley loft
Sunday nlnht for Douidns. Ariz., ex
pecting to bo nbsbnt about a month.
Knrouto they will stop over at points
in Toxbo,
Judge Grimes went to Scotts Bluff
Sunday ovening to hear sotno district
court caaca in which Judge Ilobartt is
disqualified. Judge Hobartt arrived
this morning and will hold court for
Judge Grimes.
Will Hendv went to Omaha Sanday
ovening to transact business fdr several
Mrs. J. J. Halhcan went to Omaha
Sunday night to visit friends for a few
Misses Ilannd Hattle Martin returned
yesterday from Sutherland after visit
ing relatives several days.
Henry Schrieber will leave in the
near future for Excelsior springs to
spend several weeks.
Mr. and Mm. William Carman, of
Sutherland, spent Sunday with their
daughter Mrs. FA Ogier.
Sister Marcel I a. of Hastings arrived
Saturday night to mako an extended
stay at at. rotncK's convent.
Miss Marie Barry, of Omaha, who
had been the guest of Miss Flo Johnson
for several days, left for home Sunday
Miss Florence Stamn returned home
yesterday from Omaha. Enroutd homo
sno nttenueu a nousc party at iiic.ucesc
uome innaiismouin.
E. L. Garrison and brother, who re
cently returned from Iowo, loft Sunday
for WollIIeot to visit tho former s
daughter Mesdames Will Facka .and
Mrs. John Burko arrived tho last of
tho week from Fremont to make her
home. Mr. Burko has been herd for
sevornl weeks, having taken the agency
lor tnoii. m. i' . cars.
Misses Marie VonGootz and-Harriet
Piorco, who are teaching In tho Over
ton schools nnd sncnt tho last of the
week with tho former's parents left
ycsioruay morning. .
i Henry Cordcs has just completed
gonoral clean up ot tho property re
cently purchased of Mrs. Mary Wittcn
on west l ourth street, ana the premises
present a much neater appearance.
Henry says twelvo big wagon loads of
old brick, iron and other truck was
carted away.
From now until Christinas Tho Tri
bune's columns will bo pretty well filled
with advertising In fact tho Christmus
advertising is one of the few harveeta
which fall to tho lot of nowspapor fel
lows. This advertising may curtail tho
amount of local reading matter but we
need the money which it brings.
City FiMsces.
The statutes of Nebraska provide
that that the salaries of city officials in
tho class of North Platto Bhall be fixed
by ordinance not to exceed tho limita
tions set lortn in the statute, mat
the tax payers may know what action
tho mayor and council have taken in
this matter, wo appena hero witn a
table showinir in the first column tho
maximum salary fixed by tho statute
una in tho sccor.u column tno salary
actually paid by the city as fixed by tho
Mayor, per annum.... .500.00 100.00
Each Councilman, per
annum 200.00 GO.OO
City Clerk, per annum 800.00 300.00
Treasurer, per annum.. 900.00 T200.00
uity Attorney, per
annum ...uuu.ou
Thus tho aggregate salaries
mayor, dork, treasurer, city
and eight councilmen could be
of tho
fixed undor tho statute at $4400.00 per ! ing terminated a visit
annum; whilst tho aggregate salaries
of these same omcials as fixed by
tho city ordinances and actually
paid amounts to but $1800.00 p T
Certainly our city officials are to bo
commended for not taking . advantage
of thd salaries allowed them by the
is thoir
tho city
Quito a
pay tho
MissCassio Miller returned yesterday
from a-short visit In Gothenburg.
David Moonoy entered tho . St Luko
hospital last week, for treatment.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Mrs. H. C. Brock 714 West
Mrs. M. H. Douglass left yesterday
morning for Chcyenno and Larmie to
spend several days.
E. A Haveratead returned yesterday
from Gothenburg where ho spent Sun
day with his family.
Miss Theo Schwaiger returned Sun
day ovening from Kearney, where she
visited relatives last week.
After tx week's illness Miss Verna
Sorenson resumed her duties as stenog
rapher in Attorney Bcelcr'd office
Mrs. M. C. Harrington,. .of Denver,
returned homo Saturday afternoon, hav-
intr terminated a visit with her sister
Mrs. John Herrod.
The Ladies of tho Episcopal guild
will hold a Boclal and salo of fancy work
and aprons at the homo of Mrs. C. S.
Clinton Thursday afternoon.
Tke McNamm Crfew.
The BCnsatfon of tho vear was tho
confsion(IafrFrfday,at Lds Angeles,
6f Jnmes McNamara and J. J; Mc-
Namara, thtr former pleading guilty
to dynamiting tho Los AngeleH" Times
building by which twenty-ono persons
were Killed, and tho latter to having
dynamited tho Lowellyn iron works m
Los Angeles. The two men will bo
sentenced today,. James McNamara for
life and John McNarmara for fourteen
Tho caso attracted much attention
because some labor unions charged that
the explosions had been made at tho
instanco of tho corporations in order to
make capital against tho unions, and
if was tho unions who raised tho money
for tho defense of the McNarmaras.
It looks as though tho confessions will
prove quite a blow to organized labor,"
and especially against those radical
leaders who insisted that the McNa
ninras were being persecuted.
statute: it is evidence that it
desiro to conduct tho affair of
as economically as possible,
number of cities in the state
maximum salaries allowed by
thus increasing tho taxes.
Isaac Vatts, of Corning, has been
visiting relatives and friends jn town
for a couplo of days, having nrrivetl
Saturday night.
Tho memorial sorvlco hold by' tho
ElkB Sunday nfternoon was aijtfcndcd
by nearly one hundred members; and
their ladies. Lodge service : .t$ the
memory of A. G. Carlson, tho only do
ceased member, was hcld The
address was delivered by Rev. Ft; Mc
Dald. who took "charitv" as hfa sub
ject and presented some emollient
thoughts, vocal solos were, rendered
by Mrs, Edgar Schiller andMisfl'Evclyn
uaiy. j
In the election held Saturday for tho
purpose of forming an irrigation dis
trict of tho lands under the North
Platto ditch, tho proposition carried by
a vote of Uilrty-iivoforand live against.
John Lylo was elected treasurer of tho
district and liomnr iiungcrioru assessor.
Chris Koch was elected director or
District No. 2, in District No. 1 there,
was a tie vote between W. C. Colo and
Henry Weil, and in District 3 J. It
While, Frank Lawrence and Wm.
Jenkins each received fourvotes. These
tie votes Will bo decided la tor.
Eben D. Warner, formerly manager
of tho North Platto Telephono Co.,
but now manager at Crawford, has
closed a dcnl for a mercer of his com-
any nnd tho i armors Telephone t-o.
'ho latter company has Itnes covering
the whole of Dawes county.
Miss Laura Schavland. who has been
employed as nurse at the P, & S. hos
pital lor several months, resumed her
position Saturday and will bo married
In tho near future to Dr. Chas. Par
sons of Valloy.
A. J. Nealo, of Myrtle, spent tho
greater part of last week In tho city
visiting his sons Vance and Bcldon nnd
looking up a residence as it is his in
tention to give up farming and move to
Mrs. R. D. Thompson leaves shortly
for Plattsmouth to attend the wedding
of her nleco Miss Helen bwnrthout,
which takes place on Dec. 14th.
Mrs. .Raymond Millor and son, of
Horshev. arrived yesterday morninc to
visit her BlstorMra. O. W. Slzemore for
several days.
Frank Hart and Lcslio Rowland, of
Allianco who spent the lattor part of
last week here, left Saturday .night.
One Secret
Of Success
is keeping in the bank the
got and hustling for more.
money youwe
Every successful man you know can get
what assistance he needs from his bank.
Not because he is successful so much as
because his bank knows the. man, his word,'
ability and business capacity. ,
This bank will be pleased to assist you
in every way consistant with your business
and ours, to attain success.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Jheatre, Thursday, December 7th, 1911.
3i Jtveim
' , h STd ft . '
ad 50 0tkK
DANIEL L. MARTIN'S production of the moat entrancing
musical treat of the year. A whirlwind comic opera sensation
One Year iti New York
Six Months in Chicago
Three Months ia Bostea
-. to-, O
A Beauty Chorus of Forty. Victor Herbert Song Hits,
I Mijrnontt, Whistle It. Wla.df Our Dreams, Moon Beams, Good-A-Bye John, The Legend of the Mill, Every Day is Ladies' Day With Me, In Old New York. Love
V'xa But Me. Go While the GoinffB Good. - ' - , '
1 fA
: at-
. 1
PRICES 50 CENTS TO ' $1.50.:
"j m- c- ?? r? t
aj tu 4f imi wi n-ii rj"ii nr irvLrr re i un